Oh good! Now when the famine happens, the people taking these stomach-paralyzing Gila monster shots won’t be competing with me for food.

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I suppose if you were only overweight, you could put on a bigger frock and insist that you identify as a transing-to-obese person.

Oddly, over here on Airstrip One, they're doing something similar, although not with Ozempic but with some similar product I hadn't heard of. There's less admin, of course, since with the NHS, Stealth Depop (sometimes still quaintly referred to as 'healthcare') is free at the point of use, but isn't it weird that, whether it's assisted suicide or covert suicide (Ozempicide?) these things now happen in different countries at the same time. Almost as if ... oh, never mind.

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Ozempicide...that's got a nice ring.






This could get out of control really soon. Paging Sage and Flurm.

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Mounjaro, thanks - that's the one the NHS is pushing. What a weird name - Moun(t) Kiliman(jaro)? WTF? Mount Kill-a-man-jaro? Better go to bed before my tinfoil count gets too high.

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It’s like ‘Jumamji’

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It’s supposed to sound “exotic” aka BETTER FASTER STRONGER LONGER 🥷🏻

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That sounds like an ad for an erectile dysfunction pill. 😂

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😆😆😆😆😆 I blame the Sage of Hana for these free-thought posts!!! Best ever!

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Is Ivermectin considered harmful? Had me fooled but I have even become suspicious of the “Vitamin D” craze .

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Vitamin D & Ivermectin are also bad? Hadn't heard that one. But can't say it's not true. Also can't say anything IS true. The psyop works well. Keeps us in perpetual lack of faith in anything. Can't trust what we hear, see, read. It could all be AI or some sort of deep fake or conflicted interest clap trap. Can't trust friends or enemies. In fact we can't trust our ability to discern which is which.

Oh well at least we still have hopelessness and despair. They can't take THAT away from us

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Numbing us anyway possible. If not with jabs, it’s fear, confusion, lack of trust… So eventually “they” are the only thing left to fix the massive mess and force us to trust them!

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Read "Agent131711" on substack. He covers Ivermectin and Vit D. He is also fun to read. I really like him, but perhaps a grain of salt wouldn't hurt.

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There are skeptics but I have had good results with it! I'm not of child bearing age so am not worried about sterilization 🤪. Who knows what's real or true anymore?

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yes it most certainly is

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What ever happened to body positivity? This looks like fat shaming to me.

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Look, fat shaming is only a thing when it fits in the agenda. Like when it encourages everyone to feel good about being overweight (unhealthy). Good thing they remembered that it’s unhealthy and have an injection for it.

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Not a shame advocate and certainly feel shame can be over done

But in the context of modern BS shame has gotten a bad rap

Sometimes shame is the only thing that gets your ass off the couch to take a walk. Sometimes (perhaps lots of times) shame is the only thing that keeps us from doing really shameful stuff. We can't all be pure of spirit all the time. Even the priest probably uses shame to keep himself in check

Yeah I know. Shame is not the best situation but it's better than high blood pressure, diabetes and loneliness because you're so fat no one wants to invite you over any more because you break their furniture or their afraid you'll be injured trying to come and visit

If shame works to save your life perhaps it's not the worst thing. You can work on your shame later but first order of business is to be alive to do it.

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So... taxpayers have to pay for basically all of the “sloth” sins which a human, with willpower (I can walk this talk), could willingly cure on their OWN.

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It’s been like this since RockMed took over!

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True but it was already happening with the hundreds of thousands of bariatric surgeries. Those surgeries are now declining due to the drugs.

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They want us convinced we're all so powerless that we can not nor should we be asked to do anything on our own. Even if it is our own life at stake ... because someone should do something about, but it is shaming to expect that somebody to be me.

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So if I read this correctly ... you need

Overweight and a comorbidly to qualify for the "obesity disease mitigating" drug that you get automatically if you have the Obesity disease alone

That's my lay person interpretation

Seems like in this scenario Overweight and comorbidly are codependent

IE: From a diagnostic and protocol recommendation perspective

Overweight + comorbidly = Obesity

Diagnosis and treatment?

Give em the fatso drug!

Nothing quite so clear and deterministic as a protocol algorithm and an equation. Seems so sciencee

Isn't codependency a disease also? If not perhaps it can be declared a disease

I often hear codependency spoken of as if it were a disease rather than a "get a life" moment.

I see a synergistic opportunity here

Declare Overweight and comorbidly as a codependent disease state

Then issue REALLY EXPENSIVE drugs FOR BOTH obesity and the codependent diseases

Now THAT'S what you call addressing the disease AND the underlying cause algorithmic driven medicine style. Cover$ all the $alient in$entivized bases.

