This post strikes a number of chords with me and is unsurpisingly unsurprising. I'll briefly share related comments regarding some shared experiences.
I have multiple chemical sensitivity, which many years ago was seen as a part of a new paradigm of diseases along with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. A mechanism was proposed in 2002 by a microbiologist at Washington State University who published a book about it in 2007.
Explaining Unexplained Illnesses: Disease Paradigm for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Gulf War Syndrome and Others
There used to be a succinct explanation on his page at the University of Washington, but the page was repeatedly hacked and has long 'unexisted'. Why might that be? Because it implicates the chemical industry in the cause. The chemical industry and the pharmaceutical industries are essentially one and the same and a brief review of how the chemical industry drove MCS denial is straight out of tobacco science, and is an advanced blueprint for what we're currently seeing in pharma in general, and the covid vaccines specifically. This summary is written by a physician who has MCS:
The quickie version: deny the existence of the problem by claiming that there's no supportive data for it long before supportive data is even sought. MDs stake their reputations on it. Media carries articles about it while carrying water for industry: they'll offer phony concern for victims while ALWAYS protecting industry by describing the conditions as "controversial". Just like vaccine harms. When supportive data is revealed, the denial machine is already a perpetual motion machine, powered by staked reputations..
OMG, the morcellator. It would be laughable to consider this device in context of the naively believed phrase "surgical precision". It's very fitting that these devices are used on OB/GYN surgeries because during, my brief time as an OR nurse, it was easy to see that there was no surgeon field that had such a predominance of hack surgeons as GYN. Laparoscopic hysterectomies were often a joke as the surgeons was way out of their leagues at doing the procedure laparoscopically, as evidenced by the fact that they'd always "finish" the surgery, i.e. perform most of it, in normal fashion. It's almost like they were practicing on their patients to get better. Maybe they should have gotten more practice in training? I'm not the only one who thought so. Almost 20 years after my stint there comes this:
Is surgical training in ob/gyn residency adequate?
Another commonly used OB/GYN device is the endometrial ablation unit. A casually common phrase for electrosurgery units was "slash and burn". The endometrial ablation unit is "slash and burn" without the "slash". Again, almost 20 years after my stint of seeing an endless parade of ablation cases comes this:
Endometrial Ablation – Hysterectomy Alternative or Trap?
A side note on that subject: there were a number of ways that manufacturers would burn off endometrial tissue. One way was to insert a balloon in the uterus and fill it with scalding saline and hold it there under pressure. When I was a biomedical technician, I'd occasionally get calls about the units losing pressure in the middle of a case, leading to a failed procedure. I never found a problem with the unit, nor did the manufacturer when I sent one in. Finally, I was called promptly enough to get to the OR as the staff was cleaning up and the anesthetist was giving her report. As the nurse explained the problem to me, I overhead the anesthetist say that the surgeon asked her to give the patient a drug to stop her from shaking in the middle of the case. I couldn't believe me ears: the drug that they give is a muscle relaxant. The uterus is largely muscle. What do you think happens to your uterine pressure when the uterus is relaxed?
FDA device approvals LOL. I was tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the safety of a class of devices after a nurse inadvertently killed a patient with one. My first order of business was to ensure that would be no more such mistakes, but the chief MD would have no part of this solution. "The guru" who designed it doesn't do it that way. The guru, another MD, invented the device, which was used nationwide. I was pretty miffed because not only would my solution work, but in the process of coming up with it, I found that all of the doctors who used the device were unknowingly under-treating all of their patients. I poured through the journals that documented the use of the device and I found that the entire premise was flawed. I called the guru and I asked him if he was aware of this flaw and if he was concerned. He said, "no", chuckled, and said "no". I decided to wait for his next move and soon the device was removed from the market.
I wondered "how the hell could the FDA have approved this device?" After reading the device approval and a few other device approvals, I realized that the people at the FDA had no fucking idea how these things worked beyond what the manufacturers told them. I asked my boss if he was aware of the this and he shifted uncomfortabley an said, "yeah".
An entirely unrelated footnote: A post-surgical patient died. The hospital administration decided to imply that the cause was one of my devices without actually saying that the device failed. I had a paper trail proving that it didn't fail, but all they wanted was to plant the implication to the public because they couldn't "afford to lose the public trust". Why would that happen? Because when the patient was showing signs of internal bleeding one night, the surgeon on call refused to get out of bed to save him. I was extremely vocal about the hospital's response, so they fired me. It didn't matter that they were violating their own policies in the process. My attorney said I was right and theoretically I should win the case, but the hospital is too powerful and I could never afford to pursue it.
The entire industry is an abomination...but no aspect more than the medical device segment. When my sister in law's mother ended up with cancer everywhere, I had just read Everything Below the Waist. I could not believe what I was seeing...and the utter lack of acknowledgment for the cause of her widespread cancer. The family knew it already...when I called, irate, they had already accepted that the statute of limitations had elapsed, and moved on. She left behind her husband, who had early onset Alzheimer's, and the end of the entire ordeal was as tragic as you can imagine.
Thank you for the links you included...of course the first book is ridiculously overpriced on Amazon now...perhaps a savvy download savant on this board can locate it...?
::Paging @Infanttyron3::
Have you read Plague of Corruption by Dr. Judy Mikovits? I read her book at some point during the Covid scam, and the CFS bit was like reading pages from my mom's own diary. I will try and find a copy of the book you linked...I'd really like to read it. Obviously it's too late for my mom, but there are so many people that suffer and are inevitably told that it's in their head. Or so heavily medicated that they end up with some new condition.
Thank you for standing for what it right, not what it is easy.
4) on the next resulting page, click on 'download now' (it's sort of mid-page)
NOTE: If Slow Partner Server #3 doesn't work, try Slow Partner Servers #2 or #1 OR 'become a member' and use Fast Partner Servers #1, #2, or #3...when I started with, I randomly chose Slow Partner Server #3 and so far, it has worked every time.
IF ALL ELSE FAILS...put a working email address (doesn't have to be yours, but should be one you have access to) in a comment to this comment, then hit 'Post', then count to three and delete the comment...I should get an email notification from Substack with the email address visible...I'll send the book as an email attachment to the address you provided...please don't send me invitations to join a secret society, resistance group, religion, etc...schedule's kinda full here...
Always glad to be able to save someone $130 on a paperback book when it's possible.
Smart move to Pin DR's comment & your reply...swimming pool's closed on Sunday, so I stayed up late last night and slept later than I do the other 6 days...might easily have missed the request for download help. I'll send you a copy directly, case you have anyone more locally who can benefit from reading the book but doesn't read your Substack posts.
