Thank you, Steve.

“If you take the stance the injection is slow acting POISON, the above makes sense, because otherwise it makes no sense...”


The thought gymnastics around so much that is happening right now is truly incredible. When you just lay out the facts...what’s more likely: the obvious thing or the bat and the pangolin and we were flying the plane while we were building it and all the emergency systems were turned off oh and the water was turned off in Lahaina and sometime random things melt on their own because wind and stuff and we made a movie about east Palestine and then it happened and herd immunity and 100% effective just kidding here’s your 27th booster and kids just have heart attacks and cancer sometimes I mean a lot of the time now and building 7 just collapsed still take your shoes off...and, and, and...

Thanks for stopping in, Steve...always a pleasure 🙏🏼

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Thank you Sarah, and you aced it again, everything about this, if the plan was to kill the world via a genetic vaccine that leads to multiple problems over time (causes damage wherever it dumps its payload) ... then people will not think in 5 or 8 years time that it was linked to the "safe and effective" "vaccine" they took years ago, whether it be a dodgy heart, brain, or any type of cancer, microclotting, declining health, autoimmunity, death, etc. they may suffer from...

Like now, it will be painted as "bad luck" or "it happens all the time"... Excess deaths will be written off to mysterious causes, a myriad of causes, unrelated to the jab of course, (maybe it will ze climate change?)... Yet of course it's a murder plot, with plausible deniability as the poison takes its toll...

Aussie senate estimates pulled this bullsh!t the other day... The TGA did a peer reviewed (by mates) study that concluded they do not know what is causing the record excess deaths in this country, but it's certainly not the vax, wow they're so sure of it, must be the safest thing ever made...

Even adding it's the best protection against Covid mortality... Despite stuff all evidence to back that up... You can smell the bullsh!t from here ...

Sort of like "The soda drink board investigated the link between sugary carbonated beverages and diabetes and found no link, in fact they found "Coke adds life" and "is the real thing", so "enjoy" now, it's safe, and fun ... A part of any healthy diet."

Source: https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/governments-health-authorities-baffled-by-excess-deaths/

Most won't see it, as it's too hard to contemplate... Like if your much loved partner is slowly poisoning you over a year or more because they want your house or money etc... Your health declines, yet your partner looks after you, cares for you, wow what a wonderful person... Some suspicious friends might say to you, that your health seemed to go downhill since you met your partner, do you think they might be poisoning you? You get defensive "How dare you suggest that, they care about me... Better than you ever could, they're there for me... and you call yourself my friend?!"... It's only if they spot something out of place themselves that saves them, or else they die in their murderers arms full of love for the perpetrator.

Yuval Noah Harari tends to say their plans out aloud sometimes, This montage speaks volumes about the control of us, via stories and fiction, even maybe getting us to LINE UP to be injected with poison? Emotionless and psychopathic in his delivery...


They've studied us, they know the psychology, if you were going to murder the world via a sneaky injection, this is the knowledge you need to pull it off, and you're so excited by this knowledge you brag about it ahead of time. Sort of like Fauci and Gates predicting a pandemic before it happened 🤔...

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💯 Steve....

Like the childhood vaccines too...no idea what causes autism but 100% certainty that it’s not vaccines. This “logic” is used everywhere all the time. The impressive thought gymnastics that must be performed or accepted to then ascribe to the conclusion never ceases to amaze me. 🤯

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“Most won't see it, as it's too hard to contemplate... Like if your much loved partner is slowly poisoning you over a year or more because they want your house or money etc... Your health declines, yet your partner looks after you, cares for you, wow what a wonderful person... Some suspicious friends might say to you, that your health seemed to go downhill since you met your partner, do you think they might be poisoning you? You get defensive "How dare you suggest that, they care about me... Better than you ever could, they're there for me... and you call yourself my friend?!"... It's only if they spot something out of place themselves that saves them, or else they die in their murderers arms full of love for the perpetrator.”

So spot on. I can speak from personal experience!

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"The Yellow Wallpaper" Charlotte Perkins Gillman

"John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage.

John is practical in the extreme. He has no patience with faith, an intense horror of

superstition, and he scoffs openly at any talk of things not to be felt and seen and put

down in figures.

John is a physician, and PERHAPS—(I would not say it to a living soul, of course,

but this is dead paper and a great relief to my mind)—PERHAPS that is one reason I

do not get well faster.

You see he does not believe I am sick!

And what can one do?

If a physician of high standing, and one's own husband, assures friends and relatives

that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression—a

slight hysterical tendency—what is one to do?

