hola, sarah, another great collection. and lots of laughs again and, at the same time, some right to the gut of the censorhip and manipulation stuff we are in and have been for a long time.

today what stood out was udo ulfkottke, the cia paid journalist whistle-blower who died suddenly, after whistling, of myocarditis or something like a venom injection induced heart attack.

it was with an interesting to me synchronicity that i was introduced to ulfkottke in a documentary called 'enjoy the show' by Tore Maras aka Terpsechore Maras. it is a pretty deep look at the CIA’s role in the media, way beyond 'just' Project Mockingbird.


in it maras talks about Dr Uldo Ulfkotte who exposed the CIA in news/media in his book "Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News" published in late 2016. ulfkottke had a heart attack in jan 2017.



and that same week i was also to discover the cia's invention of the venom delivery heart attack gun in 1970s. it was developed by them to be able to assassinate people without it looking like an assassination - the tiny entry wound would be very hard to see and the reason for the heart attack hard to detect unless the pathologist was looking for venom. and, of course, who would actually look for that in a world without venom being used as a weapon!?

Citizen Truth page heart attack gun


and see https://covenomseries.com/ part 1 about 4 minutes in

thank you!

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Thank you, Guy! I will check it all out....

😘 ♥️

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Straight out of the Day Tapes! Literally "induced heart attacks as a form of assassination"!

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Great stuff CS!!

“We have worms in the rear.” 🤣🤣🤣

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Unrelated to your memes, but conspiracy minded people need to watch this.


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I haven't, but it's getting harder and harder to

keep up with all of the good content on Substack.

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Conspiracy-minded people need always to be on the alert for controlled opposition. A friend posted an interview with Robert Brame to me (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs3o3z0G8tw) awhile ago but I smelt a rat. This is what I posted in response.

When a big psyop is rolled out (doesn't really apply to the small ones generally), "controlled opposition" is rolled out right at the getgo if not before. The PNAC document, for example, allegedly published in April 2000 is propaganda directed to the anticipated disbelievers of the 9/11 nonsense story so as soon as you see what seems to be "opposition" you need to be wary.

For some reason, I suspected this guy would be "controlled opposition" and I think he proves himself to be it. The thing is they have the rule of "revelation of the method" and so they generally always say things that give themselves away so I'm always looking for the little giveaways. These are two things he says that don't gel:

1. He says that he knew all the trees in California in high school as if, "Well, there's not that many species." I looked up how many species of trees there were in California and there's over 2,000. How would he have learnt all these species in high school but it's also the way he says it - as if not that many to learn.

2. He says about trees in a photo that there are species of poison oak, Peruvian sumac and Chinese pistache. In fact, poison oak, Peruvian sumac and Chinese pistache are all species in the cashew family, all at the same level so to speak, sumac and pistache are not species of poison oak. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anacardiaceae

You can ignore these things, most people do but I never gloss over anything in psyops because I 100% trust that they follow their MO to the letter and these two anomalies are EXACTLY the kinds of things you get from controlled opposition. The MO is incredibly strict and people just do not get that. So if he's saying microwaves - you can be sure they didn't use microwaves they used something else.

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thank you. good points. my sister, a long time deep looker, says the exact same thing about the controlled opposition being rolled out. and, likely that includes slightly different degrees or levels of control. interesting times.

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Those are basically non sequiturs.

His photographs in the presentation I linked are very convincing,

and are in agreement with eyewitness testimony from all of the events featured.

No one ever offered any explanation for the burned out cars on 9/11. And now

they are showing up in all of these fires. Definitely proof that DEW of some type are being used.

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You need to appreciate the level of fakery they will go to and supposed "eyewitness testimony" doesn't mean automatically mean genuine eyewitness testimony does it? How many people do you think were hired to be "eyewitnesses" for 9/11 and even where the eyewitnesses are genuine we need to account for the fact that they can make eyewitnesses see things that aren't there just as they can make people watching TV see things that aren't there.

You really need to appreciate the layer upon layer of propaganda within a psyop. In the big ones it is NEVER just one layer of propaganda, it's multiple and multiple rabbit-holes are pushed out to distract and bamboozle.

Were Maui DEWs a PSYOP? Did We Fall for a MASSIVE Distraction?


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Maui was definitely DEW, as were all of these events.

Cars do not melt in a brush fire. Houses do not turn to white ash

in normal wild fires.

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As I say, the fakery knows no bounds. I believe DEWs are just another scary nuclear hoax. You know nuclear bombs are fake right? DEWs are probably a distraction from EMFs which I have no reason to believe aren't a genuine problem.


As I said most people gloss over the Revelation of the Method signs that they are obliged to give us including in their CO agents. To say that my points are "non sequiturs" means you don't get it, you're glossing over like most people. He's TELLING us he's a controlled opposition agent so we need to be wary of anything he says, he's TELLING us clearly when he says:

"I knew all the species of Californian trees in high school" as if there weren't very many when there are 2,000! OK, that is TELLING us, it is not a non sequitur at all it is a clear sign of controlled opposition so we need to beware of what he tells us.

The reason they are able to insert their signs like this is that people GLOSS OVER them even when they're pointed out just as I'm doing now. If people didn't gloss over them, if they always pulled up immediately and went, "Hang on, that makes no sense," they wouldn't be inserting their signs but they do it because people just ignore them.

