"Covid" "emergency" was extended, GLP-1s for weight loss to be paid for with your tax dollars, chemicals are being moved around like pawns, & HIPPA updated for your cyberSAFETY, among other things...
All lies in this theater of life, all the time. We’re rats in a maze being toyed with by whoever controls DARPA. (Governments no longer exist. They are spending mechanims for the puppet-masters)
Controlled by money... If We did not need money, there would be no Swiss bank "authority" or NATO Gladio forces. And I persistently offer how We can take that single tool to power away from the moneyed psychopaths in control on Our planet...
Amaterasu, corectomundo! But who is behind the money? See my comment above to TriTorch. Those are your monied psychopaths. Let's get more specific, shall we (not a question).
Well, I don't need the metaphysical to explain what I see - moneyed psychopaths explain it well.
Yes, money is a tool - a controlling tool and an energy accounting tool. A dangerous tool because it promotes psychopaths to power, and an archaic tool, which I explain in My article linked above.
What can be said in "fewer words?" That money accounts for Our energy added into a system and that We have free energy tech that makes that accounting pointless and we thereby can regain the wealth the moneyed psychopaths in control have stolen from Us?
Yeah, I guess I can say it in shorter ways - but a lot of detail is lost.
Satan is TIME, so yes all things in the physical realm are satans remit, but Satan is SOWER & REAPER as cyclic process, all still under auspice of 'god' creator.
To imagine Satan as 'evil' is infantile western conditioning, as even your Bible GOD of old testament says categorically he is author of ALL good & evil, & as he proved to JOB. What evil does Satan do, nothing, he is voice of doubt like a lawyer in Gods ear. It is god that goes & does malicious acts & prances about telling everyone what his favourite creature is, while JOB is tortured by doubts WHY such horror was inflicted upon his livestock, crops, children, wives & himself.
So biggest DEVIL is actually OT GOD of Bible, & if you revere that mean , petulant bigot entity then you must also recognise nothing is done without its consent or Navigation.
We do not have to consent to the whole legal/governmental system... When enough of Us are standing sovereign under the three Laws of Ethics, They will have no power.
All the pictures are characters on the stage. They are not the hidden hand. If We see Them on the cave wall (Our screens), They are just part of the play.
Nice roundup, Sarah. Here's more, tragic evidence, of the ongoing bio-murder.
Air Force Academy Cadet 1st Class (a senior) K. Emily Jean Foster died on December 31st, due to complications from brain tumors that were discovered on December 14th, just two weeks before her death. She passed while at home with her family from turbo glioblastoma, after forced, experimental COVID-19 shots, with mandatory boosters.
Academy cadets and midshipmen are the most medically screened students on Earth, particularly in the Fall of their senior year as they approach Commissioning in the following Spring.
People need to charged for these crimes, we need to support those trying to do so. Let's not ever forget the lives and families destroyed, like this one.
Agreed. We need to become comfortable with the use of the word Democide as that is what this is. And racketeering. I had a T-shirt with the word Democide and definition printed up. I alternate between that and Ban Assault Vaccines or I’m Already Immune To Bullshit T-shirts. I really could care less how many odd looks I receive. I just watched a shit ton of people inject poison into themselves without even questioning anythingand most of the people I tried to warn have an alarming new diagnosis or are already dead.
Same here…a developmentally disabled (cerebral palsy) cousin (71) who worked for HUD for over 35 years, retired December 2022, found dead in his apartment in January 2023. Jabbed and Boosted for his job. Same this year with a second cousin (77) found dead in her apartment over Easter Weekend 2024. Jabbed and Boosted as well.
I wish I had vocabulary for such stories. I read a lot, once had a career determining the overhead rate for federally sponsored research so I am pretty “nerdy” and am highly familiar with shady massaging of data as a result of my former career, which I had to leave for ethical reasons but I don’t have vocabulary for mass murder on this scale. I know a lot of “big words”….but this is beyond sickening. I am very sorry for the loss of your family. According to Ed Dowd’s impeccable data, we have a major increase in disabilities as well. I truly do not see how people can be acting as though we are all “back to normal”.
