Education in Ancient Greek communities included Logic, Rhetoric, Ethics, Philosophy, Music, Mathematics and the Art of Debating. What else did they need"
Great work, Sarah. It’s full speed ahead for the perp’s. It’s getting really old playing defense all the time. I wonder when we will get a chance to have the ball? Answer: at the state and federal level, probably a really long wait. At the local level, we all need to get involved and start waking up our neighbors to get involved. We can make changes locally. I’m seeing that in my own little community and it is pretty encouraging so far!
2018? "RNA based therapeutics and vaccines are developing rapidly, with an expected market value of $1.2 billion by 2020. The pairing of the RNAcore and VGXI fills a critical product development gap with a GMP manufacturing solution that enables biotechnology companies and academic consortia to drive novel mRNA therapies through FDA approval pathways to market.
John P. Cooke, MD, PhD
Joseph C. “Rusty” Walter and Carole Walter Looke
Presidential Distinguished Chair in Cardiovascular Disease Research
Thanks for all you do and with excellence, CSarah. The first thing that came to my mind reading this was: how can we get onto their poker table? They leach the power of the people at the same velocity as they stack it on their side. Can we form a group of giant corporations, be shareholders, and get on their antitrust etc lists, and into their hog parties. Benefit from their protection scams, maybe shelter our property, have a voice and a crowbar. LOL, crazy, I know, but as the old saying goes: if you can’t beat them - join them! Am getting fed up with being offered a small space under their chairs - on a good day… Damn, millions of share/stakeholders.
We are already part of it. There is a group, the group of human individuals who participate in society in a very general, vague sense. The whole system was explicitly in faovr of equality, bla bla bla. I know nobody ever lived up to it but those were the promises in operation and this is the political level, not freemasons of skateboard artists. It is at the very top. And capitalism too. Who bought up all the products making them rich? In US/America, the people are in fact at the table, that is the strength of this country. It is this history the corporations as a whole are working against. It is this actual record of inclusion that these corrupted professional elites are destroying and which they hide under all these contracts and legal documents. They also hide their bad science, their lack of ethic, their lack of morals.
All i can do now is buy ripple the crypto bankers use. When they cbdc me ill trade some back so ill have enough social credits to tell em to suck my dk
The freedom fighter are teaming up with Alex Jones to sell you $500 survival kits, $750ish dollar "Ozempic", boner pills, and other big pharma products. Nothing says freedom like selling overpriced pharmaceuticals made by big pharma. Interesting stuff.
OMG…the Patriot site. The survival kits have about $10 worth of shit in them for $500n and the men’s “health” drugs…did you check out the graphics for the boner drugs 🤮?
I feel like he is trying to look transparent so he put them on there. But a little too late. And his sites aren't very transparent at all! They put as little info on there as they could. Covered their tracks. These private investments and businesses shouldn't be allowed. My gut says that Coulson may be involved with that creepy poop guy Dr. Thomas Borody out of Australia somehow and RedHill Biopharma out of Israel somehow. Gotta be! Haven't looked at the Dr. Drew Rx site or any of the others too much yet.
It is pretty sus how many government contracts they have throughout the world. It is so absurd when Foster states that he is self-made. Mmmmmk Bud. Mmmmmmmmmmm...k.
“Self made”…that’s just what daddy told him when he gave him his big boy money to go do a project. “Alright Fostey, this is all you bud…you’re doing this all by your big boy self, with “your own” big boy trust fund that’s alllllll yours. Go get ‘em tiger!”
In answer to the question, "WTF is a rapid response partnership vehicle?", that was exactly what came immediately to mind: an armored personnel carrier.
Also, I'm so sick of "strengthen," "resilience," "preparedness," "partner," "enable," "robust," and "emerging," among other sociopath dog whistles, that I'd happily stab anyone who used them around me in the eye.
Most of these newly masked up people are highly experienced mask-wearers. They’ve felt hollow inside since covid was announced defeated, fearful of being mocked for muzzling without a cause. They’ve felt naked, hollow and incomplete. Now a chance to take that case of masks off the shelf and get back in the game! The berdflew is a gift from God for these mighty muzzled warriors, and not a minute too soon.
Perusing through some of the protected companies, I looked at random at a few of the unfamiliar names. One of them in my state, C16 Biosciences, Inc., New York, NY had the following on their website:
'Innovating with nature Grown from yeast, not on trees
Historically, natural ingredients came from either animals or plants, both of which have been linked to highly extractive practices. In contrast to traditional ingredient providers, C16 Biosciences leverages the fungal kingdom. We work with naturally occurring microorganisms, leveraging the benefits of their evolutionary improvements to make better ingredients.'
'Our team has shown the versatility of Palmless™ Refined Oil across these applications, and with a $3.5 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation together with a $1 million investment from Elemental Excelerator to focus on our scale up in food, Palmless™ will be ready for its commercial food debut imminently.'
...small company. What are they doing on this list? Deal with devil?
