When they allegedly infected those ferrets which had been transfected by these mRNA injections that are designed to injure & kill recipients (ferret or human), where dod they get the birdy flu “virus” from?
No one has such a thing, because it doesn’t exist.
Perhaps they rubbed a suspected infected birdy up against the ferret?
Wow...at least a solid 12 months later and I finally get an acknowledged snort laugh. Well, I'm not saying my life is finally complete or anything like that...there are a couple mature mermaids down at the pool who I see fairly regularly (at the pool, for now) who might wind up covering a few more numbers on my Bingo card, but as with the snort laugh campaign, sometimes patience is key to success/completion. Is ATL a 'purple', grape flavored city yet? :-)
I've never been tested or vaccinated, but I just commented on one of Sage's posts about how many people I deal with in my daily life who are testing and talking about "COVID going around." People are idiots.
Just talked to Sage about this today. The testing is still happening. It never went away. And I am hearing about it too...I think I had four clients out last week with "covid". Two of them have kids with pneumonia right now. You know, summer pneumonia. Just like always.
Someone asked me the other day if I was vegan. I laughed at them. As I have gotten older, I have cut back on carbs and seriously ramped up the amount of protein I eat, emphasizing red meat and seafood. This was after I briefly worked with a board-certified nutritionist who had me so out of wack it was crazy. I went back to my days of heavy athletic training, mixed with a ton of research, and tweaked my diet until I found a balance that worked for me. I went over a year where I ate almost zero sugar, but I realized that a little here and there wasn't an issue since I was eating whole food and not introducing added sugar in the rest of my diet. On days when I feel off track, I will only eat meat for a stretch, and within a day or two, I always feel considerably better. I also rarely eat more than two meals a day, and if I get swamped, sometimes just one. I supplement with whey protein and creatine, take collagen peptides, and have felt better than I have in years.
Yes, the "skinny-fat" vegans drinking soy milk are easy to spot. The fattest, most out-of-shape people I know all eat salads with no meat and low-fat everything. It is sad how misinformed many people are about diet. Another huge bonus to eating lots of meat and protein is I am never hungry between meals. The crowd that is staying away from meat is literally starving all day long and torturing themselves.
Pissed off and (some of them) pretty preachy...makes me wonder if sub-optimal diets thousands of years ago might have been a factor in the development of some of the mainline (& malign) religions. Hey, at least (one o' these days, if the Good Lord's willin' and the creek don't rise) we won't have to worry about a bunch of vegans eating all the salt & pepper calamari at that amazing buffet. :-)
If this one is meant for us humans, it's the ‘sentinel cases’ - in Giordano’s words - that bother me. To try to make people fall for this they would need to amp up the fear by a scale of magnitude, as someone else commented here, otherwise there would be much greater pushback. My question is: will they hit harder with something like bacterial toxins, or infectious clones (jjcouey) to make a more sentinel cases a lot sicker (Gates: ‘they will take notice of the second pandemic’ or words to that effect). This bothers me. Otherwise, yes, I’d snore through the whole thing.
Interesting. I got a call yesterday from an old friend who is self-quarantined in his home for “C19” + test plus the usual symptoms, primarily fever, bad cough, fatigue. Thinks he was infected on an airplane trip. Looking for advice on what to do. First time in a long time I’ve had one of these calls. Previously, when the waves of illness seemed to go around these kinds of calls accelerated quickly. My guess is something is actually being spread.
It's insane. We hired a teenager at our family business & he worked 4 days and has now been down with "covid", strep throat and mono for a week. 17 yo kid. All around me people have strep infections....in summertime.
It's over 100 degrees. It's bullshit to pretend it's always been like this.
“I don't know who needs to hear this but we're not doing bird flu. No zoonotic fairy tales, no false PCR testing, no hysteria, no CNN death ticker, no lockdowns, no social distancing, and no vaccine. Just throw your TV in a river and move on.” - Toby Rogers
NO. NEVER AGAIN. Want 8t bad enough when they injected all the zoo animals for covid and they died? Now we are gonna kill all the chickens and cows and starve to death?
It's like a Neverending nightmare....and no one is waking up...
Love that NOCA! That was amazing. Do you mind if I modify it for the US? Then it could go out to the Cattleman’s Association and the Poultry people for countrywide distribution.
I promise to give you proper attribution as the author. You could be the who personally saves our ranches.
Just know that upon the fraudsters being served Notice of Default, they will have tacitly agreed, under the common law that the evidence requested does not exist and therefore they have no lawful basis by which to apply there policies.
Essentially, this process forms a contract under common law, simply by asking for proof of claim.
Following notice of default, a common law equitable lien can be served upon the fraudsters to recover all civil losses incurred by said fraudulent claims.
The following notice that I also helped develop, which would probably be better to use, has been used successfully by a regenerative farmer against the enemy of farming, DEFRA.
