Great work Sarah...

I didn't wake up till they said they were going to use mRNA "vaccines", I briefly studied microbiology at uni and knew how important the mRNA translation and transcription process is, establishing cellular identity (what makes a kidney cell a kidney cell, what makes a heart cell a heart cell etc), so why would you interfere with that process by transfecting some random Frankenstein man made mRNA code? It is soooo dangerous in concept, let alone going through with this action...

It's such fragile system of cellular function and health ... A house of cards so to speak... Why is this the ONLY solution?? WTF???

There are no circumstances that could justify messing with your genetics like that, especially via an injection that could dump its contents anywhere in your body... So given I had not questioned other vaccines at all previously, even with my biological background (which I am kicking myself about now).... Your article rang home to me...

"It’s not much of a leap to entertain the thought that our entire vaccine program might currently - and may always have been about controlling the population. Either by outright fertility impact, or by creating lifelong customers through adverse events that would likely be uncorrelated. Like asthma. Or eczema. "

Absolutely... It makes perfect sense, unfortunately we were all born into this era of population control (those born late 60s and later), and had to start researching to know...

PS you're not the only one who brings this conversation to the Christmas table... It would be like ignoring World War 2 in the 40s... It's the elephant in the room if you don't bring it up I feel ...

Merry Christmas Sarah, thanks for all the hard work this year, you've uncovered some great resources and put it together well 🙏

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One may even take the next step and research the very foundation of westernized health care, since the turn of the 20th century, within the lens of Allopathic medicine and it's cohort Pharma industry.

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and the next step. looking into linkages with big insurance, and the push for universal/single-payer/“government-managed” healthcare and invasiveness into private life.

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100%... So much has happened beforehand, I'm still playing catch up!

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Yes! 100 percent!

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Christmas ‘43. “Good news on the war front today.” Family murmurs amongst themselves. A neighbour invited for dinner says “I am sorry...war?” Family member laughs wistfully. “Don’t mind John. He is a conspiracy theorist. He claims there is a war going on.”

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I am and also was surprised that mRNA was used as a way of promoting getting shot. It was what alerted me too.

And then I looked up what I could about lipids and how they could get through the bbb.

And I'm no scientist but it sure scared me.

Poor marketing by them to the likes of me.

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I wonder, even though it was a form of deception, if they thought by telling us exactly what they were injecting, most of us would have never heard of mRNA, and willingly go along? Then all legal challenges might be null and void... The "We told you what it was" excuse..? I thank God I studied biology at uni, if only briefly... The second they mentioned mRNA, I woke up out of the psyop pretty quickly!

Well done researching the NLPs yourself, I'm surprised that so many didn't, or wouldn't even look... Even if you showed them... The propaganda was so strong, cult like tactics to hypnotise the public it seems... Cult like in the fact no dissenting voices allowed, if someone started talking common sense, or Nuremberg Code, or actual science they were censored, removed and smeared... you were only allowed to hear the cult's message... to the point if you said something "anti cult" people wouldn't listen, or even get angry that you weren't swallowing the cult doctrine... The trick was using your "trusted" news anchors, health officials etc (how and why these public figures went along with it defies common sense, but maybe the were dumb, scared, threatened or brainwashable??)... But at that level, at the very least you'd think they'd be aware of previous pharma disasters using novel experimental "medicine"? Thalidomide , Vioxx, swine flu vax '76 etc??

Caution would be the most appropriate approach, the most politically safe bet...

Why would common sense be thrown away like that?

Why would any one government, or business, go in so deep, that if the gene therapy was a disaster, they'd have no way back??

Especially pushing the therapy to the point it really was forced, blackmail and coercion... and true vilification via government and media messaging "How to treat the unvaccinated this Christmas" was one of the vomit worthy Australian morning show segments, promoting breaking up your own family over this issue, that was not an issue, until they "told you" it was an issue, disgusting ... watch first ten seconds if you can 🤢🤮


I'm so glad enough people, through their own unique angle, woke up to this psyop and we are here to discuss it...

I was more than happy to take the job loss rather than the jab, as who really wants to work for people so stupid that they would breach your right to bodily autonomy? Especially as they already had a doctor confirmed vac pericarditis injury to an employee... OH&S rules out the window...

