When you invert people's entire reality and convince them of things that just aren't so, you can build on your false premises until they rest on a tower of lies that vanishes into the clouds.
This was excellent writing. Cross-posted it again.
Reality inversion is facilitated by people experiencing "reality" through screens. It's what passes for social interaction as well. It is common now for people to have dozens of "friends" who they have never met in person and never will. Michael Crichton (MD. He never practiced medicine, he wrote novels instead) stated before his death in 2008 that the "..greatest problem facing us in the 21st century is the inability of people to distinguish reality from illusion." And I would add "to even know that there is a difference."
Another way to interpret these historical co-incidences is that new forms of communications technology, centralized data collection and distribution (such as scientific journals and public health reports), and centralization of diagnostic criteria (coordinated through scientific journals aimed at physicians) are launched and used to better to project the illusion of outbreaks of specific diseases and the illusion of treatments and preventatives.
In learning about the legal history around quarantine and vaccines, I've been struck by these repeated co-incidences.
Ocean-going ships approximate, more than any form of land transportation, a kind of "test tube" in which experiments in causing illness could be conducted, because the populations of humans and animals are temporarily contained in space and time without interacting with other populations.
The trans-Atlantic telegraph made it possible for officers at a departure port to transmit information about the alleged health and disease of passengers and animals on ocean-going ships, while the ships were still at sea, to the anticipated port of entry. The laws then authorized or required ports to handle passengers, livestock and cargo from allegedly disease-carrying ships in specific ways, such as medical examinations and quarantine.
Widespread newspaper publishing, with advertisement sections, especially after photography was introduced, made it possible to widely and quickly distribute manipulated visual and text information about disease diagnosis, outbreaks and disease suppression or treatment methods.
Radio, television, the internet and web-enabled cell phones made possible even more rapid and comprehensive national and global distribution of false visual, audio and written information.
Makes sense. Just like the flying test tubes aka air planes. Where most passengers nowadays complain of symptoms of an illness days after arriving at their destination. My husband always ended up with flu-like symptoms after his monthly journeys through air home or to work. 'Great' place to experiment with different poisons.
Fascinating article, thank you. This point you mention about the quarantine of people on ships is probably something which has helped to cement the popular belief about germs and disease spread. I was interested to discover that the word itself originates from the Italian ‘quarantena’ meaning ‘forty days’ which relates to the 14the century practice in the port of Venice to isolate passengers and crew of ships arriving from plague infested areas. Probably, all of that was also highly questionable knowing what we do today. So we have several hundred years of mistaken understanding to unravel.
It's astonishing to read a book like "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg...
He gives us the history of electricity, in the hands of humans.
And wow, just look at how these illnesses we've been taught to understand as "colds" and "flu" and various other troubles, such as arthritis, are a product of EMF's.
We know now that there are no viruses that have EVER been found to exist, and no "germs," as in, the attacking menaces we saw in the cartoon, and actually no CONTAGION that has ever been proven! It's an amazing thing, to have these long-believed "mistakes" corrected... What a relief! And then we have all this extremely addictive technology...
5G is just TOO much electromagnetic radiation, flying around, almost everywhere in the world, now, and in the "Western" countries, it's very strong, heavy, heavy.
I would so LOVE to have it ALL switched off, for say, two weeks, and see how we feel...
"I would so LOVE to have it ALL switched off, for say, two weeks, and see how we feel..."
I've come to the conclusion that the modern social anxiety, stress, irritability and general 'meh' is mostly due to EMF pollution, and I think that even includes the entire feminist/ progressive movement of the last century.
While there were (and still are) obviously social and political factors at play (destroying the family, getting control of children, getting women into the workforce to be taxed etc) I believe feminist/ progressive ideology would not have been embraced without an underlying dis-ease and irritability in the general population, for the ideology to latch onto.
This dis-ease is more noticeable now of course, but even 100 years ago we seemed to already be losing the 'gaiety' and 'joie de vivre' which seemed to be so pervasive back then - despite life being so tough in so many ways.
We know that women tend to be more sensitive to EMF and I don't think its a coincidence that women have expressed the most dis-ease and angst over the last century, as well as the most gender non conformity.
It serves the ruling industrial/ technocratic classes to frame all of this in terms of social and cultural movements and revolutions - rather than the effects of industrial poisoning. And with all talk of EMF pollution effectively banned and made socially taboo (conspiracy nonsense!) it's no wonder the masses assume the sickness and revulsion they feel at such a visceral level is due to patriarchy, systemic sexism, misogyny, racism and intersectional hegemonic toxic masculine white cis het power!
The craving for 'safe spaces' by 'generation snowflake' sounds a lot like the craving for EMF free zones by 'electrohypersensitive' people. Are 'microaggressions' really an accidental metaphor for microwaves?
I believe if wireless tech was switched off tomorrow we'd all feel a huge weight being lifted of our shoulders, and the feelings of dread, angst, irritability and anxiety which define 'modern living' would largely vanish.
Luckily we don't have to even make this argument because wireless pollution is killing all wildlife anyway which is already enough of a reason to put it all in a giant dumpster :)
I would gladly go back to horse and cart just to enjoy being free of non native EMF. I'm not even joking!
Agreed. I’m not sure to what extent all of the EMF exposure damages us, and I am sure it varies a fair amount person to person, but to say it isn’t having an effect is silly. I think about it like an audible background buzz…some people will not even notice it, while others find it deafening.
"I’m not sure to what extent all of the EMF exposure damages us."
I think it's comparable to the damage caused by vaccines.
- Everyone is sicker at a baseline level.
- Some people are chronically sick but haven't made the connection yet (or have been misdiagnosed by their doctor).
- Some people have made the connection (often after years of confusion and gaslighting) and they either continue to suffer ill health or move to the woods if they can afford to and achieve some degree of relief.
Many of the symptoms of EMF exposure overlap with vaccine injury (because both are poisoning) so that makes things even more confusing, perhaps by design.
Here's my shortest and 'snappiest' video on the topic in case you are interested :)
So, you're saying that EMF pollution is the cause for women being tired of being second-rate humans and cooking, cleaning, and child-raising for no wage, kept out of colleges for a long time, kept out of many jobs for a long time, and on and on and all the rest of the issues-- ALLLL that is because of EMF's??
If that's your reasoning, then all I can say is, what a lame excuse for misogyny and the patriarchal stomping down of women and their rights for... a long damn time...
I'm ALL FOR men having manly things, I don't really want a woman firefighter trying to drag me out of a burning building, ETC, but... really? You may as well say it's because of menstrual cramps making gals bitchy. lol
And for that matter, vaccine injury FAR FAR outweighs the slow, cumulative effects of EMF... It's a VERY VERY different kind of poisoning, because while some people are not as affected short term by EMF's, EVERYBODY is seriously injured by GO, Mercury, tons of ALUMINUM...
Where are you getting your information? Or are you just conjecturing?
"So, you're saying that EMF pollution is the cause for women being tired of being second-rate humans and cooking, cleaning, and child-raising for no wage, kept out of colleges for a long time, kept out of many jobs for a long time, and on and on and all the rest of the issues-- ALLLL that is because of EMF's??"
Running a household, raising children and cooking food from scratch is not being a second rate human. It's a vital role. Calling it second rate is an insult to women, and all females of any species.
Also, second rate compared to who? Men? While women were running households, men were building canals, roads, dry stone walls, cathedrals, factories, ships, mining coal, ploughing fields and being sent off to war. That was men's role for the majority of human history. NEWSFLASH: life was tough and gender roles were restrictive for both sexes, not just women.
Are you seriously suggesting women wanted to trade places with men!?
How many feminists do you actually know today who want to be roofers, truck drivers, mechanics? Even those jobs are 100x less dangerous or backbreaking today than men's jobs have been for most of history.
And even if women had wanted to trade places with men and work backbreaking jobs in all weathers, how would that have been practically feasible? Running a households was itself a full time job until very recently. So if women had swapped places with men then the men would have to become the homemakers while the women built railways and smelted steel. But then they would still have to swap roles again whenever they wanted to have children. The women would have to quit their jobs (rendering their training worthless) and the men would have to train for a new job, find a job and start from scratch.