If you don't get au fait with controlled opposition you'll never understand how they rule over us. You need to make it your business to understand how controlled opposition leads the way.

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DEWs are not a hoax. They definitely exist, and they are the

best explanation for the inexplicable damage and apparent anomalies seen in these 'fires'. The oak trees burning from inside out, and wood burning only where there is a metal fastener are clear indicators that some type of microwave beam weapon was used.

There just happens to be a military installation/ observatory atop the highest peak on Maui where they just happen to test DEW systems.

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Yes, I know about all the interviewees on the street on 9/11 that were

all media plants spouting their scripted lines. I have been at this game a long time.

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i watched peggy hall's interview with the tree expert last year. yes, this is an important video to watch. thank you for sharing.

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A word of caution, Bryan. I notice two stacks you subscribe to are James Corbett and Cindy Sheehan. These people are both controlled opposition agents. My pet subject is 9/11 and everything you wanted to know and beyond about CO you can learn from the massive controlled opposition propaganda campaign pushed out for that event. Have you heard of Operation Northwoods - that was controlled opposition propaganda for 9/11 created seemingly in 1962! Yes, 9/11 was conceived decades even before the twin towers were built.


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"... Yes, 9/11 was conceived decades even before the twin towers were built."

Take a look at THIS mirror image of the band Supertramp's "Breakfast in America" album cover from 1979 -- 20 years before 9-11 -- and the picture is framed as viewed from ... THE WINDOW SEAT of an AIRPLANE no less!?!?!?!!!!!!!!! (see 1st link below).

But what is quite AMAZING is the LP dates from 1979 -- a full 20 years before the event occurred. Links below:

1 - Mirror image of album cover:


2 - Closeup of album image:


3 - A very short article:


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I'd seen the album cover put forward as predictive programming but hadn't really worked out the details: the image framed from a plane window, the the u and p lining up to spell 9/11 and the glass of orange juice representing a fireball. Incredible.

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Cindy Sheehan maybe controlled opposition, but nay to James Corbett.


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I started to suspect JC when I emailed him about the evidence showing that death and injury were staged on 9/11 and got no response. I wondered if he was part of the massive group pushing "inside job / real death and injury" and searched for his name and controlled opposition and found Allan Weisbecker's posts on him (Allan recently died):


And here is a post by Omar Jordan - a big caller out of controlled opposition - James Corbett is not your friend


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DId I detect some narcissist snark? 😂🤣😂

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Snark? Who me...?

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Here, I made this to go with the others 🤣


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Added! Thank you!

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Ooooh! Honoured🎉

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Can you be a Snarkasist?

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I’m trying my best 😎

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Newton/Einstein/Darwin, is just brilliant!

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epic collection!

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Thinking about being fluent in bullshit got me wondering... Is there anything you can't say with shit?

Bullshit--- Total lies

Dogshit-- Low quality

Horseshit--- nonsense

Apeshit--- Hyperactive

Batshit--- Insane

Jackshit--- Absolutely nothing

The shit---The good stuff

Hot shit--- Something special

Cool shit--- Dope

Holy shit--- Unbelievable

Dipshit--- Dumbass

Chickenshit--- Scared

No shit--- Obvious, duh

Tough shit--- Take it or leave it

Dumb shit--- Stupid

Real shit--- Probably fake

Weird shit--- Strange

Deep shit--- Philosophy or serious trouble, depending on which drug you're on at the time.

Probably more, but I'm tired of this shit. 😁

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Be still my heart.

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Speaking of dogshit mine just shat on the kitchen floor, you're right....low quality

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I liked the Kamala Harris ice sculpture (meme #17) and sooo many more!

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Great stuff Sarah. Is that first meme legit lol? 🤷‍♂️

I like the chicken narcissist. However I do think that word may be a bit overused these days. Lol

Maybe that’s because there’s so many of them 🤷‍♂️😂

And yes, be wary of large or offset tax filings. The IRS made the payrolls hold more $ out to deal with inflation. Now it’s time to ante up.

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I'm stealing a few of these thanks! The degree to which bundaries are being crossed is in no way healthy...

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So funnyyyyyyyyyyy. In the 1960s, in the small Ohio town my husband and I lived in as children, downtown there was a sign that hung along the main drag that read, "E B SHAW HAS WORMS IN THE REAR" . E B lived there then and his son, Damon, had a small jewelry store around the corner. Damon's son, Jim, still runs the humble little jewelry store. I don't know if E B ever got those worms taken care of.

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Was it Heath, OH? 😂

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Or Newark?

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Canal Winchester. Along RT 33, SE of Columbus

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I know RT 33 well….used to travel back and forth from Granville to NC quite often…

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Thank you Sarah. You nailed it on the wellness co. I had a feeling about it and Dr McCullough, Dr. Drew so I did a little research. Amazing Polly did a deep dive too. Keep up the great work

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Amazing Polly is excellent 🙌🏼

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Love' em. Jimbob's are always good no matter how often you see them though haven't seen this one before and I love Luberal.

I have to say though I love daylight saving - what clock people prefer all depends on what time they get up!

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I had no idea you smoked cigars!

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You found my humerus! Thanks, it was missing.

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