Thank you again. This will be so helpful to the rural communities here. My friends, neighbors and countrymen will know your name. You have made my day.
My pleasure. Please keep me updated on progress because the NOCA is lawfully unbeatable. Once people understand it's power and simplicity, it can be used for any and all civil wrongs where losses have been suffered, such as tax, mortgage fraud, lurgy fraud etc etc.
The other thing that we are doing is informing farmers that they can change the jurisdiction of their land. That way the local authority will have no jurisdiction to impose their criminal policies.
There's a short clip about it here by my friend, the Bernician.
When you look at the cycle of Scamdemics, my feeling is that this one will just be a livestock one (not that it isn't devastating to farmers and the food chain/prices).
They tend to treat them like World Cups and the Olympics... A human Scamdemic every 4 years with a staggered Olympics in between. Think Swine Flu, BSE, Foot and Mouth etc etc.
The legal moves are being made though. PHE/PREP Act declaration, EUA, etc. Maybe this one will fizzle like MERS and pertussis…honestly I was shocked when the July 24 update was announced. I thought the bird flu had already fizzled.
I also thought it had fizzled and am a little puzzled by the persistence of it. Perhaps a particularly nasty “bird flu” coming our way designed to intimidate resistors?
Thank you for the link...I had not seen this. However, inconvenient things like evidence and proof hasve not seemed to hold things up in the past 😂.
And yes of course, I thought that I had already recommended your stack when I wrote up your cell culture work. Thank you for the nudge. Just fixed it ;)
Anecdotal side notes...I have an vantage point here in ATL, right around the corner from the CDC (literally). We have 70-100 bookings at our little studio each week, which gives me a small, but consistent observation of public awareness around relevant issues and also current symptomatic experiences. I have been doing this exact thing for 20ish+ years and feel like I have a good feel for the normal cadence of illness in this cohort, from "colds" to cancer.
Although I have not heard much chatter about the bird flu, I have seen an anomalous number of eye "infections" this year, starting back in the winter. They look like a stye, but the doctor says that's not what it is. And people are being "diagnosed" ahead of time...client last week was in to see her doc for something else and he told her that she looked like she was going to get an infection and told her to start using this OTC wash...she was the third person in a short period of time (2 weeks) that had come in reporting this wash, which I'd never heard of anyone using before (Avenova Eyelid and Eyelash Cleanser Spray - Pure Hypochlorous Acid, Gentle Everyday Lash Cleanser For Eye Irritation). These eye issues are not small...one client's left eye was completely swollen shut and she missed 2.5 weeks because of it. She did two rounds of antibiotics which did nothing but cause other issues for her, and a hefty course of steroids, which made it "better"-ish, but also did not remediate it. It eventually resolved on its own, although the whole thing took well over a month to remediate completely.
Several of my clients currently have school age children with pneumonia, and I had four clients out with "covid" last week. There is a significant amount of chatter about circulating "covid" at the moment btw.
Testing is still happening on the regular. It's just part of people's routine now. Runny nose, take a test. Heard someone else had a runny nose, take a test.
I regularly get a text that reads something like this:
"Sorry for the late notice but I'm not feeling well this morning and won't make it in today. It's not covid, but I still don't want to get anyone sick. See you Thursday."
Or this:
"Just found out this afternoon that the parents of the groom and others were positive for covid. Just tested and I am too. So sorry for exposing you, I feel fine but won't be in this week. I'll let you know when I have a negative test."
Mind you, we don't have ANY "rules" or protocols around illness at the studio. We actively encourage people NOT to test, mask, or participate in this bullshit, so these reports re testing are provided with zero encouragement from us.
I pass the CDC every morning on my way to work at 5:45am and I can tell you that the line to get through the gate has been quite long. There is not usually anyone pulling into the CDC that early. I don't know what's happening and probably has nothing to do with anything... but it is anomalous. I've asked several of my clients that work for CDC and they seemed surprised and also have no idea.
I heard yesterday that they are swabbing people at LaGuardia, but haven't confirmed that this is true. Just noting....
Anyway, I'm off to work. I'll have an earful this morning as my Sat morning client is the wife a doc fully bought in to the covid hysteria. They love to take as many injections as they can and have "covid" on the reg. She still wears the same cloth mask out in public that she has been using for the entirety of this shit. She finally stopped wearing it in the studio and is relatively tolerant of my vocal observations around the lunacy of her behavior. She still maintains that her mask has protected her even though she has "had covid" many times🤯. Those "infections" are all explained away by equally illogical thought gymnastics. She lets me troll her about it though, which in a weird way I kind of respect😂.
Cheers, Jamie...thanks again for the work you are doing.
Thanks Sarah for this info. I wouldn’t discount the early morning activity at the CDC, though. Something may definitely be up. You must be a great trainer for the Covidians to put up with your trolling of them!