So I notice a couple other 'food' companies listed:
Finless Foods is a company that uses cell-cultured technology to create delicious and sustainable seafood products, starting with tuna. Learn about their mission, team, and latest news on their blog.
So far here are 3 companies working to insert new untested technologies with unknown risks into our food supply - why should they be subjected to liability?
Does anyone recognize more fake-food companies getting liability protection?
Absolutely BRILLIANT WORK, Sarah!!!! Wow! EVERYBODY should know what to do NOW!!! Screenshot the hell out of this phenomenal SS by Conspiracy Sarah and SAVE all files, backup all files with an encrypted Ext HD (LaCie is good) and SHARE with everyone!!! I have already noticed SEVERAL companies that I am familiar with and are close to my area!!! 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯
Anyone hear anything about potential treatments for Bird Flu? Would be good to get the jump on it. Once I was confident that IVM worked for covid I no longer was concerned about it.
I had Covid 1/2022 and Dengue Fever in 2001 in the prime of my youth. Both very different symptoms and feelings. I didn’t know what the hell I had in 01. Wasn’t until I heard Dengue referred to as “Break Bone Fever” in 2022 that I realized what it was. Not usually fatal I guess but PAINFUL as a Mother Fucker, and I do have a high threshold for that.
Covid the fever felt nothing like it. It was very high at 102.5 but I barely could tell I had one. The lung situation was alarming though. I felt bad for the countless people being forced to die like that on a ventilator. I have a Navy Seal associate who had an early strain of covid and can’t hold his breath very long anymore. Not sure if he recovered or not.
Would be good to know if IVM or something else might work. Maybe Quercetin and Zinc?
There's no such things as viruses or contagion, and illnesses like flu are detoxes. But They surely could spray Us with toxins and then claim the detoxing is "bird flu..."
Next time there’s an Ebola outbreak why don’t you volunteer to go over there and wipe their asses. You will die if you do most likely. But hey your brave you can prove the medical community wrong.
Tell you something over the years I have been in a lot of battles (violent brawls/fights). No I am not military or law enforcement. Have had the shit kicked out of me pretty good. Been in several deadly car crashes over the years. Dealing with those two episodes of sickness i mentioned were as roughy as about anything I have experienced. I promise you it was real.
Agreed. There may not be "viruses" but not ready to say "there's no such thing as contagion".
Whatever the reality the virus no virus thing seems like a semantics rabbit hole that distracts from the fact that SOMETHING seems to spread disease. If not viruses then what? I'm listening with an open mind (seriously). We already know about bacteria. Hard to dismiss observable bugs. And there are mycotoxins and all sorts of disease causing vectors. Including mental illness and the results of that on the body. My mind is open.
At this point in history the "there is no virus thing" seems to be a distraction. I don't have a problem with the contention that "there is no virus", perhaps true. But I have a BIG problem with the SMUG delivery of the message. Those who say it should be more humble about the delivery lest we question your motives may be hubris and self aggrandizement.
If you're going to say "there is no virus" with smug dismissive contemptuous arrogant finality, fine, then show me the alternative mechanisms of contagion or prove to me there is no contagion. Go wipe some Ebola asses to prove your conviction. Got to hand it to that guy who said H-Pylori caused ulcers then drank the skank to prove it. I RESPECT THAT SORT OF CONVICTION. He can be as smug as he wants because he put up to shut us up.
Like you I'm not really ready to wipe Ebola assholes to prove there is no such thing as contagion. Perhaps I'm just a coward. As for the term "virus"? Seems like a semantics argument. Call it virus, bad humors, chemical toxin, bad relationship with God, call it whatever you want I really don't care. Till someone can prove to me "no such thing as contagion"" I'll go with the virus MODEL knowing full well it may have weaknesses. IN FACT, I do not necessarily even need to believe in viruses if I believe THE VIRUS MODEL works in some circumstances and has useful merit.
BUT IT IS NOTHING TO BE SMUG ABOUT! We use models for dam near EVERYTHING and they are as good as their ability to explain phenomena. If the virus model explains phenomena then so be it, models are not perfect. We used AND STILL USE Newtonain physics, F = MA for ... well dam near forever till some smart alecks figured out time was a variable etc. So now we have the STILL PROBABLY IMPERFECT e = mc2 and between the 2 of them most of us will never need to go past the good ole Newtonian F = MA MODEL.
I recall back in the day in high school when we were taught the "solar / planetary model" of atoms. You had protons and neutrons and the electrons "orbited" around the proton-neutron NUCLEASUS at differing activation level "orbits". IT WAS A MODEL and it worked pretty dam good for lots of purposes. The bomb and all sorts of chemical things were based on atom and molecule MODELS (with a bit of e = mc^2 thrown in). Then by the time I got to college they were talking about some sort of "probability density" model that could statistically predict where an electron resided. Over the top stuff. I'm still looking for a reason where F = MA will not serve my pedestrian tech needs.
Bottom line. If the virus model is useful and predictive I see no problem as long as we understand that IT'S A MODEL and we understand or at least warn about its limitations.
