Once you wake up, you don't see politics, entertainment or celebrities anymore. You just see liars, thieves, cheats, actors, narcissists, tyrants, fools, psyops, puppets, controlled opposition and satanic rituals. You can't fight evil with 'tolerance and understanding." Lawfare and pushing 'half-truths' is ideological violence. "Democracy is a pathetic belief in collective wisdom of individual ignorance." [H.L. Mencken]

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they are all the same. they are all Zionists, and for a while you would have thought Kennedy was different but, think again. how can anyone vote for any of these clowns? If I can write someone in, I will vote, and otherwise I will stay home. whoever is in the WH will have to dance to another tune or else.

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So true Ingrid. AIPAC and the jews controls both sides. Red or blue…we both want you dead too. Regardless of who people vote for they always vote for a zionist Israel first America last shekel shiller.

I actually just unregistered to vote this week as I haven’t been participating in selecting my genociding enslavement master.

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It appears to me if I vote it's like I'm complying to be part of the genocide.

And eventually the "Dead Part".

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And all of this banter about 'antisemitism", my behind. How about their anti hatred toward about anyone other then themselves.? Those who control the $$ control the narrative and prop up measly politicians to do their bidding. .

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Love it! Unregistering:-) good for you.

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So why is the same shit happening in China?? There are no Jews in China. There are NO JEWS IN CHINA!!.. jesus, its the same garbage..'LOOK! Theres a white supremecist behind every bush! Up every bell tower!' Doesnt matter the 'other', just find that other and mother the other out of it...then make it the next damn thing..

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Sep 3Edited

Always more to learn!

Look up Sidney Rittenberg's relation to Mao.

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China now has a rapidly ageing population, large numbers of discontented single males, and faces the same looming resource crisis as all of us.

So of course the same things are trending there as well: intense surveillance, mass medical poisoning, and I suspect offering the opportunity to colonise parts of the West too....

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My point isnt to discredit the arguments about Israel and certain factions being part of the globalists and their agenda.. it seems obvious to me at least there are always 'reasons' for the destruction they, around the globe including China and Pooh Bear, have engaged in, with we the people as casualties of war. I can also recognize the American contribution, through both private and public malfeasance..my point is that there is a layer deeper, and perhaps more than a single layer deeper, than the 'Jews' controlling the world. I wish it were that simple. Im not suggesting to discount or excuse their participation, only to recognize it is not the single Oz behind the curtain that everyone is looking for imo.. would that it were..

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FOOLISH not to vote! No complaining afterwards then. Biden is the one who mandated the vaxx, not Trump

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The groundwork was already laid. EO 13887 and OWS paved the way for the mandates. One side is not the hero and the other the villain. There is not a party with your best interests at heart. There is just theatre.

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I've heard that a lot, that if one does not vote then one cannot complain. I voted and voted and voted since I was old enough to vote. But it was and is always a game and all the politicians are liars. I say, if I don't vote I sure as hell have a right to complain and complain I will. That both parties are rotten to the core and I despise all of them.

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Occasionally there is a local race where one contestant is noticeably less evil than the other, so I vote for them and then they lose. For decades, in national races I have often voted for the Libertarian in the unrealistic hope that they might get 5% of the vote, which would get them access to the Big Debates. I liked Carlin's quip, "Political people tell me to either lead, follow, or get out of the way...I obstruct!"

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Perhaps being involved politically at the local level could be ok? But I don’t even know about that…they’re all crooks or on their way, and I mostly don’t want any part.

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Yes, the non-crooks are rare, and sometimes they're friends...e.g. www.youtube.com/watch?v=py8cXlLyX18 www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJcnoDfFWhM

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Nobody decent wins an election anymore (except MAYBE at the local level) because the elections are rigged via secret software. The computers "flip" just enough votes to get who TPTB "elected", and there ain't nothin you can do about it. It's been going on for at least 22 years, & just look where we've gotten! To vote in such a situation is merely to lend legitimacy to this farce.

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Well, Rs & Ds are both rotten to the core...3rd parties, at least most of them, are probably at least BETTER, but what w/ electronic vote-flipping, your vote for any one of them will probably get "counted" to whichever rotten-to-the-core party TPTB prefer. BUT, TPTB desperately need everyone to vote, so their man (or woman) can claim he/she "got a mandate from the voters!" He/she will look mighty silly saying that if the voter turnout is 10%. https://www.thepolemicist.net/2016/09/strike-vote.html

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George Carlin-esque!