Thank you for your detailed response, Yes, nothing can replace those real world observations you are having and very interesting you are so close to “The Hornets Nest” as it were. I used to play hockey with all of the staff at the UK head office of Pfizer just before 2020, so I know the feeling of getting those early indications from patterns of behavior.
Very odd weather here at the moment, these “Inversion layers” you usually only seen in mega cities like Shanghai where you get pollution trapped in thermal layers. It is here in the French Countryside. You can see a thickness in the air, Pollution/Pollen… my guess is also whatever they regularly spray here in the air also…
People are coughing and spluttering all over the place… agreed that they could be trying to push from another something…
The haze was incredibly thick here yesterday. Although haze is not abnormal in a large city, atlanta is heavily forested and very spread out….at one time it was the most densely forested city in the world, not sure if that is still true, but we don’t usually experience smog like you see in LA and NYC. It was particularly noticeable yesterday though, which is unusual. Better today so far. Hot as a mf though…🥵
Honestly I thought I had already done it, so thank you for nudging me 😘
Also I am donating all of my paid sub $ to your project. It's not much, but it's what I can do. Can you point me to the best place to do this please? The Way Forward site is under construction at the moment (https://thewayfwrd.com/donate/), is there another way or better place to go? No rush, just wondering...
Wow Sarah, That is so very kind of you, honestly have been so taken with the generosity of everybody and wanting to know the truth of what is really going on in their labs. Yes as you’ve noticed The Way Forwards donate page is down for the moment. I will ask Alec when it is going to be back up live…
This is the only real work being done…people appreciate it, and want it. I wish I were in a position to fund it in a more substantial way. I mentioned to Tom about pushing folks to contribute to your work when I thought you were going to be on his weekly podcast…he did something with the Bailey’s book to help boost their presence on Amazon…so that it turns up as a highly ranked book within a genre….encouraged everyone to purchase it within a certain timeframe or something like that.
Anyway, he’s got a nice following that is potentially in a position to contribute monetary support, and I thought it would be a good idea to encourage people to send funding your way.
Wish this were true now. The hooks are in the brains of too many.
Very intelligent individuals have allowed their minds to be high- jacked by well-orchestrated and long-planned psyops.
The weak link I see in these individuals, the common thread as it were, is a combination of high conscientiousness combined with high naïveté/trust and a lack of skepticism.
And consumption of MSM, via TV, social media, and the NYTimes.
The number of moments I’ve been utterly gobsmacked by the childlike use of Hanlons Razor is incalculable.
Like… wtf do people not understand about the basic tenets of cui bono? Of the dangers of the consolidation of power? Of conflicts of interest? Of the inexorable rise of sociopaths through the halls of power?
I can point out the public/private (fascism) contracts, the history of Pharma, the government collusion with big tech re: censorship… and the response is just zombie-like.
To my former friends, I will again ask “are you good with a two-tiered biomedical apartheid based on taking experimental drugs?” Sadly, I already know the answer.
Sarah, they are already doing this here and no one is saying if any of the birds are sick. It's just a massive mirage and I cannot get any of the farmers to say a thing. They are just manufacturing food shortages.
Me: yes hello farm are your birds sick I saw you on the news can I plea-
i see they don’t bother to talk about transmission anymore, the best these ‘cines can do is “highly effective in preventing severe illness and death in preclinical models” and of course that’s hard to validate
There are a huge number of small ranches in the US that do not take money from the government. When “bird flu” was initially “diagnosed” in Texas, they visually detected symptoms in people and cows that closely resembled hay fever and allergies. This was enough to kick off the bird flu scamdemic.
How did they know cattle and chickens had this non-virus? In three different states? At the same time?
I was told by other ranchers that the USDA showed up with a few medical magicians who waved things around, looked pensively at cows/chickens and determined that the whole herd was infected. Abracadabra! You have sick cows and chickens. Kill them now.
The people were next. The poor chicken tender who had allergies was the only person to be validated as infected due to his runny nose and red, watery eyes. Considering the pollen levels were in overdrive at the time, it’s just more smoke and mirrors.
The state of the food supply should worry people. If they cull herds and flocks, you will be eating crickets in no time.
Sounds similar to the Neil Ferguson operation with Foot and Mouth Disease in England’s livestock. The operation where he perfected his computer simulation charts for Covid.
👉Photo of Avian Flu proves the only place infected with Avian flu is Wikistan. The file is from the CDC, but surprise, there is no associated paper or methods to describe the provenance of this photo and characterization of said particles. It looks so believable though.
👉So what is it this? It’s a big FAT lying Chick! If it’s a light microscope then a virus said to be 100nm is taking up large area of the cell, if it’s an EM photo, it means these cells are just a few 100 nm long? I got it, the cells are “micro chickens”!
👉And, why don’t they count virus particles not antigens. Oh, maybe because there is no virus??
