"The MEDIA is seeding propaganda that immunocompromised people are breeding dangerous escape variants." I did na-zi that coming: those immunocompromised (chronically sick, elderly and disabled) are a danger to us all. They need to be dealt with. Perhaps offer them a mercy death ...ahum 'treatment' in one of our splendid death-camps....ahum 'healtcare facilities'.

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The ONLY immunocompromised people I know of are VACCINATED people. Not a SINGLE entirely unvaccinated person in our 48 state unvaccinated study had immune issues.

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Oh I agree. As a mother of 2 children with Down syndrome who used to live in the Netherlands I know this country is ruled by eugenicists who HATE people with Down syndrome and other disabilities. They have a long history of using legalized abortion, infanticide and euthanasia to weed out them out. When the covid hoax was started, they used extra vaccinations to kill them as fast as they could. "Immunocompromised" is just a made-up term they use to justify the extra jabs they give them. All for their 'protection' of course. I hate this country (not it's people but it's 'royalty' and legislators) thoroughly and we fled this cuntry in 2015. https://www.umcutrecht.nl/en/over-ons/nieuws/infection-and-immunity/nov-17-corona-vaccines-seem-less-effective-in-down-syndrome

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holy shit, it's almost like the whole world went retarded, and then injected themselves with something that's making them further retarded :p

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Exactly! And I love that it is now okay to use the word RETARDED.

In the words of that famous guru:

"The. People. Are. Retarded."

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I used to word "tard" back in 2000, My definition of it was: people who have brains, but for whatever reason, do not use them.:

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That was Osho. He was very smart. God only knows how many women humbly received his blessings. He invented the 2.0 version of the harem app.

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I never stop using it because it is just so applicable

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Ya right?

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'Scuse me- but why won't anyone answer my calls. I've contacted NY Times, The Economist, Atlantic Monthly, Time Magazine, Wall St. Journal and more than a dozen other of the heavyweights including all the top flight TV/Cable new outlets. with my groundbreaking personal story.

I can personally testify to having had Covid for my entire life- came out of the womb with it. Been PCR'ed each and every day and positives all 'round. This clown claiming 613 days as the record isn't even close. I've also got dozens of friends who have also had Covid, not as long as me though, long before all this media attention came about in 2020. We've had the thing for years and years- in fact we don't even hang around others that test negative. Pack of loser cry babies.

So I ask, "Where's my interview with Cooper Anderson? Where's my front page cover story? Where's my memoir?"

Well, since I don't get sick very often, almost never, I guess makes me a less compelling story. But it doesn't mean I don't have the Covid, have had it my whole life as I told you, in fact it shows more than anything that I do have Covid and anyone else can get it. Just take the test and you'll see.

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I read the title from the article, but I like your take on it. Even after almost 2 years of continuous infection, he died of something else. That is how dangerous that illness is. And he might still live, had he not taken the shots, taken ivermectin or some natural healers, and not ended up in a hospital, where all the sick are, and where he contracted yet more illnesses they did not even test for.

Reports conferment that there is no shortage of bullshit LOLOL

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Yea! They won’t report that my friend died after 29 days of Fauci fatal medicine protocol in Dec 2020!

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I think most that died, did so because of not being treated early, or being treated wrong at the hospital. Just read of a person who drove there himself, and came out in a wooden box! Millions of people died not by the illness, but by the lack of help! Just awful. And probably no one will ever be punished. I kinda grinned when the Italian former minister of health was yelled at - murderer.. Italy is the only country reporting on the many heart attacks.

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I have read a report that the inventor of the PCR test has stated that it cannot tell the difference between the flu and Covid. And that many people who ended up in hospital were not treated with the correct medication and the rest is a painful history for very many families. And although someone here made a black joke about quartering the elderly immunocompromised in special facilities, what do we expect they would do with the young immunocompromised who are doing just fine? Surprise me?

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Dr. Kary Mullis was the inventor. The PCR was never intended for use as a diagnostic tool. It was designed for research purposes because one can find a little bit of everything in a sample if the cycle thesholds are high enough. Amazing articles about Mullis in Spin magazine the early 90s regarding HIV.

He hhaaated Fauci because he knew what he was doing with the PCR and HIV back then with various groups of people including poor single moms and children.

Had he not died suddenly in the summer of 2019 I don't think the PCR debacle would have lasted. I know people still testing and it's sad to see them still drinking the koolaid.

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Totally agree with you. I believe they knocked him off. They have tried to scrub the video where he argues it is not for testing anything. Great post Conspiracy Sarah.

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Plandemonium "In the Crosshairs of Covid-19 Scientology Operation" - Reiner Fuellmich and an operation to silence a CoS-Critc https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/plandemonium-in-the-crosshairs-of

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Agree! The sign posts speak to this, but the medical pushers keep distorting or hide the data!

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IMHO most of the people that supposedly died from Covid actually died from whatever was already killing them and also had a positive covid result from a fraudulent PCR test that is not capable of detecting illness hence the lie “asymptomatic carrier”. This was further facilitated through a memo sent out by the WHO to all medical agencies in the world that changed the coding system for death. So a person that dies from whatever ailment along with a positive result from the fraudulent PCR test would be registered as a Covid death and become a covid death stat. This is became obvious by the fact that agencies like EuroMOMO showed no excess mortality until after the roll out of the vaccines. A small percentage of the supposed covid deaths was murder through protocols that were designed to kill put forth by the CDC and their counterparts around the world. Still another even smaller percentage were killed aerosolized poisons and radiation to create the appearance of an outbreak “ ground zero” and ramp up the fear. And yet smaller percentage of the deaths were through suicides as a result of the lockdowns and through being unable to get the medical attention they required for the illness they were struggling with.

