13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs agoLiked by Conspiracy Sarah

Thank you for documenting and publishing these observations. They are important. I am around many people who fail to connect the shots to any of their health ailments. I have given up talking to them about potential connections, unless they broach the subject first, which few do. Most still talk about "COVID" and "the pandemic" and "vaccines" as a sanctimonious totem objects, which in fact they are to them. My wife, God bless her, she will not stop getting "vaccines" and in my estimation, she has become a broken person, a shadow of her former self. She loves her doctor, and even when I gently suggest she will be fine without the latest "pneumonia vaccine" or "flu vaccine," she cannot help herself and gets it. Her whole family does the same, and often share loudly when they have gotten the latest shot. I love my wife dearly, but it has become difficult.

And what to say about "Bret" and "Tucker" and "Bobby" and "Donald?" They are definitely on the coming NWO payroll, and from what I can see, they are all being used to further destroy western (Christian) traditions and norms by being the fake "white hat" to the fake "black hat," the Masonic red to the Masonic blue, in "their" never-ending occult dialectic. I do know for certain that no matter who is selected as president, it will not bode well for people like me. I am grateful that people like you exist on Substack so we can share our observations. I do wonder, though, how much longer this will last.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Conspiracy Sarah

you mean before the trains start running to the gulags? And the mass executions and starvation? I wonder that too.

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Rest assured when the trains start running to the Slaughter Pens that Bobby and Donald and Tulsi will protect *you.

*After the next election, after all they CAN'T TALK ABOUT GULAG TRAINS AND GET ELECTED.

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they can appear on Soul Train together though...

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13 hrs agoLiked by Conspiracy Sarah


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13 hrs agoLiked by Conspiracy Sarah

Chris, my heart goes out to you. I feel incredibly fortunate that my husband shares my views. I hope you have some people you can speak honestly with♥️

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Thanks. Everything that has happened since 2020 has opened my eyes, and frankly, turned me toward God. So, I do feel stronger in many ways, to the point where I am fairly okay even if I do not have a large circle of people near who agree with me.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Conspiracy Sarah

Apart from the issue of salvation, I have never seen (in my lifetime)such a divisive issue in families, communities and nations as the CVD shots. I have known marriages breaking up because of it.

It's truly heartbreaking 😢

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If They're in the psychopaths in control's media, They are playing Their part in this production to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us. We would best solve for Them, I'd say.

The Dividing of Humanity to Maintain Control (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-dividing-of-humanity-to-maintain

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Chris, get your wife to compromise with you. Get her to do a 2week green-juice fast and detox all those heavy metals out because the vaxxines are a gut-bomb of heavy metals.

When the body is overwhelmed with metals it stores what it can't process out, in brain tissue which is the cause of the epidemic of neurological disease like Alzheimers, Parkinsons, MS, etc., from the ChemtraiIs, flouridated water, dental fillings, etc. Watch what happens to those people when you detox all those stored heavy metals out of their brain!

Get her to compromise with you Chris!

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Sound advice. I shall try.

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I’m sorry Chris…May God be with you (He is).

God is what has gotten me through many, many years. I can only speak for myself.

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Sad to read but this is the unfortunate reality we find ourselves in. Those in power are not here to save us, in fact, their goal is to keep the system running. And to do that, they need to poison both our minds and our bodies: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/democide-and-menticide

Me, You, Peggy Hall and many others have called this out when we hear these “anti-vax” politicians excuse the shots (Trump, RFK, and more). It’s a big club and we’re (the populace) aren’t in it — but those guys are.

Those being willing blind to it, also allow it to continue and therefore also are to blame for the atrocities.

Thanks for this daily post that serves as a reminder 🙏🏾

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Yes. Trump and Bobby plants. 🪴 warp speed foliage hey

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I turn 61 in a few weeks. I will not vote for ANYONE. My conscience cannot do it. I know better.

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We would best remove Their tool to power, wouldn't You say?

