"Day 1, State of Emergency for childhood chronic disease", said Wonder Twin Means Male Version.
I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
The State will worm their way into this and that is the "tax-incentives" part of the health accounts.
Don't you want something affixed to your body and the cloud? Can we track your kids? Come on, kids, we need more Wellness Visits. We need you take more shots and more monitoring. Get used to this. We also have these chips with all of your information and stuff. Would you like that?
Clearly the Men Who Run the World are aware that diets high in sugar and carbohydrates destroy the human body. They know that statins are no solution to the diseases caused by these diets. They know seed oils should not be consumed by humans. They definitely understand that their food pyramid is a colossal lie.
And they know that vaccines are also dramatically reducing life spans.
Many will argue that the food and pharma industries are benefitting from these outcomes. They make billions of dollars off of addicting humans to these health-destroying inputs and even more from treating the inevitable diseases that result from bad diets.
I disagree that this was inevitable and I would argue that this is all part of a plan, a necessary plan.
The Men Who Run the World and their minions have the ability to stop this. All they would have to do is employ some of the same strategies that were used to convince 6 billion to inject a deadly vaccine. They could easily crush demand for sugary drinks and processed foods by pounding them with high taxes.
We have seen how governments are capable of ending the addiction to tobacco. Why not do the same for sugary foods. I would argue that they decided to come down hard on smoking because it was killing people too quickly and damaging productivity on their farm. They did not make tobacco the enemy because they love ya’ll.
Why Don’t They Discourage Bad Dietary Choices and Stop Vaccinating?
Consider the impacts on the economy of not reducing the life spans of humans.
Let’s say 30% of the population of a country lived beyond 90 years. Pension plans would implode as there would not be enough money to cover redemptions. For those on public pensions, we could raise taxes to ensure pensioners get paid, but that would mean less money for schools, roads and other infrastructure. Government services would need to be dramatically scaled back resulting in huge job losses.
All of these elderly people would essentially be ‘useless eaters’ sapping the economic strength of the country to provide them with medical care and free bus passes, while they produce and contribute nothing.
Why did they ramp up the vaccine schedule in the 80’s? I would suggest that they did this because population (which grows exponentially) was about to get out of control so they needed to take action. What would our overall population be if not for the vaccine push and the dramatic increase in the availability of processed foods in recent decades?
You are Expendable
At the end of the day all they care about is having enough circus and barnyard animals to operate the farm. They could care less about you or your health - you are EXPENDABLE.
They most certainly do not want one third of the population living to 90+ Japan and China are prime examples of what happens when a country is top heavy on elderly citizens. Too few young people to support the elderly.
Without these wise decisions by the Men Who Run the World to deploy strategies to cull the herd, the global economy would have collapsed years ago under the dead weight of too many geriatrics.
If you cannot do that then stop complaining and keep eating your Sugar Crisp... keep knocking back your Cola... shoot your Ozempic... and lie on the sofa and watch another rerun of Dancing with Stars
What is idiotic/sad though is how so many people believe ‘our betters’ when they sell us on shots meds foods supplements etc and tell us it’s because they want us all to live longer.
The ‘covid’ plan got rid of many elderly and sick worldwide and that was by design imho, whether thru remdesivir and ventilators here or midazolam in the UK etc.
One device that is still pushed heavy is the (mirena) IUD.
My friend went in for a cancer biopsy recently, and they high pressure (fear of cancer) pushed the IUD device that emits progestin (& not for birth control - but pushing it on women after menopause apparently to prevent certain cancers).
When she was sedated for the biopsy procedure she somehow signed the okay form for the IUD. I said "why would they do that before your biopsy was even back from the lab?" wtf! The reason IMO is she would've said no WAY to coming back to another appointment and wanted nothing to do with it, but they have you "captured" and they are manipulative.
Even if a doctor truly believes she is helping someone prevent cancer... then, explain reasons, risks ... and then let each person do their own research. They have to be getting $$$ kickbacks . Evil bullshit.
People who don't //really// understand how technology has been and can be misused, over-relied on to do our own work/thinking, and (mistakenly) trusted are doomed to be enslaved by it.
As someone who has worked in IT at a technical level since the 80s, I don't use social media, don't use any phone "apps" or "assistants", don't hold cell phones next to my head, don't scan QR codes, will never drive or ride in an electric car, and I use cash as much as possible.
I will NEVER put a machine in my own body. I would rather die.
Sometimes I think the Amish and their ilk are the only large groups who REALLY understand the threat of technology.
They understand it so well and at such a deep spiritual visceral level that they take SERIOUSLY the need to critically review at each stage of civilization "advance"
" how much technology can we embrace without existentially risking our values and our freedom."
Basically they want to be left alone and are loath to make compromises that weakens it. On the other hand most of us including the Amish can't completely do without roads and cars & electricity even if our personal day to day use of those things are minimal.
