Sugar & Ozempic: The Long Game of BioDigital Convergence
The murderers of the world are playing a very long and sophisticated game.
A Brief Summary of My Thesis
The murderers of the world are playing a very long and sophisticated game. They have intentionally sugar-poisoned the masses, creating the entirely predictable outcome of widespread obesity and diabetes.
The “solution” to this problem is to plug your body in, moving us ever closer to the scorpion-coveted bio-digital convergence. They advertise it through trusted experts, biohackers, and bros with shows…and especially in the “alternative” space - to those who are more likely to have declined the fake covid bioweapon injection.
Under the guise of better, smarter health, people will voluntarily agree to plug machines into their bodies and connect to the cloud. Before they know it, it will be as normal as carrying a phone around 24/7, something rather unimaginable 50 years ago.
The people who wish to control the bodies of the world would like us to put our collars on and attach our leashes to the fence of our own accord. This is so much easier than loading people onto trains and hauling them to camps, although this option remains available in every state 👇
Alright y'all, this is a long post about a long game that I am watching unfold in real time. And the obesity and diabetes epidemic is a big part of it.
When my studio began to buzz about Ozempic, a new drug promising skinny, my ears perked. I wrote about it here:
I began seeing people that I had watched struggle to lose weight for years, shed pounds at a shockingly rapid rate. Alarming, actually.
The speed at which the weight came off is unlike anything I’ve seen in my 20+ years of teaching Pilates. Their faces would begin to sag, and also their asses. They became noticeably weaker in their workouts, and developed a distinct pallor. The color was not good - grayish, which was accentuated by the darkness around their newly sunken eyes.
Then the tell tale tiny injection bruises began appearing on their faces as fillers were added to fill out all the new wrinkles and give some volume to their sallow cheekbones and jawlines. Some confessed to using one of the GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) drugs and others maintained that they had stopped drinking during the week or cut back on carbs. I knew neither of the latter was true, as I am not new and I am not stupid. I’ve done what I do for a long time. But that’s not what this post is about.
This post is about an enormous experiment being performed at a giant lab. The conditions are intentionally created and the experiment design is familiar:
Problem. Reaction. Solution.
The Great Sugar Poisoning→The Planned Obesity Epidemic
The sugar poisoning began much earlier than where I’m going to start, but this juncture is one that most of you reading this stack will remember. The Saturated Fat Bad/Sugar Good Foil. I’m not going to go into the weeds here…
Narrator: But she would in fact go directly into the weeds
The circle jerk between the US government and the sugar industry is long standing and well documented.
The documents show that a trade group called the Sugar Research Foundation, known today as the Sugar Association, paid three Harvard scientists the equivalent of about $50,000 in today’s dollars to publish a 1967 review of research on sugar, fat and heart disease. The studies used in the review were handpicked by the sugar group, and the article, which was published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, minimized the link between sugar and heart health and cast aspersions on the role of saturated fat.
👉 One of the Harvard scientists previously employed by Abbott Laboratories (manufacturer of Similac baby formula), D. Mark Hegsted, went on to become the head of nutrition at the United States Department of Agriculture, where in 1977 he helped draft the forerunner to the federal government’s dietary guidelines.
Is this sounding familiar?
Oh look, the circle jerk is still alive, circled, and jerking 👇
A short history of saturated fat: the making and unmaking of a scientific consensus
Recent findings include shortcomings in the scientific review processes on saturated fats, for both the current 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the previous edition (2015–2020). Revelations include the fact the 2015 Advisory Committee acknowledged, in an e-mail, the lack of scientific justification for any specific numeric cap on these fats. Other, previously unpublished findings include significant potential financial conflicts on the relevant 2020 guidelines subcommittee, including the participation of plant-based advocates, an expert who promotes a plant-based diet for religious reasons, experts who had received extensive funding from industries, such as tree nuts and soy, whose products benefit from continued policy recommendations favoring polyunsaturated fats, and one expert who had spent more than 50 years of her career dedicated to ‘proving’ the diet-heart hypothesis. (source ← I highly recommend checking out)
The sugar industry/US government imprint on the alleged evils of saturated fat is still evident on every isle at the grocery story. Go check out the yogurt shelves. You’ll be hard pressed to find full fat options. And if they’re available they have an insanely high amount of added sugar.
One cup of Dannon Low-Fat Vanilla Yogurt, for example, contains a soul-crushing 34 grams of sugar. And by the way, VitaminWater contains 17 grams (“Water”😅).
