"Our founding physicians are highly published and world-renowned thought leaders, with deep knowledge and expertise in a range of important health issues."
"We are planning to bring world renowned and highly revered professionals from all around the globe to Brussels in order to discuss the scientific, social, medical. and legal statistics and findings of the last three years."
CHD Brussels blurb
Ha ha, which I now see they have taken down off the page.
That now apparently redacted promo also featured this gem:
"The last three years took us all by surprise. We were separated from each other, isolated and afraid."
Which echoes this from DTRA's Remdesivir promo piece:
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
FORT BELVOIR, Va. - The COVID pandemic took the world by surprise. Researchers were left scrambling to devise a way to best mitigate the negative impact this disease has on global health.
Crypto is just one step up from non-gold backed currency. I wonder just how far they'll push this. "To the moon, Alice!!!" yes I'm that old lol. I feel like I've lived 6 different life ages:)
Yes, this article was so good that i had to take notes on the, to me, important things to consider. The "Highly published, World Renowned! THOUGHT LEADERS" (PROPIGANDA ARTISTAS). And all the ways they use to reach the Public.
Then we come to the 'Spars (spastic? Lol) Planning Commitee's anticipated reasons for people not wanting to get vaxxed:. Muslims, because the shot was used in pigs, Black's, from fear of GOV EXPERIMENTATION, protesters against Kaloclivir (Remdisivir) I wonder why peoplee would be protesting That!!! Hmmm...., and anti vaccine activists GALVANIZED from Meaales outbreak!??? What, did the measles vaccines cause a Measles Outbreak?? Probably. But these are their "ideas" about who wouldn't want the shots. Such planning!!! Then on to the wellness extravaganza productione', using "cheap, off label pharmaceuticals (possibly adulterated?) to soothe the minds of those who didn't want the shots (Still a Vector to zeee bodies)
Oh, and the part they 'planned' to say about it being Such an Emergency that they were Scrambing, Scrambling I tell ya, (mentioned OFTEN enough) Desperately for solutions, (which led them conveniently to Malone's DTRA Remdisivir (which they 'planned' on some people protesting about lol) you can't make this shit up! So, yes, wellness co for all the dissenters, in their mind. Great Grift Batman! Thank you for this Sarah, and Sage for deliverin' the goods:) I don't know where we'd be without y'all and others:) I just don't know. No words
Since the hospitals are now overtaken by a diabolical plan to kill those who come in to them for assistance, when ill, if they test positive for certain DNA configurations, having some physicians who aren't seems a decent idea to me.
Especially as I am of the generation the dark forces are working so hard to remove!
I am old also. No faith in hospitals or most doctors...but I do know from experience that certain drugs work and are necessary....and I want a supply at home. If I have to get them I'd rather pay the fee and get what I can....cause even a concierge doctor won't give you enough. They are only good for painkillers and you can only get 5. Street ones have fentanyl. I'm not planning to go to a doctor or hospital ever again unless pain or I think I'm dying anyway....so those orgs are useful r8ght now to get a few years supplies in.
Yes, decent. But that's who they want you to trust. Seeing as how they "Sparred" it out beforehand, I would be leery of just which ones I trusted. I'm sure there are good ones, but not many, as most are "captured". And you can bet that has been a major effort on the planners part. Even going so far as to "intercede" in the supply chain. I wouldn't trust anything from India.
That's funny. The Central Command is too lazy to hire new PR. Same talking points. And the crypto guys all involved in this. I tell ya, dem crypto guys get Around! There should be a music video. Pasheen???
TWC seems to be in the air like a bad smell. I was just commenting that even Glenn Greenwald was a huckster for them now, along with this guy: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/breaking-up-with-russell-brand. Thanks for doing the leg work on it, Sarah, so it's not just speculation. I love having your facts and figures in my back pocket, handy for any MFM bonfire ;-)
I saw that you broke up with Brand...it caught my eye because I remember having a conversation regarding his relationship with Harari. I got pulled away from reading it yesterday and you've reminded me to finish it now. Thank you! I'll look forward to reading what the final straw was.
