
This was a new attempt at co-writing a post with Sarah and we cross-posted, so it's on both Stacks!

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

Was just about to cook dinner, but noooo. Thanks y'all for the diligence in locating info on injectable ivermectin. There's not much chemtrail spraying in my area of North Carolina, so I think I might not be getting my full dose of precursors for the self-assembling nanotech that I'm pretty sure I need to thrive in today & tomorrow's world, so something liquid that I can use a needle to stick into my body looks like a sure-fire winner. I'll be sure to check with Dr. Ana and Dr. Nixon and Matt the microscopist to see what brands they have found to have the most bang for my buck...you know, which ones deliver the most poison per dollar. I can't wait to catch up on becoming Borg-like (sarcasm aside, though, can't say I'd mind bumping into that Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) on the holodeck). In the meantime, enjoy this Borg-ish clip. :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIf3IfHCoiE

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What were you going to cook that could ever compare to this 🔥? Chefs Sarah & Sage just injected some Tier 5 fusion cuisine onto their menu, deep fried scorpion — order up… 🛎!!!

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Well, I was about to re-heat some Panang Chicken Thai Curry that was pretty good last night, but you're right, as 5-star blistering as it was last night, after reading about the injectable IVM breakthrough product in this two-chefs-special-post, it just tasted fairly well balanced, spice-wise, but not like the re-entry heat shield level it was last night. :-( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCDMQqDUtv4

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OMG lil’ Tyron the 3rd, that’s my cooking jam right there or even Gene Harris’s “Love For Sale” live from The It Club — Step right for some injectable 3rd Tier Love for sale — PROMO Code: TOGETHERTRIAL

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Have a buddy who used to sell high-end audiophile gear...I'm not familiar with Gene Harris, but found a recording on YT of that performance. Good stuff, especially the quality considering it's digital sound going into my $15 headphones...gonna send the link to my friend and surprise his ears today! Thx

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Hey. That's MY line Infant Tyron III....


And thanks for Borg punctuation.

Nice to see people crying!

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Wait...did I cross a line? or step on one of yours? Who's crying? Is this about the holodeck thing? I know you're most welcome for the Borge clip, but everything else I'm drawing blanks on...not lyin'.

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Borg's audience. They are laughing so hard they're crying.

I loved it.

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Oh. The line.

I wrote that because my go to song post has always been LM & EH's 'Compared to What' from Swiss Movement.........and I'd never seen anyone else post it!

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25

Ivermectin tablets made A HUGE improvement within a few hours for myself and my partner when we contracted “covid”. Ivermectin definitely worked to improve our symptoms. We both lost taste and smell for a few days which I’ve never experienced with a flu before, but it.fortunately it was fully restored within 2 weeks.

There are many other countries who have conducted studies using the CORRECT dosage at the right time (not beyond 10 days of contracting and when it’s severe stage) Brazil, India… Mexico sold it over the counter.

It was even recommended as a treatment on the WHO website for years, and won a NOBEL prize for the creator.

I would never inject myself however because of the nano lipids (tech?), and poison adjuvants so rampant these days.

PS: if ivermectin HAD been confirmed as being a legitimate therapeutic the EUA (Emergency Use authorization) would legally NOT have been ALLOWED for the Covid vax… and THAT is a VERY important reason why it was DEMONIZED.

We MUST engage our CRITICAL thinking part of our brain if we are to make good decisions for ourselves and our families.

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great song - a favorite; thanks!

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deletedJul 4
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Yeah, that's the ticket...supposedly add a non-interfering twist of some sort...but IRL add a methyl group, or some GO, or some junk DNA...do any/all of that but leave it off the package insert while admitting to making it ER (which is all that I noticed they were up to) in order to justify patenting the new formulation. It's like calling the game Three Card (something other than Monte...like maybe Scorpion) by making the object to find the Red Jack, but maintaining the subterfuge and misdirection...yeah that'd be a lot like a Pharma racket.

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deletedJul 4Liked by Sage Hana
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Can't recall where I read about this process, but pretty sure it was in the past few years. My recollection is that the case I read about was regarding a patent holder doing this sort of thing ahead of their patent's expiration in a way that would allow them to introduce the "New Improved, with Electrolytes" version of their drug at more or less the same time as the original patent expired and opened up the playing field for generic formulators/fabricators (not sure which is more commonly used by pharm teams), allowing the OG patent company to at least take advantage of the fraction of the market who can afford to pay the original price and who subscribe to the 'you get what you pay for'. I've also read about how OG products, even after the patent expired and generics are on the market, are (or can be) better than generics due to proprietary ingredients used in the original formulation. Part of me sez, Bosh, dat's more BS about electrolytes and such. Another part sez, well maybe...there are (I think) some cases where 'co-factors' probably play a part in increasing effectiveness...I mean, it's true in the kitchen sometimes, so maybe sometimes it true in the lab? Please report back to the class/terror[ized] cell here after your liaison liaises back to you after the heavy weight lifting. Her name happen to be McGill? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBg3tq4Hrx8

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Do they have lemon? Lemon meringue? Why inject it when it can be relished as dessert? Apple pie is ok, but overrated imho.

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This is long-acting….I don’t know if that changes anything with the patent. And we have another “technology” delivering something via injection. Sounds familiar…

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Exactly. New formulation = new patent. (Been there.) They see the demand and revenue opportunity.

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Now, this is only a correlation thing, especially 'cause they didn't experiment without the coffee (so they didn't control for the possibility of chicory being a confounding variable), but to date, no one in Nawlins who put Apple-mectin on a Cafe du Monde beignet has yet tested positive for C19.

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And, yeah, I've watched them do this over the years, and usually the result is worse than the original.

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Jul 3Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

Just say no to drugs.

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Why say no… when you can say YES!

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But, if you say no to drugs, you have to stop eating doritos and everything else, and also don't watch tv or works of art like the Hollywood movies of the 1980s. You are missing out a lot by not being cool!

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If microdosing shrooms or sativa divinorum can be designated as applying a natural therapeutic countermeasure, man...then, like, they're not drugs anymore are they? Pass the stash and lets watch They Live again...it really sparkles when Roddy dons the shades.

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Jul 3Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

Dr Sam Bailey has a good video on the ivermectin psyop: https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/covid-19/the-ivermectin-games/

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It's a good one! Tom Cowan has a nice follow up to that one.

