Amazing to me that so few of us are screaming from the rooftops that the DOD in this country and the governments of the world tried to murder all its citizens- and have injected (the willing) with vials of self assembling nanobots, graphene oxide, parasites and circuitry (to what end exactly, who knows?) not to mention gene editing technology that has deleted their immune systems! No biggie. Let’s just move on. Trump and Vance- yippie- trump was duped- he didn’t know- he didn’t know- he was duped-he will save us- he will- he really will—

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Every Trump supported needs to take his advice and go get booster shots.

That is the only way to cure their stupidity

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Do you mind explaining how his ear healed in two weeks --- and without scarring. Duh

Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.

Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.

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Please explain to me how The Lizard-People fit into your notion of how COVID vaccines, sugar and psycho-babble from psychos have destroyed the corduroy of American Society. Will Indigo and Denim ever return?

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Well said - i think the circuitry in the jabs is injected to line up with the 5 g and other EMFs that will be used to manipulate the body-electric - maybe make us magnetic to it. What's fascinating to me is that so few are correlating the 'virus' with a global release with 5G, 6G and radiation poisoning. It could be done through the geoengineering and sun dimming and chemtrails quite easily - and made to 'look like' a pandemic. They can also target people or groups, and turn the attacks on and off remotely, the same as they can use DEWs on nature and rural dwellers. I know it all sounds crazy but that is what I think from what I've read on those subjects, the surveillance, all of it. It lines up with the biggest land grab in history, the planned die off of billions of us, and grabbing the rural lands for themselves while forcing the survivors into 'smart' cities and islands. AND the 600 new billionaires in less than 4 yrs - probably more now. The jabs are then a way to get more of this 'attractant' to these poisons into our bodies and minds - the mental part being done through remote attacks and gangstalking..

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So few want to realize the frequency and poisonings. I’ve come the conclusion that that the world isn’t meant to be saved. The awakening is mean for those who are built to handle it….working on self is all we can do.

We are here, now, for a reason and I’m trying to appreciate that. Most likely I volunteered for this life experience 😬

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Yes you did “volunteer for this life experience”. It was part of your “soul contract”. And being as that may be, it’s important for the few of us who remained ‘awake’ and questioned the ‘narrative’ to keep speaking out. It starts with igniting the light within our own being, then letting it shine out to others. 💓🙏🏻 (Oh and BTW my name is the same as yours 😉💓)

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When I read the beginning of your comment I had a vision of them turning on the 5G and people just slamming into each other because they're now magnets. I think this needs to be on Netfx!

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Brilliant!! 😂😂

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absolutely. right. bingo! so sinister-

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Won’t you and the billionaires all be dead within 6 months of the killing off of farm laborers, immigrants from the South and the Middle East.

I mean get serious!! How are the shitnozzles like Musk planning to eat? All those bold and better thinking men like Elon, Bobby and Donny? We know they won’t be doing the farming.

Maybe there are magic beans that will grow enough beans on beanstalks that if they can wait out the growing cycle will drop enough green beans to the ground to feed the 600 +1 people left on the planet!!??? Maybe that’s it.

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you didn't mention the multiple venom peptides.

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yes. forgot about those.

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Trump tells the truth when he tells the snake story. He IS the chosen, and viscous one. He also said he could shoot someone dead in Times Square and wouldn’t lose supporters. Not my kind of truthfulness, that’s for sure. Trump, the father of the c19 vax and Bobby the vaccine lover belong to each other.

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this is your savior? Vote for a corrupt liar? Oh you mean Donald Trump?


Like presidents of the USA before him, Trump has proven to be a liar, a hypocrite and a murderer. And people just ignore all that until it directly effects them.

Here’s a few things to ponder about the man.

He stated Hillary would be in jail if he was president

But confirmed his lie here.

Tump says take guns first then due process

Trump works for big pharma- At least he is a scientist or Doctor or virologist… No wait he’s not any of these, but says this.

Who is Wilbur Ross?


Trump signed away your families future finances

Trump very proud of using “mother of all bombs”

like presidents before hoo




Sanctions on Venezuela



More lies


Trump with Klaus Schwab



Trump also spent time with Jeffery Epstein

These are just few of his lies.

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Fair enough Randy. But it doesn't matter what PAWN you put in (president etc.), the result would still be this.

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Exactly. All presidents are pawns. Puppets with their strings being pulled from above them. I trust none of them and vote for none of them. It's a waste of time and energy.

