Larry Ellison who ran the military steering committee before they assaulted the entire population with mRNA and the rest of the covid response is the guy Trump stands with on day 1? I guess the band is back together to record a follow up to their last hit "Operation Warp Speed".

What else - the declaration of a Natural Energy Emergency? That aims to strip away all obstacles to fossil fuel extraction. Trump fans should especially enjoy the part on eminent domain. This might shake them out of their collective amnesia regarding his environmental record (which should rank him among history's greatest criminals). That is a joke - if the world being on fire that is bathing everyone on the planet in toxic smoke doesn't wake them from their delusion, nothing will.

The fossil fuel conspiracy goes way back even before the public emergency regarding inevitable environmental cataclysm in the 1980s that would result from continued fossil fuel burning. The conspiracy was that the government was going to address the issue in a meaningful way while promoting the denial of the problem, facilitating the acceleration of consumption, and investing in the deluded path of the engineered solution of climate remediation.

Note to Sarah: That last sentence is what those chemtrails are all about. The climate problem is very real - it's just the solutions that are conspiracy.

Also, every time you see one of those planes dumping shit in the atmosphere, someone just made another million dollars - but what could be more natural, this is America...

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Conventional oil production peaked nearly 20 years ago, we have been desperately cannibalizing nuclear war heads to fuel reactors, and shale oil production is now declining. Renewable energy is nothing more than a mirage of hopium.

The fourth horseman of the apocalypse is now mounted - natural gas production is contracting.



FYI - we are steaming oil out of sand... and drilling tens of thousands of holes into depleted oil fields... blowing up the shale... then sucking up the dregs.... as well as drilling many miles beneath the ocean...

This is how desperate the situation is

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Footnote to original comment:

I was trying to remember where I read about Larry Ellison's involvement in military advising - and also had intended to correct the official name of the group. A search is not readily yielding the information, so it could mean I'm wrong about it being Ellison. In any case, much of his fortune stems from several decades of military-industrial contracting. There is no doubt he is an insider with deep ties to that world, so the point still applies.

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Oooh. Oil is abiotic. Eat it.

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If not for the unceasing propaganda I would be blissfully unaware of the Climate Problem. Unless you are referring to the Ice Crisis, an automatic consequence of Global Boiling. The oligarchs need lots of ice for their cocktail parties and to that end The Consummate Asshole - for a brief period I thought of him as OUR asshole but I was wrong wrong wrong - declared his intention to buy or annex Greenland. Ice is Greenland's primary export and buying it would be the way to go. The Art of the Deal and all that. But that assumes Denmark is willing to sell and if not "we" would have to go to war with them. A daunting mission now that CA stated that he intends to expunge our most fearsome shock troops - the Tranny Brigade

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Fuck yeah.

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they tell you exactly what they are going to do, and then they do it.

people are so fucking gullible

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Yep. Most people have a hard time thinking like a psychopath.

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Actually people are burdened with stupidity - even the smart ones https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/humans-barnyard-animals-and-circus/

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There’s no thinking required. When someone tells you “hey, I’m a eugenicist, I’m here to eliminate you.” All you gotta do is hear/read it to know you’re in trouble. But, the predators have turned on peoples denial cells. They’re literally blind, deaf, mute to reality.

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Less gullibility, than literal cognitive impairment from all the blue light devices, which Google and Apple (and almost certainly DARPA), own the patents on.😐🤔 Which is why they want everyone glued to their tech.😐🙄

#bluelightbrains #follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Yes. Blue light and ultraviolet from modern lighting is causing numerous neurological disorders. But let's ignore all that and convert every source to LED and compact fluorescent. The manufacturers will love us to pieces. Here's another angle:

UT chemists discover how blue light speeds blindness >>> By Christine Billau >>> August 8th, 2018 >>> https://news.utoledo.edu/index.php/08_08_2018/ut-chemists-discover-how-blue-light-speeds-blindness


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Yeah but the real kicker is, blue light within the full spectrum sun- doesnt. 😉

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Because it’s balanced spectrum. Just like taking an isolated (heavy on toxic chemicals for “stabilizing”) vitamin isn’t being used as said vitamin is supposed to do, whole food provides the necessary spectrum. These psychopathic scientists/military/technocrats aren’t in the business to balance. They want all for themselves and none for us. They destroy everything organic and replace it with synthetic’s. And forget believing the land to tell you that your blood levels improved because the labs are fraudulent,too. If you believe you feel better because you take a pill you can thank your imagination. Your thoughts can/do come true.

