50 of 50 States Already Have Rules in Place for Not Quarantine Camps.
They're not quarantine camps if we call them temporary housing facilities, right?
*Edited * Update: It’s all 50 states
Hey…did you guys hear about that very concerning ruling that took place in New York last week? I heard about it from the Epoch Times.
New Ruling Allows for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor’s Whim | Facts Matter
Because of a new court ruling that just came down last week, the state of New York has just gotten one step closer to attaining the ultimate pandemic power—being able to designate certain classes of individuals as a health threat, forcibly relocating those individuals to specially designated “housing facilities” and keeping them there for as long as the government wants. They’d also have the power to control what that person does or does not do.
However, if these new government powers sound like the very definition of a “quarantine camp,” according to the AP fact-checkers, you would be wrong.
The linked article above focuses heavily on the fact checkers, who have of course been busy at work with plenty of the journalistic integrity that we have come to know and love.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is not trying to create ‘quarantine camps’
The rule said that people can be isolated or quarantined in interim housing, rather than just their own homes, but doesn’t mention camps. It was deemed unconstitutional by a judge, who said the state overreached, but also did not mention camps.
“Given the language, it is clear that the Commissioner of Health or a local health department could quarantine individuals against their will at a location of the Commissioner or Health Department’s choosing - a gross abuse of due process and New Yorkers’ civil rights,” Borrello said.
But nothing in the rule mentions “camps” nor suggests the state has plans to erect them, Lawrence Gostin, a professor of global health law at Georgetown University, confirmed.
I guess they aren’t quarantine camps if we call them “interim housing”.
Thinking out loud….I wonder if concentration camps were better when they were called transit camps?
Anywho…here are some highlights from the NY ruling for your review:
10 CRR-NY 2.13NY-CRR
2.13 Isolation and quarantine procedures.
(a) Duty to issue isolation and quarantine orders.
(1) Whenever appropriate to control the spread of a highly contagious communicable disease, the State Commissioner of Health may issue and/or may direct the local health authority to issue isolation and/or quarantine orders, consistent with due process of law, to all such persons as the State Commissioner of Health shall determine appropriate.
(3) For the purposes of isolation orders, isolation locations may include home isolation or such other residential or temporary housing location that the public health authority issuing the order determines appropriate, where symptoms or conditions indicate that medical care in a general hospital is not expected to be required, and consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue. Where symptoms or conditions indicate that medical care in a general hospital is expected to be required, the isolation location shall be a general hospital.
(4) , For the purposes of quarantine orders quarantine locations may include home quarantine, other residential or temporary housing quarantine, or quarantine at such other locations as the public health authority issuing the order deems appropriate, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue.
(3) the extent such items and services are not available to such person, provide or arrange for the provision of appropriate supports, supplies and services, including, but not limited to: food, laundry, medical care, and medications.
Sounds concerning, right?
Want to know what is more concerning about this article (aside from the Epoch Times focusing largely on the the “Fact Checkers’” well known knack for twisting words and obfuscating truth)?
That the Epoch Times didn’t move past this NY stuff and dig just a leeeeeettle deeper. I’m not a journalist, so I don’t know for sure how hard researching is. And I definitely don’t have an assistant, or a budget, or a fucking team of helper-researchers…yet within the afternoon, I was able to dig up some much more concerning and noteworthy news, that I daresay people might be more interested in.
I’ll now point again to the extensive work of Katherine Watt, and the very clear map she has laid out; elucidating the legal framework that has been carefully calculated, and systematically put into place, over many decades. She covers the information relevant to this topic HERE.
I’m going to break it down for you now.
Let’s start with the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act. It was drafted in the wake of…wait for it… 9/11.
Purposes. The purposes of this Act are—
(a) To authorize the collection of data and records, the control of property, the management of persons, and access to communications.
(b) To facilitate the early detection of a health emergency, and allow for immediate investigation of such an emergency by granting access to individuals’ health information under specified circumstances.
(c) To grant State officials the authority to use and appropriate property as necessary for the care, treatment, and housing of patients, and for the destruction of contaminated materials.
(d) To grant State officials the authority to provide care and treatment to persons who are ill or who have been exposed to infection, and to separate affected individuals from the population at large for the purpose of interrupting the transmission of infectious disease.
(e) To ensure that the needs of infected or exposed persons will be addressed to the fullest extent possible, given the primary goal of controlling serious health threats.
(f) To provide State officials with the ability to prevent, detect, manage, and contain emergency health threats without unduly interfering with civil rights and liberties.
(g) To require the development of a comprehensive plan to provide for a coordinated, appropriate response in the event of a public health emergency.
Here’s the Spookepedia description:
The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) is a public health act originally drafted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to aid the United States' state legislatures in revising their public health laws to control epidemics and respond to bioterrorism. The CDC's draft was revised by the Center for Law and the Public's Health, a collaboration between Georgetown University and Johns Hopkins University. By December 21, 2001, the act was released to state legislatures for review and approval. Critics immediately charged that the MSEHPA failed to protect the general public from abuses arising from the tremendous powers it would grant individual states in an emergency. The MSEHPA provisions also went beyond the scope of addressing bioterrorism while disregarding medical privacy standards. As of August 1, 2011, forty states have passed various forms of MSEHPA legislation.