Refer it to congress and promise ample kick backs. Sounds like a winner to me

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I had never thought of using a pharmaceutical approach to solving the World's hunger problem: Instead of clean small farm grown food, one can end hunger my simply killing the hunger drive with GLP-1s! Brilliant and so efficient... and, profitable for Big Pharma, of course...

The deviousness of the Ruling Psychopathy never ceases to amaze...

Maybe we can have a vaxxx to end war! Think what a gift that would be for Humankind...

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There’s also targeted electrode neurosurgery to correct this as well.... forever.

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Shhhh.... Don't let Elon know or he will be brain-chipping all people of size (for a small fee and potential death, of course).

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Ozempic will be the next class action suit. It is dangerous.

But, who cares, am I right?

So putting the dangers aside, it is very expensive. Now we can do something about that! Just let the government subsidize it, so pharma can sell more of it. Remember how nicely that worked with the clot shot?

I live in San Antonio. I have never seen so many so fat people. Yes, it is a certain body type that seems to be typical with hispanics. The women seem to get fat in the middle, not in the butt and legs.

There is also a delicious "Taqueria Jalisco" on almost every corner. Most of them are actually named "Taqueria Jalisco," too, which I find amusing. Tex Mex food is delicious! But probably the worst food you can eat if you aren't trying to put on weight.

My husband (I am a woman) lost 60 lbs by eating only lean meat (3 oz at a time), salad with light dressing and brocolli. Just sayin'.

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"So putting the dangers aside, it is very expensive."

Which is exactly the motivation. The money money money. Not the healing or well being.

I recall watching one of many documentaries about fasting and it's history. I'm sure I could still find the doc. Turns out Russia did LOTS of initial "research" on fasting BECAUSE THEY WERE POOR. The "fasting research" was foisted on them by circumstance. Not to mention they engineered lots of starvations for genocidal and other political reasons so they had ample opportunity to observe "fasting" (or starvation, whatever makes one feel better).

To this day (to my best knowledge) they still have a relatively cheap accessible fasting clinic out by Lake Baikal Lots of westerners go there for "medical tune ups" to engage in supervised fasting for things like arthritis and other auto immune disorders. Auto-immune disorders are in the cross hairs of fasting treatment so it is utilized by some. What could be cheaper than just not eating for 3-20 days. Cheaper than a drug I'd think. The fasting is not generally used for weight loss alone, although that is an inevitable side effect. It is used for general well being and perhaps general well being is helpful in one's relationship to food.

Anyway to the story. The documentary told about this case in Russia where a mentally ill patient refused to eat. This was way back in the day. They probably neither had the technology and certainly did not have resources (IE $$$) to force feed this "obviously crazy" guy. So the doc decided "let him continue to not eat and we'll see what happens". The doctors decision was forced as much by circumstance as by good intent. Only thing he really COULD do. At least he paid attention to the progress (or lack thereof).

Long story short after a period of time (a few weeks I do not recall) the patient started eating on his own and whatever mental issue that kept him from eating resolved itself. Fasting had not even been remotely considered for mental illness but whatever, this guy who was starving to death because he refused to eat one day just started to eat. Since fasting is known to reduce inflammation perhaps it resolved brain inflammation and allowed him to get mentally well. Who knows? Whatever the mechanism the body healed itself because it was allowed/forced to do so. No inappropriate drug intervention to suppress or critically alter what the body might try to do for itself. If you're going to be taking a drug IT SHOULD BE SUPPORTIVE not invasive.

BOTTOM LINE is they found out a HEALING (or at least managing) modality BECAUSE THEY WERE POOR. Not because they were infinitely wealthy. In a limited resources "survival of the fittest" scenario a thousands per month "treatment" for a disease that can be addressed by not eating so much they'll just say "eat a salad, do exercise, do whatever it takes, or die, because we do not have the resources to treat the overfed"

Sounds harsh but when it comes down to the medal that's how it goes. When resources are limited the solution almost always is "Figure it out because it is possible to do and w do not have $10k a month to spend because you won't eat a salad".

But if there is too much money to loot they can always make everything a disease and put the resolution to the disease on an entitlement schedule.

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People are fat everywhere in Virginia, too. People in general are fat, lazy, apathetic. Everyone is a victim. It’s not their fault they’re fat and lazy. It’s Netflix and Little Debbie’s fault. No one wants to take responsibility

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Not to be a enabler, but it is a pretty shit time to be on planet wakadoo. Most peoples jobs require them to be in front of a screen which zaps energy. If you haven't experienced the boost of energy that comes from exercising regularly how would you know? I'm all for healthy living but it’s getting more challenging when toxins are being weaved into every aspect of life.