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Quoting you for my restack! 😁

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Look on the bright side.

We have Bobbie to make sure these are good vaccines.

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Notice they've changed the verbiage again.

It used to be "All Aboard".

Now it's "Roll up your Sleeve".

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The dude is going to watch over this like a hawk.

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Or even a Falcon.

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RFKjr is already being pushed to the sidelines!

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RFK jr said he wants to retest shots. I assume against PLACEBOS. True placebos. Ya think he gets to test Trump/Gates new MRNA cancer shots? He should.

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Vaccines don’t need more testing, they need to be banned entirely. I realize this will never happen as they are one of the most, if not THE most successful means of control in history.

If a testing overhaul happens it will be to usher in the new mRNA vaccines. It’ll be used to say, WOOPS, we really botched those old vaccines, thank goodness we have these new ones that are so much better. I’ve thought for a long time that this has been RFK’s role in the show (as well as CHD). I think it sounded crazy to most everyone when I first said it….starting not to sound like such a long shot🥁…

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Hello Sarah. Right on target. I think we've been *tested* plenty good enough... Let's hope the asshats in charge test themselves first...

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I agree 100%. There is a grey haired female doctor can't think of her name but well known says all vaccines since 1992 have had cancer causing chemicals added to them.

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Probably Dr. Tenpenny. She's a real master of "vaccine" history and immunology.

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Yup and for public health I had to ingest all the rabies jabs. Can I say I sweated bullets, I take IVM regular and now doxycycline too... I may be protected. Some.

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I fully support all vaccines... of course I would never take another one as long as I live... but I do urge everyone else to take all of them....

It is for the greater good... it benefits me ... I'd like to thank all the Vaxxers for poisoning themselves ... for sacrificing their health ... for MY benefit :)

Why are they Poisoning the Herd?

Clearly the Men Who Run the World are aware that diets high in sugar and carbohydrates destroy the human body. They know that statins are no solution to the diseases caused by these diets. They know seed oils should not be consumed by humans. They definitely understand that their food pyramid is a colossal lie.

And they know that vaccines are also dramatically reducing life spans.

Many will argue that the food and pharma industries are benefitting from these outcomes. They make billions of dollars off of addicting humans to these health-destroying inputs and even more from treating the inevitable diseases that result from bad diets.

I disagree that this was inevitable and I would argue that this is all part of a plan, a necessary plan.

The Men Who Run the World and their minions have the ability to stop this. All they would have to do is employ some of the same strategies that were used to convince 6 billion to inject a deadly vaccine. They could easily crush demand for sugary drinks and processed foods by pounding them with high taxes.

We have seen how governments are capable of ending the addiction to tobacco. Why not do the same for sugary foods. I would argue that they decided to come down hard on smoking because it was killing people too quickly and damaging productivity on their farm. They did not make tobacco the enemy because they love ya’ll.

Why Don’t They Discourage Bad Dietary Choices and Stop Vaccinating?

Consider the impacts on the economy of not reducing the life spans of humans.

Let’s say 30% of the population of a country lived beyond 90 years. Pension plans would implode as there would not be enough money to cover redemptions. For those on public pensions, we could raise taxes to ensure pensioners get paid, but that would mean less money for schools, roads and other infrastructure. Government services would need to be dramatically scaled back resulting in huge job losses.

All of these elderly people would essentially be ‘useless eaters’ sapping the economic strength of the country to provide them with medical care and free bus passes, while they produce and contribute nothing.

Why did they ramp up the vaccine schedule in the 80’s? I would suggest that they did this because population (which grows exponentially) was about to get out of control so they needed to take action. What would our overall population be if not for the vaccine push and the dramatic increase in the availability of processed foods in recent decades?

You are Expendable

At the end of the day all they care about is having enough circus and barnyard animals to operate the farm. They could care less about you or your health - you are EXPENDABLE.

