All the AI world's a stage. - Shakespeare GPT

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ah, you do mean edward de vere grok-2.

On Plato’s Cave, Edward de Vere and Vaccination



5 MAR 2023

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hola, sarah.

great dig and for me a lovely synchronicity with jeff childers' working through the florida grand jury's report at the criminal-like behaviour of the fda/cdc and their masters, pfizer, moderna, et al. the progressives including, very likely, their mockingbird press were just about shitting their pants with joy — no criminal charges!

oops. only because the perpetrators of the crime, can't be charged — as government agents they have immunity! and because what they did is criminal and yet the crime hasn't been legislated that they could use!

the report shredded the fda and fhe cdc as unethical and criminal in their behaviours. likewise the pharmas.

here's the link to the whole report. https://floridaphoenix.com/2025/01/07/statewide-grand-jury-investigating-covid-19-vaccines-finds-no-evidence-of-crimes/

it is long! childers' summary is a great introduction. his point summary is:

· The real criminals were in the U.S. government, and so, unfortunately, are protected from state prosecution.

· Pfizer and Moderna protected themselves by disclosing everything to the FDA, which was and is running interference for them.

· There is no reliable evidence that the vaccines are safe or effective, especially at this point.

· The problem was and is that many corners were cut, facilitated by regulatory agencies, and we now may never know the full scale of the disaster.

· The data that could really answer questions of safety and efficacy have never been, and probably never will be, disclosed to the public.

some of the citations childer's cited could have been referring to exactly this!

"While we did not find criminal activity, we did find a pattern of deceptive and obfuscatory behavior on the part of sponsors and regulators that often straddled the line between ethical and unethical conduct. More importantly, however, not finding any indictable criminal activity does not mean we did not find any problems. On the contrary, there are profound and serious issues involving the process of vaccine development and safety surveillance in the United States. Some of those are acute, COVID-19-era problems that are unlikely to occur outside the context of another once-in-a-hundred-year pandemic. Others, however, are systemic; they will occur over and over until someone fixes them."


"To date, Moderna has not completed any of its other postmarketing requirements. All of the studies above except for No. 11, which was terminated, are still underway… The FDA would not speak to us directly, so we are not sure what their excuse would be for not holding Pfizer and Moderna's feet to the fire. Frankly, we are not sure any answer would satisfy us at this point, nor should it satisfy anyone else."


"It is frustrating to this Grand Jury, as it should be frustrating to everyone who reads this report, to know that these sponsors have taken in billions of taxpayer dollars for creating and selling their vaccines; they cannot be sued if something goes wrong with them; they have access to critical information about deaths related to a side effect of their products; and the public does not have access to that information. Instead, we are left to speculate, and the research community is left to draw inferences as one-off or two-off histopathological reports detailing the events of this death or that death that trickle into scientific journals slowly, year after year. Somehow, withholding this valuable safety information is not a crime. It certainly should be."

there is a lot more. i share this in part because childers is concerned that the msm will whitewash it — have already begun that. and yet is reflecting everything you are exposing, from the angle of looking at the broken eggman and trying to see if it is fixable. i doubt it is fixable eve if the money was removed from the equation — and if that happened that would be amazing.

yes, fda/cdc gives the carte blanche and the instruction manual to fake the sicence™ and gaslight the public.

with deep appreciation for more of your diligent and great work with tedium.

all the best with what has changed in 2024! and with everything that is to change in 2025! everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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Thank you for this, Guy. I’ll check out Childers report. And I’m quite sure that msm will manage not to report it 🙄

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yes. no report mis-report. one thing's not like the other.

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Thank you, for sharing. And "once in a hundred years pandemic" is not quite right, since they developed this one (and the others?). They also have new ones coming down the pike. I worked health care and medical records during the brunt of it. I saw it. I saw the death and destruction. I will never unsee the blatant lies and deception. They continued to kill and kill and kill, and they knew it. No, it wasn't the bug, the largest part came after shutdowns- lack of staff, turning away family, volunteers, Pastors. People doing the work of up to 4 people for months on end. Residents in their tiny rooms for months!!!!