Always smugly stating "no such thing as viruses" while possibly true seems unhelpful and only serves for the claimant to imply cognitive superiority and everyone else is dumb.
That is very well said sir. And it is indeed a distraction. It makes regular people look at those of us warning them about the covid vaccines look like wing nuts. Believe it or not it’s those normies that play a crucial role as to how totalitarian the response will be. In 2021 with the vast majority on board TPTB had a blank check when it came to taking away our rights and freedoms. As they learned the vaccines weren’t working as advertised it became necessary to pull the throttle back on medical dictatorship.
The video below on narcissism in government and leaders is a good example of the behavior seen in many people who do not believe in viruses.
There is a distinct pathology in saying (they think there is) no proof (of virology and contagion) means it doesn't exist and anyone who disagrees is stupid and must be a pharma rep. They cherry pick a few random medical studies and call it science to throw out all research on the other side.
What they do is called logical fallacy, objectifying others and their experiences, gaslighting what others have gone through, demanding they know others experiences, demanding they have done vast research on virology and immunology when they cannot even answer basic questions about how the immune system functions in both toxic exposures and viral infection.
They've gone so far as to say the immune system doesn't exist, darkfield microscopes and staining methods don't exist, 200nm strainers which strain out viruses don't exist, replicating viruses in cell medium isn't the same as growing bacteria on agar, despite them both requiring distinct medium to replicate. Anything that doesn't back up their beliefs is demonized along with you.
They know it all and this is the end of the story to them. You, your experiences, your knowledge, your replies to them, are all irrelevant.
Those who pander to these people, join in making fun of others who have different beliefs, promoting their poor treatment of others, are best avoided to keep your own peace, especially if you or a loved one have been effected all of your life with viral infections or whatever they demand doesnt exist.
As the man in the video below says, more and more psychopaths rise to the top. Their behavior demands others fall in line. They thrive on division.
I used to feel compelled to respond to them, to stand up for what my son and I have gone through. We are nothing to these people. Not my problem anymore. It never truly was. I was responding as I did when I was a small child, unable to get away from narcissistic abuse around me.
I don't like who I became around these people. I'm thankfully able to step away, mainly because I unsubbed and no longer follow any of them.
Best wishes to you and everyone here, no matter what your beliefs are.
Claiming viruses exist is categorized as a positive claim. The burden of proof is on the person making a positive claim. Until you can prove the existence of viruses through the scientific method, their existence is a hypothesis. You can't demand that people who question the positive claim have to prove the positive claim false.
Prove it's true first, and use the scientific method to do so. One independent variable, one dependent variable, and a valid control.
I'll congratulate you if you can, because no one has done it yet.
Well, you know how ingenious the mass murderers have gotten. Better to grievously harm people than to take them out with a nuke or something binary final like that. With the grievous harm method you take out 2-3 more as their production capacity is dedicated to caring for the wounded. AND you have plausible deniability and almost zero accountability for harm. Only upsides as you prey on and loot the harmed target and his/her care takers.
There’s a lot of talk about how the elites want us all dead. For now that untrue. It will stay that way as long as we are needed for them to pamper themselves in the same fashion they enjoy today.
AI and robotics might be something that could change that but I don’t see anything on the horizon just yet. It could change quickly I suppose. What they have been attempting to do is get us firmly entangled in their net. Medical ID was one such path. The other would be CBDC.
The latter is very concerning to me. We must NEVER let that happen. In the future as humans become less relevant to the equation the goal will indeed be a slow phase out of groups no longer deemed necessary.
Yeah. I think they DO want us dead. Or at least invisible. They want us to mow their lawns but not bedding and marrying their daughters. That's why (in my opinion) so many elites or so in favor (or blind to) illegal immigration (just one easy example). Allows them to get cheap lawn care for their estates on the hill that they would otherwise be unable to afford. When you live at the bottom of the hill where the effects of the immigration is externalized from the estates at the top of the hill you suspect/know this is probably true. Where I live (not a poor place) all you have to do is drive up the hill to see the estates and the masses of crews needed to keep those estates pristine. I suspect MANY of them are "on the bubble" and would be reduced to living in housing worth merely upper thousands to low millions if it were not for cheap labor to care for those estates. Soon as the illegals get legal they get uppity and want to be paid. They actually WANT the illegality because it drives the price down. And God knows it would be a horror show if those people would show up in THEIR schools. That's what the neighborhoods at the bottom of the hill are for. A way to export consequences.
Probably will be a while (if ever) before AI becomes self replicating and self sustaining. It would need to build it's own robots to build replacement compute power etc to self sustain. Perhaps not impossible but hopefully a way in the distance. If not who says that even the elites will survive?
