We are not going back there again. I am so disappointed in Peter McCullough. I am furious at our elected officials especially after watching the Fauci hearing this morning. We are on our own here people. Be your own health advocate. Clean up your diet. Move your body. Try to get direct sunlight everyday. And stay away from mainstream clinicians and facilities. We are not going back there again.
I am so fucking disappointed. I was actually researching McCullough for a different post and stumbled upon this bird flu shit. I went ahead and put it out because there just wasn't much else to say...
Kelly Victory was on with Naomi Wolf There’s definitely a weird vibe with this. Owen Benjamin, Mike Yeadon, Sasha, and maybe Steven Frost are all you can trust to not buy into fake fear. But fear equals money and funding, so fear is what gets pumped out to the masses.
James Thorp and Celia Farber present a new book, about the horror of all horrors: the effects of the convid quacksines on pregant women and newborns.
It's a depressing topic. It's nice to hear Thorp's passionate defense of the victims. Stephen Frost asks him to name names, which he does.
The Wellness Company is an important issue, but a bit of a sideshow when compared to other issues covered by some of the people there who are getting blame-by-association.
I think long term strategy requires pacts and covenants with dubious characters, and later one might repent from that. But strategy forces people to make under-informed choices.
JJ, for example, seems to repent, a bit dramatically, from having been associated with some individuals in the past. But does he, really? Is it just a show? How long until JJ and Kulacz fight eachother over nothing?
He and too many others build up a "credibility" with the people pretending to be for health freedom. But they NEVER give up on the "escaped virus" thing, so to be ready for getting many of us the next time.
Naomi Wolf has been pushing TWC very hard in recent days to get her income up. I wonder if she gets anywhere near the $100,000 retainer that Ahmad Malik told us about?
Dig deeper into these people. Honestly, it's really shocking, and disconcerting to learn how deep the connections are. I'm at the point where TRUST NO ONE is where I have landed.
Jonathan Couey, neurobiologist PhD. He’s mad but it’s justified. He’s been fighting for four years but he’s not quitting. Music is good but he gets down to it about 18 min in. https://stream.gigaohm.bio/w/4pDq4he9HDb7Dga6TTBFzn
Let’s just all agree that ANY flu/virus or random gematria-friendly names pulled out of thin air by NOW collectively controlled op POS docs who have shown their hand in this healthcare #HELL be sent to Island Lord of the Flies. 😱😱😱😱
Decades ago I worked in forests, and also in the War on Poverty. Those experiences were just the starters for my education about 'problem, reaction, solution' and how the powers-that-shouldn't -be make a shit ton of money and obtain power in the process and love to perpetuate the problems they ginned up. In the case of fire fighting it is historic known fact that if the fire season isn't too active some veteran fire fighters will take it upon themselves to set some fires, hence increase the amount of their 'Fire Pay'. The unelected bureaucrats and their corporate contractors figured that scenario out long ago. Uh!? wait a Canadian minute - isn't the Wellness founder dude the son of the hugely successful fire fighting contractor company owner(s)? Not making any libelous accusations here, just food for researchers.
Since 1969, label me, fed up from the floor up with The System of Incestuous Feudal Predatory god-Complexed Deceivers Demon Parasites gone wild.
Last week I made the jump to publishing - given Substack erroneously removed my inaugural post "Memorial Day 2024 - FORGET WAR!" and it took them 5 days to admit the error and repost my message, I am going to take this moment to direct you all to it. Also, apparently I can no longer be the reader "Unjected Resister' and am hereby James Ward III - 4GETWAR, Substack wannabe author. This isn't just a shameless plug for my post, if you would be kind enough to read it you will find a paragraph towards the end that is relevant to Sarah's theme in her post today - my call to stop " the ....tomfuckery lies!!" (5-6min. read)
Teresa! So good to hear from you. Its been too long. I hope you are doing well. I will check out your Stack and look forward to more conversation with you. Blessings to you!