Re TWC...it's everywhere. Peddled by so many. Did you see Charles Wright's substack on McCullough today?
I had already confessed the shift in my balance of suspicions to Amy, Frances, Mathew. It was Pasheen who asked if I'd broken up yet with Russell, so I thought I should go public since I'd been very public in my defense of him.
There really wasn't a final straw. I woke up one morning thinking, "Maybe I'm wrong about RB." That same day Amy mentioned there was only one place she disagreed with me, and I finally wrangled it out of her--RB. So I keep looking at his sensationalized titles with the wide-eyed shock photos and everyone he was interviewing I'd already identified as controlled op. Finally I picked three to watch and analyze on Tulsi, Trump and RFK. And that was what I posted.
I didn't see CW but someone else just mentioned him. I'll check it out.
Even Glenn Beck and Steve Deace and others on the blaze. I'm sure Dr. McCullough isn't hurting for money yet his substack remains closed to comment unless one pays for the privileg of chimeing in. I knocked that off a long time ago.
It's actually a 33 on his arm, the Freemason sign. He's said two different reasons for it--he thought that was the year he was going to die and that was the year Jesus died. Even with his Messiah complex, that seems fishy.
And yes, he did just go through a highly publicized baptism. One of my viewers thought that seemed very Zio.
He initially supported the invasion of both Afghanistan and Iraq - and then, after the damage was done, went to great lengths to obfuscate his support for the Bush administration’s catastrophic decisions.
Of his support for Syrian 'rebels' he wrote: "I personally don’t view the presence of Al Qaeda “affiliated” fighters as a convincing argument against supporting Syrian rebels. It’s understandable that people fighting against an oppressive regime – one backed by powerful foreign factions – will align with anyone willing and capable of fighting with them."
This was 2015, a full four years after said Wahhabi 'rebels' had murdered their way across a secular, sovereign country. Syria was the fourth country the US and its Nato allies had destabilised and decimated since 2003.
Greenwald also acted as a Gatekeeper in relation to the release of Snowden's NSA documents.
Allopathy has never been a system that fosters or maintains good health. If I were to break a bone, I would see an MD to have that bone set and casted. If I were to be in an accident that required surgery, I would want a surgeon. Then I would consult a ND/Homeopath/physiotherapist etc. for advice on how best to encourage healing. Antibiotics, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, etc. are pharmaceuticals, all with known negative side effects.
Allopathy is a limited system that has successfully taken over a field in which it has no place. If you can, walk away from it.
my sister, a long time conspiracy observer, watched the very actively controlled inceptions of the 'opposition' to anything. the controllers know, like the hypnotist knows, a certain percentage will not buy what ever is being sold. and so, like the good magician, have the controlled distraction built in as part of the show.
fascinating times, to begin to really see the mechanisms behind the curtain. and the more i see, the more i see that they controllers are really mba-like transhumanists: running on models that truly are repetitive, lacking real creativity, and certainly non-life-like in all the important ways.
fascinating how the players often don't see that they are being played, though.
we are living the great apocalypse which i now more deeply understand, is the age of hyper-novelty, as clif high calls it: the complete and total dismantling of all authority structures, 'out there' as well as inside as we have directed and/or misdirected our trust.
the amazing thing that i encountered with the mba-cancer as it invaded my telecom company, was that they really think that getting the mba made them smart, so much smarter than everyone else, especially the real nuts and bolts people.
the cabal, or whatever, have had really smart people setting the 'thing' up and at the same time that smartness was disconnected from life. and now the people coming up the rank and file are very very mba-like: hubristic and completely disconnected from any understanding that their ideology is dead.
however, like the mbas, we the community allowed their idiocy to move along and metastasise. and omg, we have a very big cancer to clear! amazing times.
the novelty 'thinking' is to reduce thinking from our central truth, to a tool of the heart-soul.