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I haven’t seen Dr Tom’s … I’ll have to track it down. The whole ivermectin thing does my head in. They ‘banned’ it in Australia in 2020 and thus created this thriving black market for the stuff. I’d ask people, why are you taking a drug for a seasonal detox? And then I looked into the side effects … Yikes!

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Jul 3Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

How’s Dr. Cowans course?! I have it on my radar to take it!

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It was great...I just finished it.

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Thank you ☺️

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The guy in this vid is a Doctor? Either he is an idiot with a diploma, or a Big Pharma hand puppet. I tend to think the latter. His premise that "How did anyone know Ivermectin was an anti-viral and why didn't anyone ask Dr. Malone or Dr. Kory, who, how or when did they demonstrate IVM was an anti-viral?" And then goes off about explaining, very poorly I might add,.... how one study done in Australia, is the basis for the anti-viral claim. I didn't go any further than that in his webinar. As this bit of misinformation is off the charts. Laughable in fact.

The answer why no one has asked is simple. It is well known to be an anti-viral. There are many studies demonstrating this. There are 20+ RNA and mRNA viruses it was tested on, and shown to be beneficial that are published in the scientific literature. i.e... H7N7, Dengue, HIV-1, Simian virus 40, Zika, West Nile, Yellow Fever, Japanese encephalitis, Chikungunya, Semliki Forest virus, Human papillomavirus, Epstein-Barr, BK Polyomavirus, and Sindbis virus,... to name more than a few...


This Dr. Cowan is a joke.

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Viruses don’t exist mate. Catch up 🙄

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I kinda expected that response from the Chronicles of Retardia.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I would love to.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Just watched it, very good, thanks.

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I've just sifted through an enormous number of comments, many from you, linking your own substack. This is called spamming, and if it continues I will block you.

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I like to back up what I say. Anyone can refute without evidence. Not that I'm for Injectable Ivermectin. To the contrary. It's a ploy to reap big profits on a effective drug that costs next to nothing. Those are links to 100's of references. And most of those references is backed up by 100's more.

You want to ban me, that's your choice. It wouldn't surprise me. Propaganda cannot work without censorship.

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I think you’ve stumbled across the wrong Substack 🙄

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Do you now? My whole bit is to point out misinformation. And there is enough here to keep me pretty occupied. But I have said my piece, and will leave you guys to your own demise.

I "stumbled" here, because someone used this page as a reference in their argument. So naturally I had to take a look. I gleaned from the title of this substack, it was not to be taken seriously. But surprisingly, Sarah has a lot of followers. So it piqued my interest. But I really shouldn't be surprised, hell half the country voted for a two bit NY con artist to be their President. So many can be misled. But the difference here, is that there are lives on the line. And if I can help just one person from making a poorly informed decision on their health, well then,... it was worth the effort. When you get to my age, you will realize how precious life is.

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Jul 4Liked by Sage Hana

I had a cousin who refused the shots, for herself and her family, and she called her her jab-taking relatives "Vax-Whores" -she was also an ardent promoter of Ivermectin, and I had a sense from our conversations-(as COVID was still quite 'real' for her) that she might be gulping them tablets down as if there were no tomorrow-until one day, it turns out... there wasn't.

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btw, just spoke with a person two weeks ago who upped her dose of the Magic Merck golf course sauce to take it SIX DAZE IN A ROW and got a skin infection.

I used to tell Blue Pill Covidians to cart a little red wagon with a ten gallon bin of Pfizer and Moderna to keep on an IV Drip.

Now listen to this for the Magic Merck Sauce:

"By the end of 2020, MedinCell plans to start preliminary preclinical regulatory development of a candidate that could release ivermectin for one or two months. MedinCell is also working on a three-month formulation. "


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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

That amount of mectin will remove the flagelum on all the little sperm cells and make an omelet with all the ova in the ovaries.

It would be a good idea if young people were told the truth: "all your body parts are your property and any people who claim they have to control them are a bunch of communist gay homosexuals like the Satrap of Klausnada"

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"That amount of mectin will remove the flagelum on all the little sperm cells and make an omelet with all the ova in the ovaries."

This is complete garbage.

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It's satire, obviously.

And please don't inject "time-controlled release" anything.

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How is anyone to know that?

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There are clues!

The word "omelet" and the compund adjective "communist gay homosexuals" should have been revelatory.

Are you a high-function autist who takes everything literally? If so, remember that no one expects any improvement from you, so you can relax and be yourself. See? That's another form of satire. I satirize the common place "we are all supporting you, come on, you can do it!" attitude that most people have, by writing an unexpected up front phrase.

I'm explaining this with the only purpose of deriving something funny of this exchange.

I give further elucidation of the meaning of my words just in case some communist gay homsexual reads this and starts having a seizure.

Now I have just doubled down and added some more exaggeration to make sure everyone understands the problem and the solution.

Well, that's impossible: no one can understand the problem and the solution. I will be explicit: the problem is cruelty and obfuscation of the mind. The solution is honesty and compassion.

That's not satire.

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Jul 4Liked by Sage Hana

so many corpor(eal)ate vectors...

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Pepsi was given for the skilled Science Watchers to combat the Dolt Coke drinkers.

I am having 2021 discussions again about risks and countermeasures in 2024.

Wonder what the 2027 Elixir will be and what white coat expert will show up on Rogan.

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white hats with clipboards...

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

So sorry Edward😢 Too much of a “good” thing isn’t a good thing, almost always proves to be true.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

to be clear- correlation is not necessarily causation, but if the shoe 'fits' into the scheme of things... tap your heels three times and repeat after me...

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I will put it this way -she saw halfway through the veil (of mosquito-netting), only to get caught in the spiderweb that lay just beyond...

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

I’m likely going to get caught in the Nth trap — the one which lies with abandoning what we call modern medicine, maybe altogether.

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I feel the same way... like quitting modern medicine. And, I also feel like it's a trap.

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May I interest you in this recipe to make home-made liposomal vitamin c?

You need vodka, soy lecithin or egg yolk, good quality ascorbic acid powder and a wristwatch ultrasonic cleaner.

Some reckless people claim this cures and prevents every possible poisoning!

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I think this might result in some kind of screwdriver meringue

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Steve Irwin* had making a batch of this on his to-do list...speed kills, as does procrastination. (*Steve wasn't poisoned by the stingray's venom, but died from having his heart penetrated by the ray's venom delivery module. Procrastination can still kill ya, though...given time.)