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That statement that he made is obviously absolutely wrong. The real statement is: if you vote you can't complain.

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Absolutely true, but the R side generally has a better economic policies. And they also generally have better foreign policy. I’m with you, but I’m gonna keep voting. I’ll keep reading the good stuff and protect myself and my family. Cheers.

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Sorry Jennie. It is Kabuki Theatre all the way. Please see Doug's comment below and stop playing "My Guy/Hero" will correct course. The Empire doesn't work that way.

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Not trying to be offensive here Jennie but I call total and utter BS on all of the above.

as Mark Twain once said, "If voting worked, they wouldn't let you do it" Now it may be more impactful to vote on local selections but even that is getting to be utter BS - we dont have choices, look at these fools put forth over the last 50 plus years - scam!

O'Biden didnt man date anything, the 3 letter agencies did and Joe was like ok, where is my ice cream!

and .45 rolled it out in "record" time and removed legal protections from the citizens for the experiment - they are part of the same rotten system - we have every right to state our case regardless if we vote or not... total theft last time so what about that! think they wont keep doing it...

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Vax daddy rolled it out. And neither him nor Biden have condemned this planned genocide. Voting will not save you nor this nation as they all are puppets controlled by the jewish central banks. What is foolish is selecting a genociding criminal to rule over you.

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Should I vote 4a Dictator that's RED or Blue?

PEPSI OR Coke? Lol

I recently changed my driver's license to A NON VOTER.

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I changed my party no party/unaffiliated over a year ago and then recently just unregistered as I’m 100% positive they have been using registered voters to cheat whether or not we are the ones actually voting. I can’t believe for decades I actually thought voting mattered. I’ve read every single executive order summary since 1900. You are unable to tell red from blue but the theme is many are unconstitutional and are quite tyrannical in nature. They literally have declared war on we the people. Want proof that these so called safe and effective vaccines (not just the CONvid one but all) was planned genocide? Just subscribe to Bailywick News and check out the laws and executive orders that prove it. You can start with the orientation for new readers that discusses all the laws and EOs. The constitution is not going to save us as the USA is a corporation under maritime not common law. In fact martial law suspends the constitution for 6 months increments and CONgress can’t vote on repealing it until after the 6 mos. That’s what they have planned. Imagine what’s coming and the tyranny when we finally collapse financially and the illegals are unleashed on us? Zero rights for 6 mos? It will be shoot on sight if you’re caught out in the streets beyond curfew or a one way trip to a FEMA (death) camp. And all federal level politicians and presidents are in on the agenda else they meet their maker.

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Trump called it his vax. He hasn't acknowledged any of the bad stuff they all tried to hide.

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Disagree. When the choice is between two flavors of tyranny, voting is cutting your own throat. If I refuse to choose between Lenin and Stalin, I have every right to complain no matter which one ultimately orders me up against a wall.

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This is total brainwashng BS. not voting is a CHOICE! And I can certainly complain about all the idiots who chose the lesser of two evils which is absolutley INSANE. Trump is no different he said the jab was safe and effective he got it and a booster too. You must wake up to the fact that voting is a no win situation for all. We still end up with a slave master.

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Well then, if you know what the country needs, run for office! If you're that convincing and noble, you can raise money from all the other disappointed non-voters!

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The problem is anyone who would do what is right for this nation would not even be allowed on stage to debate. Selections not elections. And if they actually try to do what’s right similar to JFK trying to abolish the FED via executive order 11110 then they are executed. Politicians are in fact the enemy. None of them will save this nation and in fact intentionally destroy it for the NWO agenda.

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Politicians are the tools of the 1%, whereby the 1% stays on top, always. Now, maybe, if the politicians only got paid Federal Minimum Wage, for hours for which they punched a time clock, and w/ zero benefits, maybe they'd be different....

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You still don't get it! You want someone to RULE over you why? Aren't you a Patriot?? Well true patriots do not want to be ruled over, they believe in Sovereignty. That is Freedom, not some idiot in DC deciding how we must all live our lives and steal our money for their benifit and get uber rich while doing it. As long as there is Governbment we shall always be the useless bottom feeders.