have you read luther's thoughts on 'reason'? given where we are at in the age of 'trust the science' as if that is a truth of thinking as an epitome of thoughtfulness, kind of suggests that he wasn't far off:
“Reason is the Devil’s greatest whore; by nature and manner of being she is a noxious whore; she is a prostitute, the Devil’s appointed whore; whore eaten by scab and leprosy who ought to be trodden under foot and destroyed, she and her wisdom” (Martin Luther, Works, Erlangen Edition v. 16, pp. 142)
I think initially we skeptics were so excited to have health professionals on ‘our team,’ we didn’t think to vet them and only later realized they were wolves in sheep’s clothing! Fool me once….
i saw an interview a couple of days ago on the jimmy dore show with a woman who experienced significant AE from a trial who is a founder of a network called react19.org. i took note of it for people i know who have other serious AE, but i don't know anything more about it than that since i didn't take the poison. i pray it is a valid site that can help those who were tricked into it because we see so much evidence of people suffering the fallouts
Don't want to burst your bubble but React19 is part of the Kirsch/Kory/Malone/McCullough MFM nonprofit dark money laundromat. I discovered them when I was researching The Unity Project. I shared my Unity Project research with a Substacker who claimed they were investigating them, but they didn't publish any of the data I freely gave them. Maybe I'll publish it in the future. It's a cesspool - the dark money, recycling of selected parasites who grift and mislead unsuspecting ordinary folks - a cesspool.
Have you seen the deep dives done on the founders of the Wellness Company? That is what brought me to an awareness that all is not what it seems in the alternative movement. The same as finding out your favorite Conservative politician is a graduate of the WEF Young Leaders program. Or watching a new video yesterday by "truth teller" Dr. Naomi Wolf telling everyone that she belonged to a secret society when attending Yale, and no, she has not broken her oath to them and no she will not divulge their secrets.
Right? And part way through the video she takes both hands and quite obviously makes a strange gesture at the camera. Why? It didn't seem like casual body language.
Nothing in the last 4 years changed any of my thinking or habits about my health. I still do the same basic things to improve my immune system (good sleep, activity, sunlight, love, friendship, eat organic whole foods, collect and drink untainted water, grounded as much as possible-even at night, etc). I don’t take pharma drugs of any kind. The last time I even had a fever or illness was about 5 years ago.
Foster Coulson all but admitted to me in a back and forth on Substack that there was never a pandemic so I have little doubt his organization is nothing more than to make money off scary germs.
I like the way your mind works the story doesn’t end well for the population.
Pharmaceuticals BAD natural remedies GOOD!
I lost faith in my government after my short stint in the military. Three things happened to reduce my confidence in them. President Kennedy was Murdered; Jane Fonda became Hanoi Jane when she went to North Korea and John Kerry told lies about our troops in South Vietnam. The government seemed to be fine with all of it.
When you sign your life on the dotted line and you give your oath to protect and serve the Constitution, your mind locks all those words in FOREVER, they become part of you.
When we broke into the new millennium disasters were projected. They happened, this is truly the worst of the worst as Centuries go.
We can and will overcome this but it will be difficult and long.
Except no one is my "rep dad." One of the things made clear to me is there are no "rep dads." We aren't alone, but we can't rely on another organized institutional structure to counter an organized institutionalized structure.
On SPARs, nothing exists in a vacuum, if you look throughout our history, there have always been dissident movements against authoritarianism, and there have been attempts to co opt them. At times they have intended to use them in order to sow more dissension (January 6th). And while Government and Government Lite™ fight one another to be the next Highlander, there are those of us who, for whatever reason, want to type after each new thing that enters into the fray "Is (this person or institution) legit?
Maybe one of the reasons why I never was sold on Wellness or FLCCC or the mRNA vaccine was that I never saw this as needing a pharmaceutical solution. PROMO CODE: Proper diet and exercise.
Yeah.I took screenshots of some of those...because they were of more than a few Facebook friends that unfriended me when I commented/disagreed with their posts demanding we all mask up/stay home/ get vaccinated. (Edited)
I had another friend who unfriended me whose last words to me were "If someone told me we could get out of this pandemic by wearing green underwear on our heads, I would do it."
