Bingo. I ran into this a month or two ago. Kinda pissed it went over my head for the past ... 20 years?

Next para below is a YouTube link which shows a list of the boatload of videos of where 'they' sprayed the past 15-20 years. Just scroll the list....it's never ending. They've been poisoning the country, county by county, whenever they damn well please.

Copy/paste of an email I sent out to about 30 folks:

"West Nile Virus: Another made up faker (fucker?). Listen to the fear mongering of all “news” media. Notice comments have been turned off on 95% of the videos. Again, they are controlling what the people hear and shutting down anyone who dares to confront them.

Full link of the 3,000 times they have sprayed: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=videos+of+spraying+for+west+nile+virus

Scroll the list, it's rather incredible.

Here are 6 links where you only need to watch each one 30 seconds or so. I cued them up for a certain time

• 11 yrs ago. Watch 30 seconds. She is right: https://youtu.be/n1su5FX13-w?t=35 and good God I didn’t know they were still spraying humans with DDT throughout the 1950’s. I thought they had stopped that sh*t 30 years previous. Will these mf’ers ever stop with poisoning (sickening, injuring, deforming, sllloowwly killing - is what it is) humans?

• 5 yrs ago. Watch 30 seconds. https://youtu.be/GpfJ0Kw7wnM?t=44 Look how much that truck is spraying into the air/all over. And what a pussy that young guy is who’s being interviewed.

• 6 yrs ago. 30 seconds from cue. Same type of person as above. https://youtu.be/0K7-4MGOcTY?t=19 . The young woman is a flaming idiot. Listen to what she did when she heard mosquitos are actually biting people (gasp!). Kinda drastic measures? And her poor, poor kids. <crossin self>

• 12 yrs ago. Spread by PLANE. Listen 30 seconds from cue: https://youtu.be/onsADD5P940

• 10 yrs ago. Same. Listen 30 secs: https://youtu.be/UMllmQ2miDI?t=59

• 2 yrs ago. https://youtu.be/JknrpXMsPbU?t=16


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Sep 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

That does it.

I'm launching a non-profit.

Frontline Mosquito River Blindness MPox Covid Flirt Variant Simulation Critical Care Alliance.


We're at war with this mosquito.

::waves hands wildly::awaits donors for non-profit

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No, no, NOOOOO....DO NOT WAVE YOUR HANDS WILDLY!!!! You know what happens then...

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Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


Now if you'll excuse me. I have to go prepare.

Sen. Ron Johnson has invited me to testify at the 2026 West Nile Adulticide hearings on Capitol Hill to an empty room.

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Well, I sure hope you are preparing the helicopter.

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Sep 12Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

In the spirit of Edna Mode: NO HELICOPTERS!

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I personally don't have extra cash, but if you needz volunteers to beat up dissidents, I'm in.

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… after all it takes a village!

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Please add 'norovirus' to the acronym or risk obsolescence.


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Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I’m a resident of Massachusetts. Yup, they’re spraying ( one town had a particular night dedicated to spraying around the public schools! ). I tried to spread the word but nobody seems to care. ☹️. We are where we are at because so few object to be poisoned.

Can anyone explain this to me?

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Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Yes, serious apathy and scrambled reasoning. Everywhere. Maybeee ——> every 3-4th person on anti-depressants and flouride? Another thing whitecoats been heavily pushing even though it’s proven to not work. Any changes to these ‘mass modifier's’ in, say, late 2019? Because in early 2020 I looked around and said: it’s like everyone just had ‘stupid pills’ in their coffee. I swear we have had a sudden 30% reduction in IQ on this continent. Chemtrailing? ELF? No, not fear, like media immediately sidelined it with.

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Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I was out for a walk today and started up a friendly conversation with two people I didn't know. After about a minute the man works the following sentence into the conversation: "they are trying to kill us". It was nice too come across someone awake to that idea, that all the toxins in our environment might be to weaken the population. 😬

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Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

That is nice. We are not alone

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Last year I showed that the paper claiming West Nile Virus was found did nothing of the sort


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Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

You're on it.

They are also using that shit in the building materials used throughout Africa.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Hello Sarah, this is a cross post of a comment I made on another stack but is relevant to your brilliant piece.

I’ve observed a significant increase in respiratory and skin disorders this summer in our pediatric clinic. Many of these affected kiddos have clean histories. Meaning, they are free from injected poisons, eat well, are not in daycare, and for the youngest of this population, are breastfed.

While taking a history with one family, I learn that the county in which they reside routinely sprays for arthropod borne diseases. I’m interested. I contact the public health department.

It appears that this very large Texas county has been spraying a concoction of organophosphates and “other ingredients” for many years to combat mosquito borne illnesses such as Zika, West Nile. BTW, none of my parents knew this was happening, and those that did, didn't really give it a second thought. Programming...