EXCITING NEWS: As of 2012, 48 of the 50 states have ALREADY adopted this “gentle” approach. For your safety, of course.
UPDATE from Kyle Young, Secular Heretic: The list of states that have adopted isolation/quarantine provisions has been updated since 2012. National Conference of State Legislatures, 2021 list. It now includes California, Colorado, and others not on the 2012 list, for a total of 48 states.
***Edited to include an even more EXCITING UPDATE***(thank you Kitten)
Writes ”Kitten’s Secret Garden”
correction, 50/50… went through the list, every state is on it
I have to say, this NY hullabaloo that the Epoch Times has everyone riled up about seems a bit redundant, considering the MSEHPA stuff. See for yourself:
Every local board of health and every health officer may provide for care and isolation of cases of communicable disease in a hospital OR ELSEWHERE WHEN NECESSARY for the protection of the public health.
Here’s California:
Remember when all those people fled Kalifornia to bask in that free state, Florida. Let’s check out that free state of Florida:
Gosh, orders “can be given to quarantine individuals who pose a threat to public health” does sound pretty free. And you know how everyone loves exclusivity. Like exclusively using private and non-state public hospitals to provide treatment to cure, hospitalize and isolate persons.”
What about Texas?
If you click on any of the photos above, you will be taken to State Quarantine and Isolation Statutes at the National Conference of State Legislatures site. From there, you can click on any of the hyperlinked statute citations to read the entire statute.
For example, I just looked at Texas…and I have to say, Texas is sounding pretty New York-y:
(f) In this section, "control measures" includes:(1) immunization;(2) detention;(3) restriction;(4) disinfection;(5) decontamination;(6) isolation;(7) quarantine;(8) disinfestation;(9) chemoprophylaxis;(10) preventive therapy;(11) prevention; and(12) education.
(b) If the department or a health authority has reasonable cause to believe that an individual is ill with, has been exposed to, or is the carrier of a communicable disease, the department or health authority may order the individual, or the individual's parent, legal guardian, or managing conservator if the individual is a minor, to implement control measures that are reasonable and necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission, and spread of the disease in this state.
(i) On request of the department during a public health disaster, an individual shall disclose the individual's immunization information. If the individual does not have updated or appropriate immunizations, the department may take appropriate action during a quarantine to protect that individual and the public from the communicable disease.
(j) A peace officer, including a sheriff or constable, may use reasonable force to:
(1) secure a quarantine area; and
(2) except as directed by the department or health authority, prevent an individual from entering or leaving the quarantine area.
Sec. 81.163. APPREHENSION UNDER ORDER. (a) A protective custody order shall direct a peace officer, including a sheriff or constable, to take the person who is the subject of the order into protective custody and transport the person immediately to an appropriate inpatient health facility that has been designated by the commissioner as a suitable place.
(b) If an appropriate inpatient health facility is not available, the person shall be transported to a facility considered suitable by the health authority.
(c) The person shall be detained in the facility until a hearing is held under Section 81.165.
I am still wondering if camps felt less concentration-y when they were just called transit camps…
At this early stage, the Nazis themselves used a variety of terms, such as detention, work, or transit camps, to describe these facilities. (source)
Or maybe the Japanese Americans felt less detained because they were called Assembly Centers…
Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which permitted the military to circumvent the constitutional safeguards of American citizens in the name of national defense.
The order set into motion the exclusion from certain areas, and the evacuation and mass incarceration of 120,000 persons of Japanese ancestry living on the West Coast, most of whom were U.S. citizens or legal permanent resident aliens.
These Japanese Americans, half of whom were children, were incarcerated for up to 4 years, without due process of law or any factual basis, in bleak, remote camps surrounded by barbed wire and armed guards. (source)
These camps were called Interim Housing Assembly Centers, and Exclusion Zones were the areas where Japanese Americans were to be removed.
Assembly Centers – temporary detention camps maintained by the Army that held Japanese Americans who were removed from their West Coast homes. Most assembly centers were located at fairgrounds, racetracks, or former Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camps. By mid-1942, Japanese Americans were transferred to more permanent war relocation centers.
Exclusion Zones – areas described in each Civilian Exclusion Order from which all Japanese Americans were removed. Civilian Exclusion Orders were issued by the Western Defense Command and Fourth Army to implement the provisions of Executive Order 9066.(source)
Check out your state. Click the hyperlinks and read the statutes.
I don’t wonder why the mainstream isn’t reporting this…I don’t expect anything from them but propaganda.
But the counter narrative… “new and improved” “free” media…you know, the “other side” news…
Do they have researchers? Ones that can look up statutes and stuff? I bet they probably do.
Why would they highlight one state? And not keep going on…to the bigger story…Which is that pretty much every state has a version of the Not a Quarantine Camp Quarantine Camp Model FOR YOUR SAFETY.
Fuck. Excuse my French. They had this planned for so long...and we are just catching up.
Thanks for this Sarah.
Hi Sarah, Thank you so much for this excellent foot work documenting the important fact that we are even less free than we thought (sigh). We need to understand all the details in order to begin to fix it.
~ Ginger