All I know is that Donald Trump got saved by a whizzing bullet by God.
And I don't think God would have saved DJT if DJT had not done the right thing protecting us from the Dangerous War with this Virus and we don't want it to come back.
I just got my eighth booster and am on MEGA DOSES OF PROPHYLACTIC IVM.
See, fam, sometimes I like to make a thought bubble. And crash the two sides of the brain referenced in the Day Tapes together. For the Augmented Set who watch a lot of TV and like colorful displays and fireworks.
In conclusion...akljf klsadkasd fklsdaj fkl;ej;krtlejktewkl;tsdmk ;lfsdj;k lfkrs ;s
Yep. You sure speak for the billions of sheep who believe the TV and the MSM.
Please, by all means, take more boosters and boost Big Pharma's profits.
That is why they are called boosters, by the way.
Every serial killer in modern history would have been "saved" by vaccines, so I suppose you can say that God saved them and permitted them to go on their killing sprees.
i recently learned that the 'meme' clown world is actually part of the cultural marxist (critical theories and post-modernist) lexacon! yes, clowning the world is part of the critical theories being used to abet social disorder and destruction.
if curious, james lindsay discusses this in an interview with jordan peterson.
Interesting. So much from Marxism has been adopted in popular culture. And the scorpions were behind Marxism, from what I understand now.
Also, the idea of everything changing is a new idea in the culture, not a given. It was not always thus. I hear this a lot.
Example from numerous posts on a community chat board. 1. Outrageous thing is done (by local govt, business, etc) 2. A person objects. 3. A bunch of people respond with "that's just the way it is now, better get used to it." i.e., suck it up buttercup!
the idea of 'rigidity' is antithetical and inimical to what life, or the 'life energy' actually is/does. rigidity and the promotion of stasis creates inflexibility and lack of resilience, ie weakness. it has served the scorpions well in the sense that often compliance to the program came in two ways: a trust that had been created out of being blinded to singularised, ie rigid, 'truth' ie 'trust the science™ and/or trust the authorities™, and singularised inclusion/exclusion practices that also demanded inflexibility. really fascinating to see how this is being played out.
my own personal thought is that the 'the' who are not to be identified who advanced cull project-19, revealed themselves as they did because they miscalculated two significant things: 1) far fewer died than they expected. I think likely because their toxin was not as powerful as they were expecting — their scientists mislead them either accidentally or deliberately — and because the life energy of the human 'animal' (and creative changing life) is far far more resilient and powerful than the anti-life people thought; 2) in part although not only because of 1) more people woke up to cull project-19 for various reasons that included the propaganda working less and less effectively and because human intuitive desire for truthful meaning in life helped created alternative methods of communication that thwarted their diminishing returns on the propagandised platforms of the authorised™ media and university-based authorities™ and health experts™.
oddly enough i have also come to see that much of the new age so-called self-help practices were also ones promoting a lack of resilience by generally focused on utopianistic and nihilistic practices. these also create a kind of fragility that allowed for mind-tripping manipulation by authorities within a fundamentally anti-life ideology.
so, fascinating times.
all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.
The increase in antidepressant drugs has been astronomical since 2020. The intent may have been a broad maiming rather than killing, which would have caused hysteria and chaos. This way it is a rather orderly and slow frog boiling. Like Dennis Meadows said: ‘we are hoping people will cooperate peacefully’.
yes, certainly that has been the plan since the 1800s when the very active culling began when the (delusion) of evolution was taken up by the cullers as the open rationalisable justification for their moral superiority. (i've come to realise that morality is a fluid state that allows people/groups to rationalise out compassion and justify brutality.)
i think that the mbas running project 2030 began falling for their own false narrative of the imminent death of planet earth by 2030 — or they have, like the cult they are, trapped themselves with a rigidity of occult dates and numbers — and cull project-19 was to be a vastly accelerated death with the hope that the remaining people would be too stunned to resist the 15 minute prison cities and that the real trouble makers who saw the convid for what it was wold be few enough and successfully locked up in concentration camps and thus neutralized. i also think that they had anticipated a higher death rate with vaccinations which is why they started with a few and are now at 70+. i can see them saying to themselves — in my imagination, anyway — holy fuck, why won't those goddamned babies and kids die more quickly!? what else can we stick into them?
from my corporate days as a civil engineer, where i watched the mbas-in-denial-delusion of the reality of the work-life fail time after time with rolling out their big reformations of the company's practices and deny that they had failed to improves whatever. likewise the cull project-19 with all its 'cute' names is exactly the same thing. and similarly, the various almost desperate and increasingly open displays of even more obvious inane mendacity suggest that with this cull they, like the corporate mbas of my past, are panicking inside while needing to pretend to each other that there is nothing to panic about, that things are going as planned. and from this state of weird denial of their failure are now throwing out patches that are more and more obviously marks of failure.
fascinating times! we are truly living the bhagavad-gita, with humanity split between the energies of death and the energies of life. and it is wonderful and vivifying to be on the side with arjuna, fighting to uplift life.
all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.
that depends on each individual situation. there is no one singular 'right' answer. for example, with the enforcement of jab mandates, i began to educate myself following intuitive synchronicity practices, then acting on them. for me that was to contact each and everyone one of the mps and mlas of canada, meet my mla, recognise what being absolutely ignored 'really' most likely meant. then when i talked with my personal mla, saw that i was actually talking to a zombie-roboton pusher — although her eyes flickered just the tiniest amount when to close the meeting i said to her 'and will you be able to live with yourself in five years time if what i've shared with you is right, and you have simply been someone who followed orders like the germans did 85 years ago?' currently i'm in the legal process of, i hope, calmly getting residence in mexico as a convid refugee from canada. yes, a legal document that states canada is a medically tyrannical country. what will the long term effect of that? not sure, and yet the truth of that, along with others who have done and may do the same, is seeing the truth of what the cullers are trying to keep hidden. i am chipping at that mask, and in my own small way, am helping with the great apocalypse.
