With the C "vaccines", most early deaths occured within the first 72 hours – but the long term problems still occur months or years later. In the ICU of a colleague (large community hospital in northern Germany), the record is 14 people in one night shift, after they had their rat jabs the day before, all dead within the same week. They died of LAEs, SVTs, STEMIs (e.g. one massive transmural infarction in an 18yo girl), ViTTP. Incidentally, since one was considered "unvaccinated" until 14 days after the 2nd jab, hardly any of these deaths were recorded as vaccine-related; instead, they were attributed to COVID, and thus we got the "pandemic of the unvaccinated."

We had been caring for a vaccinated former cancer patient (54+) of ours since mid 2021, who had been tumor-free and fully functional for 27 years. Against our urgent advice she had two jabs and even got two boosters. After her 2nd jab we had to take her to the university hospital and pick her up again several times a week because she developed severe lung problems, pleural effusion, and ascites in the abdomen. Cytological examination of aspirated fluids revealed signs of adenocarcinoma. Diagnosis was CUP syndrome (Cancer w/ Unknown Primary) and a useless search for a primary tumor started, followed by two rounds of chemo and hormone therapy. Then chronic anemia set in, she got many RBC transfusions, but her condition deteriorated rapidly, despite maximum intensive therapy. Last year we went to her funeral.

Her "vaccinated" father (90) now has hematuria, as well as plasmocytoma, as does the father (70) of another friend. Another elderly gentleman (74), previously active and fit, ended up in our neurological stroke unit after massive brain hemorrhage which necessitated craniotomy. One neighbor (70) was picked up by EMS three times shortly after vaccination, and then died. Another neighbor (72), previously lean and fit, died 4 months ago from pancreatic cancer. In front of one of our urban vaccination centers, an 83yo man dropped dead in the parking lot right after getting his jab. A previously healthy childhood friend (42) of our son keeled over while walking with his young daughter in a stroller. He was taken to university hospital under resuscitation, and died from a massive aneurysm despite emergency surgery. Our next door neighbor (mid 40s, craftsman) who fell for the propaganda and took 3 jabs now shows signs of dementia, as does another neighbor’s wife. His buddy (50) just dropped by last week and told us he’s suffering from heavy bleeding from his colon, vomits up blood, and has a palpable mass in his lower abdomen. His earliest appointment with a specialist is in 3 months (he won’t last that long). Another fully vaxxed friend of ours, a formerly fit lady (71) now suffers from the same problems.

Seven more acquaintances died after their jabs, two of them (50+) with massive acute recidives of old tumors, one – a young, previously perfectly healthy student and active athlete – with a fresh, extensive tumor on the heart that occurred after the 2nd injection. Officially, of course, pure coincidence. He then received a Ventricular Assist Device and was told “this is fine” and that he could live to a very old age. A local news rag even went so far as to say that the tumor was only discovered early because he had to be examined "thanks to the vaccination" and the associated AEs. Two weeks later, he was dead. Many of the “vaccinated” who didn’t pay the ultimate price now suffer from overall deterioration of their physical and mental health, e.g. long lasting and recurring infections, chronic fatigue, COPD, cognitive decline etc.

We just had a birthday party with old colleagues from the university hospital, professors and senior physicians from anesthesiology & intensive care medicine, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons with decades of experience. I'm the black sheep who didn't get "vaccinated" and was therefore no longer allowed to work. They listen to these stories, just shrug them off with "Well, shit happens". All of them, of course, jabbed and boosted to the hilt, fully toeing the official line. Absolutely disgusting, disappointing, and frightening: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil!

Sorry for the wall of text! I feel like these stories need to be shared – even if just one person will read them and draw the right conclusions – so that all these people didn’t die in vain.


As a historic footnote re. SV40 and Dr. Mary Sherman, the cancer researcher studying ways to create “turbo cancer” for the CIA and her most gruesome death, take a look at “Dr. Mary’s Monkey: How the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans and cancer-causing monkey viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination and emerging global epidemics” by Edward T. Haslam, 2007, TrineDay

A short summary of her case can be found in “Hit List: an In-Depth Investigation into the Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses to the JFK Assassination” by Richard Belzer & David Wayne:


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Walls of text speak volumes.

And are necessary to capture the abundance of evidence.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you for taking your Hippocratic Oath. And thank you for keeping it.

Thank you for standing up for what is right, not what is easy.

Thank you for withstanding the shame, as I am quite sure that you received it.

Thank you for standing with the black sheep.

And thank you for lending your voice here, in validation of this collective experience.

We need more of YOU.

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Here’s another piece of recent research you might find useful …

I’ve worked in medical QM most of my professional life, a field that is now totally corrupted, thanks to regulatory capture, and almost impossible to do correctly, given the mass amount of hidden and overt new pathologies introduced by the global(ist) mass “vaccination” campaigns. How can we ever hope to conduct any transparent and valid clinical research when most of our patients are suffering from a multitude of conditions you’re not allowed to diagnose, study, or even talk about?

I just watched a presentation by Craig Paardekooper (howbadismybatch.com) who came up with a new approach to analyze VAERS data based on Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR, the proportion of spontaneous reports for a given agent that are linked to a specific AE), Same Symptom Consistency (SSC, i.e. the same symptom occurs in different organs, showing that the agent is having a consistent effect throughout the body), and Related Symptom Consistency (RSC, where closely related conditions also show a high PRR).

E.g. in the case of THROMBOSIS, related conditions and terms in VAERS would be: D-dimer, Fibrin, Infarctions, Occlusions, Embolisms, Clots, Aneurysms, Coagulation. As weak and (purposefully) underreporting VAERS is — his findings are still mind-blowing.

* There are 94 symptoms in VAERS that contain the word THROMBOSIS.

* COVID 19 has a high PRR (> 2, considered a safety signal) for 89 of them.

* No other vaccine (there are case reports for 100 different vaccines in VAERS) has a high PRR for more than 4 of them.

* Its like comparing a medicine with a weapon. The medicine has a harmful side effect (AE). The weapon has a harmful main effect.

When he plotted the PRRs for e.g. SEPSIS vs. IMMUNE SYSTEM DISORDER for different batches he found that all batches neatly cluster onto separate lines that radiate like spokes from the 0/0 origin. The gradients of these lines aren’t random but exhibit precise constant increments, in this case: 0.5/4 = 1/8 ... 1/4 = 2/8 … 1.5/4 = 3/8 ... 2/4 = 4/8 ... 3/4 = 6/8 ... 4/4 = 8/8 … 5/4 = 10/8. And for x = 2: 3/2 = 12/8 … 3.5/2 = 14/8 ... 4/2 = 16/8 ... 4.5/2 = 18/8 ... 3/1 = 24/8. Infections and sepsis are supposed to be very random, and immune suppression is supposed to be highly variable due to biology. These neat mathematical patterns are highly unusual and suspicious.

He found the same mathematically precise phenomenon for other PRR comparisons — e.g. Bacterial Infection vs. HIV Test, Immunosuppression vs. Immunoglobulin therapy, Herpes Simplex vs. Autoimmune Disorder — with different but always precise incremental gradients.

His conclusions: the toxicity of a given batch is determined by its PRR for a specific symptom.

Differences in the ratio of the PRR of one symptom to another indicate that when toxicity for symptom A is the same, toxicity for symptom B will be precisely double or triple. This is due to a difference in formulation NOT concentration. If it were just a change in concentration then both symptom A and Symptom B would increase. Rather it is a change in proportion, so symptom B doubles whilst symptom A remains the same.