Always good to hear logically balanced explanations for the many sleight of hand mind manipulations that have fooled so many. I can relate to so much of your personal experience re the vaccines and prided myself on seeing through the bs but confess to nearly falling for the ivermectin shite. So glad I read your posts. Thank you Sarah.
But NOTE: In my opinion, TWC fails to tell you that it isn't just nattokinase. They add turmeric/curcumin plus berberine and put that in 2 additional products they sell as a trio.
One cannot help but wonder why they couldn't put all 3 in one capsule + tell everyone that natto by itself is NOT McCullough's recommendation. I wrote the company over this, and wrote an article. No one replied to me.
Thus the power of observation, research and knowing which company is FULL of crap and a rip-off as opposed to outsourcing on your own to buy said products. Same rule applies to my VPN: Don’t buy it in the USA!
I use one from Russia. Kaspersky. But I recently discovered that they attended the Event 201 covid table top exercise. Damnnnn.... You have a better suggestion?
The military used Kaspersky before, years ago in fact. And then they didn’t. 😎 I had already known about their faulty firewall and leaks. I have Bitdefender on all of my devices; I switch between Proton and PIA for VPN’s. Google is and always will be the great data mining SE; thus, I refuse to use anything Google/Alphabet-owned. My former client from Apple HQ confirmed all of my anti-everything choices, along with using Apple products which are technically less hacker-friendly. There are other settings on my devices that are set a certain way, but it would take too long to discuss.
I don't have a google account either and I try to steer clear of them in all ways I can. Do you know anything about the VPN that comes with Brave browser? Brave has a vpn that you can subscribe too.
"Our founding physicians are highly published and world-renowned thought leaders, with deep knowledge and expertise in a range of important health issues."
"We are planning to bring world renowned and highly revered professionals from all around the globe to Brussels in order to discuss the scientific, social, medical. and legal statistics and findings of the last three years."
CHD Brussels blurb
Ha ha, which I now see they have taken down off the page.
But I wrote it up at the time.
That now apparently redacted promo also featured this gem:
"The last three years took us all by surprise. We were separated from each other, isolated and afraid."
Which echoes this from DTRA's Remdesivir promo piece:
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
FORT BELVOIR, Va. - The COVID pandemic took the world by surprise. Researchers were left scrambling to devise a way to best mitigate the negative impact this disease has on global health.
The orgs change but the Central Command is too lazy to hire different PR agents to spin out their buzz words and talking points.
Bob Malone and Naomi Wolf both use "thought leaders" as does Brock Pierce the Crypto Guy who funded Roundtable/Global Covid Summit.
Crypto is just one step up from non-gold backed currency. I wonder just how far they'll push this. "To the moon, Alice!!!" yes I'm that old lol. I feel like I've lived 6 different life ages:)
Right in the kisser!
Yes, this article was so good that i had to take notes on the, to me, important things to consider. The "Highly published, World Renowned! THOUGHT LEADERS" (PROPIGANDA ARTISTAS). And all the ways they use to reach the Public.
Then we come to the 'Spars (spastic? Lol) Planning Commitee's anticipated reasons for people not wanting to get vaxxed:. Muslims, because the shot was used in pigs, Black's, from fear of GOV EXPERIMENTATION, protesters against Kaloclivir (Remdisivir) I wonder why peoplee would be protesting That!!! Hmmm...., and anti vaccine activists GALVANIZED from Meaales outbreak!??? What, did the measles vaccines cause a Measles Outbreak?? Probably. But these are their "ideas" about who wouldn't want the shots. Such planning!!! Then on to the wellness extravaganza productione', using "cheap, off label pharmaceuticals (possibly adulterated?) to soothe the minds of those who didn't want the shots (Still a Vector to zeee bodies)
Oh, and the part they 'planned' to say about it being Such an Emergency that they were Scrambing, Scrambling I tell ya, (mentioned OFTEN enough) Desperately for solutions, (which led them conveniently to Malone's DTRA Remdisivir (which they 'planned' on some people protesting about lol) you can't make this shit up! So, yes, wellness co for all the dissenters, in their mind. Great Grift Batman! Thank you for this Sarah, and Sage for deliverin' the goods:) I don't know where we'd be without y'all and others:) I just don't know. No words
Since the hospitals are now overtaken by a diabolical plan to kill those who come in to them for assistance, when ill, if they test positive for certain DNA configurations, having some physicians who aren't seems a decent idea to me.