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As I've always said, you need to know what it feels like to feel good in order to fight for feeling good.

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So…Cosmopolitan magazine was lying when they put incredibly, morbidly obese women on their cover and said “this is healthy”? Asking for a friend 🤣

I guess trying to embrace the morbidly obese condition as something everyone should do was cutting too deeply into Big Pharma’s pockets. Genocide yesterday, genocide today and genocide tomorrow!!

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The body positivity scam for the morbidly obese (key word is morbidly) is so subversively damaging I'm almost inclined to think it is funded by the deep state psyop mavens who's only goal is to destroy western society. Few things can help that along more than a disabled population tied to wheel chairs and electric scooters and diabetes meds because no one cares to say "you may be OK with your morbid obesity and that is certainly your choice and your right. But I'm not going to sit here and tell you that it won't kill you early to make you feel better". There is a difference between being accepting and keeping your mouth shut and telling outright life threatening lies like "your morbid obesity is beautiful and will only mean beautiful things in your life". That may be true for the genetic outliers but most people sporting massive excess weight are going to have a drastically reduced and perhaps shortened quality of life.

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Well, luckily there’s a shot for this…it makes it almost impossible to eat - they lose muscle and strength, and energy…and eat much less.

I would be surprised to find out that the body positivity/obesity acceptance movement wasn’t funded by the scorpions.

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It's astounding how little dead people eat

Which creates great synergy with scorpion objectives

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It it/was! Lizzo was their spokesperson! Literally! Notice she's trying to shed some weight now... 👀.

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Once we are taken over by our US-created ISIS folks, there will be no need for women to worry about weight as they will all be wearing black sacks and none will have to worry about a bit of tummy...

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I'm struggling with obesity all my life. I've been dieting and exercising and fasting and taking pills and therapy and psychoanalysis all my life, or since I was 9. The result of that: 225 pounds or 116 kilos at age of 63. Please, hear me out: (I'm from Brazil and I don't know to write well in english, so forgive me in advance). Since I was 40 I realized that something was wrong with me and start to tell doctors and friends that the problem with me was not a discipline or perseverance issue, but something wrong with my brain. Nobody heard me. I know: those semaglutides drugs are new, are tricky, are dangerous perhaps or probably, and are being pushing because are making the labs trillionaires. But when I beg my doctor to let me try, something unbelievable happened to me: I begun to receive and recognize a signal telling me that I already eat enough. And I NEVER heard that "voice" in my entire life. NEVER, I'm being honest. On the contrary, I always received a signal telling me to eat more and more. The other thing was the craving that I had all my life, wich was absolutely uncontrollable, just disappeared (if you don't have this kind of problem, you will never understand what uncontrollable means. It's literally like drug adiction, heavy drugs I mean, and you act exactly like a drug addict, hurting yourself when you know that it's bad for you). I know that it's not unlikely that I would die because of Wegovy if I don't control it with my doctor and maybe using for some time and then stopping for some months, I don't know yet, but I was already dying because of obesity anyway. At least I would die with a type of inner peace that I never had - and I can't tell you what that means for me. Those drugs, are for people with comorbities AND for people like me. Some obeses that had lost 50 kilos just dieting and exercising are capable to control themselves, good for them, but I invite you to hear the people in Overeaters Anonymous: first, yoiu have to belive in a spiritual power of some kind to help you day after day, so If you are not a religious person you will struggle with that concept. But, most important, most of them after some years (sometimes in months) regained all the weight, because nobody can live pulling the brakes all the time, day after day, month after month, year after year, and all that time your brain is telling you to eat, eat, eat. Believe me, I know, I tryed. So, yes, let's put those drugs under a better control, let's fight against discrimination or indiscriminated distribution etc, but let's understand that, ok, are tons of idiotics using that to lose 3 pounds for selfies in Instagram, but also are thousands of us, people with some "neuro flaws" (I call them that) and with doctor's control and common sense we can use those drugs at least for some relief. And maybe we finally can stop crying (or slapping yourself in your own face) at 3AM because you are in your kitchen fighting against the craving, losing and feeling the worse person in the world because you can't restrain yourself. Try to understand what I said, please, before simply rule out something because some stupid people are using it in the wrong way. Thank you for the patience with my english and my point of view.