You would probably have fun digging through life insurance claims since 2021, and how they compare geographically. I believe there were more dangerous batches in different regions, like the conservative, christian south.
Elizabeth, very true. Instead of wordplay, I recommend stop paying federal income taxes. It's voluntary don't you know? Joe Banister, former gun-toting IRS Agent.
Crazy Polack, exactly. Military personnel are the most quackcinated sub-population on the planet. Insurance companies classify any Covid TM related deaths as suicide.
If millions will offer their body up to injectable untested jabs, they will line-up for gila monster venom to reduce tonnage. Paralyze the stomach, let the food rot and lose their health. What are people thinking? Lost muscle mass and fat retention. Are these not black box labelled?
Heaven forbid they change their eating habits and start exercising. That's too hard! Spin the wheel, take a shot - when you're dead it doesn't matter anymore. The rich get richer and the sick get sicker.
Gotcha beat. Two browsers, 8 windows, all maxed with 40-55 tabs or so. No time to read them all, but amazing information, jaw-dropping, end of the world, fuck'n crazy information. There is a Pink Floyd lyric from The Wall that goes: "Stop! I wanna go home. Take off this uniform and leave the show." That's how I feel. And you captured why in this post. The fuckery is sooooo prevalent, but so amazingly shallow and apparent. Are we really this stupid, so easily fooled? "Squirrel!" is all it takes? When I leave the X bubble and try to engage, carefully, to the sheeple, they cannot process, cannot accept in any way that this could be the engagement of our gov and NGOs (funded by our gov), not to mention the govt's of the west and major int'l constructs like NATO, UN, WHO, etc. Spinning, spinning, spinning . . . . just like they want. Lead the sheeple into compliance and sickness and death, and machine gun the others with absurdities, the ones who are looking and watching and seeing, make them intellectual pariahs among the others. "STOP! I wanna go home!!!!"
Medicare also cut outpatient physical therapy reimbursement by 2-5% depending on the billing code. They have cut reimbursement so much in the last ten years (and all of the other insurance companies follow) that PTs end up illegally billing or providing subpar care and packing people in.
So let’s pay for drugs to lose weight, but not therapy to help your knee feel better so that you can exercise.
If you want to live a long healthy life, avoid doctors and hospitals like the plague. Taking responsibility for your own health as opposed to outsourcing your health to outside agency will see you through.
There have always been drugs for weight loss. Amphetamines are highly effective. Meth Mouth and psychosis are a small price to pay for losing "those extra holiday pounds." A year ago I experienced a perfect storm of medical issues, severe hypertension, A-fib, a blocked artery in my leg, spinal stenosis, painful neuropathy/neuralgia. Insurance wouldn't pay for an MRI until I did 12 PT sessions which made everything worse. During this I lost 26 pounds in a month, from 236 to 210 where I bottomed out. In retrospect a good thing, now I can walk/hike again, up to six miles now. Still pain and discomfort but I can live with it. We have to take care of ourselves; I avoid doctors like I avoid rabid animals. I have thought of marketing my experience, Dr Will's Weight Loss Miracle. Now off to Wallymart to negotiate for space with 400-pound green-haired lardbags. Thank God that "science" invented Ozempic. Science is, like, amazing
Eating right is another way, but people are vaccine damaged and their metabolic pathways are correspondingly damaged. Try coconut oil by the spoonful in the morning. It jumpstarts your metabolism.
Any and every pharmaceutical injection is pure poison. Poisoning your blood for health just doesn't make any sense.
Amphetamine use in the military is a huge unspoken problem.
My reference to amphetamine use for weight loss was sarcasm although many "diet pills" in the 60's used amphetamine as the active agent. There was a lot of under the radar psychosis as a result. Antidepressants as well, usually benzedrine, and they were actually somewhat effective. And during WWII there was a concoction known as pervetin, mainly cocaine, that was widely used by both sides by front line soldiers. Amphetamine use by schoolchildren,legal and prescribed, is a much bigger problem. At least two generations have been permanently damaged. As a clinician I've seen the heartbreaking results, Agree, all injections, all pharmaceuticals really, are toxins. They don't belong in our bodies. Thanks for the coconut oil tip, I'll give it a try. Can't possibly hurt
But Jeanette, you are all things and you live forever, just like me, you just don't know it yet. This life is a small fraction of the vast timelessness of our existence.