Especially as I am of the generation the dark forces are working so hard to remove!
I am old also. No faith in hospitals or most doctors...but I do know from experience that certain drugs work and are necessary....and I want a supply at home. If I have to get them I'd rather pay the fee and get what I can....cause even a concierge doctor won't give you enough. They are only good for painkillers and you can only get 5. Street ones have fentanyl. I'm not planning to go to a doctor or hospital ever again unless pain or I think I'm dying anyway....so those orgs are useful r8ght now to get a few years supplies in.
Yes, decent. But that's who they want you to trust. Seeing as how they "Sparred" it out beforehand, I would be leery of just which ones I trusted. I'm sure there are good ones, but not many, as most are "captured". And you can bet that has been a major effort on the planners part. Even going so far as to "intercede" in the supply chain. I wouldn't trust anything from India.
That's funny. The Central Command is too lazy to hire new PR. Same talking points. And the crypto guys all involved in this. I tell ya, dem crypto guys get Around! There should be a music video. Pasheen???
TWC seems to be in the air like a bad smell. I was just commenting that even Glenn Greenwald was a huckster for them now, along with this guy: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/breaking-up-with-russell-brand. Thanks for doing the leg work on it, Sarah, so it's not just speculation. I love having your facts and figures in my back pocket, handy for any MFM bonfire ;-)
I saw that you broke up with Brand...it caught my eye because I remember having a conversation regarding his relationship with Harari. I got pulled away from reading it yesterday and you've reminded me to finish it now. Thank you! I'll look forward to reading what the final straw was.
Re TWC...it's everywhere. Peddled by so many. Did you see Charles Wright's substack on McCullough today?
I completely missed this. As you’re poking around keep an eye out if Brand’s arms look hairier than usual. Maybe they’re related
I had already confessed the shift in my balance of suspicions to Amy, Frances, Mathew. It was Pasheen who asked if I'd broken up yet with Russell, so I thought I should go public since I'd been very public in my defense of him.
There really wasn't a final straw. I woke up one morning thinking, "Maybe I'm wrong about RB." That same day Amy mentioned there was only one place she disagreed with me, and I finally wrangled it out of her--RB. So I keep looking at his sensationalized titles with the wide-eyed shock photos and everyone he was interviewing I'd already identified as controlled op. Finally I picked three to watch and analyze on Tulsi, Trump and RFK. And that was what I posted.
I didn't see CW but someone else just mentioned him. I'll check it out.
Great work Ms. Sarah.
Even Glenn Beck and Steve Deace and others on the blaze. I'm sure Dr. McCullough isn't hurting for money yet his substack remains closed to comment unless one pays for the privileg of chimeing in. I knocked that off a long time ago.
Brand has 666 tatoo on his arm.
I believe that he dated a Rothchild.
Awakening Wonders?
Not to mention his Pied Piper Routine with the kids at the Covid Olympic Ceremony in London.
You’ve seen the weird London Olympic (I think closing) ceremony from London olympics? All the Covid symbols? He was in the middle of it: https://www.youtube.com/live/ij3sgRG5sPY?si=MKYKSfj8nGHJ_DME
Yes, he's been part of this for a long, long time.
Did he become religious and get baptized a little while ago? He might be regretting his tramp stamps...
It's actually a 33 on his arm, the Freemason sign. He's said two different reasons for it--he thought that was the year he was going to die and that was the year Jesus died. Even with his Messiah complex, that seems fishy.
