'Scuse me- but why won't anyone answer my calls. I've contacted NY Times, The Economist, Atlantic Monthly, Time Magazine, Wall St. Journal and more than a dozen other of the heavyweights including all the top flight TV/Cable new outlets. with my groundbreaking personal story.
I can personally testify to having had Covid for my entire life…
'Scuse me- but why won't anyone answer my calls. I've contacted NY Times, The Economist, Atlantic Monthly, Time Magazine, Wall St. Journal and more than a dozen other of the heavyweights including all the top flight TV/Cable new outlets. with my groundbreaking personal story.
I can personally testify to having had Covid for my entire life- came out of the womb with it. Been PCR'ed each and every day and positives all 'round. This clown claiming 613 days as the record isn't even close. I've also got dozens of friends who have also had Covid, not as long as me though, long before all this media attention came about in 2020. We've had the thing for years and years- in fact we don't even hang around others that test negative. Pack of loser cry babies.
So I ask, "Where's my interview with Cooper Anderson? Where's my front page cover story? Where's my memoir?"
Well, since I don't get sick very often, almost never, I guess makes me a less compelling story. But it doesn't mean I don't have the Covid, have had it my whole life as I told you, in fact it shows more than anything that I do have Covid and anyone else can get it. Just take the test and you'll see.
'Scuse me- but why won't anyone answer my calls. I've contacted NY Times, The Economist, Atlantic Monthly, Time Magazine, Wall St. Journal and more than a dozen other of the heavyweights including all the top flight TV/Cable new outlets. with my groundbreaking personal story.
I can personally testify to having had Covid for my entire life- came out of the womb with it. Been PCR'ed each and every day and positives all 'round. This clown claiming 613 days as the record isn't even close. I've also got dozens of friends who have also had Covid, not as long as me though, long before all this media attention came about in 2020. We've had the thing for years and years- in fact we don't even hang around others that test negative. Pack of loser cry babies.
So I ask, "Where's my interview with Cooper Anderson? Where's my front page cover story? Where's my memoir?"
Well, since I don't get sick very often, almost never, I guess makes me a less compelling story. But it doesn't mean I don't have the Covid, have had it my whole life as I told you, in fact it shows more than anything that I do have Covid and anyone else can get it. Just take the test and you'll see.