3) Another under the radar one; cyber related. Just posted this over in sageville:
Blink and you'll miss it. Is the cyber orchestra pit tuning up? Pruning possible loose lips for op prep, like all those scientists before lockdowns started?
Quick, unexpected cancer death. He "...had expected his leave to last only a few months and said his condition was a “treatable situation,” according to a note to employees published on his LinkedIn page." His work history around 2006 is pretty interesting.
"According to IQAir, levels of PM2.5 pollutants — cancer-causing microparticles small enough to enter the bloodstream through the lungs — hit 227 micrograms per cubic meter, 15 times the World Health Organization's recommended maximum daily average exposure. The WHO says that a number of serious health conditions are linked to air pollution exposure, including strokes, heart disease and lung cancer."
Now...where have I seen that list of symptoms before?
No, haven't seen the chemtrailing in ATL, but it's pretty widespread at this point. Sometimes I play mental tic-tac-toe with the X and cross shapes they make. I watched as they generated 'the fog'. Dropped right out of the trails and lingered for ages. Was nasty. It's a goofy discussion online now, 'the fog', but it was real last week. Now there is some pneumonia thing out of china. What are the temporal odds? Related to the link, I found it interesting he was at q for a while.
Nah who gives a fuck ... let's talk about the dreaded 'chem trails'
If they are trying to control the weather i.e. make it rain during a drought.... how is that sinister (tip - they are not - they are just fucking with your head... as they do all the time e.g. blowing up the Tesla)
Fast Eddy, "fuck with everyone's head", literally. and worse. They are spraying radioactive (strontium) coal fly ash, a waste product of burning coal with added barium, freeze-dried red blood cells, viruses?, bacteria, fibers of unknown origin, and nanoparticles.
The nanoparticles accumulate in the lungs and the base of the brain. Nanoparticles are self-assembling machines that do work.
See Clifford Carnicoms epic movie 'Aerosol Crimes'.
The legal system sure does prop any and all profitable unEthical things. I surely cannot consent to it. I don't know why anyOne does. I stand under the three Laws of Ethics, The ONLY Laws. Everything in the legal system is a legalate, called a "law" to get Us to think We MUST obey.
Amaterasu, correctomundo. I say legal schmigel. As you are well aware, legal is a total scam. Born in 1913. The present legal system and it's 'laws' are based on the use of the funny money (fiat currency/debt notes). Consequently, the entire legal system is a fraud, ab initio, nunc pro tunc.
Oh well - i guess all we can do is get back on our knees and keep begging for appeals to the criminal cartel's court system to do something for us. Sigh. "When the government fails to protect the people against robbers, kidnappers ravishers and MURDERS, it is not only a legal right, but an imperative moral duty, of the people to take their mutual defence into their own hands. And the Constitution recognizes this right when it declares that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infriged." "For the right of the people to keep and bear arms", implies their right to use them when necessary for their protection."[Lysander Spooner] Government may be resisted just like any other trespasser - and it forfeits its protection. Spooner also warned, "Tyrants care nothing for discussions (court affidavits) that are to end only in discussion. Discussions, which do not interfere with the enforcement of their laws are but idle wind to them." "Going to a government judge for his 'Judicial Decision' against the government and criminal cartel is like going to your Mother-in-Law to adjudicate a dispute between you and your spouse.'[Tom Woods]... not usually a good choice.
... bouncy-ball is the same 'dehumunization' process used in Rome - throwing Christians to the lions. There's a reason for the two-minute 'sports' segment at the end of every local TV-news show - it wipes the brain of anything news-worthy they may have accidentally covered that could have stirred some action. Go - Fight - Win!