Once you realize that there is no virus, it is so easy to see the fuckery. And still shocking to watch it get done lol. I cannot believe we are doing to do all this shit again. They are literally running it back. And the people are just going to bend over and take it.
So many words for a nonexistent viral threat - same narrative as the fictional covid lableak story. The spike protein is nothing else but a protein corona around nanoparticles of metal,
totally cytotoxic and sterilizing for the biodigital convergence. Nothing else- it is all simply for the interfacing of biology with tech, EMF, control grids- once you got this ....
How will “They” drop the Avian Flu bomb on America and the World? The element of surprise is gone. At least half the population will not fall for another Plandemic.
"Four ferrets per group were immunized with 60 μg A/Astrakhan/3212/2020 HA mRNA-LNP (H5 mRNA-LNP) or Luciferase mRNA-LNP (control), followed by a 60 μg boost 28 days later."
Sample size n=4. The control ("unvaccinated") group is given an mRNA injection which expresses luciferase, a little glowing particle in their body.
"Animals were lightly anesthetized with isoflurane 28 days after the second vaccination and inoculated intranasally with 10^6 EID50 units of A/bald eagle/Florida/ W22-134-OP/2022 (H5N1) diluted in 1.0 mL of PBS."
Very normal way to be exposed to the flu (if it exists) in real life - by being anesthetized and having 1 million EID50 units sprayed in your nose. EID50 means "egg infecting 50%". So a million times as much virus necessary to infect 50% of eggs in some egg experiment. Presumably this is quite a lot of virus (if it exists as they claim).
"Animals reaching the humane endpoint, according to an IACUC-approved clinical scoring system, were euthanized."
Animals reaching some criteria for being "too sick" were killed.
"Ferrets were challenged i.n. {intra-nasally} with A/bald eagle/Florida/ W22-134-OP/2022 28 days after the second vaccination and then monitored for 14 days after infection"
"All four H5 mRNA-LNP-vaccinated ferrets survived the H5N1 challenge, while all Luciferase mRNA-LNP-vaccinated animals reached clinical endpoint by 7 days post-challenge"
Luciferase-expressing ferrets got REALLY sick within 28+7=35 days later, which presumably - via humane endpoint - were euthanized.
"All of the vaccinated animals in our study survived, whereas all of the unvaccinated animals died following the H5N1 challenge."
When they allegedly infected those ferrets which had been transfected by these mRNA injections that are designed to injure & kill recipients (ferret or human), where dod they get the birdy flu “virus” from?
No one has such a thing, because it doesn’t exist.
Perhaps they rubbed a suspected infected birdy up against the ferret?
Of course they switched to ferrets! Like. dude, have you priced a pangolin on Ebay recently?
OMG...that got me.
Snort laugh ✅
Wow...at least a solid 12 months later and I finally get an acknowledged snort laugh. Well, I'm not saying my life is finally complete or anything like that...there are a couple mature mermaids down at the pool who I see fairly regularly (at the pool, for now) who might wind up covering a few more numbers on my Bingo card, but as with the snort laugh campaign, sometimes patience is key to success/completion. Is ATL a 'purple', grape flavored city yet? :-)
Lmao thank you for that
I've never been tested or vaccinated, but I just commented on one of Sage's posts about how many people I deal with in my daily life who are testing and talking about "COVID going around." People are idiots.
Just talked to Sage about this today. The testing is still happening. It never went away. And I am hearing about it too...I think I had four clients out last week with "covid". Two of them have kids with pneumonia right now. You know, summer pneumonia. Just like always.
Yep, a bad case of "summer cancer." All this climate change is causing really bad blood clots. Better buy a Tesla.
I do hope you aren’t eating meat.
Someone asked me the other day if I was vegan. I laughed at them. As I have gotten older, I have cut back on carbs and seriously ramped up the amount of protein I eat, emphasizing red meat and seafood. This was after I briefly worked with a board-certified nutritionist who had me so out of wack it was crazy. I went back to my days of heavy athletic training, mixed with a ton of research, and tweaked my diet until I found a balance that worked for me. I went over a year where I ate almost zero sugar, but I realized that a little here and there wasn't an issue since I was eating whole food and not introducing added sugar in the rest of my diet. On days when I feel off track, I will only eat meat for a stretch, and within a day or two, I always feel considerably better. I also rarely eat more than two meals a day, and if I get swamped, sometimes just one. I supplement with whey protein and creatine, take collagen peptides, and have felt better than I have in years.
I guess we can blame climate change on you then.
And me.
I eat a ton of meat. Mostly red.
I can see a vegan coming from a mile away lol. Pasty and gaunt, doughy yet undernourished, pissed off, and generally dissatisfied with life. 😂
Yes, the "skinny-fat" vegans drinking soy milk are easy to spot. The fattest, most out-of-shape people I know all eat salads with no meat and low-fat everything. It is sad how misinformed many people are about diet. Another huge bonus to eating lots of meat and protein is I am never hungry between meals. The crowd that is staying away from meat is literally starving all day long and torturing themselves.