Likewise, Dermatological Early Responding Vigilante Intuitive Substack Heroine (DERVISH, to append to your degree in Dance)?
I was a somewhat underpaid purchasing agent for a retail computer chain back in the early 1980s (that folded despite my heroic efforts), so I don't feel any significant level of guilt about pirating s/w, books or entertainment. A couple of decades later, I was a teacher working with K-12 students in their homes (most were recovering from major surgeries and couldn't safely be on campus), in my last year, 2008, I had three kids die from cancer. The computer biz gave me the skill set to do the downloading, and the teaching gig gave me the motivation to help people research medical problems. Being able to blend the two together these past few years has not really been challenging, but it has been rewarding. Thanks to you & Sage & Tessa & Tereza, and maybe a couple others that aren't coming to mind at the moment, for giving me a floor to do my little dance on, because IRL I've got two left feet. :-)
Thanks for that, Sarah. Genuine understanding is hard to find. The gaslighting itself has so many cascading effects of harm. It makes it easy for the people in your life to bail because there's no shame in doing so. Invisible illnesses don't exist when they inconvenience others, except as a way to make those others feel superior over such “weak minded people”. Only an intrepid, loving few believe you over “the experts”. My ex was not one of those. She's a mid-level healthcare practitioner who chose to pursue her HGTV renovations that I couldn't provide over the father of her children. I lost virtually everything in the process, and the neurotoxic brain damage, along with the need to avoid chemical exposures, ensure that I'll never rebuild the life that I'd dreamed of and achieved.
Funny how mindset changes things though. Getting fired and kicked out of all that I'd worked for is what motivated me to find another way to live. I now live a very simple life of clean living and exercise, and I feel absolutely fucking tremendous. I'm married to the girl that I fell in love with when I was a kid, who loves this life as well. We're very fortunate!
I love this. Sometimes the storm does bring a rainbow. ♥️
I am also with a long lost love after a nasty storm that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I’m much better off for it though i didn’t feel like that in the moment.
DR... Thanks for sharing. This year marks 50 years since my MD was awarded and all you mention is but the tip of the iceberg. I have watched as the medical profession has been thoroughly corporatized and turned into one giant wealth extraction mechanism for the 0.001%. ...And, then, there is the entire issue with allopathic medicine which is now completely profit-driven, mechanistic, reductionist, and anti-Human.
Where are the doctors? The majority were bought long ago and with today's training/programming they are thoroughly prepared to be willing cogs in the Med Ind Complex.
Spot on, and on this point: "allopathic medicine which is now completely profit-driven, mechanistic, reductionist, and anti-Human".
My son's fiance died of brain cancer. A month later, my son was diagnosed with cancer. After inpatient treatment, they sent him home and he called to let them know that he had cold symptoms. They told him to go to their affiliate hospital to get tested for covid. I took him there, they said he was positive, and they admitted him. I called him later and asked if they tried to give him Remdesivir. Yes they did. As if my son hadn't been through enough trauma already, the murderers at Brigham and Women's Hospital attempted to risk his life so they could make a few more bucks. I told him to dc the drug, dc himself from the clutches of those heinous monsters, and I picked him up.
My mum was given a terminal diagnosis in 2020 (caused by medical incompetence and ignorance) every meeting with consultant was like a sales team meeting, go team! The one time I couldn’t go with her she was vaxed as he wouldn’t be able to ‘work with her’ until,she was. The woman was dying, it’s disgusting. I have abs no respect for the medics.
Thank you for sharing and keep shouting from the mountain tops! We need more honest Drs to quit being cowards & speak out. Happy to help where I can in that effort. I’ve found the best way is to plant seeds and let them know people aren’t buying it anymore.
I’m also a nurse. Quit when we were told the shots would be mandated. It was either quit or write a 9 pages of multiple essay questions on my religious beliefs. And if you spoke out against the Covid shots you were done.
It was the best decision I ever made. Even though the area I worked in out -patient wound care, was a healing -focused part of medicine that even though big pharma had a part in, we helped people with chronic conditions that caused the kind of wounds that were nearly impossible to heal without intervention. Nutrition & vitamin therapies were part of our protocols. We used the same nutraceuticals that were brought to attention in Covid prevention & recovery.
Now I still volunteer as an advocate to patients who need assistance navigating through the health care system to find wound care.
During Covid, I had several families who I knew on a personal basis that needed assistance changing dressings using difficult to manage, prescribed wound care. Home health nurses not trained on specific techniques that made a mess of things. This is where I was asked to help. I hated giving up my career but making this break helped me turn my focus on my family & close friends.
Any Canadian readers care to weigh in here? I am thinking they would find the sequence of care reported here to have been remarkably rapid. Any wealthy Canadian in this situation would have immediately gone to Buffalo, Boston, or Seattle for care.
Now people are seeking alternatives with functional & naturopathic medicine as these practices are offering packages with payment plans. No insurance. They are a big player in the healthcare scam.
As a rule, I do not 🧡articles, no matter how well written or accurate, which address such an abhorrent aspect of our society. I wish they would come up with another unit of measure other than the 🧡, which to me implies love. What is to love about the repulsive state of most of our medical community....greedy, ignorant, and brainwashed? Are they all a result of DEI? Please, please, please, if you value your life and health, do not count on these people to value it as well. There are so many resources these days. Avail them to your benefit. Prescription medication, all vaxx included, are designed to make recurring customers of all of us until we are financially depleted and then part of the 90% they wish to de-populate. Chris Beat Cancer is an excellent resource for questions to ask your “second opinion oncologist” before you do anything drastic. You cannot cut/chemo/radiate (poison) yourself to renewed health. As usual, Sarah’s writing is spot-fucking-on.
I have heard one 'alternative oncologist' speak and she had a very different approach to treatments. I wish there were more like her! She was a guest on the FLCCC weekly Wednesday podcast.
Dear Sarah, You have written such a beautiful and bittersweet column. Thank you so much for continuing to share your experiences and your heart with us all!
I'm so sorry about the death of your mom... Ginger
I am so sorry about your mum Sarah, she sounds like the most wonderful mother, and the early education she gave you about the world we live in would have given you and your brothers a great start in life.
You diagnosing that skin cancer reminds me of a recent story where a relatives wife went to a doctor because of a headache, the doctor said it's nothing... So she was at the physio who noticed a few things and suggested maybe she get a brain scan. Physio was a better doctor than her doctor as she had a brain tumour (unfortunately inoperable).
Unfortunately she's had the jab (and of course we'll never know for sure) but I do suspect that may be the cause, as progression has been rapid, within two weeks of diagnosis she can't even walk...