My brother is also a physician, and also of high standing, and he says the same


So I take phosphates or phosphites—whichever it is, and tonics,...."

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And seeing all this now begs the real question, how long has it all been going on? How many of these "diseases" we battle pre and post 2020 have been synthetically planted and cultured by sociopaths?

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Here’s what confuses me about the Kennedy’s: I was a year old when Kennedy was shot and it was clear to me by grade school that his death was full of questions. Now, as an adult, I understand the full breadth of his murder.

I interviewed Ethel Kennedy in a very rare interview given by her at the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis Port when I worked as a journalist on Cape Cod. (The magazine, Inside Cape Cod, has been defunct since the mid-2000’s.) Ethel was getting on by then, but what struck me was her nervousness. This is a woman navigating a very complicated world—a government that shot both her husband and his brother. She is full of knowledge and secrets. Wouldn’t the entire family be absolutely horrified by the Deep State? Wouldn’t they be full of vengeance and recrimination? Do you really believe they could put the past aside and join the people who caused so much pain to their entire family? I find that highly unlikely.

It’s a wonder then, if the Kennedy’s have become turncoats to their country and the Constitution, what they, and others of their status, are being told to cause them to decide against democracy. I can think of other turncoats who surprise me, and the question is, what are they being told that has them enthusiastically jumping on board to a totalitarian agenda?

This is the question no one is thinking through. It is the golden question because therein lies something fundamental that we, as the awake, don’t understand or fail to grasp. Elite people are being told something—something that makes sense to them whether it is true or not. Something that can get the family of the murdered Kennedy’s to turn the other cheek. It must be profound.

I hate to even guess, but let’s be creative here. Meteorites that regularly hit the earth in a span of thousands of years, due to repeat itself in the near future, as hinted at by the ancients and brought into focus by Graham Hancock and others?

Knowledge of threats by other planetary beings? Some other kind of catastrophe?

I have no idea. Given the psychopathy of the elite, I hasten to think whatever they’ve conjured up can be believed. And yet…yet, they’ve single-handedly convinced former America-loving people of high status to abandon that love and patriotism and follow along with an extremely sinister plan that has and will kill millions of people and rid the entire planet of its rich diversity and its habitation by a special and evolving species.

We must look for the answer to that question. Is it a doomsday documentary shown to them foretelling a unique catastrophe? Are they briefed in private? Sent documents? Gathered together in secret conferences? If so, we must find access to whatever it is.

That so many institutions, elite people, organizations and groups would buy into the Great Reset is troubling, and the current explanations for their eagerness don’t hold weight. Sure, we have Epstein-level blackmailed politicians. Sure, people are being paid off. But does that tell the whole story? I think not.

I tend to lean toward this: the “Left Behind Theory.” Elite people are being told the Great Reset is upon humanity—like it or not—and their choices are either to get on board or get left behind. If they get on board, they will be protected from wanton, deadly viruses and vaccines, guaranteed access to their money, special permission to keep their assets and live in peace, and elite status for life.

We are missing something here. And we need to figure out what it is. And soon.

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They have said they are aiming for immortality of their own making. Dependent on no god. Becoming their own god(s). They have said this many times.

I don't think they are aiming at slaughter in particular, they just see it as part of their process. Like Dr. Mengele as he pioneered organ transplants in the camps. Which has extended from the horrors of Mengele's' experiments into the modern day horrors of organ harvesting, etc. Yet people line up and wait for years for their new organs.

I suspect many today are subconsciously hoping they will be one of the "lucky ones" who "transforms" and never dies.

It's my opinion they believe this is for the betterment of all mankind.

It is also my opinion it is the most abject evil humankind has aspired to.

It is also yet another opinion that without faith and trust in God, belief in the truth He has told us over and over, that we live eternally after our bodies are dead, we are sunk.

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Consider this...not my idea, one I came across in the past year...what if they are not dead? What if the assassinations were an op?

Just a different angle of possibility I guess. I'm not quite up to figuring that one out. Not sure I care.

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So many end-of-days scenarios suddenly seem plausible: Have seen, heard, and read supporting data for most all of them. HS soph when JFK was killed. He and the whole family were political rock stars before there were musical rock stars, at least, in my teen-aged mind. Thanks for your personal account of intvw w/Ethel. Interesting to recall the press outcry and speculation @ the "First Catholic US Pres" when JFK was running. Don't recall if it was ever expressly stated, but the fear must surely have been that the family's true loyalties would be to Rome over America.

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It is harder to convince someone they are being fooled than it is to fool them. People are a strange animal.

