Fascism is interesting. Historically, u needed a Marxist-socialist psychopath that understands internationalism isn’t going to cut it. They also need to understand ideology and well enough to tie it into a nationalistic / blood / soil rhetoric. WEF is the perfect example of todays fascists. Fn leftist goons using trans ideology / climate lens to get a minority to rise up against the same class of people to hand over all our power and property to be ruled over by the elite. They’re so brainwashed they can’t see it.

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You make some good points, however, the thing is at all points along the timeline some people see what's really going on but are ignored. Some Jews (and non-Jews) would have woken up very early to what lay ahead (testified by to a number of Jews - possibly even some non-Jews - leaving Germany reasonably early on) while other Jews (and, of course, loads of non-Jews) wouldn't have.

The most telling thing is that even when people show others what's happening (or even what happened in the past) they are ignored.

Gaining an understanding of psyop MO in the last few years, I knew from Day One of this covid pandemic that it was a psyop ... I had no clue about the AIDS, polio, smallpox, rabies, SARS-1, swine flu, Spanish flu, MERS, Zika, Ebola, etc frauds ... but others did and had their words gained currency it wouldn't have first been with covid that so many of us are now waking up to massive medical fraud - I guess you can say that's one upside. No one listens to all the callers out, they just do not listen. The Great Fire of London 1666 is still regarded as the work of a 26 yo French watchmaker! Myths die very, very hard ... and boy do those in power rely on that phenomenon.

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The White Rose movement in Germany. Non-violent youth protest against Naziism.


And like you, I was unaware of all the other medical psy-ops since the 19th century. This is a time of a great awakening. Sometimes it takes a huge wack across the head for the head to release its myths. And this is a whopper! So interesting to see how we evolve it as we evolve and let go the myths we held dear. Well, almost everything about the modern world.

The yogic buddhist idea is that the only truth is that which does not change. And ... well, everything changes!

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Ask the non believers how many planes were involved in NYC.

Then ask them how many buildings went down and when.


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"Inside job" is only half of it though.

What we need to understand is that the perps aren't happy only fooling those they know will believe them, they have to fool ALL of us, believers and disbelievers alike ... and of course it works better if they fool the disbelievers and have us misarmed with only half-truth - half-truths make great lies.

I think my post explains what 9/11 really was pretty well - you won't have read this anywhere else I assure you.


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I am going to reread and try to fill in some of the holes ( explanations ) with probabilities.

I did see the video on hologram technology. The one with the whale jumping out of the water in the classroom.

I do like your point about the disinformation for the non believers. Tricky.

After I do some homework I will get back to you.

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Basically there are always Cassandras - Cassandra is very much an archetype reflecting reality.


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Thank you, Sarah,

Yes. And as our current history attests, and past histories confirmed, we welcome tyranny in for dinner. It is the rare people who don't. Jordan Peterson used to challenge his students to consider whether or not they would be the guards in Auschwitz or the family protecting Anne Frank. Most think the latter, and he would challenge them that history belies that: most become the guards.

I am looking at why that is in an article I am in the final edits. I'll post it soon. It is very long, includes lobster neurology, agriculture and Stanly Milgram and .... It has been a discovery of connections that I'm finding very compelling and interesting.

Addendum: JP took the injection and failed to recognise that tyranny had slid over him too, even as he cautioned his students about that happening. He became one of the guards, not one of the Anne Frank protectors. Amazing.

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I love Jordan Peterson. I often reference his lobster observations in the studio (the flexing of the wrists as a submissive posture )....

I'll look forward to reading your article :)

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Stanly Milgram experiments explain it all. The majority of humans are without depth of character and breath of soul. Additionally, half the population is below average intelligence.

A white coat or a uniform is just an item of clothing. Would the Jews have obeyed the orders if a man in a stained t shirt and shorts and running shoes was giving them? Unintelligent people cannot discern these tiny details and remove the articles of clothing. Yes, there are a lot of unintelligent and pseudo intellects in high places. I really enjoy Jordon Peterson because he can call them out.

Words are another example used to dress things up, the word mandate means nothing as well as the person uttering it. Not when it comes to your life.

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Dec 11, 2022
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True, most weren't guards. I've seen reference in a substack that about 1 million Germans worked in and immediately around the transportation, housing and killing of the Jews. So, true not all guards. Peterson comments in one of his maps of knowledge lectures that the guards were often/usually recruited from the local police. He cites a book – sorry, I don't have the title handy – about how that was done. It has *some* similar characteristics to how the plandemic was successfully implemented agains what might, in some circles, be called objective reality grounded common sense.