This means that the difference between lines is a difference in formulation. The people(?) who engineered this have an extraordinary precision and control of biological processes. To precisely double, triple, quadruple or quintuple the rate of symptom B to match an exact whole number is no easy feat. It's a mathematical design.

This brief study highlights the evidence for differences in formulation of batches that produce elevations in one symptom, whilst maintaining the same levels of another symptom. This is clearly a proportional rather than a concentration difference.

1. CONCENTRATION = just more of the same thing

2. PROPORTION = more of one thing but not of another.

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Wow. I am familiar Craig Paardekooper via howbadismybatch.com....I have helped some clients look up their batch(es), which is always uncomfortable.

This latest bit is very interesting, and also incredibly alarming....

It relates directly to a conversation/theory Sage and I have been bouncing back and forth for a while. Curious if you have any insight here...

Do you think that different formulations were targeted to specific genetic predispositions or mutations? This would align with much of the early eugenics work...targeting specific maladaptions to eradicate - or perhaps in this case expedite certain outcomes.

In thinking through this, I find it hard to work out how specific formulations/batches could have been pre-assigned...at least not individually, as people were able to just show up at this CVS or that Walgreens and get whichever shot they wanted. And then later, were encouraged to mix and match.

I think the ability to track this data in LARGELY underestimated. I looked into some mergers that happened during all of this. I have a client that was high up in HR at United Health Group and I got a fair amount of insight during the Optum merger. When I started digging into the CLEAR antitrust violations, I got familiar with the FedRamp system. The ability/capacity to store and interpret data, along with 100% access to any and all of it is UNBELIEVABLE. To think that our modern medical-industrial complex (crafted by the Rockefeller-All-the-Way-Down's vision for the future) is not utilizing this enormous experiment to the fullest extent of their capabilities is ludicrous, imho.

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I bet they can target certain ethnic types or would like to, anyway. I am just watching a Finnish drama made in 2018 called Arctic Circle about 'a deadly virus'. In it they mention an attack on muslims using a virus that only attacjked them (!) during the Balkans war.

The characters seemed to be a rich man who employed military mercenaries, criminal gangs and government officials. All seemed as devious as each other but some of the police and doctors were innocent and doing their best in a world where the whole truth was kept hidden.

They also said in the show that the virus had 'mutated'. What we see on our screens is a lot of what they can do or plan to do.

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Rather than trying to eliminate specific groups, the symptoms are probably being randomised just to make it difficult to prove a link.

Many other stats are obfuscated in a similar way. And rather than mathematical precision, they probably just had batches with fixed amounts of various poisons.

Like, lot A will have 1 mg of toxiidosin and the next will have 2 mg, 3 mg, etc.

If the other component stays fixed, then you have your integer ratios.

We also know that early on, vaccine manufacturers have been randomising the delivery of their batches to avoid clusters and statistical significance.

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From my understanding of what I heard, the pharmacy agent could not allow the jab to take place until the person’s SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (along with other identifying info) had been input into the computer file, which would then tell the agent WHICH SHOT TO GIVE. -Huh? Sounds like specifically tailored jabs to me!

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Or are the origins of the bio-weapon technology more sophisticated and wilder than we can credit?


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"Its like comparing a medicine with a weapon"

Thank you Mike B.

The best explanation I've understood in 3 years.

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Thank you for your post. I was only just thinking that the medical profession going along with the jabs was SO important in getting people to line up for them. Politicians are not trusted but doctors are. Why doctors went along with genocide is so hard to comprehend that most people dismiss the idea as absurd. I guess doctors could not follow their hearts as like the rest of us they were brought up in the system and they are products of it. They follow orders and are brain washed.

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Here’s what we know: 80% of people do not have the psychological and/or moral resources to oppose the command of an authority, no matter how illegitimate that command is. Only 20% have the critical capacity to oppose immoral authority (Stanley Milgram). Doctors and nurses are no exception, cf. Aktion T4 in Nazi Germany, Unit 731 in imperial Japan, Soviet Russia and the Gulags, and even many horrific medical experiments in the USA post WW2 (MK Ultra, Tuskegee, radiological studies on prisoners and whole populations, Dr. Fauci and his infamous research on children/orphans, etc).

The majority of the population does not understand what is really happening. And they don’t even understand that they don’t understand (Noam Chomsky).

Group thinking causes individuals to say or do things they know to be wrong so as not to contradict the group (proven by Solomon Asch in 1951, also known as conformity experiment).

Surveys of executives show that only ~18% of employees in companies critically reflect things, try to understand connections, and grasp the big picture (type C), whereas ~41% each belong to ...

• Type B: has some skepticism, but likes to blend in and go with the flow, because of convenience, etc.

• Type A: obeys and basically adheres to higher instances such as political or bureaucratic hierarchy, mainstream media, The Science™️, etc.

Some but not all of Type A and B may snap out of their habit of uncritically following authorities when they are directly affected, e.g. sustaining damage personally or having a family member die from the rat jabs. For some not even that can do the trick. We often see that in parents who made their children get the jabs. When their kids later come up with myocarditis, Guillain-Barré, or even drop dead, some parents will vehemently and oftentimes aggressively deny the cause of damage or death so they don’t have to deal with their own culpability.

In essence, we’re seeing the good old Pareto principle in action: 80% of people are very hard to convince of the bloody truth, 20% are willing to look at the cold hard facts and then act accordingly. So we should find those and work with them. Fortunately, we don’t need a majority to turn things around — we just need critical mass. That’s why TPTB are ramping up their efforts to censor, criminalize, and silence dissenting voices everywhere.

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Interesting. I guess TPTB concentrate on control of the mind, hence their interest in education and the media, including on-line messaging.

Doctors have been through their education system, so those who stick with that course may genuinely believe that their 'drugs' are good, or do it for the money and prestige. They are also the group with a hell of a lot to lose if they speak out of turn.

Here in the UK, I think they risked being 'struck off', losing financially and having their name dragged through the mud. If a doctor was to speak up some patients were quite happy to report them to the General Medical Council. Why? Because the population have been brainwashed by the BBC et al.

Maybe the system has been tightening the noose for some years now, not just in 2019. I am Missy Average and have woken up to that, so there is hope! It is great to read words such as yours as it gives me hope that we will veer away from digital hell.

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I had a very interesting conversation with a client today specifically regarding this issue with the doctors. My client hosted a workshop (too much to explain here) where a conversation between a very indoctrinated doctor and a long time vaccine decliner happened. It was incredibly insightful. I've asked her to write up the experience anonymously for me to share....I hope she does. At any rate, it gave me not only insight, but a little glimmer of optimism. Stay tuned🤞🏼

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About 1 - 1.5% "Critical First Movers" are sufficient at the beginning, to induce a rapid exponential increase to 4 - 5% “Early Movers”, which in turn are the basis for a substantial and sustainable "critical size" of > 10% to carry out societal change independently. Unfortunately, too many of my former colleagues have fallen for the great Corona Show, even highly educated and very experienced professors. The formerly critical lefties were absolutely the worst and some turned into outright Branch Covidian fascists.

Information and findings of the “critical mass” can be used to gain control of societies and change processes in organizations. Of course, this is also used against us, e.g. when NGOs, globalist Think Tanks, social media influencers, and nudge teams are employed to sway public opinion to follow the UN Agenda 2030/Great Reset bullshit. Add to that the suppression (censorship) of non-compliant opinions as a very effective tool to combat dissidents.