Check out the nutritional guidelines for the WIC and SNAP programs. Still fully on the low-fat train ← which means that they are still fully on the sugar express.
See, when you remove fat, you remove flavor (pssst…they knew that). And satiety (they knew that too). That gaping empty fat-hole must be filled with something. That is, if a product has any hope of tasting of anything other than cardboard…and selling. So you add sugar, thus adding a blood sugar spike and subsequent crash that starts the whole cycle over again.
When you add sugar, you add a litany of biochemical reactions that are almost never in service to your greater health, including blood sugar whiplash, addiction, obesity, and diabetes.
See also: Experts Agree: Sugar Might Be as Addictive as Cocaine
Over the course of my lifetime the Evil Sugar Game, subsidized by our government, has unfolded; revealing insidious tentacles that are woven throughout every aspect of our “health”. From baby feeding to baby making, sugar’s got you covered.
Before saturated fat was villainized and replaced with sugar, breastfeeding was determined to be inferior to sugar laden infant formula. Better to lock in that sugar addiction early. Thanks to nudging from The Science™ (and the mechanization and medicalization of literally everything), mother’s milk, specifically and perfectly created for her baby, was replaced by formula.
To the new “men of science”, it seemed as though everything in life could and should be measured, quantified, and regulated. And infant formulas, with their precisely measured proportions and their ability to be given to the baby in set amounts, on a set schedule, seemed like just the sort of rational, optimized system that should benefit every baby, regardless of their situation. If it was scientifically made, it was better.
Father Formula, Luther Emmett Holt, a Rockefeller Institute grant recipient, treated formula not as an alternative to breastfeeding, but a replacement altogether. Over the next 50 years, thanks to this kind of medical endorsement, synthetic human milk became the norm. By the 1950s, only a quarter of American babies were breastfed at all, for any length of time.
Turns out if you replace natural breastmilk with sugar packed formula, babies get fat.
Many infant formula products tested contained sugars that exceeded the standard recommended intake. Tighter regulations that monitor the amount of sugar in infant formulae and guidelines for comprehensive labeling systems are required. (source)
“This new research highlights the vast economic and political power of the big formula milk companies, as well as serious public policy failures that prevent millions of women from breastfeeding their children,” (source)
Infant Formula Corporations Have Violated World Health Organization Marketing Standards for 33 Years
It will likely come as no surprise to most of you reading this stack, that sugar laden infant formula is widely and readily available with plenty of support from our government.
And if you have birthed a baby, you were probably offered formula whether you wanted it or not. I find this to be a particularly despicable practice…offering fucking formula to new mothers, exhausted from childbirth and perhaps struggling to find their way breastfeeding. But that’s a rant for another day.
The US government provides plenty of “support” for formula feeding.
Free formula
Your newborn may need formula feeds some 8 to 12 times each day. While there are a variety of formulas on the market with a wide range of price tags, you may need additional help covering this essential.
After an infant’s tastebuds are trained on the sugary reward of synthetic “milk”, processed toddler foods are introduced, followed by a barrage of packaged sugar kid friendly foods.
If you are curious about what is available to low income mothers and their infants, see Final Rule: Revisions in the WIC Food Packages (2014).
Here are some highlights:
BREAKFAST CEREAL (READY-TO-EAT AND INSTANT AND REGULAR HOT CEREALS). Must contain a minimum of 28 mg iron per 100 g dry cereal. Must contain ≤21.2 g sucrose and other sugars per 100 g dry cereal (≤6 g per dry oz). At least half of the cereals authorized on a State agency’s food list must have whole grain as the primary ingredient by weight AND meet labeling requirements for making a health claim as a ‘‘whole grain food with moderate fat content’’.
According to 2018 data from the CDC, milk, cereal, and water were the most frequently consumed breakfast foods and beverages for children and adolescents aged 2–19 years.
Gobble down this sugar with this reduced fat milk (to ensure that you definitely won’t stay full) kids, and then go sit still in a desk, doing fine motor skills for six hours.
🤔 Hey, have you heard that “ADHD” is on the rise….weird.
It should come as exactly zero surprise that obesity and diabetes have become an epidemic in the United States. The outcome of this grand experiment is precisely perfect for the conditions that were created in the laboratory.
As it turns out, when a nutritionally empty, high calorie ingredient that is also highly addictive is abundantly (and often discretely) provided to the masses…they get fat.
Couple that with the exponential increase in sedentary lifestyle and you’ve got yourself an epidemic.