They ponder fight and split on this issue since forever because no matter what path they take they take the issue SERIOUSLY. None of that "you gotta go with the times BS". They may differ on the edges village to village but they all are aware of and take seriously the idea of "what is the latest tech "revolution" going to do to us". The fact that it is a central consideration for the elders in particular puts them ahead of us. Suspect many of us were just blundering along till one day we were harshly awakened to what tech was streaming into our kid's brains.
Surely no one thinks streaming porn available to our kids at any age and time they can get their hands on a smart phone or laptop is a good thing. But that is EXACTLY what "social media" means (and lots of other things). Many people were taken by surprise by what their kids were seeing and what they were hearing and even being taught in the schools because we hadn't thought that much about it. Not the Amish because they have ALWAYS distrusted tech since back in what we no consider the olden stone age days.
They have been hundreds of years ahead of the curve on this as many of us are just lately waking up to realize "those SOBs want to be in my brain my bedroom my kid's brain and every aspect of my earthly existence, they even want to play referee on my spiritual existence (as in "trust us, cutting the genitals off adolescent minors is "gender affirming" and if you don't think so you're going to hell")
The Amish and their ilk may seem extreme but I'd say they aren't completely wrong. Not that I could ever emulate them myself. And to riff an old motto (I think it was Barry Goldwater)
Extremism in the defense of liberty is not necessarily a bad thing
Would be interesting how many Amish type kids have extreme gender/body dysmorphia. Wonder how many of them suffer from anorexia and morbid obesity? Or autism? Suspect the numbers are far lower than exists in our tech polluted world. For starters when their brains are being formed it is prayers and lights out then up at dawn and lots of hard outside work rather than logging in to talk to some pervert while their parents are trying to sleep.
You're right! I know Steve Kirsch and some others have commented on the general lack of autism, obesity, gender dysphoria, and chronic illnesses in Amish communities.
They also have a much deeper understanding of our relationship with nature, farming, and food.
Of course keep in mind Amish are a branch of conservative Christians who indirectly support the "Abrahamic Matrix" and the Chosenites, and like most Christians, are on the literal chopping block for believing Jesus is God (according to the Seven Noahide Laws, that's idolatry, y'all!). And young males are often kicked out of the community so the young females can become brides for some of the older men. (Ew!) Finally, there is no going back from a choice to explore the outside world. If you do, you'll be "shunned" which is their version of cancel-culture.
But if you have your physical, mental and spiritual health, even if not perfect but only nominally intact, you still have choices and you still have hope. You can still course-correct. Just to have ANY spiritual grounding and to believe in SOMETHING other than hedonism and acquisitiveness is going to put you ahead of the mainstream social media debased masses
It feels like so many are being so grossly spiritually, physically and mental health damaged so young that it leaves little space to course correct. You can't course correct a adolescent gender removal procedure. You can't easily course correct liver and kidney damage that has occurred by thirty-ish from gross morbid obesity. Sure, you can come back from youthful anorexia or morbid obesity but there is likely collateral organ damage. And if you sink into addiction and don't have a terminal Fentanyl "oops" it is still a long road and a miracle if a course correction sticks. Meanwhile half your life or perhaps your whole life is spent fighting the consequences of poor mental and physical health as a youth when it should have been a freebie bonus as the blessing of being young.
But I agree. I could not be Amish or even close. But they aren't wrong about the technology distrust.
"Basically they want to be left alone and are loath to make compromises that weakens it. On the other hand most of us including the Amish can't completely do without roads and cars & electricity even if our personal day to day use of those things are minimal.
They ponder fight and split on this issue since forever because no matter what path they take they take the issue SERIOUSLY. None of that "you gotta go with the times BS"."
My mom said she had "the sugar" which I think was a common colloquialism for diabetes back in the day
I also recall it being called diabetes mellitus and you did not have to be a particular nerd to have heard that phrase. Turns out mellitus means "sweetened with honey" and diabetes means "to pass through" which would refer to all the peeing you do to try and dispose of the excess sugar. They probably tried to suppress the term Mellitus also because of the sweetness reference (just speculating). The pee literally becomes sweet and apparently in the olden days (circa Greeks perhaps) taste was a physician diagnostic test. Ants and bugs being attracted to your marking territory was also a hint. Apparently it also attracts ants and other bugs which would be MY preferred diagnostic method. I'd suck as a doctor back in the day (and now) because I just don't have "the right stuff":) One thing never changes. Takes a strong stomach to be a good physician then and now. I'm not tasting ANYONE'S pee just to say "why don't you eat a leafy greens salad once in a while and avoid simple carbs?".:) A weak stomach probably saved many for what the medical mafia has done to medical practitioners. Perhaps a blessing in disguise
I remember too! I did not know that big sugar got it changed--wow. I also remember adult onset diabetes which is now type II because so many kids have it. Way back when--kids only had type I--they couldn't make insulin.