Accounting For the Energy We Add (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/accounting-for-the-energy-we-add

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I would bet cancer hospital tumor boards are packed with the medical community up to their necks in cancer in young people like never before.

Me thinks RFK DJT will address the shots after

Elections too controversial hot potatoes.

Ya know as citizens we don’t have to assume a

Victim mentality the tanks and planes bombs

Soldiers just trampled through our lives ..

Now the aftermath damage!!

I’d admit getting away from the constant intelligence of keeping up is draining.

I would not go see a oncologist or hematologist or surgeon if my life depended on it!!!

Double mastectomy is I’ll advised too.

Our medical cancer community is limited in its


They’ve been selling the koolaid since the 1990s

Still no statistical significance in healing ❤️‍🩹 cancer patients and now the mRNA bombs 💣 cancer


Justice comes we pray not soon enough!!!

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I skate with an oncologist... we recently met so I have not pushed too hard... but the other day I mentioned a friend's wife had died... and said 'she had all sorts of complications from the shots... lingered a couple of years before passing'... He gave me a look that said 'yes ... those shots are bad f789ing news'...

I will likely see him at the end of the week.... I will probe further...

I have (had) 3 extremely healthy friends who are in their 50's... all very active very fit... two are dead from turbo cancer... one has stage 4 pancreas and lung cancer... who is being pounded with chemo ... I will ask if he's seeing a lot of this

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I refuse to be disheartened by all of the doom mongering, and I think DJT/RFK will address the jabs afterward as well.

I've read that Trump threw them off by pushing the jab program thru before they were ready for it- no idea if this was true. What I do know it he would've been skewered by the backlash of being an anti vaxxer at that point, so messing up the timing of it became the best choice by default. We'll see.

What we do see is that the media has lost control of the narrative and that Diddy is the Epstein of music and that whole tainted mess is coming down. MSM is toast. Finance is rigged, and politics is worse. The pedophiles and parasites are going down as 500K indictments are being served.

We didn't come this far only to lose. Keep the faith. Feel it in your hearts. We're going to be fine.

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What people don't know about the Epstein case is that Virginia Roberts Giuffre, the 17 year old girl who brought sexual charges against Prince Andrew, was originally brought to Mar-a-Iago by Ghislaine Maxwell, and Roberts testified that she was “recruited from Mar-a-Iago” to have sex with Prince Andrew.


Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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cnnbbc are not asking how the ear could have healed without scarring ... in two weeks...

Odd given cnnbbc 'hate' Trump and don't want him elected... that fist pump shot in front of the flag is most definitely going to get him elected....

Why are cnnbbc not asking these questions? Why are they not calling out the obvious fakery?

I know - cuz it's all fake... the whole lot... Trump is nothing more than another actor... like Obama and Biden and Bush and Reagan and so on .... they do what they are told... they are in The Club... and the barnyard animals keep on voting as if it is meaningful

Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.

Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.


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Trump is Israel’s mashiac, he’s the chosen serpent and can “shoot” (millions and millions) dead,in Times Square, and not lose followers, 🤮

Trumpturds are blind as can be. It’s really sad.

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I voted for Trump twice, BUT I have an open mind and love TRUTH. Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining!

Operation Warp Speed did it for me…then I went down the rabbit hole 💥🎯.

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Trump also flew on Epstein’s plane 7 times according to the flight logs, but MSM and CO never mention this.

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Something else people don't know Kathy is that from Mar-a-lago to Epstein's island is a BOAT RIDE!!!

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Diddy is the Patsy. The wheels of the machine will still turn.

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well the med pharma complex does take all your money, so that works out for them.

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I had ovarian cancer approximately 3 years ago after losing my job for non-CONvid compliance. I’m an anti-vaxer.

Shit happens. And I’m healthy!

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That’s the ticket 🎫 make you sick by poisoning,

Vaxxines, Chem trails, etc.

charge your ass huge money 💰 to save your ass

While you get sicker, they get richer.

