While Your Attention Was Being Directed to Luigi, Drones & Explosions TX v Pfizer Case DISMISSED...
"Covid" "emergency" was extended, GLP-1s for weight loss to be paid for with your tax dollars, chemicals are being moved around like pawns, & HIPPA updated for your cyberSAFETY, among other things...
I was chatting with a friend today. We talked about many things, but mostly we focused on the continued assault on the population…from all angles, all the time…and how the assaults just keep coming. You know, that whole murder the world thing again. We noted a key piece to this diabolical plan is the ease with which attention is able to be guided and manipulated.
So many assaults…
Chemicals assaults. In our food. In our water. By injection. Blatantly being sprayed on us.
Lots of people have assured us that the baddies will pay for the most recent assault by injection 👇
“It is truly ‘imaginary play theatre’ to believe a Texas judge is going to let Pfizer get away with the unbelievably epic fraud that the Big Pharma giant committed against Texans. It’s not going to happen.” - Karen Kingston, December 5, 2023
Here is a picture I recently took of the sky:
Did you know that exactly one month ago today, United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson was allegedly shot and killed in broad daylight, perfectly centered on multiple cameras, amid a DOJ antitrust investigation? I wrote about that here:
His alleged killer etched words into the bullet casings that were found at the scene before being swiftly identified by a crime stopping superstar McDonald’s worker.
The alleged murderer was then arrested and paraded around for the cameras.
While this happened:
Hey look 👉 👆👈👇
OHMYGAWD… are those mystery drones over New Jersey?!?!?
Look at this shit y’all 👇
Oopsies, I accidentally put a picture of that giant white attention grab “chinese spy balloon” from last year that everyone forgot about already.
Here are those totally different drones:
As the media droned on, they failed to cover anything about this:
Ozempic and GLP-1s FOR OBESITY To Be Covered By Medicare & Medicaid
Or this:
But what about those mystery drones already!?!?!?
Never mind, Merry Christmas and stuff!
New Orleans attack: Driver acted alone in ISIS-inspired rampage that killed 14, authorities say
👉 👆👈👇
Actually, don’t totally forget about the drones…
Authorities said there is no connection between the attack in New Orleans and the explosion in a Tesla Cybertruck hours later in Las Vegas.
What?!?!? WHY????? I thought that it was LUDICROUS to “believe a Texas judge is going to let Pfizer get away with the unbelievably epic fraud that the Big Pharma giant committed against Texans. It’s not going to happen.”
The AG Paxton’s (TX) case against Pfizer for deceptive marketing practices under TX law has been dismissed. The judge cited PREP Act as the reason for dismissal as it pre-empts state law and regulatory authority.
The judge cited PREP Act as the reason for dismissal as it pre-empts state law and regulatory authority.
So while the world is watching bright shiny objects, explosions, and cheering for packs of dudes literally ramming their heads directly into one another, the beat goes on.
Friendly reminder that we are STILL under a PREP Act declaration for fucking Covid. That got amended and extended whilst we watched the United Healthcare CEO murder drama unfold. We are also under PREP Act declarations for THE FLU…including the current flu du jour, H5N1/Bird Flu. Also Marburg, Ebola, and radiation.
Other items of interest that flew under the radar just this past week whilst “breaking news” happened…
The EPA extended its review period until February of 2026 for TOXIC SHIT that is being kept confidential, but that’s probably no big deal. EPA is always looking out for our health. Everybody knows that.
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Review of CBI Claims for the Identity of Chemicals in the TSCA Inventory; Extension of Review Period
👉The review period is extended to February 19, 2026.
A. Significant New Uses Claimed as Confidential Business Information (CBI)
EPA is establishing certain significant new uses which have been claimed as CBI subject to Agency confidentiality regulations at 40 CFR part 2 and 40 CFR part 703. Absent a final determination or other disposition of the confidentiality claim under these regulations, EPA is required to keep this information confidential. EPA promulgated a procedure at 40 CFR 721.11 to deal with the situation where a specific significant new use is CBI.
Just ask Conyers, GA about the EPA. Shelter in place, eaters!
Anyway…the EPA’s been busy on the Federal Register. They decided that DIDP, which is a major component in that rarely used material known as PVC, presents an unreasonable risk to humans, specifically by REDUCING OFFSPRING SURVIVAL. I wonder how we’ll get that under control…I bet it’s way easier if nobody knows about it.