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Trump was not duped. He is brilliant actor. You were are duped. Trump knows vi rus dont exist. he is the mafia front man. rfk jr knows too. both masters at keeping big pharma alive and well funded. and their followers supporting him despite the warped everything.


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While, I get your point. I have been writing for 3.5 years against the Vax and all the lies that followed, the lockdowns, etc. One thing Trump does love is being a winner in his endeavors who doesn't. However in light of the 400 federal agencies that he was up against and the 100's of "experts" giving him the false information, and giving everyone in the Industry false and misleading information except those involved in the fraud and financially benefiting from the medical COUP and election COUP, those controlling the Billions in disbursements to Hospital CEO's and the hundreds of investor hired fear dissemination groups, marketing groups etc. It takes alot more than these two men to defraud 7 Billion people. To point the finger at one or two people is a mistake, the Criminal fraud and Collusion was much bigger than either of the two of them. We have witnessed the devastating attacks against anyone who has stood up to this PONZI SCHEME, of International Bankers and their Trillions in Pharma and the Trillion to the Military Industrial Complex. It is going to take much much more than simply these two men getting into office, although that will help. The International Bankers and about 12 families have created this mess and live, eat and breath to continue their control over every asset in every Nation. The masses have been asleep at the wheel for over 90 years and all of the three letter agencies are now "benefiting" by looking the other way and allowing pharma companies to continue despite BILLIONS IN FRAUD YEAR AFTER YEAR, any other Company would have been out of business in their first lawsuit., yet our legislators, our Intelligence and our Justice System have been complicit for those 90 + years. For anyone to think that these two men are going to be an end all is just wishful thinking, our laws need to be upheld and many legislative bills pertaining to The Medical Cabal need to be overturned for this to truly get handled once and for all.

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Go and look at nano.gov. if you think the world has been really crazy the past few years, it's all explained right there. Look up JD vance. Do you know that he has made his millions through his biotechnology company that specializes in gene editing mRNA and is quite well known for animal torture. Of course no one out there in the truth Community or mainstream media is talking about this. The website I mentioned above explains exactly what's going on and has been going on since 2002. Started with Clinton and has continued on through each presidency

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Yep, & they’ll use ol’ Trumpy boy, through Don Jr., to help get things in place, like AI & digital id’s, connected to your health info., so when 2028 rolls around, it’s all there. Ready & waiting for us. They’ll look pretty good for Trump’s next term, but they’ll get everything in place for when he’s done. AI & digital id’s will be the end of humanity. Robots will become the police, weaponized drones will keep us locked down anytime they want. Intentional food & water shortages will create major chaos & deaths. Elon’s neuralink implants will hook us up to the AI control system & we’ll be tracked, traced, monitored on every level, isolated, poisoned, & enslaved. No more joy. No more family. No more humanity. Trump will help usher this in during his term. So will the other side because it’s not right nor left. It’s a uniparty. Two wings of the same bird. The Republicans run controlled op to the Dems. Notice how they stand down largely? But nothing gets done. No one is held accountable. It’s all a scam. AI will take us down. It’s the truth. And the truth hurts. Sorry.

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Oh, also pointing to " TRUMP" as THE why is ridiculous there is TRILLIONS bring invested in AI and research - China slightly behind US and not happy about it, there are thousands involved internationally, and every major Nation competing to be top dog, so to try and pin this " on Trump" is just more political fodder.

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I get your point too, but life us not ALL DOOM AND GLOOM. AI poses many possibilities across all industries. It is not solely being looked at for war and destruction. There will be the 2.5 % truly dangerous that will use it for nefarious uses and of course their own personal gain. The investors are hyping it's capabilities far beyond the truth of where we as a society are actually at - and like every " scientist" they always OMIT THE SENTIENT BEING, who can simply turn the switch off. AI is like a massive encyclopedia of what our society enters into it a refection of the internet, true or false data sets. Weapons use against citizens violations 100's of laws so I don't see that happened except as prevention. However the military may use robots that by the way are its own liability in that it us not sentient. For Big production of goods AI learning " machines" can potentially cut costs and presumably cost to consumers, make food production faster etc. Yes this also means jobs, but innovation always changes the move into the future. My main concern is not the people but how Governments will use it, we will always have our sentient awareness and innate right to an independent choice.

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Oops few typos there

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you can edit substack comments, edit command is under the three dots! PS hi Tina! 😊🌻

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Hi Benj how the heck are ya? Are you local or East?