in a more general way i propose that it is important for each of us to face the horror of the truth of the culling purposes and methods that have been extent as planned actions for millenia, to feel the horror of that as a past and present reality. then to take the bold 'yogic' step to find the energy of life from within to find there that which is the joy of life and christ's as description of that. and *with that joy/love* to do the unique fight that each of us are being asked to do with our unique life-circumstance.
this is the tough ask! to be uniquely our own arjunas from the bhagavad-gita or the christ from the bible: and enter the fight with joy because the energy of the enemies is an anti-joy anti-life intention that cannot survive within or against the joy energy of the the life of the universe. the necros, in short, are simply an anti-life 'transhumanist' energy that at its core is against life-energy and the necros only have 'life' to the extent we **react** with activist rage and hatred and singularity of truth and action. a super difficult challenge, the true 'individuated yogic' path that we can learn to embody between the lessons of christ and arjuna; both in their way give us the guidance to do what we are being directed to do within this life: look within for the truth of who we are and act with love and compassion, even as we are in a life and death fight with necros aligned with the the energy of borg-like conformity and transhumanism as death. amazing, isn't it, the borg as transuman now being advocated by soulless people like schwab. amazing times.
if you are unfamiliar with the bhagavid-gita, the kingdom's ruling family has split into two, the aligned with the devil and the desire for power, wealth and enraptured by death. the other, lead by arjuna are not. on the day of the battle, arjuna sees an uncle, a grandfather, in the enemy army and falls to his knees unwilling to fight because it is far more immoral to kill his relatives than to let the be killers. he prays to god for help and direction, and god tells him to stand up like the man he is and to kill and remove from his kingdom the enemies of life who are intent to kill life. and then arjuna receives instruction on how to do that from a place of being aligned with the joy of life.
an example of how 'reaction' is far less powerful than action from calmness is the inability of the screaming activists to have anything but short term bully successes. the ones killing us are calm and use the unbalanced activists as foolish foot soldiers mostly to keep us also reacting and unbalanced. the calm energy of people like marthin luther king and nelson mandala were far more effective to empower enlivening and empowering change than the feminazis, who now 'need' to support crazy ideology that has then fighting for tans' rights to destroy female athletics!
in a nutshell: each of us has a unique place, situation, voice and opportunity to be active with calm assertive energy that is the means by which joy and love will express and invoke and enact life affirming change. reactivity, stoked anger and resentment, childish trantrums (the woke anti-trump screamers, for example) have no ability to support life affirming change.
all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.
Best wishes to you in your endeavor to find refuge in Mexico!
Agree that being aware of what is going on would lead to individual responses, depending on the circumstances. Hiding one's head in the sand is not the way to go.
Am in the process of looking for a new place to work. Today I see the warning flash in front of me “It is mandatory that you take the covid vax. This will include the 2 shots + a booster. Proof will be required.”
Haha fuck them. But it wasn’t so damn funny in 2021/22 when I was looking. That was on damn near every job post back then. Cannot believe an organization is still so gung ho. I knew a guy that came from there at my other place. He was a pin cushion having had 5 boosters. 🤷♂️
Luke, maybe your pincushion friends just listened to the experts and took it seriously.
Maybe they are just trying to stay safe from the Dangerous Virus.
Pierre Kory tried to warn the world about this Dangerous Virus that emerged from bats and pangolins and raccoon dogs and spread the world.
"This thing is different."
"Those agencies are fine (WHO/CDC) for peace time. But we are war with this virus."
May 6, 2020. Reporting in to Homeland Security Senator Ron Johnson.
Aren't you scared about that Vanden Bossche Death Variant still?
The USG just wants for people to be safe and protected. Don't you believe that?
Why would Pierre be sounding the alarm? He CARES ABOUT YOU, LUKE.
Protect yourself until 2029.
“I've never, ever walked into an ICU that's full of every patient on a ventilator with the same disease,”
“We’re not in that catastrophic phase. But this is the most complex and most violent disease that I have seen and the most difficult to treat in the ICU.”
September, 2021. September, 2021.
Still selling the Threat Matrix.
Still going like the Energizer Bunny. That's your pal, Pierre Kory at Global Covid Summit. Puerto Rico.
"The severity, morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 must be re-emphasized to all, both young and old, as it spares neither. To avoid a catastrophic repeat of the initial surge, we recommend a population-wide intervention — a significant increase in the use of N95 masks — that might allow for a safer reopening of the U.S economy."
I can't believe he was dumb enough not to realize that this whopper of a lie would rebound to crash down upon him. Gotta hand it to him though...he recovered well as he slid into his anti vax Superman role.
Hi Sagey Pants, long time no chat. Hope you been well. Still crazy as ever I see. That was a term of endearment mind you.
I refuse to hold it against those who over reacted in the first year or so. And that’s pushing it. Fuck at the beginning of 2020 I only thought my government was headed towards evil. I had considered them benign for the most part up until that year kicked off.
The masks and social distancing are a waste of time getting into. They were thrown out at the beginning as a possible way to mitigate the spread and by the time people figured out they were worthless a bunch of low level flunkies cling to masks to fulfill their power trips.
The major crime(s) was unveiled very early on when Donald Trump spoke of HCQ and was literally ripped apart. The media had set the tone and if you pushed back you would have been tried in the court of public opinion. With the sheet insanity about you or even the POTUS could have been hung. Every death you would own. The crime of covering up early life saving treatments must not go unpunished.
At some level we all must play the game. Personally I feel much better. I will finally breathe a sigh of relief should we make it to Jan 20th without a major calamity. The switching out of elites is long overdue. The elites that will rule us under Trump I have a certain amount of respect for.
Some people must quit living in fantasy land. There will always be people to lord over you. Why? Because you’re too goddamn dumb to do it yourselves. The flock will always need a shepherd dear Sage. The good news is if this bothers you then cut loose from society and go away. At least with Trump in there they won’t be trying to drone your ass.