Great article--I would like to point out that a huge piece of the everybody being fat puzzle is hormones--our hormones have been and are always being hijacked by so many chemicals that we come in contact with daily--some we can control like body products and some we can't. A big one for women is birth control pills--I'm 55 and when I was much younger, I was on the pill for two different time periods of at least 5 years. Both times my weight shot up and never came down. I also have thyroid issues like many people too. I put very little product of any type on myself--wash my hair with baking soda and vinegar which does so much better for me than shampoo and conditioner and I almost never wear makeup but I can't control a lot of the stuff out there. I use natural estrogen and progesterone but still have significant weight issues. I feel like birth control pills were/are a big evil experiment done on unsuspecting women--it was about keeping the plebes from producing more plebes and also creating lucrative medical issues like you're writing about.
It sounds like you are very alert and respectful of your body’s needs.
I wanted to offer up my experiment to anyone who wants to read it. I have Hashinoto’s as well, from 2021. About 6 months ago I began hyper-dosing Vitamins D (according to the Coimbra protocol, 100,000 IU daily, for two months at a time, then a one-month break) K (2,000 IU daily) and C (10g daily) as well higher doses of selenium (200 mcg taken twice) and iodine (75-100 mg/day) and other things recommended by Dr Brown. My Dr was very nervous about such high doses of D, but I’m her only Hashi’s patient who is back at my normal weight, and she admits that.
Last Sept I got off all thyroid meds for a month to see what would happen and test TSH levels. I didn’t feel worse off them, surprisingly, but I never felt great anyway. However, my lab numbers showed my thyroid is still in real trouble. So I’m back on Levo and Lyro 🫤
After roughly 6 months of this, the weight finally came off. So I still hyperdose D on and off regularly.
Yes, hormones are amazing. Those mysterious little bastards can make you or break you. I think my thyroid medicine might be reflecting that at the present moment. I finally learned how to take it. Also completely cut out drinking. And I drank a lot. Especially that last few years 😂
I used to take armour thyroid but eventually took myself off of it because it didn't really seem to help--like my body couldn't figure out what to do with it.
The meds didn’t seem to make much a difference until I stopped drinking. Then it seemed to almost immediately make a difference. I also started the polyphenols at that time.
After a couple of weeks (2 weeks ago) I started intermittent fasting. I think I may have gained weight back on the diet tho. Have used it as an excuse to eat very bad. Blue bell ice cream and cake (truckloads).
Anyhow finally weighed myself today. Am 215 at 6ft. Am pretty solid tho and am in good shape at 200. Am continue my intermittent fasting and now eat clean 4 days a week. The other 3 days am going to eat whatever I want as long as it’s in my window. 👍
Fantastic article Sarah. Sickening about the mother's milk being demonized.
One thing I would add is that electromagnetic radiation from radio, Wi-Fi, and our phones disrupts the basis of our metabolism, the electron transport chain.
What happens to our digestion when we live indoors, in a cloud of electrosmog coated in blue light? Nothing good.
Why the Sun is the ultimate injection for mental, physical, and spiritual health.
Even after sugar consumption did not rise at all between 1922-1984, rates of diabetes skyrocketed tenfold. (The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg)
What happened b/w 22 and 84? Massive deployments of non-native electromagnetic radiation, on a scale humanity never saw before, with radio, radar, satellites, FM & AM radio, TV, and the first cell phones.
Would love your thoughts on the impacts of EMF on metabolism, if you think it's more plausible than sugar?
I think EMF/EMR is an enormous component of the grande plan…and works “synergistically” with the Great Poisoning. The Great Poisoning coming from so many sources. The Invisible Rainbow should be read by all.
The Invisible Rainbow just arrived in my mailbox a few days ago. A couple of pages are devoted to Olle Johansson, Swedish neurobiologist who was cancelled and had his history erased by his employer, Karolinska Institut in Stockholm, after he co-authored a paper documenting the rise of many diseases in Sweden coincidental with the rollout of cell phones (the old brick variety) in the 1990’s.
Thank you Sarah for your input - and again for all the research. I know how long it takes. What I find funny is that so many fitness gurus advise wearing fitbits to track their health, when in fact they're destroying their health by tracking it.
Then again - fitness is usually about being and looking cool, vs health which is about feeling healthy, and not caring how you look to others.
I advise ALL of my clients to take that shit off. Do NOT wear it.
Unplug their router, use blackout curtains, and at the very least keep their cell phone out of their bedroom. I encourage them to get an EMF reader (especially to show their kids) and take a look at the readings.
When my clients get cancer, which is unfortunately not uncommon anymore, I gently observe (point out) the wearables they are donning in the vicinity of their cancer. And sooooo many of them drive EVs. I would say that almost half of my clients have one. That might be a slight exaggeration, but I'm actually not sure. It's close.