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Very astute observing here. I have many questions about him including all the ones you mentioned. His wife's demise is very troubling. And the Kennedy mystique is lost on me. I don't get it at all. Their background is really sketchy. Tough to find any Heroes these days.

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Yep. And it is super disappointing to watch the lack of critical thinking. Literally everywhere. A DISCUSSION should be happening....

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I think all "discussion" is dead in the water (I'm sure you know that, too). I take heart with Jeff Childers' conviction that we're nearing a tipping point of public awareness. That could be true, although I don't live on "hopium".

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Old enough to remember and be captured by the Kennedy mystique. JFK and Jackie were gorgeous and elegant. Nothing like them in the WH before or since.

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I did like that she spoke French and thought raising children was the most important thing. But I meant more the Kennedys themselves. Bootleggers and thugs.

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They certainly started as bootleggers and were very friendly with org crime.

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What is his wife's demise ? Maybe it's totally out there but I can't remotely keep up

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His wife, Mary, supposedly committed suicide. She was his 2nd wife. I don't think it was suicide.

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OK then , I thought you meant his current wife . Yes, and thank you Heather , I did read something about Mary . Imagine living that political life - another world order all by itself .

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the voting psy-op only works with different flavors, different strokes for different folks… all serving the same master (not the public)

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One of the reasons I despise politicians is because no one that is ever elected (selected) for any position of power has a clue about how dire the situation is. And if they did have a clue - they were "eliminated." They are all deaf and blind to the fact that all biological life on Earth is on its way out. They will NEVER get us out of this extermination event. It will be twenty years - not that we have even five years before we are all borged - before the word nano or graphene or chemtrails ever drips out of their ignorant lying mouths, even as a question.

I keep harkening back to my decades old battle of trying to get the fukking fluoride out of the water and stop the chemtrails. That's been going so well. It seems like a really bad joke now - there is still fluoride in the water and we are choking on more aerosolized poisons than ever.

We don't stand a chance of ever stopping any of this horror. I'm fresh out of hopium...and I share your disgust and angst, constantly. And I add grief and rage to my rinse and repeat mental machinations.

If you will indulge me...I will re-post my political rant/mantra...just to indicate how I feel about the worthless, verging on evil, political circus that is once again setting up the tents to head fake and divide us all - all. over. again.

As for the pathetic and preening narcissistic politicians, across the board...

I always say that if you even know their name - they've been captured, compromised, controlled and under threat - I refuse to fall in love with anyone in power or anyone seeking power...I always instead, remember this quote...

"Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him." - Albert Pike 33 Degree Mason...

After all, it is Pike's blueprint for all the world wars that we are still following to the letter.

The world has always been controlled by a diabolical archonic unseen force, dictating to their human/hybrid bloodline mafia minions that are sipping their adreno wine and doing their bidding - that evil money-and-power cult of greed, depravity and destruction. And to get anywhere near the top of this demonic control grid, you have to be inducted, indoctrinated and anointed with baby's blood. One gets nowhere on the political stage unless one is willing to kill on demand.

There are no longer any exceptions. At the top, there are no innocents. It's never been so evident to me.

Debbie "Doomsday" Downer...over and out...

Thanks for another rant-inspiring stack...always great...

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Hey Debbie...ya think this ex-former-CIA officer turned scifi writer was telling us metaphorically about adreno wine drinking back in 1978? More and more these days, it seems like it to me. The link to Part Two is way at the bottom right of Part One. https://www.drabblecast.org/2019/03/09/drabblecast-400-we-who-stole-the-dream-pt-1/

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This was amazing...I dove right in last night. Such a fascinating woman. Thank you for sharing this...

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Here's a link to another very short predictive piece, The Last flight of Dr. Ain https://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/last-flight-doctor-ain/

This one's a bit longer, but still a short story https://oceanofpdf.com/authors/james-tiptree-jr/pdf-epub-the-girl-who-was-plugged-in-download/?id=002095164640

I haven't read this biography, but having been a fan since reading "Dr. Ain" at 18 y/o in 1969, I'm going to dig into it if/when the spare time window opens...maybe in a relocation camp? https://oceanofpdf.com/genres/history/pdf-epub-james-tiptree-jr-the-double-life-of-alice-b-sheldon-download-92991851402/?id=000260207270

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Brilliant post!

Yeah, RFK Jr.:

"we need to avoid the toxic quagmire of retribution and blame..."

Sounding like Emily Oster.

"... and focus on ensuring this never happens again."

Like you, I ask how?

I read the Fauci book, but question his views on "climate change".

Glad to see your reference to both Katherine as well as Sasha.