Aww, thanks so much, James! So good to connect with good people here again! Long story, but I felt I needed a reboot a few months ago and just jettisoned the whole old account to oblivion (absolutely nothing left or kept), and started afresh. Hope to focus on topics different to the usual "hot ones" here that everyone talks about. Thank you so much for subscribing to my An Observer account!
Just read it. Well he played his role very well. So wonderfully that many faithful fans may just follow his guidance. I can’t imagine. This is why we don’t turn people into heroes. I have been guilty of that myself. Trust must be earned over and over and over in today’s environment.
McCullough has been on dpl's gatekeeper list from the start.
Wake up.
Any one of these experts that cannot put forth the evidence required to prove that a virus exists, mode of transmission, and causation, is a liar. Think cause, not effect. Vaccines are an effect. Everything else after a virus, ..............covid, masks, vaccines, distancing, is secondary, after the cause. Look to the cause. Has cause been proven, yes or no?
Sasha put out a post in regards to Plandemic preparedness of Moderna, all set to make a new RSV Vax Jab. The best way to deal with the people like McCullough is use ear plugs as I placed in the comment section:
Ask your doctor if impaired hearing is right for you. Side effects may include independent thinking, questioning authority, not watching the media, staying healthy and happy. This impairment device is safe and effective.
It's hard to imagine how something that doesn't exist and can't be isolated and can't be proven to cause illness can be so thoroughly analyzed and evaluated. There is no "virus." There never was. Papers like this only further the myths that "viruses" exist and can make you sick. Sadly, it will be a very long time before sufficient numbers of people wake up to the fraud of virology.
Two more birds flipping down in the shooting gallery of Pandemic/virus/pathogen porn. How many before we win a Giant Stuffed Teddy Bear to hug while we sit in our houses?
He is now using siRNA in his practice to counter the effects of the Moderna mRNA shots. https://substack.com/@annmariemichaels/note/c-57882389. More big pharma to help overcome the last round of their "magic shots." Not a fan.
Wow, that was fast just after wrapping up the IHR. So it looks like we are taking a front row seat to the latest installment of fear porn. Never waste an opportunity to create a problem for a prepared solution. I saw this coming for months, was just wondering when they were going to pull the string.
I thought that marburg was next, but they are obviously saving that horror show - maybe closer to the election - uh...I mean selection? They've got the Mburg vaxxes ready to go...
Marburg can’t happen till Musk gets another thousand microwave radiation emitting satellites into low earth orbit. They need to stick with the bird influenza for the time being. They can run that scam with your phone radiation.
Why is it, exactly, necessary to kill every animal with a positive PCR “test”?
Take chickens and ducks, for example.
Why not let them recover or die?
Don’t chickens get better from having had CHICKEN INFLUENZA?
Likewise, leave the ducks be. Surely in a week or two, they’ll have recovered from DUCK INFLUENZA? Why the mass slaughter?
Even if a cow gets allegedly infected, ie gets a positive in a fake diagnostic test, you don’t need to kill it. Don’t cows recover swiftly from COW INFLUENZA?
I’m struggling to believe sea going mammals like dolphins get DOLPHIN INFLUENZA.
The Wellness Company is pushing Tamiflu! Looks like it is a captive of Big Pharma and Gilead! Selling fear works on the naive that believe the corporate medicine man is truly interested in patient health! Time all physicians with any brains divorce themselves selves from corporate control!
You can't serve two masters, money and the public interest. Wellness Company is just another pharma outlet that also sells supplements, etc. And McCullough and the rest of the sponsored mouthpieces are just the new media hucksters for the same-old same-old. Sponsors are red flags that tell you exactly who the mouthpiece works for. And it ain't you!
More fear porn "virus" nonsense. Anything to sell their Big Pharma "emergency kit'. They're still Big Pharma prostitutes. There are no "viruses" and natural medicine is best. No more Big Pharma Poison!!