Our health care model in action lol.

mRNA doubles business

Docs busy

Ambulances busier

I’m busy

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Got this text this morning from Charlotte, my across the road, all jabbed family of 8 neighbour.


Third one this year on my rural road of Dutch reformed Church members whose pastor recommended the jabs.

I wonder if they're starting to.... NM they are. As your title says.

My heart 😭💔

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😢 This is so sad... We MUST solve for the psychopaths NOW!!!

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12 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs agoLiked by Conspiracy Sarah

I got distracted by the twin loop binding coil in the notebook. I'm having one of my Apollonian days, where everything has to be square and exact, squared, precise and logical.

The twin loop is so beautiful. Worthy of the Olympic gods.

You see, the single loop coil wire binding is always uneven. ALWAYS! Normally, I can cope. I think I'm in a happy place, and rock to and fro. Yay, imagination. Life saver. But some days things like the uneven single loop of wire trigger my depression. You can laugh if you want, I don't care. Laughing is good. That's my Dionysian self being empathic and building a bridge with reality.

I feel sad for the cancer patients. In particular for those people who only discover the problems of medicine now. They really need emotional and spiritual support after that. The cancer is one thing, but the disappointment with "normality" can be devastating.

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My "thing sublime" was the perfectly coiled telephone cord (you know, the one which replaced the short cord on the kitchen wall phone). Ok, this makes me ancient.

Anywho, recently at the optometrist's office after choosing my frames, I had an unexpected anxiety PTSD trauma:

the receptionist attempted to unfurl her neck twisting four shackles length knot of telephone cord.

And she was aghast that I lunged at the bird's nest to fix it.

Lucky they didn't eject me from the office.

That coil issue is REAL.

(Okay. I'm only poking fun at myself because these turbo bigC diagnoses are heartbreaking!)

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Yes, heartbreaking. And yes, fun is good.

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I'm here in Appalachia and asked my neighbor how his wife was doing. Not good, they'd just gotten back from the hospital. She was debilitated a year ago from 'long Covid' then had heart issues, got a Pacemaker, had irregularities, they said it was normal and would even out. It hasn't.

I think I've mentioned my daughter is a grief counselor and they're going through a 'bereavement boom.' One of the three counselors has lost his young wife, an acupuncturist. My daughter lost her uncle to turbo cancer. She specializes in grieving kids, which used to be the occasional grandchild. Now half of her clients are young kids who've lost a parent.

She says that it's undeniable that something's going on. And yet, working through a major medical center, she's required to get all the mandatory shots. Her husband is training to be a firefighter. He was homeschooled and never had the childhood vaccines. So he had to get them all, at 32, in order to qualify as a paramedic.

I'm grateful for you, Sarah. This is so hard.

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Tereza, it is brutal. I am so sorry. I cannot imagine having to navigate this with my kids had they been old enough to make the choice but too young to see it clearly.

A bereavement counselor. Wow. What a kind soul you raised. I know about the boom that's happening because I hear about that side of it too in the studio. All those kiddos left without a parent or parents.

Did you know that I'm originally from Boone? Have we talked about this? I feel like we have but I could be making things up...I'll be up that way in a few weeks....

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You want to hear something really sick? Our town has a time capsule (it's in a huge, antique bank safe) and the latest thing they lovingly placed inside with a precious ceremony--A COVID VAX 🤦‍♀️

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

Well….. maybe not such a bad idea. Future evidence for what brought civilization down on this planet. ET may wonder seeing the dust covered ruins.

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they love to bury the evidence - no?

(as well as memorialize their crimes)

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

btw- did they happen, sometime in the last few years, to erect a 5G mast on top of the building that said capsule was entombed in/ buried under the cornerstone of...?