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The Board of Directors of The Club

What if a small group of very powerful people decided to create a global super class and discard the old paradigm of nation states where leaders’ loyalties were to their countries?

What if the board offered tens of millions of dollars and fabulous perks to members? Everyone has a price, and if a leader declined the membership offer, perhaps that leader would be replaced by a more compliant person.

What if a member of The Club was dumb enough to not follow orders.

Recall how billionaire, mafia-connected Silvio Berlusconi was stood down as a Club member when he proposed a referendum on a bail out, and The Club replaced him with an unelected dictator. Former ECB chief and Goldman Sachs vice chairman formally accepts president’s offer after securing broad support across political parties I don’t recall cnnbbc questioning there not being an election to choose the new PM.

Villains and Heroes

What if US presidents are nothing more than actors?

What if Trump was tipped to play the role of raging blowhard with the odd hair and spray on tan?

What if Biden, who sometimes appears to not know where he is and shakes hands with ghosts or tries to sit on a chair that does not exist, yet at other times is perfectly lucid, is faking dementia?

Why have we not seen Trump or Hunter in jail? Is this all Potemkin Theatre? Is it a political version of the World Wrestling Federation for the purpose of inciting mass demoralization using the Operation Clown World strategy (Tranny Freaks flashing their ball sacks in primary schools while parents clap and sing along is also part of Operation Clown World). A demoralized herd is more likely to accept extermination. It is also very effective in keeping the mob of imbeciles from the truth.

What if corrupt politicians are not a flaw in the system rather a feature? Might The Club encourage venal idiots to seek office because they will do what they are told and are only interested in enriching themselves.

It’s not hard to imagine that if a POTUS was to oppose The Club, he’d be ushered into the private cinema at the White House and shown the Zapruder Film. No doubt The Club’s directors prefer not to blow out the brains of its members (again).

Trudeau was a drama teacher. Ardern was a DJ with PR certificate (and bad habit?)

Check out the video of coke whore Ardern https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/what-if

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You make solid points. I often suspect we are being subject to theatre.

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They even have it in dental anaesthetic

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Have what now? Please say more I am unfamiliar with dangers of dental anesthesia

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You can research bioconvergence, IEEE, nano.gov, dr. Akilyz, internet of everything, internet of bodies, internet of biomedical bodies. We’ve been fed nano tech for decades, chem trails are nano dust, gmo foods are nano tech, water/air/food/animals/medicine/plants/soil are all contaminated with nano tech. The mRNA vaccines are to upgrade our systems. They literally have created a digital twin for every one/thing and can control thoughts and dna. The CERN facility is the quantum computer where the store our digital twin. We were connected to the cloud a long time ago. Research morgellons, synthetic biology, mimetics, targeted individuals. No president will save us. You must go within and never comply, to the best of your ability.

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Maybe a few wise men had the answer years ago. Jeremiah. 17:5 "Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind. And makes flesh his strength, Psalm 146:3 Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.

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David Nixon's substack will explain what's in the dental anesthetics 👍🏻

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But, this JD guy is a piece of work ain’t he? Not only has he been groomed by Peter Theil, developer of Palentir which works with the CIA to collect and analyze data on every American citizen and then create lists of potential domestic terrorists. Theil recruited JD right out of Harvard to partner together as venture capitalists. Now to discover he was also involved in biotechnology??? Can our choices get any more disgusting?

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Thank you for the correction! But, Yale/Harvard both the same now.

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I think Vance is a placeholder for RFK to become VP. Just my two cents. Vance has literally no excitement around him and look how well RFK was received.

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Immediately when RFK announced his endorsement there was so much fanfare for the unity ticket…except RFK wasn’t announced as VP….unless….

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Experiments on animals and humans for the medical Industry has been going on since 1898 - one of the first " vaccines" was using snake venom. GAIN OF FUNCTION and bioweapons with cancer replication goes back to 60's , see the book DR Mary's Monkeys by Haslam.

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Venomics. Many medications use venom to open/close calcium channels. Venom also used to break open (cut precisely) using CRISPR cas9….this is ancient technology. Our children are going to university yo learn how to build their own enslavement thinking they will save the world. Just think how the build an ego using virtual signaling. This world has to be hell…what else can it be.

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Another interesting book : THE CODE BREAKER , Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the future of the Human Race, by Walter Isaacson. She received Nobel Prize for CRSPR technology.