We are not going back there again. I am so disappointed in Peter McCullough. I am furious at our elected officials especially after watching the Fauci hearing this morning. We are on our own here people. Be your own health advocate. Clean up your diet. Move your body. Try to get direct sunlight everyday. And stay away from mainstream clinicians and facilities. We are not going back there again.
I am so fucking disappointed. I was actually researching McCullough for a different post and stumbled upon this bird flu shit. I went ahead and put it out because there just wasn't much else to say...
The next post is equally as disappointing.
Ya, I know.
I've followed most of these characters, but since the advent of TWC, (Wellness Company), not gonna listen, it's a business.
Even on Zerohedge, all posts by these guys are "sponsored content"
My list of "trusted experts" in this bullshit is down to only a few.
My take...
Kelly Victory was on with Naomi Wolf There’s definitely a weird vibe with this. Owen Benjamin, Mike Yeadon, Sasha, and maybe Steven Frost are all you can trust to not buy into fake fear. But fear equals money and funding, so fear is what gets pumped out to the masses.
I would add Katherine Watt to that list.
This zoom meeting was recorded yesterday:
James Thorp and Celia Farber present a new book, about the horror of all horrors: the effects of the convid quacksines on pregant women and newborns.
It's a depressing topic. It's nice to hear Thorp's passionate defense of the victims. Stephen Frost asks him to name names, which he does.
The Wellness Company is an important issue, but a bit of a sideshow when compared to other issues covered by some of the people there who are getting blame-by-association.
I think long term strategy requires pacts and covenants with dubious characters, and later one might repent from that. But strategy forces people to make under-informed choices.
JJ, for example, seems to repent, a bit dramatically, from having been associated with some individuals in the past. But does he, really? Is it just a show? How long until JJ and Kulacz fight eachother over nothing?
He and too many others build up a "credibility" with the people pretending to be for health freedom. But they NEVER give up on the "escaped virus" thing, so to be ready for getting many of us the next time.
Now they will try again. Disgusting.
I believe Katherine watt has TWC ads on her substack so not sure about her
She most certainly does not. I'm quite sure about it.
Naomi Wolf has been pushing TWC very hard in recent days to get her income up. I wonder if she gets anywhere near the $100,000 retainer that Ahmad Malik told us about?
I've noticed that as well.
Has anybody delved into Naomi Wolf's background?
Dig deeper into these people. Honestly, it's really shocking, and disconcerting to learn how deep the connections are. I'm at the point where TRUST NO ONE is where I have landed.
I trust Conspiracy Sarah to find the best memes. And I hate knowing what memes are. But her collections are priceless.
Jonathan Couey, neurobiologist PhD. He’s mad but it’s justified. He’s been fighting for four years but he’s not quitting. Music is good but he gets down to it about 18 min in. https://stream.gigaohm.bio/w/4pDq4he9HDb7Dga6TTBFzn
So glad someone else feels this way.
All gatekeepers.
Let’s just all agree that ANY flu/virus or random gematria-friendly names pulled out of thin air by NOW collectively controlled op POS docs who have shown their hand in this healthcare #HELL be sent to Island Lord of the Flies. 😱😱😱😱
Decades ago I worked in forests, and also in the War on Poverty. Those experiences were just the starters for my education about 'problem, reaction, solution' and how the powers-that-shouldn't -be make a shit ton of money and obtain power in the process and love to perpetuate the problems they ginned up. In the case of fire fighting it is historic known fact that if the fire season isn't too active some veteran fire fighters will take it upon themselves to set some fires, hence increase the amount of their 'Fire Pay'. The unelected bureaucrats and their corporate contractors figured that scenario out long ago. Uh!? wait a Canadian minute - isn't the Wellness founder dude the son of the hugely successful fire fighting contractor company owner(s)? Not making any libelous accusations here, just food for researchers.