Fast Facts
According to 2017–2018 data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
Nearly 1 in 3 adults (30.7%) are overweight.2
More than 2 in 5 adults (42.4%) have obesity.2
About 1 in 11 adults (9.2%) have severe obesity.2
According to 2017–2018 NHANES data
About 1 in 6 children and adolescents ages 2 to 19 (16.1%) are overweight.3
Almost 1 in 5 children and adolescents ages 2 to 19 (19.3%) have obesity.3
About 1 in 16 children and adolescents ages 2 to 19 (6.1%) have severe obesity.
They created a crisis.
The Reaction
Existing policies have failed to do enough to address the crisis, adding that “major reform” was needed to prevent it from worsening.
“It’s going to require a lot more attention and a lot more investment than we are currently giving the problem,” said Dr. Sarah Armstrong, a professor of pediatrics and population health sciences at Duke University who was not involved in the study.
Those existing policies need some reform! And more money! Somebody page RFK STAT! If only there was an injection to reverse this terrible tragedy before 2030.
I mean, it sure would be amazing if people could just take a skinny shot. Or gosh, if people could have something to look at, like a screen, to tell them that when they eat sugar, their blood sugar spikes. And if they could pay for it with their own pre-theft money…maybe then it would be better.
Oh, look… 👇
It’s The Solution
Option 1: Injection
One might argue - and just to be clear, I am - that this epidemic did not come to pass by happenstance, oversight, or even willful blindness. The situation (problem) in which we find ourselves is the effect of a very clear, unambiguous, and well known cause. The lackluster revisions to ridiculously lacking “nutrition” recommendations (reaction) serve as pacification. And of course controlling the problem (solution) is coming in the form of a syringe, to be injected weekly. This solution also conditions the behavior of receiving injections regularly.
This injection hijacks your brain and body, fucking with your feelings of hunger and satiety → that were already hijacked by the firehose of sugar that has been added to nearly everything that encounters your mouth.
Subsequently, your Ozempic injection will likely make you physically unable to eat more than a few bites.
The waste that your body has marked for excretion will sit in your gut for much longer than it naturally would, often resulting in either nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, or the always enjoyable bowel obstruction.
I have witnessed my clients suffering from all of the symptoms that I have just listed. Oh, and cancer. One of my clients taking Ozempic got bowel cancer.
My gut tells me that these GLP-1 drugs are today’s “solution” that will bring about tomorrow’s problems.
Oh wow, great news! Ozempic 2.0 is coming down the pike 🤗
New two-in-one anti-obesity jab that targets different parts of the brain could work twice as well as Ozempic - and could keep weight off for longer
A jab made with two anti-obesity medicines rather than one could be better than Ozempic for weight loss.
The experimental treatment contains two drugs that target different areas of the brain to curb appetite. In tests on mice, the combined therapy doubled the amount of weight some lost compared with using Ozempic on its own.
Results published in Nature last month showed that mice injected with the two-in-one drug lost twice as much weight than those on semaglutide alone.
Novo Nordisk affirms 25% weight-loss expectation for experimental drug CagriSema
November 6, 2024
CagriSema targets the same gut hormone as Wegovy does, but also targets a pancreas hormone called amylin.
In a Phase 1b trial, 566 adverse events were reported in 92 participants, with 207 (37%) being gastrointestinal disorders
(pssst…👆that’s an average of over 6 adverse events per person!! WTAF?!?!?)
In a Phase 2 trial, 68% of patients taking cagrilintide-semaglutide experienced adverse events, compared to 80% with cagrilintide alone and 71% with semaglutide alone
👆How convenient😂… The drug combo has fewer AEs than the individual drugs alone. What luck! I’ll just mention that that two participants in two of the (very small) study arms withdrew from the trial. If this was due to severe adverse events or death, that would have a significant impact on these results because the study groups were so small (n=31/30/31).
Moving on…
Option 2: Opt In to Biosurveillance via Continuous Glucose Monitor
Let’s talk about another trend that noninvasively accesses your body under the guise of better health called the Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM).
You will recall that 9/11 ushered in regulations, restrictions, and continuous surveillance through legislation like the PATRIOT and PREP Acts. The fake Covid Pandemic used the “legal” flexibility provided by such legislation to impose and implement medical tyranny countermeasures and behavior modification techniques on the population.
