BREAKING NEWS: Peter McCullough and John Leake Preprint Accepted This Morning On Proximal Origin of The Bird Flu That They've Been Fear Porning For Months
What is true crime writer, John Leake doing authoring a preprint???
Gosh, McCullough and Leake sure have been interested in the bird flu lately.
I just entered the word “avian” into the search on McCullough’s stack. Here are the results:
Avian Influenza Crisis Rolls in Just in Time for Key World Health Organization Deliberations
Could Avian H5N1 Influenza be Disease X for the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex?
Iodine Nasal Spray and Gargle--First Line of Defense Against Avian Influenza
WHO Chief Scientist Sir Jeremy Farrar Lathered Up for a Global Bird Flu Pandemic
And here is their preprint, accepted mere hours ago. According to them, we have another lab leaked species jumper.
However, further investigation is urgently needed to confirm these findings and to identify all H5N1 laboratory leaks that may have occurred with a focus on mallard ducks and other migratory waterfowl, which have the potential to infect a large number of poultry and livestock facilities around the world. A moratorium on gain-of-function research including serial passage of H5N1 is indicated to prevent a man-made influenza pandemic affecting animals and humans.
Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade and Spread by Migratory Waterfowl
Version 1 : Received: 3 June 2024 / Approved: 3 June 2024 / Online: 3 June 2024 (09:54:06 CEST)
👉 H5N1; Clade; laboratory leak; gain-of-function; bird flu; USDA; pandemic
The Wellness Company, of which McCullough is Chief Scientific Officer, has also been peddling this avian flu “threat” for which they sell products to help.
Uncharted Waters: Bird Flu Detected in North American Dolphin for the First Time
Bird flu has made headlines again, this time by showing up in an unexpected host — a dolphin in Florida. No, not Tua Tagovailoa or Tyreek Hill, but an honest-to-goodness real dolphin tested positive for the H5N1 avian influenza virus. Researchers from the University of Florida and several agencies were involved in this discovery — the first time bird flu has infected a dolphin in North America.
Bird flu's ability to jump across species is impressive and alarming. Yet, the timing of this hysteria right before another presidential election is troublesome.
Be Proactive
Still, the importance of being prepared cannot overstated. This is where the Contagion Emergency Kit comes in handy. It’s packed with medications that were hard to get during the COVID pandemic, including ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, budesonide, and oseltamivir (generic Tamiflu™). Oseltamivir is especially relevant as it targets influenza viruses, which include the avian flu variant.
Keep your wits about you, friends.
Do not buy into this shit.
We are not going back there again. I am so disappointed in Peter McCullough. I am furious at our elected officials especially after watching the Fauci hearing this morning. We are on our own here people. Be your own health advocate. Clean up your diet. Move your body. Try to get direct sunlight everyday. And stay away from mainstream clinicians and facilities. We are not going back there again.
Sasha put out a post in regards to Plandemic preparedness of Moderna, all set to make a new RSV Vax Jab. The best way to deal with the people like McCullough is use ear plugs as I placed in the comment section:
Ear Plugs are the best defense against fear porn:
Ask your doctor if impaired hearing is right for you. Side effects may include independent thinking, questioning authority, not watching the media, staying healthy and happy. This impairment device is safe and effective.