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I almost did too. It was easy (for me) to see that the jab was not good but I bought sooo many of the other “cures”, just in case. My husband did end up getting sick, but I treated him with Mullien, oregano and Quercetin, besides other natural remedies. I’m still trying to figure out what it was (GoF, EMF-5G, chemtrails, shedding😵‍💫) because he has hardly ever been ill and this lasted for almost a month. If I had taken him to the hospital, they would’ve killed him with their protocols.

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I panicked at first, and soon found myself a place on the fringes of the delusional hypochondriac's picnic blanket, until I 'saw' what was going on,

and then really panicked- as I watched the ants take over...

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

Also, saw a note from Yeadon Today (confirmed by others: Proton Magic etc.) IVM may have Fertility implications when mixed with other things (Statins?). I'll go look. PM Says it can have neurological impairment too. You know the Warning labels n shizz. DOes sheeple read that stuff or ask White Coats?

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Yeah...I guess for 35-years the Owners were generous and loving with the donation programs just like they were generous and loving by getting the mRNA out to the world for free. 😻


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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

There was a book called "Statins: the perfect sex crime?"

From 2006 or so. Impossible to find anything on censored web search results. Every search is flooded with paid retards saying there is no problem in poisoning the cholesterol hormonal system that drives reproduction and sexuality. No sir, that's crazy talk.

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Jul 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Roger, did you try using several minority browsers? Google / Safari etc often tightly regulate what you’re permitted to find.

I doubt any browser is totally objective. But I do know that results from searching my own name a very different if I use Google vs Yandex.

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Thanks for the advice. Duckduckgo used to okay but now something has changed. perhaps it's not the search site itself but the backend motor, which is bing, that now exerts more censorship.

I'm using mojeek.com now. I think this web search site lacks user base and can benefit from more people using it.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


Let's block sunlight, while pumping peeps full of statins, so they can't utilize cholesterol to make Vitamin D!!

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

It also screws up the microtubules within each cell, which means it stuffs your ability to absorb light, and has an effect on the vibration through the cells, which ultimately messes up your ability of conscious experience and awareness. Perfect, if you want extra malleable and obedient servants, slaves and unrebellious populations, against your teeny, tiny little bunch of inbred, over-entitled, cowardly, @$$holes.😉

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Sounds a lot like SSRI’s, without the suicide side effect. Maybe Medincell will achieve the suicide side effect with their new schizophrenia drug too.

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Jul 4Liked by Sage Hana

Some interesting work with this one...https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/ivermectin-and-population-control

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yeah, good article. Except his Claim no one died from too much clean water (analogy). This is incorrect. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36431252/ - Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia in Marathon Runners

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Indeed, hyponatraemia is now thought to be a very prominent cause of death in marathon runners, especially if they’re new to it.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Stuff also crosses brain barrier if you happen to drink alcohol or be taking benZos like most of the population

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No such fertility issues on the warning labels....

Ivermectin is an approved FDA medication. It is on the WHO's list of essential meds.

“Infertility in men is not a known side effect of ivermectin and is not included as a side effect in the labeling,” an FDA spokesperson said..." https://www.factcheck.org/2021/09/posts-spread-dubious-claim-about-ivermectin-and-male-fertility/ (Sept 2021)

“The Mectizan Donation Program was established in 1987 by the pharmaceutical company MSD [Merck] to facilitate access to its drug Mectizan® (Ivermectin) for the elimination of river blindness. The Program reaches more than 400 million people annually and over 12 billion Mectizan® 3 mg tablets have been shipped to endemic countries by MSD since the inception of the program,” said Dr Yao Sodahlon, Director, Mectizan Donation Program." https://www.who.int/news/item/02-11-2023-the-global-onchocerciasis-network-for-elimination-(gone)--working-together-to-see-onchocerciasis-gone (Nov. 2023)

"Perhaps more than any other drug, ivermectin is a drug for the world’s poor. For most of this century, some 250 million people have been taking it annually to combat two of the world’s most devastating, disfiguring, debilitating and stigma-inducing diseases, Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic filariasis...." https://www.nature.com/articles/ja201711 (Feb 2017)

By law, the FDA must state all side-effects in labeling or packet insert. Neither infertility in men or women is listed as a side effect of ivermectin. This is with billions of doses administered since it's inception. Granted, the FDA is not a bastion of truth and integrity, but unlike vaccines, drugs go through a much stricter, much more robust safety analysis,... taking many years before gaining approval. And as mentioned, with billions of doses dispensed after market, a huge safety signal would have arisen by now.

So any bogus articles and/or studies you would like to mention, holds no weight or significance. It's been proven safe for decades with no issues on fertility.

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Jul 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

um, fact-choke (ok, check) sites and the WHO have HUGE financial conflicts of interest. I understand the basics on the Medications. Sometimes, people (malthusians) lie to cover other objectives. Thanks though, ohbaby.

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I don't like using the FDA or the WHO to prove my point. What they have done the last few years is criminal. But I have supplied other evidence as well.

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Jul 8Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Never use 'fact-checking' site; unless you are pointing out that they are funded by pharma. Here, go read this - https://timtruth.substack.com/p/ultimate-guide-to-anti-fertility

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Jul 8Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

from the above:

1- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24681284/ - Ivermectin reduces sexual behavior in female rats’ by Moreira, Bernardi & Spinosa.

2 - https://www.scholarsresearchlibrary.com/articles/effects-of-ivermectin-therapy-on-the-sperm-functions-of-nigerian-onchocerciasis-patients.pdf - Nigeria Study Finds Significant Reduction in Sperm Count, Sperm Motility & Bizarre Sperm Abnormalities Post-Ivermectin

So now you have to decide WHO the liars are. Read the Intro's, Methods Section, and most of all Follow the damn funding.

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Hardly overwhelming evidence wouldn't you say? There is very little here to put this into question. Therefore there is nothing to decide.

First,... any studies done on animals, can not have any weight towards human interactions. Not when billions of doses have already been safely administered. Maybe before a rollout, it would have been helpful. But certainly not after its extremely safe worldwide use. Surely, a safety signal would have arisen by now, causing many independent researchers to look into it. But that is not happening, is it?

Now the 2nd study you pointed to,... was done on humans and did show some results. But it was a very small study (37 subjects). Plus its design was very questionable. They chose to use people who were ill with a disease,... that obviously messes with fertility. Out of 385 patients they could only find 37 to use in that study,... who had normal sperm measurements. That was less than 10% of their original sample.