Thank you for your article Sarah, it was a good read and hoping all goes well for your friends cancer treatment and surgery.
Oh, Sarah, what moving stories. And your mother made me think of mine, who was dealing with the very same issues. I miss my mother too, she was just as bold and wise.
Your tenacious spirit to help, and your knowledge and intuition are phenomenal. It is excruciating to realize that we know more than most doctors ever will, and the fact that we actually care about others and not looking for a big payday, is the biggest component to helping them. The cult of the medics never had my respect and many of us always knew that it was a racket, and some (not nearly enough) are finally beginning to see what a deadly grift it is.
I too often think why bother to try to continually sound the alarm to those who will not hear, but a few will hear it...and it inspires us to keep on looking for answers and trying to help.
Thank you for a heartbreaking and inspiring substack, and may our amazing mothers, and all of our lost loved ones rest in perfect peace.
Beautiful? TY, I'll take it, but it is only a reflection...
This is a wicked ride, for sure. And happy to have you by my side too, and we do have some fierce warriors on our battlefields. The stellar company we keep is so comforting...
Over the last few decades pharma invaded the medical school curriculum. These "doctors" are brainwashed by the system. They are not doctors, they are robots.
Your mom's situation sounds surreal. But in a similar fashion I found out that my grandmother on my dad's side had committed suicide, but used an electric cord to do so. I remember hearing of her death, and no one really explaining anything to me as I was still a kid. They said later on she was very depressed. But the woman I knew took me to K-Mart and the movies, was an active tennis player, worked a lot in the garden, and was a joy to be around.
My mom, I couldn't save her either. She had lung cancer. From around Christmas of 2002 to June of 2003, we bounced from doctor to doctor for a proper diagnosis. Finally because she wasn't getting any better, we headed to the Mayo. We found out a few weeks before her death that she had lung cancer. Apparently it would have been found in a closed MRI but the open MRI she had received months before could not adequately catch it.
I listen to a lot of voices. The doctor I had (currently without doctor) asked if I had been vaccinated through the mask that muffled her voice in the examination room. I told her I wasn't, and she asked why and after a moment I gave her my reasons. And her response to those reasons pretty much had me writing her off as a medical professional. My list in March of 2022 was.
It was experimental.
I'd already had Covid so why did I need the shot?
The death rate did not warrant a mandatory vaccine.
The injection did not stay in the shot site.
I will elect to wait 3-5 years until possible long term/side effects can be determined.
Her response was mainly talking points with the exception that she thought the "stays in the injection site" was ludicrious. I agreed. Much in the same way that the virus only stays in the upper airspace of a restaurant where people walk and does not lower itself aound seating level where people talk to one another.
Most doctors are employees now and are part of a "hospital group." The advocacy lies now with the patient. I do wonder if I could have advocated more for my mother. I felt along for the diagnostic ride, but I knew very little about cancer, and diagnostic tests, much of anything really.
In 2021, I had an appointment with my PCP at the VA.
I was told I needed the shingles vaccine. Earlier, I stumbled on the fact that the FDA put a black box warning on the shingles vaccines for the possibility of developing Guillain-Barre syndrome.
Luckily, I printed out the warning and took it to my appointment.
Showed it to my doctor...there were too many seconds of silence...then I realized she was reading the warning for the first time.
More bad news: The VA had safety signals triggered 6 months after the shot roll out for the possibility of developing myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shot.
VA doctor emailed the CDC. Both the VA and the CDC remained silent.
VA still forced their employees to take the covid shot.
VA never warned veterans they could be harmed.
Story was in The Epoch Times. They got the info from FOIAs.
I'm a veteran. I have screenshots of all of the texts I get from the VA telling me how a flu shot will not only protect me but will protect everyone around me... it's the lowest sort of psychological salesmanship. (I only ever go to the VA for diagnosis if I feel like I need it.. I never let them treat me). But they push the shots to the old veterans like me and push and push and push and I write them and I say "You ought to be shot." (No pun intended)
But they never write back because they don't get my notes. It's just me venting....
I have over time taken photos of all the PSYOPS posters encouraging the old veterans to line up for the death shots. It's heartrending. The only thing I trust the facility for is blood tests (I took one last year to see my toxic metals levels).. and.. and... that's about it;.
This is part of the problem, doctors don't have the time...or even the incentive? to give consent. They are seeing many patients a day and it all blurs together for them, and because of the state of healthcare in the condition it is, I don't see it getting better.
Yes, agree. Our medical director just bought herself a brand new electric Mercedes 🤮….I’m thinking she sleeps just fine after 4 years of Covid scamdemic cash-cow.
The founder of Viral Solutions lives across the street from my middle son's best friend. I get to hear a fair amount about how much he's enjoying the profits from the scam. He's an ER doc as well....I have a YouTube video he made explaining the spike protein, how it works, and why you should get "vaccinated". I have it saved and will include it in a post one day. The video did not age well lol. He doesn't care though...he keeps busy enjoying the fruits of his lies.
I agree with you. I am explaining the water here, and it isn't in any way to excuse it. The answer should be then that "if they can't give informed consent they need to make it clear." It was clear from the answers given by my doctor in regards to my list for reasons not be vaccinated that they did not know what they were talking about but rather sounded like they had been listening to the 24/7 propaganda machine.
They never read the warnings! I mentioned the warning once to a doctor - he said- oh, they always find something - it's their job. Most of it is not true!
They don't care. To be a practicing medical Doctor today, you have to have a conscience seared with a hot iron. If not you're run out of town by the AMA and FDA.
The commonly prescribed broad spectrum antibiotic, LEVAQUIN, has a Black Box Warning. I was prescribed it to take PROPHYLACTICALLY after a back surgery and emergency gall bladder surgery. I was also prescribed it for a simple sinus infection a couple of times before I learned about it. It's only supposed to be used as a "last line of defense" when other antibiotics haven't worked. ☹️Haven't been back to the doctor since.
There's a story of the man who killed his father at 18 but has no memory of doing it. He got sent to prison because PFIZER LIED about any violent adverse reactions to Zoloft! There's plenty more stories like this one. 😡
I know, it's tragic that people aren't aware. Do the ME and Police not release this info OR does the "Brought to you by Pfizer" media just not pick that info up and AMPLIFY it like they do with info about whatever weapon was used -> then we get the make, model, .cal; who, when, where the gun was purchased, etc, etc, etc. The media does a deep dive into these people's lives but always skip their "safe and effective" pharmaceutical history.