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Good stuff Sarah. If we want justice we are going to have to take it upon ourselves. It would be a titanic undertaking. It would require a system smashing symphony of savagery. A rabble roused revolution of ruthlessness and retribution.

I’d welcome such a thing. The danger being that we’d probably replace one corrupt and evil system with another ... as we tend to do.

But the populace is dull, fat and lazy, pacified with plenty, distracted with Disney, neutered with “the news”, made feeble by Big Pharma.

So my song of humanity is therefore a threnody. I can only foresee such an overthrow occurring when things get a lot lot worse.

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I don't have the answers...

I just know that not asking the basic questions is definitely not the answer.

It's deflating to watch.

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I think it was Krishnamurti (Jiddu) who said: we cannot change the world, only ourselves. Do that and you are already doing the best you can. And as that other famous philosopher said “The best you can is good enough.” - Thom Yorke

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I did a quick review of the article/Substacker recommended above. But here’s the problem I’m finding with many Substackers putting out voluminous articles on their pet topics. They’re not helping to further the REAL narrative that ought to be written about daily and incessantly. Substackers need to stop catering to their audience and their own self-aggrandizement & start catering to the Truth.

If those who stand behind the work of Katherine Watt (Bailiwick News) & Sasha Latypova (Due Diligence & Art) are not writing articles to further the well-documented FACTS these women have put out then you’re not doing your part in spreading the Truth & stopping the death-destruction train in its tracks.

Why has the other side been so effective in their messaging? Because they are uniformly repeating the mantra of “safe and effective” and/or Big Pharma = the bogeyman.

Substackers will prove more powerful & render greater service to our fellow men by putting out strong, consistent, and UNIFORM messages via their articles. All good freedom fighters and patriots without exception should be writing about the findings of Katherine and Sasha - no excuses. There needs to be a SWARMING OF ARTICLES and it must be unrelenting! This is the only way that we’re going to offset the swarming that’s going on by the controlled oppositioners and the evil forces who are holding these people out as genuine truthers.

Sarah, I applaud your article. It’s exactly what is needed by every other genuine Substacker who wants to save our nation & create more critical thinkers so that people understand that the shots were designed and deployed to kill them.

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I do now. 😊

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Another simple man, wonder if he was on the RAWD payroll, stated the following.

"We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the outer world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and a source of our happiness. We need not wait and see what others do... " ~Gandhi

Apply with diligence and sincerity and you may find truth therein.

I personally did.

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100. This is the undertaking at hand and what I'm aiming to help cultivate in my own Stack ... (still in pre-outer form stage). The corollary to this "divine mystery supreme" is that our own internal shifts come to be reflected in the outer world. We should not underestimate this power. What do we truly want? What of our own beliefs are not a match for what we say we want? We must first clear out the old energies / belief systems and choose the new in ourselves before they can be reflected in the outer world. Simple idea. Not always easy in the thick of it.

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I guess it has to be...

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I like how you put that. Deflating....

Every time you hope someone will point out the obvious questions...

and when they don't, all the air seems to go out of one....

Tom Renz came close in the Senate hearing pretty much saying this was a DOD distribution, these jabs...........with Malone sitting right beside him looking down the whole time, not expressing interest or ANYthing....

I'm gonna find it and watch again. I'm stil thinking about Malones non-reaction.

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Malone. I could spit that motherfucker's name.

He has blood on his hands...and his soul.

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100%... This was really good... and reinforces what you're saying Dollyboy, Aldous Huxley nailed future plans in 1961...

Huxley: "There will be, in the next

generation or so, a

pharmacological method of

making people love their

servitude, and producing


so to speak, producing a kind of PAINLESS CONCENTRATION

CAMP for entire societies, so that people will in fact have THEIR LIBERTIES TAKEN AWAY from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be DISTRACTED from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution."

Dr McCullough : "These reflections immediately resonated with me, because in recent years I've often thought that the power of our overlords derives as much from our own stupefaction and distraction as it does from their potency.

Every passing day brings fresh revelations of the preposterously fraudulent character of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the official response to it.

The reality of it isn’t even being concealed—it just isn’t being reported in the legacy media, and a large swath of the population is too stupefied and distracted to see what is right in front of them."


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Ah hell, we just need one David to volunteer.

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While there may be many willing Davids, there is only one God who gave David the power to kill Goliath.

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Nov 23, 2023
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There’s no “we” though. There is only you. It must come through us, through each one of us. Only then can we create a new society, a new structure and that transformation comes into being only when you as an individual begin to be aware of yourself in every thought, action and feeling.