Kory was instrumental on getting Ivermectin out there. He gets a pass for that alone. I know that stuff worked and probably on a lot of other shit too. If I ever get cancer I will die IVM or bust.
I know all about the dual citizen thing. Trumps relationship to the Zionist is my biggest issue with him. But understand this if nothing else, whatever it’s about, it’s not simple. There are things going on that we don’t understand. For ex: How the fuck do we end up with so many goddamn dual citizens shaping our foreign policy lol.
And whatever that answer happens to be (God I have heard them all) you best believe they have a trip wire. I’m not just talking about the Sampson option. I firmly believe they have a way to bring it all down if they are going down too.
We can’t have that happen Sagey Pants. At one point Mr Intensity thought that might be swell but he’s totally changed his tune on that. It would make the Deagle Report look like a walk in the park.
But here this, I am heartened regarding our young CEO whacking hero. I was hoping that is what it was (it is). I recognized this to be our best hope as humans. We can’t go crazy with it, but the elite need to know we got some fight left in us 😉
Other than a couple inconvenient illness I have been sick twice Sage. I just was yesterday but that was nothing. That occurs a couple times per year give or take. I’m really happy now that I quit drinking and druggin haha. It does feel good but my brain is not used to having all this extra energy.
So I told you I had Break Bone Fever (Dengue) in 2001. Pray you never get sick with that although I’m sure it sucks to have an arm or leg amputated too. But as far as flu’s go that one is a mother fucker.
I had covid in Jan 2022. The pain and flu like symptoms were mild even with a high fever. But the symptoms in my lungs were alarming. It’s not a joke Sage. It would have been terrifying had the next day they worsened. I attributed it to IVM. There’s certainly no mistaken that level of pain.
All I’m saying is I am not a some hypochondriac asshole. I keep in good shape and such too. I feel bad for the people who died from it. Would have been shifty drowning a suffocating to death.
Tell you what tho, I have a great idea for you virus don’t exist types. I want to ship you guys over to the next Ebola outbreak so you can stay with them in the quarantine and prove to the world it’s all made up. You in?
Kory was still selling the catastrophic virus in Fall, 2021 at Global Covid Summit. That is way into this deal.
HCQ for what exactly?
the Rogue Koronavirus?
I just wanted to check back in because the fantasy land that you speak of seems to be largely centered on few key issues constrained by a few key "alternative" voices all carefully curated.
And I find this utterly fascinating. Like a social science experiment.
My son just got a job at the science academy in SF with a “mandatory” injection proof. He’s not injected and simply asked what the requirements were to remain un injected and they gave him the job. I was really surprised because it’s SF, Mecca of the masked and boostered.
They make him submit a religious or medical exemption form? I have been looking many different orgs in tech. Have only seen it one time in 2024. That shit was everywhere in 21/22. It was demoralizing as hell.
Im not sure what he had to do and he thinks I’m nutz for making it a big deal. He does not believe it was ever a big deal. Meanwhile, my nursing home job, in Marin, another mask/shot mecca has been accepting my religious exemption for the last several years, no flu or covid shots, or any forced medical treatments for me, ever again!
What about themselves? These are the same type ppl who gave away their parental authority years ago, it's why they get kicked out of school board meetings .
in my email recently. Basically laying the groundwork for strong vaxx persuasion/mandate for any vaxx on the totally unsupported basis that not using the vaxx equals more bacterial infections equals bacteria resistant to antibiotics. There are so many unsupported ideas there but it is clearly NLP designed to rush people into the waiting syringes of the perp's.
Was just discussing the NLP aspect with a's happening all the time, delivered by the vaxx peddlers.
But it comes from voices we find ourselves agreeing with as well...when a word or phrase is repeated, even under the auspices of dispute, the acceptance of a more fundamental aspect can be delivered to your brain.
That's true. And when coming from those we find ourselves agreeing with, some of the time they may just honestly be caught in that mindset. Other times it is a conscious effort. TPTB've been playing this game for a really long time. That is, just keep the plebes happy enough to believe the dreams and not upset the apple cart. The big difference now, at least for Europe and the US, is that the toggle switch to cull the herd got switched, so the lies needed to become wiildly outrageous and shouted constantly. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the rules have changed. But that doesn't mean that many have figured out how badly and thoroughly they are being played. They, and maybe almost all of us, get stuck in the mindset that just substituting one hero for another will take care of the problem. Few realize the fundamental changes that will be needed to slow down, let alone stop, this juggernaut.
It can be slowed down though: in the UK, the steadfast vaxx refusal of 10% of health workers, and the walk-out by 40k care workers when a mandate was imposed on the them - the first step to a national mandate halted the plan its tracks.
'Omicron' also failed big time: we were meant to descend into terror and plead for infinite boosters; instead, people tested positive for Omicron, and said 'Is that it, is this the new 'highly infectious' variant of Covid? ' and simply weren't scared anymore.
Thanks for sharing that! That walk-out was totally unknown for me, as was the 10% vaxx refusal. I think in the US it may be that high for nurses, but definitely not for MD’s. Our rulers are very careful to censor news that runs contrary to the narrative they wish to impose.
I’ve mentioned before here that I worked to help elect opposition to our woke Democrat City Council and that we managed to flip the majority. This evening we had a private party of about 100 of the committed who fought for this turnaround. LIstening to the talks and brief speeches given by our new City Council majority, we will be slowing the juggernaut here, I believe, and am very happy to say!
If I understood the Medscape article correctly, their argument is that not using the vaxx = more viral infections = more viral infections misdiagnosed as bacterial infections = more antibiotics = etc. But it's still rubbish.
I also love the names of the players: "Elisabeth Van Damme from GSK" Damned indeed are the pushers of vaccines.
Upon rereading, I agree with your interpretation. I skimmed it pretty quickly before and thought the main implication was that no vaxx=more viral infections=more secondary bacterial vaxx=more antibiotics. Agree it’s still rubbish.