Since 1969, label me, fed up from the floor up with The System of Incestuous Feudal Predatory god-Complexed Deceivers Demon Parasites gone wild.
Last week I made the jump to publishing - given Substack erroneously removed my inaugural post "Memorial Day 2024 - FORGET WAR!" and it took them 5 days to admit the error and repost my message, I am going to take this moment to direct you all to it. Also, apparently I can no longer be the reader "Unjected Resister' and am hereby James Ward III - 4GETWAR, Substack wannabe author. This isn't just a shameless plug for my post, if you would be kind enough to read it you will find a paragraph towards the end that is relevant to Sarah's theme in her post today - my call to stop " the ....tomfuckery lies!!" (5-6min. read)
Sarah, Bravo for everything you do!!
Nice to meet you, Unjected Resister/James Ward III! (I used to hang around these parts as "Teresa L".)
Teresa! So good to hear from you. Its been too long. I hope you are doing well. I will check out your Stack and look forward to more conversation with you. Blessings to you!
Aww, thanks so much, James! So good to connect with good people here again! Long story, but I felt I needed a reboot a few months ago and just jettisoned the whole old account to oblivion (absolutely nothing left or kept), and started afresh. Hope to focus on topics different to the usual "hot ones" here that everyone talks about. Thank you so much for subscribing to my An Observer account!
You must know the sh*t is real when it shows up in a dolphin!!! “Bird” flu in a dolphin. The implausibility of this boggles the mind.
No turkey for you this thanksgiving...
Just read it. Well he played his role very well. So wonderfully that many faithful fans may just follow his guidance. I can’t imagine. This is why we don’t turn people into heroes. I have been guilty of that myself. Trust must be earned over and over and over in today’s environment.
''today's environment''?
''They'' have been doing this for over 200 years. Yes, ''they'' lied to your mum too.
People need to do research. Do you know of Abraham Flexner? The Rosenau paper?
The 2005 Djamel Tahi interview with Montagniers microscopist?
You are fooled because you're not running the test. Ask one question and the answer tells the truth. You did/do this to yourself.
the Revelation will be Weaponized... ;)
McCullough has been on dpl's gatekeeper list from the start.
Wake up.
Any one of these experts that cannot put forth the evidence required to prove that a virus exists, mode of transmission, and causation, is a liar. Think cause, not effect. Vaccines are an effect. Everything else after a virus, ..............covid, masks, vaccines, distancing, is secondary, after the cause. Look to the cause. Has cause been proven, yes or no?
Sasha put out a post in regards to Plandemic preparedness of Moderna, all set to make a new RSV Vax Jab. The best way to deal with the people like McCullough is use ear plugs as I placed in the comment section:
Ear Plugs are the best defense against fear porn:
Ask your doctor if impaired hearing is right for you. Side effects may include independent thinking, questioning authority, not watching the media, staying healthy and happy. This impairment device is safe and effective.
Patrick nailed it with this meme a few days ago.
😆😅🤣 Yes he did! It's amazing what can be said with a meme.
It's hard to imagine how something that doesn't exist and can't be isolated and can't be proven to cause illness can be so thoroughly analyzed and evaluated. There is no "virus." There never was. Papers like this only further the myths that "viruses" exist and can make you sick. Sadly, it will be a very long time before sufficient numbers of people wake up to the fraud of virology.
Two more birds flipping down in the shooting gallery of Pandemic/virus/pathogen porn. How many before we win a Giant Stuffed Teddy Bear to hug while we sit in our houses?
you mean while we sit in our kill boxes, right?
Well my canteloupe tested positive! Never mind the dolphin! This emergency is for real when it hits the melons!!! OM!
I urge you to get the lifetime pandemic package from Wellness.
Oh yes and please put it on autoship and deliver it to my tombstone even though I’ll be dead by then! 🤡🤬
Speaking of Peter McCullough. . .