They most certainly do not want one third of the population living to 90+ Japan and China are prime examples of what happens when a country is top heavy on elderly citizens. Too few young people to support the elderly.

Without these wise decisions by the Men Who Run the World to deploy strategies to cull the herd, the global economy would have collapsed years ago under the dead weight of too many geriatrics.


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Agree, Sarah, but we need the "data" to support the banning, and legit trials get us there. Otherwise we're just peeing into the wind with the general public due to the brain washing.

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I hear what you are saying, but more data is not what we need. There is plenty of data already, which is why I don't think the "real studies" will ever be done.

If shots were safe and effective then we would already have an abundance of placebo controlled studies. But we don't.

Anthony Colpo just did a great write up of this very subject...


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I don't disagree with you, Conspiracy Sarah, however the strategy of how to dismantle the poison of the profitable vaccine industry is what we're ultimately debating. A full, frontal assault might be immediately gratifying, but we don't have the forces. Would Congress repeal the '86 Vaccine Protection Act? No, not right now.

I assess that this is a long-war, 2-3 years minimum, with real trials, 5 years. We've won the 1st battle. Vax uptake is the lowest in recorded vaccine history, but the industry will adjust. We pray that the new administration will get ahead of that with the new CDC, NIH, FDA and HHS leadership. Won't get much help from the White House, still too much ignorance there, unless Melania has more pull than we understand.

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Old vaccines have to go off the window to push the new magic sauce business.

It's gonna be so weird from now on: we will see people who pretend to be adults insisting on reaching a reasonable center between two killer technologies.

Because, you know, adults don't want to look like extremists. That's bad! What will the authorities say of you if you take a radical position against mass poisoning?

This is how adults are supposed to reason: If the Feds want to cull 1.5 of my three sons to fight global warming, then I will still have 1 full son and one disabled son, and a little angel hero fighter six feet under and a Trump bible with a picture of my baby as a consolation prize. That's what good citizens do: accept the inevitable stoically. We have to defend Israel's right to exist!

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Nah... he's in The Club ... always has been

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🤣 "good" vaccines

rfk is so hobbled in that direction right now... still, there's been no mention of preventing him from forcing the FCC to honor a 4 year old judge's order to update their 1996 cell radiation standards, and obviously it's considered kosher enough for him to go after Big Ag/Food that it's listed on the agenda.

honestly, even getting some of the revolving door and corruption out of the FCC/EPA/USDA and food branch of the FDA would be a massive improvement

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More safer and effective-r

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Just another reminder - no one is coming to save us, especially all those "top people" feeding off the bottom that Drumpf refers to.

It is up to us.

Thank you Sarah for continually calling out the BS!

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🙏 Thank you, Roman.

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''It is up to us.''

That is what all this BS is about.

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It looks like the depopulation agenda is accelerating. Did anyone think that DJT actually wants this many people alive and well? Useless eaters are costly and the country is pretty much bankrupt. Billions more need to be eliminated. MAHA is a magicians trick. Give people cancer with an injection, and another to "cure" it? Or is it to finish them off? All while profits go through the roof for those at the top of the pyramid. It's genius!

Get ready for the new ads. "Custom vaccines ready to help in only 48 hours" Cue happy people doing something, then, Ask your doctor if jabagogo is right for you!

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Well even Dr. Robert Malone is flipping out on this one in his latest stack.

I'm sure this has nothing to do with the Chabad Kabbalist agenda to enslave mankind....

Oh, wait, it does.

CJB: Rudolf Steiner Predicted in 1921 Man-Made Demons w/Artificial Intelligence Will Destroy the World


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Thanks for this link! I’m a fan of Steiner as I wrote about him here (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/rudolf-steiner-the-man-the-myth-the).

He was spot on about his prediction on vaccines and how they damage the soul in the human body (autism I argue) so curious to see what he says about AI

Going to give this a watch!

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The Illuminati told us with the movie The Terminator and following movies.

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Sarah…..in light of this announcement of the 50 Billion Stargate….revisit the legacy of the “Internet of Bio Nano Things”…..

For me, this latest announcement makes me feel that part of the COVID jab thingy was testing how to do the sensors for this global system.




And remember, I noted that Jornet’s research is now focused on how to connect up the terahertz to the existing 5G/6G telecommunication systems. Coincidence I’m sure, right?


