Sep 16Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Hi Sarah,

Perhaps this has more to do with the steep decline in education, than just the fact that Jimmy Carter started the Dept of Education.

> After the political fallout of the Vietnam war and Nixon’s resignation, Bernays’ secret

government went into overdrive and the American political landscape changed forever.

A major part of this ‘democratic overdrive’ was the almost immediate creation in 1973

of a US-based think tank called ‘the Trilateral Commission’, which focused on “the

crisis of democracy“, which was exhibiting clear signs of going where no man should

go. Their first major report, published by New York University in 1975, was titled,

“The Crisis of Democracy”,[3][4] a lead writer of which was a Harvard professor

named Samuel Huntington. In the paper, Huntington stated that “The 1960’s

witnessed an upsurge of democratic fervor in America”, with an alarming

increase of citizens participating in marches, protests and demonstrations, all evidence

of “a reassertion of equality as a goal in social, economic and political life”,

equality being something no democracy can afford. He claimed, “The essence of the

democratic surge of the 1960’s was a general challenge to existing systems of

authority, public and private. In one form or another, it manifested itself in

the family, the university, business, public and private associations, politics,

the governmental bureaucracy, and the military services.”

Huntington, who had been a propaganda consultant to the US government during its

war on Vietnam, further lamented that the common people no longer considered the

elites and bankers to be superior and felt little obligation or duty to obey. Huntington

concluded that the US was suffering from “an excess of democracy”, writing that “the

effective operation of a democratic political system usually requires apathy and

noninvolvement”, stating this was crucial because it was precisely these qualities of the

public that “enabled democracy to function effectively”.

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hola wm.

i'm familiar with this document. it came to my attention in the early 90s. a few years later i began writing my 'economics debunked' and 'banks' skanks' courses. and i good see with hindsight the successful implementation of the means of undermining those 'threats' to democracy.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Good day Guy,

For my clarity, are you saying the ways of undermining those threats to democracy is obvious to you? If I understand that correctly, are you implying that is a good thing?

My sense Guy is that you support robust democracy. You do not support undermining it, or the flowering of the democratic movement of the 1960s.

I look forward to your reply

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hola, wm. i really appreciate the subtle depth i read in your careful question here. that has inspired me to go on a bit of an extended 'guy-essay' thing.

i apologise that i wrote without making myself clear. as your citation describes, the tri-lateral commission's book was both a description of the threat to, and the cure that will save, the 'managed democracy' that is 'necessarily' controlled by the deserving few through propaganda. have you seen bernays' book on the importance propaganda in which he describes how the deserving need to manage the ignorant and unworthy masses through propaganda?

so, the threat to democracy was people becoming active in the democracy, robustly. the cure to the robustness was to kill that energy and drive. and the controllers of the propaganda did that absolutely perfectly using a myriad of tools including assassination, infiltration, coercion, bribery and propaganda. so the active democracy in the 60s became me-first greed economics in the 80s. 'the person who dies with the most toys wins.' hmmmm.

so, in that sense i support a robust democracy. i have questions of how it can avoid becoming self corrupted very quickly with the current system of monetary enslavement through indebtedness. truly a infinitely clever and powerful system of 'auto-enslavement' at the individual level, and a kind of false societal enslavement to private interests at the central banking level.

at the core of my sense of 'things', at this time after 10 years of yogic practice and shadow work and before that my research into economics as a religion, i think that likely a working 'democracy' can be viable when each person of the society takes full responsibility for the state of their own lives and from that, the state of their family's lives, extended family's lives and so on outward to the community.

we are living in a peculiar/fascinating time of an upping in the energy of having solely a false dichotomy between who to blame and who will save us. one of the key yogic principles is 'no blame, no complain'. period, full stop, that's it. to that i'll append, 'no hero, no villain'.

the robust democracy will be the one in which each of us as individuals looks to how our social circles are our responsibility and then to look at how we can reduce their suffering — and that that begins with our own. and that each of us will have our own 'spiritual pilgrimage' to do that. shadow work, collect our projections, remove from our society the bully stockholm syndrome by first removing all bully language; and the removal of the stockholm syndrome we inhabit and reinforce with tribalism's certainty of an evil other we can scapegoat or 'un-deserve' as a method of temporarily, addictively, easing the anxiety we like to deny exists while projecting its source on some other group.

so... not an easy fix! lol! and with that, i had a rather nice small and appropriate synchronicity. just before i sat here on the floor, i was reviewing a new-to-me translation of the ancient book, the i ching. my eyes caught this: ~~~~~~

"5. The Hsü Hexagram/ Watchful Waiting. (Frank J. MacHovec)

Stop, look, and listen before you take action. Do one thing at a time or there is real danger. When faced with confusion, maintain self-control. When faced with a complex situation, realise it cannot be solved quickly or with one simple solution. Forget this and you slip into indecision, inviting your enemies to move in. Adapt to reality, stand by your convictions, but do not be unreasonable or antagonistic. Confusion is not constant. / Use peaceful moments to compose yourself so your goal remains clearly in sight. No situation is hopeless. Be sensitive to help, accept it gratefully, and your situation improves."~~~~~~~~~~

in an unexpected way this has become the thrust of my exploratory essay writing in substack, even though it began as a travelogue on how i became a 'covid refugee', one of the those threatening 'undeserving' scapegoats of the uninjected when injection hysteria was reaching a fever pitch in canada and i chose to give up my job rather than take the jab. a curious sophie's choice: jab or job? hmmm.

