But the investors are really happy. I see lots of calls to buy their stock as they are going to roll it out for heart patients. Unexpected bonus for pharma and investors. And then 10 years or so down the road, the lawyers can start to cash in with class action lawsuits. And they can roll out a new drug to deal with the "side effects." It's the gift that keeps on giving business plan. All owned by the RAWD.
I am so happy that I no longer watch TV, read news journals of any kind or listen to the radio. I no longer see or hear medical lies being peddled as one-stop-easy-button fixes for death. (My ex was filled with these kinds of medications.)
Many many years ago I read the sordid history of thalidomide. My take away then was that nothing in the system had been changed to stop thalidomide tragedies from happening again. And... wow! Was that an understated understanding. I hadn't actually seen that that was actually the plan, death and disability by drugs: medicide.
I wonder when the drug people will realise that their pattern of killing has been recognised now. And I wonder when those who aren't aware that they are surviving despite the medicide will wake up to that before they die?
Much to my dismay and pleading with her, my sister died 17 months ago from the cult of allopathic medicine. Fuck the herd and find your own wellness, it's within not without.
Her original condition put me on the Anti-vax wagon. I did a lot of research that blew the smoke and mirrors out off the altar.
I saw the following doc a few years ago on thalidomide.
I don't remember when it was released but at the time of this taping they state it's still being used in S. America, I believe. But I'm certain it's new and approved as well as 'safe and effective'.
I remember being in grade school with a classmate with similar symptoms and inquiring about it with my mother. She was a respected RN in the community and even lectured at a local college. I was told it's part of nature or God's plan or some fk'n cockabull story to appease my curiosity I assume.
For some idiotic reason I started to look for it in nature. I'm still searching.
Michael, I’m sorry for your loss. I too have lost family members to the Covid jab. Gone too young but refused to believe me or anyone other than the pharma / government propaganda. 😢
Wow! Todays my lucky day. Two articles on Substack about drugs! For background, I have my Doctorate of Pharmacy and I commented on Covid and Coffees article earlier today on acid reflux medications:
This weight loss craze is something to witness and I think this is going to end up bad in the next few years. Don’t know if you came across the fact that these medications increased thyroid C-cell tumors in mice — so yeah, that’s probably going to happen in the general population.
As I mentioned, I’ve started to question the industry because I came in wanting to help people and the industry puts profits over people. I’ve now started to see life in a new way and that inspired the following articles:
OxyContin is alive and well. Where I live in the state of Victoria in Aus.. it’s handed out like lollies. If you go to a public hospital you’re unlikely to to leave without a script. Imagine my horror when 6yo grandson was discharged after a tonsillectomy with a script for this toxic shite. Same thing happened to a friends 6 yo grandson.
It's up there in the fine print: "causes tumors in mice" - but calm down! "Not known if Ozempic causes thyroid cancer in humans" - check back in 10-15 years.
There was a video here (right?) - showing lapse of years between intro and FDA pulling dangerous drugs from the market - 5-15 year lapse was common.
If you live 10 or 15 years after taking it. I have a cousin who has been on it for several years for weight loss. She looks gaunt and jaundice. Losing weight hasn’t enhanced her beauty and certainly not her health.
Or just stop eating sugar. Excess sugar raises insulin levels, which in turn relax the oesophageal sphincter, opening it, instead of keeping it closed - hence reflux, hence GERD/GORD.
Dumping sugar pretty much stops it in its tracks.
The other thing I noticed after ditching sugar, was dry skin (on elbows, knees, and heels) just vanishes.
Ditto for the Statins. Take max statins eat as much fat as you want: deep fried foods, junk foods, etc. No need to change the eating habits at all! my cholesterol is low doctor, my tickers fine, just gonna get some Cheetos here...
I was visiting with a good friend yesterday, very intelligent, well-read woman, who told me her 29 year old daughter - 1st year medical resident - has put on “a lot of weight” and is getting a script for Ozempic. And she supports it. My jaw dropped.
I hear this sooooo often from moms. It’s so weird... it’s like leftover 1969, I cannot imagine telling my child they are fat and should take this injectable drug that might shut organs down and cause cancer. Really makes a kid feel loved...