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I've heard Sasha Latypova and TLAV talk about Vance's company.

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thanks for the link.

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We need them to

1. Stop all vaccines immediately, because the evidence of genocide is overwhelming

2. Exit our Nations immediately from the UN /WEF / NATO / Zionist Cabal and expose climate change as the treasonous world coup that it is,

3. Stop all support for war in Ukraine, Israel and all other destabilization and money laundering schemes.

4. Start immediate deportation all illegal immigrants and increase border security.

If they cannot do this, immediately, there is no point in voting. Time for platitudes is up. The cabal is unrelenting and this is just the first hour of scheduled tasks.

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'' Stop all vaccines immediately, because the evidence of genocide is overwhelming''

They won't do that because the intent is to kill as many of us as possible and will remain that way until end goal is achieved.

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Yes. That’s why it’s on the list. Why are we voting ?

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I wasn't planning on voting... Are you?

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For the lesser evil? No. Quit paying taxes as well. Imagine if everyone did that.

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Not anymore. Elections are rigged and government will never let us be free.

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I like the idea of a protest vote better. None of us will agree on who to write in on the line but I think it would be great if we slave-plebes could think of someine - living, dead, or imagined - and everyone write them in and get more votes than either of the so called presidential candidates. We'd still be slaves but at least we'd be flipping the virtual bird to the Owners before they finish us off, or attempt to.

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That result will be falsified like everything else. Spoiling the vote (expecting public acknowledgement) has the same effective outcome as petitions - which were a mockery. (S)election result is a given. What matters is people finally taking a stand for their own internal growth, shedding statist shackles of dominance, not relenting to the ‘lessor of 2 evils op’ and reducing their fear of resistance.

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Georgia guide stones a spell carved in stone for us reality creators one and all to buy and image their reality they wish to manifest

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They were blown up.

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Yeas, and I'm still wondering who blew them since the local LE just swept them away as if they never existed with no investigation or questions asked.

Just like the WTC towers.

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yep, check agenda 21 and 20/30 as well as recall Georgia guidestones.

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By them you mean these guys? https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/who-runs-the-world

You are aware that you cannot vote them out....

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We can't vote anyone out who was never elected, which is why they are nothing more than self appointed tyrants and invalid.

They never had our consent, and only rule by force as all tyrants do!

Do not consent or give them any credibility or authority that they don't deserve!

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How do you force them out when 99.999% of people do not acknowledge their existence?

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I don’t think it’s that dismal. When it comes to the ‘swamp’ and ‘cabal’, the ‘bankers’, the awareness is broader than with the plandemic captured. Especially in the bay of financial corruption. Not so much in the satanic dungeon. Hence much care has been invested to keep the financial chop low, and the pin in place until everything else is set. Because nothing will awaken the masses faster than losing their savings. Suspending the inevitable has not brought any benefits, in the contrary. And at some point the pin will need to be pulled.

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We ignore and do not acknowledge them or their fake rules!

Passive resistance.

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seems to me we need to have some way to formalize our non consent. Because doing nothing gets construed by these monsters as 'tacit consent.' So SOME kind of action needs to be taken to say we do NOT consent.

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Some people have suggested that you can file a public affidavit stating your natural sovereignty and that you are not subject to any false or fraudulent authority.

Any affidavit can be filed in your local county court, but it may not matter since it is local.

As for the fraudulent WHO tactics, there are many petitions to sign opposing them, for what that's worth, since the fraudsters just ignore them.

However, that proves their fraud, and anything based on or subsequent to any fraud is also a fraud. The fruit of the poison tree legal axiom.


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Yes. My point. How much longer do we let them mock and kill us? Because the puppets cannot do 1,2,3,4. Why are we voting?

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what else do you have in mind? Besides Wake Up and Live, for real? Because things in mind for me are: localize, learn practical skills (I.E. applied arts), love who and what you love, exercise your creative mind and Critical Thinking, maybe had a tool bank and a couple of cars people can share incl give rides, spend as much time in nature as possible, take care of the lands and waters since they take care of us - things like that.

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Trump doesnt care about being a winner, he is just following the orders his handlers give him because he is part of and a stooge of the blob.

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''It is going to take much much more than simply these two men getting into office, although that will help.''

Help how?

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Election after election after election ... the barnyard animals believe 'THIS TIME' it will be different... yet it never is...

But they still continue to vote.

That's how dumb humans are... even the smart ones.... no wonder it's so easy to run them around by their noses... dumb beasts

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What’s the alternative?…. besides learning to live off the land?

