CEPI’s stated objective is to reduce vaccine development timelines in the future to a mere 100 days. This means CEPI aims to facilitate the production of new vaccines several times a year.

CEPI CEO Richard Hatchett maniacally pimped the threat of the voodoo virii SARS-CoV2 in March 2020. Now he wants 100 prototypes for all 25 classes of "pathogen" - ready to deploy with 100 days notice.

Hatchett said on Jan 23 that he reached out to Dr George Gao (USAID/NIH/NED spookster) director of China CDC (and CEPI scientific adviser). The Wuhan lockdown enabled the CEPI press conference announcing the Moderna vaccine to go ahead as planned. Moderna had to report to the SEC because a press outlet knew about its pre-crime SARS-CoV2 vaccine which had been designed by NIAID on Jan 13, 2020 before the first WHO visit to Wuhan.

They needed the WHO PHEIC because without it there was no basis for a PREP Act declaration to indemnify Moderna who had just been funded to begin manufacturing the first batches.

The point of SARS-CoV2 was to get mRNA past the regulatory barriers into use because it was the top of the Biodefense Mafia's wish list for rapid response vaccines. The economic damage from lock downs provided the leverage to extract money from governments for the Manhattan Project for Biodefense.

Hatchett is the arsonist behind lock downs, the same guy who wrote the 2007 US Pandemic Influenza plan - it called for 'snow days' and social distancing measures. Covid wasn't his first rodeo, Mexico City 2009 was. He ran the White House response to 2009 H1N1 swine flu when Mexico was bullied into a 5 day lock down of its capital.

Hatchett also acted as an expert advisor to the UK vaccine task force.

They want this to be a global system - 100 million doses of vaccine X in 100 days deployed wherever they want to - $$$$.

Can you spot a protection racket when you see one?

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Apr 19Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I have a hard time believing that the excited comments are real people instead of fake personas controlled by fake shills, but then I go outside and see a whole family wearing masks, goggles, and gloves OUTSIDE in a park and I'm reminded that a ton of people are actually this retarded.

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Tom Cowan also started looking at the NYT once a week just to see, and he said there's no way we can do anything to change anything. It IS another dimension. "Mainstream" is now worse than Scientology, or any cult, and it's stronger by the second.

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Apr 19Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Sarah, Just want to thank you, SO MUCH, for the humor (sarcasm) you install in your stacks. Deadly serious and evil are the plans and practices you report on, but as my blood continues to boil as I read all of a sudden “This looks AWESOME. Where do I sign up?”😂 as a caption of the pic where a sheep was calmly waiting on a examination table as an (most likely) intern was about to install a turkey baster into her nasal vestibule.😳 I’m certain you were at the front of the line to receive that medical assault! You then soon followed with, “Because that is where you get seasonal cold infections. On your cancer. Everybody knows that.”.🤣 Obviously there were more. I know your purpose is to expose the evil and inform the world and I certainly know the seriousness and ramifications. But I do appreciate your humor/sarcasm🙂, that, at least for me, takes a bit of the edge off my fury. The .gif at the end is unbelievable and can’t be real, although hysterical!👍🤣 Thank you!

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Apr 19Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

No one in my family got ‘it.’ No one has been sick at all during the last five years. So we resent the NYT inference that we all got ‘it.’

Thanks for all your hard work Sarah!

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They never specified the duration for which those lives were saved.

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Apr 19Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

You can't fix this...and now there is a universal vaccine - ready to go...

after all...a bioweapon is a bioweapon is a bioweapon...


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Apr 19Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I made it to the end and I thank you for your stack.

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Apr 18Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


Thank You God

For Making Me

So Much Smarter

Than So Many Others.

I Owe You One.