Due to free alternative media (in the UK e.g. GBNews, Windows On The World, etc.) it is becoming increasingly difficult for TPTB to control all information channels. That’s why their strategies are becoming increasingly more draconian. Social media channels are a thorn in the side of the powerful, because — quite simply — they’re too democratic. This makes it way more difficult to control people in a centralized way. But they’re infiltrating the alternative outlets and try to flood them with nonsense. So we have to be on the lookout for their disinformation agents. We do live in interesting times.

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I have similar personal stories including my mother which even the Plandemic aware peers would read and their mouths would drop . My only question is do ANY of the injected EVER make amends to those of us who they insulted, stopprd speaking to, and who they DEVESTATED with their vicious behavior. Ive been destroyed by my sister , father and my own daughter who kept my injected mothers heart surgeries, kidney failure and dying a secret due to my sisters coercion after refusing to heed my anti shot advice and killing mom with the Moderna shots. She covered everything up and then did everything possible to destroy me including not giving me 24 hours to attend mons funeral in an unconsecrated grave near her versus our family plot in MA. Thats all i want to know.

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It does make sense that they have the 14 days period rule because many of the people I know who took the C19 injections said that they got Covid positive the next day or after 3 days post vaccination! Now that make sense to me! So what’s in the vaccine that making people who took it Covid positive. I am unvaxxed and never had Covid. For 2 years I have to work as a cleaner and been in many public gatherings but never had Covid while many vaccinated people I know who even had 3x to 5 x had multiple Covid infections. One of my workmate she had 3x injections and already had 5x Covid infections!

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I hated reading this because I see it everywhere too. I have a friend whose wife was jabbed a few times and now she may have early onset Alzheimers and she's 54. It sickens me.

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I didn't really even include the Alzheimer's...I have countless clients putting parents into homes. And clients that I'm struggling with when I should mention the cognitive decline I'm seeing....lots of concerning signals....

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I was working in elderly home up to the roll out of 2nd dose which was June 2021. I got kicked out for refusing to take the jab by September 2021. First dose rolled out common side effects were rashes and shingles few deaths in their sleep. 2nd dose ether increase confusion and increase falls soar high through the roof! Never had 10 falls in a day! I have at least 53 resident. Also on 2nd dose complained of chest pain was common. I will just spent my whole shift on the phone calling for ambulance!

After 6 months I left I asked a workmate on how many residents left out of 53 she said 15!!!

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That is astounding....and so sad.

Good on you for holding your ground. I wish more people would.

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I wished the same, but unfortunately many can’t afford to lose their comfort zone of money, career, home, luxurious lifestyle , and many other reasons that they felt was more important than their own health and life!

I was ready to lose material things including my house, marriage, family, and many friendships and my career . I could not stand seeing people suffering and dying everyday and wasn’t able to do anything about it! It was not normal. There was something going on that was so wrong! I cried and cried and cried and I’m still crying because because it hasn’t stop! The effin perpetrators still hasn’t stop and No One in this world has seem to have power to stop them!

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I still cry a lot too! I never took it but every single family member of mine and people I love took it No matter how much I pleaded!! I still cannot get over it and continue to talk about it non stop and everyone I know does not want to hear it! They have moved on! I’ll never get over this and it most definitely has taken a toll on my health!

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We will never get over it until a full justice to humanity has been done! Literally, the genocide of humanity continues and NO ONE has been held accountable and responsible yet! We are just watching the circus going round and round with full of murderous clowns running around the world doing their crime against humanity!

I’m back to nursing home with unvax. Every few weeks we have 3- 4 death in within 5 days! Very out of normal! Of course, the normies, not seeing not hearing anything wrong! Management continues to encourage everyone to take the shot!

There’s only 2 of us unvaxxed. They try to make us sign a declaration stating that we are high risk of getting infected and spreading it if we are not vax! And of course, we didn’t sign because the declaration statement for only stupid and ignorant and desperate! At this stage of the game, only those mentally disabled can play ignorant!

Seriously, whether you take it or push it for money, for career or job … people who continue to take this and has no discernment or no common sense I take them as mentally unstable or disable!

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The brain injuries probably are mainly prion disease. Misdiagnosed as alzheim, parkinson, glio-something etc. It takes highly proffessional neurology clinic and team (MRI, EEG, etc) just to conceive some tentative diagnose. Autopsy says the last word. Pfizer even admitted in its first european application (end of 2020) that cases of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) might happen! Study of Perez et al, calls this "a new form of Creuzfeldt-Jakob Disease". I lost my 59yo wife in about 120 days in 2021. 1st pfizer shot: 12jan2021; 2nd shot: 2feb2021. As she knew my opinion of the poison, she did not tell me about her intention and the fact. So I faced the facts only after the emergence of the first symptoms. I will never go to a "doctor" again. Nor to nursing home. Most probably, when time will come, I will choose the good old ancient roman philosopher's kind of death: a bathtomb with warm water and some very sharp blade...

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Sarah, get a doctor to say how many of his clients have died since the jab. That would be telling

If there was a shortage of drs there won't be now as their clientele has reduced, one way of reducing their workload then on the other hand how is business in the funeral field

Also have they enough space to bury the dead.

Another point is the government is killing off the population and aren't paying for funerals

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Drs are still making money! They can't lose

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Thank you for Not letting "we the people" ever forget these seriously punishable "crimes against humanity".

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And yet I know people jabbed 3,4,5, even 6 times and they are completely fine. It’s very strange ...

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potential placebo, ingredient degradation, or not enough EMF to 'activate' the goodies. Gots to have many vectors so cans Deny cause. :)

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Plus we don’t know the long term effects, if the jabs shaved 10-15 years off of everyone’s lives that would be a huge win for TPTB.

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Now we thinking like a sociopath, which one must do to grasp this Op, me thinks.

Plus stopping fertility moving forwards.

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When I was going through my notebook of tallied events, I found several notes of mothers to be and babies dying. I didn't include them because I didn't have a name next to the note...

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Former source of Stack is a hospitalist and obstetrician.

Also this from last year.


Unborn Babies is also the one that Sasha discussed here:



It would be tough to get good data (hence the power of your post), but I wonder across the US and world if baby docs are seeing a rise still in stillborns and events.

And I don't even know if the docs are being asked to "code" these any differently.

Cancer Doc source one degree of separation: seeing young people and healthy people.

I really want to know. I wish the Numbers Guys could jump on this stuff. I wish there was reliable data.

I have a feeling that the Cullers know we are looking and will begin hiding all of this and distorting it and also, Elon Musk is saying, What? We need more people!

Saw that on the YT video comments of Bret Weinstein and Chris Martenson calling for globalism to solve the "elite" problem. That Elon wants more people, the only billionaire to do so.

And I'm like...he's their Opposites Day Op. He is their Hello Fellow Kids, I'm one of you, OP. To always be in front: Free speech on Twitter. We need more babies.

And oh yeah...mRNA was a silver lining. Try the Neuralinks.

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Yeah he wants more people...effectively slabes though to send to outer space to colonize. You can be a Space Marine like in Aliens.

Game over man, game over...

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Did you see Igor's Nov 5th stack?

"Demand for 'Unvaxxed' Sperm Spikes as Birth Rates Continue To Decline: Women are turning to shady Facebook groups in desperation"


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Yes...I restacked....