Till then
Some one has to manage the server farms and power generation plants that fuel the compute and storage power that underwrites the whole AI premise. At least that is how I understand it. "The more data the better" is what we always hear which seems unintuitive for the non or semi tech person (of which I'd count myself). Your average "not a moron" would think the type and coherency of data would be of HUGE import. But what seems to be percolating into MY head from what I see and read is that
Theoretically, given enough data and computing power miracles beyond our imagination can be mined from it using AI. IE the more data you shovel in and the more AI power you can apply to digesting that onslaught of data the more theoretically possible to postulate a "sky's the limit" on knowledge.
Always all I hear is "the more data the better". Mere humans have an intuitive rejection of that idea because we have a finite capacity to deal with data. Too much information can be as, OR MORE, paralyzing than too little data. But AI allegedly would have the capacity to recognize very non-intuitive patterns. If (for example) AI could recognize that something consequential always happens on full moon days it does not have to make sense to be useful. Humans normally would not make such connections but perhaps SOME connections have been made like that. Which, even if true those who believe in such things are generally considered to be kooks, even if they are right.
Then of course, if true, the power goes to who gets and owns the knowledge AND IT PROBABLY WON'T BE YOU.
Imagine someone getting a stool sample and being able to predict someone's death date with high confidence based on AI pattern recognition? Yeah. You could do a lot of bad stuff and a lot of looting with that information.
AI probably isn't intrinsically bad. But the humans who own it ARE intrinsically bad. Because we all have that devil in us that we must fight every day. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Fortunately (dependent how you see it) most of us never need to wrestle with that temptation because we rarely approach ANY substantial power much less absolute power. Can't imagine what ethical demons one may need to confront if they were at the output side of the ultimate AI algorithm and others weren't. That's a lot of power
Do you read John Carter on Substack? Got a feeling you would really like him. He writes a lot of science fiction but a lot of serious stuff too. Brilliant guy. He was a physicist but I think he just writes now.
I still am terrible with this SS app. Click on post tab at the top. Then start on Nov 11th on down. I was correct it has been a while. I’m a paid sub too lol. 🤷♂️
Hopefully Bernard will see this too. The Andrographis supplement seems to be readily available. I have never tested for Vitamin D but I no doubt get a lot of it. Heidi just sent me a post on here somewhere that gels with the link Bernard sent me. It seems BF is a form of or closely related to Flu A. That is stopped replicating by using Ivm. I have plenty of pony paste at the ready.
Funny you say that Steph. I was just glancing thru his post and that’s what gave me the idea to ask here. The emails were nearly back to back lol. I don’t read him much but he does sound like he might be searching for redemption?
Anyhow it got cut off before I could see what supplements he takes. I used the IVM (pony paste) during my bout with covid. I planned on not taking anything until I woke up with extremely inflamed and constricted lungs. I did try IVM for a couple pain in the ass colds (twice) and it didn’t seem to help for those.
“Under what circumstances is it moral for a group to do that which is not moral for a member of that group to do alone?”
Robert Heinlein
Never - though I use "Ethical," as, though conflated these days, Ethics are objective, morals are subjective.
They Don’t Teach Ethics Anymore (article):
Education in Ancient Greek communities included Logic, Rhetoric, Ethics, Philosophy, Music, Mathematics and the Art of Debating. What else did they need"
Nothing, I would say... Well, maybe history. Those that forget the past and all...
Is there a planet ruled by sane people we can move to?! This one has gone off the rails. 😵💫😵💫😵💫
I'll take one without, rulers,
thank you.
Maybe We should do all We can to remove Their tool to power, these moneyed psychopaths in control...
The End of (Social) Entropy (article):
Great work, Sarah. It’s full speed ahead for the perp’s. It’s getting really old playing defense all the time. I wonder when we will get a chance to have the ball? Answer: at the state and federal level, probably a really long wait. At the local level, we all need to get involved and start waking up our neighbors to get involved. We can make changes locally. I’m seeing that in my own little community and it is pretty encouraging so far!
The win is not defense but proactively building alternative paradigm.
I'm just getting out of the game, and when enough aggregately join Me, They will have no power.
Just Stop Consenting! (article):
Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article):
2018? "RNA based therapeutics and vaccines are developing rapidly, with an expected market value of $1.2 billion by 2020. The pairing of the RNAcore and VGXI fills a critical product development gap with a GMP manufacturing solution that enables biotechnology companies and academic consortia to drive novel mRNA therapies through FDA approval pathways to market.
John P. Cooke, MD, PhD
Joseph C. “Rusty” Walter and Carole Walter Looke
Presidential Distinguished Chair in Cardiovascular Disease Research
Houston Methodist"
I guess we know now why they were the first hospital to mandate the Rona shots.
great quote. I like reading these things. Put some comments on my newsletter too!!!!#
Thanks for all you do and with excellence, CSarah. The first thing that came to my mind reading this was: how can we get onto their poker table? They leach the power of the people at the same velocity as they stack it on their side. Can we form a group of giant corporations, be shareholders, and get on their antitrust etc lists, and into their hog parties. Benefit from their protection scams, maybe shelter our property, have a voice and a crowbar. LOL, crazy, I know, but as the old saying goes: if you can’t beat them - join them! Am getting fed up with being offered a small space under their chairs - on a good day… Damn, millions of share/stakeholders.