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It goes without saying - NEVER test with PCR for anything, and do not talk to federal agents without a court order or warrant, and then only with a legal representative. Do not comply with any tracing "requirements". These testing-tracing-targeting tools will be used against you to falsely imprison you under quarantine orders from HHS.

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Thank you. I think it's coming soon, fall probably. Maybe sooner. they're rolling out MAJOR 5-G on our rural island home. It's sick. People are sick and blaming con-vid, even after 8 or more jabs plus the other jabs. We also have many millionaires/billionaires moving in, wanting to rid this place of all of us plebes. I'm poor... trying to find a spot under which bridge has the most shelter and a good community of homeless who maybe will still care for each other.

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"PCR not-a-test land (which I believe is the lynchpin of the fake pandemic."

Couldn't agree more!

Kary Mullis rolling over in his grave.

He was steadfast that PCR was a laboratory procedure, not a diagnostic tool.

So here we are.

Unvaxxed, and haven't had a cold/flu in 6 yèars, but I developed a head cold last week, after attending a funeral with 150+ attendees.

Friends said I should get a PCR test...

And they cannot understand when I reply why??

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(You may be suffering from seasonal allergies rather than a head cold, depending on where you live. I just had a conversation with my neighbors about this on Friday.)

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I thought the same, as did my wife.

Cottage country Ontario, and we've probably had 6" rain in April... so perhaps mold?

Dunno, but I decided to spend 2 nights on the den couch, Vapo-rub with an old turtleneck, and 2 days later, right as rain.

Hard to wash the stuff off your hands, but it works!

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you might have seasonal allergies

...or be allergic to the smart dust.

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My healthcare provider sent me a notice for my annual wellness check which I didn't respond to. I was going to "decline" but there was a warning that declining would terminate my relationship with them, so I just didn't respond. Candidly, I wouldn't care if the terminated our relationship, but in the event I actually do need medical care it makes it more of a hassle. I am done with doctors, especially the ones I have access to that are all part of some for-profit healthcare system. Good riddance.

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But you see they care so very deeply about your Wellness (TM) that they simply have to deny you future healthcare if you decline the Wellness check up.

It's all compassion, and the beauty of it, the deep ethical beauty moves one to tears.

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We had to terminate our relationship since you declined our generous offer to inject you with poison. But, "This hurts us more than it hurts you." And it actually does hurt them more than me. They lose out on some money (and they don't care) and I am sparred being chastised to accept vaccines I refuse. In my mind it is a win-win.

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I got one of those too. They want to do a 'home' visit. Nope. No thanks, no way, no how. They pestered me all last year and pester me now with robocalls and letters. I keep ignoring them. Tried to opt out last year. Nope. They're back worse than ever. Sucks how many Americans with money are jumping ship and emigrating, as if this isn't happening everywhere else. It is.

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So, summarizing the moral of the first news story on the falsely reported death "from covid" after a 613-day "covid infection":

Elderly, immune-deficient patients with pre-existing, severe blood diseases should NOT receive or be offered covid injections. (And neither should anyone else.)

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Most people who Die after taking The Wellness Company Tamiflu pills in the revamped US$300 "Contagion Kit" will do so within 12 Hours.


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So, it's on, right? We're going to war!

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There is souch to unpack with TWC. Follow the money.

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Mockingbird (Tier One) is selling the Notorious GVB Escape Mutant Paradigm and doubling down on new and better countermeasures.

GVB is doing the same with new and different countermeasures.

The Dangerous Germs isolated super-antigen and PCR lives on, we just have a robust within the forty yard lines dispute about how to better fight this Endless Unwinnable War on (Novel) Dangerous Germs.

All those concerned agree: Dangerous Germs are novel and very dangerous and will require countermeasures.

What a remarkable Operation based on some very sketchy "isolation" and "testing".

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"to better fight this Endless Unwinnable War on (Novel) Dangerous Germs."

Kory is that you???

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I know several people that are continually sick now. eye fungus, knee pain, body pain, skin rashes, dental pain, irritable bowel, on and on. All of these people I know, are in their 60s or 70s and they are fully fully shotted.

The treatment of this poor old guy is disgusting. they just kept filling him with different shit.

I hope his family is feeling ..... at peace? or certainly it is far too late to be feeling angry

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I read about this the other day. In my way of thinking, this man was also a murder victim. He died because of multiple vaxxes, not because of "covid", and there is no proof he HAD "covid". His immune system was destroyed by the vaxxes. And they did not treat him properly in the first place.

But yes, it's a great story for the propaganda media to use to further their lies.

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omg! lol! again! this is simply so outrageous that laughing out loud is possible to supprress.

to think that this.... this what is it? that this is what the science of allopathy is built on!!!

total total total totalitarian bs.

thank you sarah. turtles all the way down across medical science. no wonder we humans are sicker now than before 'medicine'. all allopathy has been a planned slow release iatrocide-based genocide since inception. wow.


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As The Jam sang in "Beat Surrender"

Bullshit is bullshit it just goes by different names.

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I think of a cousin on my dad’s side I met doing genealogy who got two jabs early. Within 6 wks a bad stroke. My SB cousin on dad’s side got 3 jabs to fly to Panama forced by husband. Cousin 3+ covid. Now has heart issues and “everything hurts”. Others on the jab list with issues. Sad.

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If their mouths are moving then it’s a lie.

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