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That was a very good post. Though I am not obese I understand to some extent what obese must go through. I was in Walmart yesterday and first thing we did was go to the fresh produce department and picked up a cabbage head that my dear wife will add chunks of lamb roast, potatoes and carrots to for tonights dinner. Sort of a stew she makes. Tasty and satisfying. Then right next to the vegetables was the coveted 8 count box of cake doughnuts (with 2 chocolate covered!). Wife is prudent and fixed a salad for herself last night. I sat down in front of my computer screen (another addiction in modern life) with glass of milk and an open box of cake doughnuts. One doughnut led to another but after six my brain clicked and said "your tummy is getting full with these 6 doughhnuts and milk. Save the last 2 for tomorrow." And so it goes maybe 3 ior 4 times a year.

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I do understand. Although not over weight I suffered from an eating disorder. Bulimia. Eating just makes me want to eat more. Dont have bulimia now, but I dont have an off switch either. Just try to stop eating when I gauge ive eaten enough. I also fast as that is almost easier than trying to stop. Weird.

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Oh what a shame. I am overweight/obese with no comorbidities, which is always disappointing for the doctors at my check-ups. I am on no pharmaceuticals as I see a naturopathic practitioner. I shall just have to keep trying with the willpower method. I'm not interested in their quick fix death shots. Looking at those already on pharmaceuticals they are not something to aspire too in any way.

Where's that bag of chippies gone.......

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Oh, that was so funny! Remember when people could make jokes and make people laugh?

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Dangerfield and Carson were wonderful... The humor is complete;y unacceptable today sadly...

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Thanks for this post, Sarah... I have several patients who already have been manipulated into these drugs and all are excited about their "weight loss". I have tried to talk people into avoiding these poisons, but it is as impossible to dissuade them from self-destruction with the latest fad toxins as it was for the mRNA concoctions. It is very sad to watch... When democide meets dim-ocide, suicide results. There is no solution to this. The herd is being successfully culled as we type. Vast swaths of the Western (especially US) pop are done - walking dead... There is a large percent of the pop that will never ever wake up in this life (est. 66.66-80%).

Bill Gates must be orgasmic over the deaths...

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The GLP-1 uptake is something to behold. I have clients that are honest about taking them and some that are lying, which is ridiculous because it’s so obvious. The muscle loss is incredible…and the parroted talking point, “it’s supposed to be used in conjunction with healthy diet and exercise, blah, blah, blah.” No shit. But these people are STARVING. They have ZERO ENERGY to do any kind of exercise that might increase muscle mass. And from what I’ve seen, they can only stomach a little bit of food, and it’s usually not protein and veggies. I have one client that almost exclusively eats bagels 🤦🏻‍♀️ and is on the highest dose of Mounjaro. Her color is what can only be described as various shades of grey, her skin sags over nonexistent muscles, she needs a heated blanket under her when it’s chilly, and she has to take breaks after every exercise. She also stays up to date on her covid injections, flu shots, shingles, rsv, and whatever else is available at the doc…so it’s probably only a matter of time before working out will no longer be on the docket.


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There must be some psychic thing with these agents, too. The GLP-1 addicts (exactly what they are) seem to be convinced that they appear healthy and beautiful... It is amazing to watch. Ozempic-face is apparently the new normal.... Of course, when one includes the vaxxx-your-way-to-health, wealth and world peace in the GLP-1 regimen, it is just a matter of time until the grim reaper comes a'knocking!

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So much has changed since pharma (and lawyers) were given the green light to advertise directly to consumers (about the same time smoking suddenly became too dangerous to advertise while sugary cereal and fast food popped up to fill that slot). Once you see it...

Back in the olden days, pharma reps visited offices to ply docs with novelties, meals, and trips to push their concoctions on unsuspecting, trusting patients. (I guess that became too unreliable.) In those days, mostly everyone trusted their doctor and many missed the connection between that new drug and the odd, seemingly unconnected adverse effect (like now) - and doctors weren't telling their patients, if they even knew themselves (like now). The disabilities and deaths have always been a feature, not a bug. It's all about the love of money, period.

There's a saying that for those who don't believe, this life is the closest they will ever get to heaven; and those who do believe, this is as close as they will ever get to hell.

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Now new chocolate coated Ozempic @ your pharmacy win, win.

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I’m thinking it’s a good chance that GLP-1s will NOT be covered and they keep their current status of not covered. For one, I think RFK Jr would shut it down, but as we know, anything is possible lol.

Either or, posting this article detailing how diet is just as effective as GLP-1s and DOES NOT bankrupt the country: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-hidden-struggle-in-health-care

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You can't fix stupid, especially when it's also fat!

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More death on the way….

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