Yes, we had caring staff, but too few.

The fear that ran rampant. It appears to me that people weren't allowed in si they couldn't see or hear what was going on.

What I know is it was nefarious.

And they took our money, created grants gor themselves to create the business of this egregious behavior, and made what, trillions? That need to go back to the people. It's ill-gotten gains. We will keep after those demons. And they will see their demise, God willing. May they come forward and confess snd be given leniency.

A sh*t for a sh*t

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yes, the 'once in a hundred' is a shibboleth affirming that the jurors didn't look, didn't want to look at the possibility that the plandemic was theatre. and so they didn't question the science of vaccines.

what they did do though, was open a door or maybe a window into the fakery of the medical science practices. if they faked *this* vaccine science, what about the other vaccines' science? if vaccine science, what other medical science have they been faking? it is another of these small cuts into the narrative. and they have been coming more and more and getting a little deeper. all good.

one day we'll look back and shake our heads about how we believed the shakespeare, the apollo moon landing, 9/11, 3/11 and virus narratives! great to see that awareness coming into social consciousness one cut at a time.

and about viruses: if curious about the (non)science of viruses and virology, this is a good resource.


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Rebel, excellent comment. Ill-gotten gains is spot-on. No immunity where fraud can be shown. This is beyond unjust enrichment.

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The new "sound policy" that everyone exposed to disease therefore has a disease is the biggest bullshit lie brought forward yet. Everyone needs to get hip to the implication that this is where contrived "rules" kick in. What type? Well as in many states their legislatures are getting ready to meet and be lobbied for good new laws...like New Mexico's Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Health Security adopted model law for a Public Health Emergency Act. (PHEA)


So, guess what having no disease symptoms can get you (besides being injected with a biological weapon against your will/consent)?

Let's look.

Definition of Quarantine (PHEA). It's here...and while we are here..

F. "isolation" means the physical separation for possible medical care of persons who are

infected or who are reasonably believed to be infected with a threatening communicable disease or

potential threatening communicable disease from non-isolated persons, to protect against the

transmission of the threatening communicable disease to non-isolated persons;

G. "public health emergency" means the occurrence or imminent threat of exposure to an

extremely dangerous condition or a highly infectious or toxic agent, including a threatening

communicable disease, that poses an imminent threat of substantial harm to the population of New

Mexico or any portion thereof;

H. "public health official" means the secretary of health or the secretary's designee, including a

qualified public individual or group or a qualified private individual or group, as determined by the

secretary of health;

I. "quarantine" means the precautionary physical separation of persons who have or may have

been exposed to a threatening communicable disease or a potentially threatening communicable

disease and who do not show signs or symptoms of a threatening communicable disease, from nonquarantined

persons, to protect against the transmission of the disease to non-quarantined persons;

J. "secretary of health" means the secretary or the secretary's designee;

K. "secretary of public safety" means the secretary or the secretary's designee; and

L. "threatening communicable disease" means a disease that causes death or great bodily harm

that passes from one person to another and for which there are no means by which the public can

reasonably avoid the risk of contracting the disease. "Threatening communicable disease" does not

include acquired immune deficiency syndrome or other infections caused by the human

immunodeficiency virus.

History: Laws 2003, ch. 218, § 3; 2007, ch. 291, § 23

Got it? Good. What are your chances of not being quarantined given the definitions above? Oh and you have to wait 5 days before you can challenge their claim. Don't forget you were placed into the high risk group if you never ever took a Covid-19 shot.

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So, if I am exposed to them, all their ill gotten gains, am I, therefore, suddenly entitled to that wealth too? Then, the burden on us to wait 5 days? I say THEY wait 5 days.