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Laura, I really want you to be wrong....but I have a terrible feeling that you aren't.

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I know. Sorry. I really didn’t entertain that possibility before….but can no longer ignore certain flags and coincidences on other research I’ve done….especially regarding Gates and David Roux, Maine’s Tech Overlord. He use to work for Oracle….

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Thanks for the independant links to, and for Sarah, which I accidentally saw, but will definately use. I do know about this stuff at varying levels, and also found that DARPA is silently working with numerous universities, agencies, and corporations which have too many co-opted patents in these fields relating to bio-chem-electro/ microneedles/ frequency/ nano/ HBC tech to address here. I don't believe in coincidence, so in my opinion, yes, it's all (covid/HBC/5G/birdflu/stargate/cancervax/geoengineering/vaxes/etc) related on some level or another. I, personally try to stay elevated above any fear/emotion on it because that is also part of the science and devastating on it's own. 🙏

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Same. Not into the fear mongering. I recognize there is little I or anyone else can do beyond try to raise awareness, do our own research, try to block out the “noise” sufficiently to hear our gut on these matters to the extent they impact us personally. I will no longer trust our government, especially on the education, healthcare and finance fronts.

I lost my mother to the vaccine, but my gut and research spared me and my daughters. I have another family member who is also significantly vaccine injured.

These days my guy is telling me (in part on my research related above and my exploration of Gates’ and Roux’s connections in many arenas) that the COVID vaccine was partly (different lots) a gigantic experiment with different components related to Internet of Bio Nano Things, mRNA technology for medical science, and surveillance/AI infrastructure.

When and how they deploy their “innovations” (slowly over years or rapidly in response to created situations) is anyone’s guess.

Stay vigilant but not fearful. Fear is what allowed them to get this far….

You may want to read my substack on Charles Lieber, on the Vaccine Cards, and I wrote a big one detailing the connections of Roux to Gates, Google, biotech, and others pushing the technocracy AI surveillance agenda….essentially a summary of what are NOT consequences.

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Uh, yeah...so I have a truck full of goats, boss. I was told to deliver them here, to the Starseed team. That you? No? Well, can you just sign for them? I got get moving. I got six more stops today.

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No thanks, sorry! I hate to be an a$$, but it comes easy when I am surrounded by people who patronize the enemy! ..... Why TF would anyone with common sense even be on FB or linkdIn, more or less even refrence them?

Munchausen syndrome by proxy?

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Are you familiar with the Internet of bio nano things?

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Absolutely, I'm the quintessential epotomy of the tin foil hat, conspiricy guru, lone wolf, free-man, constitutionalist, militia, soviergn, survivalist, and natural health movements, since back when I met the legendary Nord Davis Jr who wrote "Sui Juris", and when I first met William Milton Cooper, before he wrote his book, "Behold a Pale Horse" in the early 80's. I'm at the top of the "THREAT" list for INFRAGARD, CIA, NRA, and the NSA lackeys, and proud to be there! I been shouting "conspiricy" from the rooftops, and have been shunned by friends and family for "too much thinking" since the '80's!

Lookoutfa Charlie on youtube has some really good HBC (human body communication) related videos, unless you're already familiar with his channel! I'm always up for freedom platforms or websites, just NO COMMIE platforms. Been censored, reprimanded, deleted, punished, blocked and banned nearly everywhere for my 1st Amendment terror (sarcasm trouble too)... I dumped the youtube app as well. Substack is all I do now, but on the edge of a quick base jump from here too, since it's barely free speech now too. SSDD!

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Honor to meet you.

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Maybe Laura G meant to say Sabrina genius on Odysee.

Or additionally.

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Nope….just cited a guy on FB who has compiled much on the Internet of Bio Nano Things. I do my own research, but do not have it all compiled in an easy to understand format. Although, my substack presents some.

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Got a link? Have seen several of Sabrina Wallace's videos out there, just checked Odysee and there are 4 I could see posted by juxtaposition1, ... interesting gal and a hard act to follow. She's definately got her rap down, and most of it isn't cheerful, and hard to follow, and some of it even harder to believe, but considering some of the shii going on, I don't doubt she's not bs'n.