I'm not sure what you are even arguing. It doesn't even make any sense. Feminism makes no sense as an ideology. It has zero connection to the real world.
Women never raised children for 'no wage'. What does that even mean? Raising your own children is not a paid job. If you and I start a bakery business and I bake the bread in the kitchen and you sell it to customers in the market we will share the income. You cannot sell bread if I do not bake it. I cannot bake bread if you don't sell it. It's called 'division of labour' or 'specialisation'. Just because I don't actually sell the bread or meet the customers does not mean I am not earning an income. We split the income. That's how businesses work. That's how marriages work too.
Feminism pretends 'division of labour' does not exist and that wives are like slaves. That's as silly as saying the people who bake bread in the kitchen are slaves and the people who sell it in the market later that day are the slave owners. This is a moronic interpretation.
The reason feminism pretends 'division of labour' does not exist is because the movement was designed to destroy the family and have everyone earn a wage (and pay taxes) as atomised individuals. Divide and conquer. Feminism was never a women's movement, it was always a social engineering movement by the ruling class (funded by the Rockefellers) to break up the family, divide society, get women paying taxes (doubling the tax revenue) and take control of children so they could be indoctrinated by the state to be good little comrades.
Thanks to feminism, being able to raise your own children is now a luxury and a privilege that only the wealthy can afford. Before feminism even a blue collar family could sustain itself on the husband's wage alone, giving the wife freedom to run the house, raise children, cook real food and drop in and out of the workforce as it suited her and the demands of her children. This also left evenings and weekends free for family activities as the housework was done during the day. Today most couples both have to work full time, and do housework in the evening and weekends, and hand over their children to strangers during the day. That is slavery. We even let zoo animals raise their own young!
Are you aware that feminism's most fierce critics and opponents have been women, right from the very beginning of the movement?
Anyway, to answer your question.... no I don't believe EMF pollution is the cause for feminism or social justice ideologies. But it is well documented that EMF exposure causes irritability, anxiety, depression, mood swings and a general sense of dis-ease and 'wrongness'. I believe feminism and social justice ideologies were able to take hold because they aligned with these negative feelings, and even offered an explanation for them.
People felt anxious, depressed, irritable and like they were somehow being attacked and these ideologies about 'oppression' offered an explanation for why they felt so angsty all the time and like they wanted to escape - which is what EMF poisoning feels like.
Firstenberg's accounts of the early pioneers of electricity who suffered EMF sickness often speak of a 'heavy burden' and being 'pulled down to the ground' by some terrible force. Cell tower workers also report terrible anxiety and depression today. Schoolchildren in wifi classrooms also report the same - leading to the removal of wifi in several countries already.
We are electrical beings and our emotions create a charge in our nervous system (which is why we often talk of emotions in terms of a shock, a jolt or a charged atmosphere). It is not far-fetched that it works the other way around: charge our nervous systems with EMF and create emotions.
People often feel an oppressive mood before a thunderstorm, and relief after it has released its energy and passed on. Wireless tech is like a giant thunderstorm which has been steadily brewing for the last 150 years. Anxiety, depression, irritability and feelings of unbearable wrongness are now at an all time high, and are especially prevalent in women and young people - two groups most sensitive to EMF.
The studies on white storks by Balmori (referenced in Firstenberg's IR) show a complete breakdown of pair bonding, nest building, egg laying and social skills for the birds next to cell towers. They just stare into space or fight with each other. The birds furthest from cell towers still pair bond, build nice nests, lay lots of eggs and get along just fine. Their ability to function decreases the closer they are to cell towers.
These findings align with the increasingly dysfunctional behaviour of humans over the last century, with increases in divorce, lack of motivation to pair bond or have children, poor parenting, abandonment of gender roles and gender identity, increased aggression and irritability, increased apathy and demoralisation, and in the 20 years since wifi became ubiquitous in homes and schools an explosion in gender dysphoria, and non binary and gender queer identities.
All of this has been 'explained away' by ideologies which really don't make a whole lot of sense. Also it is unlikely the storks are being affected by woke ideology. They appear to have become woke due to microwave radiation.
It's no mystery why nobody is looking at EMF pollution (in conjunction with vaccines, processed foods etc) as a more likely cause for society's collapsing mental health and inability to function normally.
It serves the wireless industry, Big Tech, the military and governments to keep pushing woke ideologies instead (ideologies which normalise and celebrate dysfunction, ill health and injury), rather than draw attention to EMF poisoning which could potentially collapse the entire industry on health grounds. Ditto for the drug and processed food industries.
"believe feminist/ progressive ideology would not have been embraced without an underlying dis-ease and irritability in the general population"
And don't forget "the pill." They say it "liberated" women so they could choose when to have children. More likely, it made them irritable and not able to think clearly, because it was very high doses of estrogen from horse urine. Of course, when it was "discovered" to cause cancer, they lowered the dose.
Women's brains change in response to these hormones.
OCIAA to CIA, can things get any weirder? Yes they can, Jane, now go out and play.
I'm reeling from the LA fires my sister-in-law is in, after losing her husband to Turbo Cancer a year ago, and his mother and sister now evacuating from Pasadena.
And no eggs at the store. This blindsided me. I just bought out their last three ham and cheese quiche because it may be a year before we see another egg. I'm freezing two. But what will this do to bakeries? Restaurants?
So much shitfuckery. So hard to keep up. Glad to be surrounded by a team of crack reporters.
And the shitfuckery expands daily. I can’t keep up. I try, but damn. Sometimes I have no words for what I see. Because when you know, you know. And we know where this evil is coming from.
All (as in ever single one) of the original CIA at creation were secret society members from Yale's Skull and Bones which was established by The Russell Trust, an opium smuggling firm in connection with the British East India company, also a freemason secret society. So why would anyone be surprised at shitfuckery
Same with Oxford and those from there like Clinton and Naomi Wolf.
These secret societies were so successful that they are no longer as important in getting things done.
Great information. I have this one on Naomi Wolf looking at her underlying ideology: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-devil-and-naomi-wolf. Doc Malik recently mentioned to me that he sat across from her at some conference and she was completely arrogant.
She could not get herself to agree with Woodhouse that there was no pandemic in Nyc even though she agreed with all of her analysis. She has learnt what can and cannot be said. What real person insists on themselves being called Dr when they are a PhD unless it is to mislead and be mistaken as a medical doctor particularly during covid. What kind of person has to mention that they had relatives who died in German camps in WWII victimhood looking for sympathy. She is a creation to lead liberals into a hopium ditch.
I want to correct you on something important that many people misunderstand -- a person holding a PhD degree IS a legitimate "doctor". The title means "Doctor of Philosophy". A person with an MD is a "medical doctor". And one with a DO is an "osteopathic doctor". In psychology, the same level is a PsyD, a doctor of psychology.
MD, DO and PsyD are what are called *practice doctorates*. They are primarily focused on developing SKILLS to work in the clinical environment. They do not have a research component -- they are not for research scientists, they are for clinicians. It is the rare MD who reads clinical research papers, or does independent medical research.
In the US, PhD is the highest level academic degree granted. MD, DO, are below that. PsyD is lower still, and lowest academic degree is the EdD, "doctor of education" (Jill Biden's doctorate).
MDs tried to co-opt the term "doctor" and claim exclusive right to use the term over the past 80 years. There was even a major lawsuit some years back, which the MDs lost. Technically, the person you see for health care should be addressed NOT as "doctor", but as "physician". The guy with the PhD, though, is STILL the one to address as "doctor".
"physician".. As soon as I really read that... I saw MAGician ... sorcery of surgery& mediSIN ... also MUSician ...one having a MUSE to "perform" mystical MUSic . Music sooths the savage beast ... They refer to us as beasts & animals. The W.H.O. is the highest herd manager in the whirled. The ships Doctor is above the captain. Therefor the W.H.O. is above any President.
They are practitioners of sorcery & dark arts & the Magi know this, as do the Maga's. We're all under their spells ...until we are NOT. :)
Ummm, no, the ship's doctor has no authority over the Captain. According to maritime law, the Captain is the top authority on his ship, above the physician -- and also the legal authority who can marry a couple at sea. The size or purpose of the vessel makes no difference. The Captain is in charge.
