There have always been drugs for weight loss. Amphetamines are highly effective. Meth Mouth and psychosis are a small price to pay for losing "those extra holiday pounds." A year ago I experienced a perfect storm of medical issues, severe hypertension, A-fib, a blocked artery in my leg, spinal stenosis, painful neuropathy/neuralgia. Insu…
There have always been drugs for weight loss. Amphetamines are highly effective. Meth Mouth and psychosis are a small price to pay for losing "those extra holiday pounds." A year ago I experienced a perfect storm of medical issues, severe hypertension, A-fib, a blocked artery in my leg, spinal stenosis, painful neuropathy/neuralgia. Insurance wouldn't pay for an MRI until I did 12 PT sessions which made everything worse. During this I lost 26 pounds in a month, from 236 to 210 where I bottomed out. In retrospect a good thing, now I can walk/hike again, up to six miles now. Still pain and discomfort but I can live with it. We have to take care of ourselves; I avoid doctors like I avoid rabid animals. I have thought of marketing my experience, Dr Will's Weight Loss Miracle. Now off to Wallymart to negotiate for space with 400-pound green-haired lardbags. Thank God that "science" invented Ozempic. Science is, like, amazing
Eating right is another way, but people are vaccine damaged and their metabolic pathways are correspondingly damaged. Try coconut oil by the spoonful in the morning. It jumpstarts your metabolism.
Any and every pharmaceutical injection is pure poison. Poisoning your blood for health just doesn't make any sense.
Amphetamine use in the military is a huge unspoken problem.
My reference to amphetamine use for weight loss was sarcasm although many "diet pills" in the 60's used amphetamine as the active agent. There was a lot of under the radar psychosis as a result. Antidepressants as well, usually benzedrine, and they were actually somewhat effective. And during WWII there was a concoction known as pervetin, mainly cocaine, that was widely used by both sides by front line soldiers. Amphetamine use by schoolchildren,legal and prescribed, is a much bigger problem. At least two generations have been permanently damaged. As a clinician I've seen the heartbreaking results, Agree, all injections, all pharmaceuticals really, are toxins. They don't belong in our bodies. Thanks for the coconut oil tip, I'll give it a try. Can't possibly hurt
There have always been drugs for weight loss. Amphetamines are highly effective. Meth Mouth and psychosis are a small price to pay for losing "those extra holiday pounds." A year ago I experienced a perfect storm of medical issues, severe hypertension, A-fib, a blocked artery in my leg, spinal stenosis, painful neuropathy/neuralgia. Insurance wouldn't pay for an MRI until I did 12 PT sessions which made everything worse. During this I lost 26 pounds in a month, from 236 to 210 where I bottomed out. In retrospect a good thing, now I can walk/hike again, up to six miles now. Still pain and discomfort but I can live with it. We have to take care of ourselves; I avoid doctors like I avoid rabid animals. I have thought of marketing my experience, Dr Will's Weight Loss Miracle. Now off to Wallymart to negotiate for space with 400-pound green-haired lardbags. Thank God that "science" invented Ozempic. Science is, like, amazing
Eating right is another way, but people are vaccine damaged and their metabolic pathways are correspondingly damaged. Try coconut oil by the spoonful in the morning. It jumpstarts your metabolism.
Any and every pharmaceutical injection is pure poison. Poisoning your blood for health just doesn't make any sense.
Amphetamine use in the military is a huge unspoken problem.
My reference to amphetamine use for weight loss was sarcasm although many "diet pills" in the 60's used amphetamine as the active agent. There was a lot of under the radar psychosis as a result. Antidepressants as well, usually benzedrine, and they were actually somewhat effective. And during WWII there was a concoction known as pervetin, mainly cocaine, that was widely used by both sides by front line soldiers. Amphetamine use by schoolchildren,legal and prescribed, is a much bigger problem. At least two generations have been permanently damaged. As a clinician I've seen the heartbreaking results, Agree, all injections, all pharmaceuticals really, are toxins. They don't belong in our bodies. Thanks for the coconut oil tip, I'll give it a try. Can't possibly hurt