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"...and we are going to plant the American flag on Mars!" Sure "we" are. Does anyone remember when Bush 1.0 said the same thing? Just out of the blue. Everybody was like, huh? But the congress-things got off on it, chanting USA! USA! And "we" are going to develop the beautiful Gaza coastline, presumably after the usurious Christ-killing parasites "clean it up" as the soulless pile of poop son-in-law Jared so delicately put it. Now let's bring on..the f*****g Village People? As the world looks on with wonder, revulsion, perhaps even pity. "Stargate" and "emergency" are two words that set off internal alarms ( I said them out loud and my cat is now hiding under the couch). Pray and prepare folks. We f****d

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Thanks for posting these videos, Sarah. It’s like a video lineup of felons, except there are no innocent speakers at all.

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Some of the great data centers are already in place ( others for at least 15 years, this is long term programming!) , but oh, they are building more!

Bet JD, Elon and Vivik, as well as all the other Mrna and transhuman investors are ready to make a killing!


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DARPA + users giving all data with no regulation since 1998 + Silicon Valley + In-Q-Tel + Stanford + MIT + Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, X, Meta + wireless (un) smart things + cell towers + data centers + (fallen) angel investors + two party system supporting all of this with UN, DAVOS, EU, Isreal, China (and others unseen) + NGOS + medical pharmakeia + blue screens, algorithms, unsocial media; ie MKULTRA with personal data collection on steroids + no one wanted to see all this for what it is = transhumanism dystopia depop global project!

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I knew there was a reason I wasn't joining Facebook (aka life log), I wasn't into the latest social media fad, Nextdoor or anything else.. just KNEW it. Wasn't jabbing etc. why? basically I don't trust the shits that promote this stuff endlessly... w hy? The hook is convience make your life easier one push on the phone etc etc. But I do not NEED that. The more you say DO IT... the more I resist. Sad no one else (or very few) can see the prison being built around them. May I survive un altered, un jabbed and as clean as possible till I die and may I NEVER be put in a home!!

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Few can see it ( or want to) but what absolute grace you can! Thanks for being! Stay fabulous! And sadly this platform may be doing the same, as the data is not regulated and it is the new oil, we will never know...eventually going back to analog for as much as possible seems smarter than any smart city!

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Oh and then there is the adversarial spiritual component of it all, which runs most of the aforementioned.

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Soul hacking yes...

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The VAERS (low ball) number of thousands of mrna covid "vaccine " deaths alone made this effed up mrna cancer vax announcement utterly insane!

Roll up your sleeve, get you mrna cancer vax after we've tried our damndest to give you cancer with coerced mrna experimental shots!

Welcome to the United States of Jonestown.

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Not everybody died from voluntarily drinking the Kool-Aide. There were armed enforcers. I would expect this will be similar. Plan accordingly.

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Sounds like it was a B ta test.

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Jabber in chief

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First day in office, second day in office, third day in office...

These news are revealed today, but they are deals that were agreed upon months ago, before the eargate.

This BS is like the electric car. No one wanted that product. Not even if electric energy was much cheaper than gas.

Their products are so bad that they need to force them on "customers."

The fate of each old business genius is to become a laughable peddler of a Federal grift.

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What if they just left us the hell alone. No MRNA! No Neuolink! No Freedom Cities! No shots of any kind unless we request it! No more AI tech! Just F off!

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Yes, for this reason they keep us divided. If we come together we have the strength to resist.

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The majority of people are either too busy or too stupid to see what is going on. That includes Trump supporters.

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Gotta hand it to the man. He's the master of using quite a few words to say ... absolutely nothing: "The Stargate project, I think it's going to be something that's very special. It could lead to something that's the biggest of all."

Rinse and repeat, over and over.

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these mf's are charlatans, all. See the fiat dollar signs in their greedy eyes. What disgusting bottomfeeders. The Plan all along was a 'golden age of AI' - digital twins, CBDC, surveillance state, destruction of jobs, 'cause... 'bots will do them." Imagine a vaccine designed and made for every person by bots. What a world! Stargate, Star Link, Warp Speed, etc. This is nothing less than more grift and environmental disaster at the hands of psychopaths. IE bizness as usual.

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