May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

In related news, Geert Vanden Bossche quickly sounded the alarm:

"The FLiRT Variant is a virulent breakout variant caused by NON-NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODIES and may kill up to 30-million of the vaccinated! If you are vaccinated, don't let FLiRT win."

Jokes on you, Notorious.

I'm on prophylactic FLiRTmectin.

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Pretty sure a FLiRT was what they called that tasty deep fried pastry thing I got in Belgium once. Quite zesty.

Definitely don’t want to leave there without your warm bag of FLiRTs

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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Per Beverly Rubik, Belgium and Ukraine...have .0025, or .25% of the wireless radiation of the United States.

Belgium is home to the EU.

Our Lusitano Crew seems to spend a lot of time out there in Belgium. CHD had an empty room session last summer, too.

India and China weigh in at about 4 and 4.5% of the US. Cannot vouch for these numbers, but boy...

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So comforting to realize we here in the good ol' USA live in the bestest country in the world.

Nothing can stop us NOW.

Ah well, except the outside chance of Klimate Change rapidly developing.

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So… I could perhaps offer an explanation for a lack of wireless infrastructure in Ukraine right now.

And I mean Belgians just need to burble loudly to each other across either side of Belgium — no complicated wireless needed really.

Are the India and China numbers per capita?

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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


Flurm pick it up about 12:00. Graph of exposure is at about 12:45.

I think it's by area.

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So the blue chart she shows indicates upper limits — presumably for cell towers, since the thing in the pocket doesn’t get anywhere near that. I would wonder if the vastly different numbers between the US and Belgium/Ukraine are actually corresponding to the same limit quantities. Maybe Belgians are able to get away with placing their cell towers outside country borders.

The “times above nature” is sort of silly and actually ignores radiation from lightning. I can’t imagine how many times above nature a cup of sugar dumped in a bowl on my counter is.

Completely agree don’t live under a cell tower, though you might not need to worry about coffee cooling down. Could be a win in the winter

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Your premise is that Rubik is avoiding lightning?

And shall I extrapolate that when lightning is considered the ratio of the Internet of Things to Natural Radiation is ???

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Our Lusitano Crew seems to spend a lot of time out there in Belgium...

So what.

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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Why do you suppose this is?

That lifetime big deals in the Intelligence Community are devoted to European Vacations in the halls of European "globlalist" power?

And that they never discuss the United States DOD manufacturing the injections and pushing them out to the planet?

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May 10·edited May 10

Well, seeing that it's common knowledge that you're "intel"-- oh, and your name's n.o.t. really "Sage," any more than "Tyler Durden--" it's pretty obvious that you already know The Answers to your alleged "questions..." "..Dearie.." ;-)

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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Are you really named, "Troll Hunter"?

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Fear for your chocolate

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Fear for your "barnyard products" ;-)

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

The FLIR cams will be employed to diagnose those with the FLIRTS...


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Christ! The three of you are gang banging me with hilarity!

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Sorry — spelled them wrong


Coincidentally named after Geert’s aunt FLiiRT Vanden Bossche

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Jimmeny Christmas! Between both you and Sarah I'm going to hopefully die laughing!

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prophylactic FLiRTmectin. ????? joke

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Wait until the FART Variant comes out.

Not even IVM will save us.

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I think FARTmectin will though.

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Try not to giggle too loudly when letting it loose out of the tube though

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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

When that happens I'm getting a gas mask or more beans. 🤣

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Go for the beans

Ride the lightning

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Why I love Substack. 😁

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could even sell the gas to us (Germany) & get rich, as we won't take from the Russians no more.

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Per ardua, ad astra...

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Oh my goodness that opening line has me cracking up 🤣😲

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Yea possibly true but it sure as hell will blow that shit outa' the water !!!

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Flatulence Aggravating, Rectal Tornado?

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I first thought FLiRT Coronavirus variant might have something to do with Forward Looking InfraRed Thermography.

But that was a throwback to the days when the US Government offered me the opportunity to join them at the China Lake Weapons Station.

I would have had to renounce Australian citizenship, had I been interested in developing weapons of mass destruction.

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Pain: your name is our destiny.

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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

A new jam for hospital staff to dance to.

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

.... nah - they have CovAids. Isn't it strange we heard by now there would be hundreds of variants - well where the F are they??? Weaponization of the Med system was the most effective population control scheme ever. 1/3 of all U.S. deaths are due to prescription drugs... FYI. "When you know the way broadly you can see it in all things." [Musashi Samurai Warrior]

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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I heard that they’ve got a new vaccine for viruses that haven’t even been discovered yet. It’s breakthrough science at a whole new level. It’s a great time to be alive.

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

..."great time to be alive" if you're a de-population eugeniicist like Bill Gates - fully aware he's killing people - said last week "MRNA shots can easily be programmed - we just need to mess around (with your DNA) - there's a lot of lipid nano-particles and some are very self-assembling" - other clueless idiots in charge - Larry Fink (Blackrock Chief) said he thinks de-population is a good thing. I presume you did your own research. Much of the damage will keep rolling on unless the medical authorities (bio-fascists) can do more than whisper about its many victims.

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NO “viruses” has been “discovered”/proven to exist. Ever.

- Because they DO NOT exist.


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Posted on LinkedIn with the comment, "Go jab yourselves some more. I won't be happy until my former followers are 100% turbo cancer, virtue signalers. Make sure you post the pics of your Fauci Ouchies too!" Still have about 50 C-Suite sorts on there.

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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

🤣The sales campaign for the newest seasons ‘sequel op’ begins, the test will be if the surviving jabbed sheeple have enough remaining active neurons to sniff out the obvious fraud.

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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I'm not hopeful. It's been 4 years and they ain't sniffed it out yet.

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

These crisis actors certainly flirted the population to death and disability🕺

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When I was a teenage boy there was a TV show called "Buffy the vampire slayer."

The flirtiest gal there was Alyson Hannigan [Lots of 'AI generated' pictures of her back in the days when windows 95 was king]

Now she's 50 and phat but still flirty.

As flirty as a made-up surface protein.

She should start a turpentine regime. She's an Aries, fire element, and inflammable distillates always go well with people of fire triplicity (I just made that up and it somehow works, lol!)

Mrs. Hannigan was, like, 30 when the show started, and she was pretending to be, like, a 14 year-old witch.

Like, it was incredible, like convid variants, but it worked, like. Because in soap opera shows like anything goes. Like.

(Do I sound, like, convincing? Is the 'like' out of fashion, like, already?)

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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Dayum 🤣🤣🤣

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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

LOL, that was hilarious! Perfect laugh to start the day!

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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I'm dead 😂 and not from COVID, thankfully—thanks!

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Next variant will be called HOAX. You heard it here first!

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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Oooh this one’s catchy 💃

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May 10Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

So, if Flirt is synonymous with coquette, then is the hottest rating for a Flirt a Co-Q-ten**?

In which case, can essential gastronomy from Frahnce (Pfrahnce?) be repurposed as a prophylactic?

Does Lou Satano and his coterie of Angel Hearts hang out in Belgium so much cuz Coq au Vin works?

**(Not to be confused with a flirty library entertainer, aka cock-kitten.)


Dedicated to Her Grace, another Lou Reed fan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWMrzDDlS48

(Disambiguously dedicated to you, Duchess...not at ya.)

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