Full agreement. I don't use titles, even for medical doctors when speaking on medical issues. I feel it discredits the rest of us. Although if there were a way to recognize the amount of time put into studying a topic, without a credentialing authority, I'd gladly use that to distinguish research from opinion. Glad to have this confirmation of my objections to her.
And if my dad's ancestors had stayed in Germany, there's a 94% chance he would have died during WWII or the hellish years after, when more died than during the war. His birth year was right at the not-so-sweet spot. Coming from the US, he had a cushy assignment in England and a girlfriend that, luckily for me, didn't work out.
Sadly, the HELL after was the result of the Allies.
I was saddened to hear of the imprisonment of Gemar Rudolph for his superb Holocaust Encyclopedia which is free on line composed of letters at the time showing what really happened. Everyone should look at it.
Oh, noooo, I disagree about the PhD thing. They ARE doctors, you know, and if you'd paid all that money for the school, you'd want your due... It's FINE, wanting to be called by a title earned, but it doesn't mean they know actual shit, LOL.
I just speak as an MD of 40 years where I only announce myself as doctor or sign something with MD when I want to be serviced or have my call taken by a pharmacy or office. I see myself as much more than an MD and do not want to be pigeon-holed as such. I will earn respect by thoughts and actions rather than because I was selected to get a degree.
I got far enough in that system with an abd PhD to be exceedingly skeptical of titles 'earned.' It's a system of delayed adolescence. I can name on one hand the things that stuck because they had meaning after the exam. But what I've learned outside of schooling could fill books, and has filled one already ;-)
I followed her for a time waaaaay back at the beginning (of time, lol) and she was arrogant then, too... People gave me shit for questioning her and eventually for disconnecting from her totally (I refuse to read her crap), but I feel a bit vindicated by these comments, and have been before, too.. Not everyone is taken in... Cheers.
Skipper nailed it. Secret societies/occultists run this world. Period. Always have. There' oceans of incontrovertible evidence, but most still have yet to broach much of that information. Even within the "truth community" (not a community) many many "truthers" will pick on those who dare even share that information.
Naomi Wolf ain't no different. To have such a big platform, she's 1,000% an occultist. (Wolf in sheep's clothing).
For example, the Lucius Trust, which is the charter which kicks off the United Nations, is attributed to one Alice Bailey. A well known Luciferian occultist. Anyone can verify this themself, by going to Lucius Trust and reading the 'about us' section under the history tab.
Then we can simply extrapolate. If an organization as massive as the U.N. was started by them, you can rest assured everything has been.
I could offer countless proofs, but this would become incredibly long. Feel free to msg should you wish to inquire more. I'm well steeped in all this.
Sorry to hear of those suffering in your family from the fires. This is incredibly tragic.
Anomalous, isn't that like saying "Secret people operating in secret conspiracies run the world." So who runs the secret societies? And I don't believe their occult rituals give them power, other than blackmail and trauma bonding. I think ordinary things like issuing all the money through mortgages gives them power. Who do you say is at the top of 'them'?
And thanks for your sympathy. Although their houses were spared, there's a world of hurt left by those fires.
Hi Tereza, allow me to ask you, what would you, or anyone, do if we knew who was at 'the top'? Many years ago I read some good information as to who is at the top. I can no longer find those links now; perhaps they were removed and re-posted under new websites - as the process seems to be with seeking this kind of information. But, there is the ability to trace which family lineages produced Popes and the like, and many of these families are at the top. There were a bunch of Italian families involved, but plenty of other too.
Would we launch an all out attack....? By whom?
When I read all that info. I thought, what's the point of even knowing, even if this is accurate...? Who would I share it with? What would be done?
If you still want that scratch itch, perhaps shoot a message over to Frances Leader, she might have that kind of information.
I think you and I see differently as to the nature of ritual, and that is fine! I have no problem disagreeing. I believe that if we don't ever see a good example of ritual explained, then of course it is also easy enough to dismiss it. It might simply be something we cannot fathom yet as we'd be new to it.
That being said, if I typed a bunch of what I consider to be proofs and spend a bunch of energy to convince/shed light to one person - what does that accomplish in the grand scope of things....?
I personally believe that the remedy so many seek here on Substack, or whatever other platforms - ie, redemption for toxic shots, redemption for endless years of corrupt gov't etc. 'If we write enough articles, posts etc etc, we can awaken the masses and 100th monkey effect.' I don't subscribe to any of that being the answer. I think each one of us, individually, will be offered a way out of the matrix, but exceedingly few will even glimpse that moment for what it is, and instead will wind up right back here in a world of inversion.
Agreed on the world of hurt even if they didn't lose their homes. Phew. Terrible scene down there unfolding. I might be sent in coming weeks myself down to those fires, more than likely. Our wildland fire company has already fielded three 20-man teams. They've been down there one week. I was born in L.A., would be weird full circle kinda thing to win up in the hills there now.
I'm in full agreement with you, Anomalous. I'm friends with Frances but I leave the 'who' to her. My focus is on 'how', which makes it much more useful for figuring out what to do with that information, as in my latest post from my book: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/03-white-slavery.
You were the one who talked about who with "Secret societies/occultists run this world." I find that not very useful for being able to do anything with it. Do you?
I talked to my middle daughter last night. Her boyfriend's aunt lost her home completely. Since they'd been evacuated other times, they didn't take anything with them. I can't even imagine the trauma of that. Although one of his friends just died suddenly, at 32, and the twin of his best friend just took his life at 32. So that makes the trauma even more unimaginable.
So true that we need to take a good look at all our preconceived notions! Also true that most people can't/won't believe that almost everything they think they know isn't actually a "fact".
Take auto-immune disease for example. It's a theory, yet doctors give that diagnosis all the time as if it had been proven.
In a world where every entity; person, corporation, government; are treated as a corporation, everything works by contract.
In order for any contract to be valid there must be conscious agreement by both parties [they must be of the same conscious mind], and ALL information relating to said contract must be divulged in all time. If one party uses subliminal techniques to manipulate the other party, then the contract is void. If one party fails to present any portion of related information, then the contract is void.
In today's legal world, it is claimed that failure to respond is considered to be acquiescence (submission) to the other party. However, failure to respond, or to say yes or no, is a reflection of failure to fully inform [= void contract].
Governments [Disney, Masons, DOD, etc] play the game of subliminal half-truths and claim that they have a contract, even though they never fully informed 'the people'. They have voided any and all contract from the beginning (ab initio).
Excellent article CS. I have been working for over 10 years to rid myself of all the conditioning, and I keep finding new things that I need to discard. I didn’t really accept until fairly recently that virology and a whole bunch of other things are basically unproven hypotheses and nothing more, yet massive systems of wealth control, and pseudoscience are based on them.
Your work has been quite helpful, as has agent131711, and numerous others. I thank you all.
after all the psyops from all directions I’m keeping my powder dry and not arriving at 💯 conclusions about the reality of science. Terrain theory has strong evidence to support it but it is not proven what all the causations are for human ailments. Gangrene is one example I can think of. Another is Lyme disease for which there is strong evidence that ticks were weaponized by
USG research mainly in Montana. The book “Bitten” gives a detailed account.
I understand your skepticism. I have found it helps to zero in on the primary source documents and close out any chatter about controlled opposition and psyops. It's not about knowing for sure what makes us ill but more about checking (and ultimately falsifying) the claims made. So far I have found that has been definitive. If they claim X causes Y but don't have X in reality well it can't be X.
On 911 when I initially saw the news I said “how convenient” but at the time I had no idea of the depth of deception, just that W was otherwise a 1 term loser.
My mother was a centenarian without any vaccinations or jabs. In 2009 she was given the flu shot and 4-days later came down with shingles, which the doctor immediately proclaimed had nothing to do with her flu shot.