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Steve , a friend of mine watched Event 201 (Oct 2019) and suggested I watch . I did watch within a few days of the ‘table top exercise’ and knew that a huge psyop was about to roll out. Event 201 alone should have been enough to raise enough alarm bells. I have a challenge, ask people in your circle if they’ve even heard of Event 201

Conducted by Bill and Melinda Gates ‘foundation’ along with World Economic Forum and John Hopkins……

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Absolutely, I wasn't aware of it till I saw clips on "Plandemic Indoctornation" and the more I go back and watch the sequence of events in it (including their simulation of news reports) the more you can see the launch of covid! That's a real eye opener (and a good one to bring up!)...

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Mighty fine of the public authorities and media to call the un-vaxxed

dirty "Mischlinge". I'm surprised they didn't give em' the chambers.

I was polite to those that gave me a hard time for not maskin' in the market.

Told em' it's not my responsibility for your health and safety.

With a wry smile of course.

Next time I'm not playing nice.

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Your video clip is a hoot now.

Wasn't then, and back then we didn't know if the ostracism was going to get even worse.

I'm still waiting for some apologies. LOL

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Yeah me too (but I won't hold my breath waiting!)

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Crikey, David Koch and Natalie Barr in that clip you provide Steve, treacherous cogs in the propaganda machine.

See their interview with then Health Minister Greg Hunt, pushing the 'boosters' for sixteen/seventeen year olds in February 2022: https://www.health.gov.au/ministers/the-hon-greg-hunt-mp/media/sunrise-interview-with-natalie-barr-and-david-koch-3-february-2022

Never forget what these collaborators were a part of...

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That transcript (given what we know about mRNA vaccines) is the saddest, most scripted infomercial I have ever read...


"Sixteen and 17 year olds are now eligible for a booster shot with ATAGI approving the jab for the age group from today."*

*Script note: make this sound important, make it sound like a carefully reviewed decision by experts


"(It) gives senior students a window to get their third jab before heading back into the classroom."**

**Script note, make it sound urgent, something that must be done urgently


Joining us now Health Minister, Greg Hunt. Minister, good news. Took a bit of time to get this one approved. Is there enough supply and resources to cater for them?" ***

***Script note: use "FOMO" to suck the parents into poisoning their child


"Yes, there is. There’s enough now for every 16 to 18-year-old to go out and be vaccinated. What we know is, exactly as you’ve said, we’ve got an over 91 per cent rate of vaccination rate amongst that age group already".****

**** Script note: reassure there's plenty to go around and everyone can have this sought (FOMO) after item for free...

FOMO: sales tactic "Fear Of Missing Out", create a sought after scarcity feel to make your product seem popular...

Wonder why Greg Hunt suddenly retired and his tears were flowing like a river as Scomo paid tribute to him in Parly... Was the reality of his crimes taking hold, or was he proud of doing his bit for SPECTRE *cough* I mean the WEF?

Hunt was a WEF stooge...



World Economic Forum, Geneva


Maybe he was promised a seat on the Ark?... Maybe one of the designers of this whole charade?? Way back in 2000???

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As Klaus Schwab boasted "so we penetrate zee cabinets": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpMMrzenoBU

There are WEF associated people in the Parliament right now - e.g. Clare O'Neil, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Cyber Security. She's also on the National Security Committee, which "considers the highest-priority, highest risk and most strategic national security matters of the day".

Did Clare O'Neil disclose she was a WEF Young Global Leader when she stood for the seat of Hotham in 2022? This information is not listed on her Parliament bio: https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian?MPID=140590

And it seems she's now been removed from the WEF YGL website: https://www.younggloballeaders.org/community/?region=a0Tb00000000DCNEA2&x=13&y=6

Cover up anyone?

There's a mention here: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/WEF/Young_Global_Leaders/2019

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Yep... It's all so sus... Greens leader Sarah Hanson Young also from the WEF cult... they groom these people, possibly chosen for their gullibility and malleability. After the penetrate ze cabinets brag, Klaus goes onto brag about social media, trade unions (explains a lot re mandates), business, academia etc etc

SPECTRE could only dream of such infiltration


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Hi Steve ~ you wrote:

“But at that level, at the very least you'd think they'd be aware of previous pharma disasters using novel experimental "medicine"? Thalidomide , Vioxx, swine flu vax '76 etc??”