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Thank you for this, Sarah. An absolutely outstanding summary available to anyone who wants to read and understand. The root of the issue here provides a precise description: “...not because there was no fraud to be found, but because what is considered fraudulent has been made legal by OUR GOVERNMENT.” Until this is made impossible, how can anything be fixed?

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Thank you.


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This is exactly what happened with the foreclosure fraud in 2008 and beyond. The "laws" and processes had all been laid down carefully ahead of time so the steamrollers of the banksters could steal millions of families' homes. Proven blatant fraud by the banks was similarly INADMISSIBLE at any stage of the court procedures. The CEOs not only didn't go to jail, but also got huge bonuses for this ponzi scheme enabled by the laws injected into the system by these schemers.

The question now is how long do we tolerate considering this broken system as legitimate? If these laws being used to destroy us came into being via illegitimately / deceitfully placed entities, they would also be invalid. We have no allegiance to such a system.

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"Who might ease the acceptance of this new injectable technology? Probably a well labled anti-vaxxer would be good. A known public figure. Someone who could effectively deliver the message that there were some real problems with the first round of injectable products, but the future may be brighter….someone who has a history of vaccine skepticism and a large following of anti-vaxxers. Someone who could speak to the anti-vaxx hearts while honestly relaying that he is not, in fact, anti-vaxx at all."

I think this statement in dead on! Makes perfect sense.

The only other thing I would add is the Constitution is NOT in the process of being destroyed. It IS DESTROYED. See if every day and not just concerning the vaccine part of it.

RFK in no way can get his Attorney General to prosecute, the courts from TOP to bottom are captured.

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Agreed. It's too late. An evil system cannot fix itself.

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Excellent post Sarah!!

Aside from the WakeTFU info and truth here, it occurred to me, that all those fixated on the surface narratives and activism - constantly and foolishly calling for Nuremburg 2.0 - actually are getting it. If they can't see it, then they, like many in the mid 40's - learned nothing from the past and are happy to not look at or ask the hard questions.

In 1.0 the rules were also changed. Not all Nazis, were "bad" Nazis anymore and some were actually useful and therefore good. Those EUA Nazis, as you well know, were divvied up and injected into the allied countries and governments. They were allowed to spread and lodge in the organs of state and continued to produce their ideological antibodies. No one consulted the American people, it wasn't voted on and it was an untouchable, non-negotiable Supra-Constitutional MIC Op.

Of course, almost simultaneously, the political and legal circus was put on, under the big top - for all those who had bought tickets to the War - either directly on the battlefields or indirectly via loss of family, lands, and life.

Today is no different. The demands of the masses, for a longed for trial - spurred on by these politicos, pundits - are the same deluded ones of the past. These justice seekers fail to realize what you correctly explained - it was sanctioned and legal - as the laws were changed to make it so.

It explains the smug-ass demeanor and expressions of the most visible of the killers. They knew they had nothing to fear - via a government issued Get Out Of Jail Free Card.

As such, there was no need spirit them away to their Corporate seats of reward - they could do it openly and with fanfare.

Will there be lawsuits (class actions) and judgements against big pharma? Yes and it'll be red meat to the anxiously waiting crowds and voting bases. However, as is always the case, the actual amounts received by the injured, will be miniscule in comparison, to what is taken by the lawyers and more importantly the profits the companies racked up during the scam-democide. Additionally, they'll recoup the "losses" through government bailouts and subsidies, hidden deep in the omnibuses and CR's of the future - and they know it.

Thanks for pointing out the 10lb Gorilla turd on the Thanksgiving table, no one wants to mention.

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Originally, it was going to be Expanded Access Use Nazis, but to paraphrase Dr. Fink from the October 22, 2020 VRBAC meeting,

The differences between Expanded Access Use and Emergency Use Authorization are that EAU is carried out under the USA's investigational new dictatorship regulations. So among many other things, those regulations require use of a constitutional review board and also obtaining informed consent from American citizens. And so, operationally speaking, an expanded access protocol would add some complexity, and that is why Emergency Use Authorization Nazis was the mechanism for addressing the global hegemon emergency that was declared at the end of WW2.

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Very Well stated Tamsin!!

These are all the details, that the idiot flocks of sheeple are happy to ignore and be willfully ignorant of.

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h/t Latypova/Watt.

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Sitting here in England, I see this as not just an attack on the US Constitution but an attack on Western society as a whole. Hence the need to bring the US to its knees. This attack was ranked up to warp speed in 2020.

A critique of RFK Junior was done by Alison McDowell in which she basically says he is playing a part in the game. She agrees with you that the big questions are not being asked, such as do we want the planned 4th Industrial Revolution? It looks like a digital, open prison to me.