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And related to this…how about the situation with blood banks? My husband (unjabbed) donates to Red Cross every six months. At first, they asked jab status. But very quickly, they stopped even asking. Thus, no distinction between jabbed blood and unjabbed blood. I see this as a BIG problem.

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"...once you have the ability to program cells, you don't have to be constrained by what the cells know how to do already. You can program them to do new things, in new patterns."

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Now you can slip in the magic on anything. Flu shots. RSV.

TWO THINGS AT ONCE, the Duper's Delight Travis Kelce ad says.

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Which means everyone should take nothing ( no injections ) because everything is suspect.

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Or just knocking it back by 20%. Economy and fear porn handle another 35%

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I saw an article today claiming the CDC has admitted that the jabs take 25 years off of human life expectancy. From the young people I have seen dying lately it seems more like 50 years taken off. They are in their 20’s and 30’s.

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You will own nothing, but you survived, so you will be happy....no, no edit that

You will own nothing and be happy..yesssss that’s the one

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It's not a prediction, it's an invocation.

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https://www.instagram.com/p/CwydB2SOGP2. Of course, it has a fact-check screen on it. Still looking for original source. The post was originally on twitter, but has been removed.

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Thank goodness for the fact-checkers 🙌🏼

I have a similar approach with fact checked stuff as I do with CDC guidance.

Fact-checked='m probably at least reading it.

CDC recommends it = hard pass

When the CDC loosened mask recommendations, I was like...hmmmm....maybe I should put one on🤔.

Hell, maybe I should've...with all the shedding🙄

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Hey, sometimes the machine screws up so you gotta think for yourself even if that means wearing a mask.

“I’m very sorry that people are sick,” she said. “I’m very sorry that people are dying and if the EPA and I in any way contributed to that, I’m sorry. We did the very best we could at the time with the knowledge we had.”


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I’ll try to find it. It was earlier today

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Link? Article from what source? Thanks.

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I think you just nailed it. Shave off the lifespan of the average citizen. Think Agenda 2030 and preparing for that.

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I have heard the odd second hand story of blood clots and heart attacks, I don’t know anyone personally but I try not to associate with the humans. What I have noticed is a general elevated level of sickness - namely the flu. People getting colds (Covid?) multiple times. We can easily explain this through ADE/ Vaids ... my point being that people who live lives of constant illness tend not to live as long.

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I chuckle because we have lots of people out with "not covid" now. Nothing else. Just "not covid".

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I also heard "certain people" will only get the "saline shots", apparently "all by design" too but in reality we all know what has been different the last 3 years. Many were duped. I also see what you see and quite the opposite.


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It's also possible that the sudden death was a glitch--what they really wanted were deaths somewhat time-distanced from the shot so no causal connection c/would be established. Cancers, Parkinsons, list them all --that would develop over time from the contents of the shots. It might very well be they overshot the cull and brought too much attention to themselves.

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I agree. I think that that may have been in part because they have fallen for their own lies about 2030 being a turning point. Very woke behaviour, to fall into the unhinged delusion and act it out as if reality doesn't exist. We'll see how this pans out in the next few years. Excess mortality still rising. Fortunately, demand is down although... does it matter if people don't get the latest boosters? Hmmmm.

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Direct from monster: 10/30/23

Cardiovascular Deaths Linked to Extreme Heat Set to Soar


spoiler alert: "...a new modelling study suggests...." we can avoid the worst if "... emission reduction policies likely to be implemented...."

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I CANNOT believe that anyone would even LOOK at a modeling study suggesting ANYTHING.

Actually....I WISH that I couldn't believe that.

We are in a pandemic of Sloth-Mind, as much as anything right now....

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So ridiculous!

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More like the SV-40 in the Polio Sugar Cube and resulting cancer explosion of the ‘80s?

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Yep, soft kills. They are in it for the long game. Depopulate, tag, track, trace, and control the survivors.

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Same. It’s maddening that they don’t see what we see. I live in WA state and I’ve often wondered if our area got placebos. But just last week, my 31-YO son was diagnosed with a blood clot from his thigh to the top of his calf. He was last boostered well over a year ago, so “they” aren’t sure what has caused the clot, but at least the ER doc asked.😔

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This is maddening..."they aren't sure".

Rest assured those "confused" docs are quite clear on who cuts their paychecks.

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Very well paid "bafflement."

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31 yo don't often get blood clots do they? What kind of health is he in?

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Generally in good health, but this episode of course changes that forever. No idea what the future looks like, and that’s scary. It breaks my heart.

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I am sorry, Lori. Every story breaks my heart. I wish I could shout loud enough to make a difference. Laughably, I used to think that I could...

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My 8 yr old grandson said the other day he wants to yell at people with a megaphone "the covid shots can kill you"! I'm not sure what I said to him other than I know how he feels. My heart breaks for kids.

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Me too...the kiddos will suffer the most when it's all said and done.

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Wow an 8 year old with more sense than adults pushing these shots on their fellow humans. Good, smart kid!

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If one was sensible - even if one didn’t necessarily believe it was vax related, to be prudent one might wish to see what one could do about mitigating the effects of these vaccines. I guess the doctor just put him on blood thinners? Be thankful it was in his leg and not the brain.

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Yep, blood thinners. We feel very fortunate that it’s just one clot, and not his lungs or brain.

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Try sodium citrate. But be careful

Because tho non toxic is potent blood thinner. Dr. Nixon and dr. Ana talk about it helping pure the nano junk ...

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FLCCC, Dr. McCullough have protocols to mitigate the damage from the jabs. If I were jabbed, I’d be doing the protocols.

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Take him to see Dr. Mihalcea. She is right there in the Tacoma area. She will see if they are the rubbery clots and be able to help if so.

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Same. But then people who look fine sometimes tell me things, for example, one I know who looks perfectly fine, exercises regularly as always, told me that after the 5th jab he woke up the next morning with double vision, which quickly resolved. How would anyone know that, unless he told them? I mean to say, a lot of vax injuries are not obvious to other people (more examples: irregular menstrual bleeding, sudden-onset food allergies, mild brain fog, or internal twitching, buzzing and zapping feelings, even cancer and cardiac issues may not be obvious to a casual observer) and not everyone shares every tidbit of their personal health history with everyone else. But yes, I too find myself with large groups of people whom I'm 99.99% sure are multiply jabbed and they do seem fine, and knowing what I do about this catastrophe of deaths and injuries, that oftentimes feels very strange to me. (Am I kerazy?) That would describe a wedding I recently attended. That said, at that wedding there was one friend who had ALS that had begun, lo and behold, a year and a half ago, and another friend missed the wedding because she'd had a heart attack and was feeling too dizzy to walk (sounds like POTS to me). Yet another had developed a tremor in her hands. Yet another mentioned a recent new food allergy. No one seemed to connect any health issues to the jabs-- taboo subject there. But there were many people at that wedding, and for the most part they looked perfectly fine, they ate, they talked, they clapped, they danced. It was a lovely wedding.

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I am seeing a TON of dizziness and vertigo. In 20+ years of this same job, with the same cadence, I have had maybe one or two clients who have had any issue with vertigo.

I have two clients in PT for it, specifically right now. And both had to miss over a month of pilates because of it. I have 5 clients that are currently having serious issues...where I regularly omit exercises because of the issue.

Sadly, I'm sure it's no coincidence...and the implications are not optimistic.

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How many shoulder issues have you seen? I'd wager a lot.

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Hmmm why ask about shoulder issues? Made me think of an up to date boosted friend in need of shoulder replacement

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I’m assuming because the injection happens at the deltoid. My cousin (a yoga teacher) has noticed quite a few shoulder and elbow issues.