Pissed off and (some of them) pretty preachy...makes me wonder if sub-optimal diets thousands of years ago might have been a factor in the development of some of the mainline (& malign) religions. Hey, at least (one o' these days, if the Good Lord's willin' and the creek don't rise) we won't have to worry about a bunch of vegans eating all the salt & pepper calamari at that amazing buffet. :-)
Pneumonia season. Right after Train derailment season and forest fire season, and right before flu season 🙄
If this one is meant for us humans, it's the ‘sentinel cases’ - in Giordano’s words - that bother me. To try to make people fall for this they would need to amp up the fear by a scale of magnitude, as someone else commented here, otherwise there would be much greater pushback. My question is: will they hit harder with something like bacterial toxins, or infectious clones (jjcouey) to make a more sentinel cases a lot sicker (Gates: ‘they will take notice of the second pandemic’ or words to that effect). This bothers me. Otherwise, yes, I’d snore through the whole thing.
Interesting. I got a call yesterday from an old friend who is self-quarantined in his home for “C19” + test plus the usual symptoms, primarily fever, bad cough, fatigue. Thinks he was infected on an airplane trip. Looking for advice on what to do. First time in a long time I’ve had one of these calls. Previously, when the waves of illness seemed to go around these kinds of calls accelerated quickly. My guess is something is actually being spread.
Are they still not treating pneumonia?
They are treating it. Antibiotics.
It's insane. We hired a teenager at our family business & he worked 4 days and has now been down with "covid", strep throat and mono for a week. 17 yo kid. All around me people have strep infections....in summertime.
It's over 100 degrees. It's bullshit to pretend it's always been like this.
These same people are my clients. Many are elderly and scared to death.
I lack the acumen and temperament to convince them that they are the “brilliant ally of their own gravediggers”
“I don't know who needs to hear this but we're not doing bird flu. No zoonotic fairy tales, no false PCR testing, no hysteria, no CNN death ticker, no lockdowns, no social distancing, and no vaccine. Just throw your TV in a river and move on.” - Toby Rogers
☝️ Dude who freaked out on me for asking about whether anybody ever saw airline logos on any plane video from 9/11.
Oh, was that Toby? If so I wasn’t aware and that’s interesting.
And the punch line is…’no virus’!
NO. NEVER AGAIN. Want 8t bad enough when they injected all the zoo animals for covid and they died? Now we are gonna kill all the chickens and cows and starve to death?
It's like a Neverending nightmare....and no one is waking up...
And Children!
The bird flu nonsense disappeared here in England 4 months after the release of this NOCA that I helped develop.
This is absolutely amazing. Thank you for your work, and especially for sharing it with us!
Love that NOCA! That was amazing. Do you mind if I modify it for the US? Then it could go out to the Cattleman’s Association and the Poultry people for countrywide distribution.
I promise to give you proper attribution as the author. You could be the who personally saves our ranches.
Thank you
Please use it, it's incredibly important.
Just know that upon the fraudsters being served Notice of Default, they will have tacitly agreed, under the common law that the evidence requested does not exist and therefore they have no lawful basis by which to apply there policies.
Essentially, this process forms a contract under common law, simply by asking for proof of claim.
Following notice of default, a common law equitable lien can be served upon the fraudsters to recover all civil losses incurred by said fraudulent claims.
The following notice that I also helped develop, which would probably be better to use, has been used successfully by a regenerative farmer against the enemy of farming, DEFRA.
Thank you again. This will be so helpful to the rural communities here. My friends, neighbors and countrymen will know your name. You have made my day.
My pleasure. Please keep me updated on progress because the NOCA is lawfully unbeatable. Once people understand it's power and simplicity, it can be used for any and all civil wrongs where losses have been suffered, such as tax, mortgage fraud, lurgy fraud etc etc.
The other thing that we are doing is informing farmers that they can change the jurisdiction of their land. That way the local authority will have no jurisdiction to impose their criminal policies.
There's a short clip about it here by my friend, the Bernician.
Here is a more detailed description of how to change the jurisdiction of land (for England but will be similar for all western countries).:
Changing the Local Authority via the AP1 Application to Land Registry
Allodial title is otherwise known as Title Absolute and it exists outside the jurisdiction of the
feudal tenure system we've had since William the Bastard imposed it, which purports to make
all other title holders tenants of the crown. But that only happens in reality now when the
section for local authority on an AP1 or TR1 form is filled with the name of the borough
council, an agent of the crown.
