Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

"All my black and brown brothers are getting decimated by Covid" emoted Pierre Kory in a TV interview, December 8, 2020.

Guess they will be good and scared and take the shots that are imminent, huh Euro Traveler?

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Jun 24·edited Jun 25Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I had a developmentally disabled sister and she went to a private school where there were many Down Syndrome children. Love them. So full of joy. The whole eugenics kill the babies and the old and any kind of disabled makes me sick. I thought the MAID program in Canada was nuts but wow, the Dutch win this hideous contest. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. ❤️

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My grandmother’s sister had special needs and died at a young age. My Nanny was particularly passionate about advocating for those who are considered different, challenged, and/or not able to communicate in the “normal” way. She influenced me a lot in this regard, and I ended up working in a group home for people with severe problem behaviors. I found it to be some of the most rewarding work I’ve ever done.

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Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

My sister died at 28, Having her as a sister influenced me in countless ways. I worked with them in college. Another thing we have in common! ❤️

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Love you, Heather B 💕

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Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Your sister was a person, to you; and to the State, she was a category. That's the horror of it.

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The crazy thing is that to the globalists we're ALL a category of useless eaters. They are all psychopaths that need to be stopped. In the US, there were concentration camps in many states including Connecticut and California. Watch the video below.


You can start at the beginning or at minute 11. Eugenics happened in the beginning of the 1900s by the US government to "weed" out the bad herd that didn't resemble themselves. Sound familiar? They passed forced sterilization in 27 states. 60K Americans were forcibly sterilized in the US - California and Connecticut were the main states this happened in. They even forced people to get unmarried and forced people into concentration camps (called settlements) in the USA!!!!!


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There is a reason why Operation Paperclip made sense to them, isn't there? Oh yes, it was (has been, really) like that for a while; and the thing that is striking is how completely silent it was. I went to a pretty good school with very passionate history teachers and even so I never heard of it until, as a teen, I started reading some British novel written in the 1930s and there was a sort of cartoonish American minor character there on the Oxford Campus, campaigning for the "sterilization of the unfit." It was genuinely shocking to find out that this was a real thing outside Nazi Germany.

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Actually, the eugenics started in Europe with Charles Darwin's cousin in England, I believe. It was his theory that if you get rid of the "unfit" then the best will create more of the best (we definitely see how that doesn't work aside from the fact that who determines who's the best? I digress.). I can't recall when exactly in the late 1800s it came to the US according to Edwin Black but it's in the video I listed above. Charles Darwin was also a eugenicists and actually didn't really create the survival of the fittest but kinda stole that theory from another guy who wasn't of the elite class.

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That is so wonderful that your sister was such an incredible influence on you. So sorry, she died so young.

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Thank you. ❤️

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Jun 25Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Good for you for working in a group home!

Growing up in Toronto, a neighbor's daughter was "mentally challenged"

(in the 60's, this was unfortunately referred to as retarded).

She and my younger sister became fast friends, and our whole family welcomed her presence...

I've always believed that my sister was the only friend she had.

Sad, but probably true...

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Jun 25Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Yes - the Dutch win this hideous contest.

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If you haven't watched this about MAID in Canada - you don't know how bad it really is...


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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

When will people get around to autism...which is caused by the childhood vaccine program? Spread the costs out to the public and privatize the profits, how incredibly evil is that.

Bet they don't have that issue as much in the Netherlands...and they absolutely will n9t tackle it in the us...cause of the private profits to be made.

All of it makes me sick to my stomach.

Psycopathy in so many people....it's hard to grasp.

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Now there you have it! This is where the confusion hits the pavement... Separating autism from down syndrome. Down syndrome is not autism. Down syndrome is caused by a genetic marker & represent about 400,000 people. Autism is specifically caused by injections and the #'s are over 1.5 million.. in defense of both, neither bear any fault but, in autism, our complaceny has all to do with it by indulging in pseudo science injection to which have ZERO BENEFITS.

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Jun 25Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

The numbers are increasing geometrically, as have the # of childhood vaccines. I have heard that 1 in 20 boys in the U.S. are now diagnosed with autism.

When my first was born in 1998, the rate was no more than 1 in 500. Of my three children, two are autistic adults, and will need care for the rest of their lives.

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In THE MD EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES, the author describes a pregnancy in which the baby was diagnosed w/ Down syndrome in utero, but born normal after the mom radically increased her intake of vitamins.

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I think it's time people take the issue into their own hands. They have to be brave enough to get away from the medical establishment and work on holistically detoxing safely and properly. We are inundated with heavy metals, all kinds of hazardous chemicals from every direction, toxic food, etc. etc. etc. I still see people who say they know what's going on going back to the doctors that push all the toxins and eating non organic or non biodynamic foods. People have to be strong enough to stand up for their and their children's health in a natural, safe, holistic way or they can only expect the consequences that are likely.