The fake pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital health tools and wearable devices, including CGMs. People became more accustomed to using technology to monitor and manage their health through platforms (telemed) rather than in person at their doctor’s office. CGMs fit squarely into this trend. CGMs are not new, they have long been used for people with diabetes…however the pandemic served to expand their use to a much broader consumer base.
However, in April 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) expanded the availability and implementation of noninvasive patient monitoring devices during the pandemic by exercising enforcement discretion so that CGM could be used temporarily in the inpatient setting (13). CGM was well suited to address some challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic by reducing nursing exposure, preserving personal protective equipment (PPE), and providing additional glucose data including trends (14). However, there are many important considerations for its continued inpatient use.
The digitization of health is abundantly evident with the increasing appearance of tech-health companies beginning with the Apple Watch and Fitbit…and now Levels. Levels is a company created by Dr. Casey Means, offering continuous tracking and monitoring with technology called a continuous glucose monitors (CGM). Levels is heavily backed by venture capitalists and heavily promoted by Dr. Means. Casey Means and her brother, Calley appeared suddenly, rising to stardom via rapid fire rounds on “alternative” platforms like Tucker and Rogan. I covered the Means Team here:
Here’s a video synopsis of Casey Means, with bro in tow, advertising her bio-surveillance tech:
The Funding
I realize that we are deeply in the weeds and I apologize that the murderers of the world play such a long, complicated game, but this part is important. Bio-surveillance products that are being heavily funded by venture capitalists, will now conveniently be able to be purchased with pre-theft tax dollars through an integration platform, courtesy of Calley Means.
Product Funding
The recent investment of $12 million into Levels by venture capitalists is one example that demonstrates an anticipated tailwind of consumer interest in this area. Levels is a company that makes a ‘bio-wearable metabolic sensor’ that enables people to receive actionable data from how foods impact blood sugar levels. (source)
Seed Funding: Levels Health raised $12 million in seed funding from Andreessen Horowitz (co founder of Founder’s Fund with Peter Thiel) and angel investors, including Marc Randolph (co-founder and first CEO of Netflix), Dick Costolo (former CEO of Twitter), Michael Arrington (founder of TechCrunch), and Matt Dellavedova (NBA player on Cleveland Cavaliers).
Who is Marc Andreessen and why does it matter?

He is one of the billionaires exerting influence on your life, whether you know it or not.
The Technocrats make up a kind of interlocking directorate of Silicon Valley, each investing in or sitting on the boards of the others’ companies. Their vast digital domain controls your personal information; affects how billions of people live, work, and love…(source)
Andreessen Horowitz began investing as the transition to mobile broadband took off. The firm jumped on industry-defining companies early across SaaS, marketplaces, gaming, security and especially social media. Flagship A16Z exits include Facebook, GitHub, Lyft, Coinbase and Docusign. With over $19 billion assets under management currently, A16Z expanded investing heavily into blockchain and biotech. Andreessen maintains incredible influence through board seats guiding Web 3.0 titans Meta and Block (formerly Facebook and Square) plus HP Enterprise. (source)
Some Andreessen Horowitz Investments
● Facebook – legendary $82M pre-IPO angel investment made ~$1 billion
● Twitter – invested $80 million, exited partly after 2013 IPO over $1 billion valuation
● Airbnb – led Series B, exited over $30 billion valuation in December 2021
● Coinbase – invested since 2013 seed round; exited in April 2021 direct listing at $86 billion market cap
He is financially integrated with the vice president-elect.
Trump’s running mate choice of JD Vance, a former venture capitalist whose firm’s investors included Peter Thiel, Eric Schmidt, and Andreessen himself. (source)
He is significantly invested in gene-editing tech companies, like Scribe Therapeutics. Scribe’s pipeline is developing gene-editing and gene-silencing technology that target multiple undisclosed cardiometabolic targets.
Scribe Therapeutics
Genetic predisposition shouldn’t dictate your health destiny. We’re committed to unlocking the future of medicine by engineering CRISPR-based therapeutics safe and effective enough to transform everyone's lifetime risk for disease.
We’re building a portfolio of genetic medicines for cardiometabolic disease (CMD) using our gene editing and epigenetic silencing platforms. We prioritize genetic targets with clinically-validated biology and demonstrated patient benefit from on-target modification, starting with targeting PCSK9 to address cardiovascular disease associated with LDL-C.
Glucose and insulin are common cardiometabolic targets.