My friend was prescribed this recently but luckily she trashed it as I told her about the stomach paralysis side effects and other endless horrors. I am hopeful she will return to health by thoughtful consideration of food choices and wary eyes on all things pharmaceutical.
I once spent a week in the hospital with pancreatitis. Horrible pain. After, diabetic doc tried to put me on Ozempic and I said GFY. Changed diet, fasted, lost 65 lbs and off all diabetes meds.
Check out Dr Bryan Ardis I’ve seen several videos by him on Brighteon. He says the active ingredient is a protein from the desert lizard called Helo - monster. This lizard only eats every two weeks because of shortage of food in the desert. Like you I’m a type 2 diabetic, June/ early July was put on Trajantamet. Same issues, couldn’t digest food, dropped a kilo a week- stopped taking it after 6 weeks and have never- ending gut issues.
I heard that Ozempic leads to suicidal thoughts. I weigh 325,pounds and am an amputee diabetic with heart failure and a great love for salty carbohydrates. There are no easy buttons in life.
Gastric bypass is also a no go for me because the last thing I want to do for the rest of my life is to be hyper focused on everything I put into my mouth.
I have heard this as well, about the suicidal thoughts.
There certainly are no easy buttons in life.
I am sorry to hear of your health challenges. Your honesty is commendable.
Considering the potential myriad disease processes associated with Type 2 Diabetes, I think all options available are worthy of serious consideration.
This post was a commentary on this particular drug being given, and ostensibly marketed (very least by the media), as a quick weight loss "fix"...for people that do not have T2 diabetes and the associated risks.
I think a glaringly missing portion of the conversation in this arena is accurate information around our understanding of fat, sugar, and protein. That's a whole other can of worms though.
When I went to Quick Weight Loss back in the late 90’s early 2000’s I was amazed at the people there to lose a couple of pounds. I used to half joke that they really had no cause to be coming there as I would have been dancing in celebration to have 15 pounds to lose. I would say to them, you don’t even really know what “fat” is. Fat is eyeing a booth to see if there is another room for you between booth and table.
I don’t think it sunk in. You’re right about type 2 diabetes options. Gastric Bypass is a viable option. What would I have decided if someone said I would lose s leg otherwise, Is that worth the risks and challenges of tying off my stomach. Maybe.
My partner's mother had gastric bypass surgery 20 or so years ago.
She is dealing with the incredibly difficult results of that procedure to this day. I'd wager she's a good bit older than you, however the complications aren't recent.
I heard a comedian years ago discuss life after bypass surgery. She said that after surgery she had to be extremely careful of food type and portion size. And those were just two issues.
That being said, I should have and still should be treating my diabetes and other issues better. But from the descriptions of post bypass surgery, it sounds like food prison.
I've known several people over the years that have elected to have the surgery, and I don't know that any of them would say that it was successful.
Food prison is a good way to describe it. My partner's mom has to go get her lower esophageal sphincter stretched regularly or she is unable to keep anything down. Subsequently she struggles to get enough nutrients and is incredibly thin. And weak.
If you are interested, The Clot Thickens, by Malcolm Kendrick is as excellent read. It's on Audible if you prefer to listen. He's an MD from the UK and is somehow able to make the discussion of cardiovascular disease and diabetes very entertaining. He's sharp and has a sarcastic edge that I really enjoy.
I mention Dr Kendrick's book, because it gives some agency to folks that have been told that they have T2 diabetes and that's it. Nothing to do but drugs and death. In my experience, there is an incredible amount of shaming that happens in this arena, and I find it discouraging and unhelpful...and frankly, just as much a part of the problem.
Since I'm on a proper tangent, I'll just continue on, not that you asked for it lol. Another excellent book is, "Eat Rich, Live Long", by Ivor Cummins.
^^This is more of a how-to guide....he has a lot of helpful explanation about bloodwork and numbers, and ways that you can monitor your progress. There are also a ton of recipes and a day-by-day guide (with recipe options) to make the necessary dietary changes. I LOVE this book.
Here is a podcast regarding cholesterol (and the general fuckery around it) that you might also like to listen to:
This is a beautiful Substack written by my friend, Guy Duperreault...in this particular post, he shares his journey through obesity, blindness, and truth:
I know that you were not asking for advice or resources, and I hope that you receive this message with the kindness that I intended. There was honesty and responsibility in your initial comment...which is often the biggest hurdle for someone wanting to make big life changes. I also heard shame in your last message:
"That being said, I should have and still should be treating my diabetes and other issues better."