The transfer of more powers to bodies like the UN, WEF and the WHO will allow it to be rolled out with no accountabilty at nation state level.


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yes, I believe the cabal's plans include bringing the US to its knees. Looks like the cabal wants it's colony back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhBOdDp0vSM

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I am not sure it ever got away from the criminal, global cabal! This video touches on the history of the US (around 16 mins in). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmeyQDL1Vd0

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Matt Ehret argues in the video I linked earlier that the banksters immediately set out to undermine the new republic from within and without. They never accepted defeat or agreed, in essence, that the war was over. Here's a great short clip about that from the longer interview: https://youtu.be/o_KXL3nZrHM?si=qnjmCYPMCg6qzPLU

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I appreciate the observation, but I’m hoping my lawsuit against my former employer exposes the lies, the deceit, the tyranny, and overall intellectual laziness. I could not sit still for it. We are on the right of this, I’m cautiously optimistic for the right outcome.

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Couldn't possibly add a word to that... Exactly, you nailed it, and my thought process too... I think a large number of us have arrived at the same point...

I've used similar to your example to others, and even doubters...

"If I were a terribly nefarious evil doer and I wanted complete control, with the option to murder the world, I might see an accepted injection as a perfect avenue. I might launch the op, perhaps performing and making available table top practice exercises, as I release an injectable bioweapon for a fraudulent pandemic. The first round might be contentious. It might kill a lot of people. And it might also give even more people a secondary weapon that will continue to produce outcomes.

Like cancer. "

You don't even have to have read SPARS Pandemic scenario to know the "leaders " if the truth ever sees light of day will say the usual...

"Unfortunately we didn't know then, what we know now"

Except they DID, in fact anyone with half a brain can think that genetic tinkering MIGHT lead to cancer, it's a no brainer...

Then Normalville falls apart as one starts to think why?

Why THIS type of injection, above any they could have developed?

Why the FORCE of taking it, when it was an unknown, and didn't stop transmission, infection or death?

Why push it onto children and babies?

If you take the stance the injection is slow acting POISON, the above makes sense, because otherwise it makes no sense...

Many trusting citizens are still unaware, but will admit the above scenario is strange, and doesn't quite make sense (I know as I bring this up with everybody, I'm not shy about this)... In general they still carry on as normal, as we all do, but in the back of their mind, they do have questions as to the big push also...

Your article today is perfect, Sarah, I'm about to forward many times...

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Bobby says he’ll close our 800+ military bases worldwide and bring troops home but now is all in on the Gaza Op. It’s Uniparty all the way down. My family has been here since the spring of 1836 when my ancestors were spared at Goliad in the Texas revolution. I want us to be a separate republic again but would not be surprised if there’s something out there that says the Rockefellers were behind our revolution...the Bankers were active even then

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Didn't you know supporting the Gaza Op is the fastest way to shut down our military bases and bring our troops home??? 🤣

It's literally insane.


Keep bombing.

Keep injecting.

Keep paying dem taxes.

Keep voting.

Fuckery. All the way down.

Obama won the Nobel PEACE Prize.

The murder shot makers won it for medicine.

And I think Fauci just won something ridiculous too. I can't recall it at the moment because my memory has reached its daily bullshit capacity.


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I like what Clif High said the other day...any congress-critter that votes to put our people in harms way or sends $$ to do the same should be automatically conscripted regardless of sex or age...I want to see Biden, McConnell and Pelosi in fatigues doing burpies

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Yup, when Obummer won that award I was done. Over and out. It’s all corrupt.

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Oh and Fauci is receiving an honorary degree from Hofstra University next week in NY and delivering the commencement…Vomiting 🤮

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Random free floating thoughts.

As far as Constitutional adulteration, it's been going on a lot longer than the pandemic, just made clearer now because we were all required to participate in it. Before it was just not as apparent. Like security measures at airports, surveillance of people here in the US in the name of counter terrorism. invading other countries due to the lie of WMD's, We should list all the unconstitutional modifications have been made thanks to the US Government that is here to help you.

Why aren't discussions happening?

Critical thinking does play a part, and that leads to sourcing our public educational system. Are we taught to explain why the facts that are true are true? Are people taught to weigh sources and their credibility, or are they taught to "accept the credibility of sources without question." If you're like me, right now there is a lot of uncertainty. Be wary of anyone who says "trust me." If their twitter bio says "fighting misinformation" chances are they are trafficking in misinformation.