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…and Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

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Unfortunately, not really. In an uncontrolled assault (it isn't an 'experiment') one assumes all consequences until proved otherwise. The anatomical topography of the injection, the individual batches, individual variation of response, DNA plasmid contamination, LNP distribution, amount of c/mRNA ~ there are an immense number of potential variables determining whether one receives an immediate killer shot, a delayed death in weeks or months or a chronic disease leading to death, or in some cases nothing seems apparent (yet). There are clearly studies demonstrating that in large groups significant consequences with large effect sizes are taking place, eg. hypertension 3.5% / malignant hypertension 0.8% (Italian study).

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They are clot heavy as well. JJ Couey & Dr. Joseph lee - too many anti-body's bind with Spike, plasma, interferon etc. (IGn), LINKING Together. forming clots.

https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological/video/1955162291 (1:40:00 - 1:50:00)

It's worth the 10 mins span.

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liver targeting therapies from two US patents 10,064,934, and, 10,022,425.

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Diagram of Covid Infection vs. Given Free Spike (Vacks) - 1:31:00+

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There's no spike made by the shots nor is there any virus.


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copy that. I was using Dr. Lee's term. Could we say RNA generated (toxic) protein?

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I really like you, Peter.

I just wanted to say that.

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Who has proven RNA is in the shots, and if so is related to Sars virus?


and is there an RNA to protein dose response curve?

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You are giving me Homework! Go to bed lol. Also, I think Couey's position has shifted from 6/9 months ago. My Twitch link is recent, like in the last 2 weeks. New info is discovered frequently. Thank you for your patience.

I will read Massey's Response on her stack.

Vid from her stack - https://www.bitchute.com/video/iZJAZEkra4uI/

Response - Coppolino - Jan 2023 - https://planetwavesfm.substack.com/p/made-for-hulu-open-letter-to-jay

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I remember hearing David Martin saying, “all we ever got from Wuhan was the genetic code for a disease model”.

I understand that better now. Thanks for the share.

I’m downloading that PDF.

Someone needs to characterize what protein(s) the mRNA is compelling cells to produce.

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Who has proved there is RNA in the shots? Here I took a deep dive


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What did McKernan and others that followed him find besides plasmid DNA? Obviously, the plasmid DNA was the story but they sequenced the vials. So that could be a start.

By law, they can put whatever they want into the “vaccine” and call it whatever they want, but I do believe an experiment of human transfection was probably something they tried to do.

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Couey is amazing. I’ve learned so much from him and his insights are dead on.

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His vision has grown leaps in the last year. Wish I had his knowledge in Biology.

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Yes the seeming randomness and vast variation in symptoms keeps everyone guessing. Of course all cause mortality cannot be denied. There’s just more people dying but as long as the media and other institutions don’t broadcast this fact, people will be none the wiser. Ideally the gathering of all cause mortality stats should be shut down - this is the ideal situation for total deniability.

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Coincidental that you should finish on that line DB!

I was poised to update OZ and NZ weekly excess deaths above the 2015 - 2019 mean and craft another substack piece. I noted insteadf that oecd.stat have not updated this data since week 30 (2023). I have written to them to query the situation, while I also note they are in the process of updating their website and it looks like health data may be doing a disappearing act, while climatism and eco-virtue signalling takes centre stage.

Meantime, if the WHO pull off their global coup d'état we'll be just another step closer to civil war.

Bring it on.

An adversary with nothing left to lose is formidable.

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I just pulled up Our World in Data and all cause mortality stats were missing from NZ and Australia...some other countries too (I can't recall which I picked), I think Portugal and maybe Brazil. Anyway....their lines were flat from 2020-2023.🤔

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I no longer trust any data from anywhere. Too much hanky lanky and lies. Now I go by what I see in front of me.

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I wholeheartedly agree good doctor. I am quite over the status quo and would be well up for a bit of revolution! Disappearing mortality data was just a matter of time.

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Better start researching emp weapons you can make to target the jabbed n boosted then...because they WiLL be weaponized AGINST you. The brain mind control tech is going full bore and very few people have woken up to it..

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Thats why they call it Agenda 2030

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I think they made it time delayed, cause if everybody started to drop dead all at once, it would clog everything and would made a big mess for the cullers. And even the grandest idiots would notice that, and would not go to the next booster. I do think the smart phone-meter etc. is all a part of that; the delayed dying.

My neighbor here in the NL fully jabbed up, she says she will not go the next one, cause enough is enough, I doubt that if, they threaten to close her business again.

I think next 2-5 years will show a lot of death.

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Like with chemotherapy, leukemias will increase.

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VAIDS can take a while. 3 years plus, not uncommon for cancers to grow.

You don't know they are fine just to look at them. They can be riddled with malignant growths inside them, or clots about to break off. The slow demise was also by design.

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Try the Bluetooth test on them.I find that most jabbed people emit an unidentified MAC address.

If we deduct the 15% Bill Gates said would be eliminated by the jabs, it seems that the main goal of these jabs is to get nanotechnology into everyone, in order to be able to control humanity. Sounds outrageous, - if it weren't for having experienced the Bluetooth phenomenon I would never have believed it.

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Do you search for it with your phone?

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"Unidentified" Bluetooth MAC addresses coming from a vaxed person are extremely difficult to prove in your average every day setting. There's no way to determine if the signal is coming from a vaxed person verses some unknown electronic device emitting a signal in the area. (I worked as a IT Systems Tech for about 25 yrs). Without having a completely controlled environment, these "results" are inconclusive, at best.

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I have heard of this bluetooth phenomenon, but haven't ever seen any evidence of it. I've pulled up bluetooth in my phone settings, but haven't ever seen random unidentified MAC addresses. Our studio is relatively controlled and I've not ever come up with anything like the videos that I've seen making the rounds on the internet. I'm always open to possibilities...but I haven't personally seen anything convincing yet. I thought maybe I don't know how to search. I am NOT tech-savvy. AT ALL.

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Hi Sarah, it is quite possible to test whether a person is emitting a Bluetooth signal or not. My husband and I have done it many times.

I'm not tech-savvy either, but was able to do this with help from the hubby.

We downloaded an app (this one is for Android) because we found that the regular Bluetooth scanners on all newer phones seem to be set up to not give you these unidentified MAC addresses:


With this scanner one can pick up signals up to 25 meters away, and sometimes farther. The app also gives signal strength. When first trying this it's best to go to an area that is a bit secluded/away from people (other than the ones are trying the test on).

Some things to keep in mind when using the app are:

- Many legitimate devices such as i-phones will also emit an unidentified MAC address, so, if you are testing this on a consenting, vaxxed friend it is crucial that they turn off either the Bluetooth function, or, preferably, the entire phone or other apparatus they have on them (such as a smart watch).

- In order to see the signals emitted that are coming from people directly in front of you (versus the ones who have already walked or driven out of range from you) one must close the app entirely and then reopen it - every time.

- This, rather obvious one is: to be sure to have both location and Bluetooth functions turned on (on your phone).

We first tested this on friends and neighbors. Unfortunately gave one friend an awful scare when she realized she was emitting this signal from her own body. So we advise caution and careful consideration of the person. Of course, after initial success and understanding of how to do the test one can try this out in the open with people anywhere and they needn't know that you are doing that.