It's crazy to me how unwilling people are to just sleep with their phone away from their head. Or take their watch or fitbit off. Of course when you get into Whoops and Rings...those are meant to be worn during sleep...unbelievable.
Anyway, I'm with you, Roman. People are putting the collars on and tethering their leashes...voluntarily. It's incredible to watch.
We used to talk, back in the day of caves and bearskins, of 'the phone': but now we've been trained to say 'MY phone'. And so it has to be near always, and on.
My sibs and I would sprinkle sugar on a slice of buttered white bread. Cinnamon sugar on buttered toast was the best! We used to eat so much sugar. It's a wonder I'm not obese or diabetic.
Good grief. Can I please ditch this existence and go home now!? Wherever that might be. 🤪 For vitamins, I take Nutri Dyn. Seem to be “ real” and efficacious. Thank you for another thorough exposé Miss Sarah! 🙏💖
Thank you for putting all this together. These are very important threads to weave together.
This is incredibly personal to me because I've actually been working on my own weight loss (drug-free) and documenting the process. I've lost a great deal of mobility during the Covid years, and thankfully I'm beginning to gain some back. I've had to take a serious look at the things driving my own troubles, and have written some of it up on my personal blog where I give my health updates.
I just really want others to consider that it is possible to lose weight without these drugs and tracking apps. I've already lost 70lbs this year, and still have a long way to go. I'm fortunate that I have the assistance of a personal trainer, but if your mobility isn't as far gone as mine, it may not even be necessary. My hope is that people really begin to deeply understand what you've laid out here, it could go a long way to helping others stuck in very dire circumstances.
And now our phantom President wants to have Medicare pay for it. That’s one way to get rid of the senior citizens. Glad I lost weight the good old-fashioned way - the big C.
I’m a type 1 diabetic, using the CGMs for about 5 years and they are convenient but: 1) they aren’t consistent either within the CGM or across CGMs 2) they can be wildly inaccurate 3) I have always been uncomfortable with the idea of wearing them. I’m quite convinced they have more than a local effect but reports of side effects are impossible to find.
I was uncomfortable when they were just RF but a couple of years ago they went Bluetooth which I resisted as long as old stock remained. I often have several weeks without using but if going on courses or holidays etc it’s much less stress to have a CGM. It’s quite ridiculous really because I managed perfectly well for 41 years and then am stuck on these things!
Isn’t it interesting that the very men Thiel, Andreesen, and by extension JD Vance (aw shucks I’m just an hillbilly) investing in our longterm ‘health’ are also invested in ‘lavender’ a program in which AI determines who in Gaza might be an enemy combatant and targets them for immediate assassination by drone of course.
I remember after the birth of my older a daughter, a very traumatic emergency C section where I was knocked out until the next morning, I very much wanted to breastfeed my daughter. Boy was that an uphill battle as the hospital nurses kept on whisking her away for formula feeding. In Thailand they absolutely did not understand my desire to breastfeed as it was widely thought that doing so A: permanently ruined your boobs and body and B: Was only done by poor people who couldn't afford formula. I developed an infection, probably from my milk not being drained and the first few weeks were a very difficult battle straight uphill. But I kept with it for two years afterwards and don't think my baby could have travelled so extensively had she not been exclusively breastfed. My immune system was protecting hers.
Most of this has been a shell game to circumvent age old wisdom with something better. Better for whom?
It annoys me to no end how difficult it is to find plain (unsweetened) full fat yogurt. Giving up sweets at 9 years old over some toothaches was probably one of my better decisions in life. Since then anything with substantial added sugar tastes sickeningly sweet and gives me a headache.
As a totally unrelated coincidence I do not have any substantial struggles with my weight-- and this despite my lack of drugs or injections! In Thailand I often am too thin and think I could use to gain a few pounds...
"Day 1, State of Emergency for childhood chronic disease", said Wonder Twin Means Male Version.
I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
The State will worm their way into this and that is the "tax-incentives" part of the health accounts.
Don't you want something affixed to your body and the cloud? Can we track your kids? Come on, kids, we need more Wellness Visits. We need you take more shots and more monitoring. Get used to this. We also have these chips with all of your information and stuff. Would you like that?
Why are they Poisoning the Herd?
Clearly the Men Who Run the World are aware that diets high in sugar and carbohydrates destroy the human body. They know that statins are no solution to the diseases caused by these diets. They know seed oils should not be consumed by humans. They definitely understand that their food pyramid is a colossal lie.
And they know that vaccines are also dramatically reducing life spans.
Many will argue that the food and pharma industries are benefitting from these outcomes. They make billions of dollars off of addicting humans to these health-destroying inputs and even more from treating the inevitable diseases that result from bad diets.
I disagree that this was inevitable and I would argue that this is all part of a plan, a necessary plan.
The Men Who Run the World and their minions have the ability to stop this. All they would have to do is employ some of the same strategies that were used to convince 6 billion to inject a deadly vaccine. They could easily crush demand for sugary drinks and processed foods by pounding them with high taxes.