In this case,... healthy subjects or perhaps another disease that didn't effect fertility would have been better off to use in a study like this. And then corroborate their findings with additional studies. But again, this is not happening, is it?

I agree 100% about fact checking sites. But they were the ones who spoke to the FDA to get them on record. Plus that interview was not really necessary to the point I was making. By US law, all drug makers must state all relevant side effects of their products. It was just extra evidence from the horse's mouth.

There are no fertility issues with Ivermectin in humans. Otherwise it would be stated as a side effect. With decades of safety monitoring, there can be no doubt, no question of its safety and efficacy. Hence its Nobel Prize.

Now before you say anything about the Nobel Prize... I am well aware that researchers involved in mRNA technology won it last year,... effectively making the Nobel Prize as prestigious as winning employee of the month at Big Bob's Bait and Tackle shop.

What hasn't been corrupted in the last few years?

It is also very telling since Conspiracy Sarah has liked all your comments in this little discussion, she is not at all objective concerning Ivermectin.

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Jul 3Liked by Sage Hana

It’s like watching the Kentucky Derby- who is going to win by a nose swab?

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"Dark Horse" podcast.

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Jul 3Liked by Sage Hana

Makes sense 🐎

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

It's a bit ironic, in my space anyway, when I was young and knew everything, I used to do injectable therapies.

They were very therapeutic, even delightful to sone degree, until they weren't.

It did cure my knowledge so there's that.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

Man, they are using every avenue to put crap in our bodies.

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The crowd that could see it with the OG mRNA injections seems to really have a hard time seeing it with the IVM. I think it's because many of us took it (including me) and had a noticeable effect. Cowan hypothesizes that IVM has a steroid effect. This could explain how many people had great buy in. This does not mean that it should be consumed like candy.

This DRUG has been freely shipped to Africa for decades. Because Merck suddenly gave af about Africans? Maybe. But I'm not hanging my hat on that.

Currently IVM is being pushed six ways to Sunday, and as much as I want to believe it's because it is a miracle that cures parasitic infections, respiratory viruses, and cancer...I am not sold. I can't go on Rumble without being pummeled with ads for it. I see AT LEAST two posts on it everyday on substack. THE MAINSTREAM IS PUSHING IT. CUOMO IS PUSHING IT!

I bought it hook, line, and sinker in the beginning...but at some point I had to think realistically. And if it turns out that IVM is the wonder drug that cures everything, I guess we'll know soon enough. I'm going to sit back and see what happens though.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

LIKE CS comment.

And thank you for your very fine work, Sarah.

I've heard that you are as well dressed as I am -

by at least one of the original designers I use.

I have multiple originals by both the Herbal Design Artists known as Sage &Heather.

That sounds like a nice soap, doesn't it..............