Enough of this psychotic group. Creating grants for themselves then charging for the snake oil they peddle. They are just a new and more nefarious group of robber barrons.

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Not new, to be sure, but new ways of doing things. Old laws needed to be challenged.

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Now, to make hastened in bringing severe accountability to those who perpetuate scams, who fear mongering, who harrass and. To lie to get their agrnda across. These evil ilk must be stopped. We must counter.

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Anarchy is looking pretty good right about now

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Bingo, we have a winner! Check out this piece from 2023 called "Putting to Bed the Lies About Anarchy" ...


“Order derived through submission and maintained by terror is not much of a safe guaranty; yet that is the only ‘order’ that governments have ever maintained.” ~~ Emma Goldman

Best of luck, Donna,

~~ j ~~

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Well if ever We have evidence that the demic was planned, there it is. At least I give very high probability this was the legal path (not Ethical) They took to let Them do what They did.

People really should read.

And consider a solution to Them.

We Had Better Solve for the Psychopaths in Control NOW! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/we-had-better-solve-for-the-psychopaths

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The Rockerfukkers on the move with hat tricks. Thanks for the effort Sarah.

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I thought I could never be surprised by the depth of FDA depravity but I was wrong.

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I'm glad you mentioned that the whole covid narrative seems based on contrived samples too, a precursor for their new bullshite emergency pandemics.

As a reminder of the basis for covid 👇


This link no longer works, maybe it copied wrong at the time but it said (luckily I copied pasted when I saved the original reference):

"During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, CLINICAL SPECIMENS WERE NOT READILY AVAILABLE to developers of IVDs to DETECT SARS-CoV-2".

"Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDS based on available data from CONTRIVED samples generated from A RANGE of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation".

"While validation using these CONTRIVED SPECIMENS provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is NOT FEASIBLE to PRECISELY COMPARE the performance of VARIOUS TESTS that used CONTRIVED specimens because EACH TEST validated performance USING SAMPLES DERIVED from DIFFERENT gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid SOURCES".

"From February through the middle of May, the FDA issued a total of 59 EUAS for IVDs for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 based on validation data using CONTRIVED specimens derived from SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA."

"Contrived" specimens?🤔


Page 40 "Since NO QUANTIFIED VIRUS ISOLATES of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with CHARACTERIZED STOCKS of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of KNOWN TITER (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.”

Characterised stock (so pre existing samples in Genebank) of known titers, that mimics a clinical specimen???

The heat of the "pandemic " was tested via PCR using "CONTRIVED" specimens...??

And also remember the note re PCR the caveats in the CDC "diagnostic" panel relay of the PCR test sound very inconclusive... 👇

"Important to note re PCR used for Covid CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel" Page 38: 👇👇

"Detection of viral RNA may NOT indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the CAUSATIVE agent for clinical symptoms"

"This test CANNOT rule out diseases caused by OTHER BACTERIAL or VIRAL pathogens.”


Ummmm, so why was it used to diagnose "covid"??!! It expressly states it can't tell if virus is active, nor if infectious, nor if it's causing symptoms, nor if there is something else causing symptoms. But the whole pandemic seems based on these tests ...

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Thanks for this...might need to include this in a follow up!

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So, officially, f d a has signed their own admission that they no longer work for the people. This is nonsense. We don't need ineffective organisation's sucking up our money and unnecessary power.

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Yes…however I’m unsure FDA was ever “for” the people…

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yes. the refined sugar tale in lockstep with the no natural fat fake fat switcheraroo are sagas that were, for me, tells that it was not about health. it is a pernicious organisation. as is the american cancer society, founded by the rockefellers. hmmmm.