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He is toast if Epstein movie appears..

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Getting so tired of these ad hominems and unsupported epithets

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Homo Satanists run the country.

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I’m leaning toward the big reveal, if and when it happens, being something like: none of us are purely “human,” meaning entirely belonging within the earth’s animal kingdom, and they are the least human, if they are human at all. Annunaki and the slave hybrids. Or some variation on that. I think if we want to hear it, we need to prove we can handle it. I don’t think freedom from them is even possible. I think our only choice is to live in truth or continue to live in pure lies.

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Don’t Vote! Don’t stand in this kingdom

Only stand with Yahuah! We are not appointed to elect leaders. And we don’t. We just think we do.

Americans must stop voting!

This election junk has always been controlled

Just an opinion

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I ask the question to all so called Christians, Would Yeshua vote for the lesser of two evils if he was here today? I think not. He would say "Be in the world, not of the world". Voting is IMMORAL.

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Thank you for exposing the charlatans. Your explanation of the Yes Ladder was perfect! Keep up the great work! Someday we will be able to explain this to the normies, but right now they don't even want to hear any of this. I have friends who think Tucker C. is great, and they have joined a tribe (political party) and believe with every fiber of their being that their hero billionaire will save them. Trying to reason with them is futile. I have lost friends over trying to explain things much more obvious like 9/11.

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Sounds familiar.

The only reason I was even aware of this interview is because it was sent to me by someone who was incredibly excited about it.

The murderers of the world are so good at this. It really is impressive.

Unfortunately it’s also evil….


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I have thought the exact same thing.

They really are so good at it

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I think they get their know how largely by watching and using us.

Certainly our Psychology publishings.

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Yes 👍

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At least you tried Stuart! 👊🏻

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As an example of how bad things are - this was posted today by DG Alerts (an online propaganda source to help keep physicians plugged into "evidence-based medicine") - read and weep:

"...The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted emergency use authorisation for an updated version of the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine. The agency has also approved a new indication for Emergent BioSolutions’ smallpox and mpox vaccine, ACAM2000, to include the prevention of mpox disease in individuals determined to be at high risk for mpox infection.

According to the FDA, the Novavax updated COVID-19 vaccine targets currently circulating variants more closely to provide better protection against serious consequences of COVID-19, including hospitalisation and death. The updated vaccine is authorised for use in individuals aged ≥12 years. It includes a monovalent component that corresponds to the Omicron variant JN.1 strain of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2).

This authorisation follows the FDA’s recent approvals and authorisations of updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for 2024-2025 manufactured by ModernaTX Inc. and Pfizer Inc.

The FDA noted that:

Individuals 12 years of age and older who have never been vaccinated with any COVID-19 vaccine are eligible to receive 2 doses of this updated vaccine, 3 weeks apart.

Individuals who have been vaccinated only with 1 dose of any Novavax COVID-19 vaccine are eligible to receive 1 dose of the updated Novavax COVID-19 vaccine ≥3 weeks after the previous dose.

Those who have been vaccinated with a prior formula of a COVID-19 vaccine from another manufacturer or with ≥2 doses of a prior formula of the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine are eligible to receive a single dose of the updated Novavax COVID-19 vaccine ≥2 months after the last dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Meanwhile, ACAM2000 is a live replicating vaccinia virus vaccine, which was originally approved in 2007 for the prevention of smallpox disease in individuals determined to be at high risk for smallpox infection.

ACAM2000 is administered percutaneously via a bifurcated needle, which delivers the vaccine through 15 pricks in the skin. The FDA noted that the vaccine contains live vaccinia virus that can be spread to individuals who have close contact with the vaccinated individual.

ACAM2000 can cause serious complications in vaccinated individuals and in their close contacts to whom the vaccine virus has spread. Serious complications of ACAM2000 include myocarditis and pericarditis, with most cases having occurred within 1 to 2 weeks after vaccination.

The risks for serious vaccine side effects are greater for people who:

have heart problems or a history of heart problems

are taking steroid eye drops or ointment

have a weakened immune system

have skin problems such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, burns, impetigo, contact dermatitis, chickenpox, shingles, psoriasis, or uncontrolled acne

are aged <1 year

are pregnant or become pregnant within 6 weeks after vaccination.