I get a kick out of visualizing us showing up in Davos on our mountain bikes, bahaha.
Compete with Kermit Gates on land grabs. That’s right, reclaim our land ! Bid on CO2 pipeline contracts……
We are already part of it. There is a group, the group of human individuals who participate in society in a very general, vague sense. The whole system was explicitly in faovr of equality, bla bla bla. I know nobody ever lived up to it but those were the promises in operation and this is the political level, not freemasons of skateboard artists. It is at the very top. And capitalism too. Who bought up all the products making them rich? In US/America, the people are in fact at the table, that is the strength of this country. It is this history the corporations as a whole are working against. It is this actual record of inclusion that these corrupted professional elites are destroying and which they hide under all these contracts and legal documents. They also hide their bad science, their lack of ethic, their lack of morals.
Read my 'stack and comment on it. I need you
All i can do now is buy ripple the crypto bankers use. When they cbdc me ill trade some back so ill have enough social credits to tell em to suck my dk
Credit CS for all of her hard work and research!!
So many OTAs. Such a web. Ultimately who gets the blame? That's the magic trick!
The Neutrino Donut was one that stood out just because of its name. Jankest website I’ve seen in ages - written like blog posts on Wordpress.
I saw that one too 😂
Hmmmm why would they all need to be exempt? 🤔
Kind of like a pre-emptory presidential pardon isn't it?
Why would they all need to be exempt?
Excellent question!
Because they're Exemptilary?
And have no empathy?
A silly misspelling, exemplarily vs Exemptilary
Can make all the difference.
Perhaps it is the vaccine induced autism
Perhaps they got confused with exemplarily
Autism can make you both too literal. and lack empathy
Perfect future pharma employees.
My how they have the synergy worked out
The freedom fighter are teaming up with Alex Jones to sell you $500 survival kits, $750ish dollar "Ozempic", boner pills, and other big pharma products. Nothing says freedom like selling overpriced pharmaceuticals made by big pharma. Interesting stuff.
OMG…the Patriot site. The survival kits have about $10 worth of shit in them for $500n and the men’s “health” drugs…did you check out the graphics for the boner drugs 🤮?
Yes! Haha.
Coulson Capital…I love how he has the american flag in the background and he’s canadian. And of course he lists Qu Biologics and Nanobiosym last.
I feel like he is trying to look transparent so he put them on there. But a little too late. And his sites aren't very transparent at all! They put as little info on there as they could. Covered their tracks. These private investments and businesses shouldn't be allowed. My gut says that Coulson may be involved with that creepy poop guy Dr. Thomas Borody out of Australia somehow and RedHill Biopharma out of Israel somehow. Gotta be! Haven't looked at the Dr. Drew Rx site or any of the others too much yet.
And is Coulson Aviation somehow connected to this? Someone sent this to me and it wouldn't surprise me if they were! Big pharma and big fire are big business!
I have a whole file on coulson aviation…just havent written it up. They have a ton of contracts with the us gov.
It is pretty sus how many government contracts they have throughout the world. It is so absurd when Foster states that he is self-made. Mmmmmk Bud. Mmmmmmmmmmm...k.
“Self made”…that’s just what daddy told him when he gave him his big boy money to go do a project. “Alright Fostey, this is all you bud…you’re doing this all by your big boy self, with “your own” big boy trust fund that’s alllllll yours. Go get ‘em tiger!”
Foster Coulson and his Wellness Company. What a scam.
In answer to the question, "WTF is a rapid response partnership vehicle?", that was exactly what came immediately to mind: an armored personnel carrier.
Also, I'm so sick of "strengthen," "resilience," "preparedness," "partner," "enable," "robust," and "emerging," among other sociopath dog whistles, that I'd happily stab anyone who used them around me in the eye.
Most of these newly masked up people are highly experienced mask-wearers. They’ve felt hollow inside since covid was announced defeated, fearful of being mocked for muzzling without a cause. They’ve felt naked, hollow and incomplete. Now a chance to take that case of masks off the shelf and get back in the game! The berdflew is a gift from God for these mighty muzzled warriors, and not a minute too soon.
BioMap Consortium anagrams to "a procommunist bio". Procommunist is the longest single word. That is not encouraging.
As to 'Rapid Response Partnership Vehicle' I have this so far.
- sh RN approvers Periencephalitides
Periencephalitides is the longest single word and has to do with inflammation of the brain. Oh dear.
I love that you do this. 😘
Thank you Sarah. Happy Christmas to you and yours.
Same to you 😘
Perusing through some of the protected companies, I looked at random at a few of the unfamiliar names. One of them in my state, C16 Biosciences, Inc., New York, NY had the following on their website:
'Innovating with nature Grown from yeast, not on trees
Historically, natural ingredients came from either animals or plants, both of which have been linked to highly extractive practices. In contrast to traditional ingredient providers, C16 Biosciences leverages the fungal kingdom. We work with naturally occurring microorganisms, leveraging the benefits of their evolutionary improvements to make better ingredients.'