We've also done the experiment on a flight full of people in the same manner as Dr. DeBenito of Spain first did a couple of years ago. Quite an eye-opener at 35,000 feet to see the many unknown MAC addresses. Of course, a lot of those are legitimate devices, and some are obvious, labeled devices, but hundreds show up and they can't all be from everyone's devices.

If you'd like to see a video showing how Dr. Pedro Chavez conducted his research into the phenomenon in an undisclosed location in the Mexican countryside, also in a cemetery, watch this by COMUSAV:


There's also this fellow in Bulgaria who created his own website with experimentation, translated into 20 languages!


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Put a vaxxed person in a Faraday cage and then run the experiment. I’m not ruling it out but I have strong doubts this is true.

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Juan Zaragoza did just that, but his experiment was inconclusive and needed further research:


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Joking right? Or can you atleast show some screenshot?

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Not joking. Please see my comment to Sarah above.

When you experience this for yourself, that's when you know that proof of nanotechnology in the vials in a variety of injections (being shown by people like Dr. Ana Mihalcea or Dr. Carrie Madej) is real. No fear-mongering intended, I just strongly feel that it's very important to inform ourselves of the extent of the crime committed against humanity.

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I think the jabs are very different in dosages and it might activate only in certain people with certain GENES perhaps. So you could target a certain group of people who doesn't know it has a certain genetic mutation ( would be harmless for most for the longest) but they might be more susceptable. I wonder if something connects these people who get ill and die, I mean genetically and I don't mean race specific. Basically a eugenics operation killing certain genetic traits or mutations which are there but not yet activated like the genes which are present but not yet turned on.like my mother was brca mutation positive but it actually made her ill when 63 when she got 2 cancers at once breast and ovary. Super healthy before. Let's say all these people with brca get prematurely taken out. Dna was sampled I think with the swabs.

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Now this is how you think like a sociopath!

I cannot stop seeing that a massive experiment is going on in CDC's back yard.

All the data scooped up.

All the feedback on the gene specific lots, maybe.

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I wonder if our dna has been broken, mutated by poisoning or otherwise for many years. Childhood jabs are part of this. And then they activate by expressing these mutant dna or disease causing dna ( mostly cancerous) by expressing them with Cas9. So many get ill but many do not. Might the crass difference in how people feel lie in genetics? I think they have been working on our dna for longer than we think. I believe this is primarily the cause for rising cancer rates not just the bad food and Emf. All of it plays a role but they have overemphasized lifestyle which probably is not such a big deal as what they make it. So we can.be a healthy but if we have our dna scrambled we will have no chance.

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And who is going to do a gene autopsy after they died? The perfect crime. They could not just go after oncogenes and enhance or promote them but also after other more unknown genes which get simply activated when they were not. To figure this out we would need to do more than just tissue analyzations but genetic analyzations post mortem or during illness.

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I think the answers could be dug out of data lakehouses available through the FedRamp system. The capability of handling this kind of experiment is certainly there. They have PLENTY of genetic material from almost everyone....through 23 and Me, Ancestry, and then of course the swabbing. I think they are able to handle data in ways that are very hard for us to even imagine....

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Maybe. That’s the beauty (evil) of these things, they have a wide spectrum of ways to kill.

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Same here. I am worried they are slowly making the transition to human 2.0. What might that look like? Let's hope all the zombie tv shows and movies haven't been predictive programming.

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This is Harari's dream.


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Lots I suspect. Hasn't there been 4 died or injured on the soap opera? Sorry can't remember which one.

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General Hospital? Should be General Morgue

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No they aren't.

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The criminals planned the psychological warfare and mental vaccine as well. It's called 'cognitive dissonance'.

'A psychological state where a person experiences discomfort due to holding contradictory beliefs, attitudes or behaviors.' From the Internet of Things'

The perps own the mainstream media and vaccines have been harming people for years. But the criminal cabal using refined methods of propaganda and made vaccines look like it improves your own natural health. But the fact is that vaccines only gives you disease or death or both.

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Fine for now…..

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Totally hear you. For me the eeriest thing has been all the people, people whom I previously had considered intellectually serious, who refuse to see, refuse to listen, refuse to think. Some days I conclude they're in a psyop-induced mass psychosis formation (Mattias Desmet); other days I think, nah, it's weirder than that (ring-a-ling to Dr. Jung); and yet other days, I think, puh, easy: they just don't want to accept that sunk costs are sunk. After all, no one likes to accept that sunk costs are sunk, and especially when these costs are so horrific, and may require reconsidering and perhaps even rebuilding the entire structure of one's social and professional worlds. Its harder for some individuals than for others, and for various reasons, some internal, some external.

On my own inititiative, I've been transcribing censored and shadow-banned video and audio testimony since the summer of 2021, and one category of testimony that I've come across time and again is that of a person who was all in on the "narrative," delighted to get vaccinated, then grievously injured, then got the gaslighting, then went online and quickly found the many thousands of fellow jab-injured (usually via FaceBook, before those groups were censored, then realnotrare.com-- now react19.org-- and other such sites). Like a thunderclap, that woke them up.

I mean to say, people can wake up and start asking questions, but it seems it oftentimes takes a dreadfully painful, even life-shattering experience for that to happen. Had they never been injured, I believe that some of them (not all, I say, some) would be like many of the people I know: after 5 - 7 jabs, they now have new health issues (cardiovascular and/or clots and/or immunologic and/or neurologic), but scoff at any connection to the jabs, and they think RFK, Jr. is a nut job beneath discussion, and at even the slightest mention of covid / covid policies, they say things like, covid is over, let's move on, you do you, you're just obsessed, etc etc.

So I let them be. It's November 2023; they've had every chance to see this covidian catastrophe, but they don't want to-- they really, really don't want to. They may die before they see it. Anyway, although I sincerely hope that I'm wrong, I don't think those who have taken so many jabs will be with us for too much longer.

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I was on the phone with my baby brother last night. He's 34 and watching his wife lose her mother (mentioned in my post). They have moved her home and hospice is there. She has had a tragic life; lost her father and brother before she was 30. Through his sobs, he asked, "How many family members do we have to bury?" (we have lost both of our parents)...

The pain in his young voice is so raw and inconsolable.

He has taken the jab, so has his wife, and both of their babies. And my heart breaks for so many reasons...because I also fear how many we will have to bury...

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Conspiracy Sarah I just want to thank you very much for this article and your efforts. I have shared it with someone who will really appreciate it.

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Thank you right back at you. 💪🏼✊🏼You’re fighting the good fight and I am honored to be doing it with you. I recently pulled up one of your posts and was able to clearly show data so compelling that it could not be ignored. Having resources like yours is invaluable in this fight. Thank you 🙏🏼

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I am so sorry to hear this.

An important point: I don't think everyone who has taken a jab or 2 or even 3 is necessarily doomed (any more than all of us are, I mean, we're all going to go at some point). I'm optimistic than many individuals didn't get much more than moosh in their jab (since the manufacturing process was not consistent) and there are also some post-jab protocols that have proven very promising. I'm sure you already know about these protocols, but for anyone reading this who hasn't heard of them, they're out there. One of the best known is the FLCCC https://covid19criticalcare.com/protocol/i-recover-post-vaccine-treatment/

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Yes, any readers here who got bamboozled (it could happen to anyone) into any of the shots should follow these protocols. I would, had I been jabbed. And, please folks, no smug bragging about being a ‘pure blood’…we need to stick together.

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Right, they gave 5.5b people shots that mostly do nothing. Makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.