Accordingly, ACAM2000 is contraindicated for individuals with severely compromised immune systems, such as those undergoing bone marrow transplantation.

The agency cautioned that the risk of experiencing serious vaccination complications must be weighed against the risks of experiencing a potentially severe or fatal smallpox or mpox infection.

Source: Food and Drug Administration..."


Does anyone really believe that OWS Trump or Zio-Bob will eliminate this kind of insanity?

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Way too much mullah involved. Telecom and vaccines are related and have way too much power.

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Not only do they want to plant their boot on your face they will also gladly grab your wallet in the process.

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>>ACAM2000 can cause serious complications in vaccinated individuals and in their close contacts to whom the vaccine virus (read bioweapon) has [SHEDDED] spread. << |||| >> ACAM2000 is contraindicated for individuals with severely compromised immune systems, such as those undergoing bone marrow transplantation.<< INDIVIDUALS obsolete and topping our kill list, please step forward now. You will never know your killers.

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Spot on commentary regarding the yes ladder. I stopped watching politicians because all of them, sooner or later, would start saying things which were "solutions" to the very problems they caused to begin with! The roundabout never stopped circling the drain. RFK Jr has been on a roll and I have listened to and agreed with many of his tapes, but why is the simplest solution never explored, which is to REMOVE the financial incentives for all of the bad stuff we don't want, from a police state to open genocide/bombing to funding migrants to poisonous vaccines and yes toxic foods which will somehow be gaslit and contorted into blaming the victim (you) for your bad eating habits? Of course this would crash the system and they would lose their power, so around the toilet drain we go again...

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Perfectly stated.☝🏼

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Geez Louise people! How about some flippin’ solutions instead of bitching & moaning about everything! Y’all are probably correct but have you reached out to either candidate? What should we do? I guess not voting will show em’. So flipping ridiculous! I can’t imagine a Kamala(🤪) Walz(🤮) ticket will be better!

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Okay Then. How about you Start an organization and get your County's Public Health Officer (PHO) to understand that Emergency Declarations are 100% Bullshit. Please note despite the following reasons, the PHO is APPOINTED, not elected;

- SC2 Never proven to exist

- Fan Wu SC2 "discovery paper" did not use a proper Control Experiment, to compare Cell Culture Computer Assembly TO RNA from an isolated/purified virion

- Virology is a pseudoscience, rife with scientific method failures

- Big Business doesn't like profits

- Politicians are all liars and actors, serving the Banksters

- And Finally; Ask the PHO if they can defy the State Govenor, or whoever Appointed them.

Good Luck! 😅👍🏻

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"Big Business doesn't like profits" huh?

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oops. sarcasm slipped in :). Cheddar over everything!

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Guess you put that there to see if we were paying attention

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How much does your county's PHO GET PAID? Are we seriously to imagine he/she doesn't like that salary?

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I would have to investigate; I'll get back to you. But all Gatekeepers in Administrations get into their positions because they are selected. they play the way their boss wants.

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Well, YEAH. Especially if the pay is good (unless they're independently wealthy, which is a slightly different problem).

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Right. The country is inextricably fracked, D.G. It’s gone too far. Neither side will buckle under -regardless of who comes out on top. The Dems have already said so. The United States can be united no longer. Buckle up. This ride is going to be rough. So it won’t much matter how the voting goes. See? The track is pulled up beyond the election. The wheels are coming off.

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Bingo Diane, Bingo. Is Sarah working for the Deep State? Almost seems that way.

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She just outlined a Deep State tactic (propaganda in the form of a "Yes Ladder"), so you completely missed the point. If Sarah was working for the DS, she'd be balls to the wall in giving her total support to the Trump/Bobby team and to their proposal of a gov't-based (and thus fake) "health emergency response," which they will run. Reread the article.

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MI Rob, while I have no love affair with DJT, do you believe that the guy who was shot in the head by a Deep State operation is working for the Deep State? The same guy who is persecuted in court and in the media mercilessly is in cahoots with the Deep State?

Yes, DJT got suckered, because of his arrogance, in the SARS 2 Coronavirus plandemic. However, the health of our Nation is an emergency, just look at the data. Not making emergency interventions like CUTTING subsidies for GMO products, for petrochemicals in foods and medicines, and for shots (a.k.a., vaccines) is key.

