I stole some serious ones but had to swipe You're So Venn just for fun. Try Drugs and the pipe in the truck were hilarious. And Mickey/ Wicked, you can't even make that shit up.

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Mickey/Wicked was planned by Disney! (Him being 33 degree mason of course) The first time I saw that reflection, I was stunned at how clever it is.

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My favorite parts of Covid:


The Frenzy of Fear

Has shown us one thing.

It takes the mind to fail first …

And the body will soon follow.

This is a Tough Life Lesson

For the Vaccinated.

( Don’t expect their minds to recover - in your lifetime )


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ROFL x 100

Sarah, many thanks.

I see a truck load of spiritually insightful critiques of Communism in this collection. My favorite is the sliced bread matrix of lawful-chaotic & good-evil continuums. That chart summarizes one hundred thick volumes on the subject.

I also love the one with the dog digging a hole in the "moon". So triggering for those people who always complain about dogs not having enough air to breathe if the owner leaves them in the car.

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Ha, good thinking agent Roger!

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Sarah!🙏♥️ So much continuing goodness! Just to pick one: “Oughtabiography” ✨🏄‍♂️✨

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That's a great one too. To the original inventor of that one, I send this message: you meme like Otis Redding sang.

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Thou art "The Meme Queen". Thou hast earned another day on the internet.

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Is there anybody close?

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hola, sarah!

love these, many top drawer for sure. and 'saved' a couple of them for future reference when looking to wake someone up to some of the somethings that this way are coming. ahhhhhh. so sweet sweet to surrender into irreverence.

something about the shat birthing shittens was so feline faecal that it had me laughing. the pressure pipe missed 'it is time for us to engauge one nipple at a time.' or 'to air is human, to pump err divine.'

as to warren's den of mendacity, are not actual income taxes either not in the constitution or against the constitution? (i'm not american nor a constitution expert, although i do seem to remember reading others reference to the unconstitutional nature of income taxes.)

we are living the bhagavad-gita and the great apocalypse at the same time! all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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Already sent a few of these out, and I haven't even got to the end of this post!! Gold 🥇 Thanks Sarah

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Thank you ♥️

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I also like the painting with Mark Zuck in the background! Imagine having a double from the 16th century or whenever the painting was done. That dude has some serious problems with the way his hair looks! (I’m female btw)

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Or maybe I am falling behind in common sense?

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Not at all are you falling behind Steve! We need to laugh!

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I love cats (but have a dog), but the ridiculous poses and antics of cats that people catch on camera are just too stupid! I love the cat that’s going to speak Italian, then the sheep cat-that poor thing seriously looks sad.

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Brilliant just brilliant 🤩

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Honestly been called “Bob” a 1000 times in this life when I’ve only ever introduced myself as “Rob.” I guess they’re hearing me say, “it’s Rob…with a b.”

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First I thought it was cark, but then you really can’t beat a bag of shittens

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The world is a better place with you meme-ing the $#!@ out of Mondays!


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Thank you 🙏♥️

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Reallllly funny ... I literally slapped my knee several times.

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