Body electric

Salt water currents underpin our health and hydration.

Hence the pandemic of chronic health problems since the 80s gov driven health advice to lower salt. Despite Na and Cl being no 1 & 3 importance in a blood test.

The first stage of susceptibility is dehydration. Another word for dehydration is hyponatremia or low salt.

Low salt kills, marathon runners drinking water towards the end of their races died from drinking water instead of salt water. Most athletic events now only offer salt water as refreshments because of past tragic results.

Red blood cells are rehydrated with the ubiquitous saline drip. Red blood cells are saline sponges.

The lungs rehydrate RBCs with saline water. There is zero oxygen and carbon dioxide gaseous exchange going on in the respiratory system.

What drives the flu season?

Cold air holds the least moisture. And more time is spent indoors in drier air.

Lungs do best with humidity 30-50%, sea level atmospheric pressure or hyperbaric breathing (Eg WIM HOFF METHOD) or hyperbaric chamber, adequate salt in diet and hydration.

Ancient knowledge to heal and revive the respiratory system:

Sanatoriums along the sea shore were healing lungs.

Gargling with salt, rinsing nasal passages with saline solution (Neti pots)

The sea throws up salt water bubbles to inhale, reviving mucosa within the lungs.


Please ponder and comment

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Did you see that I linked your excellent article in my previous post?

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Yes, thank you. This post is beautifully aligned with my article. THEY have manipulated science education to hide our real nature and how we generate energy. Electrolysis always needs a salt.

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I have your post saved, as it relates to most everything...I actually meant to link it in this one again and then got distracted 🤪. Thank you for it...it is fantastic!

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Ooh that’s lovely, thank you so much

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Now you are talkin'.

Mostly what we need for health is nature, starting with whole foods. The more removed from nature the less healthy we are, the more prey to the medical cartel. Being healthy is not lucrative to the cartel. America is chronically ill intentionally because it is so very lucrative, which is by definition evil.

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WTF kinda hit piece, propaganda, gasflaming, anti-consensus and disinformation is this bullshit.

Spouting fiction from 2000 years ago well before Science came into the lexicon of our great 'Modern' Western Civilizations'.

The "Speed O' Science®" will fact check this fantasy faster than a vax makes a subway riders head-spin.

AI wasn't even a fantasy in these ancient cultures let alone an individuals piehole cavity. Did these long lost cultures have Hahvud, Yale, Oxfoid where the world's finest minds have been educated, erh indoctrinated along with other great research facilities that we enjoy here such as John Hopkins University and don't forget the great Wuhan Lab where our top scientists do research and experiments on involuntary species in the likes of Canis lupus familiaris, Homo sapiens and Rattus to name a few.

All with funding from the most accredited, benevolent non-profits this world has ever known i.e. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, Clinton Foundation, Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program and many more with billions of dollars circling freely amongst themselves within public private structures.

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The preceding comment was indeed intended for the missing ::Snarky Sarah :: who normally inhabits this space.

Seriously Sarah thanks for an informative well researched and presented Stack that many, including myself, will find useful information that will help empower us further to take, keep an active as well as responsible roll in one's personal health.

And yes, the whole is where it's at.

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Thank you, Michael ♥️

Snarky Sarah will be back. She only shuts up for about one post 🤣

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I love you and your snark Sarah.

Blessings Joy and Love to you always ❤

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Awesome post! 💥🔥🎯

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I have been and the five dollars off coupon is very sad and extremely insulting. Wow. What saddens me the most though is the abject, unmitigated wilful ignorance that they prey on and take advantage of.

On an note Sarah you and Sage are my two favorite people on substack. I very much appreciate your wit and your way with the English language.

Thank you.

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Many thanks, Kevin. 🙏🏼

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You're welcome.

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Another note. Not an note

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What a lovely meditation! I never knew the name for the square breath before. I like it!

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Great article! I have been all about our electric existence and biofield since learning about it. Clearly key to health and suppressed information for a reason

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Thank you Sarah 🙏

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Jerry L. Tennant Healing is Voltage :


( best resource )

PS: Hi Sarah. How are things?