That sounds like doctors aren't being educated properly, which I've already stated numerous times. Psych, teachers, medical, law, fields are inundated with alt-lft educated people. They uphold the nonsense out here. It's enough to drive people who know better insane. Ppl are notoriously hesitant in the past to call foul on a teacher, medical professionals, law (courtrooms, judges, police) and the Puppet Masters KNOW these things.
The MD thing, someone told me that their sisters oncologist explained to them, that bc her cancer had moved 3x from its original location, it was Stage 4 uterine cancer. I didn't say a word, but I KNOW, that is NOT how cancer is staged. I have or so they say, a Anti-phosopholipid condition and go to that oncology office. Oncologists/hematologists. I wonder how older doctors clash with alt-lft doctors?
I been gathering bits here and there that completes the puzzle in that section. MSM supports all of this, if you ever pay attention.
Even the. Damn weather. Now ayeast where live, NOAA, is the BOSS. When I say this, if there is a tornadic activity, hurricane, etc the meteorologist doesn't say boo, w/o it coming from telex. It is quite entertaining, in a demented way. I didn't know this them 1st time I witnessed it. See I hadn't watched amy local news, or world news show in idk the day when. So I think what's wrong w this girl. There were 2 tornados lurking in the area, it happened over the span of about 15 min, her hair was nice in the beginning, 15 min later, it's standing on end. I think, someone needs to help her, I remember, she needs a hug. They went to commercial, no weather for a bit, and then back to it, she had help then. Is remember how I found out that NOAA sends what they can report. I SWEAR TO GOD.
I added this as examples of what the goal is for the Puppet Masters.
You will be told what to think about everything.
They want pl inside their places, ordering online, not out in the streets in crowds.
Businesses do not want to hear complaints , you will deemed as a problem.
You're going to think I'm crazy with this next stuff.
Hahaha, we'll make it illegal for Trump, the ""Father" of the "Vaccine"" (note embedded sarcastic-quotes) to abolish anything! It's a matter of national security (that we not be exposed and go to jail for crimes against humanity and mass murder ....)
I think this extention of liability protection comes under the scope of "Turtles all the way up" law ... but presumably a future Republican Administration could repeal it ... (I'm only joking:-))
So does that mean I have to sue Pfizer between xmas and New Year's for my vaxx injury? Or does it mean I can only sue them if I get my vaxx at that time? Has the Attorney General clarified that for us? Paging Bobby Bear! His Dad was AG so he ought to know!
It probably means that you can't get a covid shot between Christmas and New Years. I'm not sure why they did this, perhaps to make people want what they can't have. Maybe it will coincide with an advertising campaign that new vaxxes and boosters will be available Jan.1. Sometimes, you've got to create a little scarcity to support the price of your product.
I'm pretty sure Covid is corona sun flares &v radiation poisoning that they just want to profit from ... I'm no genius here on Plane T apes, just sayin.
There must be immediate legal pushback on this. On what basis is this a covid emergency? Emergency means something that has just come up and needs immediate attention. According the the "government", they have done a wonderful job managing covid through their vaccination campaign. What then is the reason to continue an emergency when they have already solved the problem?
We made the mistake of letting the govt. do whatever it wanted for a very long time. We need to tell them they must explain everything they are doing, provide complete documentation and show how we are in a covid emergency. Every step. There's no Chevron doctrine. They have to show their work. We know there are judges who will look at evidence and who understand the govt. is lying and as a bonus, are used to dealing with death threats. :(
We need to approach these judges with a suit about this "emergency.
We’re still under the emergency from 9/11. It gets renewed every single year. The emergencies will continue until you voluntarily relinquish all your rights and freedoms. They want you to trade freedom for perceived safety of which you will have neither.
I understand. We need to use the one semi-functional branch of govt. to challenge these "emergencies". Chevron is done!
People need to be much stronger and more intelligent about understanding the big picture. We can at least do that. Right now it's pretty much taking candy from the baby. We have a long way to go, no doubt about it.
All I know is that Donald Trump got saved by a whizzing bullet by God.
And I don't think God would have saved DJT if DJT had not done the right thing protecting us from the Dangerous War with this Virus and we don't want it to come back.
I just got my eighth booster and am on MEGA DOSES OF PROPHYLACTIC IVM.
Please tell me you are joking. We need a Sarcasm Font.
OH. Thank you! There are folks out there who believe that stuff.
Yes. I discovered this along the way.
Fam. Gather round.
See, fam, sometimes I like to make a thought bubble. And crash the two sides of the brain referenced in the Day Tapes together. For the Augmented Set who watch a lot of TV and like colorful displays and fireworks.
In conclusion...akljf klsadkasd fklsdaj fkl;ej;krtlejktewkl;tsdmk ;lfsdj;k lfkrs ;s
I don't think I ts in the food yet, big definitely in Shingles, Flu, RSV shots.
I go to the VA for my healthcare, and I totally trust them. Totally!
YOU need a sarcasm font! 🙄🎖️
Ok... Now I'm truly smitten! I'll stop now before I start to gush❣️
Yep. You sure speak for the billions of sheep who believe the TV and the MSM.
Please, by all means, take more boosters and boost Big Pharma's profits.
That is why they are called boosters, by the way.
Every serial killer in modern history would have been "saved" by vaccines, so I suppose you can say that God saved them and permitted them to go on their killing sprees.
Your logic is not only flawed, it is dangerous.
I'm on my tenth booster right now. It's going great.
My throat is swollen and I have tumor behind my eye, BUT I'M NOT GONNA LET THE DANGEROUS KORY VIRUS WIN.
She’s joking. 🙃
Did anyone alert Tucker Carlson and Bret Weintstein about this?
I know they have been DREAM TEAM WARRIORS looking out for misuse of POWER based on "EMERGENCY" disease pretext.
This may be Goliath! The United States!