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Maybe this is the next merch idea!

~~~Sage&Heather Soap~~~

~ ~washes the fuckery away~ ~

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Of course it was sent free to Africa. And its fertility side-effects would be a plus for the eugenics crowd.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

It definitely has an anti-inflammatory effect. Hence folk take it for arthritis and swear by it. Hard to dispute, pain yes or no. Parasites in joints? Maybe. But should only need to kill those once in a while. Could also have some mast cell connection. More common than people realize.

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There are two things that I gravely underestimated upon launching a Stack and opening up the floodgates to the WORLD.

1. How badly people want Heroes to follow.

2. How badly people want drugs to take.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

🎯100 🎸🎤

In this case, too many have personally seen or experienced beneficial ‘outcomes’ with mectin. I haven’t heard anyone say they felt pain-free after the 19ner jab. Actually, that could have been worse even after a leg amputation. It is a valid observation, that’s all, devoid of diffusing the potential for hidden IVM dangers. From what I read, Cowan (steroidal) is likely over it. #2 should not have been a surprise, considering the skyrocketing recreational drug use. Is it different? No. Please, alter my state. Yes, this is what we are dealing with. What do these two points say about huuumanity? Or what’s left of it. Had we somehow managed to stop the descend, would the majority have had a learning curve? Or would they drag us right back into the same hole by majority? How long, how hard do we need to bounce off rock bottom until they 👆 finally start to think and get it? So we can all rise upwards? Because #1 is another expressway to the bottom.

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Here is a question I have about nature’s medicinals. I love them by the way. We come to understand how grossly and deliberately toxic our environment and we have become. What once was a brilliant symphony of resilient interrelationship and harmony is now playing without strings. Do you believe that the toxic state has not changed the arrangement? I am not at all making a case for synthetic Pharma. I just never hear anyone acknowledge that everything is frequency, affected by microwaves, emf, Geoengineering, smart dust, radioactive fallout… but somehow our medicinals just hum along unaffected in their bubble, just the same as 150 years ago ? And never mind the wild array of new synthetic toxins they, no doubt, evolved in lockstep right along with to heal us from - or through? Honest question. How fucked up is all of this?

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Did you hear the latest? Micro-plastics in all our meat. Beef, pork, chicken and fish.

Surprisingly, I bought a detox supplement recently, and seen improvements in my arthritis and psoriasis which are connected. I didn't expect that. Maybe my body is more able to heal, with it not having to deal with all the toxins?

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Ivermectin has been an award winning, extremely safe, life-saving medication for decades. You can find the evidence for this at my own page. I have researched Ivermectin extensively....

https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/why-everyone-should-have-ivermectin https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/the-ivermectin-miracle-of-uttar-pradesh https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/ivermectin-stats-and-side-effects https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/ivermectins-us-demise-the-together https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/the-fda-has-lost-its-war-on-ivermectin

If you're serious, and realistically would like to know the facts, take a look. Or do your best to find fault with them. I challenge you.

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Looks like you've got it figured out.

👊 Stay on the case!

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Jul 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I’m done with automatically believing anything.

If it was a deep state product, they’d have been shaping its public profile from the moment someone decided it could have a future as an anti/parasitic.

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Wow! It is such a pleasure to get a reply from you Dr. Yeadon. You're almost a celebrity. A man from Big Pharma standing up to the Drug Cartels. I have seen you in a few very powerful documentaries. People need to know this...



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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I dunno,

The stuff for sure kills something in the gut.

Hate to tell ya'll it worked in this house....

No need for graphic details, but family felt better ever since.

If anyone eat raw fish (sushi) or claims questionable foodstuffs.. (occasional hot dog, burger from a greasy spoon (McD's etc.)

Probiotics and some paste...

NO issues...

It seems anti-parasitic, probably can help with sibo and c-diff issues.

Nothing more...

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Of course it kills something in your gut, it's cockroach poison.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

🤣 Well, it worked on those buggers as we had been suffering for quite some.

An occasional bout of cockroach crap ain't gonna kill ya.

People have been slowly poisoning themselves for ages...

some die, some don't.

This time our family didn't die from IVM...

We won't make a steady diet of it either...

Maybe next week the reports will re-emerge on the dangers of

glyphosate being found in sperm...

A much more pressing issue ...

but that cannot be 'cured' by an Injection...

so no interest...

Sage, you ROCK!

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So is there a difference between "made me feel better" and I need to inject it in a 3-MONTH CONTROLLED RELEASE to fend off viruses?

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There is a magic angle to this: viral evolution.


P1: The belief of most "experts" is that pathogenic viruses exist.

P2: viruses mutate and adapt in this fashion: those who are more contagious and less deadly outcompete the more deadly, whatever their contagiousness level is.

P3: social animals share contagious disease as a means to select for the survival of less deadly viruses

P4: some actions rise the chance of contagion and some actions lower it

P5: Ivermectin is a drug that makes contagion and natural immunization less likely

All these premises are very sound in the yes-virus world.


C1: it's very likely that time controlled release of anything to fend off viruses will direct the evolution of highly deadly viruses for some people

C2: if C1 is modally true, and if the idea that spreading infection is a crime is rigorously enforced, then we may find a society in which artificially immunized people or people subject to time-controlled release drugs, are deemed to be creating an existential risk and have to be legally executed and exterminated

C3: if C2 happens, then the present day scientific experiment should be considered legally as a crime against humanity, and the scientists and its enablers, including the funders, should also be executed, for the crime of "directed evolution" of pathogens in living humans, which is not unlike rigging a skyscraper with explosives.

C4: We are so screwed it's not even funny, although I can't stop lafing.

HOWEVER! The perpetrators already know none of that would happen because they know there are no pathogenic viruses or contagious disease in general. Fending off viruses with this experimental tactic of timed released ivermectin is only the ostensible reason to cover another thing completely different. Perhaps, not even sterilization. It may be anything, like a scientific experiment of antidotes to all the poisons we've been given already.

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All you have to do is make people sick from something.

And watch them clamor for the solution.

When they get better, or feel better, it worked. It works!

If they get sick, it would have been worse.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 5

Damn straight...

"made me fell better" is in place of graphic details..

I will not expound.

Wisdom is knowing the difference...

the product was not used in this house to fend off a virus....

Was used 'as directed' for horses.

Mebbe Take larger amounts of naturally occurring vitamins or oils to 'fend off' viruses?

Some of those have a better chance or slightly proven efficacy to 'fend off' by helping the body...

If someone wants to inject it...so be it...

"smart' people have been injecting shizzle into their bodies on the black market for ages...so...Big Pharma must want a piece of that pie...

they are going to make all the crap 'legit' right?

PT Barnum: "Sucker born every minute"

We ALL fall for something...

IF not a 'cure-all' magic injection,

then something else...

This time our house got lucky I guess...

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The product is being pitches as a prophylactic, aka, a VACCINE.

Glad the Mectin helped you through. Were you taking other stuff with it?

Do you think you were going to die without it? Real question.

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deletedJul 4·edited Jul 4
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Sometimes it is a tough call whether to wipe out the gut after 2 or 3 weeks of montezumas