I personally think most (all?) mass shootings are planned false flags, maybe using some sort of V2K/Manchurian Candidate methods that coincide with the anti-depression/anti-psychotic drugs the perpetrator always seem to be taking. IMO, there's far too many similarities between the perpetrators/scenes overall, to be a natural phenomenon of recent times.
Your first reason was enough for me! - it's experimental - and What are the Long Term effects?? No one knows! I was told long long ago by a doctor to never be the first or the last to try something new. I've taken that to heart. The test of time is more important. And I still have faith in my own immune system. My last vitamin D level was 108.
I was just talking to someone today who made the anecdotal assertion...they were in a choir, they were the only one who wore an N95 and at least 25 people got Covid, all unmasked. If everyone got infected who was unmasked, then this would mean something, or if there were as many masked as unmasked then it might mean something. Otherwise we are talking "incidental." Similar to if I was had a man bun and no else had a man bun. Or I was the only one who wore a scarf and no one else was wearing a scarf...
Wow, that was so heavy to read, yes, where the hell are the doctors. I have seen where people are curing their cancers with Ivermectin and Fenbendazole, Ive read their personal stories, it's kind of amazing. Im only mentioning this as it might help someone down the line, rather than radiation and chemo.
Deliberate incompetence. Everybody I know who goes to a doctor ends up dead. They killed my parents and older brother with interventions they didn't need.
I don't think your mother killed herself. She was too high-minded unless she was in a lot of physical pain but she probably would have told you. It's not that easy to kill yourself.
Butchered by's the top two books on the following page...PDF and Epub formats, you pick...I'd use a VPN just in on the version you want, then pick a server on the resulting page, and finally click on Download Now on the page after that. I've had success with "Slow Download #3...
Looks like "Butchered" isn't available from his Substack for free...I had it mixed-up with his book titled "Cassandra's Memo", which is free here...
Deep in el barrio del algo...I think I just asked YT for "Yoho Butchered" and it came right up, but I suspect it doesn't show up on the right-hand side Recommended panel very much.
After my husbands near death by sepsis experience at the hands of incompetency its scary to even see a doctor. They hooked him up to a ventilator and the outlet didnt work! Same hospital pushing the 8th booster…
Sarah, your beautiful mother would be so proud of you, you are the embodiment of her. I know she and your dad are watching out for you every day. I am lucky to know you and appreciate you in so many ways. Thank you.
So, so sorry to hear about your mother and clients, Sarah. I am with you. I am really starting to disdain almost anyone who works at a corporate medical practice. My fiance took one jab, in a moment of weakness in '21 due to a very close doctor's (head of internal medicine at a Texas hospital) friends urging. Within 1 year, had a lieomyosarcoma (7 inches removed from his abdomen). All went well and seems okay. I was not impressed with the way the supposed "best and brightest" at a big cancer hospital have perfromed. It's "the cancer center" in Florida, and twice they've missed his veins and he's had contrast pouring into his arm.
Four months ago, he had a glaucoma attack. Went to an opthamologist who couldn't figure out what the problem was so he gave steroids IN HIS EYES for 4 MONTHS! I almost lost my mind and urged him to stop, told him to tell the doctor "no." I know how damaging long term steroid usage is. My fiance "trusted the medicine." The doctor urged him it was the only way - this idiot obviously had no idea it was a glaucoma attack - sent him to another doctor - who couldn't figure it out either. He finally listened and went to two specialists I found. He's lost 80% of his eyesight. Both specialists says the loss is permanent and it was caused by the steroids. It's all so needless. And there's nowhere to go.
I used to think there were just a few bad apples. Now I think that maybe we have 10% who aren't captured. I work with doctors in my occupation. I don't trust the majority of them.
Oh my...I am so sorry. It's so hard to watch this happening. My three brothers all jabbed their kids. It's not a welcome conversation, so I have no idea how many injections those poor kiddos have taken. My doc brother is the only one that admits to stepping off the covid injection train...they aren't getting anymore shots, so there's that.
My youngest brother's baby is sick literally all the time. And has now developed a food allergy... which I assume came about after a round of whatever-month shots.
I'm so sorry to hear about what you are going through with your fiancé.
I am so sorry this all happened to your fiance. I'm horrified to read what they did to him with their willful incompetence. The medical system is also set up to disallow doctors to do their jobs. More are speaking out but not enough, and they're all pushers of pharma poisons. In our clinic, a doctor is "allowed" 11 minutes with a patient. It's outright war on the people.
This post strikes a number of chords with me and is unsurpisingly unsurprising. I'll briefly share related comments regarding some shared experiences.
I have multiple chemical sensitivity, which many years ago was seen as a part of a new paradigm of diseases along with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. A mechanism was proposed in 2002 by a microbiologist at Washington State University who published a book about it in 2007.
Explaining Unexplained Illnesses: Disease Paradigm for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Gulf War Syndrome and Others
There used to be a succinct explanation on his page at the University of Washington, but the page was repeatedly hacked and has long 'unexisted'. Why might that be? Because it implicates the chemical industry in the cause. The chemical industry and the pharmaceutical industries are essentially one and the same and a brief review of how the chemical industry drove MCS denial is straight out of tobacco science, and is an advanced blueprint for what we're currently seeing in pharma in general, and the covid vaccines specifically. This summary is written by a physician who has MCS:
The quickie version: deny the existence of the problem by claiming that there's no supportive data for it long before supportive data is even sought. MDs stake their reputations on it. Media carries articles about it while carrying water for industry: they'll offer phony concern for victims while ALWAYS protecting industry by describing the conditions as "controversial". Just like vaccine harms. When supportive data is revealed, the denial machine is already a perpetual motion machine, powered by staked reputations..
OMG, the morcellator. It would be laughable to consider this device in context of the naively believed phrase "surgical precision". It's very fitting that these devices are used on OB/GYN surgeries because during, my brief time as an OR nurse, it was easy to see that there was no surgeon field that had such a predominance of hack surgeons as GYN. Laparoscopic hysterectomies were often a joke as the surgeons was way out of their leagues at doing the procedure laparoscopically, as evidenced by the fact that they'd always "finish" the surgery, i.e. perform most of it, in normal fashion. It's almost like they were practicing on their patients to get better. Maybe they should have gotten more practice in training? I'm not the only one who thought so. Almost 20 years after my stint there comes this:
Is surgical training in ob/gyn residency adequate?
Another commonly used OB/GYN device is the endometrial ablation unit. A casually common phrase for electrosurgery units was "slash and burn". The endometrial ablation unit is "slash and burn" without the "slash". Again, almost 20 years after my stint of seeing an endless parade of ablation cases comes this:
Endometrial Ablation – Hysterectomy Alternative or Trap?