And yes, he did just go through a highly publicized baptism. One of my viewers thought that seemed very Zio.
Greenwalds is and has always been an Op.
Can you give some more details for that? Not saying he isn't but what are the examples?
Greenwald is an Op and a Warmonger.
He initially supported the invasion of both Afghanistan and Iraq - and then, after the damage was done, went to great lengths to obfuscate his support for the Bush administration’s catastrophic decisions.
Of his support for Syrian 'rebels' he wrote: "I personally don’t view the presence of Al Qaeda “affiliated” fighters as a convincing argument against supporting Syrian rebels. It’s understandable that people fighting against an oppressive regime – one backed by powerful foreign factions – will align with anyone willing and capable of fighting with them."
This was 2015, a full four years after said Wahhabi 'rebels' had murdered their way across a secular, sovereign country. Syria was the fourth country the US and its Nato allies had destabilised and decimated since 2003.
Greenwald also acted as a Gatekeeper in relation to the release of Snowden's NSA documents.
Thanks for the details, Linda.
Allopathy has never been a system that fosters or maintains good health. If I were to break a bone, I would see an MD to have that bone set and casted. If I were to be in an accident that required surgery, I would want a surgeon. Then I would consult a ND/Homeopath/physiotherapist etc. for advice on how best to encourage healing. Antibiotics, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, etc. are pharmaceuticals, all with known negative side effects.
Allopathy is a limited system that has successfully taken over a field in which it has no place. If you can, walk away from it.
Conspiracy Sarah!!! I wanna say THANK YOU FOR THIS!! You were the first one to open my eyes to TWC waaay back in the day.
This quote resounds so so much:
“…that “they” had most certainly anticipated a dissident movement.”
Forgot who said it, but what better way to control the opposition than CREATE the opposition.
I just hope people are able to use their intuition and see through the BS that these organizations are.
PS: heard McCullough is pushing MRNA in the future lolol — what a time to be alive ladies and gents!
my sister, a long time conspiracy observer, watched the very actively controlled inceptions of the 'opposition' to anything. the controllers know, like the hypnotist knows, a certain percentage will not buy what ever is being sold. and so, like the good magician, have the controlled distraction built in as part of the show.
fascinating times, to begin to really see the mechanisms behind the curtain. and the more i see, the more i see that they controllers are really mba-like transhumanists: running on models that truly are repetitive, lacking real creativity, and certainly non-life-like in all the important ways.
fascinating how the players often don't see that they are being played, though.
we are living the great apocalypse which i now more deeply understand, is the age of hyper-novelty, as clif high calls it: the complete and total dismantling of all authority structures, 'out there' as well as inside as we have directed and/or misdirected our trust.
Amazing comment Guy! You’re absolutely right when you say the “mba like trans humanist running models that are repetitive and lacking creativity”
This presents an opportunity for us with real creativity to step up and make a positive change for the better! https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-history-of-you-a-book-that-connects
the amazing thing that i encountered with the mba-cancer as it invaded my telecom company, was that they really think that getting the mba made them smart, so much smarter than everyone else, especially the real nuts and bolts people.
the cabal, or whatever, have had really smart people setting the 'thing' up and at the same time that smartness was disconnected from life. and now the people coming up the rank and file are very very mba-like: hubristic and completely disconnected from any understanding that their ideology is dead.
however, like the mbas, we the community allowed their idiocy to move along and metastasise. and omg, we have a very big cancer to clear! amazing times.
Well, then it's Tyme for some Novelty Thinking, huh. Rise and Shine people:)
yes, jh, yes indeed.
the novelty 'thinking' is to reduce thinking from our central truth, to a tool of the heart-soul.
have you read luther's thoughts on 'reason'? given where we are at in the age of 'trust the science' as if that is a truth of thinking as an epitome of thoughtfulness, kind of suggests that he wasn't far off:
“Reason is the Devil’s greatest whore; by nature and manner of being she is a noxious whore; she is a prostitute, the Devil’s appointed whore; whore eaten by scab and leprosy who ought to be trodden under foot and destroyed, she and her wisdom” (Martin Luther, Works, Erlangen Edition v. 16, pp. 142)
Yes, they want us thinking inside the parameters of what they say is the truth. Let's step outside that "reasoning"
Well, then it's Tyme for some Novelty Thinking, huh. Rise and Shine people:)
The quote I heard was "What better way to control the opposition then to lead it." Same concept one just a tad more sinister than the other. 😉
I think you’re actually right! That sounds more accurate to me!
