No law, no system, no government can be implemented unless people COMPLY with it. Any manifestation of a control system cannot exist without our acquiescence.
Left or right, democrat, republican, independent…doesn’t much matter. What matters is that we the people continue to believe in this system.
As long as we believe that choosing the lesser of two evils means that we are exercising our right and our privilege we remain ensconced in a system that methodically pilfers our earnings under the auspices of necessity…When the only actual necessity is the continued belief that our shackles are representing our freedom.
This is a repetitive theme. Like arguing lab leak or natural origin. It didn’t matter, as long as everyone was arguing/agreeing that a big scary virus caused a pandemic.
Historically, BARELY half of the population has turned out to vote. No wonder they hustle so hard…because if they didn’t, we might realize that this is BULLSHIT.
The push to embrace your right to vote is hard and starts young.
From preschool to high school, you are indoctrinated. Voting is not only a privilege, but a duty. It expresses your voice. Even if you don’t like the candidates, you should still choose one, because not voting is worse than voting for something with which you disagree. I think that’s called hypocrisy in every other context, just not when we’re talking about voting.
Remember MTV? They sold it hard to the teenagers (now adults reading this). And just like if there was a true pandemic it wouldn’t need to be advertised or sold…if voting truly made change, there would be no need for pop icons to sell it in their American flag wrapped underwear.
Or in their bare, tattooed chest…
But when the culture has been desensitized to sex, and it no longer sells like it used to…the voting pressure d’jour needs an update. You’ve have likely encountered this new approach if you’ve interacted online at all recently. It is a reminder that your voting history will be public record…your friends and family can see whether or not you voted. (This sort of reminds me of snitching on neighbors during “covid”)
If voting harder actually represented a path toward actual change then hazings advertisements like this one wouldn’t be necessary.
They need us to believe that casting our vote for someone with whom we vehemently disagree means that we are using our voice and being heard.
Do you want to eat diarrhea or vomit? It’s your choice. Make your voice heard. Exercise your right!
How lessons from behavioral science could help increase turnout.
Studies presented at Stanford on March 30 showed that more voters are motivated to go to the booths when they are told turnout will be high and when they are provoked to discuss plans for getting there. Moreover, they also are more likely to vote when they are threatened with personal accountability and when they are encouraged to see voting as an intrinsic part of their identity, rather than just “something they do.”
I know these details not because the dentist, the bookseller and the accountant volunteered to share their voting histories with me. I found out from VoteWithMe and OutVote, two new political apps that are trying to use peer pressure to get people to vote Tuesday.
VoteWithMe and OutVote let you snoop on which of your friends voted in past elections and their party affiliations — and then prod them to go to the polls by sending them scripted messages like “You gonna vote?”
“I don’t want this to come off like we’re shaming our friends into voting,” said Naseem Makiya, the chief executive of OutVote, a start-up in Boston. But, he said, “I think a lot of people might vote just because they’re frankly worried that their friends will find out if they didn’t.”
I have voted. And I’ve voted harder.
I’m just having a hard time seeing how my exercised right has ended with anything other than more restriction, more government, and more corruption. Let’s just take a look at the last decades and see how our freedom has been expressed through our elected officials.
Richard Nixon (1968, 1972) "Nixon's the One" that will authorize the DOD Chemical & Biological Warfare Program so "This Time, Vote Like Your Whole World Depended on It" because biological weapons are now medical countermeasures, bitches.
👉 Suspended statutes and regulations under NATIONAL EMERGENCY conditions and created statutory framework that governed the Department of Health & Human Services under PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY CONDITIONS
Jimmy Carter (1976, 1980) was "A Leader, For a Change" in 1976 and "A Solid Choice" in 1980 and delivered the Iran Hostage Crisis, “stagflation”, and an “energy crisis”.
Ronald Reagan (1980, 1984) wanted to know if you "Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?" / "Let's Make America Great Again" while charging it to the national debt and starting the wildly unsuccessful “war on minorities drugs”. And then that pesky Iran Contra Affair thing, but he knew nothing about that of course. Meanwhile…
👉 1983 - Title 42, Public Health Service, §247d et seq. Public health emergencies, established July 13, 1983 (PL 98-49)
👉1986 - Title 42 - Public Health Service, §300aa-1 et seq. National Vaccine Program and Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, established Nov. 14, 1986 (PL 99-660) 👇
This program set up the legal model and precedent that provided indemnity (civil and criminal) for producers of vaccines, and other products classified as vaccines, through agencies such as the CDC and FDA.
George H. W. Bush (1988, 1992), who brought us a "A Kinder, Gentler Nation" 😂…if by kind and gentle you mean Gulf War and economic recession.
Bill Clinton (1992, 1996) was "For People, For a Change" and "Building a Bridge to the 21st Century" through expansion of the prison system/mass incarceration, NAFTA, and unleashing big banks to “behave” like the whores that they are.
👉 1997 - Title 21 - Federal Food and Drugs Act, §360bbb et seq, which expanded access to unapproved therapies and diagnostics, adopted Nov. 21, 1997 (PL 105-115).