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Hello InExile, it seems to me that you misconstrue what I actually said. I said, "I'm optimistic than many individuals didn't get much more than moosh in their jab (since the manufacturing process was not consistent)." "Many" is not the same as "most." I base my comment on what Dr. Ryan Cole and others have said about the manufacturing process. It looks bad-- it looks very bad-- yes-- and I am familiar with and have in fact have transcribed some of the testimonies of Sasha Latypova, Mike Yeadon, Kevin McKernan, Dr. Philip Buckhaults, and Janci Lindsay, covering issues of contamination and other iregularities in the the manufacturing process. (And I am aware of the work of Hedley Rees.) I have also transcribed uncounted testimonies of people who have been gravely injured by the jabs, and I have transcribed many testimonies of the bereaved.

Are these jabs a bioweapon? Based on the legal history, and the patents, I say yes. Are these jabs intended to be some sort of immunotoxin? I say, yes. Are these jabs killing millions of people? I say, yes, obviously, as we see with the excess deaths data. However, we do not have full information about the entirety of the production runs. Let me repeat that: we do not have full information about the entirety of the production runs. Also, we are early into the experiment-- more will become clear in time, but right now, there is much about the jabs that we still do not know.

I bring in a note of optimism in my comment because one's attitudes do have some influence on health outcomes, therefore, I believe it would be best for a jabbed person to not wallow in the doom and gloom, but rather, having faced the fact that these jabs are neither safe nor effective, to maintain an optimistic, pro-active stance. Maybe, even in the midst of a general disaster, things will go well for a given individual, and maybe some FLCCC protocols, or similar, may help, and help significantly. I try to keep in mind that there are many people who have taken jabs, and who have loved ones who have taken jabs, who may be reading this. Words have power.

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I’m so sorry to hear that, CS. I have my own list, 29 dead or injured vaxxers, all people I personally know or knew. About one third of whom developed cancer. All in California.

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I’m so sorry. How awful 😢

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Well stated. And aligns with my own observations and considerations. Many years ago I realised that most, not all, people when faced with a life or death choice between changing a 'truth' or dying, will choose death. The other realisation is that we, members of the society, have been indoctrinated into such complete disconnection from the body's truth that those who change often do so only after some kind of *serious* life event. And wow, are we in one now! The great awakening and the great sleeping concomitantly. Amazing times, one that is asking each and every one of us to be a kind ultimate hero of courage.

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It's truly incredible to watch. To see it for what it is...

What a vantage point.

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Good thoughts, TB. Also, your selfless work doing transcriptions is much appreciated.

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Thanks for your kind comment, serafino bueti, and thanks for reading.

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Mrs B this is such a profound comment and reminded me of something. When I attended the first group protests in Perth, there were only a few of us. ALL of us were survivors of childhood violence and/or sex trafficking. Then, the 9/11 people and migrants from communist regimes quickly appeared on the scene.

But the early parental betrayal was our 'thunderclap.' We were the first ones on it.

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Survivors of childhood violence recognize PSYCHOPATHY straight away. They’ve seen it many times. It’s obvious to them.

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Thank you for your kind words, ExcessDeathsAU, and thanks for sharing your very interesting observation. Personally, I had wonderful parents (gone before covid times) and I don't know, but I think I just always had an ability to see things other people prefer to not see, and not give too big a fig for what other people think. For what it's worth, the first three in-the-real-world people I found who weren't taken in by the jabs con were an Irish arborist, an immigrant from Poland who was working as a driver, and my highly intuitive sibling. Otherwise, for me, it's been Jab City.

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Whoa! When I clicked on the realnotrare link, it changes to a hydra? prefixed link and Avast signals a virus alert. Same thing when I type it in manually.

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Oof! Sorry! I gave you the wrong link-- I will now go back and edit that. It gave you .org when it should have been .com


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Transcriber B, that’s pretty how much I feel, too. P.S. I very much appreciate all of your transcription efforts.

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Nov 7, 2023
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You are not alone. And you are not brainwashed. Or crazy.

I am so sorry. Cheers to you for holding your ground. It's not easy and speaks to your intelligence and strength. Sending love to you.

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Perhaps you might draw some strength from this testimony by Dr. Mark Brody. I certainly did. I understand the pain.

Cassandra's Curse #RI [Rhode Island]

September 29, 2023


Transcript of 2 excerpts: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/104542.html

Pull-quote: "You feel like, you know, [clicks fingers] wake up, wake up! And everybody's like, what's wrong with you? I am woke up, you're talking nonsense. It's just, how do you get through to people? You know, it's been that way for three years for many of us."

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Thank you Sarah for writing. It helps knowing we're not alone & not crazy.

It is really, really hard. People that are oblivious are all around me.

My mental list of things that happened in my face to vaccinated loved ones, friends & acquaintances presses down on me like a sad, heavy weight.

My uncle died of a massive cardiac arrest in Oct., of 2021 (on my birthday), my son's brother in law was in the military had a heart attack at 24 & now has myocarditis (he'd just finished trainng to be a black hawk helicopter pilot and then was told he needed medical clearance to "work", and had to work a civilian job to get health insurance coverage), my disabled brother had a 5 inch clot in his thigh about one year after 2nd covid shot, my elderly dad after two shots has sudden onset alzheimer's, and had an inflammation event in his colon that was nearly fatal (needed colostomy for several months and had to endure two major surgeries... I take care of him and he's doing okay at the moment), an elderly neighbor died on his doorstep after the ER sent him home to isolate saying he had "covid", another friend's brother died on his doorstep heart attack/ myocarditis, and yesterday a dear friend said her sister is dying from ALS, another friend fell and had a fractured skull brain bleed a couple months ago - long hospitalization. We also lost a friend to suicide during lockdown. My cousin in his 40's one day after one j & j shot got severe psoriatic arthritis and it is still awful two years later.

There were several pregnancies that had complications from the shots. Placenta issues resulting in a still born baby (a neighbor's grandchild), and a mother that needed transfusion from placenta rupture (?) and her baby was okay. I also know of a few babies and mothers that are okay (when mother had shots ).

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Nope, you're not alone, you're not crazy. (I have a similar litany of deaths and injuries among friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors since the jabs roll out.)

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Powerful and courageous...TY, Sarah...

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Thank you, Pasheen.

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I'm down for the count right now - but had to sing a bit more on this stack...

We all have long painful lists...and as you said, in our faces...so painful to relive but stories that must be told. It's excruciating...and the blackout on it all is maddening...this world is lost to me as well.

But never feel that your contributions are insignificant. It has been monumental for our passionate little cadre to have dug so deeply into things that most can't even begin to wrap their heads around. And even through the pain, we bring what little we have gleaned about such critical and terrifying information forward to one another, that we might help us all to survive another day.

It's not for sissies, but for warriors. And I'm so grateful too all who are bringing it - stackers and commenters all. Astonishing contributions...

Our efforts are obvious in our little Akashic substack. I can't help but think that some future resistors, who might possibly survive and question and rebel against this tranz human agenda, could one day see us as legends of the past that they speak of and invoke for inspiration.

Our siren songs will live on...?

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I live in East Point Now, but lived in Stone Mountain. The CDC is everywhere around here. I, like you, am hearing stories like this.

P's friend was diagnosed with an aggressive brain cancer/fungus thing that killed him.

M's friend was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

M got the jab and her blood pressure was all over the place. Recently they had to be treated for ovarian cancer.

All the while...everyone I talk to that's been jabbed either talk about getting their next one...or getting Covid.