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Dec 12, 2022Edited
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Something to keep in mind about this is that following Edward Bernays' and Walter Lippman's 1930S advocacy of propaganda as the proper tool of the elite to rule the undeserving, Hitler followed the program. Create fear, and then direct the solution. The Jews were targeted in Germany as specifically the source of disease and poor health. Exactly as was done with the uninjected. The history of scapegoating the Jews abetted the effort. I have recently come to think that that was not the main source of the successful implementation of totalitarian rule. For example, witches and improper Christians have also been purged as threats to well being. (I explore that in my post "Exploration On Obedience to Authority, Mass Formation, Woke and Corporatist News" https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/obedience-to-authority-a-rumination).

The current war was cleverly initiated years ago with the campaign to create fear of unknown viruses. Not too dissimilar from the mostly vague and persistent centuries old fear-mongering against the Jews. The great advantage of the virus scourge is that it is unseen and can be managed by propaganda experts and the talking heads of the experts of the propaganda.

Fear moves the brain function into the amygdala, and once the brain rests there actual thinking and even the ability to think stops. Thinking simply does not exist, as amygdala functions as fight, flight, freeze or fawn. (Note: I have seen it argued that 'freeze' comes from the parasympathetic system shutting down rather than the amygdala being active.)

Regarding the Jews, and their vilification. Here is an interesting take on that, with the vilified Jews not actually being Jews. Rather, they are the Rhadanites who took on a false Jewish identity about 800 years ago. It is an interesting and compelling argument.

"...we look back in history to understand how ancient Babylon plays a central part in the Globalist Agenda. Aim4Truth offers their deep research insight into the Babylonian Rhadanites, the stolen identity of H_brews, and an understanding of how the fake British Elite are bringing about the One World Slavery System."

Part I

11/12/22: The Babylonian Cartel, Rhadanites & Stolen Identity: A Discussion W/AIM


Part 2:

Cartel Babylon, Part 2: Global Enslavement


Part 3:

12/6/22: Cartel Babylon, Part 3: Mammon Prison Planet


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Regards the " vaccines' I keep asking myself how do we educate others and by that I mean those who have received it as it is a very hot button topic. How to educate someone who might be harmed in the long term? I tread a fine line if and when I speak with others I know who have taken the jab.

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Ask them if they are going to get another injection. Bourla says we should have 5 or 6 and then every 6 months. Then they will likely educate you on why the are not.

If they are going to get their 6 or 7 th I would encourage them to get more and stick to their guns and what they think is right!

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It's why God gave us two arms, right? One for the covid jab, one for the flu.

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The present system is "liberal-fascism": rule by a corporatist oligarchy behind a false front of liberal democracy. It's been sitting right in our living rooms for over a century, and few have even noticed. Most are distracted by the left/right circus, and never study the ringmasters or their networks.

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:: sigh ::

Opposite wings of the same broke ass plane...

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Excellent post Sarah.

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Sarcasm, I love it in others because I deal in it myself. I like to say it's one of my better qualities. Funny, I'm sarcastic even when paying myself a (faux) compliment!

Regards the shortage of content I'd like to say that there was no content for either yourself or any of the other Substack writers as that'd mean we weren't experiencing all of this evil. As for being jaded how can any soul who has any idea as to what is transpiring in the world and gives a flying iota not, at some point, become somewhat jaded. One would have no blood in their veins if it didn't occur from time to time. The beauty of this Substack platform is that I'd never have had the opportunity to connect with those like yourself if it weren't for all of this evil and so it could be said that there IS a silver lining amidst all of this darkness. I consider it a privilege and blessing to be acquainted with those like yourself, even if it is across the miles and through the shroud of 'the web', as it were. Thank you!!

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"It’s my intent to share my experience here. I’m not harboring under any delusions of grandeur. I realize that my contribution to this movement, this resistance, will likely be minimal, at best. But I cannot simply continue to be quiet. It is my hope that my musings will contribute in some way to the collective dissident voice of the group; the group that simply will not comply with the absurdity. Perhaps this will find someone hanging in a similar space, feeling a bit isolated and lonely, and offer a wink and a nod."

Sarah; NEVER...never underestimate your contribution. You have no idea how it might touch others, such as myself. If it doesn't start with truly caring people, such as yourself, how does it ever start? Your empathy/sympathy for your fellow human being is obvious in your writings and in your photo; as everything shows through one's eyes.

I'll bet that as a dancer you are the epitome of grace. Thank you and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you. I am thankful for you.

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🙏🏼I am humbled...thank you. Your comment brought tears to my eyes. Thank you.

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I would be remiss if I did not wish you a Merry Christmas and say that, "God willing and the creek don't rise' that you will continue to grace us with your thoughtful, insightful posts well into 2023.

Thank you, Terry

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Merry Christmas to you, Terry! Thank you 🙏🏼

I won’t be going anywhere anytime soon...there’s no shortage of content opportunities. I have had a week or so of feeling particularly jaded and have been collecting my thoughts. I hope to enter the new year with fresh, insightful sarcasm 😉

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My dear lady, from across the miles you are so very welcome.

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You are so very articulate. A true gift to educate.

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Thank you Sarah for the stellar article.


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