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I will take a look...thank you!

Things are good :)


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My brain hurts from too much thinking, but I am almost ready to publish my new model.

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Thanks Sarah, an awesome post!

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Thank you....

How are you doing? Are you home and recovering?

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Doing good now. Back in rhythm. Oddly I think I’ve connected a possible connection that relates to your piece(s) on “the body electric “. I work on a project where we use RF activated plasma chamber, and because “loose” RF can adversely affect the instrumentation we have to measure it. Brought home the device to check my residence for levels of EF/RF/EMF and found that I have moderately high levels of EF (55-65 V/m2). My home is situated VERY CLOSE to high tension power lines that run to a transformer station at the end of my street. Just for reference <10v/m2 levels are normal and >100v/m2 come with a warning of “not recommended for long time stay”. In addition I found devices on the nightstand that were emitting massive EF numbers when measured proximate to them i.e. like 600-700v/m2. Needless to say, I have unplugged them. Had NO FUCKING IDEA about all this until your sharing this. Thanks so much!

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It’s just a little hand held device. $94 at Walmart.com. GQ EMF-390. It measures EF, RF & EMF. Probably everyone should have one knowing after knowing all this

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Ordering one now ...thank you!

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No, THANK YOU! Just a tip, when you use it you have to rotate it around to get the readings as the electric fields are directional and the device can only scan on a single plane relative to the device at any given time.

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Thank you for that...

I was just going to message back as I looked on Amazon and got sucked down a which-one-is-better rabbit hole. Any advice?

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Glad to hear you’re doing better... AND...

WOW!!! I kind of wish I had one of those devices....they put a huge 5G tower basically at the entrance to our neighborhood, and when I checked how many towers were in a 5mi radius...🙈...290. Anyway, I know it’s not good , but I’d like to know HOW not good it is...

Anyway, so glad you’re doing better and able to mitigate how much RF is in your home 🙌🏼

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Another excellent post!

Thank you, Sarah! And, hey, I bet you're pita! (I was described by some one familiar with Ayurveda as the most pita person she had ever met! LoL! And she wondered at my not blowing up in anger everywhere.)

And you included what just happened to be a nice overlap with my last essay with your comment about the purpose of the propaganda. I write about the plot to 'uncouple us from our selves', ie souls/energy spirit. I use the much used, overused 'trauma' word as trauma creating "uncoupling". I share that *the" uncoupling effect that reading the Lord of the Flies had on me. I remember the actually feeling I had when it happened. It is, I now recognise, me being have been, most likely deliberately traumatised to achieve that effect. Was it's promulgation into every school a deliberate plan, I ask, or the collective zeitgeist expressing itself, to traumatise the entire grade school reading world? And it was a lie. There was a real example of kids lost on an island. Maybe seeing that the lie that is the Lord of the Flies can help all of us re-couple to ourselves! And the author, William Golding, was most likely a seriously traumatised child when you see some of his biography.

And when I saw 'snake oil' I very naturally in my mind saw XoilX venom. At least as a co-ingredient.

And someone shared me a quite long, rather brilliant and horrific 11 minute documentary on the programming done to vilify, threaten, bully and, in the old biblical way, shun the unjabbed. It actually is brilliant and if shown to the right person, shock someone who isn't totally zombified a bit about the tyrannical nature of what the unjabbed face and what had been fomented by so many talking heads.


And this simple breath is a beautiful one to introduce people to the power of breath to calm our mind and body and then the entire nervous system. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you Sarah.

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I loved the hopefulness of your post.

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Thank you...that was my intention. Important to not to only focus on doom and gloom...

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Everything is frequency! Got great benefits for concussions with frequency specific microcurrent. Have a Healy. Use emotion/body code. Just got an AO scan and looking into EESystems. I’m a true believer in energy medicine and the unseen.

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Fantastic article. Thank you.

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I've should've said that your post was ELECTRIFYING. There...now I've said it. 😛

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Thank you, RR.

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