It is common knowledge that shingles is a sign of a SUDDENLY damaged immune system. When the "Covid" vaccination was still being advertised everywhere in the EU in 2021 as "free of side effects", it was already known in Israel that shingles occurs noticeably often 1–4 days after this "vaccination". I have a study saved somewhere whose results show that those who are frequently "vaccinated" against the flu die more frequently than average from the flu or with the flu. Before 2021, the expected life span of people in the West was growing. But in the last few years before 2021, it grew slower and slower. I would not be surprised if the flu "vaccination" had something to do with the slowing of life span growth. I am talking exclusively about the time before the new pseudo-vaccinations messed up the previous statistics.
I also came down with shingles after having a reaction to a mandatory flu shot. I used that reaction to gain exemption from all future shots, although the damage was already done.
Excellent presentation Sarah, thank you for your work. I love seeing the old school Disney propaganda films again. so much magick to imbue children with, weeeee!
While I no longer work professionally in medicine (I only treat in private) and am removed from that world altogether, I am trained both as an M.D. and a D.A.O.M. (Chinese medicine doctor). I wish to share something with this crowd who, as you have suggested, because they are reading here, have already done a lot of unlearning.
This is strictly from the Chinese medical model:
In Chinese medicine we have a very common diagnosis known as an 'EPI'. EPI stands for exogenous pathogenic influence/invasion. This simply means that elements from nature have become lodged in one's body and it is causing one's health to be thrown out of balance/homeostasis. The patient will always present exactly like what we call in the 'West', a 'cold' or 'flu'. Exactly the same.
In Chinese medicine wind is called the 'tip of 1,000 diseases.' This simply means that wind can penetrate the body and then link up with potentially other imbalances, and cause further havoc (especially if not remedied). Wind, moves around the body, similar to the notion of metastasis. It 'injures' tissue layers, causes complete stagnation of multiple layers of connective tissue, organs functionality (say the lungs) etc. It becomes trapped in the body and then must be encouraged to exit. By 'opening the exterior' (Chinese medicine terminology), or opening the pores, we can facilitate that wind to leave,and re-establish a balance internally. Now, to make matters more complex, a wind invasion might also occur with cold, damp, heat etc.
One example from my own life, circa Summer 2024 when I am out in Florida shoeing horses. I was asked to pull up someone's Jeep because they are not able to walk so easily. I obliged, walked to the Jeep and got in. Now, pause for a second. It was 95degrees out and 95% humidity that day. I'm working outside shoeing horses (very physical work) and I'm drenched in sweat and my pores are wiiiiiiiide open. Jump in the Jeep, turn the ignition on,m and wham! The Jeep's owner had the A/C on full cold, full blast. Instantly I was hit with a very cold wind that penetrated my chest, clear through to my back (between the shoulder blades). I knew, for sure, I just got a wind-cold invasion. I knew I would get 'sick' likely later that same day. I finish my day, I can FEEL I got a serious 'chill' sensation in my spine (very typical with a wind invasion). Later that evening, I mount a fever (not severe one), a minor cough with little phlegm and I just got into bed and slept it off. By morning I'm 50% better, but also not recovered by any means. So I spend a second day just relaxing, drinking tea from green onions (which will open the pores up), and begin to get the wind out of my body, so my body can do the remaining work.. That's it - CLASSIC and very common way to get 'sick' in Chinese medicine.
Here's the rub - this exact process has lead to BILLIONS (likely trillions throughout history) of cases of 'colds' and 'flus', and likely almost every single time in history, is was blamed on 'germs.' Let that sink in.
Now, I could never share this diagnosis and this process with any 'Western' doctors. They treat you like an absolute moron (even though I'm also an M.D.!!!!) because culturally they are not exposed to these concepts. Because Disney et al has already capture the minds and spirits of the Western mind.
As I was preparing to exit from the world of medicine professionally, I used to love to talk with M.D.'s about some topic, get well into it with them, and then at the right time share with them I was also a Chinese medicine doctor. You should have seen their countenance - unbridled arrogance, rage, hatred, condescension etc etc., would spill out of them And in that instant, I was no longer a doctor to them.
On and on we go. Never forget, your typical M.D. is some of the most arrogant, highly miseducated people on the planet. What they do not understand about medicine and the human body, would fill the Library of Congress. It really is true. Doesn't make all the Chinese docs awakened wizards either, but, Western docs are well documented to be slaughtering the public through their brand of medicine, while absolutely no one is dying from Chinese medicine. Let that sink in too.
Thank you for this. I love hearing from folks who have feet solidly in different paradigms. I come from a family teeming with doctors and am quite familiar with the condescension and arrogance, as I’ve always existed on the fringe of acceptable in their eyes. At times I wish I had gone all the way through (I was premed for a short while), however I’m afraid I would’ve succumbed to the brainwashing. I’d like to say that I wouldn’t have, but I just don’t know. I admire you for being able to do that…you are a rare breed. And have an apt screen name 😉. Thanks again for sharing your insight.
I remember well reading one of your very early posts describing the education and occupations of your illustrious siblings including extended family....indeed impressive, thinking annoyingly how they would probably never fully recognize your contribution to the alternative views which have borne out in the last year or so. Oh well, we here are thankful for your truth telling and one day, well, you never know they may come to an awakening and commend you also.
Thank you, Wendy...and thank you for keeping up with me. You might appreciate this update...
In the fall I went to visit my family. My dermatologist brother was the one I feuded with hardest and loudest. Although his condescension and arrogance were offensive, I respect him more than a lot of other members of my family because he was at least willing to have a conversation. And he still is.
I asked him if they are still taking the boosters and he said, "absolutely not." He then went on to "explain" to me (in exasperation) that "they" lied to the doctors😱!!! And falsified data😱!!!
Then he told me that his best friend (also a physician in his 30s) was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. To his friend he said, "You aren't still taking the covid vaccines are you..." His friend said knew his cancer was from the covid jab because of the immediate enormous amount of swelling in his axillary lymph node following the shot. But because his oncologist told him to, he got another booster. But he got it in the other arm...and again his lymph node swelled to the size of a grapefruit. My brother said it was unbelievable how large it was.
My brother said all of this to me...which I respect. It isn't easy to admit you were wrong (although he never came out and said anything like "I was wrong" or "I'm sorry" or "gosh, I was such a condescending prick to you"). Anyway...
I reminded him that THIS was why I was ugly crying and yelling and making holidays uncomfortable. He said that he had to get the shots because of his military status. I reminded him that his dye had already been cast when we argued about the shots. He was frontline. He took before it was even available to anyone else. I was fighting for the kids...HIS DAUGHTER. Unfortunately it wasn't enough...all of my nieces and nephews got the covid shots.
He is firm about no more covid injections now though. The pediatric office has given his wife a hard time about not getting their daughter "boosted" and my brother has a standing directive that anyone who has an issue with the decision or would like to discuss it, should give him a call.
Now that my brother has crossed the covid jab rubicon, I would like to discuss vaccinations in general, but haven't pushed into yet because I'm trying to choose my time wisely. I want to ask him to honestly think about this...
You now KNOW that they lied about the covid injections. They falsified, they obfuscated, and they harmed...and those shots, that gave your best friend cancer at 38 are STILL being recommended. They are on YOUR daughter's vaccine schedule.
Now...can you be absolutely certain that they did not do that with any other vaccinations? Are you certain that what you learned AS FACT about vaccinations in medical school is accurate? If you are certain about all of that, and that all of the other vaccines are as safe and effective as they are purported to be, then there should be no problem taking a look at the history and the evidence with me...and walking me through the way that conclusion was drawn.
Sara , thank you for taking the time to set out the relevant parts of your conversations with your highly accredited brother ! I appreciate your reply. I've just read through it and want to say you have done your best and probably with a guarded tongue which is so hard. He is lucky to have someone outside of his field to discuss these matters with him. He is part of a community of closed minded. Nevertheless in light of his new understandings he may have a chance to be enlightened on the whole vaccine front....for his daughter's sake, I hope so. You are obviously the black sheep of the family, now vindicated ! I am also. I never bought into the whole sham though I was supposed to be scared to death ! and faced severe social punishment for defying the mainstream up here in Canada.