I read the article, and it takes only one point of view, and extrapolates that over another problem. I appreciate the bad history of government intervention, however the first step outlined by DJT-RFKJr., is to cut government support for GMO and petrochemicals.

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Crazy, he was not " shot in the ear" or shot at all.


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Good grief. Nor was Corey Comperatore murdered then?!?

Your unhealthy skepticism has led you to new levels of ignorance.

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The only way to know truth in this world is to dare to make inferential arcs across the manufactured data gaps. He was not shot in the ear. Whatever else may be true, that much is.

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Or are you on her yes ladder?

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Comment deleted
Sep 4
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Indeed. So much so that I myself am probably deep state. Ya know, because I defended somebody who was accused of being deep state. It's a deep state tactic, you wouldn't understand (or, actually, based on your comment, maybe you would). Mum's the word, though, OK?

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😂 ✅

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You must be a newby.

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Ah, no meaningful response, just a weak insult. Deep State too? Are you employing Saul Alinsky's Rule #5, "Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon."

No, not a "newby". We have a Constitution to save, and we need to see clearly to do that, not blinded by endless problem identification.

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We're all deep state out here. It's just you who's not. You're the only one left. The guy who's figured out the truth. You can tell we're all deep state because we disagree with you. Yup. That's the tell.

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Brain, yep, now you're using Alinsky's Rules 5 and 8 ("Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”) combined.

The only Truth I've come across is from God, in His Word. Everything else is mostly a shade of grey. Now, the shots are clearly evil. That's an obvious truth, and an attack on our God-given genetic makeup.

While I'm not disagreeing with the "yes ladder" that Sarah highlights as a tactic being used here, what's the point of the identification? Is it to undermine the better choice here? That would seem to be her intent, which isn't helpful. We need to prioritize who is being criticized, and not attack the assumed intensions of the more supportive, yet imperfect, option.

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If that comment feels like pressure to you, you must have led a sheltered life!

The point is, that once you identify something, you're aware of it and will perhaps recognize it when you see it again so you won't be taken in by it.

Those of you who've chosen a side are bound and determined the rest of us are out to get your guy. For some of us, it's not a case of believing any candidate to be more supportive. Some of us have been watching this show fir decades. We see how things just keep getting worse for the average person regardless of who's in power. We know there's no one coming to save us. We know the swamp cannot be drained, even by the most well intentioned politicians.

So we also know that the solution is local. Get involved at the local level where you can actually make a difference. If every community refuses to adopt globalist programs, the agenda fails.

But it's way easier to vote. To call everyone who doesn't agree with you deep state and to vote once every four years. That's why we're in this mess. Because the alternative was more work.

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Go see "the matrix." There is no spoon.

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…>>what’s the point of identification? <<

You’ve just come a near 360 from your earlier comment below

…>> Discerning between the what is and what isn't is the key to Understanding in a World run by the Great Deceiver.<<

Did you notice?

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Cognitive Dissonance sucks.

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Yes, it does. However, not everything is Cognitive Dissonance. Discerning between the what is and what isn't is the key to Understanding in a World run by the Great Deceiver.

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... but how will they run the bot farms once they've trapped themselves in the death camps? They'd rather not admit the 'enemy of the state'' has become the enemy of the political party establishment.

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Interesting thesis, definitely has merit.

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Political Parties are about as ingenious/useful as perfumed garbge bags - once they're dirty nothing will keep the stink covered-up.

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You have ZERO Receipts.

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What is the intent of the substack? I see it as an initiative to force followers away from the biggest threat to the Deep State, Big Pharma, Big Ag, and Big Medicine - RFKJr. That is the 1st receipt.

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"I see it as an initiative to force followers away from the biggest threat to the Deep State, Big Pharma, Big Ag, and Big Medicine - RFKJr."

Key word, "followers". Following will get you nowhere.

The other problem with your statement is that it isn't true. RFK pretends to be a threat, and instead entrenches and enshrines these heavily entangled institutions. It's flaccid opposition. He kettles his 'followers' into a "safer vaccine" (this is a funny one) or "better regulation" box- oh please, stop being such a radical dragon slayer. He has stated that he is unequivocally pro-vaccine. You're just watching another lifetime actor play his role to the tee. The CHD has had all the info needed to tell their massive following there is no need for needles and pharmies rolled out to fight the 'germs' AT ALL, because the demon particles are only the creation of the superstitious lab sorcerers ("virologists") and have never actually been found in big, bad Mother Nature. These grifters have been rolling in germ nutter dough and riding the "covid" (and "GOF") wave all the way to the bank. Sorry. RFK is not your friend.

