hola, sarah, another great collection. and lots of laughs again and, at the same time, some right to the gut of the censorhip and manipulation stuff we are in and have been for a long time.
today what stood out was udo ulfkottke, the cia paid journalist whistle-blower who died suddenly, after whistling, of myocarditis or something like a venom injection induced heart attack.
it was with an interesting to me synchronicity that i was introduced to ulfkottke in a documentary called 'enjoy the show' by Tore Maras aka Terpsechore Maras. it is a pretty deep look at the CIA’s role in the media, way beyond 'just' Project Mockingbird.
in it maras talks about Dr Uldo Ulfkotte who exposed the CIA in news/media in his book "Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News" published in late 2016. ulfkottke had a heart attack in jan 2017.
and that same week i was also to discover the cia's invention of the venom delivery heart attack gun in 1970s. it was developed by them to be able to assassinate people without it looking like an assassination - the tiny entry wound would be very hard to see and the reason for the heart attack hard to detect unless the pathologist was looking for venom. and, of course, who would actually look for that in a world without venom being used as a weapon!?
hola, sarah, another great collection. and lots of laughs again and, at the same time, some right to the gut of the censorhip and manipulation stuff we are in and have been for a long time.
today what stood out was udo ulfkottke, the cia paid journalist whistle-blower who died suddenly, after whistling, of myocarditis or something like a venom injection induced heart attack.
it was with an interesting to me synchronicity that i was introduced to ulfkottke in a documentary called 'enjoy the show' by Tore Maras aka Terpsechore Maras. it is a pretty deep look at the CIA’s role in the media, way beyond 'just' Project Mockingbird.
in it maras talks about Dr Uldo Ulfkotte who exposed the CIA in news/media in his book "Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News" published in late 2016. ulfkottke had a heart attack in jan 2017.
and that same week i was also to discover the cia's invention of the venom delivery heart attack gun in 1970s. it was developed by them to be able to assassinate people without it looking like an assassination - the tiny entry wound would be very hard to see and the reason for the heart attack hard to detect unless the pathologist was looking for venom. and, of course, who would actually look for that in a world without venom being used as a weapon!?
Citizen Truth page heart attack gun
and see https://covenomseries.com/ part 1 about 4 minutes in
thank you!
Great stuff CS!!
“We have worms in the rear.” 🤣🤣🤣