Thomas Jefferson also said, “The notion that the judges are the final and total say on all Constitutional questions would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”- not much different than Spooner. ;-)
Doug, the government is defunct. We're on our own. If you haven't heard that government is your enemy, then you heard it here first. Rights are only established by force. Read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
You must be a belligerent claimant of your rights, if you wish to have any rights all.
... I guess the democidal totalitarians didn't get your memo Tony. I rescinded all my 'contracts' with the service corporation 'governments' and their frachises operating as government (impersonating officials under the 'color of law' - here in the states... null and void ab initio - all for Constructive Fraud - I built my case - they couldn't argue. Rights don't come from government - and yes if you don't know your rights then you don't have any. "The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you'll be lonely often and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." [Friedrich Nietzche]
It’s happening all over the Western world my friend, in lockstep, starting with the Covid hoax and leading us to where we are now. Thankfully, more people are beginning to realise that.
The Freemasons run the medical system, operating as the Cult of Asclepius. Did you see the White House pressroom televised episode of Satan's right-hand man Faucci walk out and put his hand in his jacket? No words were spoken, just the hand in the jacket, masonic symbolism broadcast to the world.
Tracy, they love to drop guns in the neighborhoods of Chicago too. That way the black population will kill each other off. This is the method 'let you and him fight', while they sit back and tally the body count. You can easily verify this with a carefully worded (boolean) key-word search, using your discernment.
Tom, it's called 'intent to harm'. If it can be proven there was an intent to harm, then no immunity. It's painfully obvious there was, the evidence is in. I call it premeditated genocide.
Great article. Just a note on that “chinese spy balloon”, which should shed some light on the drone nonsense:
According to a 3 Year Old Guardian Article it Belongs to the US: https://old.bitchute.com/video/7ICJdxvMF0ZL (1min)
This is the guardian article: https://archive.ph/ZTWKf
This is the technology: https://x.company/projects/loon/
All lies in this theater of life, all the time. We’re rats in a maze being toyed with by whoever controls DARPA. (Governments no longer exist. They are spending mechanims for the puppet-masters)
Thank you for the links...added!
Controlled by Swiss bank authority and nato gladio forces
Controlled by money... If We did not need money, there would be no Swiss bank "authority" or NATO Gladio forces. And I persistently offer how We can take that single tool to power away from the moneyed psychopaths in control on Our planet...
The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy
Amaterasu, corectomundo! But who is behind the money? See my comment above to TriTorch. Those are your monied psychopaths. Let's get more specific, shall we (not a question).
Controlled by satan, money is just a tool for the "tools."
Well, I don't need the metaphysical to explain what I see - moneyed psychopaths explain it well.
Yes, money is a tool - a controlling tool and an energy accounting tool. A dangerous tool because it promotes psychopaths to power, and an archaic tool, which I explain in My article linked above.
I hope You choose to read it.
I did. I just felt it could be said simpler, with fewer words but I get it you wanted to write a stack.
What can be said in "fewer words?" That money accounts for Our energy added into a system and that We have free energy tech that makes that accounting pointless and we thereby can regain the wealth the moneyed psychopaths in control have stolen from Us?
Yeah, I guess I can say it in shorter ways - but a lot of detail is lost.
Satan is TIME, so yes all things in the physical realm are satans remit, but Satan is SOWER & REAPER as cyclic process, all still under auspice of 'god' creator.
To imagine Satan as 'evil' is infantile western conditioning, as even your Bible GOD of old testament says categorically he is author of ALL good & evil, & as he proved to JOB. What evil does Satan do, nothing, he is voice of doubt like a lawyer in Gods ear. It is god that goes & does malicious acts & prances about telling everyone what his favourite creature is, while JOB is tortured by doubts WHY such horror was inflicted upon his livestock, crops, children, wives & himself.
So biggest DEVIL is actually OT GOD of Bible, & if you revere that mean , petulant bigot entity then you must also recognise nothing is done without its consent or Navigation.
Money is the remit of MAMMON.
Steveo, and who are Satan's children? See my comment above to TriTorch.
John 8 44
Yes indeed, murderers and liars.
We do not have to consent to the whole legal/governmental system... When enough of Us are standing sovereign under the three Laws of Ethics, They will have no power.