(pssst…that’s what Levels tracks)
Funding- How You Purchase
Tax Break Integration
Conveniently Casey’s brother Calley Means, a former lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry, also has a company that he’s promoting. Just like his sister, Calley Means appeared suddenly, and is being widely publicized.
Anywho… Calley’s company, TrueMed is a payment integration platform that enables qualified customers to use pre-tax HSA/FSA funds to purchase health-promoting products or services from their favorite merchants.
What a deal. You get to use your own money to buy stuff. Like supplements.
Hey, I wonder who owns the supplement companies…👇
It’s timely that 100+ Supplement/Vitamin Brands Were Bought Out By Large Companies just as the new crop of “wellness” companies popped up. 27 major corporations or equity firms acquired over 100 nutrition brands…
We have been conditioned to the pharmaceutical model → you have a problem you are treating or preventing and you take a pill for it. So it’s an easy jump for health and wellness companies to offer “healthier” solutions in the form of supplements. This is a well trained habit that easily replaced, and the customer feels better because it’s not a pharmaceutical drug.
Truemed harnesses this model, coming right out and saying that “supplements are sometimes the best medicine”.
TrueMed offers a way to purchase products with pre theft tax dollars that are able to be deemed as preventative health or treatment of a condition. Truemed also offers a list of products, from supplements to gym memberships, that can be purchased before the government steals part of your paycheck. Call me crazy, but I’m willing to bet that this will be leveraged to encourage you to purchase certain products and services. Like supplements and wearable devices.
The TrueMed payment option will be available in the checkout flow of merchants that sell “healthy” food, supplements, exercise equipment, and other health and wellness products.
Make no mistake, the beautifully designed websites with pictures of happy, fit people enjoying life to the fullest, are selling bio-surveillance. They are selling devices that access your body in an intimate way. They are conditioning the behavior of monitoring your own body by looking at a screen to tell you what’s happening in your body.
And where is all of this data housed? What else is it being used for? I don’t know the answer to that. Maybe nothing. But I doubt it. I mean Peter Thiel has been interested in everything bio-surveillance for a long time, including CGMs. He also heads up Palantir, originally funded by In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital firm.
Fun Fact: Andreeson is also invested in Palantir.
Hey, have you heard of the CLOUD Act?
The CLOUD Act primarily amends the Stored Communications Act (SCA) of 1986 to allow federal law enforcement to compel U.S.-based technology companies via warrant or subpoena to provide requested data stored on servers regardless of whether the data are stored in the U.S. or on foreign soil.
Although the CLOUD Act is not ostensibly focused on biometric data, its provisions regarding data access and cross-border data sharing can significantly impact how biometric information is handled and the rights users have regarding their data.
I have observed the bio-surveillance trend unfold with other wearables. First it was Fitbit and the Apple Watch, and now it’s products like Oura Ring:
And Whoop:
All of these wearable devices serve as a middle man between you and your body.
I’ve extensively asked my clients about these products, because almost every one of them wears at least one. That’s right, some people wear more than one. Usually an Apple watch plus a Ring or Whoop. They claim it’s helpful to see how they slept, or if they are stressed. I haven’t gotten a satisfactory argument for why or how it’s better than just noticing whether or not you are tired. Or if you are feeling stressed.
This is a slippery slope as continuous glucose monitors have seamlessly been integrated into the health and wellness wearable device category. I wondered how long it would be before these devices became injectable or implantable.
Welp…. wait’s over. They’re already here! 👇
Injectable grain-of-rice-sized glucose monitor could revolutionize diabetes management
“CGMs are commercially available, but most of them are indwelling, meaning there is a needle in the skin connected to a patch on the arm. There is one CGM that is totally implantable, but it is much bigger than ours and requires a doctor to surgically implant it with an incision."
Dr. Gerard Coté, co-principal investigator and Regents Professor
FDA Approves Eversense 6-Month Implantable Glucose Sensor: What People with Diabetes Need to Know
The exciting first-ever implantable continuous glucose monitor (CGM) known as Eversense, from Maryland-based Senseonics, just got better. After a long wait, on Feb. 11, 2022, the company announced Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of its Eversense E3 version that can stay in the body for a full 6 months — rather than needing to be surgically replaced every 90 days.
FDA Clears the First Implantable Continuous Glucose Monitor That Can Last a Year
Published on September 27, 2024
“The approval of Eversense 365 represents a significant leap in CGM innovation. Extending sensor longevity to a full year, coupled with seamless device connectivity and a high level of accuracy, provides both freedom and peace of mind to patients living with diabetes,” Tim Goodnow, PhD, president and chief executive officer of Senseonics, said in a statement.