So when property or land is owned outright with no encumbrances, the local authority can be
removed by filling an AP1 application to Land Registry;
and replacing it with the local SCT as the local authority, under the long established laws of
manorial estates. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/manors/practice-guide-22
You can still apply to alter the register if there is a charge over your property but the bank has
a right to object, although there is no reason for them to object.
No one would pay council tax if the local authority was not automatically put down as the
local council upon registration at Land Registry, all done without consent by the
conveyancing solicitor. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/change-the-register-ap1
This is the very reason why bird flu policies did not affect game shooting on private estates.
The moneyed aristocracy simply put themselves as the local authority! This is how the
moneyed aristocracy operates so this process simply cannot be denied.
Changing the Jurisdiction using the natural law jurisdiction created by the Treaty of
Universal Community Trust https://www.universal-community-trust.org/uct-treaty-full/
It’s important to note that a jurisdiction is required when altering the local authority at land
1. Family forms their private living family trust and joins UCT.
2. Family changes the named title at land registry. Trusts cannot be named as legal title
owners - it can only be done by naming the individuals concerned and writing Trustee of
[Family Trust name] after their name. So essentially the land is granted into a private living
trust, which has all the concerned and affected parties as beneficiaries.
3. Using the AP1 form the local authority can be replaced with the SCT.
4. For businesses it would require completing the Articles of Association form which
notifies trading standards that you are no longer being governed by the Companies Act but
are instead operating under UCT jurisdiction.
5. HMRC need to know that the company is no longer domiciled in UK for tax purposes.
This is the way to remove the jurisdiction of the crown when there are no encumbrances on
land/property, therefore removing all the crippling legislation.
Therefore farmers/property owners would not have to pay tax on produce sold within their
own boundaries, including any other tax, which also naturally means doing EVERYTHING
on the farms own terms with NO interference. NO testing for fake lurgies with the choice to
slaughter animals on site etc etc.
When you look at the cycle of Scamdemics, my feeling is that this one will just be a livestock one (not that it isn't devastating to farmers and the food chain/prices).
They tend to treat them like World Cups and the Olympics... A human Scamdemic every 4 years with a staggered Olympics in between. Think Swine Flu, BSE, Foot and Mouth etc etc.
The legal moves are being made though. PHE/PREP Act declaration, EUA, etc. Maybe this one will fizzle like MERS and pertussis…honestly I was shocked when the July 24 update was announced. I thought the bird flu had already fizzled.
I also thought it had fizzled and am a little puzzled by the persistence of it. Perhaps a particularly nasty “bird flu” coming our way designed to intimidate resistors?
It will always be difficult to push any of the H5N1 variants because it got foiled back in 2005... (check the paper linked)
They can "get away" with it in livestock because essentially all the farmers are government owned through subsidies already.
Could I be cheeky and ask for a reccomendation back on Substack? Just trying to grow the channel...
Thank you for the link...I had not seen this. However, inconvenient things like evidence and proof hasve not seemed to hold things up in the past 😂.
And yes of course, I thought that I had already recommended your stack when I wrote up your cell culture work. Thank you for the nudge. Just fixed it ;)
Anecdotal side notes...I have an vantage point here in ATL, right around the corner from the CDC (literally). We have 70-100 bookings at our little studio each week, which gives me a small, but consistent observation of public awareness around relevant issues and also current symptomatic experiences. I have been doing this exact thing for 20ish+ years and feel like I have a good feel for the normal cadence of illness in this cohort, from "colds" to cancer.
Although I have not heard much chatter about the bird flu, I have seen an anomalous number of eye "infections" this year, starting back in the winter. They look like a stye, but the doctor says that's not what it is. And people are being "diagnosed" ahead of time...client last week was in to see her doc for something else and he told her that she looked like she was going to get an infection and told her to start using this OTC wash...she was the third person in a short period of time (2 weeks) that had come in reporting this wash, which I'd never heard of anyone using before (Avenova Eyelid and Eyelash Cleanser Spray - Pure Hypochlorous Acid, Gentle Everyday Lash Cleanser For Eye Irritation). These eye issues are not small...one client's left eye was completely swollen shut and she missed 2.5 weeks because of it. She did two rounds of antibiotics which did nothing but cause other issues for her, and a hefty course of steroids, which made it "better"-ish, but also did not remediate it. It eventually resolved on its own, although the whole thing took well over a month to remediate completely.
Several of my clients currently have school age children with pneumonia, and I had four clients out with "covid" last week. There is a significant amount of chatter about circulating "covid" at the moment btw.
Testing is still happening on the regular. It's just part of people's routine now. Runny nose, take a test. Heard someone else had a runny nose, take a test.
I regularly get a text that reads something like this:
"Sorry for the late notice but I'm not feeling well this morning and won't make it in today. It's not covid, but I still don't want to get anyone sick. See you Thursday."
Or this:
"Just found out this afternoon that the parents of the groom and others were positive for covid. Just tested and I am too. So sorry for exposing you, I feel fine but won't be in this week. I'll let you know when I have a negative test."