Demand Diplomatic Immunity! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/demand-diplomatic-immunity
They Don’t Teach Ethics Anymore (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/they-dont-teach-ethics-anymore
Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical
Your proposal sounds good, and is valid, but they have guns, jails, drones. mind-control, and other high-tech weapons.
Yes, They do. But what? Will We just kowtow to Them, leave slavery for Our children and children's children? Or will We stand?
We can Ethically defend Ourselves and Others. We must do what We must do.
Self-Defense and Ethics – How Does That Work? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/self-defense-and-ethics-how-does
No and Yes. Thank You and thanks for the link.
Love always!
TriTorch, its organized Jewry, that's who.
It's much deeper.
Who Do You Think Did This? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/who-do-you-think-did-this
All the pictures are characters on the stage. They are not the hidden hand. If We see Them on the cave wall (Our screens), They are just part of the play.
Escape the Cave! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/escape-the-cave
Nice roundup, Sarah. Here's more, tragic evidence, of the ongoing bio-murder.
Air Force Academy Cadet 1st Class (a senior) K. Emily Jean Foster died on December 31st, due to complications from brain tumors that were discovered on December 14th, just two weeks before her death. She passed while at home with her family from turbo glioblastoma, after forced, experimental COVID-19 shots, with mandatory boosters.
Academy cadets and midshipmen are the most medically screened students on Earth, particularly in the Fall of their senior year as they approach Commissioning in the following Spring.
People need to charged for these crimes, we need to support those trying to do so. Let's not ever forget the lives and families destroyed, like this one.
Agreed. We need to become comfortable with the use of the word Democide as that is what this is. And racketeering. I had a T-shirt with the word Democide and definition printed up. I alternate between that and Ban Assault Vaccines or I’m Already Immune To Bullshit T-shirts. I really could care less how many odd looks I receive. I just watched a shit ton of people inject poison into themselves without even questioning anythingand most of the people I tried to warn have an alarming new diagnosis or are already dead.
Same here…a developmentally disabled (cerebral palsy) cousin (71) who worked for HUD for over 35 years, retired December 2022, found dead in his apartment in January 2023. Jabbed and Boosted for his job. Same this year with a second cousin (77) found dead in her apartment over Easter Weekend 2024. Jabbed and Boosted as well.
Sorry to hear that, Lupita. My condolences.
I wish I had vocabulary for such stories. I read a lot, once had a career determining the overhead rate for federally sponsored research so I am pretty “nerdy” and am highly familiar with shady massaging of data as a result of my former career, which I had to leave for ethical reasons but I don’t have vocabulary for mass murder on this scale. I know a lot of “big words”….but this is beyond sickening. I am very sorry for the loss of your family. According to Ed Dowd’s impeccable data, we have a major increase in disabilities as well. I truly do not see how people can be acting as though we are all “back to normal”.
If they go on vacation again, go to sports, concerts, etc, for them it's 'back to normal'. As if nothing ever happened....
I try very hard not to despise them - should I call it raging exasperation with their stupidity?
I really don't want to be near any of them: the stupid are ve dangerous, as much or more than our worst enemies.
You would probably have fun digging through life insurance claims since 2021, and how they compare geographically. I believe there were more dangerous batches in different regions, like the conservative, christian south.
Elizabeth, very true. Instead of wordplay, I recommend stop paying federal income taxes. It's voluntary don't you know? Joe Banister, former gun-toting IRS Agent.
Good idea! Someone should profit besides rhe pariah of society.
Crazy Polack, exactly. Military personnel are the most quackcinated sub-population on the planet. Insurance companies classify any Covid TM related deaths as suicide.
If millions will offer their body up to injectable untested jabs, they will line-up for gila monster venom to reduce tonnage. Paralyze the stomach, let the food rot and lose their health. What are people thinking? Lost muscle mass and fat retention. Are these not black box labelled?
Anesthesiologists are having a difficult time intubating ppl who are taking this because they are losing muscle mass in their necks 🤨. What a disaster
I am quite pleased that the morons get free poison ... ah I mean Ozempic ...