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I did a post recently on a study which supposedly found no link between vaccines and autism. Yes, and pigs might fly. Vaccines cause harm, period. They can call diseases or 'conditions' what they like, but vaccines all cause harm.


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Autism is also caused by wireless RF technology...cell phones, cell phone towers, wireless baby monitors. My autistic son had ZERO vaccines.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 25Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

My jaw literally dropped reading this. How do you create a society of psychopaths that think it's actually ok to kill others? What makes those killers better then the "others"?

In my understanding, the elitists spend and waste much more then any Down Syndrome or any disabled human could possible "waste". How these globalists destroy the environment with "their need" to fly their jets and use of electricity to the extreme and their gluttony and harm to animals, is way more wasteful then ANY Down Syndrome or "other" human could possible create.

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Not to mention the wars-for-profit thet start under false pretenses -- which is ALL the nameable wars in the last 450 years.

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Jun 25Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Very true especially since they fund both sides of all these wars.

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Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

This may start with Down Syndrome but it will not end there. What about the huge number of autistic children that will one day in the near future lose their parents to old age and death. Who will take care of them? We have never faced this problem before because it was the increase in the number of vaccines starting in 1986 that we also saw the huge rise in autism. And what about premature babies and the elderly that need to be place in a care home? I have always said the real reason for abortion was to desensitize society to the value of life. If a society can murder their most vulnerable it will eventually not take much to convince them to kill what the depopulation crew call "useless eaters."

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When they used the term "non-essential" in 2020 I instantly knew what that meant. The groups of non-essential people will be constantly expanded in a technocratic society....AI will take many jobs and the economic collapse and screen-addicted society which is created will mentally affect many people. Just look to the Netherlands to see where this is going. In just over a decade (early 2000's) the Netherlands and Belgium have moved from euthanising terminally ill to include patients with non-terminal diseases, dementia, mental illness, alcoholism, children, trans people (who were medically butchered) and the latest trend: couples-euthanasia. Then there is the consent-issue because how many children, mentally or cognitively ill people can really consent? But what's most important is how they are selling it. Under the slogans “freedom of choice” or "dignified death" the dehumanization and eradication of specific groups of people is well accepted. Of course it's not a sign of dignity or freedom. It is, and always has been, a sign of a population which is being controlled.

I include a link to the Dutch 4-part series called "A good death" (een goede dood) where mentally ill people are followed on their assisted suicide path. In Dutch unfortunately....just how slick they are in turning the unthinkable in to something acceptable. They don't need Tavistock or Hollywood to sell death. The goal of this series is to make euthanasia more acceptable for health-care providers in case of mental illness.

Taking away euthanasia seems almost impossible from Dutch society nowadays. Like I said people protect it like the crown jewels, totally buying in to the 'dignity' and 'choice' BS. But at least -in countries where it's not widely accepted yet- it should be separated from the health-care profession. Why not call it death-care? Murder assistants....suicide buildings? At least the intention is clear and people don't have to trust a doctor who just killed a few of his other patients. https://www.2doc.nl/documentaires/2024/05/een-goede-dood.html

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We’re also killing off our elderly in America. You are correct…it won’t end with Downs and a democide of elderly is also taking place. I suspect part of the reason is so they won’t collect their benefits. Scott Schara, a father of a Downs daughter, Grace, has filed a lawsuit after his child was medically murdered and has a podcast, Deprogramming With Grace’s Dad, regarding this tragedy.

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Yes I am very familiar with the story about Grace.

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I love how Mr. Schara begins all of his podcasts with the amazing things about Grace.

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...won't collect their benefits, or their pensions.

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The eugenics movement started in the US back in the late 1800s. This is my repost of my comment above:

In the US, there were concentration camps in many states including Connecticut and California. Watch the video below.


You can start at the beginning or at minute 11. Eugenics happened in the beginning of the 1900s by the US government to "weed" out the bad herd that didn't resemble themselves. Sound familiar? They passed forced sterilization in 27 states. 60K Americans were forcibly sterilized in the US - California and Connecticut were the main states this happened in. They even forced people to get unmarried and forced people into concentration camps (called settlements) in the USA!!!!!


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Lemme guess--they didn't do this stuff to any RICH ppl.

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It's very sad. They did it to the most weak and vulnerable and those they didn't want around especially anyone with dark hair. Edwin Blacks states that they wanted nordic blond blue eyed people only and the nazis used that and just changed the name to aryan. So, of course, they didn't do this to the rich ppl who were involved. However, these psychopaths did sacrifice their own children for certain types of experiments separate from eugenics from what I've seen in videos. It's all very sick and incomprehensible.