Cognitive dissonance: Ask anyone, and I guarantee you they will tell you the government lied to them at some point when their guys were not in power. The dissonance comes in when you ask them: "So they were lying to you then but not now?" Because the Covid restrictions were supposedly lifted although some parts of the world they are "back by popular demand" it is a good opportunity to at least plant some seeds for critical thinking.

If those well-versed in the narrative have their mantras and buzzwords, what about the "dissent?" There are some terms that I use when discussing things as they are the most convenient way to communicate. For instance: I understand that the vaccine isn't a vaccine. But so I don't have to argue semantics and boilerplate issues, I simply call it what they do. Thought leaders and experts. If anyone ever calls any of us a thought leader...that is an indicator.

I think a lot of terms are concocted to increase the difference/adversity between the two groups. It's why I pushback against the term "anti-vaxxer" and why I don't use the pejorative "sheeple." Those that do, I completely support them and their reasons for doing so. It's just that I have found that very little good comes from ad hominem attacks. This doesn't mean that I don't use humor and absurdity to prove my points...but I try to direct it at what they are saying rather than a personal attack.

You're right. We should be constantly asking ourselves questions like...why were people censored, and now why are they permitted to speak? What has changed? There are some that I don't think are compromised and adulterated...but I am not certain. I am okay with that uncertainty. Also, I regardless of the plans made by these people, and those who may be "controlled opposition." There can be ways to use those who believe they are using us to either serve an agenda...or to go into/maintain power. Think of the ending of the Tom Hanks movie "The Circle."

The problem with this Covokian™ discourse and philosophy is the very technologies and strategies employed to weed out dissidents will end up eating themselves. At some point the cancellers will get cancelled because the goalposts are always moving.

Maybe I was dropped on my head as a kid, but I don't have the Hero Worship thing, at least I don't think I do. Please challenge me on it. There are those that I like.

I listen to the "Illusion of Consensus Podcast" while respectfully disagreeing with some his J-Batt's assessments. But I like listening to him and his guests. He sounds fairly reasonable. I like the Great Barrington Declaraion.

I watch the "Ask Dr. Drew" podcast, but realize Drew got the vaccine in order to travel. His credibility is always in question regarding that. But at least he is somewhat transparent on it. He still maintains the vaccine is a good answer for the elderly. But here's the thing, what else is he supposed to think, that his recommendations actually ended up harming those/not working on his patients? Would he admit to that on the air...that he erred?

Recently he had Naomi's husband who was taking about a platform that is used to facilitate protests called Action or something. The talking head on the podcast said that the opposition should be employing the same methods as those who are like BLM, Antifa, and the like. I disagree, I think maybe a parallel platform should be created for the purposes of peaceful noncompliance and protest. WE can use the technology to create it, but my supposition is that if we endeavored to use the same tech Antifa/BLM/ and other groups use it is really a way to "easily identify us."

Bit hey, Substack could be a virtual "killbox" as well.

Adam Carolla, the other have of the Drew/Adam which made up a lot of my loveline listening back in the late nineties also got the vaccine. So I take everything he says with that in context. Does it mean that he isn't right in a lot of his angry pushback against those that would wear masks alone outside and who bought a lot of the Covid BS? Of course not.

But his podcast is sponsored by the Jordan Harbinger show. Harbinger is hilarious in his cognitive dissonance. On one of his episodes he talked about cult behavior, conspiracy mentality, and yet you can tell he completely fell for the false consensus of the Covid narrative. He thinks that all of us who dissent probably have Viking Helmets in our closets and we are card carrying members of QAnon.

I am constantly questioning and re-evaluating my thinking on things because yes, the consensus is a big issue. There is the ubiquitious "there has to be something in their thinking that I am missing." Because undeneath it all, there is that human instinct to not be singled out. But the cost of going along with everyone else...means sacrificing way too much. What do I know though, I am just a Bare Faced Plague-spreader?

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So much here...

The educational system is certainly a very deep root in this critical thinking problem. I can thank my parents for stepping away from the traditional system in my early education years, I guess. I just really have a hard time accepting that such a huge percentage of people are incapable of adjusting....


It's certainly interesting to watch. And disturbing.

The strategical fuckery is truly impressive. For instance, recently we were stopped by a planned parenthood volunteer while we were downtown. She was a young black woman just asking if she could talk to us about all the terribleness of the government and Roe v Wade and our rights being taken away....blah blah blah. When asked if she was aware of the origins of the organization she was doing the peddling for, she was not. When I asked her if she knew who Margaret Sanger was, she did not. This is incredible to me. And entirely believable and understandable...unfortunately.

It's impressive, really. "Their" ability to get the people to do their own herding and culling under the hospices of justice, safety, equity, health, greater good...all the woketies....