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It’s worth a try. It’s been successful in my brothers case(stage 4 prostate)…..fenbendazole.org

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9 hrs agoLiked by Conspiracy Sarah

Thanks, Sarah, for posting this personal information. To me, at least, it means much more than any of the statistics databases that are inevitably fed to us by some form of public health authority and therefor we can assume they are tampered with one way or another. I kept my own list and though it is nowhere near as long as yours, it is still an impressive 40 probable vaxx injured or dead people that I personally know or knew. 12 dead. 11 cancers. It almost sounds like baseball statistics. And they keep rolling in. This week I met a 68 year old retired professor who told me that within a few days after his second Moderna injection he developed ocular myasthenia gravis. I told him he was #40 on my list. The strange thing, though, for me, is the lack of anger. He didn’t appear to be angry about that at all. Today I met up with a long time friend whose wife (retired nurse) developed AML (acute myeloid leukemia) after her two initial vaxxes. Before that ever happened I had warned him about getting vaxxed to prevent an illness that appeared to have just about zero morbidity for healthy people. His answer at the time was a haughty “That’s your theory!” So today I jokingly asked him if he was still getting boosters. His answer was dead serious: “I got the latest one last Tuesday.” I had to pick myself up off the ground.

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I don't think I will ever get used to it...hearing the laundry list of symptoms and syndromes...and dead people. And then not hearing a correlation made. It is truly remarkable.

I have a client - I'm not sure that she is even listed in the notebook. She just had 18 inches of her colon removed. Her breast cancer migrated there despite a double mastectomy, chemo, and radiation 5 years ago. She's been on a semaglutide for a while now but had to stop to have part of her colon removed. Would you believe that she went back on it after her surgery??? And a doctor prescribed it to her! I was blown away. I'm not sure why I even bothered to bring up boosters, but it appears I am incapable of knowing when to just accept the fact that someone is not going to hear me lol. She had "covid" a few weeks ago and when she returned she sounded terrible (I think that means the shots are working). In chatting with her I asked if her cancer doc was recommending that she get the boosters, and she thought most certainly he would. She got her covid and flu together last year - along with pneumonia and shingles. And while complaining about the terrible lingering head congested from her latest "covid infection", said that she would be taking the fall booster. 🤯

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8 hrs agoLiked by Conspiracy Sarah

At this point it truly has become a cult. I’m sure the reptiles plan to turn them against us when they have the opportunity.

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Do you tell them it's the shots? How do respond to those that still believe it's Covid. 400k studies prove that Covid is the culprit, I heard it said. Covid and Long Covid the TOE of diseases. I tell them its the illusion of consensus, the institutional agreement following the years of indoctrination into a health care system that simply "believes virology" to be the truth. Meanwhile... has a live virus been taken and isolated directly from a human?

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Considering there is no such thing as covid - or ANY virus...or contagion... The Rockefeller indoctrination took strong hold.

We need a solution to those liars NOW!

Who Do You Think Did This? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/who-do-you-think-did-this

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You bet. How many deer stares do you get?

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All too many. So I work to solve for that mess. It is My life's work.

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Mine, as well. Nothing will improve until we solve the core problems.

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"That doesn't look like *anything* to me."

--Dolores, 'Westworld'

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Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.


There never was a virus.

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Ask them where the Foundational SC2 Fan Wu "discovery" paper shows a virus. It shows 89% similarity in a Computer Sequence to SARS 2003 (this was never purified and characterized). So no particle.

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For those who do not believe viruses exist... Take The Fast Eddy Challenge... so far Sam is not biting ...

Attention Dr Sam Bailey.

I will give you one more chance to reconsider your theory.

I went onto the streets last night in search of a herpes infected male prostitute and I found the guy in the photo.

He confirmed that he has regular flareups of genital herpes. I gave him my mobile number and asked him to call me the next time he is in full bloom and I will hook him up with you. I showed him your photo and told him that I would pay him USD500 to have a session of unprotected sex with you.

He was very excited by this prospect and said he’d participate in the Fast Eddy Challenge for free.

This will put your theory to the test Sam. If you are able to complete the session without contracting herpes, then you will win me over and I will come on board with the ‘viruses do not exist’ theory. He probably has HIV as well but given that is also a fake virus, that should be of no concern.

Are you in?