SHOULD have and still SHOULD be.
Should is a word that will hold you back. Words matter so much....especially when speaking to yourself (and trust me, I am speaking to myself here too, as this is an ongoing practice).
It is an interesting practice to notice how you are communicating with you. Saying that you should be doing something implies failure, something your psyche is likely already very familiar with...so this pattern is a well-run program for your brain. I should have and should be....but I didn't, and I won't....and nothing will change because nothing ever does.
Changing the words to can change the message entirely:
"I WOULD LIKE to have treated my diabetes and other issues better...and moving forward I WOULD LIKE prioritize my health."
Essentially says the same thing...however the words communicate potential rather than failure. The work of Byron Katie is powerful in this arena:
Your results are ALWAYS perfect. For the structure you have created. You may not like the outcome, but the results are perfect. AND, if you want a different outcome, you CAN alter the structure. It likely won't be easy. As we have already concluded, there are no easy buttons in life. But it is possible. I've watched it many times.
There are a lot of industries riding on everyone believing that they can't.
As an ex nurse who worked with the original jejuno- illegal bypass, I can tell you even gastric bypass dramatically changes lives and comes with a host of challenges
I had no idea! >"Ozempic prevents the stomach from emptying for long periods of time... " How could ANYone think that inducing such radical, unnatural physiological changes - and doing so regularly, by design, would NOT be associated with a vast array of side effects?
Here's one just in: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1691092258907361280.html "people taking Ozempic may face life-threatening complications during surgery that requires anesthesia" admittedly one that could be avoided by better pre-op patient monitoring of the sort that our hospitals excel in.
I just heard on the radio that Ozempic is now being prescribed (before?/after?) joint replacement surgery. Supposedly it decreases the chance of infection by 42% AND reduces the chance of re-hospitalization by 32% after joint replacement. It's a damn WONDER DRUG! 💲💲💲💲💲
Hey, let's prescribe it now as a first line treatment for overweight TEENS says the American Association of Pediatrics! It's completely fine that they'll be on it FOR LIFE! Obesity is now a "medical condition" and no longer has anything to do with personal responsibility and what one shoves into their mouths. Weight Watchers and OPRAH SAY SO!
I apologize, but it occurs to me that MAID (medical aid in dying) and/or physician assisted death has been realized through C-19 vaccinations. It’s really a dream come true, no fuss, no muss, no bother.
Funny how there's always another injection or pill or surgery to take care of those pesky side effects. Gee Wally, do you think it's always been the plan? Money money money...is more important than your life.
But the investors are really happy. I see lots of calls to buy their stock as they are going to roll it out for heart patients. Unexpected bonus for pharma and investors. And then 10 years or so down the road, the lawyers can start to cash in with class action lawsuits. And they can roll out a new drug to deal with the "side effects." It's the gift that keeps on giving business plan. All owned by the RAWD.
Fair enough!
"Unexpected bonus"? I'm afraid we have to give them more credit than that....carefully planned bonus......
🤣🎯fair point
Hey, don't you know that it's ok to prescribe off label, unless it goes against another drug, like ivermectin and hcq... Oopsies!
I find the side effects ridiculous. Do people think that it's easy to get over those organ conditions?
More drugs, please, Rob. Point me to the nearest pusher -- er, I mean good-intentioned pharmaceutical flogger.
Hello, Sarah:
I am so happy that I no longer watch TV, read news journals of any kind or listen to the radio. I no longer see or hear medical lies being peddled as one-stop-easy-button fixes for death. (My ex was filled with these kinds of medications.)
Many many years ago I read the sordid history of thalidomide. My take away then was that nothing in the system had been changed to stop thalidomide tragedies from happening again. And... wow! Was that an understated understanding. I hadn't actually seen that that was actually the plan, death and disability by drugs: medicide.
I wonder when the drug people will realise that their pattern of killing has been recognised now. And I wonder when those who aren't aware that they are surviving despite the medicide will wake up to that before they die?
Much to my dismay and pleading with her, my sister died 17 months ago from the cult of allopathic medicine. Fuck the herd and find your own wellness, it's within not without.