A side note on that subject: there were a number of ways that manufacturers would burn off endometrial tissue. One way was to insert a balloon in the uterus and fill it with scalding saline and hold it there under pressure. When I was a biomedical technician, I'd occasionally get calls about the units losing pressure in the middle of a case, leading to a failed procedure. I never found a problem with the unit, nor did the manufacturer when I sent one in. Finally, I was called promptly enough to get to the OR as the staff was cleaning up and the anesthetist was giving her report. As the nurse explained the problem to me, I overhead the anesthetist say that the surgeon asked her to give the patient a drug to stop her from shaking in the middle of the case. I couldn't believe me ears: the drug that they give is a muscle relaxant. The uterus is largely muscle. What do you think happens to your uterine pressure when the uterus is relaxed?
FDA device approvals LOL. I was tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the safety of a class of devices after a nurse inadvertently killed a patient with one. My first order of business was to ensure that would be no more such mistakes, but the chief MD would have no part of this solution. "The guru" who designed it doesn't do it that way. The guru, another MD, invented the device, which was used nationwide. I was pretty miffed because not only would my solution work, but in the process of coming up with it, I found that all of the doctors who used the device were unknowingly under-treating all of their patients. I poured through the journals that documented the use of the device and I found that the entire premise was flawed. I called the guru and I asked him if he was aware of this flaw and if he was concerned. He said, "no", chuckled, and said "no". I decided to wait for his next move and soon the device was removed from the market.
I wondered "how the hell could the FDA have approved this device?" After reading the device approval and a few other device approvals, I realized that the people at the FDA had no fucking idea how these things worked beyond what the manufacturers told them. I asked my boss if he was aware of the this and he shifted uncomfortabley an said, "yeah".
An entirely unrelated footnote: A post-surgical patient died. The hospital administration decided to imply that the cause was one of my devices without actually saying that the device failed. I had a paper trail proving that it didn't fail, but all they wanted was to plant the implication to the public because they couldn't "afford to lose the public trust". Why would that happen? Because when the patient was showing signs of internal bleeding one night, the surgeon on call refused to get out of bed to save him. I was extremely vocal about the hospital's response, so they fired me. It didn't matter that they were violating their own policies in the process. My attorney said I was right and theoretically I should win the case, but the hospital is too powerful and I could never afford to pursue it.
Thank you for this...
The entire industry is an abomination...but no aspect more than the medical device segment. When my sister in law's mother ended up with cancer everywhere, I had just read Everything Below the Waist. I could not believe what I was seeing...and the utter lack of acknowledgment for the cause of her widespread cancer. The family knew it already...when I called, irate, they had already accepted that the statute of limitations had elapsed, and moved on. She left behind her husband, who had early onset Alzheimer's, and the end of the entire ordeal was as tragic as you can imagine.
Thank you for the links you included...of course the first book is ridiculously overpriced on Amazon now...perhaps a savvy download savant on this board can locate it...?
::Paging @Infanttyron3::
Have you read Plague of Corruption by Dr. Judy Mikovits? I read her book at some point during the Covid scam, and the CFS bit was like reading pages from my mom's own diary. I will try and find a copy of the book you linked...I'd really like to read it. Obviously it's too late for my mom, but there are so many people that suffer and are inevitably told that it's in their head. Or so heavily medicated that they end up with some new condition.
Thank you for standing for what it right, not what it is easy.
The world needs more people like you.
::Room's the book you requested...didja want fries with that? ::
Go to page at first link below & click 'download now' should work (~~5 min download)
If the link above doesn't start the 20.9 MB download:
1) go to the link immediately below
2) click on book should take you to
3) on that page, click on 'Slow Partner Server #3
4) on the next resulting page, click on 'download now' (it's sort of mid-page)
NOTE: If Slow Partner Server #3 doesn't work, try Slow Partner Servers #2 or #1 OR 'become a member' and use Fast Partner Servers #1, #2, or #3...when I started with, I randomly chose Slow Partner Server #3 and so far, it has worked every time.
IF ALL ELSE FAILS...put a working email address (doesn't have to be yours, but should be one you have access to) in a comment to this comment, then hit 'Post', then count to three and delete the comment...I should get an email notification from Substack with the email address visible...I'll send the book as an email attachment to the address you provided...please don't send me invitations to join a secret society, resistance group, religion, etc...schedule's kinda full here...
🏆 You're the best!! Master of the downloads!!!
🙌🏼 Thank you!!
Always glad to be able to save someone $130 on a paperback book when it's possible.
Smart move to Pin DR's comment & your reply...swimming pool's closed on Sunday, so I stayed up late last night and slept later than I do the other 6 days...might easily have missed the request for download help. I'll send you a copy directly, case you have anyone more locally who can benefit from reading the book but doesn't read your Substack posts.
You are a godsend, sir. Truly.
Likewise, Dermatological Early Responding Vigilante Intuitive Substack Heroine (DERVISH, to append to your degree in Dance)?
I was a somewhat underpaid purchasing agent for a retail computer chain back in the early 1980s (that folded despite my heroic efforts), so I don't feel any significant level of guilt about pirating s/w, books or entertainment. A couple of decades later, I was a teacher working with K-12 students in their homes (most were recovering from major surgeries and couldn't safely be on campus), in my last year, 2008, I had three kids die from cancer. The computer biz gave me the skill set to do the downloading, and the teaching gig gave me the motivation to help people research medical problems. Being able to blend the two together these past few years has not really been challenging, but it has been rewarding. Thanks to you & Sage & Tessa & Tereza, and maybe a couple others that aren't coming to mind at the moment, for giving me a floor to do my little dance on, because IRL I've got two left feet. :-)
Thank you!!
Thanks for that, Sarah. Genuine understanding is hard to find. The gaslighting itself has so many cascading effects of harm. It makes it easy for the people in your life to bail because there's no shame in doing so. Invisible illnesses don't exist when they inconvenience others, except as a way to make those others feel superior over such “weak minded people”. Only an intrepid, loving few believe you over “the experts”. My ex was not one of those. She's a mid-level healthcare practitioner who chose to pursue her HGTV renovations that I couldn't provide over the father of her children. I lost virtually everything in the process, and the neurotoxic brain damage, along with the need to avoid chemical exposures, ensure that I'll never rebuild the life that I'd dreamed of and achieved.
Funny how mindset changes things though. Getting fired and kicked out of all that I'd worked for is what motivated me to find another way to live. I now live a very simple life of clean living and exercise, and I feel absolutely fucking tremendous. I'm married to the girl that I fell in love with when I was a kid, who loves this life as well. We're very fortunate!