Disinvited to weddings etc. etc. My son and daughter in law just had a lovely baby girl who will not be vaccinated and I am so thankful they are part of the new fully informed. I am forwarding some photos I just had to peek at with my fingers up against my face, the way we watch horror movies ! from a substack I received yesterday...your dermatologist brother might benefit from seeing them ! It may push him even further into your camp...https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/the-grand-jury-report-thursday-january
Wishing you well in the New Year and thank you for your efforts to inform through it all.
The haste to get babies vaccinated as soon as possible is the secular version of the Roman Catholic anxiety about getting the baby baptised as soon as possible, lest something happen to it and it end up in 'limbo' (a concept I only learned about through reading James Joyce's 'Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man' in school). In Liam Scheff's book, 'Official Stories', he calls vaccination 'the religious science', which is pretty accurate.
Some great stuff there, Sarah. I am in awe of anyone who works, has a family and finds time to ferret out all that information.
I think I have a special blend of OCD and ADHD coupled with a keen interest in psychological operations and an intense disdain for the mass poisoning of innocent children.
Of course it doesn't. I'm a Christian (though not a Roman Catholic). My children are baptised (although I have different views on infant baptism now than I had back then). The comparison is in the symbolism - for secular people. I would be far from the first to point out that the functions of the clergy have been transferred in many people's minds to people in white coats.
As an aside, for myself, I found the discussion of 'limbo' (I don't even know if RCs have this concept still), profoundly shocking, as if God would do something like that to a tiny child because of a decision that was nothing to do with the child. But that's secondary to my point. Parents worry that their baby will 'catch' things when it's tiny and vulnerable, so are in a hurry to vaccinate (that corresponds to what I said about the haste of the baptism - my first was months old when she was baptised; there was no haste or fear involved), whereas the truth is that breastfed babies get the mother's immunity passed on to them for about six months, as far as I recall from my own baby-rearing days.
War instead of cooperation with nature is the lesson we all must unlearn . Starting with diet and consumption of chemical concoctions in food and soft drinks and alcoholic beverages . Clouded judgement doesn’t bode well for clear unlearning:) food that is not food and skin care hair care products that contain endocrine disruptors and preservatives. Get the gut and brain working together properly. We have been taught that only loonies are so pedantic about health and there is something wrong with regimes of self health and healing . It’s the first step in unlearning. Then turn off the TV free to air and NEVER watch it again .
Disney was a part of the propaganda war division and was set up by the CIA.
The post WWII GI bill got a lot of people to go to college and established professors in place who could promote the virology and public health myth to be curated.
The post WWII Frankfurt and Tavistock school goals to remove the traditional family (white European Christian) were introduced (see The Authoritarian Personality final paragraph) with the goal to remove any idea of a creator and to promote a godless evolution (which must then be taken control of when possible of course).
Likewise, the atomization and dispersal of the ethnic (predominantly Christian) neighborhoods post WWII was a well crafted and implemented plan to dominate. (see E. Michael Jones Slaughter of Cities).
Look no further than the Fabian Society emblem of the wolf in sheep's clothing, their stained glass window depicting breaking the world to remake it in their own image and their mascot of the turtle representing the slow and steady infiltration, deception and control. It is no surprise that we are where we are today, especially after the un-Constitional creation of the (private) federal reserve in 1913 and its unlimited ability to create money to purchase and arrange what is wanted by its owners.
Recently I alienated some friends merely by remarking that, at age 75, I'm still unable to come by/catch/get a cold or a dose of flu as long as I am eating well. I "caught" something worse than a cold for a few days some twenty years ago when I had been eating poorly and I'm in no doubt that a week of bad food, "heart-healthy" marg, pharmaceuticals, smoke, booze etc could easily bring me down. But why let that happen?
Anyway, what seemed like ancient commonsense was received as more of my conspiratorial anti-science raving, so I didn't force the issue. Still, I like to deposit the odd conspiratorial thought, even at the risk of losing more friends. (You too?) No need to argue. Just deposit the thought and leave 'em with that thought. Who knows? Maybe just when they are washing down that Advil and that antibiotic with a can of Red Bull after some acrylamide-rich fries...Who knows? Maybe a penny will drop.
Fantastic article Sarah. It really resonated as I just had a 'thing' with my 21-year old daughter with autism (vax injury) immediately after reading your article. Autistic individuals have a strong preference for routine and predictability. In fact, when reality does not line up with expectations (which my non-verbal daughter cannot express) we deal with confusion, inexplicable behaviour or meltdowns. There is a controversial -healthcare funded- program that turn kids with autism into automatons. The results are carefully jotted down (as in any experiment). I believe kids with autism in North America (by the many) are used to experiment their brain-coding techniques on. I also think 'autism' or desire for routine/predictability, is a desired effect of vaccination for them. Anyway, here's the link to my article on the 'autism experiments' if anyone is interested: https://locallibertyletter.substack.com/p/how-they-turn-people-in-to-automatons
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's vaxx injury, Renate.
I worked at a group home for autistic people with severe problem behaviors in the early 2000s. That facility used ABA and boasted behavior modification techniques in place of chemical restraints. The director's license plate read "BFSKINNR". I adored the residents and was intrigued to learn about applied behavior analysis.
However, the longer I was there, the more disillusioned I became. We were all trained to administer medications. One day I came in and immediately noticed that almost all of the residents had a new med (Abilify) listed in the MAR. Really? Everyone needed this new med all of a sudden at the same time? I asked the nurse and was dismissed...this wasn't my scope and not really any of my business. I asked the BCBA about it and got a similar response. I don't recall how much time passed before I saw commercials for this drug on television...but these people got it first.
As time wore on it began to look more and more like a testing facility and less and less like a place that gave a shit about these people or their quality of life. I spent multiple holidays with these kids (I call them kids, but most were in their 20s), and deeply cared for them. ABA was sold as this miraculous "treatment" but really it's just treating humans like dogs. Training HUMANS like you would train a puppy. I stayed for as long as I could, but I eventually could no longer participate in what was required for my employment.
Have you heard of the podcast "The Telepathy Tapes"? It features the late nephew of a current client of mine and the Spelling to Communicate program. I found it fascinating, especially with my history working with autistic folks. It breaks my heart a little and I wish I could go back and revisit some of these kiddos.
Thanks. Yes indeed, I heard of Spellers and read Handley's books. I agree completely that giving our kids with autism the tools to express themselves (with language, music, art) is far more preferable than training them like Pavlov's dogs.
A research unit that ran in Britain for 30-40 years couldn't get the common cold to replicate....ha ha. Yet apparently some never seen before string of 20 dna molecules known as SARS Covid-19 was able to transmit itself all around the world in less time that it takes to say Jack Robinson. Honestly, that Disney programming....and it's equivalent elsewhere in the world was inspired. By the way, I was always suspicious of Alfred Hitchcock & his Hollywood productions. However, it appears even he had run-ins with his dueish producer puppetmasters.
When you invert people's entire reality and convince them of things that just aren't so, you can build on your false premises until they rest on a tower of lies that vanishes into the clouds.
This was excellent writing. Cross-posted it again.
🙏many thanks
Reality inversion is facilitated by people experiencing "reality" through screens. It's what passes for social interaction as well. It is common now for people to have dozens of "friends" who they have never met in person and never will. Michael Crichton (MD. He never practiced medicine, he wrote novels instead) stated before his death in 2008 that the "..greatest problem facing us in the 21st century is the inability of people to distinguish reality from illusion." And I would add "to even know that there is a difference."
Yes Sarah.
I's been wondering for a long time if colds and flu were even a thing, as the govt. claims, a hundred or even two hundred years ago.
I was raised in the 60-70's and I can bear witness in my corner of the world sickness was not as rampant as today. Not by a long shot.
Apparently, flu, as we know it (as a seasonal illness) was unknown until the advent of telegraph lines.
Another way to interpret these historical co-incidences is that new forms of communications technology, centralized data collection and distribution (such as scientific journals and public health reports), and centralization of diagnostic criteria (coordinated through scientific journals aimed at physicians) are launched and used to better to project the illusion of outbreaks of specific diseases and the illusion of treatments and preventatives.
In learning about the legal history around quarantine and vaccines, I've been struck by these repeated co-incidences.
Ocean-going ships approximate, more than any form of land transportation, a kind of "test tube" in which experiments in causing illness could be conducted, because the populations of humans and animals are temporarily contained in space and time without interacting with other populations.