We have seen how governments are capable of ending the addiction to tobacco. Why not do the same for sugary foods. I would argue that they decided to come down hard on smoking because it was killing people too quickly and damaging productivity on their farm. They did not make tobacco the enemy because they love ya’ll.
Why Don’t They Discourage Bad Dietary Choices and Stop Vaccinating?
Consider the impacts on the economy of not reducing the life spans of humans.
Let’s say 30% of the population of a country lived beyond 90 years. Pension plans would implode as there would not be enough money to cover redemptions. For those on public pensions, we could raise taxes to ensure pensioners get paid, but that would mean less money for schools, roads and other infrastructure. Government services would need to be dramatically scaled back resulting in huge job losses.
All of these elderly people would essentially be ‘useless eaters’ sapping the economic strength of the country to provide them with medical care and free bus passes, while they produce and contribute nothing.
Why did they ramp up the vaccine schedule in the 80’s? I would suggest that they did this because population (which grows exponentially) was about to get out of control so they needed to take action. What would our overall population be if not for the vaccine push and the dramatic increase in the availability of processed foods in recent decades?
You are Expendable
At the end of the day all they care about is having enough circus and barnyard animals to operate the farm. They could care less about you or your health - you are EXPENDABLE.
They most certainly do not want one third of the population living to 90+ Japan and China are prime examples of what happens when a country is top heavy on elderly citizens. Too few young people to support the elderly.
Without these wise decisions by the Men Who Run the World to deploy strategies to cull the herd, the global economy would have collapsed years ago under the dead weight of too many geriatrics.
Instead of getting angry ... and ranting... about something that is necessary ... yes it is NECESSARY... that's why they are doing it...
Take control of what you can control and do this https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/a-near-fool-proof-cure-for-cancer
If you cannot do that then stop complaining and keep eating your Sugar Crisp... keep knocking back your Cola... shoot your Ozempic... and lie on the sofa and watch another rerun of Dancing with Stars
I don’t disagree with anything you say.
What is idiotic/sad though is how so many people believe ‘our betters’ when they sell us on shots meds foods supplements etc and tell us it’s because they want us all to live longer.
The ‘covid’ plan got rid of many elderly and sick worldwide and that was by design imho, whether thru remdesivir and ventilators here or midazolam in the UK etc.
A "necessary" plan?
I don’t think they wanted to end addiction to smoking. That was a litmus test. They got people to wear nicotine patches and normalized that.
One device that is still pushed heavy is the (mirena) IUD.
My friend went in for a cancer biopsy recently, and they high pressure (fear of cancer) pushed the IUD device that emits progestin (& not for birth control - but pushing it on women after menopause apparently to prevent certain cancers).
When she was sedated for the biopsy procedure she somehow signed the okay form for the IUD. I said "why would they do that before your biopsy was even back from the lab?" wtf! The reason IMO is she would've said no WAY to coming back to another appointment and wanted nothing to do with it, but they have you "captured" and they are manipulative.
Even if a doctor truly believes she is helping someone prevent cancer... then, explain reasons, risks ... and then let each person do their own research. They have to be getting $$$ kickbacks . Evil bullshit.
People who don't //really// understand how technology has been and can be misused, over-relied on to do our own work/thinking, and (mistakenly) trusted are doomed to be enslaved by it.
As someone who has worked in IT at a technical level since the 80s, I don't use social media, don't use any phone "apps" or "assistants", don't hold cell phones next to my head, don't scan QR codes, will never drive or ride in an electric car, and I use cash as much as possible.
I will NEVER put a machine in my own body. I would rather die.
Sometimes I think the Amish and their ilk are the only large groups who REALLY understand the threat of technology.
They understand it so well and at such a deep spiritual visceral level that they take SERIOUSLY the need to critically review at each stage of civilization "advance"
" how much technology can we embrace without existentially risking our values and our freedom."
Basically they want to be left alone and are loath to make compromises that weakens it. On the other hand most of us including the Amish can't completely do without roads and cars & electricity even if our personal day to day use of those things are minimal.
They ponder fight and split on this issue since forever because no matter what path they take they take the issue SERIOUSLY. None of that "you gotta go with the times BS". They may differ on the edges village to village but they all are aware of and take seriously the idea of "what is the latest tech "revolution" going to do to us". The fact that it is a central consideration for the elders in particular puts them ahead of us. Suspect many of us were just blundering along till one day we were harshly awakened to what tech was streaming into our kid's brains.
Surely no one thinks streaming porn available to our kids at any age and time they can get their hands on a smart phone or laptop is a good thing. But that is EXACTLY what "social media" means (and lots of other things). Many people were taken by surprise by what their kids were seeing and what they were hearing and even being taught in the schools because we hadn't thought that much about it. Not the Amish because they have ALWAYS distrusted tech since back in what we no consider the olden stone age days.