I'm going to go email them right now. FREEEEEEEEDDDOOOOMMMMMMMMMM
Thank you Sarah. OMG. Clown world further unfolding in front of our eyes. Unbelievable.
hola, linda.
i recently learned that the 'meme' clown world is actually part of the cultural marxist (critical theories and post-modernist) lexacon! yes, clowning the world is part of the critical theories being used to abet social disorder and destruction.
if curious, james lindsay discusses this in an interview with jordan peterson.
You are the Target | James Lindsay | EP 367.
all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.
Interesting. So much from Marxism has been adopted in popular culture. And the scorpions were behind Marxism, from what I understand now.
Also, the idea of everything changing is a new idea in the culture, not a given. It was not always thus. I hear this a lot.
Example from numerous posts on a community chat board. 1. Outrageous thing is done (by local govt, business, etc) 2. A person objects. 3. A bunch of people respond with "that's just the way it is now, better get used to it." i.e., suck it up buttercup!
the idea of 'rigidity' is antithetical and inimical to what life, or the 'life energy' actually is/does. rigidity and the promotion of stasis creates inflexibility and lack of resilience, ie weakness. it has served the scorpions well in the sense that often compliance to the program came in two ways: a trust that had been created out of being blinded to singularised, ie rigid, 'truth' ie 'trust the science™ and/or trust the authorities™, and singularised inclusion/exclusion practices that also demanded inflexibility. really fascinating to see how this is being played out.
my own personal thought is that the 'the' who are not to be identified who advanced cull project-19, revealed themselves as they did because they miscalculated two significant things: 1) far fewer died than they expected. I think likely because their toxin was not as powerful as they were expecting — their scientists mislead them either accidentally or deliberately — and because the life energy of the human 'animal' (and creative changing life) is far far more resilient and powerful than the anti-life people thought; 2) in part although not only because of 1) more people woke up to cull project-19 for various reasons that included the propaganda working less and less effectively and because human intuitive desire for truthful meaning in life helped created alternative methods of communication that thwarted their diminishing returns on the propagandised platforms of the authorised™ media and university-based authorities™ and health experts™.
oddly enough i have also come to see that much of the new age so-called self-help practices were also ones promoting a lack of resilience by generally focused on utopianistic and nihilistic practices. these also create a kind of fragility that allowed for mind-tripping manipulation by authorities within a fundamentally anti-life ideology.
so, fascinating times.
all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.
The increase in antidepressant drugs has been astronomical since 2020. The intent may have been a broad maiming rather than killing, which would have caused hysteria and chaos. This way it is a rather orderly and slow frog boiling. Like Dennis Meadows said: ‘we are hoping people will cooperate peacefully’.
yes, certainly that has been the plan since the 1800s when the very active culling began when the (delusion) of evolution was taken up by the cullers as the open rationalisable justification for their moral superiority. (i've come to realise that morality is a fluid state that allows people/groups to rationalise out compassion and justify brutality.)
i think that the mbas running project 2030 began falling for their own false narrative of the imminent death of planet earth by 2030 — or they have, like the cult they are, trapped themselves with a rigidity of occult dates and numbers — and cull project-19 was to be a vastly accelerated death with the hope that the remaining people would be too stunned to resist the 15 minute prison cities and that the real trouble makers who saw the convid for what it was wold be few enough and successfully locked up in concentration camps and thus neutralized. i also think that they had anticipated a higher death rate with vaccinations which is why they started with a few and are now at 70+. i can see them saying to themselves — in my imagination, anyway — holy fuck, why won't those goddamned babies and kids die more quickly!? what else can we stick into them?
from my corporate days as a civil engineer, where i watched the mbas-in-denial-delusion of the reality of the work-life fail time after time with rolling out their big reformations of the company's practices and deny that they had failed to improves whatever. likewise the cull project-19 with all its 'cute' names is exactly the same thing. and similarly, the various almost desperate and increasingly open displays of even more obvious inane mendacity suggest that with this cull they, like the corporate mbas of my past, are panicking inside while needing to pretend to each other that there is nothing to panic about, that things are going as planned. and from this state of weird denial of their failure are now throwing out patches that are more and more obviously marks of failure.
fascinating times! we are truly living the bhagavad-gita, with humanity split between the energies of death and the energies of life. and it is wonderful and vivifying to be on the side with arjuna, fighting to uplift life.
all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.
And how you respond when the outrageous thing by government is done?
What do you propose to do?
hola lily,
that depends on each individual situation. there is no one singular 'right' answer. for example, with the enforcement of jab mandates, i began to educate myself following intuitive synchronicity practices, then acting on them. for me that was to contact each and everyone one of the mps and mlas of canada, meet my mla, recognise what being absolutely ignored 'really' most likely meant. then when i talked with my personal mla, saw that i was actually talking to a zombie-roboton pusher — although her eyes flickered just the tiniest amount when to close the meeting i said to her 'and will you be able to live with yourself in five years time if what i've shared with you is right, and you have simply been someone who followed orders like the germans did 85 years ago?' currently i'm in the legal process of, i hope, calmly getting residence in mexico as a convid refugee from canada. yes, a legal document that states canada is a medically tyrannical country. what will the long term effect of that? not sure, and yet the truth of that, along with others who have done and may do the same, is seeing the truth of what the cullers are trying to keep hidden. i am chipping at that mask, and in my own small way, am helping with the great apocalypse.
in a more general way i propose that it is important for each of us to face the horror of the truth of the culling purposes and methods that have been extent as planned actions for millenia, to feel the horror of that as a past and present reality. then to take the bold 'yogic' step to find the energy of life from within to find there that which is the joy of life and christ's as description of that. and *with that joy/love* to do the unique fight that each of us are being asked to do with our unique life-circumstance.