I agree!!! You’d think!!! 😳

Here’s a pharmaceutical disaster happening right now that most know nothing about:

Today and every day, hundreds of thousands of people are injected with a “contrast dye” when they are getting an MRI. That “contrast dye” that the FDA used to claim to be expelled from the body within 24 hours is actually a toxic heavy metal called “GADOLINIUM”. This toxic heavy metal injected into already over taxed bodies is finally being reported by the FDA to bypass the BBB and guess what??? It has been proven to stay in our brains, bones, skin and organs for years, not hours!!!

Just imagine the devastating consequences this toxic heavy metal is enacting within the bodies of unsuspecting patients!!! Worse, those with multiple sclerosis (MS) receive multiple doses throughout their lifetimes and are none the wiser because their doctors and radiologist pretend it is harmless and never bothered to offer an informed consent form. (As of a couple years ago, because of outrage by different concerned groups and organizations, a consent form must now be provided today.) Heartbreakingly, all of those odd complaints and side effects from the gadolinium just get ignored as another MS symptom or possibly another reason for doctors to actually recommend another MRI for those without MS! The patient has zero idea that their bodies are loaded down with this toxic heavy metal, gadolinium, and worse, there is no way to remove it from our bodily systems. It’s criminal!!!

The gadolinium is described as being surrounded by a chelator, supposedly bound to it as it is injected into a human body. As with all Frankenstein produced drugs, the gadolinium disassociates from its chelator once injected, leaving free toxic gadolinium floating throughout the body, depositing itself mainly in the bones, displacing the needed calcium to keep bones strong and worse, it deposits itself into the brain with unknown consequences at this time because there were no and are no long term human studies to gain an understanding of the havoc the free gadolinium is causing inside the brain or body. I am not aware of any long term human studies or trials that were completed before or after the FDA waved its magic wand and gave the pharmaceutical companies the wink and nod of their approval to advertise and distribute the drug.

If you or someone you know who has had an MRI with an injection of the “contrast dye (die)” gadolinium, please check out “The Lighthouse Project’s” website. It is a community of real people whom have been permanently damaged, impacted, and harmed by receiving a dose or many doses of gadolinium and which aims to provide concrete evidence and explanations as to the extent gadolinium has impacted their livelihoods and lives.


By the way, gadolinium is now found throughout most waterways and drinking water systems as millions are expelling it from their bodies.


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Thank you so much for that, I had an injection of that stuff 10 years ago, for no good reason really... Turns out I didn't have cancer, but now I had that crap injected in... I'll keep this resource thank you so much... Always thought this stuff can't be doing any good... To be honest I wish I'd never gone to the doctor in the first place after that!

At the moment I can't feel any effects, but I bet there's something bubbling away...

Very much appreciated, thank you.

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Hi again Steve!

I’m grateful to learn you don’t have cancer but boy, just the nervous waiting and testing a doctor can put one through “to figure it out” can seem endless and frustrating taking it’s toll mentally and financially. It’s true that a large percentage of the population who get a gadolinium injection only once seem to weather it out fine. Some may have an initial reaction or ignore symptoms all together that might pop up (seems most of us are good at making excuses of why this or that is happening to our bodies) but others have experienced debilitating symptoms after one injection, leading them to seek out on their own what is happening with their bodies.

There is another little pill that you can add to your list of pharmaceuticals that doctors handed out like candy. For me, this goes back a little over sixty-two years as I was being formed in my Mom’s womb. She had five children by the time she was thirty-eight, then had a miscarriage. When she got pregnant with me, the military doctors gave her DES (diethylstilbestrol) to prevent another miscarriage as it was the first synthetic estrogen to be created and approved by the FDA for this purpose. I was born with a dislocated hip, three ureters, and a septate uterus, creating all kinds of complications as I grew older, namely endometriosis and unable to bear children. Later in her life, my Mom was dxd at 52 with MS and into my 38th year, I also was dxd with MS. Though the group called DES ACTION has looked at MS as another possible result of DES medication, they have not been able to find a correlation though female and male babies, now adults, do still struggle with several different oddities and deformities concerning the sexual organs that were forming in utero. Many of the daughters have been diagnosed with breast and/or cervical cancers and the sons have been diagnosed with testicular and/or prostate cancers. The concern now is also for the children of those daughters and sons. Taken from the DES ACTION website:

“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the United States an estimated 5 million to 10 million people were exposed to DES, including women who were prescribed DES while pregnant, and the children born of those pregnancies. Now researchers are investigating whether DES health issues are extending into the next generation, the so-called DES Grandchildren, and no estimate of their numbers has yet been made.”