I love this. Sometimes the storm does bring a rainbow. ♥️
I am also with a long lost love after a nasty storm that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I’m much better off for it though i didn’t feel like that in the moment.
Glad to hear you are happy and healthy now!
Walking through the fire and learning to overcome life’s biggest challenges makes life so much sweeter.❤️
DR... Thanks for sharing. This year marks 50 years since my MD was awarded and all you mention is but the tip of the iceberg. I have watched as the medical profession has been thoroughly corporatized and turned into one giant wealth extraction mechanism for the 0.001%. ...And, then, there is the entire issue with allopathic medicine which is now completely profit-driven, mechanistic, reductionist, and anti-Human.
Where are the doctors? The majority were bought long ago and with today's training/programming they are thoroughly prepared to be willing cogs in the Med Ind Complex.
The system is broken beyond repair.
Spot on, and on this point: "allopathic medicine which is now completely profit-driven, mechanistic, reductionist, and anti-Human".
My son's fiance died of brain cancer. A month later, my son was diagnosed with cancer. After inpatient treatment, they sent him home and he called to let them know that he had cold symptoms. They told him to go to their affiliate hospital to get tested for covid. I took him there, they said he was positive, and they admitted him. I called him later and asked if they tried to give him Remdesivir. Yes they did. As if my son hadn't been through enough trauma already, the murderers at Brigham and Women's Hospital attempted to risk his life so they could make a few more bucks. I told him to dc the drug, dc himself from the clutches of those heinous monsters, and I picked him up.
I’m so sorry…thankfully your son has you.
Hope your son recovers from hit cancer episode.
Avoid white coats - and, blue lights!
My mum was given a terminal diagnosis in 2020 (caused by medical incompetence and ignorance) every meeting with consultant was like a sales team meeting, go team! The one time I couldn’t go with her she was vaxed as he wouldn’t be able to ‘work with her’ until,she was. The woman was dying, it’s disgusting. I have abs no respect for the medics.
Thank you for sharing and keep shouting from the mountain tops! We need more honest Drs to quit being cowards & speak out. Happy to help where I can in that effort. I’ve found the best way is to plant seeds and let them know people aren’t buying it anymore.
There have been quite a few Doctors and Nurses that have come forward to fight the money machine and were taken down by removing their livelihood!
Since we have a totally INJUSTICE system those in charge of this travesty on mankind will not be held accountable.
I’m also a nurse. Quit when we were told the shots would be mandated. It was either quit or write a 9 pages of multiple essay questions on my religious beliefs. And if you spoke out against the Covid shots you were done.
This was wrong on so many levels. I'm sorry you had to loose your job, hope all is okay.
It was the best decision I ever made. Even though the area I worked in out -patient wound care, was a healing -focused part of medicine that even though big pharma had a part in, we helped people with chronic conditions that caused the kind of wounds that were nearly impossible to heal without intervention. Nutrition & vitamin therapies were part of our protocols. We used the same nutraceuticals that were brought to attention in Covid prevention & recovery.
Now I still volunteer as an advocate to patients who need assistance navigating through the health care system to find wound care.
During Covid, I had several families who I knew on a personal basis that needed assistance changing dressings using difficult to manage, prescribed wound care. Home health nurses not trained on specific techniques that made a mess of things. This is where I was asked to help. I hated giving up my career but making this break helped me turn my focus on my family & close friends.
“Just us” for the overlords…and what’s left for the hoi polloi.
The "surgery" on that poor woman's foot looks like the bloody cat did it. Prayers for your Mum.👍🇦🇺
Yes. I'm aghast. Wishing the patient a full and speedy recovery.
I absolutely love Sarah. She is the embodiment of her dear mother's love and wisdom.
Thank you, Kathleen.
Holy shit!
Oh my gosh, this incompetence and lack of actual care makes me so mad too. And I’m so very sorry to hear that about your mother. 🙏🏾
It's not incompetence sane. It's willful negligence.
Any Canadian readers care to weigh in here? I am thinking they would find the sequence of care reported here to have been remarkably rapid. Any wealthy Canadian in this situation would have immediately gone to Buffalo, Boston, or Seattle for care.
Now people are seeking alternatives with functional & naturopathic medicine as these practices are offering packages with payment plans. No insurance. They are a big player in the healthcare scam.
As a rule, I do not 🧡articles, no matter how well written or accurate, which address such an abhorrent aspect of our society. I wish they would come up with another unit of measure other than the 🧡, which to me implies love. What is to love about the repulsive state of most of our medical community....greedy, ignorant, and brainwashed? Are they all a result of DEI? Please, please, please, if you value your life and health, do not count on these people to value it as well. There are so many resources these days. Avail them to your benefit. Prescription medication, all vaxx included, are designed to make recurring customers of all of us until we are financially depleted and then part of the 90% they wish to de-populate. Chris Beat Cancer is an excellent resource for questions to ask your “second opinion oncologist” before you do anything drastic. You cannot cut/chemo/radiate (poison) yourself to renewed health. As usual, Sarah’s writing is spot-fucking-on.
True -- it is never about health! It's about becoming a part of the ongoing business for doctors and hospitals. Their investment in our futures.
The investment in THEIR futures !
I have heard one 'alternative oncologist' speak and she had a very different approach to treatments. I wish there were more like her! She was a guest on the FLCCC weekly Wednesday podcast.
I have ALWAYS felt that way about the heart. Totally.
I fully agree.
Dear Sarah, You have written such a beautiful and bittersweet column. Thank you so much for continuing to share your experiences and your heart with us all!
I'm so sorry about the death of your mom... Ginger
Thank you, Ginger.
I am so sorry about your mum Sarah, she sounds like the most wonderful mother, and the early education she gave you about the world we live in would have given you and your brothers a great start in life.
You diagnosing that skin cancer reminds me of a recent story where a relatives wife went to a doctor because of a headache, the doctor said it's nothing... So she was at the physio who noticed a few things and suggested maybe she get a brain scan. Physio was a better doctor than her doctor as she had a brain tumour (unfortunately inoperable).
Unfortunately she's had the jab (and of course we'll never know for sure) but I do suspect that may be the cause, as progression has been rapid, within two weeks of diagnosis she can't even walk...
Thank you for your article Sarah, it was a good read and hoping all goes well for your friends cancer treatment and surgery.
Oh, Sarah, what moving stories. And your mother made me think of mine, who was dealing with the very same issues. I miss my mother too, she was just as bold and wise.