They have been hundreds of years ahead of the curve on this as many of us are just lately waking up to realize "those SOBs want to be in my brain my bedroom my kid's brain and every aspect of my earthly existence, they even want to play referee on my spiritual existence (as in "trust us, cutting the genitals off adolescent minors is "gender affirming" and if you don't think so you're going to hell")
The Amish and their ilk may seem extreme but I'd say they aren't completely wrong. Not that I could ever emulate them myself. And to riff an old motto (I think it was Barry Goldwater)
Extremism in the defense of liberty is not necessarily a bad thing
Would be interesting how many Amish type kids have extreme gender/body dysmorphia. Wonder how many of them suffer from anorexia and morbid obesity? Or autism? Suspect the numbers are far lower than exists in our tech polluted world. For starters when their brains are being formed it is prayers and lights out then up at dawn and lots of hard outside work rather than logging in to talk to some pervert while their parents are trying to sleep.
You're right! I know Steve Kirsch and some others have commented on the general lack of autism, obesity, gender dysphoria, and chronic illnesses in Amish communities.
They also have a much deeper understanding of our relationship with nature, farming, and food.
Of course keep in mind Amish are a branch of conservative Christians who indirectly support the "Abrahamic Matrix" and the Chosenites, and like most Christians, are on the literal chopping block for believing Jesus is God (according to the Seven Noahide Laws, that's idolatry, y'all!). And young males are often kicked out of the community so the young females can become brides for some of the older men. (Ew!) Finally, there is no going back from a choice to explore the outside world. If you do, you'll be "shunned" which is their version of cancel-culture.
So better in some ways, worse in others. =)
True. Nothing is perfect.
But if you have your physical, mental and spiritual health, even if not perfect but only nominally intact, you still have choices and you still have hope. You can still course-correct. Just to have ANY spiritual grounding and to believe in SOMETHING other than hedonism and acquisitiveness is going to put you ahead of the mainstream social media debased masses
It feels like so many are being so grossly spiritually, physically and mental health damaged so young that it leaves little space to course correct. You can't course correct a adolescent gender removal procedure. You can't easily course correct liver and kidney damage that has occurred by thirty-ish from gross morbid obesity. Sure, you can come back from youthful anorexia or morbid obesity but there is likely collateral organ damage. And if you sink into addiction and don't have a terminal Fentanyl "oops" it is still a long road and a miracle if a course correction sticks. Meanwhile half your life or perhaps your whole life is spent fighting the consequences of poor mental and physical health as a youth when it should have been a freebie bonus as the blessing of being young.
But I agree. I could not be Amish or even close. But they aren't wrong about the technology distrust.
"Basically they want to be left alone and are loath to make compromises that weakens it. On the other hand most of us including the Amish can't completely do without roads and cars & electricity even if our personal day to day use of those things are minimal.
They ponder fight and split on this issue since forever because no matter what path they take they take the issue SERIOUSLY. None of that "you gotta go with the times BS"."
Well said.
I'm with you.
Great article!
I'm old enough to remember when my grandma had something her doctor called *sugar diabetes*.
Did you know that sugar companies paid to have the name changed and remove the word sugar? 🤯
My mom said she had "the sugar" which I think was a common colloquialism for diabetes back in the day
I also recall it being called diabetes mellitus and you did not have to be a particular nerd to have heard that phrase. Turns out mellitus means "sweetened with honey" and diabetes means "to pass through" which would refer to all the peeing you do to try and dispose of the excess sugar. They probably tried to suppress the term Mellitus also because of the sweetness reference (just speculating). The pee literally becomes sweet and apparently in the olden days (circa Greeks perhaps) taste was a physician diagnostic test. Ants and bugs being attracted to your marking territory was also a hint. Apparently it also attracts ants and other bugs which would be MY preferred diagnostic method. I'd suck as a doctor back in the day (and now) because I just don't have "the right stuff":) One thing never changes. Takes a strong stomach to be a good physician then and now. I'm not tasting ANYONE'S pee just to say "why don't you eat a leafy greens salad once in a while and avoid simple carbs?".:) A weak stomach probably saved many for what the medical mafia has done to medical practitioners. Perhaps a blessing in disguise
I remember too! I did not know that big sugar got it changed--wow. I also remember adult onset diabetes which is now type II because so many kids have it. Way back when--kids only had type I--they couldn't make insulin.
Great article--I would like to point out that a huge piece of the everybody being fat puzzle is hormones--our hormones have been and are always being hijacked by so many chemicals that we come in contact with daily--some we can control like body products and some we can't. A big one for women is birth control pills--I'm 55 and when I was much younger, I was on the pill for two different time periods of at least 5 years. Both times my weight shot up and never came down. I also have thyroid issues like many people too. I put very little product of any type on myself--wash my hair with baking soda and vinegar which does so much better for me than shampoo and conditioner and I almost never wear makeup but I can't control a lot of the stuff out there. I use natural estrogen and progesterone but still have significant weight issues. I feel like birth control pills were/are a big evil experiment done on unsuspecting women--it was about keeping the plebes from producing more plebes and also creating lucrative medical issues like you're writing about.