As the old saying goes, “'Oh, what a tangled web “they” weave, when first “they” practice to deceive!”

Here’s the website if you are interested in the history of how this drug came to be and the devastation and physical and mental scars it too has left in its wake. GBY and your loved ones! 🙏🏻


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Thank you very much for this resource and I am so sorry to hear how this drug has decimated your life. My best wishes and hope for some sort of health improvement... the evil with which medication has been tested on us all, is beyond words.

Thank you once again for the resources, very much appreciated 🙏

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blood brain barrier

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Aka 666

Aka build back better.


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Dec 27, 2023Edited
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Death to them all I say.

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Early in 2020 my son's gf was pregnant. The ob gyn told them from blood test the baby had a genetic issue. (I cannot remember what it was called but a gene defect that can make eyes far apart & the person extremely tall...). When they said we are keeping the baby no matter the testing but wanted to know- an amnio was done with inconclusive result on that gene .

That grand kid is almost 3 now. Perfectly healthy. I just wonder about everything now. After covid I'm so suspicious of the de-pop agenda spider webbing through all of our medical care. After ob gyns went along with experimental injections during pregnancy it's all tainted.


Thank you for all of your work, Sarah.

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BP88 the EXACT same thing happened to my daughter in 2020....convinced the parents there was a huge chance of a genetic abnormality. They said they didn't care. Guess what? Extremely healthy, bright, 3 1/2 yo, who has had zero shots.

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I wonder how often it is happening. Run a test and then encourage the parent(s) to terminate.

The gf of my son is now my daughter-in-law, and she was a phlebotomist at a small hospital in 2020/ 2021. She said that SIX ob/ gyns did not renew their contracts to work there at the end of 2021. There are no news headlines ever on average people that walked away instead of participating.

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Agreed. The OBGYNs are bought off, just like the rest of the profession.

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It's was a Downs test. Happened to us too. Our girl is 25 now and only has a few signs of vaccine damage to contend with.

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I opted out of all of those tests....quad screen, etc with all three of my kiddos because I knew that terminating the pregnancy was not something that I would be considering....exactly because of stories like these.

When I had my last baby I was considered "advanced maternal age" and had a big red sticker on my chart that said "geriatric pregnancy".

I was 37 LOL.

They also wanted to drug test me at every visit which I thought was really odd. Of course they made you feel like an irresponsible child abusing drug addict for declining screens and unnecessary tests, but turns out my baby was perfect.

And he didn't have to do any growing with an additional elevation of cortisol because I had been told there could be something wrong.

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I just got into it with my niece about jabs and covid policy. She is studying to become a nurse. She didn't want to hear it, for the first time ever she treated me like I am a nutjob, but I have always told her to be skeptical, do not assume what you are told is truth especially if there is a financial motive. I started to tell her about remdesivir, but my father cut me off. I probably pushed it too far, but goddammit I am not going be silent about this.

There is no hell deep enough for the perpetrators of this madness.

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William, the tactic that has been the most successful for me in situations like this has been the legal one. The PREP Act declaration, MCM, etc...most people (in my experience with attempted normie wake up) get very quiet and listen. I usually frame it as a question...”I think most people would want to know that they took an injectable countermeasure NOT a traditional pharmaceutical product, don’t you? I mean, we’re you aware that you were taking a MCM that was part of a demonstration, not a clinical trial?” Katherine Watt’s work is incredibly helpful here...and I wrote a couple of posts attempting to distill some of the legalese down to more palatable conversation...

Unfortunately, if your niece is millennial or younger she likely already knows everything there is to know about everything and is probably also severely allergic to listening and humility.


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She told me once about the time she graduated high school, that everything I told her has come true. So she knows I don't BS her. She just doesn't right now want to think anything bad about the profession she is working so hard to pursue.

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Wow. Thanks. Stunning and sensical that the lawsuits are just continued distraction. These events, aka demonstration, are truly mastermind, are they not? And of the most sinister kind.