Anyway, here is the list of ingredients being routinely sprayed:


Permethrin: CAS [52645-53-1]......................... 30.0%

Piperonyl Butoxide Technical CAS [51-03-6]........ 30.0%

OTHER INGREDIENTS:................................. 40.0%

Total 100.0%

Contains 2.52 lbs. a.i. Permethrin/gallon and 2.52 lbs. a.i. Piperonyl Butoxide/gallon

So I review the Safety Data Sheet on the ingredients that were disclosed to me (still working on what the composition of the remaining “40% other ingredients”).



I find several “no information available” under Toxicological Information (section 11). Meaning, this likely was not studied and for another, I notice dermal and respiratory issues and to contact poison control if exposed.

Add glyphosate sprayed on our food supply, fluoride to our water, aluminum salts (among a bevy of others) to vaccines, antibiotics to our animals, and who knows what to the trails in our atmosphere (though I think you know).

And, conveniently, we have Fauci “hospitalized” for West Nile Virus. NY public health response...More cowbell.

Let’s just say, there will be many more healthy kiddos with respiratory and skin issues here in Tarrant County, and it will have nothing to do with the West Nile or any other exotic virus.

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Thank you for this. I am writing a follow up post…would it be ok for me to include your comment? I can remove your name if you’d prefer.

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Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Good on all fronts. Thank you for asking!

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Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Basically, it’s just 27/7 spraying of whatever they can. Here in the Rockies, they spray the graphene oxide poison in the morning, in the afternoon, and now they spray in the wee, small hours of the night. It’s just some kind of miracle we don’t have a mosquito problem. Yet, when I lived in Houston, TX, the spraying for mosquitoes went on weekly for about 4 months of the year. I bet I glow under a black light!☠️

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You could try an infrared sauna to sweat some of that out. Before in New Mexico, being sprayed all the time from above, we were magnetic without any jibbyjabby - after saunas, no more. May be/could be good way to get some of it out of the body.

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Not a bad idea to be certain! Thanks!

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As I indicated in my other comment, the spraying here in my part of the Rockies goes on around the clock. What I hadn’t realized at the time of my comment is that the extra spraying spreads out briefly like the normal cloud inducing sprays yet it completely disappears within about 5-8 minutes. I hadn’t noticed because, who wants to stare at the death coming down on oneself? However, yesterday afternoon as I was out on my deck, there were 3 planes crisscrossing each other and made 5 giant strips across my general vicinity which was rather odd compared to the norm. In about 6 minutes I glanced at the sky and the strips were totally gone. I watched them do this again around 2am (insomnia is my pal 🙄) and it took about 8 minutes to disappear. The other thing I discovered several days ago is several thousand evergreen, pine tree needles turning brown from top to bottom throughout my acreage. These two events must be interconnected. My question now is who else is seeing events like I’ve described in their home areas?

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Bingo x infinity. Similar pattern as stopping a tax payer funded genocide war across the pond for children to get jibbyjabs for something found in a sewer. Full on poisoning around the world.

And oh gosh, what about the World Wide Mosquito Program funded by Killer Gates Foundation? https://www.worldmosquitoprogram.org/en/news-stories/stories/the-gates-foundation-and-the-world-mosquito-program-partners-in-change

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You know what's odd ?

I have 107 viruses lurking inside of me.

The odd part is I'm not even aware of it.

Go figure.

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Stay away, you asymptomatic carrier

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

they’re also spraying pyrethins (chrysanthemum extract) on citrus trees to “attempt” to control the HLB “virus “ in California. I’m steeling myself to wage a battle against these morons who are going to attempt this in the next few weeks (plus another systematic chemical both “treatments” by pharmaceutical giant Bayer.)


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Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Drill down on most illnesses, ask the right questions, & you'll inevitably come to toxic exposures, in one form or another, as the cause.

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Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Another brilliant way in which the climate crisis can be put to work as an excuse for blatant extermination practices. Why should we even assume that they are spraying what they say they are? They can add or substitute anything. Who is going to check and if so what difference will that make? Much cheaper and quicker than the kill shots. No compliance needed.

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Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

the Reptilians will inherit a world that is far too toxic for them to exist and will have to find another world to poison, and on and on, ad infinitum...

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Virus equals poison

Make up fake dis-eases to hide mass poisoning from chemical engineers.

We simply couldn’t believe evil orchestration was a thing.

Cv19 might have changed that, a wee bit. SAD, sudden adult deaths are now a thing.

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Sep 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

It finally happened! The most dangerous viruses of our time have been isolated. It looks like they're pyrethroids!

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