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Apr 19Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

My father in law passed from a stroke early on in the CONvid scamdemic. During his hospitalization he had 3 Covid “tests” performed and all 3 were negative. Once he died the death certificate showed the cause of death to be CONvid which is a felony because an MD lied on the death certificate. Armed with proof of the 3 negative tests my mother in law demanded a new death certificate on the spot else the local news would be getting called followed by the police for falsifying a death certificate, then an attorney to sue the doctor and the hospital and to have the license revoked of the doctor whose name was on the death certificate. They practically ran to correct the fraud on the spot. Think that was isolated or an accident? The medical industry is a cult at this point. The only way I would be in a hospital is if I was physically injured at this point. My cousin left a hospital after telling me essentially any cause of death was labeled as a Convid death during this time period. I’ve told that story many times and I bet 90%+ think I’m lying or I am some sort of Magat worshiper. I no longer vote as the father of the vaccine wants us dead just as much as Biden because they both to this day push that depopulation juice on we the people. Indoctrination and cognitive dissonance is very powerful and the worst offenders are doctors I meet. People can either understand true history or trust their government but you can’t have both.

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Apr 19Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

The common theme is severely overweight people and others who have abused their bodies via gluttony & sloth suddenly find themselves vulnerable to a boogeymen and want a quick fix from vaccines, just as statins pills have provided them a way (at least in their minds) to continue to eat anything and everything they want without consequences. How many that are prescribed statins change their diets and start exercising and continue to do so until their BMI is a healthy 25 or less? They certainly won't change their lifestyle to improve their odds against pneumonia. (Do doctors even bother telling them to lose weight g exercise anymore?). When the statins cause gastritis, they can count on a proton pump inhibitor, which can cause heart palpitations, but there are arrhythmia drugs and medical devices for that, so no big deal. But since the statins reduce cholesterol, the source of hormones produced in the adrenals, sex organs and brain, they start to ache, feel weak & have sleep disturbances. Wallah! Hormone replacement drugs to the rescue. Years down the line, diabetes rares it's ugly head, and/or dementia There's insulin but nothing that works for Alzheimer's, but they won't notice after a little while. By now, they're likely morbidly obese, so it's GLP-1 time. Which will waste away 50% of their muscles, cause vomiting and stomach lock up. Nurses and caretakers will be stuck with senile obese patients too weak to get up off the toilet or to wipe their own butts on their own.

But hey, they could luck out: Insemination with the Covid Vax or new mRNA drugs might just help them avoid all those other drugs, via turbo cancer and myocarditis. But if not, there are 1200 other consequences of getting Vaxed that can expose them to a veritable cornucopia of new classes of toxic skittles that they otherwise would not have had the opportunity to try, plus monthly infusions of $40K+ /year monoclonal antibodies. Lucky them. Lucky Pharma. Lucky Doctors. Unlucky taxpayers & caregivers.

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Apr 19Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Astounding information. And really frightening how many buy the bullshit. Not sure there's enough humor in the world to balance the utter shitfuckery of this. I'm going to have to move to a cave. But yeah, bring on the memes...💕

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Apr 19Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Boy.... in skimming all this material I come up with some thoughts....like "there ain't no cure for stupid"! Or as BT Barnum said....there's a sucker born every minute. The best was the BS as to how the Jab actually saved lives (after killing millions)....yeah,,,, square that hole. Then I got "a thinkin" you want to cure Covid? Stop funding its research LOL. No profit motive goes a long way in curing all sorts of ailments. Pax

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Apr 19Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Oh my God, it REALLY IS AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE out there! Interestingly, it appears that the Russian Federation is one notable country missing from the list and isn’t jumping in on contributing to the collective West’s mRNA murder shot propagated on cancer cells human Guinea pig investigative bandwagon.

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Apr 19Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

It boggles the mind (not mine, I'm through being boggled) that there are volumes of sheeple that will treat the shite the NY Times regurgitates as gospel from above.

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Last week, a NYT headline declared that Iran is "flooding" the West Bank with weapons, despite the same article reporting that nobody actually knows the number of such weapons entering the West Bank.

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