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Someone studying to be a nurse is still not awake to this thing? It seems they must be specially chosen for a lack of critical thinking...

Meanwhile, we need to pursue the medical practitioners...the doctors, nurses, pharmacists...who went along with coerced/mandated Covid vaccination, and violated voluntary informed consent, the most important ethical principle in medicine.

In this regard, please see my complaint about Australia's Chief Medical Officer, Paul Kelly, who set the ball rolling with mandated vaccination in Australia when he and the AHPPC capitulated to the demands of politicians to mandate Covid vaccination for residential aged care workers in June 2021 - then Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the Premiers and Chief Ministers in National Cabinet: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/notification-to-ahpra-re-medical-practitioner-paul-kelly.pdf

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Heh, heh... Informed consent: "This might hurt a little." Patient drops dead 5 minutes later...

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Nurses will be some of the last, and most will never admit they took part in a democide. Otherwise my niece is a wonderful young woman, and will be one of the few to question things once she is a nurse.

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Hello Elizabeth,


I see this is dated June, 2023

Have you had a response as yet ?

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Yes Wendy, I've had a response...they won't deal with it because it's a 'policy' issue.

Needless to say, I'm still pursuing this matter.

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Your tenacity will win the day !

Thanks for relentless efforts…watching from up here in Kanada.

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Hopefully you sowed the seed.

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I'm like part of her conscience. I have always challenged her that way. She will remember.

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A few months before the first person was even injected Professor Delores Cahill said the tox shot would the Syncytin protein to attack the placenta and lead to a cascade of failed pregnancies and aborted fetuses. welp....that is exactly what we ended up with.

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Three women my family knows had placenta complications during pregnancies or child birth in 2021- 2022.

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Mike H. I remember reading that!

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Cahill seems to have fallen off the map. She was very active in the beginning. I think I remember reading somewhere that she came under so much pressure she had to maybe go into hiding, or something like that. But i'm not sure....

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I also wonder where and how Cahill is doing these days. Like you I heard her speak early on about the poison shots but then crickets.

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Dr. Cahill is a champ, I watched many videos of her warning us about the Covid transfections. Makes me wonder why she's not the leader of the global, mostly Conservative MFM- oh wait, she was telling us the truth vs the Progressive Vaccine Frankenstein 5th generation warfare expert who urged the elderly and immune compromised to take the transfections even after he supposedly took them and claims to have been injured.

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Re: "It’s not much of a leap to entertain the thought that our entire vaccine program might currently - and may always have been about controlling the population. Either by outright fertility impact, or by creating lifelong customers through adverse events that would likely be uncorrelated. Like asthma. Or eczema."

It's taken me 15 years of investigating vaccination policy and practice, starting with pet vaccination in 2008, to come to the conclusion they're...injecting poison.

With 'Covid' they've gone completely batshit crazy and pushed this scam to the limits...pushing jabs every few months...against respiratory ailments that aren't a serious threat for most people.

'Covid' is the final straw. The diabolical 'Covid' scam has to blow this thing out of the water - way past time for the entire vaccination schedule to be put under the spotlight, including the morass of conflicts of interest.

Let's start with the low hanging fruit - flu vax and HPV vax, worse than useless jabs.

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Hello, Sarah! And what a great Christmas gift you have given me (us?). Again, you have come to the same conclusions my own research led me to as well. With some additional evidence and those truly delightful eugenic's quotations from Sanger.

Way back in the 1980s I used 'evolutionary science' (?????) as an example of the danger of using rationalisation to derive ANYTHING, because rational thought allowed the 'science' (tm) and humanity to rationalise eugenics as 'improving the evolutionary process'. Okay, okay, so I was only sort of right, and hopefully you have been able to pick yourself up of the floor after laughing at my sunshine child naïvete at the time, 40 years ago! Planned human culling using beaters herding people to bare their arms was not in my imagination at the time.

And the popularity of sterilising the 'rejects' was well received by most of the [strike-out - indoctrinated] educated countries. In Canada the eugenics laws forcing sterilisation of the 'defective' evolutionary experiments didn't get rescinded unto the mid (or late?) 1980s!