this is the tough ask! to be uniquely our own arjunas from the bhagavad-gita or the christ from the bible: and enter the fight with joy because the energy of the enemies is an anti-joy anti-life intention that cannot survive within or against the joy energy of the the life of the universe. the necros, in short, are simply an anti-life 'transhumanist' energy that at its core is against life-energy and the necros only have 'life' to the extent we **react** with activist rage and hatred and singularity of truth and action. a super difficult challenge, the true 'individuated yogic' path that we can learn to embody between the lessons of christ and arjuna; both in their way give us the guidance to do what we are being directed to do within this life: look within for the truth of who we are and act with love and compassion, even as we are in a life and death fight with necros aligned with the the energy of borg-like conformity and transhumanism as death. amazing, isn't it, the borg as transuman now being advocated by soulless people like schwab. amazing times.
if you are unfamiliar with the bhagavid-gita, the kingdom's ruling family has split into two, the aligned with the devil and the desire for power, wealth and enraptured by death. the other, lead by arjuna are not. on the day of the battle, arjuna sees an uncle, a grandfather, in the enemy army and falls to his knees unwilling to fight because it is far more immoral to kill his relatives than to let the be killers. he prays to god for help and direction, and god tells him to stand up like the man he is and to kill and remove from his kingdom the enemies of life who are intent to kill life. and then arjuna receives instruction on how to do that from a place of being aligned with the joy of life.
an example of how 'reaction' is far less powerful than action from calmness is the inability of the screaming activists to have anything but short term bully successes. the ones killing us are calm and use the unbalanced activists as foolish foot soldiers mostly to keep us also reacting and unbalanced. the calm energy of people like marthin luther king and nelson mandala were far more effective to empower enlivening and empowering change than the feminazis, who now 'need' to support crazy ideology that has then fighting for tans' rights to destroy female athletics!
in a nutshell: each of us has a unique place, situation, voice and opportunity to be active with calm assertive energy that is the means by which joy and love will express and invoke and enact life affirming change. reactivity, stoked anger and resentment, childish trantrums (the woke anti-trump screamers, for example) have no ability to support life affirming change.
all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.
Best wishes to you in your endeavor to find refuge in Mexico!
Agree that being aware of what is going on would lead to individual responses, depending on the circumstances. Hiding one's head in the sand is not the way to go.
Circus and bread..hang on to your buttons peoples itsgonna get sporty
It already is.
Am in the process of looking for a new place to work. Today I see the warning flash in front of me “It is mandatory that you take the covid vax. This will include the 2 shots + a booster. Proof will be required.”
Haha fuck them. But it wasn’t so damn funny in 2021/22 when I was looking. That was on damn near every job post back then. Cannot believe an organization is still so gung ho. I knew a guy that came from there at my other place. He was a pin cushion having had 5 boosters. 🤷♂️
Luke, maybe your pincushion friends just listened to the experts and took it seriously.
Maybe they are just trying to stay safe from the Dangerous Virus.
Pierre Kory tried to warn the world about this Dangerous Virus that emerged from bats and pangolins and raccoon dogs and spread the world.
"This thing is different."
"Those agencies are fine (WHO/CDC) for peace time. But we are war with this virus."
May 6, 2020. Reporting in to Homeland Security Senator Ron Johnson.
Aren't you scared about that Vanden Bossche Death Variant still?
The USG just wants for people to be safe and protected. Don't you believe that?
Why would Pierre be sounding the alarm? He CARES ABOUT YOU, LUKE.
Protect yourself until 2029.
“I've never, ever walked into an ICU that's full of every patient on a ventilator with the same disease,”
“We’re not in that catastrophic phase. But this is the most complex and most violent disease that I have seen and the most difficult to treat in the ICU.”
September, 2021. September, 2021.
Still selling the Threat Matrix.
Still going like the Energizer Bunny. That's your pal, Pierre Kory at Global Covid Summit. Puerto Rico.
"The severity, morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 must be re-emphasized to all, both young and old, as it spares neither. To avoid a catastrophic repeat of the initial surge, we recommend a population-wide intervention — a significant increase in the use of N95 masks — that might allow for a safer reopening of the U.S economy."
July 1, 2020
HappyHolidaze Lucas.
I can't believe he was dumb enough not to realize that this whopper of a lie would rebound to crash down upon him. Gotta hand it to him though...he recovered well as he slid into his anti vax Superman role.
They are trapped now.
They sold the Threat of the Dangerous Rogue Virus and they sold it based on THEIR OWN ALLEGED EXPERIENCE witnessing the catastrophe.
They can't get out of that now.
Very much like Dr. Drew pushed the shots. What can he say now?
And still go to the parties?
I was dead fucking wrong and I harmed people?
I despise him for what he has done and is doing.
Hello you…I’ll be back later 🤭😘
Hi Sagey Pants, long time no chat. Hope you been well. Still crazy as ever I see. That was a term of endearment mind you.
I refuse to hold it against those who over reacted in the first year or so. And that’s pushing it. Fuck at the beginning of 2020 I only thought my government was headed towards evil. I had considered them benign for the most part up until that year kicked off.
The masks and social distancing are a waste of time getting into. They were thrown out at the beginning as a possible way to mitigate the spread and by the time people figured out they were worthless a bunch of low level flunkies cling to masks to fulfill their power trips.
The major crime(s) was unveiled very early on when Donald Trump spoke of HCQ and was literally ripped apart. The media had set the tone and if you pushed back you would have been tried in the court of public opinion. With the sheet insanity about you or even the POTUS could have been hung. Every death you would own. The crime of covering up early life saving treatments must not go unpunished.
At some level we all must play the game. Personally I feel much better. I will finally breathe a sigh of relief should we make it to Jan 20th without a major calamity. The switching out of elites is long overdue. The elites that will rule us under Trump I have a certain amount of respect for.
Some people must quit living in fantasy land. There will always be people to lord over you. Why? Because you’re too goddamn dumb to do it yourselves. The flock will always need a shepherd dear Sage. The good news is if this bothers you then cut loose from society and go away. At least with Trump in there they won’t be trying to drone your ass.
Trump will drone my ass because he wants to toss the "Jew-haters" out of the US. His words. Not mine.
and "jew haters" means "people who oppose the genocidal land grab underway by his funders."