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There is no alternative ... prepping is futile https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-utter-futility-of-doomsday-prepping

What I have been doing (which is not really an alterative...) since I realized we were doomed around 2009... was bucket list... I continue to do so... did the remote Himalayas last month ... off to Japan next week...

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Just be present in the moment; love those around you; reconcile with those whom we might be separated if possible; take in a sunset and savor it. Little things that make life what it is really meant to be.

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We might actually believe this. Daniel 2:44 “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.

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Cause and Effect is the way. Psychic energy. Natural Law.

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Get back to a spiritual belief. Whatever it is, we are spiritual beings, they want to take that away from us. See Rudolf Steiner.

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Try creating a magic circle and having everyone sing KOOMbaya.... if that doesn't work... try Imagine.

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Thank you for your response. I read your Substack.

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Plenty can be done. Sarah, whose Substack you are commenting on, is a great example of someone helping other people understand what the real world actually looks like. To the extent you understand that you can speak up and help your family, friends, and community understand. Engage in local politics with real people over real issues and help educate those who are receptive. As conditions worsen more and more people will be forced to organize to resist, and eventually overcome. Defeatism or running away are dead ends.

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Thank you, TT ❤️

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The alternative would be listening to this book and convincing others it's true. Cooperation between people would be an alternative to government but most of us (me too, until a few years ago) are too brainwashed and afraid to even look at it. It would require maturity and responsibility which is painstakingly educated out of us from an early age. I find it intimidating but government is a failed experiment https://archive.org/details/larken-rose-the-most-dangerous-superstition-iron-web-publications-2011/MP3/Most+Dangerous+Superstition+%5BB0886CC7JX%5D+-+04+-+Part+2+-+Disproving+the+Myth.mp3

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👆excellent book. Although I don't completely agree with everything Larken presents, I do agree with a lot of it. Well worth the time.

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Thanks for that suggestion!

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As stated on Seinfeld, "People, they're the worst"

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Agree with you , help who is my point , not us only the big boys.

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The best part about never engaging in political hero worship is that you're never obligated to make excuses for everything someone else does.

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Trump could have done one simple thing and that is question the idea of a light speed experimental mRNA substance. He could have easily discovered that the average vaccine take 7-10 years or longer to get tested and approved. He could have questioned the need of creating this concoction so fast when there were not millions dying in the streets. He could have realized that many of the "experts" in his administration had already been proven frauds and useless. He questioned nothing and that I do not forgive.

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Stay home.

Vote for Harris/Walz.

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Why is it that the pink-pilled always assume that if someone doesn't like Trump that they must like Harris?

Personally, I can't stand either one of the llluminati scum.

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It goes back far. The Flexner Report. Probably further than that even.

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all the more reason not to vote in the presidential for any of these yayhoos - I will write in Alfred E Neuman, as I've done for most of the past 50 years. The times I voted for any of these mainscream party puppets, I regretted not using the write-in.

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That’s exactly why the only person that is required to not be deceived is me . I believe at some point the test could come for me to make a decision. Liberty on every level or death of this skin suit in this monstrous 3D game . The thing is you can’t enlighten someone so caught up in the drama of their own self ,Polytricks and planted strawman identity politics that all you can do is do you in concert and harmony with your inner self . I am aware how trite I sound right now but basically to escape you have to go in and find your own peace . The body will die , but if you gain that certainty that your awareness won’t, then the world can go to hell it will only happen in the low frequencies of condensed frequencies called matter . Don’t buy into manifestations of negativity. As we think we create . Be aware of what drives you negative or the knowledge that death is an illusion.

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Sarah: Well written except mentioning the exact cabal, which I shall also not do. I do disagree with "...in every Nation...". Two distinct different nation, but Iran & Iceland I don't thing are totally controlled.

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I'll mention them

The Protocols Of Zion

Published 1903

* Place our agents and helpers everywhere

* Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans

* Start fights between different races, classes and religions

* Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way

* Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials – see this

* Appeal to successful people's egos

* Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail

* Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us

* Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary

* Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism

* Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect

* Rewrite history to our benefit

* Create entertaining distractions

* Corrupt minds with filth and perversion

* Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor

* Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.

* Introduce a progressive tax on wealth

* Replace sound investment with speculation

* Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments

* Give bad advice to governments and everyone else


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All are totally controlled:

''The total number of covid-19 vaccines administered in Iran is now 112,273,684 doses. They include 3,307,997 triple-vaxxed people.