Many thyroid issues are rooted in severely lacking iodine in the diet.
It sounds like you are very alert and respectful of your body’s needs.
I wanted to offer up my experiment to anyone who wants to read it. I have Hashinoto’s as well, from 2021. About 6 months ago I began hyper-dosing Vitamins D (according to the Coimbra protocol, 100,000 IU daily, for two months at a time, then a one-month break) K (2,000 IU daily) and C (10g daily) as well higher doses of selenium (200 mcg taken twice) and iodine (75-100 mg/day) and other things recommended by Dr Brown. My Dr was very nervous about such high doses of D, but I’m her only Hashi’s patient who is back at my normal weight, and she admits that.
Last Sept I got off all thyroid meds for a month to see what would happen and test TSH levels. I didn’t feel worse off them, surprisingly, but I never felt great anyway. However, my lab numbers showed my thyroid is still in real trouble. So I’m back on Levo and Lyro 🫤
After roughly 6 months of this, the weight finally came off. So I still hyperdose D on and off regularly.
Iodine? Check out Lynne Farrows book ‘the Iodine Crisis’.
Yes, hormones are amazing. Those mysterious little bastards can make you or break you. I think my thyroid medicine might be reflecting that at the present moment. I finally learned how to take it. Also completely cut out drinking. And I drank a lot. Especially that last few years 😂
I used to take armour thyroid but eventually took myself off of it because it didn't really seem to help--like my body couldn't figure out what to do with it.
The meds didn’t seem to make much a difference until I stopped drinking. Then it seemed to almost immediately make a difference. I also started the polyphenols at that time.
After a couple of weeks (2 weeks ago) I started intermittent fasting. I think I may have gained weight back on the diet tho. Have used it as an excuse to eat very bad. Blue bell ice cream and cake (truckloads).
Anyhow finally weighed myself today. Am 215 at 6ft. Am pretty solid tho and am in good shape at 200. Am continue my intermittent fasting and now eat clean 4 days a week. The other 3 days am going to eat whatever I want as long as it’s in my window. 👍
Read this. It’s a bit of a DIY. Might be useful for you.
‘The Iodine Crisis’ by Lynne Farrow
What you don’t know about iodine can wreck your life.
Fantastic article Sarah. Sickening about the mother's milk being demonized.
One thing I would add is that electromagnetic radiation from radio, Wi-Fi, and our phones disrupts the basis of our metabolism, the electron transport chain.
It turns out the engines of our cells, our mitochondria, depend more on light, than they do on food. https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/thelightdiet
What happens to our digestion when we live indoors, in a cloud of electrosmog coated in blue light? Nothing good.
Why the Sun is the ultimate injection for mental, physical, and spiritual health.
Even after sugar consumption did not rise at all between 1922-1984, rates of diabetes skyrocketed tenfold. (The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg)
What happened b/w 22 and 84? Massive deployments of non-native electromagnetic radiation, on a scale humanity never saw before, with radio, radar, satellites, FM & AM radio, TV, and the first cell phones.
Would love your thoughts on the impacts of EMF on metabolism, if you think it's more plausible than sugar?
I think EMF/EMR is an enormous component of the grande plan…and works “synergistically” with the Great Poisoning. The Great Poisoning coming from so many sources. The Invisible Rainbow should be read by all.
The Invisible Rainbow just arrived in my mailbox a few days ago. A couple of pages are devoted to Olle Johansson, Swedish neurobiologist who was cancelled and had his history erased by his employer, Karolinska Institut in Stockholm, after he co-authored a paper documenting the rise of many diseases in Sweden coincidental with the rollout of cell phones (the old brick variety) in the 1990’s.
Thank you Sarah for your input - and again for all the research. I know how long it takes. What I find funny is that so many fitness gurus advise wearing fitbits to track their health, when in fact they're destroying their health by tracking it.
Then again - fitness is usually about being and looking cool, vs health which is about feeling healthy, and not caring how you look to others.
I advise ALL of my clients to take that shit off. Do NOT wear it.
Unplug their router, use blackout curtains, and at the very least keep their cell phone out of their bedroom. I encourage them to get an EMF reader (especially to show their kids) and take a look at the readings.
When my clients get cancer, which is unfortunately not uncommon anymore, I gently observe (point out) the wearables they are donning in the vicinity of their cancer. And sooooo many of them drive EVs. I would say that almost half of my clients have one. That might be a slight exaggeration, but I'm actually not sure. It's close.
It's crazy to me how unwilling people are to just sleep with their phone away from their head. Or take their watch or fitbit off. Of course when you get into Whoops and Rings...those are meant to be worn during sleep...unbelievable.