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Well, here's RFK's own words, in an interview with Stossel - https://open.substack.com/pub/thetruthaboutcancerofficial/p/rfk-jr-roasts-the-lies-and-propaganda?r=1t5f26&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

You can believe what you want, so can I.

In the real world, not everyone can be a leader all the time, that's chaos. Being a lemming on the other hand is a fatal problem, so there has to be a balance of the leader-servant and follower. To support that, truth and free speech must prevail.

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Intent of SS? Data mining and profile building.

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A very real possibility. I just experienced the same dilemma on Next Door. Someone posted a pro-vaccine thread, belittling anyone who questions the benefits or hints at the risk of a vaccine, and the responses had to be crafted very carefully to limit the profile development (particularly because Next Door is attributable). What a perfect opportunity to introduce this kind of profile development across the entire USA through a community app.

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I’ve reached the point where I try to learn even from the deep state. One thing I know for sure: these Means folks ain’t pure of heart. You can read it in their faces. And that baloney conception story about their aristocratic, coastal mom living a typical American life of sugar and inflammation to an early grave. Puhleez. But whatever. Sometimes truth comes from the liars’ mouths. As impossible as it may be, gotta find the thread. In case you haven’t noticed, the only thing you can save is yourself and your dependents. We’re on The Road. Just doesn’t look like it. It’s a post-apocalyptic journey through a theater set that appears to be the world of 2019.

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She is not entertaining fantasy for hope

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Conspiracy Sarah thank you so much! I had planned to vote for RFK Jr then realized he’s no different from the red and blue characters and when he joined Trump I figured it’s all part of the theater. If Bobby was serious about the dangers of the Covid jab bio weapon he wouldn’t be joining forces with the Godfather of said bio weapon so that was a red flag immediately. Plus he’s a genocide supporter which was the first red flag. You laid out the coordinated plan to beguile those who thought Bobby was the medical freedom champion and he and Trump will save the day. Not.

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So you are going to vote for Cackles or who ?

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Voting Third party or not at all.

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Well, neuter yourself either way, at least you aren’t voting for Cackles and Tampon man.

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So grateful to have instinct spelled out here. Thankyou so much Sarah.

Nowhere to go

Is better

Than a ‘ham’ sandwich 🥪

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This is an interesting article, makes me ponder something I hadn’t thought about before. Tucker has mentioned that not getting the poky was the best thing he ever did, and he has been skeptical and against it many times on his show. Also, RFKj, wrote a book on the poky, its people, and the scam; he’s been anti for a while… he either runs or is very involved with Children’s Health Defense, if I remember correctly. I followed him/them throughout the pandemic. The main thing I take away from this is to never get comfortable, trust no one 100%

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Yes. The Yes Ladder serves as a means of avoiding a huge potential crisis. That being our realizing Trump & his team oversaw throughout 2020 the planning of the entire C19 response: from masks to tests to social distancing to lockdowns to the injections. Period. Full stop. Then the Democrats stole the election & deployed the whole 9 yards of the Republican Warp Speed response. I remember asking myself earlier this year why the Democrats didn't focus on this failure by the GOP. B/c the Democrats became linked in 2021 until now with the whole C19 draconian response. So neither party can take the high ground on the pandemic.

A further potential crisis is our reminding ourselves the plandemic & the toxic injections were in fact deliberate, were fully planned to achieve the effect on national & global health that has occurred. The 'vaccine' plandemic cannot be folded into a 'chronic health crisis'. We're being cynically played again.

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I speculate there’s some occult thing going on here where they have to reveal the method and the potential solution while simultaneously continuing the plan. So while it’s true they shot a bioweapon into humanity’s deltoid, I suspect it’s also true that restoring immune and metabolic health is the only viable path to survival. They want to kill most of us, not all of us. It’s Survival of the Wisest, not Survival of Nobody. Or maybe not. Given that they lie as a religion, life under their rule is a constant guessing game.

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Hey, there needs to be a script for the Deagal Report when 70% begin to drop in 2025, Cambells soup syndrome.