Despite the downward trend in deaths and infections in Iran, authorities say the vaccination process will continue forcefully until the entire population is fully inoculated.''

''Iceland stands out as one of the world’s most vaccinated countries, with nearly 71 percent of its population fully inoculated''

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To ask a question is to answer it. Which is - making Bobby Kennedy his Attorney General is the ANSWER. When Bobby first started running he said all the alphabet agencies aren't bad, in fact there are some very fine people working at all of them - he said it was just those at the top who were totally corrupt and needed to be terminated - he even named names of those he would immediately get rid of - I thought for sure they'd kill him just for saying so.

If you want real change you give Bobby carte blanche - the man knows enough people to put in place to then do what needs to be done. Prosecute every single one of these people. No greater legacy would be acquired than seeing him follow in his fathers footsteps and actually succeed.

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Totally agree. This is a much broader war.

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Do you write a Substack?

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Excuse after excuse after excuse .... after excuse.

What the f789 is wrong with you?

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Trump and Kennedy are both fully owned. Nothing new from either of these tools

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If you have a better idea, please tell us what it is...

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A better idea than what? Voting? Taking part in the election narrative theatre? Consenting to being a slave in a corporate organised crime gang? I have already 'stepped out' of this particular Mob's system and with some others have created a Village. We are a part of a larger grouping of Villages in our local area. We consider this to be a better idea. Is that what you mean?

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Of course they don’t want to talk about the shots. But neither do a huge percentage of the people that got them. Even most of the ones suffering, or the parents of the dead kids, can’t overcome the cognitive dissonance that comes with knowing full well they are screwed for the rest of their lives. Or that they killed their child. It’s a nearly impossible bridge to cross.

My younger brother shut me off and out because I tried (unsuccessfully) to convince my 92 and 94 year old parents to take a wait and see approach. I didn’t tell them not to get jabbed, just to let others go first and wait a few months to see what happened. They chose otherwise, my mom died a few months after the 2nd jab from heart failure and my dad followed her a few months later with Stage 4 bladder cancer (turbo). I have no contact with my brother, but my wife has contact with his wife. He makes no connection between the jabs and the death of either of his previously healthy parents.

And now, I learn from my wife that my both my brother and his wife have newly diagnosed diabetes (both now on some drugs for that) and he had a cardiac ‘event’ during a colonoscopy and is now on blood thinners and other heart drugs. According to my wife she gently inquired and again, they make no connection.

They are both ultra left wing nut case academics and certainly have taken every jab offered. There is no amount of data, no study, no logic that could even begin to overcome the cognitive dissonance these people face. Even if they know, deep in their brain recess, that ‘we’ were right, or that they made a mistake, there is no way they will ever, ever, admit it.

I’m not making excuses for anyone. Not Trump. Not Bobby. Not anyone. I’m just pointing out the reality. It’s a huge part of the reason why there will never be justice, or retribution, or anything even faintly resembling an admission of wrongdoing. We can all understand why that is the case with the perpetrators.

But it’s essentially the same with the tens of millions who got in line, just without the evil intent. People simply cannot cross that bridge and then go on and live a normal life. And so they choose to not cross the bridge.

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Sorry to hear about your family members’ fates, Moody. I agree with your interpretation of how cognitive dissonance has closed the door on awareness for so many of the jabbed. It undoubtedly is a bridge too far for many to admit what they have done to themselves, their kids, or others, so rather than cross it they just turn away. He isn’t my brother, as in your case, but my cousin is a retired GP and his wife an RN. When we differed over the masks and the vaxx we parted ways and hadn’t communicated for three years. I found out last week he was diagnosed recently with Stage 4 colon cancer. By his own words prognosis is 3 years. I didn’t ask but I have no reason to think he has connected this at all to the vaxx (he was fully vaxxed and boosted).

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My uncle died of stage 4 lung cancer 2 mos. after diagosis. He had 2 shots. My aunt does not connect it to the shots.

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I’m sorry about your loss and pain. No one deserves this!

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It really is hard to believe what is going on in the world. No one can believe that the world is that evil.

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It is hard for people to believe that this a world-wide genocide event.

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The VA is still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans with an "additional dose" for veterans 65 years and older.

The VA had safety signals triggered 6 months after the shot roll out for myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shot. A VA employee, Fran Cunningham, emailed the CDC with the warning.