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Ate raw fish yesterday! Did not need any mectins!

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

Can they be invisible?

I can tell people I’m always with my invisible Mectin friend

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So we had someone on the board once who had 300-supplements, they said.


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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

I was the supplement queen, and now I'm researching the vitamin companies.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

Not sure I can come up with 300 cooking ingredients…

Thinking it might take about 20-30 minutes each day to take all those

Not sure if crunching them by the fistfull is faster either

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Like 289 was not enough.


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Just use a high horse-power blender. Add distilled water to prevent cavitation of all that magnesium stearate nightmare!

You can add spices and pour the resulting monster sauce on rice to have an over nutritious curry.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

I didn't read yet.

But I'z say that, 2SG sure promotes the HELL outta IVM. Also he only links to studies 2010+. So, I posed him a Question before, and I say it here: Most of pubmed seems to be garbage. As RFK has told us, 61% of Biomedical Research is Funded By Fauci, Farrar (Wellcome Trust) or Gates. How much is to be trusted? Is there any good IVM research prior to 2000?

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"Trust the Science!"

They rolled out the same Op with a different team.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

This. 2SG also teased the Ban Hammer on me. oof. Pubmed is not Zee Science.

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The Owners own the Science.

If they want Japanese Golf Course Sauce in the mix, Japanese Golf Course Sauce will be. in. the. mix.

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People seem to understand how "Mainstream Media" is compromised by "Big Pharma" ads.

And then seem to fall apart with how "Alternative Media" is compromised by being "affiliates" to The Wellness Company, Security State Pharm and Media.

How will you ever be able to rigorously cross examine the drugs and the pandemic fear porn which is the business model of the "alternative".

Now they will have to become zombies and look the other way or worse, mouth hopeful support for the "next RNA rollout."

Which make no mistake...is coming. Is here, I guess. "siRNA"

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I went back and forth and read half on Sage’s stack and half on CS’s stack just to keep it fair

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

IVM is pretty easy to get. In fact this article tells me it’s not only easy to get but the Horsey version might even be the safest bet. They would be less likely to contaminate that. Remember the elite love horsies too.

Fuck I wish my dog would capitulate to it easier. He’s due for a dose and yours truly is not sure of the best way to smuggle it to him. Last time it was the paste wrapped in peanut butter. Now he hates PB. Mosquitoes in FL are getting bad and carrying all kinds of shit.

Mentioned this in the hodgepodge in the last thread. I am 99.9% certain I contracted Dengue Fever in summer 2001. It seems the only possibility would be mosquito borne. I learned this a year ago when someone called Dengue Fever “break bone disease.” Oh yeah!

What I am mostly seeking (other than snuggling pony paste to my dog) is a way to treat antibacterial or even fungal infections. I give the harsh example: If you have a nasty nasty infection wound what would be your remedy of choice?

I ask because I am a half ass prepper. And I want to know what I should be hoarding? I must say my primary choice as of today is Doxycycline and/or other antibiotics. That would be from Big Pharma or something like that I presume.

NOT trying to stir up shit. Am merely seeking answers. Saw Sage’s name on the header so I thought it would be a great time to say “Hello Sagey Pants.” Know I never meant you any ill will (we used to tangle a bit). 🤭

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

The Wellness Company sells an emergency kit for preppers. Paul Alexander highly recommends it 😅

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The antibiotics I have now are fish antibiotics. Never taken them. In fact I hope to hell I never have to.

I remember freaking out in 20,21,22. My instincts told me something bad was on the horizon. Not just bad, but very dark. I have wrestled with it ever since.

Believe it or not, the thing that brought me peace was discovering what was really going down. Now I don’t claim to understand all of it but I think I have the gist. Peace is a misnomer however; because what’s coming is exactly what my gut suggested. The Ukrainian/Russia conflict taught me much.

We are run by fascists (Western) that did indeed want to enslave you. Wasn’t so much with vaccines but thru financial means like CBDC. A successful implementation and acceptance of that shit is all that is needed really.

Good news they can’t pull the plug so easily and replace the current system. Not with strong adversaries patrolling around. To kill the West economy now would be suicide for them with a competent Russia, China, and Iran. However our betters put the wheels into motion to do just that thinking Russia would be a cakewalk and China would bend the knee.

Oops and most likely the current system will collapse. Just not on their (West elites) preferred timeline schedule.

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Yeah, go deeper if you can/want to stomach it. Some of us just need to look the moster in the eye, some dont need to. Keep your eye on talk of UBI and you'll know its close to go time. Once thats installed, the open air prison "doors" are closed.😉 good luck my friend.

Oh and final word of advice, dont get caught hoarding antibiotics. They are watching the spend lists through the WHO's AMR decision. There will be a big thing about antimicrobial resistance ion the coming months, ultimately in the long run, you get caught with it, you'll be $#@!%. So stash it good and be prepared to walk away if need be. BJMO😉

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Yes and thank you. 🥰

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Were you able to recover from the Geert Vanden Bossche VIRULENT VARIANT?


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PS I think I understand poor GVB. I also feel bad for him. When the alarm bells are ringing and then fall silent this place looks at you as if you are fraud. Maybe he is.

Buts like most of this shit I travel in Sagey, Unfortunately the predictions are so dire you only have to be right once.

Lol keep testing myself about how soon I can let it all go after so many failed predictions. My ex asked me that once and it cut. Cat had my tongue for a moment as I didn’t know what to say.

Well now I do, I will keep going as long as it takes. 😉

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lol noooo

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Sage can you please tell Mike Thank You!!

You should see my new dog. Total badass. That’s not what I was looking for but that’s what I found. Amazing on so many levels.

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Trying to find Mike H. Thank you for the link to find antibiotics. Better price than what I have been seeing.

Honestly when the shit goes down best not wait too long to hit a couple grocery stores and/or pharmacies lol 😉

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I'd be growing Artemesia annua, wormwood and about 250 other different herbs, that have similar or same mechanism of action. They are effective, can take longer to achieve same/similar results, as not isolates and are bitter AF, but the longterm side-effects are mitigated by the synergistic effects of the other constituents. But everyone wants a pill these days, pop'n'go style.😉

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Guess we always have to have SOMETHING TO TAKE.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

I do have quite a bit of dirt, and reserve the ability to sample some should the need arise.

Also have some natto somewhere

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Pepcid AC and Fluvoxamine.

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Umeboshi is the bomb - to quote Sage, "No snark".

Longtime Japanese PH regulator.

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If you don't have Japanese dirt, I heard you can use potting soil.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

I got some mushroom compost. Maybe can catch a buzz off it too

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Count me in. Please let me know if it works. Saw the Jimmy Dore skit on the Midwesterner Dr (I like him). Talking about the date rape drug GHB. Only had a couple experiences with it but it definitely put you into a hard sleep. Especially if you were drinking which I was.

Was at my neighbors apt and a girl took it. She was out cold. Of course nobody was going to do anything to her. We would shake her a little and try and talk to her. We just kept an eye on her to make sure she wasn’t going to convulse or stop breathing. To be honest we were scared too.

If any of you guys know how to make that shit please share.