The trans-Atlantic telegraph made it possible for officers at a departure port to transmit information about the alleged health and disease of passengers and animals on ocean-going ships, while the ships were still at sea, to the anticipated port of entry. The laws then authorized or required ports to handle passengers, livestock and cargo from allegedly disease-carrying ships in specific ways, such as medical examinations and quarantine.
Widespread newspaper publishing, with advertisement sections, especially after photography was introduced, made it possible to widely and quickly distribute manipulated visual and text information about disease diagnosis, outbreaks and disease suppression or treatment methods.
Radio, television, the internet and web-enabled cell phones made possible even more rapid and comprehensive national and global distribution of false visual, audio and written information.
Makes sense. Just like the flying test tubes aka air planes. Where most passengers nowadays complain of symptoms of an illness days after arriving at their destination. My husband always ended up with flu-like symptoms after his monthly journeys through air home or to work. 'Great' place to experiment with different poisons.
Thanks, Katherine - greatly indebted to you for your sleuthing, as always. The layers of deceit are mind-blowing.
Fascinating article, thank you. This point you mention about the quarantine of people on ships is probably something which has helped to cement the popular belief about germs and disease spread. I was interested to discover that the word itself originates from the Italian ‘quarantena’ meaning ‘forty days’ which relates to the 14the century practice in the port of Venice to isolate passengers and crew of ships arriving from plague infested areas. Probably, all of that was also highly questionable knowing what we do today. So we have several hundred years of mistaken understanding to unravel.
Jack Kruse on science.
"After I figured out that 'everything' I learned in medical school is not true".......
I saw that guy a loooong time ago... He's on it.
FOUR HOURS, I will have to take a few breaks! lol
You're absolutely right about this fact. Here's more information about it.
Thanks for the link!
You're very welcome.
Read "The Invisible Rainbow," it's a jaw-dropper!!
Thanks! I have it in the house, where it has been in a 'to read' pile that doesn't get read quickly enough because of the time I spend online. 🙄
I need another lifetime, having become 'awake' rather late in this one.
Awake rather late is better than Still Asleep…
And another lifetime might be in the works, I donut rememble. ;)
Oh, and BTW, a LOT of that book is citation! *whew!* ^_^
It's astonishing to read a book like "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg...
He gives us the history of electricity, in the hands of humans.
And wow, just look at how these illnesses we've been taught to understand as "colds" and "flu" and various other troubles, such as arthritis, are a product of EMF's.
We know now that there are no viruses that have EVER been found to exist, and no "germs," as in, the attacking menaces we saw in the cartoon, and actually no CONTAGION that has ever been proven! It's an amazing thing, to have these long-believed "mistakes" corrected... What a relief! And then we have all this extremely addictive technology...
5G is just TOO much electromagnetic radiation, flying around, almost everywhere in the world, now, and in the "Western" countries, it's very strong, heavy, heavy.
I would so LOVE to have it ALL switched off, for say, two weeks, and see how we feel...
"I would so LOVE to have it ALL switched off, for say, two weeks, and see how we feel..."
I've come to the conclusion that the modern social anxiety, stress, irritability and general 'meh' is mostly due to EMF pollution, and I think that even includes the entire feminist/ progressive movement of the last century.
While there were (and still are) obviously social and political factors at play (destroying the family, getting control of children, getting women into the workforce to be taxed etc) I believe feminist/ progressive ideology would not have been embraced without an underlying dis-ease and irritability in the general population, for the ideology to latch onto.
This dis-ease is more noticeable now of course, but even 100 years ago we seemed to already be losing the 'gaiety' and 'joie de vivre' which seemed to be so pervasive back then - despite life being so tough in so many ways.
We know that women tend to be more sensitive to EMF and I don't think its a coincidence that women have expressed the most dis-ease and angst over the last century, as well as the most gender non conformity.
It serves the ruling industrial/ technocratic classes to frame all of this in terms of social and cultural movements and revolutions - rather than the effects of industrial poisoning. And with all talk of EMF pollution effectively banned and made socially taboo (conspiracy nonsense!) it's no wonder the masses assume the sickness and revulsion they feel at such a visceral level is due to patriarchy, systemic sexism, misogyny, racism and intersectional hegemonic toxic masculine white cis het power!
The craving for 'safe spaces' by 'generation snowflake' sounds a lot like the craving for EMF free zones by 'electrohypersensitive' people. Are 'microaggressions' really an accidental metaphor for microwaves?
I believe if wireless tech was switched off tomorrow we'd all feel a huge weight being lifted of our shoulders, and the feelings of dread, angst, irritability and anxiety which define 'modern living' would largely vanish.
Luckily we don't have to even make this argument because wireless pollution is killing all wildlife anyway which is already enough of a reason to put it all in a giant dumpster :)
I would gladly go back to horse and cart just to enjoy being free of non native EMF. I'm not even joking!
Agreed. I’m not sure to what extent all of the EMF exposure damages us, and I am sure it varies a fair amount person to person, but to say it isn’t having an effect is silly. I think about it like an audible background buzz…some people will not even notice it, while others find it deafening.
"I’m not sure to what extent all of the EMF exposure damages us."
I think it's comparable to the damage caused by vaccines.
- Everyone is sicker at a baseline level.
- Some people are chronically sick but haven't made the connection yet (or have been misdiagnosed by their doctor).
- Some people have made the connection (often after years of confusion and gaslighting) and they either continue to suffer ill health or move to the woods if they can afford to and achieve some degree of relief.
Many of the symptoms of EMF exposure overlap with vaccine injury (because both are poisoning) so that makes things even more confusing, perhaps by design.
Here's my shortest and 'snappiest' video on the topic in case you are interested :)
So, you're saying that EMF pollution is the cause for women being tired of being second-rate humans and cooking, cleaning, and child-raising for no wage, kept out of colleges for a long time, kept out of many jobs for a long time, and on and on and all the rest of the issues-- ALLLL that is because of EMF's??
If that's your reasoning, then all I can say is, what a lame excuse for misogyny and the patriarchal stomping down of women and their rights for... a long damn time...
I'm ALL FOR men having manly things, I don't really want a woman firefighter trying to drag me out of a burning building, ETC, but... really? You may as well say it's because of menstrual cramps making gals bitchy. lol
And for that matter, vaccine injury FAR FAR outweighs the slow, cumulative effects of EMF... It's a VERY VERY different kind of poisoning, because while some people are not as affected short term by EMF's, EVERYBODY is seriously injured by GO, Mercury, tons of ALUMINUM...
Where are you getting your information? Or are you just conjecturing?
"So, you're saying that EMF pollution is the cause for women being tired of being second-rate humans and cooking, cleaning, and child-raising for no wage, kept out of colleges for a long time, kept out of many jobs for a long time, and on and on and all the rest of the issues-- ALLLL that is because of EMF's??"
Running a household, raising children and cooking food from scratch is not being a second rate human. It's a vital role. Calling it second rate is an insult to women, and all females of any species.
Also, second rate compared to who? Men? While women were running households, men were building canals, roads, dry stone walls, cathedrals, factories, ships, mining coal, ploughing fields and being sent off to war. That was men's role for the majority of human history. NEWSFLASH: life was tough and gender roles were restrictive for both sexes, not just women.
Are you seriously suggesting women wanted to trade places with men!?
How many feminists do you actually know today who want to be roofers, truck drivers, mechanics? Even those jobs are 100x less dangerous or backbreaking today than men's jobs have been for most of history.
And even if women had wanted to trade places with men and work backbreaking jobs in all weathers, how would that have been practically feasible? Running a households was itself a full time job until very recently. So if women had swapped places with men then the men would have to become the homemakers while the women built railways and smelted steel. But then they would still have to swap roles again whenever they wanted to have children. The women would have to quit their jobs (rendering their training worthless) and the men would have to train for a new job, find a job and start from scratch.
I'm not sure what you are even arguing. It doesn't even make any sense. Feminism makes no sense as an ideology. It has zero connection to the real world.