VA still forced their employees to get the shot with Biden's federal government mandate.

VA never warned veterans they could be harmed.

VA is denying disability claims to veterans who were injured while on active duty because the were forced to take the covid DeathVax.

The rot goes deep.

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Amen!! It’s WILD!! They dismiss it like it never happened and refuse to take ownership for their stupidity. Some actually try to justify it by saying, “Well, I’m not the only one.” 😳

It’s like actually living an episode of the Twilight Zone.

It’s 🤯 how these people think!! As I’ve been reading other’s comments/Substacks, it’s become a common thread about how these people never want to take ownership of wrongdoing. Just like Kamalala...they consistently shift blame to others for their obvious misdeeds and bad behavior. They don’t want their “feelings hurt,” so it’s easier to deflect those emotions off instead of experiencing actual guilt.

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Your first para totally nails it. I mean, there are people with pre-COVID vaccine-injured kids who can’t face that it was the vaccine/s…. let alone COVID. I’m trying to face it. It’s tough. I feel by turns stupid, angry and physically ill just thinking about. (It’s also extremely isolating). I was ‘lucky’ to be only relatively mildly injured. Eternally grateful that where I live COVID shots weren’t mandated for kids.

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You are right.

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Trump the globalist wolf in a populist zip up sheep suit.. if not obvious at this point, retarded

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Vote for your communist girl then🤷‍♂️

Let your hate guide your destiny😄

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Vote for none ! Why give voice to any polytrixter , Frank Zappa was right . “ Politics is the entertainment arm of the Military Industrial Complex “. Period…

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It's a soap opera/pro wrestling formula

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Of course they will never shut down the battle field but Trump was in no war during his time. That’s a fact sir! I agree with you on most of this! But you liberals are so damn pissy…no confidence….just pessimistic. Kennedy wants no wars either. He said it on live TV.😀 Gave hope not hate geez

By all means stay home, practice your right and do what you think is best. When things get more fucked then don’t cry like a little baby and play the blame game.

If you support Kennedy listen to him🤷‍♂️

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They loosen the noose right before they tighten it a little more. It gives you the delusion that you will be ok. Slowly boiling us to death.

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No wars? The zionists could not continue without US funding. Stop that and no 'war'.

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War is inevitable you Fucking idiot!

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Probably nothing to listen to, but someone said, Psalm 46:9 He brings an end to wars throughout the earth.

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There IS the write in option. I will be voting with that. Viktor Orban for POTUS, and Marine LePen for VEEP.

Of course those are impossible choices, but there are no “possible” choices as all of our “choices” are really just heads of the same parasitic hydra.

Imagine if ten million of us all voted for the same write-in candidates? That would send a message that would be difficult to ignore. That we’re on to the globalists and have found an escape hatch for their dictum of “if we tell you and you don’t stop us, then the karma’s on you!” I will honor their command to vote, and thereby comply, but I will NOT choose either candidate they present.

I’ll probably be the only person to do this, and that’s too bad, but I can control only my behavior, not anyone else’s. So I’ll do my thing for my own sake, and put my plans out there so they’re available if anyone else might see merit in adopting my approach.

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Yeah that’s it ! You’ve mastered logic

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Why thank you 🙇‍♀️😀

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Cv19 was THEIR playbook and with the media support back then Trump couldn’t put it down. It is an irregular war and there are deaths in war.

Cv19 was accelerated to the max so people would get off the experimental vax train. THEIR plan was lockdown until the vax, 5 yrs. THEIR was to be a slow removal of all resistance until the vax. THEY built dissenter camps that were little used in Queensland. By the time the vax arrived there was to be no voice raised against it.

By accelerating THEIR plan more people stood up and resisted and the resistance grew, despite all attempts at suppression, media silence, gaslighting etc.

Then the vax rolled out and we watched in horror as the predictions came to fruition. It was horrible to witness, the people walked off the cliff, no argument against these poisonous jabs could stop them, they were in a trance and then they jabbed their own children.

We witnessed the power of propaganda and hypnosis and naive unmerited trust in authority.

We saw the worse of police and the karens, we saw all the businesses enrolled into THEIR playbook.

We saw the schools used as weapons against children. We saw the hospitals as dangerous places.

As horrific as this was, and we all got ptsd, from not being able to stop THEIR plan, screaming into the void. We learnt a lot. We went through the white squall.