NOT to get buzzed but to help me sleep. Bodybuilders used to take it as a supplement in early 90s because the deep sleep led to production of growth hormone.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Better living through chemistry 🧪

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

we americans were groomed as babies to reflexively put something in our mouths at the 1st sign of unease or upset...just stuff something in the kid's mouth already! other cultures use the hands. most of what we suffer from is from putting something in our mouths...break the trance.

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You are absolutely correct. I take apricot seeds and they suck but i don’t care. I cannot do all the stuff you suggested. If I thought for a moment this world could carry on much longer I might try. However the pain comes for all if I had to guess.

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ozone...nature's antibiotic....was all the rage until antibiotics appeared....fork in the road moment...big pharma triumphed.

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deletedJul 4
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Really? Where did you pick it up? When i got it I guess i spread to my buddy. He went thru the same shit i did. It’s no fucking joke. Extremely extremely painful. And fyi I’m not what you would call a pussy. Just guessing on that but it’s open for interpretation i suppose.

Been in so many fights I’m like a gladiator in a sense. None lately tho. Last one i took 2 broken ribs in a bar fight in 2021. Hell I’m getting older so I gotta behave lol. For being a person who’s been smashed around (hey I have won some too) I’m actually pretty intelligent if I may be so bold. Sage has never met me but I get the feeling she knows who I am.

I always thought that Dengue was the “real flu” lol. Never missed a flu shot after that until 2020. Was in CFL summer and it hit me like a freight train.

When I watched the walking dead and they would get the fever my stomach would knot. The pain was surreal.

Last time I was sick was covid in Jan 2022. Got my ass canned from a job because I was talking shit about the vaccines. Had been on the job for a day. Sucks because they flew me out to Salt Lake. I picked it up on the way back.

My fever got very high again but this time I had no clue until i tested it. But the affliction in my lungs scared me. IVM reversed that. Had it not by the nest day I would have been panicked.

When I first thought i had a bug coming on I wanted to tough it out. But that lung shit make me pop the pony paste. Also made some pine needle tea but puked it up early. Supposedly has Shikimic acid in it like Tamiflu. Pine needle tea is a great natural remedy tho from what I understand. But I think it was the IVM that helped me.

Curious to know what you went through.

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Jul 4Liked by Sage Hana

You're not a horse... you're not a cow.... you are an unwitting human test subject. Now roll up your sleeve, log, as our Japanese Unit 731 pals used to say.

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"You are not a horse!" Admonished the FDA seemingly forgetting that Merck and the US Pharm NGOs were sending BILLIONS OF DOSES down to Africa, etc. for zeeee hhooooommmmannnzzz.

That was an OP! To motivate the reverse psychology anti-vaxxers to show the gubmint! And...one day they will INJECT THEIR MECTIN VACCINE. TAKE THAT SHITLIBS.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana


They were telling the truth since the beginning, in a very dark way, and then they do the switcheroo.

Maybe they were telling the truth when they said the immune system cannot be enhanced with vitamins (the subtext is they know the immune system does not "exist" as taught, and that the autoimmune diseases are nothing but a mindcontrol op to cover for permanent damage for actual poisons)

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Roger, I wish you would dig into River Blindness.

Isn't it odd that after Kissinger's Depop Report that Napalm Guy Robert McNamara took a sudden interest in parasitic disease in Africa?

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

The reverse psychology got me good although I never imbibed the 'mectin. I don't think it will work next time. A magician's trick is a lot less effective once you've seen how it was done. In fact, attempts at reverse psychology might act as key indicators of what to avoid. The more sympathetic the salesperson appears, the more skepticism is warranted.

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Same here, bought some but didn’t take it. Food grade Diatomaceous Earth and wormwood are now my go-to if my dogs or I need an anti parasitic.

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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

Thank god finally it has arrived, I noticed there was a table of new injectables in time for July 4 at the local Meyer's. There are also Lunchables which are nice alongside other things to upgrade one's health in time's of stress and panic. The main thing is how much I like getting it all in one place. I think I will wash this all with Dew Time!

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"I'm ANTI-VAX" but long for an injectable, preferably DAILY DRIP USE product to protect me PROPHYLACTICALLY from Psy Op Dangerous Germs."

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Jul 4·edited Jul 22Liked by Conspiracy Sarah, Sage Hana

I thought I was getting an intra-muscular injection, but it was all in vein.

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TAKE SOME siRNA PER Peter McCullough.


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Jul 4Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks all the same, but I have my own home remedies.

I was raised on this one. Granny swore by it.


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Jul 4Liked by Sage Hana

When you think about it, it's the same op!

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Jul 4Liked by Sage Hana


Ha ha! Lunchables with the Injectables!

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Well, Meryl is concerned about this.... so she doesn't have time to figure out who her friends really are.... Bored Cow: Consuming This ‘Synbio’ Milk Could Be Hazardous to Your Health https://merylnass.substack.com/p/bored-cow-consuming-this-synbio-milk

....oh, that's bad, Meryl,? ....you don't say..... "We’re watching these developments closely, and we’ll alert you as soon as we see an opportunity to take political action on this critical issue.

In the meantime, please share this article widely, as we need a lot more awareness of how synbio makers are using the principle of “bioequivalence” to get their questionable foods into our mouths."

...what about Pf-oney, Malone-y, Killer Kory, or even Jessica "rappin" Rose..... are we not worried about what these peeps are doing to us, Meryl?

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I'm almost afraid to admit that I have been taking ivermectin since mid-late 2020. I'm in my 70s, not worried about sterility (and would have taken it young if i knew!) I didn't 'get' covid in that whole time. I took it when i was going to be shut up indoors with a lot of people or when i felt something invading my body - and it worked every time. It may have long term negative effects... I don't know. But I am glad I did it. It beat getting the jabs or covid. I won't take any jabs of anything, including ivermectin.

I hope you all go easy on me and don't slam or ridicule me too hard. don't care if it is placebo effect, it worked. Now I rarely take it but I'm glad to have those pills on hand. We got ridiculed by the vaxxed for taking 'horse paste' - guess I'm surprised and a little disappointed to see that here.

EDITED to say that I don't mean everyone is shaming or ridiculing those of us who took IVM or did anything else recommended by anyone else resisting the jabs- just to say that after what we all went through, including destruction of many of our lives, loss of careers, treated like untouchables, wished dead, and all the rest - I don't want to see us get hung up on the same things that were done to us and break off into camps of differences or devolve to name calling-. We are all learning together. Some of you are way ahead of others of us - scouts, so to speak, on paths we've not been on before. I respect that. I appreciate all of you researchers. I love research. Researchers are my people.

The lesson I think for me anyway is not to be so gullible - take a wait and see attitude. The danger in all of this for me, in reading research of people I respect, and experience, is that I am suspicious of everything and the motives around it. I don't want to be a pushover, and I don't want to live that way - I feel sad about it. But there is a war on us that technology has allowed to morph into unimaginable evils. Vigilance seems to be the necessity.

If I offended anyone by this post, that was not my intention. The last thing I want is for any of us to feel worse. I still have not forgotten, will not forget, all that was done to millions and millions of us- those who took the jabs and those who didn't. Injectable anything gives me the creeps. I can go on and on about penetration and violence on our bodies, which I think this is training people to accept and obey and I am dead set against it.

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Counterpoint: I'm getting the "disinformation" and shame that I got from Blue Pill Covidians just the same when I tried to research the mRNA shots.