Really...it's truly impressive.

It's a lot to overcome. And it feels pretty deflating at times...

As it turns out, I can't shut up about it...so that's what I'll do. Just keep on talking.

Thank you for your thoughts 🙏🏼

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Absolutely agree. So many ignorant. Thanks to their liberal education and ideology everything is upside down.

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Adam and Dr. Drew are Media Creations.

Thought leaders.

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The fore fathers of Rogan and Weinstein....

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Weinstein wanted:

"We screwed up the lockdown, badly, because we went halfway. That a very short, very intense lockdown could have ended it and that would have been the smart thing to do."




The preoccupation that the Warehouse has with "re-framing" the Brets, Drews, Bobs, John Campbells, Aseems, etc....

::HIts head on floor.

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Gah...If everyone would just Right Smart...

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It's just...we are given a selected list of Thought Leaders and thus we derive ???

"Normal" from them?

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They are the Right Thinkers. Think like them and they will right lead you through thinking...

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Dr. Drew was set up a long time ago as a thought leader.


Dr. Phil.

Dr. ???

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Yeah the whole bs "of we only did _________ harder." I would love to ship all these people to Covid island where they could lock down, mask, and vaccinate one another to whatever level they desire.

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And here I thought it was,

"The whole world's a Sage".


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I doubt Adam would ever be known as a Thought Leader, but Drew definitely is.

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Adam, like Rogan, presented a Cool Kid Model for young males.

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Yeah, I agree, but I could never see him accepted as a "thought leader." Heck he testified before congress around the time the "Safe Spaces" doc came out. But he definitely wasn't cool when he went up against Gavin Newsom. I like him, I just don't see him as a "thought leader."

Case and point. Adam often brags about his immune system...claims he is never been sick a day in his life. But we've heard him on podcasts where he sounds like "Doc Holiday" his metric for being sick is "not calling in sick to work." In that case...there were many concentration camp "workers" who never had a sick day in their life.

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We are running into a base problem of definition.

What comprises a "Thought Leader".

You are perhaps viewing the term literally in good faith.

I am viewing the term cynically, as Bob Malone told us ED DOWD is a Thought Leader.

Crypto Guy Brock Pierce says he is one.

it's a brand.

I's an OP>

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I could see it as a brand. Thought Leader™.

First indicator, anyone who refers to themselves as a thought leader, or introduces someone else as a thought leader, and I am already alert, and suspicious. Okay, I am suspicious beforehand, but then with that word clears and focusses the senses.

Rational question: Thought Leader, says who?

Yes, it's nauseating Bob Malone in Hawaii playing Mister Rogers with the kids. It's painful to watch because it is so obviously staged. It feels almost "sitcom bad" in that it a textbook example of pretentious pandering.

Malone also seeks to insert himself into the center of the fray, but then when questioned on it, responds with litigation. If he claims to be for freedom, shouldn't he be for people freely expressing themselves including questioning him? But I know so little about the litigation, I am uneducated on it.

The media has been doing this BS for years. They use statistics and supposed authority to support their narratives, and so the answer is to question everyone and everything. Any time anyone is referred to something, ask what proof there is to back up that claim. And have letters before or after is not an indicator of authority, but indoctrination.

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Regardless, wondering where Carolla is on the shots is The View for dudes.

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Wasn't he assholing like Jimmy Kimmel? Or am I just conflating bc they were on a show together...?

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Kimmel is for sure an asshole.

I don't know about Carolla.

Dr. Drew probably put a bunch of alcoholic/addict celebs in the grave, because the requirements to GET SOBER are not BE ON TV.

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While Carolla never said specifically, I think he got two jabs, then stopped. Drew is always talking about his own vac injuries. Drew was definitely a Big Fauci supporter, which disgusted me- in CA, Adam was the only one making any kind of sense, but I couldn’t figure out why Drew was giving Fauci a pass. Adam actually pushed back on everything Drew said…then, suddenly, Drew changed his tune. That’s when I started thinking he’d been turned. My fiancé worked on the original vaxx movies and Bigtree was a very sincere guy when this started. I don’t know anymore. Im unsure if it’s the money that gets to everyone eventually. But I do know Del was sincere.

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All our Owners have to do is anoint someone like Bret Weinstein from Evergreen.

Or a dude who calls MMA fights, who gives you a "Jordan Peterson". Or a "Sam Harris".

Big smart.

Give 'em a nurse in England or Scotland.


And look at us go.

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Agreed..and FJB.

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🤣 ✅

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This is the other half, the partner perhaps, of that which we do not talk about, ever, anywhere, by anyone: venom.

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