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That wouldn't prove shit.

You ever hear of poison.

What about radiation.

They are not viruses.

Show me a virus.

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If you prefer a female herpes and HIV riddled prostitute ... I am sure I can deliver.

Are you willing to put your pecker where your mouth is ... and take The Bareback Fast Eddy Challenge?

There's no risk of contracting either disease 'cuz viruses don't exist'... so Let's Do It!

If you you don't get sick then I'll agree viruses don't exist



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Surely a man with the moniker Fast Eddy has a much more convincing argument than what you have presented.

Me being an elementary school dropout is no match for the superior intellect that one would find in the upper echelons of science such as The Rockefeller Institute.

Do you happen to work there ?

Please teach me how and when this new diagnostic technique was first developed and or used. Results would also be helpful to further my knowledge.

The following has verbiage indicating the vaccines are or contain a virus. Man is capable of formulating poisons, not a licensed live vaccinia virus smallpox vaccine.


6         ADVERSE REACTIONS The following adverse reactions are discussed in greater detail in other sections of the labeling: 

Death of unvaccinated individuals who have contact with vaccinated individuals.  [See Warnings and Precautions (5.1)]. 

5.1          Serious Complications 

Death is most often the result of sudden cardiac death, post-vaccinial encephalitis, progressive vaccinia, or eczema vaccinatum. Death has also been reported in unvaccinated contacts accidentally infected by individuals who have been vaccinated. 

"Incidence of Serious Complications in 1968 U.S. Surveillance Studies"

And now sir, please let me repeat my earlier inquiry; "Show me a virus".

Poisons are indeed capable of interacting with separate organisms.

Poisons can spread between peeps.

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If you believe then surely you would accept the Fast Eddy Bareback Challenge.




It's a binary thing...

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too funny! 😂

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nvm. they will blank stare and not read it anyway. ha?

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How many of those cancer victims have/had cell phones?

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Thank you for all you do!

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I have a conspiracy theory for you Sarah!

Since more people are becoming aware that 'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan, and of Trump and the Jezuits, the Bloodlines, llluminati, etc, I thought that they were going to drop 'MAGA' for another slogan.

But it looks like they're morphing it into 'MAGAMAHA', Make America Great Again, Make America Healthy Again.

Or is it 'Make America Hypodermic Again'? ;)

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Thank you for all you do and share Sarah. I’m a dancer and have been doing pilates since 1991. I can’t imagine how hard this is. 🙏

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"In the deeps are the violence and terror of which psychology has warned us. But if you ride these monsters down, if you drop with them father over the world's rim, you find what our sciences cannot locate or name, the substrate, the ocean or matrix or ether which buoys the rest, which gives goodness its power for good, and evil its power of evil, the unified field: our complex and inexplicable caring for each other, and for our life together here. This is given. It is not learned." - ANNIE DILLARD, TEACHING A STONE TO TALK: EXPEDITIONS AND ENCOUNTERS

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Seeing the same where we are. It's heart breaking and yet here we are, still making memes, writing and sharing truths that so many do not have the eyes to see or the ears to hear. I've shed more tears and said good-bye to more people these years than I have ever imagined in such a short time. It's a physical and spiritual war without a doubt. Thank you for your courage and heart. Godspeed.

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Thankyou me 💫💫💫💫💫

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Good to share on politicians Facebook pages ;)


Stephane Bancel: Cancer is listed in the PATENT as an outcome of contamination with DNA Fragments

Ergo here is your oncogenic activation and their legal proof of knowledge


IgG4 and cancer - a mechanism of action for cancer relapse and onset

Class switching and tumor promotion...



Guest post by Kelleigh Nelson


p53 Tumor inhibition is hit by Endotoxin in Jabs causing Cancer

While others focus on mRNA in jabs as a possible Carcinogen, I draw attention to Cancer caused by Endotoxin present in various assaults suppressing TP53 protection.


Histopathological reevaluation serious adverse events and deaths following COVID-19 vaccination


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