Diisodecyl Phthalate (DIDP); Risk Evaluation Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA); Notice of Availability
DIDP is used primarily as a plasticizer to make flexible polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It is also used to make building and construction materials; automotive articles; and other commercial and consumer products including adhesives and sealants, paints and coatings, and electrical and electronic products. The production volume of DIDP has increased significantly over the past decade from between 100 and 250 million pounds in 2015 to between 100 million and 1 billion pounds in 2019.
EPA has determined that DIDP presents an unreasonable risk of injury to human health under the conditions of use.
EPA has determined that the unreasonable risk to human health presented by DIDP is due to non-cancer effects ( i.e., reduced offspring survival) in female workers of reproductive age from acute inhalation exposures and acute aggregated exposures.
Moving on to the FDA. They are having some considerations about how to comply with 21 CFR 211.110.
§ 211.110 👉 Sampling and testing of in-process materials and drug products.
FDA is super hyped for industry reps (pharmaceutical companies) interested in “innovative strategies” to reach out to HELP INFORM POLICY DEVELOPMENT. Gosh that sounds AWESOME. I love it when the people profiting from a product help write the policies for regulating that product. Now that’s how we keep people safe.
Considerations for Complying With 21 CFR 211.110; Draft Guidance for Industry; Availability
FDA is committed to supporting and enabling pharmaceutical innovation and modernization as part of the Agency's mission to protect and promote the public health. FDA encourages industry representatives and manufactures who are interested in using innovative control strategies to contact the Agency.
FDA is committed to supporting and enabling pharmaceutical innovation and modernization as part of the Agency's mission to protect and promote the public health. This guidance provides information on how process models can be paired with in-process material testing or process monitoring to meet current regulatory requirements. As the science supporting innovative in-process control tools and methods continues to develop, FDA anticipates that these scientific advancements can be leveraged to pursue in-process control strategies that increasingly rely on process models. FDA encourages industry representatives and manufacturers to discuss their proposed innovative control strategies with the Agency to help inform future policy development.
And in the never ending “covid” news that won’t ever be reported ON the news…YOUR tax dollars will be funding more distance learning and telemedicine grants.
Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grants for Fiscal Year 2025
The Rural Utilities Service (RUS or the Agency), a Rural Development (RD) agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), announces the acceptance of applications under the Distance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT) grant program for fiscal year (FY) 2025
Available Funds: Based on FY 2024 appropriated funding, the Agency estimates that approximately $40 million will be available for FY 2025.
(b) For this application window, applicants may, but are not required to, submit an application competing for residual Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act funding (CARES) funds. An estimated $5 million is available to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, for telemedicine and distance learning services in rural areas. Interested applicants are encouraged to identify specific ways in which their application addresses COVID-19.
And last but not least, we are getting a nice warm, cybersecurity hug. For your safety, assholes! You know what really makes me feel safe? Changing definitions.
Proposed Rule: HIPAA Security Rule To Strengthen the Cybersecurity of Electronic Protected Health Information
And there are A LOT of definition changes in this one. I’m not going to go through it, but it’s all under the auspices of “strengthening” and “protecting” for “security” and safety…which is always concerning as this is historically how freedoms have been confiscated and never returned; please see 9/11, PATRIOT ACT, PREP ACT, and TSA.
Great article. Just a note on that “chinese spy balloon”, which should shed some light on the drone nonsense:
According to a 3 Year Old Guardian Article it Belongs to the US: https://old.bitchute.com/video/7ICJdxvMF0ZL (1min)
This is the guardian article: https://archive.ph/ZTWKf
This is the technology: https://x.company/projects/loon/
All lies in this theater of life, all the time. We’re rats in a maze being toyed with by whoever controls DARPA. (Governments no longer exist. They are spending mechanims for the puppet-masters)
Nice roundup, Sarah. Here's more, tragic evidence, of the ongoing bio-murder.
Air Force Academy Cadet 1st Class (a senior) K. Emily Jean Foster died on December 31st, due to complications from brain tumors that were discovered on December 14th, just two weeks before her death. She passed while at home with her family from turbo glioblastoma, after forced, experimental COVID-19 shots, with mandatory boosters.
Academy cadets and midshipmen are the most medically screened students on Earth, particularly in the Fall of their senior year as they approach Commissioning in the following Spring.
People need to charged for these crimes, we need to support those trying to do so. Let's not ever forget the lives and families destroyed, like this one.