Plus it seems to be creating a shortage for diabetics thst believe this is the only way to treat their condition.
Heaven forbid they change their eating habits and start exercising. That's too hard! Spin the wheel, take a shot - when you're dead it doesn't matter anymore. The rich get richer and the sick get sicker.
Gotcha beat. Two browsers, 8 windows, all maxed with 40-55 tabs or so. No time to read them all, but amazing information, jaw-dropping, end of the world, fuck'n crazy information. There is a Pink Floyd lyric from The Wall that goes: "Stop! I wanna go home. Take off this uniform and leave the show." That's how I feel. And you captured why in this post. The fuckery is sooooo prevalent, but so amazingly shallow and apparent. Are we really this stupid, so easily fooled? "Squirrel!" is all it takes? When I leave the X bubble and try to engage, carefully, to the sheeple, they cannot process, cannot accept in any way that this could be the engagement of our gov and NGOs (funded by our gov), not to mention the govt's of the west and major int'l constructs like NATO, UN, WHO, etc. Spinning, spinning, spinning . . . . just like they want. Lead the sheeple into compliance and sickness and death, and machine gun the others with absurdities, the ones who are looking and watching and seeing, make them intellectual pariahs among the others. "STOP! I wanna go home!!!!"
Well done Sarah!
Medicare also cut outpatient physical therapy reimbursement by 2-5% depending on the billing code. They have cut reimbursement so much in the last ten years (and all of the other insurance companies follow) that PTs end up illegally billing or providing subpar care and packing people in.
So let’s pay for drugs to lose weight, but not therapy to help your knee feel better so that you can exercise.
If you want to live a long healthy life, avoid doctors and hospitals like the plague. Taking responsibility for your own health as opposed to outsourcing your health to outside agency will see you through.
There have always been drugs for weight loss. Amphetamines are highly effective. Meth Mouth and psychosis are a small price to pay for losing "those extra holiday pounds." A year ago I experienced a perfect storm of medical issues, severe hypertension, A-fib, a blocked artery in my leg, spinal stenosis, painful neuropathy/neuralgia. Insurance wouldn't pay for an MRI until I did 12 PT sessions which made everything worse. During this I lost 26 pounds in a month, from 236 to 210 where I bottomed out. In retrospect a good thing, now I can walk/hike again, up to six miles now. Still pain and discomfort but I can live with it. We have to take care of ourselves; I avoid doctors like I avoid rabid animals. I have thought of marketing my experience, Dr Will's Weight Loss Miracle. Now off to Wallymart to negotiate for space with 400-pound green-haired lardbags. Thank God that "science" invented Ozempic. Science is, like, amazing
Eating right is another way, but people are vaccine damaged and their metabolic pathways are correspondingly damaged. Try coconut oil by the spoonful in the morning. It jumpstarts your metabolism.
Any and every pharmaceutical injection is pure poison. Poisoning your blood for health just doesn't make any sense.
Amphetamine use in the military is a huge unspoken problem.
My reference to amphetamine use for weight loss was sarcasm although many "diet pills" in the 60's used amphetamine as the active agent. There was a lot of under the radar psychosis as a result. Antidepressants as well, usually benzedrine, and they were actually somewhat effective. And during WWII there was a concoction known as pervetin, mainly cocaine, that was widely used by both sides by front line soldiers. Amphetamine use by schoolchildren,legal and prescribed, is a much bigger problem. At least two generations have been permanently damaged. As a clinician I've seen the heartbreaking results, Agree, all injections, all pharmaceuticals really, are toxins. They don't belong in our bodies. Thanks for the coconut oil tip, I'll give it a try. Can't possibly hurt
I have a great appreciation for the use of sarcasm in your essays. Thanks for that.
The shiny objects are coming at breakneck speed these days. Or is it that the "TV" (Tell Lie Vision)) is now your cell phone?
I have no words! Thank you for this excellent run down, but ...it appears we're in for a bumpy ride! None of us are getting out of this (life) alive.
But Jeanette, you are all things and you live forever, just like me, you just don't know it yet. This life is a small fraction of the vast timelessness of our existence.