I think initially we skeptics were so excited to have health professionals on ‘our team,’ we didn’t think to vet them and only later realized they were wolves in sheep’s clothing! Fool me once….
So, where do you turn if you are sickened by their bioweapons?
I guess we shouldn’t look for or expect real solutions to come from those in the medical field.
I’ve been reading columns on what’s actually in most of the vitamin supplements we take. ☠️ Not good.
Healthy diet, locally sourced, do as best we can.
I too have been reading about "vitamins." Most of them are still synthetic toxic crap. Me no takey anymore.
My mother use to say…best to spend your $$$ on good and healthy food rather than end up paying it to the doctor because you eat like crap.
I think that is why healthy food is rapidly disappearing...via the war against farmers.
i saw an interview a couple of days ago on the jimmy dore show with a woman who experienced significant AE from a trial who is a founder of a network called react19.org. i took note of it for people i know who have other serious AE, but i don't know anything more about it than that since i didn't take the poison. i pray it is a valid site that can help those who were tricked into it because we see so much evidence of people suffering the fallouts
Don't want to burst your bubble but React19 is part of the Kirsch/Kory/Malone/McCullough MFM nonprofit dark money laundromat. I discovered them when I was researching The Unity Project. I shared my Unity Project research with a Substacker who claimed they were investigating them, but they didn't publish any of the data I freely gave them. Maybe I'll publish it in the future. It's a cesspool - the dark money, recycling of selected parasites who grift and mislead unsuspecting ordinary folks - a cesspool.
figures and why should i be surprised?
i am disappointed since people need HELP
but thanks much for the heads up
Shall the abused seek respite from the abuser ?
I’d like to put in a pre-order for a Super Duper Anti Measles Wellness Kit With Free Anti Spot Ultra Cover Plasti-Dip. Is this where we do that?
Oh and I think I might have wavered but just a little 🤏 bit.
Yes. It's your lucky day... BOGO today only!!! Use promo code CLEARCOAT 🥳
$$$$$$$$ Ka-Ching!
Have you seen the deep dives done on the founders of the Wellness Company? That is what brought me to an awareness that all is not what it seems in the alternative movement. The same as finding out your favorite Conservative politician is a graduate of the WEF Young Leaders program. Or watching a new video yesterday by "truth teller" Dr. Naomi Wolf telling everyone that she belonged to a secret society when attending Yale, and no, she has not broken her oath to them and no she will not divulge their secrets.
I would love to have the link for this video. Thank you for adding this in. Quite disturbing.
Hear ya go. Scroll down a little for the video. Twilight zone.
Wants to stay alive.
WTF ! Bragging about secret society. Stating she will not disclose oaths. Why bring it up.
Right? And part way through the video she takes both hands and quite obviously makes a strange gesture at the camera. Why? It didn't seem like casual body language.
Nothing in the last 4 years changed any of my thinking or habits about my health. I still do the same basic things to improve my immune system (good sleep, activity, sunlight, love, friendship, eat organic whole foods, collect and drink untainted water, grounded as much as possible-even at night, etc). I don’t take pharma drugs of any kind. The last time I even had a fever or illness was about 5 years ago.
Foster Coulson all but admitted to me in a back and forth on Substack that there was never a pandemic so I have little doubt his organization is nothing more than to make money off scary germs.
I like the way your mind works the story doesn’t end well for the population.
Pharmaceuticals BAD natural remedies GOOD!