Her original condition put me on the Anti-vax wagon. I did a lot of research that blew the smoke and mirrors out off the altar.
I saw the following doc a few years ago on thalidomide.
I don't remember when it was released but at the time of this taping they state it's still being used in S. America, I believe. But I'm certain it's new and approved as well as 'safe and effective'.
I remember being in grade school with a classmate with similar symptoms and inquiring about it with my mother. She was a respected RN in the community and even lectured at a local college. I was told it's part of nature or God's plan or some fk'n cockabull story to appease my curiosity I assume.
For some idiotic reason I started to look for it in nature. I'm still searching.
Michael, I am so sorry to read that you lost your sister very recently.
The more I learn, the more I am certain that so many losses are attributed to this disease process or that genetic predisposition....
A more accurate label for the staggering majority should be IATROGENIC.
Shitfuckery. All the way down.
Michael, I’m sorry for your loss. I too have lost family members to the Covid jab. Gone too young but refused to believe me or anyone other than the pharma / government propaganda. 😢
Wow! Todays my lucky day. Two articles on Substack about drugs! For background, I have my Doctorate of Pharmacy and I commented on Covid and Coffees article earlier today on acid reflux medications:
This weight loss craze is something to witness and I think this is going to end up bad in the next few years. Don’t know if you came across the fact that these medications increased thyroid C-cell tumors in mice — so yeah, that’s probably going to happen in the general population.
As I mentioned, I’ve started to question the industry because I came in wanting to help people and the industry puts profits over people. I’ve now started to see life in a new way and that inspired the following articles:
Thanks for this post and hoping this post prevents people from using this drug that don’t need it.
Reminds me of the OxyContin/ Suboxone racket....problem->solution...🤬
OxyContin is alive and well. Where I live in the state of Victoria in Aus.. it’s handed out like lollies. If you go to a public hospital you’re unlikely to to leave without a script. Imagine my horror when 6yo grandson was discharged after a tonsillectomy with a script for this toxic shite. Same thing happened to a friends 6 yo grandson.
It's up there in the fine print: "causes tumors in mice" - but calm down! "Not known if Ozempic causes thyroid cancer in humans" - check back in 10-15 years.
There was a video here (right?) - showing lapse of years between intro and FDA pulling dangerous drugs from the market - 5-15 year lapse was common.
If you live 10 or 15 years after taking it. I have a cousin who has been on it for several years for weight loss. She looks gaunt and jaundice. Losing weight hasn’t enhanced her beauty and certainly not her health.
apple cider vinegar for reflux. finger to zantac.
Or just stop eating sugar. Excess sugar raises insulin levels, which in turn relax the oesophageal sphincter, opening it, instead of keeping it closed - hence reflux, hence GERD/GORD.
Dumping sugar pretty much stops it in its tracks.
The other thing I noticed after ditching sugar, was dry skin (on elbows, knees, and heels) just vanishes.
The stuff is poison.
What amount?
A tablespoon is usually enough. I've taken up to 1 ounce sometimes.
6 mins - Dr. Berg (2 tsp) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZx-8z2U6qY
Thank you 🙏
This pic sums up my thousand thoughts on the experts as well as thought leaders .....
"I'm down with talking to my doctor about Rybelsus." -- Ad I've seen countless times.
How street edgy! "I'm down with it."
Not ever said: "I'm down with talking about my sedentary lifestyle and my addiction to sugar and carbs".
The clear message is take a pill so you can continue to chow pizza, drink coke and binge Netflix.
If they can advertise that, then cigarettes should be advertised too, as a weight loss product.
Side effects? Pfft.
Bruh...It doesn't even need to be dressed up with street edge. Just say it out loud, "Rybelsus."
Sounds a little bit like a cognitive disorder or a palsy, but other than that it is so edgy.
And c'mon. Diet AND exercise?!?!?
Unreasonable. Stop fat shaming.
Ditto for the Statins. Take max statins eat as much fat as you want: deep fried foods, junk foods, etc. No need to change the eating habits at all! my cholesterol is low doctor, my tickers fine, just gonna get some Cheetos here...
Yup. :)
"just gonna get some Cheetos here..." (and a nice side of dementia).
