Mar 27ยทedited Mar 27Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I don't have any statistics or data but my brother looked into the radiation spewing out of the smart meters back in 2009 and had an hour long presentation he gave to the city council in Las Vegas telling them all the facts because they were going to make it mandatory for everyone to have smart meters there. There were experts there testifying about the dangers also. The city backed down and made them optional. He had a fancy meter that he used to test all the computers and devices in my house and they were all emitting loads of radiation so I got all kinds of orgonite to place around all mine, and opted out of the smart meter that my city wanted to use. We had to pay a lot of $ to opt out and then $20 monthly too. I actually left CA over this kind of nonsense. Recently my city here in Tx decided to become a smart city and change out everyone's meters to the smart ones. We opted out again, and this time it was $160 plus $16 monthly. Totally worth it though! Besides the radiation and health risks with that, they are privacy ending. My brother showed that they can tell a lot about what you are doing in your own private house. And they can turn them off remotely which they say is in case you don't pay your bill or the grid is overloaded and they need to limit usage temporarily but I assume it's also if you think wrongly. They are very aggressive in their sales pitch. Recently they came through the neighborhood and replaced a few people's meters that had opted out because they weren't home to object. Luckily I was home and they really gave me the 3rd degree about why I opted out. The people who had theirs replaced against their will now are fighting the electric company over it because it's hard to get them off after they install them...they say they are too busy installing them all over the city. I know people who have them near their heads when they sleep (on the outside wall) and they all complain of headaches and ear ringing and brain fog so... I think it's best to avoid them if you have a choice.

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Mar 27Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Nonvaxer420 channel on Rumble dives deep into this science

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Mar 27Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

For years there was a buzz about cell phone radiation being bad, then 5G rolls out, and now it isn't an issue. What about the massive EMF's from sitting on a massive battery in your Tesla?

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Another comment on smart meters that are now on everyone's home. They are registered with the FCC. Think radio tower on your home. I had mine replaced with old school meter.

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I looked into the Graphene oxide and found it is used in the filtration systems for filtering water and drinks made with filtered water. Think sodas, Pellegrino etc.. I have avoided such products since then.

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Mar 27Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Here's a video with some more examples of 'covid' symptoms matching EMF poisoning. For example a woman from 2010 describing buzzing / electric sensations in her skin after they put a cell tower on her apartment, juxtaposed with mainstream newspapers reporting 'covid' sufferers with the exact same symptoms.

Also some stuff on blood. One of the whistleblowers from Elmhurst describes 'covid' patients having thick blood (almost impossible to draw). This is a well documented effect of EMF.

Also insects and birds dying next to cell towers (canaries in the coal mine). The media silence on the issue (in an age of supposed eco alarmism) tells you wireless pollution is a taboo subject (in case you didn't realise!)

Also new 5G cell towers with notices on them warning of local 'bird flu' outbreaks. Bird flu seems to be a pre-emptive cover story for radiation sickness. CDC director predicts 10% -50% mortality rate when the bird flu hits (when they turn up the towers?).

Weirdness at Astroworld and Glastonbury. People claiming 5G is causing deaths in India (no conformation but looks credible enough).

The video is also a criticism of the 'health freedom movement' and their obsession with 'viruses' and 'lab leaks'.

Enjoy :)


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this is a really great compilation.

i smelled a scam at the very start of convid because of the manufactured panic. in the case of a reral emergency, remain calm and so this wasn't a real emergency โ€” ie, a plandemic that i saw as being kind of like being beaters driving animals into a caged placed to be killed by royalty. initially i figured it was just for the money, of course. my awareness of the accuracy of my analogy of the culling aspect came later.

i've looked at the complete silence or denial of emf as affecting us as equally unbelievable because our bodies are fundamentally a complex interleaving of *electro*-chemical reactions. to deny an interaction is like denying the sky is blue. is the interaction going to be positive or negative would be a more 'rational' argument? to deny anything is basic gaslighting. so... likely it is bad and, intuitively and logically that makes sense because whenever we do something that interrupts and/or interferes with human biological functioning it isn't usually good. does that mean that the very specific use of specific frequencies for specific 'healthy' purposes don't exist? likely not. and yet chronic exposure at increasing levels and power is... well. not likely to be healthy. about 10 years ago i came across a news story of a woman in france who was given a permanent life-long health pension disability after a court case because she 'proved'/ confirmed that her body was sensitive to emf to a degree that was disabling. she was 'given' a home in an area of france with the lowest measurement of man-made emf.

i've seen a tiny bit of the go research stuff, likely through sage. and so, again, the ptb denying it all over the place is truly the marker of its presence. to me that compares to the massive anti-smoking campaigns launched after the who was told that smokers weren't getting sick with covid by french doctors in early 2020.

do you want to know how we are being killed? look to what we are being told is not safe and what is safe, and invert them.

thank you sarah.

(small typo: "They are murders." โ€”โ€”> murderers.)

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Mar 27Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I have been building an archive of material about electro-magnetic radiation since 2016. I was literally WAITING for the onset of a 'novel' illness when 5G was switched on in Wuhan for the UN Military Games Oct 2019.

My archive proves that the power of EMFs to murder all living things has been known since the 1970s.

I have been writing about this continuously and was de-platformed from Facebook, Twitter and Discord for my trouble.

5G is vital for the Internet of Things. That is why it is such a taboo subject.


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Just for you Sarah: When my oldest daughter was in 8th grade at a private Catholic elementary, I asked her one day if she was one of the popular kids. โ€œNo, But sometimes I let them sit with me.โ€

She, like you, is a one of a kind personality, carving out her own road.

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Mar 27Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Consider checking out - The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life is a 1985 book by Becker and Gary Selden. Serious concern is covered there.

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Mar 27Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I just can't get enough of your "no bullshit" posts, as well as your IDGAS attitude.


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Mar 27Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Remember this brave guy? Dr Cameron Kyle-Sidwellโ€™s vid from a NewYork ER was what first alerted me to a possible (ir)radiation connection. The clue? The precipitate drop in body oxygen level. โ€˜Happy hypoxiaโ€™. ๐Ÿฅด


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Mar 27Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

This is a good post. Back later.

I know morgellons made me feel violated, itโ€™s not a natural โ€œdisease โ€œ.

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Mar 28Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Rabbit hole city, but I believe a metal bio-distributed into the brain courtesy of some lipid nanoparticles could serve as an endpoint for remote deep-brain stimulation. Scientists love the concept of behavior modification via frequencies and vibrations. They don't necessarily like the logistics of implants though.

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Mar 27Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Such a great stack Sarah, this subject has consumed me, and my apologies for ripping one of your credentialed subscribers a new one...I was triggered.

thanks again, just stunning, and so important to drive home.

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Mar 27Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I can only say that pre scamdemic, I had normal blood pressure- always. During the first year of the scam, I did experience no taste and smell for weeks. We have since moved to a different home and I now experience ear issues, ( ringing in, stuffy ear) some heart palpations and a BP that is much lower than what was normal for me. We do have cell towers within a few miles from home. EMF? From reading this Stack and others, plus the short video๐Ÿ˜ฉ, Iโ€™m convinced of it.

An aside- Who the heck is volunteering to be injected with a product to see if it crosses the placenta?!!!

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