'Our team has shown the versatility of Palmless™ Refined Oil across these applications, and with a $3.5 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation together with a $1 million investment from Elemental Excelerator to focus on our scale up in food, Palmless™ will be ready for its commercial food debut imminently.'
...small company. What are they doing on this list? Deal with devil?
So I notice a couple other 'food' companies listed: (listed as Claras Foods) Also brags about 'Better Alt Meat'.
Finless Foods is a company that uses cell-cultured technology to create delicious and sustainable seafood products, starting with tuna. Learn about their mission, team, and latest news on their blog.
So far here are 3 companies working to insert new untested technologies with unknown risks into our food supply - why should they be subjected to liability?
Does anyone recognize more fake-food companies getting liability protection?
I see DogsLife had made this comment: Did you see "The Better Meat Company"
Absolutely BRILLIANT WORK, Sarah!!!! Wow! EVERYBODY should know what to do NOW!!! Screenshot the hell out of this phenomenal SS by Conspiracy Sarah and SAVE all files, backup all files with an encrypted Ext HD (LaCie is good) and SHARE with everyone!!! I have already noticed SEVERAL companies that I am familiar with and are close to my area!!! 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯
🙏thank you, Erin
Anyone hear anything about potential treatments for Bird Flu? Would be good to get the jump on it. Once I was confident that IVM worked for covid I no longer was concerned about it.
I had Covid 1/2022 and Dengue Fever in 2001 in the prime of my youth. Both very different symptoms and feelings. I didn’t know what the hell I had in 01. Wasn’t until I heard Dengue referred to as “Break Bone Fever” in 2022 that I realized what it was. Not usually fatal I guess but PAINFUL as a Mother Fucker, and I do have a high threshold for that.
Covid the fever felt nothing like it. It was very high at 102.5 but I barely could tell I had one. The lung situation was alarming though. I felt bad for the countless people being forced to die like that on a ventilator. I have a Navy Seal associate who had an early strain of covid and can’t hold his breath very long anymore. Not sure if he recovered or not.
Would be good to know if IVM or something else might work. Maybe Quercetin and Zinc?
I've posted about the "bird flu" many times.
Oh Great
There goes my weekend:)
It's OK. Now that our lives have been shrunken by our caring minders we need something to occupy us in our Digital Gulag
Perusing the pitchfork pages of the digital internet sales stores is only entertaining for so long
Need some mind candy to balance out the visceral
Thank you Sarah will look thru them 🥰
There's no such things as viruses or contagion, and illnesses like flu are detoxes. But They surely could spray Us with toxins and then claim the detoxing is "bird flu..."
A Post to Be Viral (article):
Next time there’s an Ebola outbreak why don’t you volunteer to go over there and wipe their asses. You will die if you do most likely. But hey your brave you can prove the medical community wrong.
Tell you something over the years I have been in a lot of battles (violent brawls/fights). No I am not military or law enforcement. Have had the shit kicked out of me pretty good. Been in several deadly car crashes over the years. Dealing with those two episodes of sickness i mentioned were as roughy as about anything I have experienced. I promise you it was real.
Agreed. There may not be "viruses" but not ready to say "there's no such thing as contagion".
Whatever the reality the virus no virus thing seems like a semantics rabbit hole that distracts from the fact that SOMETHING seems to spread disease. If not viruses then what? I'm listening with an open mind (seriously). We already know about bacteria. Hard to dismiss observable bugs. And there are mycotoxins and all sorts of disease causing vectors. Including mental illness and the results of that on the body. My mind is open.
At this point in history the "there is no virus thing" seems to be a distraction. I don't have a problem with the contention that "there is no virus", perhaps true. But I have a BIG problem with the SMUG delivery of the message. Those who say it should be more humble about the delivery lest we question your motives may be hubris and self aggrandizement.
If you're going to say "there is no virus" with smug dismissive contemptuous arrogant finality, fine, then show me the alternative mechanisms of contagion or prove to me there is no contagion. Go wipe some Ebola asses to prove your conviction. Got to hand it to that guy who said H-Pylori caused ulcers then drank the skank to prove it. I RESPECT THAT SORT OF CONVICTION. He can be as smug as he wants because he put up to shut us up.
Like you I'm not really ready to wipe Ebola assholes to prove there is no such thing as contagion. Perhaps I'm just a coward. As for the term "virus"? Seems like a semantics argument. Call it virus, bad humors, chemical toxin, bad relationship with God, call it whatever you want I really don't care. Till someone can prove to me "no such thing as contagion"" I'll go with the virus MODEL knowing full well it may have weaknesses. IN FACT, I do not necessarily even need to believe in viruses if I believe THE VIRUS MODEL works in some circumstances and has useful merit.