You left out Bobby's recent "chemtrails bad" pr effort.

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Sep 3Edited

A scary thought . . . . 2025 Deagle depop prediction. At least a nugget of truth dropped about the chemtrails will make more of the masses take note of its existence. Before, my friends and family dismissed any evidence I provided much like they used to dismiss any thoughts that the Sep 2001 events were not by the boogey man in a cave on the other side of the world and his minions "armed" with boxcutters.

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Yeah ….. very interested to see if the Deagal Report prediction plays out…..

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Why aren't they talking about the vaxxines?

Because Trump and RFK Jr are lying, scum-sucking, sleazy Epstein frat bros and Deep State Actors who are telling desperate Americans exactly what they desperately want to hear.

Donald Trump has killed more Americans than all our wars combined.

35 million vaxxed are dead.

And in all the years that RFK Jr has been PORTRAYED to us as the 'Champion Of Anti Vaxx' the autism-causing childrens vaxxine protocols have nearly TRIPLED.

So no, these two glad-handing Deep State pharmaceutical reps are NEVER going to talk about the vaxxine deaths and damage.

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Trump ALWAYS said it was a personal choice. Biden was the villain mandater you will recall.

The Dems would have pulled Trump apart at the seams with their frothing mouths if he had not provided what was pushed on him Jan 2020, in his barely won election.

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First Trump lied about the virus, he said there was a deadly virus. There never was. Trump LIED.

Then Trump lied about the vaxxines, he said they were safe. They are not. Trump LIED.

35million vaxxed are dead because they believe Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has killed more Americans than all our wars combined.

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And if it was an accident the product would have been pulled from the market but it hasn’t and it will never be. This is simply planned democide yet Americans think their government loves them.

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One does not know until “the virus “ “ arrives “ and runs its course if there is one or if it is deadly.

Same with the clot shots, not too many of us except the Contract readers, US Patent readers and money trail orders

knew for sure it was an attack and they would be deadly on purpose.

Some knew from History of the Gov and that was astute ; following of facts over 100 plus years or since the beginning of mankind either one

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Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.


There never was a genocidal virus, but there WAS a genocidal VAXXINE.

In 2009 Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and Dr Rima Laibow told the whole Conspiracy Community that the Evil were creating a genocidal vaxxine, for the "Great Culling".

Not a genocidal virus, a genocidal VAXXINE.


Donald Trump LIED.

He LIED about the virus and then he LIED about the vaxxines.

Donald Trump LIED and millions are dead because they believed him.

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Viruses & vaxxes are BOTH a terrific smokescreen for very deadly wireless synthetic electromagnetic radiation, though.

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Why all of a sudden do clowns care? Cause the circus show must go on. At least some can see through the complete lies ( Thank you Sarah!) and what a nightmare...

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The revolution will not be televised, but the oppression certainly will.

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I love the stack that you & your spouse share. It’s a real learning experience & I try & follow much of what you suggest. This govt. bologna is so out of our individual control. Let’s focus on what we can control.

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To quote that philosophical giant, Han Solo, as he was being squeezed in a giant trash compactor:

"I got a bad feeling about this."

Sadly, making Bobby the "Health Czar" will have as much effect as Border Czarina Kamala had on illegal immigration...

Another Presidential advisory group is exactly what is NOT needed.

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The narrative deployed is to bring the normies along the road we’re already down. The whole diabolical plan to cull us isn’t going to be swallowed if it’s just laid out on the footpath in sunlight.

People simply won’t believe it.

The cognitive dissonance has to be moved inch by inch.

See this, okay, now this …

Bobbie was put on the pond to attract the ducks and now he’s about to take them on down the stream to the ocean of truth.

While Kamala and Joe do their best scare crow acts to push more birds towards the pond.

The truth needs to be seen by the most people and this requires tailored invites.

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Exactly. Some kind of great reveal is underway. Those who survive will live to hear it, I believe. I believe that truth is downright Lovecraftian. We all holler about the lies and such, rightly so, but I wonder how many people can actually live in the truth without going insane. Who could’ve possibly handled a world without a fabricated safety net and arbitrary goals and incentives? We’re At The Mountains of Madness, and only the brave are going over the peaks. Btw, Lovecraft’s Elder Things had 5-pointed stars all over their bodies and in their architecture and art. They have to reveal what they also hide.

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