I think nuclear war might be welcomed at this point 😣
1) Winning!
2) YOUR sky looks like MY sky! What are the odds?
3) Another under the radar one; cyber related. Just posted this over in sageville:
Blink and you'll miss it. Is the cyber orchestra pit tuning up? Pruning possible loose lips for op prep, like all those scientists before lockdowns started?
Quick, unexpected cancer death. He "...had expected his leave to last only a few months and said his condition was a “treatable situation,” according to a note to employees published on his LinkedIn page." His work history around 2006 is pretty interesting.
1) Thank you
2) Are you in the turbo chemtrailing greater ATL area too?!?!?!? Wasn't Conyers enough????
3) Good find...hopefully not, but 😬
Sarah, I walk 5+ miles/day. I’ve taken numerous pictures and videos of the chemtrails. They’re in the sky almost daily here in Commifornia, Bay Area.
I took a video of a drone the other day over the water…not a civilian drone.
Damn! I sound crazy. I’m not!
You’re not crazy. All this shit is real. It’s overwhelmingly true. I don’t sleep anymore
I understand Donna!
My”bf” and I get in arguments constantly, because he still doesn’t think chemtrails exist. SERIOUSLY????
That’s called stupidity, and ignorance, which is a choice.
I'm single Renee and looking. I could tell you things about chemtrails that would blow your mind.
Vietnam getting the treatment now.
"According to IQAir, levels of PM2.5 pollutants — cancer-causing microparticles small enough to enter the bloodstream through the lungs — hit 227 micrograms per cubic meter, 15 times the World Health Organization's recommended maximum daily average exposure. The WHO says that a number of serious health conditions are linked to air pollution exposure, including strokes, heart disease and lung cancer."
Now...where have I seen that list of symptoms before?
Thanks S... I do love corroborating evidence. You are the bomb. BOOM
No, haven't seen the chemtrailing in ATL, but it's pretty widespread at this point. Sometimes I play mental tic-tac-toe with the X and cross shapes they make. I watched as they generated 'the fog'. Dropped right out of the trails and lingered for ages. Was nasty. It's a goofy discussion online now, 'the fog', but it was real last week. Now there is some pneumonia thing out of china. What are the temporal odds? Related to the link, I found it interesting he was at q for a while.
I suspect the gov chem trails just to fuck with everyone's head
Neurologically due to poison yes
I fail to see why everyone things these trails are sinister... ooooh look the chem trails oooh!!!!
What exactly is evil about them????
Maybe ya'll should be more concerned about this https://youtu.be/MSmAEPD86KM
Nah who gives a fuck ... let's talk about the dreaded 'chem trails'
If they are trying to control the weather i.e. make it rain during a drought.... how is that sinister (tip - they are not - they are just fucking with your head... as they do all the time e.g. blowing up the Tesla)
See my comment above Fast Eddy. You don't seem too smart, or you're just asleep at the wheel.
Fast Eddy, "fuck with everyone's head", literally. and worse. They are spraying radioactive (strontium) coal fly ash, a waste product of burning coal with added barium, freeze-dried red blood cells, viruses?, bacteria, fibers of unknown origin, and nanoparticles.
The nanoparticles accumulate in the lungs and the base of the brain. Nanoparticles are self-assembling machines that do work.
See Clifford Carnicoms epic movie 'Aerosol Crimes'.
Stay inside on chemtrail and fog days. You don't want to breath that shit.
First time I connected with a msn site in probably two years. May it be my last visit. BDS
Thank you for all your hard work and hard hitting articles.
The legal system sure does prop any and all profitable unEthical things. I surely cannot consent to it. I don't know why anyOne does. I stand under the three Laws of Ethics, The ONLY Laws. Everything in the legal system is a legalate, called a "law" to get Us to think We MUST obey.
Calling a Legalate a Law (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/calling-a-legalate-a-law
The Three Laws of Ethics (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-three-laws-of-ethics
Amaterasu, correctomundo. I say legal schmigel. As you are well aware, legal is a total scam. Born in 1913. The present legal system and it's 'laws' are based on the use of the funny money (fiat currency/debt notes). Consequently, the entire legal system is a fraud, ab initio, nunc pro tunc.