What happened to you, Luke? Like..growing up?
Kory was instrumental on getting Ivermectin out there. He gets a pass for that alone. I know that stuff worked and probably on a lot of other shit too. If I ever get cancer I will die IVM or bust.
I know all about the dual citizen thing. Trumps relationship to the Zionist is my biggest issue with him. But understand this if nothing else, whatever it’s about, it’s not simple. There are things going on that we don’t understand. For ex: How the fuck do we end up with so many goddamn dual citizens shaping our foreign policy lol.
And whatever that answer happens to be (God I have heard them all) you best believe they have a trip wire. I’m not just talking about the Sampson option. I firmly believe they have a way to bring it all down if they are going down too.
We can’t have that happen Sagey Pants. At one point Mr Intensity thought that might be swell but he’s totally changed his tune on that. It would make the Deagle Report look like a walk in the park.
But here this, I am heartened regarding our young CEO whacking hero. I was hoping that is what it was (it is). I recognized this to be our best hope as humans. We can’t go crazy with it, but the elite need to know we got some fight left in us 😉
Alright, Luke. Good luck with your Ivermectin fighting the Dangerous Koronavirus and the Kancer.
And making up stories about Donald Trump.
I do not understand how many people construct reality but I'm quite sure that people advanced in psychology do and deploy tactics of brainwashing.
Other than a couple inconvenient illness I have been sick twice Sage. I just was yesterday but that was nothing. That occurs a couple times per year give or take. I’m really happy now that I quit drinking and druggin haha. It does feel good but my brain is not used to having all this extra energy.
So I told you I had Break Bone Fever (Dengue) in 2001. Pray you never get sick with that although I’m sure it sucks to have an arm or leg amputated too. But as far as flu’s go that one is a mother fucker.
I had covid in Jan 2022. The pain and flu like symptoms were mild even with a high fever. But the symptoms in my lungs were alarming. It’s not a joke Sage. It would have been terrifying had the next day they worsened. I attributed it to IVM. There’s certainly no mistaken that level of pain.
All I’m saying is I am not a some hypochondriac asshole. I keep in good shape and such too. I feel bad for the people who died from it. Would have been shifty drowning a suffocating to death.
Tell you what tho, I have a great idea for you virus don’t exist types. I want to ship you guys over to the next Ebola outbreak so you can stay with them in the quarantine and prove to the world it’s all made up. You in?
"Some people must quit living in fantasy land."
Kory was still selling the catastrophic virus in Fall, 2021 at Global Covid Summit. That is way into this deal.
HCQ for what exactly?
the Rogue Koronavirus?
I just wanted to check back in because the fantasy land that you speak of seems to be largely centered on few key issues constrained by a few key "alternative" voices all carefully curated.
And I find this utterly fascinating. Like a social science experiment.
My son just got a job at the science academy in SF with a “mandatory” injection proof. He’s not injected and simply asked what the requirements were to remain un injected and they gave him the job. I was really surprised because it’s SF, Mecca of the masked and boostered.
They make him submit a religious or medical exemption form? I have been looking many different orgs in tech. Have only seen it one time in 2024. That shit was everywhere in 21/22. It was demoralizing as hell.
Im not sure what he had to do and he thinks I’m nutz for making it a big deal. He does not believe it was ever a big deal. Meanwhile, my nursing home job, in Marin, another mask/shot mecca has been accepting my religious exemption for the last several years, no flu or covid shots, or any forced medical treatments for me, ever again!
No business was requiring that by that time, (5th booster) many had started to smell something..
So he must have believed in them.
The deception is great ..sheeple
We know a couple who's children go to same daycare as ours and they brag about having their 34 year old vaxxed 6 times...lord Jesus
What about themselves? These are the same type ppl who gave away their parental authority years ago, it's why they get kicked out of school board meetings .
Oh they are proud of being vaxxed with the death shot just like their 4 year old murdering their child and proud of it..disgusting
That last notion about the increase in infectious diseases is a recurring meme by the producers of the psy op. I got this:
in my email recently. Basically laying the groundwork for strong vaxx persuasion/mandate for any vaxx on the totally unsupported basis that not using the vaxx equals more bacterial infections equals bacteria resistant to antibiotics. There are so many unsupported ideas there but it is clearly NLP designed to rush people into the waiting syringes of the perp's.
Was just discussing the NLP aspect with a's happening all the time, delivered by the vaxx peddlers.
But it comes from voices we find ourselves agreeing with as well...when a word or phrase is repeated, even under the auspices of dispute, the acceptance of a more fundamental aspect can be delivered to your brain.
That's true. And when coming from those we find ourselves agreeing with, some of the time they may just honestly be caught in that mindset. Other times it is a conscious effort. TPTB've been playing this game for a really long time. That is, just keep the plebes happy enough to believe the dreams and not upset the apple cart. The big difference now, at least for Europe and the US, is that the toggle switch to cull the herd got switched, so the lies needed to become wiildly outrageous and shouted constantly. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the rules have changed. But that doesn't mean that many have figured out how badly and thoroughly they are being played. They, and maybe almost all of us, get stuck in the mindset that just substituting one hero for another will take care of the problem. Few realize the fundamental changes that will be needed to slow down, let alone stop, this juggernaut.
It can be slowed down though: in the UK, the steadfast vaxx refusal of 10% of health workers, and the walk-out by 40k care workers when a mandate was imposed on the them - the first step to a national mandate halted the plan its tracks.
'Omicron' also failed big time: we were meant to descend into terror and plead for infinite boosters; instead, people tested positive for Omicron, and said 'Is that it, is this the new 'highly infectious' variant of Covid? ' and simply weren't scared anymore.
Thanks for sharing that! That walk-out was totally unknown for me, as was the 10% vaxx refusal. I think in the US it may be that high for nurses, but definitely not for MD’s. Our rulers are very careful to censor news that runs contrary to the narrative they wish to impose.
