Leake & McCullough Call Out Fear Mongering by Fear Mongering
I sure would like to write about something else, but these guys just keep on with it...
Busy day on the Courageous Discourse Course today.
BREAKING: US Government to give $176 million to Moderna to develop a human mRNA H5N1 Bird Flu Injection
The VAX Racket Capo in Cambridge just got a capital infusion from Uncle Sam. Now all it needs is some widespread panic to get it into every arm.
JUL 02, 2024
McCullough Foundation intern Nic Hulscher just broke the news that Moderna just got a big capital infusion to get cracking with an mRNA shot for H5N1 Bird Flu. Will the VAX Racket Capo in Cambridge also get a big dose of widespread panic in the coming months for the purpose of getting it into every arm?
Welp, no surprise about this news…
And certainly no thanks to anyone who has been contributing their voice to fear mongering lies about respiratory viruses that can pandemic the world. (←they can’t)
From McCullough Foundation’s Nic Hulscher:
“Now all it needs is some widespread panic to get it into every arm.”
-John Leake (today)
Speaking of widespread panic…Here is what a search of H5N1 on McCullough/Leake’s stack turned up:
…demic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade and Spread by Migratory Waterfowl
…ne Highly Effective Treatment for Acute H5N1 Infection in Preclinical Model
…DA/China Doing Gain-of-Function Work on H5N1 Bird Flu Since 2021
Could Avian H5N1 Influenza be Disease X for the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex?
Bird Flu: Separating Fact from Fiction and True Danger from Fear-mongering
WHO Chief Scientist Sir Jeremy Farrar Lathered Up for a Global Bird Flu Pandemic
Avian Influenza Crisis Rolls in Just in Time for Key World Health Organization Deliberations
🤔 Gosh, I wonder if we should go ahead and buy a Contagion Kit. ←Sarcasm
I do not think that anyone should buy a kit of overpriced generic drugs to treat a virus that has never been isolated and is absolutely not causing a pandemic.
By the way…
The “widespread panic” mentioned above is going to be used to sell you a kit of pharmaceutical medicine that will be labeled “alternative treatment”. You will be told that you are exercising your freedom as you are kept on the hamster wheel of allopathic medicine.
.... the real question is WTH does a Bio-Fascist Corp. with a MULTI-BILLION $ ($40+) market capitalization need $170+Million in handouts from Federal Reserve sellouts - devaluing the American tax cattle's savings - by the hidden tax of hyperinflation - who are already saddled with $44-Trillion in unpayable debt that will be pushed-on the unborn generations to come. Look over here - not over there. More proof the Military Industrial Complex has shifted to the Bio-Fascist Medical Industrial Complex.... who owns Moderna? ( Which stands for "Modify RNA" - duh! So sneaky.) Denial is a very strong poison. "It is the duty of every man (or woman ;-)) as far as his ability extends, to detect and expose delusion and error." [Thomas Paine] So, take no shit and tolerate no stupidity.
I love that this Stack immediately followed theirs in my inbox — just in time to start ordering my kits for Christmas… step right up we’ve got bargains galore, something for the little lady to quell her fear.