Your tenacious spirit to help, and your knowledge and intuition are phenomenal. It is excruciating to realize that we know more than most doctors ever will, and the fact that we actually care about others and not looking for a big payday, is the biggest component to helping them. The cult of the medics never had my respect and many of us always knew that it was a racket, and some (not nearly enough) are finally beginning to see what a deadly grift it is.
I too often think why bother to try to continually sound the alarm to those who will not hear, but a few will hear it...and it inspires us to keep on looking for answers and trying to help.
Thank you for a heartbreaking and inspiring substack, and may our amazing mothers, and all of our lost loved ones rest in perfect peace.
Sending love and all of us...
Thank you for this, Pasheen.
Thank YOU for THIS. I shed some tears for us emotional detox...a good thing, I think.
We're going with a good thing....emotional detox is good. Better out than in...
I think I did the heavy detoxing last night. Felt clear enough to write it today, at least.
Cheers, Pasheen...glad to fight alongside you, beautiful lady.
Beautiful? TY, I'll take it, but it is only a reflection...
This is a wicked ride, for sure. And happy to have you by my side too, and we do have some fierce warriors on our battlefields. The stellar company we keep is so comforting...
Over the last few decades pharma invaded the medical school curriculum. These "doctors" are brainwashed by the system. They are not doctors, they are robots.
I totally agree. It's all about pills, shots and pharma money now. True Health Care is gone.
Replacing doctors with A.I. will be much easier now.
Yes, I have often joked about robotic AI pill dispensers, like PEZ / ATM machines. You type in you symptoms, out of the pills.
And don't forget about the cost savings!
We all have our reasons for fighting.
Your mom's situation sounds surreal. But in a similar fashion I found out that my grandmother on my dad's side had committed suicide, but used an electric cord to do so. I remember hearing of her death, and no one really explaining anything to me as I was still a kid. They said later on she was very depressed. But the woman I knew took me to K-Mart and the movies, was an active tennis player, worked a lot in the garden, and was a joy to be around.
My mom, I couldn't save her either. She had lung cancer. From around Christmas of 2002 to June of 2003, we bounced from doctor to doctor for a proper diagnosis. Finally because she wasn't getting any better, we headed to the Mayo. We found out a few weeks before her death that she had lung cancer. Apparently it would have been found in a closed MRI but the open MRI she had received months before could not adequately catch it.
I listen to a lot of voices. The doctor I had (currently without doctor) asked if I had been vaccinated through the mask that muffled her voice in the examination room. I told her I wasn't, and she asked why and after a moment I gave her my reasons. And her response to those reasons pretty much had me writing her off as a medical professional. My list in March of 2022 was.
It was experimental.
I'd already had Covid so why did I need the shot?
The death rate did not warrant a mandatory vaccine.
The injection did not stay in the shot site.
I will elect to wait 3-5 years until possible long term/side effects can be determined.
Her response was mainly talking points with the exception that she thought the "stays in the injection site" was ludicrious. I agreed. Much in the same way that the virus only stays in the upper airspace of a restaurant where people walk and does not lower itself aound seating level where people talk to one another.
Most doctors are employees now and are part of a "hospital group." The advocacy lies now with the patient. I do wonder if I could have advocated more for my mother. I felt along for the diagnostic ride, but I knew very little about cancer, and diagnostic tests, much of anything really.
In 2021, I had an appointment with my PCP at the VA.
I was told I needed the shingles vaccine. Earlier, I stumbled on the fact that the FDA put a black box warning on the shingles vaccines for the possibility of developing Guillain-Barre syndrome.
Luckily, I printed out the warning and took it to my appointment.
Showed it to my doctor...there were too many seconds of silence...then I realized she was reading the warning for the first time.
So much for informed consent.
More bad news: The VA had safety signals triggered 6 months after the shot roll out for the possibility of developing myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shot.
VA doctor emailed the CDC. Both the VA and the CDC remained silent.
VA still forced their employees to take the covid shot.
VA never warned veterans they could be harmed.
Story was in The Epoch Times. They got the info from FOIAs.
I'm a veteran. I have screenshots of all of the texts I get from the VA telling me how a flu shot will not only protect me but will protect everyone around me... it's the lowest sort of psychological salesmanship. (I only ever go to the VA for diagnosis if I feel like I need it.. I never let them treat me). But they push the shots to the old veterans like me and push and push and push and I write them and I say "You ought to be shot." (No pun intended)
But they never write back because they don't get my notes. It's just me venting....
I was just at my VA hospital last week for an appointment.
Still have the 5-foot signs on the walls near the elevators "encouraging" the covid death shots.
Also still has a staging area for "vaccines."
I have over time taken photos of all the PSYOPS posters encouraging the old veterans to line up for the death shots. It's heartrending. The only thing I trust the facility for is blood tests (I took one last year to see my toxic metals levels).. and.. and... that's about it;.
How about that Million Veteran survey? I found that quite interesting...
What service were you in?
This is part of the problem, doctors don't have the time...or even the incentive? to give consent. They are seeing many patients a day and it all blurs together for them, and because of the state of healthcare in the condition it is, I don't see it getting better.
If someone like me, who has no medical training, can "discover" these warnings, there is no excuse for the medical professionals to be so unaware.
Financial Incentives seem to be stronger than moral imperatives - when paying off Drug/Med School Loans.
Yes, agree. Our medical director just bought herself a brand new electric Mercedes 🤮….I’m thinking she sleeps just fine after 4 years of Covid scamdemic cash-cow.
The founder of Viral Solutions lives across the street from my middle son's best friend. I get to hear a fair amount about how much he's enjoying the profits from the scam. He's an ER doc as well....I have a YouTube video he made explaining the spike protein, how it works, and why you should get "vaccinated". I have it saved and will include it in a post one day. The video did not age well lol. He doesn't care though...he keeps busy enjoying the fruits of his lies.
I agree with you. I am explaining the water here, and it isn't in any way to excuse it. The answer should be then that "if they can't give informed consent they need to make it clear." It was clear from the answers given by my doctor in regards to my list for reasons not be vaccinated that they did not know what they were talking about but rather sounded like they had been listening to the 24/7 propaganda machine.
They never read the warnings! I mentioned the warning once to a doctor - he said- oh, they always find something - it's their job. Most of it is not true!
The FDA black box warning is the strongest warning that can be put on a drug before the product is recalled.
Makes me crazy that so-called medical professionals discount the warning.
They don't care. To be a practicing medical Doctor today, you have to have a conscience seared with a hot iron. If not you're run out of town by the AMA and FDA.
My local pharmacist is pushing the shingle shots big time. You say no and they keep asking
It's about the money.