The conspiracies were evident and we’d been proved right. THEIR media lost its power to alternative media, because we were the witnesses. There were enough of us the could see THE EVIL ONES and we were and are still joined by the vaxed awakened.

This is why we will see medicine and science change on the ‘other side’ of the coming election. Enough of the people had to see the problems so a change could take place. The people together, not fighting each other, will tear apart the old deceptions and bring in the new medicine of ‘first do no harm’ sans big pHARMa and then revisit science to weed out the deliberate mis-directs that retard our lives Eg the production of energy.

Between just these two: health and energy, greatness is guaranteed.

The people are waiting and ready to for disclosure and justice and the recompense.

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And everyone goes along like everything is normal. forgetting the horrible scenario they put us through, and will surely try again.

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I believe you may be right. We shall see.

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Great video, Sarah! It’s very important to spotlight what these two are up to before they lead to many lemmings over the cliff.

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Thank you, Tom 😘

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Are you voting Kamala? Otherwise, this discussion is moot. We are responsible for our own health. It has to start with eating properly and staying as far away from “doctors” as you can.

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Voting is admitting one is an idiot

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Then the idiot has no right to bitch about anything political 🤷‍♂️

His ignorance certifies that!

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There is nothing to bitch about ... because it does not matter which party is in power... they have no power over anything of significance https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/who-runs-the-world

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That's a very old saw.

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The most brilliant response I’ve witnessed on this thread👍

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Had to have shots- bad virus all around- didn't know what to do.

China let this thing loose on 'Merika.

Fauci and Daszak- mebbe lab leak. Need more funding for Biosecurity. Rand, are you there?

Still didn't know what to do. Needed shots. Might need digital ID to protect investments and the border.

Probably China is behind it all. Or Hamas.


Time tunnel back to War on Terror- that's about all it is.

Whatever you call it- don't call it racketeering.

Duopoly Inc.

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Lol, spot on… lest we forget

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Oh, yeah, baby! Kumbai-friggin'-ya! and Bobby and Donnie are going to get rid of the chemtrails and make the food safe to eat again while the World Holocaust Organization, an agency of the Unelected Nobodies operational Death Machine, the UN, prepares to mandate 500 novel mRNA jabs along with all of the "conventional" ones reformatted as mRNA kill shots.

Neither "leader" seems to remember how to say "Kill shot" and we are in worse trouble than we were before the Great Alliance was made in the halls of the great and mighty.

SO! The responsibility is with us to keep telling the truth as it actually is and to pressure the Congress of the United States to pass the amazingly important Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023. That's why we created the 10 Million Patriot Challenge. It's at PreventGenocide2030.org and your voice is urgently needed to join the other voices demanding that a, frankly, unwilling Congress bend to the Will of We, the People, as they always do when we are loud and persistent enough to fight the fight to force them [peacefully and lawfully] to do just that.

I have, once again, Sarah, cross posted your article to the DrRimaTruthReports.substack.com to share with my audience.

Can I get you to come only my two podcasts, the Dr. Rima Truth Reports, and Catalytic Conversations, to share your perspective with us, Sarah? Please reach out to me at releyes3@gmail.com so we can be in touch.

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Perfect timing too Sarah once again!!!! What Ive been saying is nobody could have sold a plandemic like Trump did! What will he sell us next?

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Swatches from his assassination attempt jacket.

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Yes, I noticed that as well, we will talk about everything just not THE shots that are currently wiping out the population. Kennedy knows there is no virus whilst at the same time he is fighting for ‘safe’ poisons (roll eyes). Still, combined they are better than then other side.

At the end of the day, those that survive this massacre will be the ones to build a future - that’s us!

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Shutting down the vaccine production empire is impossible.

Work towards legalizing choice to take or not. No mandates. Ever.

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Rescind the legal protection the shots have. You can't sue.

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Freedom of speech is a must!

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I just posted that I think trump is dumb, and I think RFK Jr. is the smartest guy in the room. So I have to believe that he sees a way to try to do good works by aligning with the momentum of trump. I don't know what else to think. Everything is so crazy.

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Exactly. Why do people who support the other half of the uniparty ignore this very important point?

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safe& effective. 2 lies

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Same puppeteers, different puppets. If both sides never acknowledge virology and contagion are false and is not founded on true science then ignore both Muppets . Haven’t heard boo about the disclosure project spearheaded by Dr Stephen Greer, Anything about David Gresch’s testimony in the Senate committee hearings then you have to assume they are never going to shut down the war machine and the petro dollar fiat scam .

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