as to my take on economics as our greatest religion today, you may find this essay written about 30+ years ago interesting. it was one of my early deep 'aha', there is some foul smelling fish in denmark. "Death by Freezing". (in my inactive blog.)


and before i go, some bernays from the 1930s:

"Edward Bernays, one of this century's leading public relations "gurus":

'The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.' 'But clearly it is the intelligent minorities which need to make use of propaganda continuously and systematically', because it is only they, 'a trifling fraction' of the population, 'who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses' and are therefore in a position to 'pull the wires which control the public mind'. ...[O]ur 'society has consented to permit free competition to be organized by leadership and propaganda', a 'mechanism which controls the public mind' and enables the intelligent minorities 'so to mould the mind of the masses that they will throw their newly gained strength in the desired direction', thus 'regimenting the public mind every bit as much as an army regiments the bodies of its soldiers.' This process of 'engineering consent' is the very 'essence of the democratic process' (231 Chomsky, Noam. *Perspectives on Power: Reflections on Human Nature & the Social Order*. Black Rose Books, 1996.)

likely a bit too much, wm. all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.

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Hi Guy,

my email is wilnav@disroot.org. Please send me an email and I will send a reply to the above comment. If worthy you can add to the comment section here.

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hola, wm.

ah, you have piqued my interest!

i'll send you an email anon.

all the best!

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BTW: Apparently the vietnam war was by design too: http://www.masterjules.net/oilinvietnam.htm

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Do you have a link to this text? Thank you in advance.

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Sep 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

You can find it here. Larry Romanoff is worth reading. His first chapter (the link that follows) is an eye opener. https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/8935/

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Don't take it the wrong way: the use of colon changed Michelle's meaning of life.

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Sep 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Colonoscopy: a hole new perspective?

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And a holy one in some circles.

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🤣 ✅

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hola sarah.

top drawer memes! i almost blew coffee out of my nose with the harris/obama one. omg!

the list of pre-911 conspiracies is huge and yet woefully inadequate! two not too controversial ones are pearl harbour and the titanic — used to abet the formation of the federal reserve as a private rothschild for profit organisation by killing one of key opponents to it . (wwi and ii being more controversial, of course). the invasion of guatamala for the national fruit co. aka chiquita bananas. and post 9/11 is 3/11 - the fukushima 'event' was very clearly a man-made act of coercive deep state 'terrorism'. and of course, many many more.

and i took a record number of copies from this collection for something in my future. great job!

all the best with what is changing.

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But it's important to recognise that there's no such thing as a false flag - at least not that I've seen - the "false flag" narrative is for the anticipated disbelievers of the story. 9/11, Pearl Harbor and all the others are the same as Sandy Hook and the Manchester Bombing, they're just drills where nobody dies nobody gets hurt ... at least that's what all the evidence says.


What I love about Pearl Harbor is that no plane dropped a bomb. All the evacuated bombing was at sea or ground level. Pearl Harbor itself was no less of a movie than any movie made about it ... just like 9/11. Even in movies they destroy things for real sometimes.


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hola, petra.

interesting perspective on that language. i'll be more careful going forward.

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Sep 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

So many I love! Forgetting Biden faster than a Maui fire. Ouch! The little denim NGO. Ctr C Ctr V. I get a vicarious thrill just remembering how it felt to slam a phone!

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Sep 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

"The invention of glue."

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This was one of my faves...

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OMG those were funny.

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Sep 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


substack censored me sending this to CS

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Thank you for the heads up...must be over the target.

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Sep 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Thanks for posting this. I’ve had a number of indications as well that Substack will eventually turn on us as FB, GGL and all the rest of them. We need to prepare for that somehow here at CS and SH’s stacks.

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Agreed…thoughts on a plan🙏?

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Oct 15Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I wish. I long for the good old days of the '60's when we would print our own hard copy leaflets and hand them out personally. If the censorship gets strong enough we may be forced into something like that. The Soviet dissidents must have had some such system in place.

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It already has it is loaded with bots and posts written by AI that suddenly appear new with thousands of likes, that makes the genuine stuff harder and harder to find

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hahaha stockholm syndrome and the modern spelling of slavery!

So many great memes.!

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Sep 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I laughed more at each one, laughed until my stomach hurt. Great memes! Thanks for the good laugh!!!!!

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So fuccking funny thanks I needed that

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Sep 18Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

God bless you, Conspiracy Sarah

(been effin’ jonesin’ 4 the quality ’stuff’ )

May I call you Memesahib...?

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Sep 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Your best collection of memes ever, Sarah. So many great ones I can’t pick a best, but if I had to it would be a tie between the vegetarian and the transphobics.

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🙏❤️thank you, TT.

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Sep 18Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I'm the one who should be thanking, CS, warrior woman extraordinaire! You've uplifted the spirits of countless others, including myself, and it is much appreciated. I've only been to Atlanta once, and don't plan to go back, but it would be so cool to meet you sometime!

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Tom, the pleasure would be all mine. If life brings you to ATL, I do hope you'll let me know ❤️

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Sep 19Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

That's an offer I would never refuse. You never know!

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Sep 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Thank you so much 😂

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Sep 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

That was fun 🙏

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