Admittedly, I have lost any command I may have had of the English language. That being said, here goes:

Fuck the PREP and fuck the WHO,

Fuck the colds and fuck the flu,

Fuck the tests and Fauci too,

Fuck the docs who push the shots

You ain’t giving me the clots

Or turbo cancer, thanks a lot

No Q-Tips gonna dip my snot

Because of a virus that’s really not.

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I wish I could “like” this more. I no longer fit in with “polite society” after this nonsense. I am so glad my Democide t-shirt with the definition of the word printed out is soon to be on the way so I can wear it to work. My “I’m Already Naturally Immune To Bullshit” t-shirt has received too much wear of late.

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Whoa, you're the leading edge of herd immunity to Woke Bullshite.

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Loved this

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May I "borrow" this please?

Short, Sweet & to the point.

Very Cleaver.

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I wanna press a triple-like for this lil ditty! Bravo, sir.

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Gee I live in a part of Texas with the highest pollen count and I feel it bigly but not going to test.... or even go to the doctor at all. Since this happens EVERY spring I'm pretty sure it's not virus-ish. Just seasonal allergies like always. But wow, a red eye was cause for concern? Fake Texan. 😂

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Same here Heather. Alka seltzer plus in morning (HEB generic, of course) and I’m fine...have not been ‘sick’ since Nov ‘20 (knocks on wood 🪵) it was mild and I’m thinking that was some kind of 5G thing.

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Alka Seltzer flu & cold is what I took when my vaxxed snd boosted hubby passed on to me “covid”. I slept for three days and so was fine! He was just finishing up with the crud when I finished my my “vovis”.

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“…a fuck ton of pollen.” 🤣 Yes indeed 🎯 I was feeling it myself last week. And, correct me if I’m mistaken, but I don’t recall that anyone was EVER tested for the flu prior to this shite-demic. Is that your recollection, Sarah?

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With few exceptions, this is also my recollection, Michael.

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I don't recall anyone testing ever for flu. It was just like, um, chicken soup and funny movies, please.

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Never heard of testing for the gu.🙄

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Yes, Transcriber B! Exactly!

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Thank you, Sarah!

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Texas is in direct path of the solar eclipse.

Influenza is linked the the "influence" of the earth's electric energy. No germs involved.

Beginning with Covid 2019, we are experiencing an 11 years solar flare cycle, now with 5G.

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I can't wait for the MRNA vaccine to combat red eyes. They'll put Visine out of business!

One of the first things I called BS on was the testing protocols. Early on I read about the jacked up cycles (40 and higher) for PCR tests, and knew it was a scam. Never tested, never vaxxed, and I won't be. So far, I have effectively dodged most of the crap they have heaped on us, except for the financial which has impacted everyone. My fear is the next stage of this ruse will apply even more pressure to force compliance. For me personally, I think I am relatively immune from their games, but with the threat of CBDC and other dystopian tools, I am afraid of a scenario where I can't buy groceries or put gas in my car. At that point it would be extremely difficult to carry on, and I just pray it doesn't get that crazy.

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I promise I will not participate in their next round of bullshit in any way shape or form: FUCK this shit!

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We won't comply any more than we did last time..... BUT those who complied last time will comply again and again until they die.

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Sadly, so true. And they'll blame whatever happens in the eclipse path where millions are gathering on 'terrorism,' people are already getting fear-porn over that. And those folks will never connect the dots on who the real perps of that are, or how they do it (not with a virus!).

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I am a bit baffled by the hysteria around this eclipse. We never worried about eclipses before!

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Fran, we wouldn’t be having this eclipse problem if you had taken the clotshots! It’s going to get dark because of the unvacksed, don’t you know? Everything else is our fault, so might as well take the blame for eclipsageddon. I live 2 hours away from the total eclipse path, and I am asked if I am going to see it. I say probably not because I have seen it get dark before. About 26370 times. Hope to see it get light 26371 and I will be happy.

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Any and all distractions are helpful for the godless actors trying to control the world.

CERN has decided to activate the collider during the eclipse (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13249813/CERN-accelerator-smash-particles-solar-eclipse.html), and NASA has decided to shoot rockets at the moon (https://www.livescience.com/space/the-sun/why-nasa-is-launching-3-rockets-into-the-solar-eclipse-next-week). What could possibly go wrong?

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Absolutely Sarah. A mandate is not a law. I will be in handcuffs before I comply. Mass non compliance is the only way we make it.

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Ruh roh. I’m in WI. Does this mean I’m DOOMED cuz speshul WI virus?! 😂 I’d better set aside some time to panic. Maybe flail mine arms aboot and shout

Danger Will Robinson!!! 🤪

I failed the compliance test completely on the first go round. Went out driving around on the deserted streets just to see if I’d get pulled over. No luck. Sure was weird though. I thrive in The Weird. You thrive too Sarah!💖

Sure love your attitude Warrior Lady! 🙏

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Thanks. This garbage is so... scamish like.

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hmmm, maybe it's a good think I stayed in upstate New York--shorter allergy season! .....(except for that pesky governor who keeps trying to implement camps (not the kind we got to go to during the summer). ~ Ginger

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I'm currently sneezing my head off....because the down feathers from a 50 plus year old puff that has a hole,,,,and I refuse to part with it. Micro feathers all over. I got the sewing kit out...any more of this fear porn and I'm gonna sew my head to the pillow.

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Great comment, laughed out loud!

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Thank sarah..boy does she ever nail the ridiculousness of the continuing op!

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It’s awful here in the Texas Hill Country. Itchy scratchy weepy eyes have been the norm for a few weeks now!

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Acupuncture treatments were very effective for balancing my imbalances which made my body struggle with symptoms of ‘allergies’ … coughing, sneezing, irritated eyes etc.

Highly recommend trying!

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No problem. Never did. Never will!

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So there will be some deceptive " Virus " / Disease X shenanigans, coming to a stage near you soon, so it seems. X marks the spot as the saying goes, & with all the X symbolism that's increased from the entertainment industry, mostly, in recent times speaks volumes.

Cheers for sharing.

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PURE GOLD❤️ Thank you for all your hard work. Definitely sending a kofi/sub up asap❤️

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Many thanks ♥️

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HODL used to be the battlecry of bitcoin bros, but now is the battlecry of people who want to live.

How times change!

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