This is my opinion, I do NOT speak for Sarah:

This preoccupation with taking drugs is madness.

This avatar for a Protection Shield is madness.

This is Mass Formation, Pt. Deux.

That's my main takeaway from all of this.

I would not slam you for taking the Mectin, it's your body, your choice. And it may work...but then we would have to define what "work" means and for "what" and it's like discussing religion at this point.


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If I could better understand what you folks know and I seem to be missing, it might change my mind against taking any more of it but I DON'T know so I am asking you or anyone to please steer me toward what I should be looking for. Thank you.

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Did you take the mRNA shots? Why or why not?

How do you make decisions on what you put in your body and why?

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Why do you feel that you need to take something?


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BB, I took it too. There is no judgement on decisions people made with the information that was available. This post was not challenging anyone's personal experience with IVM.

I'm sorry to see that ridicule for taking horse paste is what you gathered from this post, as that was certainly not the intention...however the fact that this is what you gleaned speaks to our larger point.

This post is about INJECTABLE IVM and BEPO DELIVERY TECHNOLOGY. The study used to advocate efficacy, funded by Medincell, was never actually published. The principal investigator works for the company, AbbVie, that just entered into a billion dollar collaboration with Medincell. Somehow all of that keeps getting lost for love of IVM.

Sage and I are just researching. IVM is being heavily pushed now, even in the mainstream. And the behavioral pattern around it is looking incredibly familiar - and is evident on this very thread. I would love nothing more than for IVM to be the miracle cure for parasitic infection, respiratory disease, and cancer. That sounds fantastic. I would love to believe that Merck really gives af about Africans and that's why they've been sending it for free for all of these years. I'd like to believe that the FDA organically retracted their Tweet about "you are not a horse", etc, etc.

I initially bought into IVM SUPPRESSED! hook, line, and sinker. And I'm just trying to do my research. IVM was delivered to me and everyone else via a very coordinated media message. And now that I've got some history to look back on, I'm trying to be more vigilant than I was initially. That's not a judgment or ridicule on anyone else.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Sarah, thank you for taking the time to explain this to me point by point, and for your kindness. I appreciate that. Your substack is one of the ones I most value and appreciate. I can see why people are suspicious of how hard IVM is pushed. I got it through a practitioner who was certain of its efficacy and I read about it on the FLCCC site in the early times where people were being put on remdesivir, ventilators, and denied vit C and D in hospitals. Maybe it all was orchestrated from on high by the billionaires who own everything. If so, it's one of the more insidious and evil things they've done. I wondered too about the claims for cancer et al but since I have dealt with parasites for many years in my own health history, I wanted to hope.

I never felt ridiculed by you or Sage in the post. Some of the comments were where I felt disappointment and sadness. I had hoped all of us who decided not to take the jabs. I even feel compassion for those who did - it's war on us all, jabbed or not. I hated to see comments where people are falling for the illusion that this or that political figurehead or party would be our savior - and the name calling and judgment of people who are on some other 'side' whether that is religious or political. That is nursery school level when you follow the money. There is no other 'side.' As Tom McDonald said in one of his raps, "it's us against them, not you against me." Those at the top want us divided. It's bad enough how the media and brainwsh propaganda divided vaxed against unvaxed. I didn't want to see the camps forming that divided the unvaxxed but I'm seeing it..

I am interested in your research. What you are doing is important and I respect it - and you! I know others are also suspicious on how hard IVM has been pushed; people like Alison McDowell - people I trust. I didn't make that clear in my post and when Sage wrote her responses, I wanted to remove my post and skulk away in shame - how dare I? But I'm staying. This is your substack and I need to be here. . I will leave my post up- and I edited it to add some things.

I am glad you and Sage and others are digging deep and researching. I will stay tuned. It seems suspect that Gates invented the long acting form too. More will be revealed I guess. Thank you and all the deep divers for your work. I know what it takes, how long, how much work, to do what you do.

One thing I have wondered and that is, if the overlords purposely throw us all off the scent of what they are really up to on so many levels - medical/health being but one facet of all of this - how are we to know what's true - especially with AI being used against us? More and more is coming out about how long they've been doing all of this to us: Blockchain, digital twinning, transhumanism, fucking with nature so as to 'improve' it - it's all connected and people are falling all over themselves to be in on it (and the obscene profits to be made from it). Thank you, Sarah. And Sage.

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Thank you for this, BB. I know I can be snarky, but this post was absolutely not meant to be that. I can’t speak for Sage, but i don’t think that comment was intended to make you feel small or bad.

As you can see, Sage and I got pelted with IVERMECTIN GOOD GODDAMMIT YOU ASSHOLES as soon as we put this up. We were expecting it, but that doesn’t make it less tedious. To be clear, your comment wasn’t that. There have just been so many comments lol.

I think Sage was drawing the comparison between the decisions that were made regarding the jabs vs the decision to take another medication. We all clearly saw through the jab-sell, but many of us just hopped right on another train. Of course these medical interventions are very different; brand new, untested injection vs well established oral generic med. (To anyone else reading this comment, I don’t need anymore advice about this. I am well aware how you feel)

HOWEVER…it’s not really outside the realm of possibility to think that another “op” was planned to keep people on the pharma hamster wheel <- best case scenario. More nefarious possibilities are endless, which you eluded to. Wouldn’t we all hate to find out that IVM is somehow part of the bio digital convergence? Btw, that is NOT what I’m saying…but I’m not ruling anything out at the moment. Especially when this magical off label miracle cure for fucking everything is now coming in a convenient, long acting injectable version. That they’re trying out in Africa first.

I’m just going to do some research before I take it again. I’ll post what I come up with for whoever is interested. And then I’ll duck for cover 😂

I appreciate your kind words, and having you here. Thank you 🙏🏼

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Stick with the FLCCC and your practitioner. They haven't steered you wrong yet, have they?

One has to look at the big picture to understand. There can be no effective treatment for COVID, for a vaccine to get an EUA. That is the law. So IVM had to be denigrated, for vaccines to get approval. And what was that message we all got? Every news program "Brought to you by Pfizer" said it was a horse paste and it can kill you. 3+ years later and Pfizer has amassed over 100 billion. What would you do for that kind of money? Don't answer that it's rhetorical. Millions of lives were lost in the balance.

And IVM continues to frighten the hell out of Big Pharma to this day. With it having anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, as well as immunomodulating properties. It can do a lot more than just protect you from COVID.

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Honestly Sarah,... if you can't see why "IVM was SUPPRESSED' any longer,... I really don't know how any further research is going to help you. You have more than 3+ years of world history confirming this.

And why would the FDA organically take down their tweet? You want their funding to dry up? Big Pharma pays their bill. It only came down because they were court ordered to do so. It is also the reason why they asked the court for 75 years,.. to release Pfizer's original clinical trial data. Again, court ordered to do so.

'Delivered to me via a media message.' Yeah, and that media message, "Brought to you by Pfizer" was that it was horse paste and can kill you.

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This is great news! Wish I would have learned of it sooner. You got it even before Dr. Kory's Senate testimony. I got infected 3 times. Don't believe the bull of negative or long term effects. Billions of doses have been administered since its inception decades ago. Any side effects have long since been documented. It's safety profile is unmatched in medicine. You are twice as likely to get hit by lightning than to have an adverse reaction from IVM.

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