BUT IT IS NOTHING TO BE SMUG ABOUT! We use models for dam near EVERYTHING and they are as good as their ability to explain phenomena. If the virus model explains phenomena then so be it, models are not perfect. We used AND STILL USE Newtonain physics, F = MA for ... well dam near forever till some smart alecks figured out time was a variable etc. So now we have the STILL PROBABLY IMPERFECT e = mc2 and between the 2 of them most of us will never need to go past the good ole Newtonian F = MA MODEL.
I recall back in the day in high school when we were taught the "solar / planetary model" of atoms. You had protons and neutrons and the electrons "orbited" around the proton-neutron NUCLEASUS at differing activation level "orbits". IT WAS A MODEL and it worked pretty dam good for lots of purposes. The bomb and all sorts of chemical things were based on atom and molecule MODELS (with a bit of e = mc^2 thrown in). Then by the time I got to college they were talking about some sort of "probability density" model that could statistically predict where an electron resided. Over the top stuff. I'm still looking for a reason where F = MA will not serve my pedestrian tech needs.
Bottom line. If the virus model is useful and predictive I see no problem as long as we understand that IT'S A MODEL and we understand or at least warn about its limitations.
Always smugly stating "no such thing as viruses" while possibly true seems unhelpful and only serves for the claimant to imply cognitive superiority and everyone else is dumb.
I had to save the link to this reply Ray. There’s simply no way to say it any better. Thank you!
That is very well said sir. And it is indeed a distraction. It makes regular people look at those of us warning them about the covid vaccines look like wing nuts. Believe it or not it’s those normies that play a crucial role as to how totalitarian the response will be. In 2021 with the vast majority on board TPTB had a blank check when it came to taking away our rights and freedoms. As they learned the vaccines weren’t working as advertised it became necessary to pull the throttle back on medical dictatorship.
Beautiful comment.
The video below on narcissism in government and leaders is a good example of the behavior seen in many people who do not believe in viruses.
There is a distinct pathology in saying (they think there is) no proof (of virology and contagion) means it doesn't exist and anyone who disagrees is stupid and must be a pharma rep. They cherry pick a few random medical studies and call it science to throw out all research on the other side.
What they do is called logical fallacy, objectifying others and their experiences, gaslighting what others have gone through, demanding they know others experiences, demanding they have done vast research on virology and immunology when they cannot even answer basic questions about how the immune system functions in both toxic exposures and viral infection.
They've gone so far as to say the immune system doesn't exist, darkfield microscopes and staining methods don't exist, 200nm strainers which strain out viruses don't exist, replicating viruses in cell medium isn't the same as growing bacteria on agar, despite them both requiring distinct medium to replicate. Anything that doesn't back up their beliefs is demonized along with you.
They know it all and this is the end of the story to them. You, your experiences, your knowledge, your replies to them, are all irrelevant.
Those who pander to these people, join in making fun of others who have different beliefs, promoting their poor treatment of others, are best avoided to keep your own peace, especially if you or a loved one have been effected all of your life with viral infections or whatever they demand doesnt exist.
As the man in the video below says, more and more psychopaths rise to the top. Their behavior demands others fall in line. They thrive on division.
I used to feel compelled to respond to them, to stand up for what my son and I have gone through. We are nothing to these people. Not my problem anymore. It never truly was. I was responding as I did when I was a small child, unable to get away from narcissistic abuse around me.
I don't like who I became around these people. I'm thankfully able to step away, mainly because I unsubbed and no longer follow any of them.
Best wishes to you and everyone here, no matter what your beliefs are.
Thank you to Luke for sending me a link of your comment above. It was wonderful to hear your thoughtful, intelligent response.
Do more reading, less bs'ing. Contagion studies have failed spectacularly time and time again. You are on Substack, open your eyes.
Do you know what our biofield is? Are you aware of electromagnetic frequency radiation?
Ebola. lol.
Claiming viruses exist is categorized as a positive claim. The burden of proof is on the person making a positive claim. Until you can prove the existence of viruses through the scientific method, their existence is a hypothesis. You can't demand that people who question the positive claim have to prove the positive claim false.
Prove it's true first, and use the scientific method to do so. One independent variable, one dependent variable, and a valid control.
I'll congratulate you if you can, because no one has done it yet.
Better get your vaccines then. Ebola? lol
LOL! Perhaps You would do well with research. Love always!
Try non-compliance. The truth will set you free.
Well, you know how ingenious the mass murderers have gotten. Better to grievously harm people than to take them out with a nuke or something binary final like that. With the grievous harm method you take out 2-3 more as their production capacity is dedicated to caring for the wounded. AND you have plausible deniability and almost zero accountability for harm. Only upsides as you prey on and loot the harmed target and his/her care takers.
Hang on to your pitchforks. We may need them
There’s a lot of talk about how the elites want us all dead. For now that untrue. It will stay that way as long as we are needed for them to pamper themselves in the same fashion they enjoy today.