Anyway, I'm with you, Roman. People are putting the collars on and tethering their leashes...voluntarily. It's incredible to watch.
We used to talk, back in the day of caves and bearskins, of 'the phone': but now we've been trained to say 'MY phone'. And so it has to be near always, and on.
Excellent observation
I remember putting sugar on my Captain Crunch as a kid and they said it was healthy.
lols! Me too. I dumped MORE sugar onto my Frosted Flakes.
Double Plus Greaaat! 😁
My sibs and I would sprinkle sugar on a slice of buttered white bread. Cinnamon sugar on buttered toast was the best! We used to eat so much sugar. It's a wonder I'm not obese or diabetic.
Cinnamon toast! It was my fave…
And two or three bowls made us more healthy :)
😹 I probably would have if allowed to!
Good grief. Can I please ditch this existence and go home now!? Wherever that might be. 🤪 For vitamins, I take Nutri Dyn. Seem to be “ real” and efficacious. Thank you for another thorough exposé Miss Sarah! 🙏💖
eat the sugar, inject the mRNA, smoke the cigarettes, drink the flouride, breathe the chemtrails.
Thank you for putting all this together. These are very important threads to weave together.
This is incredibly personal to me because I've actually been working on my own weight loss (drug-free) and documenting the process. I've lost a great deal of mobility during the Covid years, and thankfully I'm beginning to gain some back. I've had to take a serious look at the things driving my own troubles, and have written some of it up on my personal blog where I give my health updates.
I just really want others to consider that it is possible to lose weight without these drugs and tracking apps. I've already lost 70lbs this year, and still have a long way to go. I'm fortunate that I have the assistance of a personal trainer, but if your mobility isn't as far gone as mine, it may not even be necessary. My hope is that people really begin to deeply understand what you've laid out here, it could go a long way to helping others stuck in very dire circumstances.
Good for you! Glad to hear your success…it seems less and less common that people just buckle down and do it the “old fashioned” way. Good on you 👏👏
And now our phantom President wants to have Medicare pay for it. That’s one way to get rid of the senior citizens. Glad I lost weight the good old-fashioned way - the big C.
Hard to “like” that comment, Mary Kay…
The Bidenzempic announcement was timely 😂
I’m a type 1 diabetic, using the CGMs for about 5 years and they are convenient but: 1) they aren’t consistent either within the CGM or across CGMs 2) they can be wildly inaccurate 3) I have always been uncomfortable with the idea of wearing them. I’m quite convinced they have more than a local effect but reports of side effects are impossible to find.
I was uncomfortable when they were just RF but a couple of years ago they went Bluetooth which I resisted as long as old stock remained. I often have several weeks without using but if going on courses or holidays etc it’s much less stress to have a CGM. It’s quite ridiculous really because I managed perfectly well for 41 years and then am stuck on these things!
🙏 many thanks
This coming presidency is making a whole lot more sense now, thanks Sarah!
👆 🎯
Well we gotta have the CGM's because of drug-induced diabetes mellitus (DIDM). Here are some drugs that can cause diabetes:
- Statins
- Steroids
- Diuretics (water tablets)
Big pharma wins, big tech wins and consumers lose. But 2 out of 3 ain't bad, right?
Isn’t it interesting that the very men Thiel, Andreesen, and by extension JD Vance (aw shucks I’m just an hillbilly) investing in our longterm ‘health’ are also invested in ‘lavender’ a program in which AI determines who in Gaza might be an enemy combatant and targets them for immediate assassination by drone of course.
The above is just one of a myriad of articles detailing the killing machine with the benign name.
These people really care about our health?
One of my big concerns with MAHA is what if one day we are iced out of social security unless we comply with govt mandated ‘interventions.’
I remember after the birth of my older a daughter, a very traumatic emergency C section where I was knocked out until the next morning, I very much wanted to breastfeed my daughter. Boy was that an uphill battle as the hospital nurses kept on whisking her away for formula feeding. In Thailand they absolutely did not understand my desire to breastfeed as it was widely thought that doing so A: permanently ruined your boobs and body and B: Was only done by poor people who couldn't afford formula. I developed an infection, probably from my milk not being drained and the first few weeks were a very difficult battle straight uphill. But I kept with it for two years afterwards and don't think my baby could have travelled so extensively had she not been exclusively breastfed. My immune system was protecting hers.
Most of this has been a shell game to circumvent age old wisdom with something better. Better for whom?
It annoys me to no end how difficult it is to find plain (unsweetened) full fat yogurt. Giving up sweets at 9 years old over some toothaches was probably one of my better decisions in life. Since then anything with substantial added sugar tastes sickeningly sweet and gives me a headache.
As a totally unrelated coincidence I do not have any substantial struggles with my weight-- and this despite my lack of drugs or injections! In Thailand I often am too thin and think I could use to gain a few pounds...