This was the birth of EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION, which under Emergency Conditions, nullified informed consent , and expanded access to unapproved medications.
George W. Bush (2000, 2004) (not to be outdone by pops) came in with "Compassionate Conservatism" and "A Fresh Start" that included the freshest psyop to date, and laid the groundwork for the withdrawal of freedoms never to be returned. And in 2004, "Yes, America Can" usher in more restrictions under the guise of "Safer, Stronger, Better"…for your safety assholes.
👉2002 - Title 42 - Public Health Service, §300hh et seq, National All-Hazards Preparedness for Public Health Emergencies, adopted June 12, 2002 (PL 107-188).
This expanded and centralized a chain of command within HHS, which included the DOD, DOJ, ASPR, among others, established supervisory procedures to direct and fund the public health emergency response at the FEDERAL, STATE, and LOCAL levels.
Barack Obama (2008, 2012) was the "Change We Can Believe In" and "Yes We Can" run out of bombs while decimating civilians in Yemen and winning the Nobel Peace Prize.
👉2015 - Title 10 - Armed Forces, §4021 et seq., Research projects: transactions other than contracts and grants. Originally adopted July 29, 1958 (PL 85-568) for NASA, expanded for DOD use for "prototype" contracting on Nov. 25, 2015 (PL 114-92).
This reduced oversight regarding OTA (Other Transactions Authority) and suspended financial controls on federal spending, Congress authorized the Department of Defense to use OTA for “PROTOTYPE PROCUREMENT”
Donald Trump (2016, 2020) was hyped to "Make America Great Again" by signing Executive Order 13887 to pave the way for Operation Warp Speed, allowing the greatest psyop of all to decimate the world with herd culling murder shot countermeasures.
Joe Biden (2020) was ready and waiting to "Build Back Better" with all the other globalist fuckers by imposing restrictions, mandates, censorship and funneling money to anywhere but here.
And now, in this “most important election in history” (psssst…they say that every time), we have the motherfucker that delivered the vaccine herd culling murder shot (and still brags about it as a success), and someone that wasn’t ever actually selected by anyone anywhere (and tried to mandate the herd culling murder shot).
Fuck this shit. I’m out.
🫳 🎤
I have not directly lost a family member to the medical countermeasures that were deployed to the world. But I have watched in horror as many people I love have lost their family and friends, and suffered cancers and/or disease that can only be described as turbo. I have watched an indescribable amount of suffering in the wake of these “miraculous vaccines”. I keep notebooks at the studio, in the car, and at home so I can document the fallout from this incredible crime.
It literally takes my breath away.
I cannot and will not vote for anyone that participated in this.
I will not be bullied by propaganda and peer pressure to participate in supporting something for which I am so diametrically opposed.
The absence of my vote is my vote.
I realize this is a wildly unpopular position. I also realize that everyone has heard that their vote is their voice since preschool and it’s incredibly hard to un-hear it.
I imagine that this question will quickly appear in the comments:
“So what’s your solution, Sarah???”
I don’t know. But I’m pretty sure it isn’t continuing to participate in the thing I don’t agree with.
Intentionally opting out of voting is an ethical choice
Opting out of federal elections can be a profound form of political protest. For many, this decision reflects dissatisfaction with the choices available — an intentional rejection of a political system they don’t feel represents them or their interests.
In its decision in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette (1943), the Supreme Court recognized the right not to speak by overruling compulsory flag salutes. In other cases, the Supreme Court has decided that the First Amendment prohibits “compelled speech.” Compulsory voting would almost surely qualify as such compelled speech.
The right not to show up at the polls, particularly in elections where neither party has nominated a popular candidate or in a system that citizens think is rigged by gerrymandering or other mechanisms to favor one of the parties, is itself a way of exercising one’s First and 14th Amendment rights of freedom of expression.
“Enslaving the mind makes enslaving the body unnecessary. And that is exactly what the belief in "authority" does: it teaches people that it is morally virtuous that they surrender their time, effort and property, as well as their freedom and control over their own lives, to a ruling class.”
“Every "government," including the most oppressive regimes in history, has been funded by the payment of "taxes" by loyal, productive subjects.”
“Many have been able to recognize and oppose specific acts of tyranny by specific regimes, but very few have recognized that the underlying problem is not who sits on the throne; the problem is that there is a throne to sit on.”
“The promise of a "government" that would be a servant of the people, protecting their rights but otherwise leaving them in peace, grew into the largest, most powerful authoritarian empire the world has ever known, including the largest and most intrusive extortion racket ever known, the largest and most powerful war machine in history, and the most intrusive and invasive bureaucracy in history.”
“Perhaps the most valuable thing the "Great American Experiment" accomplished was to demonstrate that "limited government" is impossible. There cannot be a master who answers to his slaves.”
― Larken Rose, The Most Dangerous Superstition
I'm with you, Sarah!
I think voting validates the entire corrupt system. As long as we participate in the rigged system that they created and where they control both candidates, they decide who will win, and it doesn't matter anyway because both candidates agree on what matters to them (herd-culling vaccines and Israel), we can never win. I am with you!