I was visiting with a good friend yesterday, very intelligent, well-read woman, who told me her 29 year old daughter - 1st year medical resident - has put on “a lot of weight” and is getting a script for Ozempic. And she supports it. My jaw dropped.
I hear this sooooo often from moms. It’s so weird... it’s like leftover 1969, I cannot imagine telling my child they are fat and should take this injectable drug that might shut organs down and cause cancer. Really makes a kid feel loved...
My friend was prescribed this recently but luckily she trashed it as I told her about the stomach paralysis side effects and other endless horrors. I am hopeful she will return to health by thoughtful consideration of food choices and wary eyes on all things pharmaceutical.
I once spent a week in the hospital with pancreatitis. Horrible pain. After, diabetic doc tried to put me on Ozempic and I said GFY. Changed diet, fasted, lost 65 lbs and off all diabetes meds.
Check out Dr Bryan Ardis I’ve seen several videos by him on Brighteon. He says the active ingredient is a protein from the desert lizard called Helo - monster. This lizard only eats every two weeks because of shortage of food in the desert. Like you I’m a type 2 diabetic, June/ early July was put on Trajantamet. Same issues, couldn’t digest food, dropped a kilo a week- stopped taking it after 6 weeks and have never- ending gut issues.
Sarah, your medical advice here in this post is more accurate and beneficial to everyone who is overweight and obese than many a doctor. Good work! 👍
Thank you, sir! 🙏🏼
... unfucking real
I heard that Ozempic leads to suicidal thoughts. I weigh 325,pounds and am an amputee diabetic with heart failure and a great love for salty carbohydrates. There are no easy buttons in life.
Gastric bypass is also a no go for me because the last thing I want to do for the rest of my life is to be hyper focused on everything I put into my mouth.
I have heard this as well, about the suicidal thoughts.
There certainly are no easy buttons in life.
I am sorry to hear of your health challenges. Your honesty is commendable.
Considering the potential myriad disease processes associated with Type 2 Diabetes, I think all options available are worthy of serious consideration.
This post was a commentary on this particular drug being given, and ostensibly marketed (very least by the media), as a quick weight loss "fix"...for people that do not have T2 diabetes and the associated risks.
I think a glaringly missing portion of the conversation in this arena is accurate information around our understanding of fat, sugar, and protein. That's a whole other can of worms though.
When I went to Quick Weight Loss back in the late 90’s early 2000’s I was amazed at the people there to lose a couple of pounds. I used to half joke that they really had no cause to be coming there as I would have been dancing in celebration to have 15 pounds to lose. I would say to them, you don’t even really know what “fat” is. Fat is eyeing a booth to see if there is another room for you between booth and table.
I don’t think it sunk in. You’re right about type 2 diabetes options. Gastric Bypass is a viable option. What would I have decided if someone said I would lose s leg otherwise, Is that worth the risks and challenges of tying off my stomach. Maybe.
My partner's mother had gastric bypass surgery 20 or so years ago.
She is dealing with the incredibly difficult results of that procedure to this day. I'd wager she's a good bit older than you, however the complications aren't recent.
I heard a comedian years ago discuss life after bypass surgery. She said that after surgery she had to be extremely careful of food type and portion size. And those were just two issues.
That being said, I should have and still should be treating my diabetes and other issues better. But from the descriptions of post bypass surgery, it sounds like food prison.
I've known several people over the years that have elected to have the surgery, and I don't know that any of them would say that it was successful.
Food prison is a good way to describe it. My partner's mom has to go get her lower esophageal sphincter stretched regularly or she is unable to keep anything down. Subsequently she struggles to get enough nutrients and is incredibly thin. And weak.
If you are interested, The Clot Thickens, by Malcolm Kendrick is as excellent read. It's on Audible if you prefer to listen. He's an MD from the UK and is somehow able to make the discussion of cardiovascular disease and diabetes very entertaining. He's sharp and has a sarcastic edge that I really enjoy.
I mention Dr Kendrick's book, because it gives some agency to folks that have been told that they have T2 diabetes and that's it. Nothing to do but drugs and death. In my experience, there is an incredible amount of shaming that happens in this arena, and I find it discouraging and unhelpful...and frankly, just as much a part of the problem.