He is now using siRNA in his practice to counter the effects of the Moderna mRNA shots. https://substack.com/@annmariemichaels/note/c-57882389. More big pharma to help overcome the last round of their "magic shots." Not a fan.
That's what I'm writing up as we speak...happened to stumble on this bird flu bs and had to put it up.
Thanks for doing that. Look forward to reading it!
SO glad I didn’t spend too much time on him - I will have no “Sympathy for the Devil” 😈😷😈🤒😈🤕😈🤧🤮🤮🤮
Umm, NOOOO! What is he thinking? That we’re stupid? NO to mRNoWay!
Gotta love the colorful infographics: Boing-Boing-Boing- jumpy, jumpy virii- from Duck 1- to Duck 2- to Duck 3-see the arrows.
First Duck- Mutates-Spiky Ball- Dead Ducky Upside Down
Come with me children, hold my hand- let's go to the chalkboard and use big bubbly handwriting.
Clade here, Clade there, Clade, Clade everywhere.
These fuckers are every bit as nuts and opportunistic as the NIH/CDC science-y charlatans.
That's why I put that one it....🤣
Hey, "doctors" leave those ducks alone.
(Another brick in the wall)
Wow, that was fast just after wrapping up the IHR. So it looks like we are taking a front row seat to the latest installment of fear porn. Never waste an opportunity to create a problem for a prepared solution. I saw this coming for months, was just wondering when they were going to pull the string.
I thought that marburg was next, but they are obviously saving that horror show - maybe closer to the election - uh...I mean selection? They've got the Mburg vaxxes ready to go...
Marburg can’t happen till Musk gets another thousand microwave radiation emitting satellites into low earth orbit. They need to stick with the bird influenza for the time being. They can run that scam with your phone radiation.
I had heard about that, they want to keep everyone real busy looking over their shoulders. The lock downs and vax mandates are non starters of course.
Ffs, will these morons ever stop, we should tell them we know they're just trying to push fear so we'll buy their witches potion.
Why is it, exactly, necessary to kill every animal with a positive PCR “test”?
Take chickens and ducks, for example.
Why not let them recover or die?
Don’t chickens get better from having had CHICKEN INFLUENZA?
Likewise, leave the ducks be. Surely in a week or two, they’ll have recovered from DUCK INFLUENZA? Why the mass slaughter?
Even if a cow gets allegedly infected, ie gets a positive in a fake diagnostic test, you don’t need to kill it. Don’t cows recover swiftly from COW INFLUENZA?
I’m struggling to believe sea going mammals like dolphins get DOLPHIN INFLUENZA.
Do they cough?
They get that dreaded blow hole cough…
Dr Yeadon, look at what they are doing in Australia. I cannot get people to understand what this is, what they are seeing.
The authorities are issuing quarantine, cull and burn alerts for livestock using map layers. Previously they have only done this for bushfires - we have NEVER seen this before. https://madeleinelove.substack.com/p/bird-flu-culling-in-victoria
I believe they will be doing this for people soon.
The Wellness Company is pushing Tamiflu! Looks like it is a captive of Big Pharma and Gilead! Selling fear works on the naive that believe the corporate medicine man is truly interested in patient health! Time all physicians with any brains divorce themselves selves from corporate control!
The wellness company was created by big Pharma to control the opposition
Spot on!
Perhaps they have pulled in Leake to improve the quality of the propaganda?
Sales dropping?
You can't serve two masters, money and the public interest. Wellness Company is just another pharma outlet that also sells supplements, etc. And McCullough and the rest of the sponsored mouthpieces are just the new media hucksters for the same-old same-old. Sponsors are red flags that tell you exactly who the mouthpiece works for. And it ain't you!
Great update, Sarah! I should have listened to my spidey-sense months ago. Dear God, these people need to STFU NOW.
More fear porn "virus" nonsense. Anything to sell their Big Pharma "emergency kit'. They're still Big Pharma prostitutes. There are no "viruses" and natural medicine is best. No more Big Pharma Poison!!