Women never raised children for 'no wage'. What does that even mean? Raising your own children is not a paid job. If you and I start a bakery business and I bake the bread in the kitchen and you sell it to customers in the market we will share the income. You cannot sell bread if I do not bake it. I cannot bake bread if you don't sell it. It's called 'division of labour' or 'specialisation'. Just because I don't actually sell the bread or meet the customers does not mean I am not earning an income. We split the income. That's how businesses work. That's how marriages work too.
Feminism pretends 'division of labour' does not exist and that wives are like slaves. That's as silly as saying the people who bake bread in the kitchen are slaves and the people who sell it in the market later that day are the slave owners. This is a moronic interpretation.
The reason feminism pretends 'division of labour' does not exist is because the movement was designed to destroy the family and have everyone earn a wage (and pay taxes) as atomised individuals. Divide and conquer. Feminism was never a women's movement, it was always a social engineering movement by the ruling class (funded by the Rockefellers) to break up the family, divide society, get women paying taxes (doubling the tax revenue) and take control of children so they could be indoctrinated by the state to be good little comrades.
Thanks to feminism, being able to raise your own children is now a luxury and a privilege that only the wealthy can afford. Before feminism even a blue collar family could sustain itself on the husband's wage alone, giving the wife freedom to run the house, raise children, cook real food and drop in and out of the workforce as it suited her and the demands of her children. This also left evenings and weekends free for family activities as the housework was done during the day. Today most couples both have to work full time, and do housework in the evening and weekends, and hand over their children to strangers during the day. That is slavery. We even let zoo animals raise their own young!
Are you aware that feminism's most fierce critics and opponents have been women, right from the very beginning of the movement?
Anyway, to answer your question.... no I don't believe EMF pollution is the cause for feminism or social justice ideologies. But it is well documented that EMF exposure causes irritability, anxiety, depression, mood swings and a general sense of dis-ease and 'wrongness'. I believe feminism and social justice ideologies were able to take hold because they aligned with these negative feelings, and even offered an explanation for them.
People felt anxious, depressed, irritable and like they were somehow being attacked and these ideologies about 'oppression' offered an explanation for why they felt so angsty all the time and like they wanted to escape - which is what EMF poisoning feels like.
Firstenberg's accounts of the early pioneers of electricity who suffered EMF sickness often speak of a 'heavy burden' and being 'pulled down to the ground' by some terrible force. Cell tower workers also report terrible anxiety and depression today. Schoolchildren in wifi classrooms also report the same - leading to the removal of wifi in several countries already.
We are electrical beings and our emotions create a charge in our nervous system (which is why we often talk of emotions in terms of a shock, a jolt or a charged atmosphere). It is not far-fetched that it works the other way around: charge our nervous systems with EMF and create emotions.
People often feel an oppressive mood before a thunderstorm, and relief after it has released its energy and passed on. Wireless tech is like a giant thunderstorm which has been steadily brewing for the last 150 years. Anxiety, depression, irritability and feelings of unbearable wrongness are now at an all time high, and are especially prevalent in women and young people - two groups most sensitive to EMF.
The studies on white storks by Balmori (referenced in Firstenberg's IR) show a complete breakdown of pair bonding, nest building, egg laying and social skills for the birds next to cell towers. They just stare into space or fight with each other. The birds furthest from cell towers still pair bond, build nice nests, lay lots of eggs and get along just fine. Their ability to function decreases the closer they are to cell towers.
These findings align with the increasingly dysfunctional behaviour of humans over the last century, with increases in divorce, lack of motivation to pair bond or have children, poor parenting, abandonment of gender roles and gender identity, increased aggression and irritability, increased apathy and demoralisation, and in the 20 years since wifi became ubiquitous in homes and schools an explosion in gender dysphoria, and non binary and gender queer identities.
All of this has been 'explained away' by ideologies which really don't make a whole lot of sense. Also it is unlikely the storks are being affected by woke ideology. They appear to have become woke due to microwave radiation.
It's no mystery why nobody is looking at EMF pollution (in conjunction with vaccines, processed foods etc) as a more likely cause for society's collapsing mental health and inability to function normally.
It serves the wireless industry, Big Tech, the military and governments to keep pushing woke ideologies instead (ideologies which normalise and celebrate dysfunction, ill health and injury), rather than draw attention to EMF poisoning which could potentially collapse the entire industry on health grounds. Ditto for the drug and processed food industries.
Hope that clarifies my previous comment :)
"believe feminist/ progressive ideology would not have been embraced without an underlying dis-ease and irritability in the general population"
And don't forget "the pill." They say it "liberated" women so they could choose when to have children. More likely, it made them irritable and not able to think clearly, because it was very high doses of estrogen from horse urine. Of course, when it was "discovered" to cause cancer, they lowered the dose.
Women's brains change in response to these hormones.
I almost forgot, Great Post, Sarah!
OCIAA to CIA, can things get any weirder? Yes they can, Jane, now go out and play.
I'm reeling from the LA fires my sister-in-law is in, after losing her husband to Turbo Cancer a year ago, and his mother and sister now evacuating from Pasadena.
And no eggs at the store. This blindsided me. I just bought out their last three ham and cheese quiche because it may be a year before we see another egg. I'm freezing two. But what will this do to bakeries? Restaurants?
So much shitfuckery. So hard to keep up. Glad to be surrounded by a team of crack reporters.
And the shitfuckery expands daily. I can’t keep up. I try, but damn. Sometimes I have no words for what I see. Because when you know, you know. And we know where this evil is coming from.
Do we know where it's coming from?
There's a bunch of places where it's coming from...
But in the end, it's coming from the Globalist Nasties who own most of the world's wealth, and by God, they want it ALL. *bloody hell*
All (as in ever single one) of the original CIA at creation were secret society members from Yale's Skull and Bones which was established by The Russell Trust, an opium smuggling firm in connection with the British East India company, also a freemason secret society. So why would anyone be surprised at shitfuckery
Same with Oxford and those from there like Clinton and Naomi Wolf.
These secret societies were so successful that they are no longer as important in getting things done.
Great information. I have this one on Naomi Wolf looking at her underlying ideology: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-devil-and-naomi-wolf. Doc Malik recently mentioned to me that he sat across from her at some conference and she was completely arrogant.
She could not get herself to agree with Woodhouse that there was no pandemic in Nyc even though she agreed with all of her analysis. She has learnt what can and cannot be said. What real person insists on themselves being called Dr when they are a PhD unless it is to mislead and be mistaken as a medical doctor particularly during covid. What kind of person has to mention that they had relatives who died in German camps in WWII victimhood looking for sympathy. She is a creation to lead liberals into a hopium ditch.
I want to correct you on something important that many people misunderstand -- a person holding a PhD degree IS a legitimate "doctor". The title means "Doctor of Philosophy". A person with an MD is a "medical doctor". And one with a DO is an "osteopathic doctor". In psychology, the same level is a PsyD, a doctor of psychology.
MD, DO and PsyD are what are called *practice doctorates*. They are primarily focused on developing SKILLS to work in the clinical environment. They do not have a research component -- they are not for research scientists, they are for clinicians. It is the rare MD who reads clinical research papers, or does independent medical research.
In the US, PhD is the highest level academic degree granted. MD, DO, are below that. PsyD is lower still, and lowest academic degree is the EdD, "doctor of education" (Jill Biden's doctorate).
MDs tried to co-opt the term "doctor" and claim exclusive right to use the term over the past 80 years. There was even a major lawsuit some years back, which the MDs lost. Technically, the person you see for health care should be addressed NOT as "doctor", but as "physician". The guy with the PhD, though, is STILL the one to address as "doctor".
"physician".. As soon as I really read that... I saw MAGician ... sorcery of surgery& mediSIN ... also MUSician ...one having a MUSE to "perform" mystical MUSic . Music sooths the savage beast ... They refer to us as beasts & animals. The W.H.O. is the highest herd manager in the whirled. The ships Doctor is above the captain. Therefor the W.H.O. is above any President.
They are practitioners of sorcery & dark arts & the Magi know this, as do the Maga's. We're all under their spells ...until we are NOT. :)
Ummm, no, the ship's doctor has no authority over the Captain. According to maritime law, the Captain is the top authority on his ship, above the physician -- and also the legal authority who can marry a couple at sea. The size or purpose of the vessel makes no difference. The Captain is in charge.