I lost faith in my government after my short stint in the military. Three things happened to reduce my confidence in them. President Kennedy was Murdered; Jane Fonda became Hanoi Jane when she went to North Korea and John Kerry told lies about our troops in South Vietnam. The government seemed to be fine with all of it.
When you sign your life on the dotted line and you give your oath to protect and serve the Constitution, your mind locks all those words in FOREVER, they become part of you.
When we broke into the new millennium disasters were projected. They happened, this is truly the worst of the worst as Centuries go.
We can and will overcome this but it will be difficult and long.
Except no one is my "rep dad." One of the things made clear to me is there are no "rep dads." We aren't alone, but we can't rely on another organized institutional structure to counter an organized institutionalized structure.
On SPARs, nothing exists in a vacuum, if you look throughout our history, there have always been dissident movements against authoritarianism, and there have been attempts to co opt them. At times they have intended to use them in order to sow more dissension (January 6th). And while Government and Government Lite™ fight one another to be the next Highlander, there are those of us who, for whatever reason, want to type after each new thing that enters into the fray "Is (this person or institution) legit?
Maybe one of the reasons why I never was sold on Wellness or FLCCC or the mRNA vaccine was that I never saw this as needing a pharmaceutical solution. PROMO CODE: Proper diet and exercise.
Nice work Sarah !
Who can you trust? You.
Do your own research, then decide. Maybe fooled once, as Pete Townsend of the Who said: 'We won't be fooled again'. Didnt appreciate his lyrics then.
Otherwise you'll be like the Doobie Brothers and "What A Fool Believes."
I still have friends who proudly post their “I had my COVID-19 vaccine” buttons on Facebook 🙈
WOW. I’m aware that the “vaccines” still have takers…but I didn’t realize that anyone was still proudly posting about it!
I know right? I found two the other day. A friend of mine was hit by a car and I went on Facebook to message his wife in there she had one.🙈
Infinity 🤡
Yeah.I took screenshots of some of those...because they were of more than a few Facebook friends that unfriended me when I commented/disagreed with their posts demanding we all mask up/stay home/ get vaccinated. (Edited)
I had another friend who unfriended me whose last words to me were "If someone told me we could get out of this pandemic by wearing green underwear on our heads, I would do it."
🤡 + 😵💫 = 🤬
In reading this piece...all I could think was "here's to the old boss...same as the new boss". Pax
Always good to hear logically balanced explanations for the many sleight of hand mind manipulations that have fooled so many. I can relate to so much of your personal experience re the vaccines and prided myself on seeing through the bs but confess to nearly falling for the ivermectin shite. So glad I read your posts. Thank you Sarah.
Thank you Sage.
Time to take my Nattokinase.
But NOTE: In my opinion, TWC fails to tell you that it isn't just nattokinase. They add turmeric/curcumin plus berberine and put that in 2 additional products they sell as a trio.
One cannot help but wonder why they couldn't put all 3 in one capsule + tell everyone that natto by itself is NOT McCullough's recommendation. I wrote the company over this, and wrote an article. No one replied to me.
Thus the power of observation, research and knowing which company is FULL of crap and a rip-off as opposed to outsourcing on your own to buy said products. Same rule applies to my VPN: Don’t buy it in the USA!
I use one from Russia. Kaspersky. But I recently discovered that they attended the Event 201 covid table top exercise. Damnnnn.... You have a better suggestion?
The military used Kaspersky before, years ago in fact. And then they didn’t. 😎 I had already known about their faulty firewall and leaks. I have Bitdefender on all of my devices; I switch between Proton and PIA for VPN’s. Google is and always will be the great data mining SE; thus, I refuse to use anything Google/Alphabet-owned. My former client from Apple HQ confirmed all of my anti-everything choices, along with using Apple products which are technically less hacker-friendly. There are other settings on my devices that are set a certain way, but it would take too long to discuss.
I don't have a google account either and I try to steer clear of them in all ways I can. Do you know anything about the VPN that comes with Brave browser? Brave has a vpn that you can subscribe too.
👌 🙌
Sorry bromelain, not berberine.