Since I'm on a proper tangent, I'll just continue on, not that you asked for it lol. Another excellent book is, "Eat Rich, Live Long", by Ivor Cummins.
^^This is more of a how-to guide....he has a lot of helpful explanation about bloodwork and numbers, and ways that you can monitor your progress. There are also a ton of recipes and a day-by-day guide (with recipe options) to make the necessary dietary changes. I LOVE this book.
Here is a podcast regarding cholesterol (and the general fuckery around it) that you might also like to listen to:
This is a beautiful Substack written by my friend, Guy Duperreault...in this particular post, he shares his journey through obesity, blindness, and truth:
I know that you were not asking for advice or resources, and I hope that you receive this message with the kindness that I intended. There was honesty and responsibility in your initial comment...which is often the biggest hurdle for someone wanting to make big life changes. I also heard shame in your last message:
"That being said, I should have and still should be treating my diabetes and other issues better."
SHOULD have and still SHOULD be.
Should is a word that will hold you back. Words matter so much....especially when speaking to yourself (and trust me, I am speaking to myself here too, as this is an ongoing practice).
It is an interesting practice to notice how you are communicating with you. Saying that you should be doing something implies failure, something your psyche is likely already very familiar with...so this pattern is a well-run program for your brain. I should have and should be....but I didn't, and I won't....and nothing will change because nothing ever does.
Changing the words to can change the message entirely:
"I WOULD LIKE to have treated my diabetes and other issues better...and moving forward I WOULD LIKE prioritize my health."
Essentially says the same thing...however the words communicate potential rather than failure. The work of Byron Katie is powerful in this arena:
Your results are ALWAYS perfect. For the structure you have created. You may not like the outcome, but the results are perfect. AND, if you want a different outcome, you CAN alter the structure. It likely won't be easy. As we have already concluded, there are no easy buttons in life. But it is possible. I've watched it many times.
There are a lot of industries riding on everyone believing that they can't.
As an ex nurse who worked with the original jejuno- illegal bypass, I can tell you even gastric bypass dramatically changes lives and comes with a host of challenges
I had no idea! >"Ozempic prevents the stomach from emptying for long periods of time... " How could ANYone think that inducing such radical, unnatural physiological changes - and doing so regularly, by design, would NOT be associated with a vast array of side effects?
Here's one just in: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1691092258907361280.html "people taking Ozempic may face life-threatening complications during surgery that requires anesthesia" admittedly one that could be avoided by better pre-op patient monitoring of the sort that our hospitals excel in.
Life threatening....so you're saying there's a chance!
I just heard on the radio that Ozempic is now being prescribed (before?/after?) joint replacement surgery. Supposedly it decreases the chance of infection by 42% AND reduces the chance of re-hospitalization by 32% after joint replacement. It's a damn WONDER DRUG! 💲💲💲💲💲
Hey, let's prescribe it now as a first line treatment for overweight TEENS says the American Association of Pediatrics! It's completely fine that they'll be on it FOR LIFE! Obesity is now a "medical condition" and no longer has anything to do with personal responsibility and what one shoves into their mouths. Weight Watchers and OPRAH SAY SO!
😂 🤮
Stop fat shaming, Gramms! Ozempic is the miracle cure.
I heard it cures climate change too.
I mean, I think we all know it's going to cure the ole overpopulation issue...😉😉
I apologize, but it occurs to me that MAID (medical aid in dying) and/or physician assisted death has been realized through C-19 vaccinations. It’s really a dream come true, no fuss, no muss, no bother.
And they don't pay for the funerals and all die peacefully
Funny how there's always another injection or pill or surgery to take care of those pesky side effects. Gee Wally, do you think it's always been the plan? Money money money...is more important than your life.
While we're at "for birds", this is the "correct" owl:
[Imagine similar melody & rhythm as in the Dean Martin song "That's amore"]
When, on the beach, slim people are walking crooked,
holding their tummies, their happiness seems all but gone.
you won't have to ask one of them: "oh, you took it"?
'cause you know the Ozempic Summer Games are on.
lol, brilliant!
On Monday, I went to the pharmacy with my new scrip and I felt pretty.
By Friday, the pretty was pretty much gone, but I was still very much feeling Charmin.
::resisting the, um, urge to post a YT clip of Screamin' Jay Hawkins' song Constipation Blues::