In a completely unsurprising turn of events, the monitoring duties will be turned over to AI. Of course AI will do a better job of monitoring you monitoring yourself.
After all, according to Marc Andreeson, AI is going to save the world.
Artificial intelligence powered glucose monitoring and controlling system: Pumping module
Diabetes, a globally escalating health concern, necessitates innovative solutions for efficient detection and management. Blood glucose control is an essential aspect of managing diabetes and finding the most effective ways to control it. The latest findings suggest that a basal insulin administration rate and a single, high-concentration injection before a meal may not be sufficient to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.
Advanced Diabetes Management Using Artificial Intelligence and Continuous Glucose Monitoring Sensors
In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art methodologies using AI and CGM sensors for decision support in advanced T1D management, including techniques for personalized insulin bolus calculation, adaptive tuning of bolus calculator parameters and glucose prediction.
Roche introduces AI-powered diabetes tracker to predict blood sugar highs and lows
Mar 8, 2024 10:40am
The system includes the wearable sensor and two separate smartphone apps—SmartGuide and SmartGuide Predict, for both Android and iOS—which can display new real-time readings every five minutes, illustrate trends and ring customizable alarms. The predictive features also aim to highlight patterns in glucose readings for additional review by users and caregivers.
👆”Predictive features”…keep an eye on that.
AI-Powered Glucose Monitoring System Advances Diabetes Care for Older Adults
Flexible artificial intelligence optoelectronic sensors towards health monitoring
A paper-based sensor based on the operation of the human brain paves the way for standalone energy-efficient AI-based health monitoring devices
Date: March 11, 2024
Artificial intelligence (AI) is known for its high energy consumption, especially in data-intensive tasks like health monitoring. To address this, researchers have developed a flexible paper-based sensor composed of nanocellulose and zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles that operates like the human eyes and brain. The sensor is energy-efficient, responds to optical input in real-time, and is both flexible and easy to dispose of, making it ideal for health monitoring applications.
A Novel Needle-Injectable Millimeter scale Wireless Electrochemical Glucose Sensing Platform for Artificial Pancreas Applications
Modern healthcare systems are under constant pressure to deliver personalized, effective care to billions of patients suffering from chronic non-communicable disease like diabetes. A closed-loop disease management system is an ideal solution for such patients. An example of this is an artificial pancreas for diabetes management.
And hey, if you’re on a semaglutide and think CGMs aren’t for you…THINK AGAIN! Everyone needs one. Non-diabetics, diabetics, Ozempic users…just plug yourself into the cloud already!!
And the CGM market outlook is GREAT 👇
A Brief Summary of My “Hypothesis”
The murderers of the world are playing a very long and sophisticated game. They have intentionally sugar-poisoned the masses, creating the entirely predictable outcome of widespread obesity and diabetes.
The “solution” to this problem is to plug your body in, moving us ever closer to the scorpion-coveted bio-digital convergence. They advertise it through trusted experts, biohackers, and bros with shows…and especially in the “alternative” space - to those who are more likely to have declined the fake covid bioweapon injection.
Under the guise of better, smarter health, people will voluntarily agree to plug machines into their bodies and connect to the cloud. Before they know it, it will be as normal as carrying a phone around 24/7, something rather unimaginable 50 years ago.
The people who wish to control the bodies of the world would like us to put our collars on and attach our leashes to the fence of our own accord. This is so much easier than loading people onto trains and hauling them to camps, although this option remains available in every state 👇
If you made it all the way to the end of this excessively long post, thank you.
Stay on your toes, friends.
"Day 1, State of Emergency for childhood chronic disease", said Wonder Twin Means Male Version.
I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
The State will worm their way into this and that is the "tax-incentives" part of the health accounts.
Don't you want something affixed to your body and the cloud? Can we track your kids? Come on, kids, we need more Wellness Visits. We need you take more shots and more monitoring. Get used to this. We also have these chips with all of your information and stuff. Would you like that?
People who don't //really// understand how technology has been and can be misused, over-relied on to do our own work/thinking, and (mistakenly) trusted are doomed to be enslaved by it.
As someone who has worked in IT at a technical level since the 80s, I don't use social media, don't use any phone "apps" or "assistants", don't hold cell phones next to my head, don't scan QR codes, will never drive or ride in an electric car, and I use cash as much as possible.
I will NEVER put a machine in my own body. I would rather die.