The legal system has its roots in Rome... Or maybe before that...
All money is "funny money," just different surface arrangement.
Oh well - i guess all we can do is get back on our knees and keep begging for appeals to the criminal cartel's court system to do something for us. Sigh. "When the government fails to protect the people against robbers, kidnappers ravishers and MURDERS, it is not only a legal right, but an imperative moral duty, of the people to take their mutual defence into their own hands. And the Constitution recognizes this right when it declares that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infriged." "For the right of the people to keep and bear arms", implies their right to use them when necessary for their protection."[Lysander Spooner] Government may be resisted just like any other trespasser - and it forfeits its protection. Spooner also warned, "Tyrants care nothing for discussions (court affidavits) that are to end only in discussion. Discussions, which do not interfere with the enforcement of their laws are but idle wind to them." "Going to a government judge for his 'Judicial Decision' against the government and criminal cartel is like going to your Mother-in-Law to adjudicate a dispute between you and your spouse.'[Tom Woods]... not usually a good choice.
I have Spooner’s book on “Natural Law”, and “No Treason”…👍💥
That explains so much. I’ve seen you on JJ Carrell’s stack. If only more people would actually read…as opposed to watching football. Kudos to you.
... bouncy-ball is the same 'dehumunization' process used in Rome - throwing Christians to the lions. There's a reason for the two-minute 'sports' segment at the end of every local TV-news show - it wipes the brain of anything news-worthy they may have accidentally covered that could have stirred some action. Go - Fight - Win!
Bread and Circuses.
Thomas Jefferson also said, “The notion that the judges are the final and total say on all Constitutional questions would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”- not much different than Spooner. ;-)
Doug, the government is defunct. We're on our own. If you haven't heard that government is your enemy, then you heard it here first. Rights are only established by force. Read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
You must be a belligerent claimant of your rights, if you wish to have any rights all.
"If you refuse then be clear about it, for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance. Do not accept half a solution." [Kahil Gibran, The Prophet]
... I guess the democidal totalitarians didn't get your memo Tony. I rescinded all my 'contracts' with the service corporation 'governments' and their frachises operating as government (impersonating officials under the 'color of law' - here in the states... null and void ab initio - all for Constructive Fraud - I built my case - they couldn't argue. Rights don't come from government - and yes if you don't know your rights then you don't have any. "The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you'll be lonely often and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." [Friedrich Nietzche]
It’s happening all over the Western world my friend, in lockstep, starting with the Covid hoax and leading us to where we are now. Thankfully, more people are beginning to realise that.
The Freemasons run the medical system, operating as the Cult of Asclepius. Did you see the White House pressroom televised episode of Satan's right-hand man Faucci walk out and put his hand in his jacket? No words were spoken, just the hand in the jacket, masonic symbolism broadcast to the world.
I actually love that they’re not hiding it anymore. Bring it on I say, as I said back in 2020. This pustule is begging for some bursting.
Reminds me of when the government got caught imported cocaine into the ghettos. All we talked about was Cum stains on a dress.
Tracy, they love to drop guns in the neighborhoods of Chicago too. That way the black population will kill each other off. This is the method 'let you and him fight', while they sit back and tally the body count. You can easily verify this with a carefully worded (boolean) key-word search, using your discernment.
God and how about all the social engineering behind gangster rap to fill up the private prisons
I’m glad in the end all form is just God‘s play otherwise this stuff could drive you nuts
Tracy, see Agent131711 latest article on frequency. He reveals rap music frequency connections to health problems in the black population.
I’d rather not, I can hear it for myself when they play it on the job sites. I’ll gladly take your word on it ha ha
PREP Act dosen't excuse serial killers
Tom, it's called 'intent to harm'. If it can be proven there was an intent to harm, then no immunity. It's painfully obvious there was, the evidence is in. I call it premeditated genocide.
This is my shorthand version and my confession that, I do not do the same depth of research as my fellow stackers.