AI and robotics might be something that could change that but I don’t see anything on the horizon just yet. It could change quickly I suppose. What they have been attempting to do is get us firmly entangled in their net. Medical ID was one such path. The other would be CBDC.
The latter is very concerning to me. We must NEVER let that happen. In the future as humans become less relevant to the equation the goal will indeed be a slow phase out of groups no longer deemed necessary.
Yeah. I think they DO want us dead. Or at least invisible. They want us to mow their lawns but not bedding and marrying their daughters. That's why (in my opinion) so many elites or so in favor (or blind to) illegal immigration (just one easy example). Allows them to get cheap lawn care for their estates on the hill that they would otherwise be unable to afford. When you live at the bottom of the hill where the effects of the immigration is externalized from the estates at the top of the hill you suspect/know this is probably true. Where I live (not a poor place) all you have to do is drive up the hill to see the estates and the masses of crews needed to keep those estates pristine. I suspect MANY of them are "on the bubble" and would be reduced to living in housing worth merely upper thousands to low millions if it were not for cheap labor to care for those estates. Soon as the illegals get legal they get uppity and want to be paid. They actually WANT the illegality because it drives the price down. And God knows it would be a horror show if those people would show up in THEIR schools. That's what the neighborhoods at the bottom of the hill are for. A way to export consequences.
Probably will be a while (if ever) before AI becomes self replicating and self sustaining. It would need to build it's own robots to build replacement compute power etc to self sustain. Perhaps not impossible but hopefully a way in the distance. If not who says that even the elites will survive?
Till then
Some one has to manage the server farms and power generation plants that fuel the compute and storage power that underwrites the whole AI premise. At least that is how I understand it. "The more data the better" is what we always hear which seems unintuitive for the non or semi tech person (of which I'd count myself). Your average "not a moron" would think the type and coherency of data would be of HUGE import. But what seems to be percolating into MY head from what I see and read is that
Theoretically, given enough data and computing power miracles beyond our imagination can be mined from it using AI. IE the more data you shovel in and the more AI power you can apply to digesting that onslaught of data the more theoretically possible to postulate a "sky's the limit" on knowledge.
Always all I hear is "the more data the better". Mere humans have an intuitive rejection of that idea because we have a finite capacity to deal with data. Too much information can be as, OR MORE, paralyzing than too little data. But AI allegedly would have the capacity to recognize very non-intuitive patterns. If (for example) AI could recognize that something consequential always happens on full moon days it does not have to make sense to be useful. Humans normally would not make such connections but perhaps SOME connections have been made like that. Which, even if true those who believe in such things are generally considered to be kooks, even if they are right.
Then of course, if true, the power goes to who gets and owns the knowledge AND IT PROBABLY WON'T BE YOU.
Imagine someone getting a stool sample and being able to predict someone's death date with high confidence based on AI pattern recognition? Yeah. You could do a lot of bad stuff and a lot of looting with that information.
AI probably isn't intrinsically bad. But the humans who own it ARE intrinsically bad. Because we all have that devil in us that we must fight every day. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Fortunately (dependent how you see it) most of us never need to wrestle with that temptation because we rarely approach ANY substantial power much less absolute power. Can't imagine what ethical demons one may need to confront if they were at the output side of the ultimate AI algorithm and others weren't. That's a lot of power
Do you read John Carter on Substack? Got a feeling you would really like him. He writes a lot of science fiction but a lot of serious stuff too. Brilliant guy. He was a physicist but I think he just writes now.
Thanks for the tip. I'll give his stuff a sniff. Always looking for salient ideas.
Hope @barsoom John Carter is the right one. It looked contrary enough for my tastes:)
I still am terrible with this SS app. Click on post tab at the top. Then start on Nov 11th on down. I was correct it has been a while. I’m a paid sub too lol. 🤷♂️
You got it. He’s not put much out lately now that I think about it. Lemme take a quick look.
Vitamin D levels over 60
Hopefully Bernard will see this too. The Andrographis supplement seems to be readily available. I have never tested for Vitamin D but I no doubt get a lot of it. Heidi just sent me a post on here somewhere that gels with the link Bernard sent me. It seems BF is a form of or closely related to Flu A. That is stopped replicating by using Ivm. I have plenty of pony paste at the ready.
I read earlier this evening on another Substack, that Andrographis paniculata is a remedy for bird flu. There is an article at Research gate and the numbers go on...
You should be able to find it from the above. The gentleman is from Germany...
Dr. Malone posted about bird flu today. Worth reading.
I've posted about the "bird flu" many times.
Here is the second article posted about it today.
Funny you say that Steph. I was just glancing thru his post and that’s what gave me the idea to ask here. The emails were nearly back to back lol. I don’t read him much but he does sound like he might be searching for redemption?
Anyhow it got cut off before I could see what supplements he takes. I used the IVM (pony paste) during my bout with covid. I planned on not taking anything until I woke up with extremely inflamed and constricted lungs. I did try IVM for a couple pain in the ass colds (twice) and it didn’t seem to help for those.
Awesome…..thanks so much Heidi!