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No need to commit the perfect crime if you also run the investigations

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So...now that the FDA has made it sound policy to use contrived and synthetic materials as evidence of "bad shit" happening...it's only a matter of time before that 'branch' of our protective federal first responders (or in familial lingo, maybe 'first cause-ins' would be more appropriate, since they won't be waiting for you to do something that they need to respond to)...anyway, you know...the good old DEA may soon be shopping at websites like those in the links below to get their versions of contrived or synthetic evidence to plant on your person, place of residence, etc.

https://www.kroger.com/search?query=herbs&searchType=default_search https://www.michaels.com/search?q=artificial%20greenery&com_id=SearchBar_Recommendation_Components&path=suggest

Of course, they will justify the practice by saying that filling up those lockers with the new contrived and synthetic evidence will make it less tempting for our valiant protectors to purloin the real stuff from those evidence lockers, which would definitely be illegal and very possibly lead to unscheduled absences on Mondays (or Fridays and Tuesdays preceding and following federal, three-day weekend, holidays.

Of course, in the future, security of evidence lockers will be need to be tightened up to prevent "inventory shrinkage" around Easter, Thanksgiving, Xmas & New Years...for obvious reasons.

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Thanks again Sarah, you're quite the gem. Let us consider that since there is no accountability and no way to vote our way out of this , the only tools we have are Nullification, Secession and ultimately, Peaceful Anarchy.

Once enough of us realize what anarchy Is and Is Not ... then we may have a fighting chance at true liberty. Here's a primer from Barnett in 2023 called "Putting to Bed the Lies About Anarchy"


Best of luck to all,

~~ j ~~

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You may indeed have a case of covid toe, I can just feel it in my bones.

Have an aspirin?

Umm, let me see...

I need a specimen.

Open wide and say, ahh.

Hold on tight, we'll make it through the fuckery completely.

Come back in the morning for a check up.

Bring coffee too!

I got the Donuts.

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Don't comply. Stand your ground.

Of course going to extremes back in 1775..."Don't fire till ya see the whites of their eyes." is the most radical option or ... well, you get the drift.

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I like it Stephen. I say when they come knocking, shoot them in the face.

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Contrived specimens will just have to do until "..clinical performance evaluations using natural patient specimens becomes feasible." And when pray tell might that be? Since there is no identified pathogen with physical actuality, how about never? Does never work for you? Pandemic Movies and their many sequels require a reconfiguration of perspective re: diagnosis since 90 percent of COVID positives were asymptomatic - "scientists say" just because you're not sick doesn't mean you're not sick. Unless you happened to be living in Rutland VT when OTC COVID tests became available; the local ER was abruptly overwhelmed with people who "tested positive" and doctors pleaded with them to go home - "I can't treat you because you're not sick!" Guess those docs didn't get the memo. Initially even if test results were not immediately available patients were "presumed positive" and COVID Protocols kicked in - administer Remdesivir and/or its nucleoside analog cousin Ribavarin, followed by kidney failure and death. Another one bites the dust. The COVID got 'im. In this neck of the woods they use more ambiguous diagnostic criteria. My neighbor told me that she "had COVID". She described moderate cough and fever. "Sounds like a cold." "No, it was COVID." "How do you know it was COVID?" "They said it was."

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I meant to add that my neighbor said she was tested. "And?" "It was negative." (!!!)

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Thank you Sarah.

I always wondered who tracked the a federal register. brutal but essential work.

ALL these MFers in congress should be tried for treason.

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Thank You Conspiracy Sarah. Conspiracy itself is an indictible offense, jist like Genocide is a crime. That's a conspiracy fact.

It's time to pose an imminent threat to the Communist Bastards behind the curtain and teach them all about safe and effective.

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Thanks again lovely Sarah. I have given the world government a name ; The Wefwhoun. WEF, WHO, UN. A combination of their acronyms. Their minion WBIMF. The World Bank, IMF. The W is silent like Wreck so BIMF. Apparatus of the genocidal bankers Rothschilds/ Rockefellers. The Wefwhoun closed the world down during the fake pandemic ergo it is the undeclared one world government. I don't remember voting for them. Yet I'm paying for them through taxes. What would the Wefwhoun do if I stopped paying them? Rhetorical.

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