Great work putting together numbers, citations and chilling foreshadowing quotations from another American heroine. Fantastic. Merry Christmas, thank you.

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Many thanks, Guy 🙏🏼

And a very merry Christmas to you 🎄

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My most recent post, (52), was on the overarching dystopia agenda of the nefarious Committee of 300.

Abortion, one aspect of a multi-pronged depopulation agenda, was/is an aspect of this agenda.

Your post elucidates the depths of depravity surrounding this issue in an easy to ready and comprehensive manner. Well done and thank you!

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Thank you 🙏🏼

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Thanks for putting this all together, Sarah. I have my own notes that I have been compiling on MS/PP/Eugenics and this is very helpful. ✨🙏🏾✨

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Ps only just learning about the Day Tapes.

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Day Tapes are definitely worth a listen. An eye opener.

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Thank you 🙏🏼

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Hilary Clinton admired Margaret Sanger enormously. In her own words, on YouTube


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Wow, another reason to despise HRC

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From my perspective you have presented this Unusually Well.

Many thanks for the hours you put in — I was unaware of some of this.

It is my pleasure to pray for you.

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Thank you for this ❤️

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I am an old grannie. My generation had one or two vaccinations but now children are being treated like pin cushions JUST to be welcomed in a school.

I say - NO. Do not allow anyone to force unknown substances into your child’s body! Stand up and protect your progeny! Educate otherwise! Do not be bullied into risking their health. Threaten the drug dealers with legal action to charge them with attempted assault if they dare to claim they are working towards ‘the common good’.

Nancy Reagan called for kids to JUST SAY NO to street drugs in the 1980s. Let's take that campaign and make it include big P-Harma's toxic trash!


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Sarah, I wonder if you are familiar with Dr. Bernard Nathanson's story. I won't give it here because it is fairly easy to access. Nonetheless, his confession and conversion from an Abortionist to not a killer-of-the-unborn is quite remarkable and he spills the beans on the macabre plans and his role up to the point of seeing with his own eyes a sonogram. I used to have a CD of the confession but I loaned it out and never got it back, but my hope was that his story - told in his own voice - would get passed on to eager ears.

Nathanson's story buttresses your research quite nicely.

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I will take a look Amy, thank you!

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You are very welcome, Sarah. I appreciate your well-considered attempts at unraveling the madness for your readers. Since my earlier comment I recalled another source that may interest you and your readership: Edwin Black. His books can be found here: https://edwinblack.com/books

I have only read one of his books - about 10 years ago - found it on the "New Releases" shelf at the local library and the name intrigued me, "War on the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race". The book changed my understanding of just about everything. It is a long book but I was hooked. I bet Amazon has a lot of interesting reviews that will give you a broader understanding of it's content. And, "Yes", all the devils you would expect are featured...

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Just ordered....thank you!

When I followed the link I realized that I have definitely been to his website before, however I don't *think I've actually read anything he's written. I'll "look forward" to reading the War Against the Weak...as much as one can look forward to that type of thing.

Also, thank you for your kind words. It's very gratifying when my work is received in the manner in which it is intended. The tangle is hell to unravel. I definitely don't have the answers, and I certainly try to avoid implying conclusions. The more I see, the more I try to open myself to the possibility of different perspectives, and it is my hope to invite others along a similar path. To try and see through muck.

So much of the cage we find ourselves in was built by assumed postulates, binary thought, trusted altruism, and a belief in/reliance upon benevolent authority. So much so, that the trained thought habits of these paradigms persist...and often when we believe ourselves to be thinking outside the proverbial box, we are indeed still operating within the framework of the cage.


All I have to offer are my observations, and I am always open to being wrong; in fact I often hope that I am. Lol, MOST of the time I hope that I am.

Anyway...that was a long winded way to say thank you.

I appreciate you.

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Bravo! I can't say anything else. Thank you for writing this. I'm so utterly sick of the deification of Nazi Sanger and her empire of tax funded death. The way Milgram and the just following orders work he did along and how the communities she convinced to go along with it correlates is so in line with the depop agenda. The AWFLs that have sold women this shit. It's unreal. Just Bravo dude. ❤💯

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Thank you!


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I feel something big,

just around the corner


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Great article. I knew a lot of this before but you tied it all together.

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You're on it Sarah! Fantastic job! Thank you and keep it up!

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