Mind you, we don't have ANY "rules" or protocols around illness at the studio. We actively encourage people NOT to test, mask, or participate in this bullshit, so these reports re testing are provided with zero encouragement from us.
I pass the CDC every morning on my way to work at 5:45am and I can tell you that the line to get through the gate has been quite long. There is not usually anyone pulling into the CDC that early. I don't know what's happening and probably has nothing to do with anything... but it is anomalous. I've asked several of my clients that work for CDC and they seemed surprised and also have no idea.
I heard yesterday that they are swabbing people at LaGuardia, but haven't confirmed that this is true. Just noting....
Anyway, I'm off to work. I'll have an earful this morning as my Sat morning client is the wife a doc fully bought in to the covid hysteria. They love to take as many injections as they can and have "covid" on the reg. She still wears the same cloth mask out in public that she has been using for the entirety of this shit. She finally stopped wearing it in the studio and is relatively tolerant of my vocal observations around the lunacy of her behavior. She still maintains that her mask has protected her even though she has "had covid" many times🤯. Those "infections" are all explained away by equally illogical thought gymnastics. She lets me troll her about it though, which in a weird way I kind of respect😂.
Cheers, Jamie...thanks again for the work you are doing.
Thanks Sarah for this info. I wouldn’t discount the early morning activity at the CDC, though. Something may definitely be up. You must be a great trainer for the Covidians to put up with your trolling of them!
🤣 I think she just really loves the Sat 8am slot. It’s more important than her fake attachment to a fake virus.
You’re too modest! But that fits your personality!
Thank you for your detailed response, Yes, nothing can replace those real world observations you are having and very interesting you are so close to “The Hornets Nest” as it were. I used to play hockey with all of the staff at the UK head office of Pfizer just before 2020, so I know the feeling of getting those early indications from patterns of behavior.
Very odd weather here at the moment, these “Inversion layers” you usually only seen in mega cities like Shanghai where you get pollution trapped in thermal layers. It is here in the French Countryside. You can see a thickness in the air, Pollution/Pollen… my guess is also whatever they regularly spray here in the air also…
People are coughing and spluttering all over the place… agreed that they could be trying to push from another something…
Ears to the floor anyway.
The haze was incredibly thick here yesterday. Although haze is not abnormal in a large city, atlanta is heavily forested and very spread out….at one time it was the most densely forested city in the world, not sure if that is still true, but we don’t usually experience smog like you see in LA and NYC. It was particularly noticeable yesterday though, which is unusual. Better today so far. Hot as a mf though…🥵
Thank you! J x
Honestly I thought I had already done it, so thank you for nudging me 😘
Also I am donating all of my paid sub $ to your project. It's not much, but it's what I can do. Can you point me to the best place to do this please? The Way Forward site is under construction at the moment (https://thewayfwrd.com/donate/), is there another way or better place to go? No rush, just wondering...
Wow Sarah, That is so very kind of you, honestly have been so taken with the generosity of everybody and wanting to know the truth of what is really going on in their labs. Yes as you’ve noticed The Way Forwards donate page is down for the moment. I will ask Alec when it is going to be back up live…
Thanks again. x
This is the only real work being done…people appreciate it, and want it. I wish I were in a position to fund it in a more substantial way. I mentioned to Tom about pushing folks to contribute to your work when I thought you were going to be on his weekly podcast…he did something with the Bailey’s book to help boost their presence on Amazon…so that it turns up as a highly ranked book within a genre….encouraged everyone to purchase it within a certain timeframe or something like that.
Anyway, he’s got a nice following that is potentially in a position to contribute monetary support, and I thought it would be a good idea to encourage people to send funding your way.
It's all they have. "THEY" must have a non-virus that the population has heard about!
Wish this were true now. The hooks are in the brains of too many.
Very intelligent individuals have allowed their minds to be high- jacked by well-orchestrated and long-planned psyops.
The weak link I see in these individuals, the common thread as it were, is a combination of high conscientiousness combined with high naïveté/trust and a lack of skepticism.
And consumption of MSM, via TV, social media, and the NYTimes.
The number of moments I’ve been utterly gobsmacked by the childlike use of Hanlons Razor is incalculable.
Like… wtf do people not understand about the basic tenets of cui bono? Of the dangers of the consolidation of power? Of conflicts of interest? Of the inexorable rise of sociopaths through the halls of power?
I can point out the public/private (fascism) contracts, the history of Pharma, the government collusion with big tech re: censorship… and the response is just zombie-like.
To my former friends, I will again ask “are you good with a two-tiered biomedical apartheid based on taking experimental drugs?” Sadly, I already know the answer.
Sarah, they are already doing this here and no one is saying if any of the birds are sick. It's just a massive mirage and I cannot get any of the farmers to say a thing. They are just manufacturing food shortages.