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Racism is a handy tool to determine who isn't of one's own class.

As for psychos sacrificing their own kids--what IS that about? Currying favor w/ The Boss? A contest to be Top Psycho?

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💯 percent correct.

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Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

"To look someone in the face and describe them as a monetary drag on society, trying to convince them of their inherent lack of worth, is indescribably cruel."


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Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

As is the term "Downer." That said, I have never in my life met a "Downer" who was not THE BIGGEST and most delightful "ray of sunshine" in any given room comprised of mostly "normies."

(And, now I have to go for a long walk in 100+ degree weather to cool off!) Big props to you for sharing this, Sarah!

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Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I loved working with Down kids, too - they were such a delight. I won't mention the reggae shows and the dancing - oops!

The world is too full of monsters. Can we get rid of some of them and keep the Down folk instead?

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When Bill Gates, that unfit physical wreck, visits one of his Scholars' Centres, he should be greeted by Down folk who can all custard-pie him.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Thank you for sharing. In 2021 the Dutch 'experts' singled out people with Down syndrome ("Alleen mensen met het Downsyndroom") to receive an extra booster (see link), after the initial two jabs, because their anti-bodies measured lower than in the typical population.

Thing is, the socialized 'health'care system invests millions (billions) in a so-called Down-test, which is slang for NIPT (Non_Invasive Prenatal Testing). They know full well this test increases fear and selective abortion up to >90% in pregnant women if Down syndrome is diagnosed. I don't think it's too far fetched to distrust the same 'health' authorities when they hand out extra boosters to those who escaped the prenatal genocide.


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Thank you for calling attention to this, Renate. Poignant evidence of inhumanity.

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When my wife was pregnant we had an encounter with a similar "practitioner" who recommended further testing based on "some abnormal ultrasound findings", and referred us to a perinatologist. Nevertheless, I sensed some bullshit in the air and looked into what he said. He was very sure, appealed to his 17 year experience. After doing some investigation (I have some medical knowledge), looking at images from an ultrasound atlas of embryology I came to the conclusion the guy was full of shit, bc there is no way he could have seen what he said based on an ultrasound. So I told my wife to go see a different guy, say nothing about it, and just say she was in for confirmation of pregnancy. Sure enough, the other guy said everything was totally normal. We will never know what the guy's true motives were, but I often think how many people he did that to, and what happened to them/their kid.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Re: that article: THERE IS NO CORONAVIRUS!!!!!! But what slicker way to carry out eugenics than pretending to provide extra care for the vulnerable.

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Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

12 months old.


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Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Doesn’t Iceland brag it has eradicated Down syndrome? Hmmm. I wonder how.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

What’s horrifying is that as you abort down’s kids then over time the facilities and resources to help down families disappear too making it harder for families to choose life.

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Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

How much a year do these eugenicists cost the taxpayers per year. I would guess more than 48,000 euros a year.

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No-no-no, you are not supposed to ask that question about *useful* people, don't you know? Also, can we see your vaxxination card?

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Like. To answer your question: NO

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That's the spirit!

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Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


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Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

The world would be a heavenly place if everyone had Downs Syndrome. These people are placed on our Earth to remind us what it means to be fully and joyfully human.

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And therein we have the real reason the monsters want them dead.

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And yet they will subsidize the hell out of green energy and impossible zero emissions. I have always believed that the weak shall inherit the kingdom of heaven, and now apparently the Dutch will swelter in hades.

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Jun 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Mark Twain - “there are three types of lies - lies, damn lies and statistics.”

Statistics are a tool to impress liars and fools -

By allowing the most vulnerable to be manipulated into being sacrificed, who and what is next AND who will be standing to protect those remaining “statistically” costly useless eaters aka all of us for which all will/have a disease/condition for statistical elimination eventually.

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Insightful, as usual Guy 🙏🏼

I always found the testing during pregnancy shockingly inhumane. Take this test, that by the way has a false positive rate, and find out if your baby might have a condition that would justify deciding that it would be better to terminate the little life growing inside you. I found this to be a beyond disgusting yet normalized practice. I declined those tests with every pregnancy as I knew I would never elect to terminate so the test could’ve only served to deliver stress to me and to my baby.

You’re right about the acceptance of eugenics from the public, et al. Eugenic roots are covertly installed within our society such that most don’t even see they are there…much less that they are willing participants. Thank you for articulating this so well.

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When recommended to take a test during pregnancy, our question was always "What will we learn from that test that will change our course of action now (short of terminating the pregnancy, which was never an option for us)?" If the answer was not clear and relevant, our answer was simple: NO. Four babies later, no Amnios, no problems.

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