The commonly prescribed broad spectrum antibiotic, LEVAQUIN, has a Black Box Warning. I was prescribed it to take PROPHYLACTICALLY after a back surgery and emergency gall bladder surgery. I was also prescribed it for a simple sinus infection a couple of times before I learned about it. It's only supposed to be used as a "last line of defense" when other antibiotics haven't worked. ☹️Haven't been back to the doctor since.
That's what scares me so much about doctors. They dispense drugs like candy and never know the dangers of these drugs.
A friend of mine suffers from depression. His PCP wanted to put him on Zoloft, which has a FDA black box warning on it.
One side effect is suicidal thoughts.
So now he is just depressed...if he takes the drug, he could possibly be suicidal.
There's a story of the man who killed his father at 18 but has no memory of doing it. He got sent to prison because PFIZER LIED about any violent adverse reactions to Zoloft! There's plenty more stories like this one. 😡
Notice how the medical examiner and law enforcement never release what Rx drugs school shooters were on.
I know, it's tragic that people aren't aware. Do the ME and Police not release this info OR does the "Brought to you by Pfizer" media just not pick that info up and AMPLIFY it like they do with info about whatever weapon was used -> then we get the make, model, .cal; who, when, where the gun was purchased, etc, etc, etc. The media does a deep dive into these people's lives but always skip their "safe and effective" pharmaceutical history.
I personally think most (all?) mass shootings are planned false flags, maybe using some sort of V2K/Manchurian Candidate methods that coincide with the anti-depression/anti-psychotic drugs the perpetrator always seem to be taking. IMO, there's far too many similarities between the perpetrators/scenes overall, to be a natural phenomenon of recent times.
That's what they were taught in school, not how to be a doctor. They are taught to hate holistic and any other kind of medicine.
Your first reason was enough for me! - it's experimental - and What are the Long Term effects?? No one knows! I was told long long ago by a doctor to never be the first or the last to try something new. I've taken that to heart. The test of time is more important. And I still have faith in my own immune system. My last vitamin D level was 108.
Impressive D level!
I was just talking to someone today who made the anecdotal assertion...they were in a choir, they were the only one who wore an N95 and at least 25 people got Covid, all unmasked. If everyone got infected who was unmasked, then this would mean something, or if there were as many masked as unmasked then it might mean something. Otherwise we are talking "incidental." Similar to if I was had a man bun and no else had a man bun. Or I was the only one who wore a scarf and no one else was wearing a scarf...
Wow, that was so heavy to read, yes, where the hell are the doctors. I have seen where people are curing their cancers with Ivermectin and Fenbendazole, Ive read their personal stories, it's kind of amazing. Im only mentioning this as it might help someone down the line, rather than radiation and chemo.
This!!! ^^^^^
Deliberate incompetence. Everybody I know who goes to a doctor ends up dead. They killed my parents and older brother with interventions they didn't need.
I don't think your mother killed herself. She was too high-minded unless she was in a lot of physical pain but she probably would have told you. It's not that easy to kill yourself.
Thanks for sharing
This is the absurd state of medicine these days. I am so sorry about your mother.
Profits over everything I guess. Robert Yoho's (MD, retired) "Butchered by Healthcare" is a good read.
Edit: linky
Butchered by's the top two books on the following page...PDF and Epub formats, you pick...I'd use a VPN just in on the version you want, then pick a server on the resulting page, and finally click on Download Now on the page after that. I've had success with "Slow Download #3...
Here's the first half of "Butchered" as an audiobook on YouTube:
Looks like "Butchered" isn't available from his Substack for free...I had it mixed-up with his book titled "Cassandra's Memo", which is free here...
stunning that the yt audio version has only had some 1200 views after 2 years. must be well hidden
Deep in el barrio del algo...I think I just asked YT for "Yoho Butchered" and it came right up, but I suspect it doesn't show up on the right-hand side Recommended panel very much.
I purchased "Butchered by Healthcare" from Amazon as I wanted a printed, bound book. Well worth the money.
My multi-boosted sister developed the same melanoma on the bottom of her foot (luckily it was caught in time).
After my husbands near death by sepsis experience at the hands of incompetency its scary to even see a doctor. They hooked him up to a ventilator and the outlet didnt work! Same hospital pushing the 8th booster…
Sarah, your beautiful mother would be so proud of you, you are the embodiment of her. I know she and your dad are watching out for you every day. I am lucky to know you and appreciate you in so many ways. Thank you.
I feel incredibly blessed to have you in my life.
Thank you♥️
So, so sorry to hear about your mother and clients, Sarah. I am with you. I am really starting to disdain almost anyone who works at a corporate medical practice. My fiance took one jab, in a moment of weakness in '21 due to a very close doctor's (head of internal medicine at a Texas hospital) friends urging. Within 1 year, had a lieomyosarcoma (7 inches removed from his abdomen). All went well and seems okay. I was not impressed with the way the supposed "best and brightest" at a big cancer hospital have perfromed. It's "the cancer center" in Florida, and twice they've missed his veins and he's had contrast pouring into his arm.
Four months ago, he had a glaucoma attack. Went to an opthamologist who couldn't figure out what the problem was so he gave steroids IN HIS EYES for 4 MONTHS! I almost lost my mind and urged him to stop, told him to tell the doctor "no." I know how damaging long term steroid usage is. My fiance "trusted the medicine." The doctor urged him it was the only way - this idiot obviously had no idea it was a glaucoma attack - sent him to another doctor - who couldn't figure it out either. He finally listened and went to two specialists I found. He's lost 80% of his eyesight. Both specialists says the loss is permanent and it was caused by the steroids. It's all so needless. And there's nowhere to go.
I used to think there were just a few bad apples. Now I think that maybe we have 10% who aren't captured. I work with doctors in my occupation. I don't trust the majority of them.
Oh my...I am so sorry. It's so hard to watch this happening. My three brothers all jabbed their kids. It's not a welcome conversation, so I have no idea how many injections those poor kiddos have taken. My doc brother is the only one that admits to stepping off the covid injection train...they aren't getting anymore shots, so there's that.
My youngest brother's baby is sick literally all the time. And has now developed a food allergy... which I assume came about after a round of whatever-month shots.
I'm so sorry to hear about what you are going through with your fiancé.
I am so sorry this all happened to your fiance. I'm horrified to read what they did to him with their willful incompetence. The medical system is also set up to disallow doctors to do their jobs. More are speaking out but not enough, and they're all pushers of pharma poisons. In our clinic, a doctor is "allowed" 11 minutes with a patient. It's outright war on the people.