I’ve mentioned before here that I worked to help elect opposition to our woke Democrat City Council and that we managed to flip the majority. This evening we had a private party of about 100 of the committed who fought for this turnaround. LIstening to the talks and brief speeches given by our new City Council majority, we will be slowing the juggernaut here, I believe, and am very happy to say!
It all hinges on people believing in viruses and even my anti vax family all into viruses and contagion. 😰
It's important to not use the language of our oppressors. When ppl do, The Puppet Masters clap hooved hands.
Migrant, vaccine, assigned at birth, any modifier before the word woman,
be kind
This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated
My mind went blank. Please excuse me.
NEVER EVER was a campaign for a shot run on
''Do it for Gramma''.
If I understood the Medscape article correctly, their argument is that not using the vaxx = more viral infections = more viral infections misdiagnosed as bacterial infections = more antibiotics = etc. But it's still rubbish.
I also love the names of the players: "Elisabeth Van Damme from GSK" Damned indeed are the pushers of vaccines.
Upon rereading, I agree with your interpretation. I skimmed it pretty quickly before and thought the main implication was that no vaxx=more viral infections=more secondary bacterial vaxx=more antibiotics. Agree it’s still rubbish.
'Elisabeth Van Damme' anagrams to:
- a misbehaved mental
- able madman thieves
- bah meme Satan devil
Satan and devil, could not be much worse, so dammed indeed!
That sounds like doctors aren't being educated properly, which I've already stated numerous times. Psych, teachers, medical, law, fields are inundated with alt-lft educated people. They uphold the nonsense out here. It's enough to drive people who know better insane. Ppl are notoriously hesitant in the past to call foul on a teacher, medical professionals, law (courtrooms, judges, police) and the Puppet Masters KNOW these things.
The MD thing, someone told me that their sisters oncologist explained to them, that bc her cancer had moved 3x from its original location, it was Stage 4 uterine cancer. I didn't say a word, but I KNOW, that is NOT how cancer is staged. I have or so they say, a Anti-phosopholipid condition and go to that oncology office. Oncologists/hematologists. I wonder how older doctors clash with alt-lft doctors?
I been gathering bits here and there that completes the puzzle in that section. MSM supports all of this, if you ever pay attention.
Even the. Damn weather. Now ayeast where live, NOAA, is the BOSS. When I say this, if there is a tornadic activity, hurricane, etc the meteorologist doesn't say boo, w/o it coming from telex. It is quite entertaining, in a demented way. I didn't know this them 1st time I witnessed it. See I hadn't watched amy local news, or world news show in idk the day when. So I think what's wrong w this girl. There were 2 tornados lurking in the area, it happened over the span of about 15 min, her hair was nice in the beginning, 15 min later, it's standing on end. I think, someone needs to help her, I remember, she needs a hug. They went to commercial, no weather for a bit, and then back to it, she had help then. Is remember how I found out that NOAA sends what they can report. I SWEAR TO GOD.
I added this as examples of what the goal is for the Puppet Masters.
You will be told what to think about everything.
They want pl inside their places, ordering online, not out in the streets in crowds.
Businesses do not want to hear complaints , you will deemed as a problem.
You're going to think I'm crazy with this next stuff.
I'll hold off for now.
Hahaha, we'll make it illegal for Trump, the ""Father" of the "Vaccine"" (note embedded sarcastic-quotes) to abolish anything! It's a matter of national security (that we not be exposed and go to jail for crimes against humanity and mass murder ....)
Pureblood and proud
Jane! Stop this crazy thing!
Thank you Miss Sarah. 🙏 💕No idea how you can stomach your research. You’ve more intestinal fortitude than I!
For Covid or a virus mutated from😏
They’re just leaving it there just in case the war or the aliens don’t work
I think this extention of liability protection comes under the scope of "Turtles all the way up" law ... but presumably a future Republican Administration could repeal it ... (I'm only joking:-))
But what about Christmas week? That means there is no federal Covid emergency between Christmas and New Year.
I hope we survive the week of no emergency 😂
So does that mean I have to sue Pfizer between xmas and New Year's for my vaxx injury? Or does it mean I can only sue them if I get my vaxx at that time? Has the Attorney General clarified that for us? Paging Bobby Bear! His Dad was AG so he ought to know!
It probably means that you can't get a covid shot between Christmas and New Years. I'm not sure why they did this, perhaps to make people want what they can't have. Maybe it will coincide with an advertising campaign that new vaxxes and boosters will be available Jan.1. Sometimes, you've got to create a little scarcity to support the price of your product.
Holy Flying Fuck! And Trump will not undo it. It's his vax.
I'm pretty sure Covid is corona sun flares &v radiation poisoning that they just want to profit from ... I'm no genius here on Plane T apes, just sayin.
Solar flare cycle began in 2019, which causes "flu like symptoms"
... because a COVID liability shield don't stop.
for the maggot brain impaired (like RFK, Jr.)
🙌thank you!!
There must be immediate legal pushback on this. On what basis is this a covid emergency? Emergency means something that has just come up and needs immediate attention. According the the "government", they have done a wonderful job managing covid through their vaccination campaign. What then is the reason to continue an emergency when they have already solved the problem?
We made the mistake of letting the govt. do whatever it wanted for a very long time. We need to tell them they must explain everything they are doing, provide complete documentation and show how we are in a covid emergency. Every step. There's no Chevron doctrine. They have to show their work. We know there are judges who will look at evidence and who understand the govt. is lying and as a bonus, are used to dealing with death threats. :(
We need to approach these judges with a suit about this "emergency.
We’re still under the emergency from 9/11. It gets renewed every single year. The emergencies will continue until you voluntarily relinquish all your rights and freedoms. They want you to trade freedom for perceived safety of which you will have neither.
I understand. We need to use the one semi-functional branch of govt. to challenge these "emergencies". Chevron is done!
People need to be much stronger and more intelligent about understanding the big picture. We can at least do that. Right now it's pretty much taking candy from the baby. We have a long way to go, no doubt about it.