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My Friday boosted client said that the reason she got the booster is because she can't be down for 5 days with Covid. It would've been so much worse....still making the rounds.

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"It would have been so much worse" should be on the gravestones.

It's another mantra. Along with "I felt bad for two days, which means it's working."

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Great headstone decorations for Halloween

“I felt bad for two days, which means it’s working. It would have been so much worse”

Maybe dozens on the lawn by next year

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Crazy is as crazy does! Wow!

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Thanks Sarah for sharing what you see. You strengthen your readers and that is what we most need. It is not a small thing to stand still in hurricane force winds!

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Thank you.

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So many still refuse to open their eyes

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I think the jabbed don’t want to know. I was talking to a nurse friend of mine who has had 4 shots yesterday. Said she had developed heart and blood pressure problems and also kidney issues and heavy menstrual bleeding. Plus constant severe migraines. I told her about what the shots are causing and she refused to even consider it. Said she had gotten Covid twice and that’s what Covid did to her. It’s hopeless. They will never admit the truth.

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Yes...this is a brilliant piece from the cullers. It was covid that did this. Definitely not the jabs. And certainly not a combination of both.

Literal lunacy.

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Whoever thought this through is brilliant - evil brilliance but brilliant nonetheless. Of course people are not going to admit they made a mistake, that they were duped. Most people would rather die than admit that they were wrong.

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I say this regularly. It's evil. Fucking evil. But also fucking brilliant.

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And dying is so easy, and admitting you were wrong is so hard. Yes Satan is brilliant, but don't get carried away admiring him.

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Dear God...4 SHOTS in one day???? I have no words.

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However CDC is advocating covid + flu +RSV all at once


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my friend, who id dying from maalignant melanoma, and who just got out of hospital from passing out due to lack of nutrition, for the 2nd time, and whose brother is a retired doctor, the first day she was home he arranged for her to have the covid/flu/ booster by a traveling nurse..put her out for a day. But Coudln't think of maybe some IV fluids or nutrition at home.

I give up.

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Just posted this above....

My client who just finished chemo and radiation for S4 squamous cell carcinoma came back a few weeks ago. She was feeling weak, due to getting all three of these shots at once. Recommended by her oncologist. SMH.

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I had to leave when the nurse arrived. I was afraid of what I'd say or do.

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My client who just finished chemo and radiation for S4 squamous cell carcinoma came back a few weeks ago. She was feeling weak, due to getting all three of these shots at once. Recommended by her oncologist. SMH.

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Wonder how effective those are after you’ve obliterated your immune system through chemo and radiation therapy… To extent they’re effective at all… Oh yeah. They’re not.

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THAT is insanity! Who the hell falls for this fiasco?

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I am with Sara..if you do'n't see it now, it is a choice.

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I had a patient who made that very poor choice (retired MD no less), who came to my unit (pcu) because his lips looked like they were burned off, like pieces of charcoal! Pretty bad adverse reaction I’d say! He did regret it, but truly thought he was doing the “right thing” 🙄

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probably 4 total

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I meant 4 total.

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It’s like Thanos snapped his fingers.

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Thanos is much more humane than these psychopaths.

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Have you seen that chart floating around about the bad batches showing extreme anomolies in them regarding reactions/deaths? Red states had disproportinally higher numbers of all the bad effects. Not sure but is Georgia considered red?

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The Red States one I've always been leery about because States are usually swaths of red with compressed population blue urban areas.

Would love to see the batches overlaid with the zip code maps to be more precise.

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Yep, some of the red states' blue cities are very blue indeed.

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I have seen them. Georgia is purple...

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The first person I knew that passed was on a ventilator in ICU. The second had a stroke, recovered, then had several other blood related issues until he finally passed. The last that I am aware of died recently from a brain hemorrhage. This is getting hard to take. Anytime I don't hear from somebody for a while I start looking for an obituary.

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ExcessDeathAU recently posted a heartbreaking essay...articulating this cross that those of us that declined the psyop must bear. To bear witness. To watch the fallout.

It's heartbreaking...and I struggle with it daily.

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Witness-survivor torment. It's a key component of covid democide. I have had to make up new words for what is happening.



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Move; you are too close to the frequency of murder!

Sigh. Go to whatever county, city or state that had the lowest uptake of the experimental kill shot.

Find folks that would never take another one, if they ever had one to begin with.

Work with those who know what is happening. It would help, I think.

Personally, I could not bear watching what you are, it's too awful for words.

Just spoke with my Chiropractor and while she is seeing some weird stuff, so far it's only a few of her clients. But her brother was coerced/forced in the Air Force & now has myocarditis. Sigh.

However, in my area fully 50% of the population said NO. That does help a bit!

I really think we all need to be focused on saving those who realize what has been done to us, and it may well be that the worst is yet to come, like 10 years after exposure to AIDS, when your immune system gives out completely.

That's my concern, not the psy-op victims still lining up for the jabs after everything, they're just too far gone, it seems to me..

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Sarah, I have been witnessing this day in and day out since 2020 as an RN. My own mother passed away due to this vaccine. Non patient codes have increased since the vaccine rolled out. Visitors at the hospital coming to see another vaxx injured person happens every single day, multiple times a day. Young people having heart attacks, strokes, weirdo cancers that are so aggressive that there isn’t a cure for, tons and tons of blood clots, normally healthy people developing heart arrhythmia’s requiring anti clotting therapy. Lots of new autoimmune diseases too. The worst part is that my colleagues and medical professionals are dumbfounded, clueless about WHY this is happening!! My presumption is that they are vaxxed too and may be afraid, but come on! They’re also all the ones catching Covid again and getting sick this year. But yet, I sit there with my God given immunity just fine having not even a sniffle. I pray for them, even through they belittled me when I refused to be vaxxed.

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I am sorry, Christine. I have a really hard time believing that the doctors are truly this "dumbfounded". I think it's more of an issue of being crystal clear on who cuts their checks.

Cheers to you for holding your ground in that environment...I personally know it to be hostile, demeaning, condescending, and generally very unpleasant. Thank you for standing up and holding the line. We need more of YOU.


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Thank you so much, Sarah. Yeah, the past 4 years have been rough to say the least as a nurse who questioned EVERYTHING and wouldn’t back down or participate in the nonsense. And, I agree 100%. Shut up and do your job. Just fix the problem by prescribing more expensive medications. Don’t question, just pretend you don’t know what has caused all of these diseases to explode since 2021. It’s truly unbelievable that we are even writing about this even happening. Thanks for what you do! We need more of YOU too!

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Hola Sarah. Wow! My love is with you.

And I don't know if this will help or not, my circle has been far less devastated. Good friend super athlete and fit, turbo cancer 4 month to death; and a few, 4 or 5(?), 2nd degree strange deaths. So maybe the effectiveness of the culling has been 'managed' in the same way as the bad batches. And I know six people from Canada who suffered immediate adverse events that didn't accelerate their deaths.

Sadly, delusion knows no bounds, and is always the other person's problem. That phrase came to me many years ago, and convidiana has confirmed it to the infinite degree.

Your courage is truly inspirational to me and, I'm sure, to all of us here. Thank you for bringing your voice to this battle. We are truly living The Bhagavad - Gita and have chosen to fight with Arjuna for bringing truth to light. All the best.

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Love back to you....((♥️))

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Imagine the experiments done on Holocaust prisoners. Imagine what 'they' learned about human nature. All done so very gruesomely. Inconceivable for those of us with heart and soul.

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