Me: yes hello farm are your birds sick I saw you on the news can I plea-
Them: *click*
Edit: This is the state propaganda - 3 months ago. https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2024-05-25/chicken-cull-to-save-industry-after-bird-flu/103890152
i see they don’t bother to talk about transmission anymore, the best these ‘cines can do is “highly effective in preventing severe illness and death in preclinical models” and of course that’s hard to validate
There are a huge number of small ranches in the US that do not take money from the government. When “bird flu” was initially “diagnosed” in Texas, they visually detected symptoms in people and cows that closely resembled hay fever and allergies. This was enough to kick off the bird flu scamdemic.
How did they know cattle and chickens had this non-virus? In three different states? At the same time?
I was told by other ranchers that the USDA showed up with a few medical magicians who waved things around, looked pensively at cows/chickens and determined that the whole herd was infected. Abracadabra! You have sick cows and chickens. Kill them now.
The people were next. The poor chicken tender who had allergies was the only person to be validated as infected due to his runny nose and red, watery eyes. Considering the pollen levels were in overdrive at the time, it’s just more smoke and mirrors.
The state of the food supply should worry people. If they cull herds and flocks, you will be eating crickets in no time.
Yes...this whole thing is fuckery from the inception.
Sounds similar to the Neil Ferguson operation with Foot and Mouth Disease in England’s livestock. The operation where he perfected his computer simulation charts for Covid.
Excellent post! Fits right in with the fact that no Avian flu virus has ever been found
👉Photo of Avian Flu proves the only place infected with Avian flu is Wikistan. The file is from the CDC, but surprise, there is no associated paper or methods to describe the provenance of this photo and characterization of said particles. It looks so believable though.
👉So what is it this? It’s a big FAT lying Chick! If it’s a light microscope then a virus said to be 100nm is taking up large area of the cell, if it’s an EM photo, it means these cells are just a few 100 nm long? I got it, the cells are “micro chickens”!
👉And, why don’t they count virus particles not antigens. Oh, maybe because there is no virus??
Just edited and linked your post.
Once you realize that there is no virus, it is so easy to see the fuckery. And still shocking to watch it get done lol. I cannot believe we are doing to do all this shit again. They are literally running it back. And the people are just going to bend over and take it.
I hope I'm wrong. But I don't think I am.
No I don't think you're wrong.
Thanks CS, your posts are growing in intensity daily!
I appreciate your kind words…Thank you PM.
If you really, really, really, really want cancer you should take as many of these shots as possible.
If not, say NO.
Here we go again guys but tougher,harder and longer this time I feel.
So many words for a nonexistent viral threat - same narrative as the fictional covid lableak story. The spike protein is nothing else but a protein corona around nanoparticles of metal,
totally cytotoxic and sterilizing for the biodigital convergence. Nothing else- it is all simply for the interfacing of biology with tech, EMF, control grids- once you got this ....
I’ve got another graphene post coming soon…
How will “They” drop the Avian Flu bomb on America and the World? The element of surprise is gone. At least half the population will not fall for another Plandemic.
Deploy a lot more 5G antennae? 6G???
From the study https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-48555-z
"Four ferrets per group were immunized with 60 μg A/Astrakhan/3212/2020 HA mRNA-LNP (H5 mRNA-LNP) or Luciferase mRNA-LNP (control), followed by a 60 μg boost 28 days later."
Sample size n=4. The control ("unvaccinated") group is given an mRNA injection which expresses luciferase, a little glowing particle in their body.
"Animals were lightly anesthetized with isoflurane 28 days after the second vaccination and inoculated intranasally with 10^6 EID50 units of A/bald eagle/Florida/ W22-134-OP/2022 (H5N1) diluted in 1.0 mL of PBS."
Very normal way to be exposed to the flu (if it exists) in real life - by being anesthetized and having 1 million EID50 units sprayed in your nose. EID50 means "egg infecting 50%". So a million times as much virus necessary to infect 50% of eggs in some egg experiment. Presumably this is quite a lot of virus (if it exists as they claim).
"Animals reaching the humane endpoint, according to an IACUC-approved clinical scoring system, were euthanized."
Animals reaching some criteria for being "too sick" were killed.
"Ferrets were challenged i.n. {intra-nasally} with A/bald eagle/Florida/ W22-134-OP/2022 28 days after the second vaccination and then monitored for 14 days after infection"
"All four H5 mRNA-LNP-vaccinated ferrets survived the H5N1 challenge, while all Luciferase mRNA-LNP-vaccinated animals reached clinical endpoint by 7 days post-challenge"
Luciferase-expressing ferrets got REALLY sick within 28+7=35 days later, which presumably - via humane endpoint - were euthanized.
"All of the vaccinated animals in our study survived, whereas all of the unvaccinated animals died following the H5N1 challenge."
This study sucks.