Doh! I gave the short answer before I saw this, and well done!
Full agreement. I don't use titles, even for medical doctors when speaking on medical issues. I feel it discredits the rest of us. Although if there were a way to recognize the amount of time put into studying a topic, without a credentialing authority, I'd gladly use that to distinguish research from opinion. Glad to have this confirmation of my objections to her.
And if my dad's ancestors had stayed in Germany, there's a 94% chance he would have died during WWII or the hellish years after, when more died than during the war. His birth year was right at the not-so-sweet spot. Coming from the US, he had a cushy assignment in England and a girlfriend that, luckily for me, didn't work out.
Sadly, the HELL after was the result of the Allies.
I was saddened to hear of the imprisonment of Gemar Rudolph for his superb Holocaust Encyclopedia which is free on line composed of letters at the time showing what really happened. Everyone should look at it.
Full agreement again. I did this episode on a conference that included Gemar. I didn't agree with everyone but I very much admired him: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/from-jq-to-jp.
Oh, noooo, I disagree about the PhD thing. They ARE doctors, you know, and if you'd paid all that money for the school, you'd want your due... It's FINE, wanting to be called by a title earned, but it doesn't mean they know actual shit, LOL.
I just speak as an MD of 40 years where I only announce myself as doctor or sign something with MD when I want to be serviced or have my call taken by a pharmacy or office. I see myself as much more than an MD and do not want to be pigeon-holed as such. I will earn respect by thoughts and actions rather than because I was selected to get a degree.
Fair enough! We are judged by our actions, after all. :)
I got far enough in that system with an abd PhD to be exceedingly skeptical of titles 'earned.' It's a system of delayed adolescence. I can name on one hand the things that stuck because they had meaning after the exam. But what I've learned outside of schooling could fill books, and has filled one already ;-)
Right on. ;)
I followed her for a time waaaaay back at the beginning (of time, lol) and she was arrogant then, too... People gave me shit for questioning her and eventually for disconnecting from her totally (I refuse to read her crap), but I feel a bit vindicated by these comments, and have been before, too.. Not everyone is taken in... Cheers.
Skipper nailed it. Secret societies/occultists run this world. Period. Always have. There' oceans of incontrovertible evidence, but most still have yet to broach much of that information. Even within the "truth community" (not a community) many many "truthers" will pick on those who dare even share that information.
Naomi Wolf ain't no different. To have such a big platform, she's 1,000% an occultist. (Wolf in sheep's clothing).
For example, the Lucius Trust, which is the charter which kicks off the United Nations, is attributed to one Alice Bailey. A well known Luciferian occultist. Anyone can verify this themself, by going to Lucius Trust and reading the 'about us' section under the history tab.
Then we can simply extrapolate. If an organization as massive as the U.N. was started by them, you can rest assured everything has been.
I could offer countless proofs, but this would become incredibly long. Feel free to msg should you wish to inquire more. I'm well steeped in all this.
Sorry to hear of those suffering in your family from the fires. This is incredibly tragic.
Anomalous, isn't that like saying "Secret people operating in secret conspiracies run the world." So who runs the secret societies? And I don't believe their occult rituals give them power, other than blackmail and trauma bonding. I think ordinary things like issuing all the money through mortgages gives them power. Who do you say is at the top of 'them'?
And thanks for your sympathy. Although their houses were spared, there's a world of hurt left by those fires.
Hi Tereza, allow me to ask you, what would you, or anyone, do if we knew who was at 'the top'? Many years ago I read some good information as to who is at the top. I can no longer find those links now; perhaps they were removed and re-posted under new websites - as the process seems to be with seeking this kind of information. But, there is the ability to trace which family lineages produced Popes and the like, and many of these families are at the top. There were a bunch of Italian families involved, but plenty of other too.
Would we launch an all out attack....? By whom?
When I read all that info. I thought, what's the point of even knowing, even if this is accurate...? Who would I share it with? What would be done?
If you still want that scratch itch, perhaps shoot a message over to Frances Leader, she might have that kind of information.
I think you and I see differently as to the nature of ritual, and that is fine! I have no problem disagreeing. I believe that if we don't ever see a good example of ritual explained, then of course it is also easy enough to dismiss it. It might simply be something we cannot fathom yet as we'd be new to it.
That being said, if I typed a bunch of what I consider to be proofs and spend a bunch of energy to convince/shed light to one person - what does that accomplish in the grand scope of things....?
I personally believe that the remedy so many seek here on Substack, or whatever other platforms - ie, redemption for toxic shots, redemption for endless years of corrupt gov't etc. 'If we write enough articles, posts etc etc, we can awaken the masses and 100th monkey effect.' I don't subscribe to any of that being the answer. I think each one of us, individually, will be offered a way out of the matrix, but exceedingly few will even glimpse that moment for what it is, and instead will wind up right back here in a world of inversion.
Agreed on the world of hurt even if they didn't lose their homes. Phew. Terrible scene down there unfolding. I might be sent in coming weeks myself down to those fires, more than likely. Our wildland fire company has already fielded three 20-man teams. They've been down there one week. I was born in L.A., would be weird full circle kinda thing to win up in the hills there now.
I'm in full agreement with you, Anomalous. I'm friends with Frances but I leave the 'who' to her. My focus is on 'how', which makes it much more useful for figuring out what to do with that information, as in my latest post from my book: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/03-white-slavery.
You were the one who talked about who with "Secret societies/occultists run this world." I find that not very useful for being able to do anything with it. Do you?
I talked to my middle daughter last night. Her boyfriend's aunt lost her home completely. Since they'd been evacuated other times, they didn't take anything with them. I can't even imagine the trauma of that. Although one of his friends just died suddenly, at 32, and the twin of his best friend just took his life at 32. So that makes the trauma even more unimaginable.
Good work.
Jesus wept.
So true that we need to take a good look at all our preconceived notions! Also true that most people can't/won't believe that almost everything they think they know isn't actually a "fact".
Take auto-immune disease for example. It's a theory, yet doctors give that diagnosis all the time as if it had been proven.
In a world where every entity; person, corporation, government; are treated as a corporation, everything works by contract.
In order for any contract to be valid there must be conscious agreement by both parties [they must be of the same conscious mind], and ALL information relating to said contract must be divulged in all time. If one party uses subliminal techniques to manipulate the other party, then the contract is void. If one party fails to present any portion of related information, then the contract is void.
In today's legal world, it is claimed that failure to respond is considered to be acquiescence (submission) to the other party. However, failure to respond, or to say yes or no, is a reflection of failure to fully inform [= void contract].
Governments [Disney, Masons, DOD, etc] play the game of subliminal half-truths and claim that they have a contract, even though they never fully informed 'the people'. They have voided any and all contract from the beginning (ab initio).
Excellent article CS. I have been working for over 10 years to rid myself of all the conditioning, and I keep finding new things that I need to discard. I didn’t really accept until fairly recently that virology and a whole bunch of other things are basically unproven hypotheses and nothing more, yet massive systems of wealth control, and pseudoscience are based on them.
Your work has been quite helpful, as has agent131711, and numerous others. I thank you all.
Hi Ernie, virology and germ theory (bacteria do exist in reality) are actually disproven hypotheses. Best to you.
I’m strongly leaning in that direction but
after all the psyops from all directions I’m keeping my powder dry and not arriving at 💯 conclusions about the reality of science. Terrain theory has strong evidence to support it but it is not proven what all the causations are for human ailments. Gangrene is one example I can think of. Another is Lyme disease for which there is strong evidence that ticks were weaponized by
USG research mainly in Montana. The book “Bitten” gives a detailed account.
I understand your skepticism. I have found it helps to zero in on the primary source documents and close out any chatter about controlled opposition and psyops. It's not about knowing for sure what makes us ill but more about checking (and ultimately falsifying) the claims made. So far I have found that has been definitive. If they claim X causes Y but don't have X in reality well it can't be X.
Re: Lyme disease, if you are interested give this a watch. I found it helpful. https://drtomcowan.com/blogs/the-new-biology-learning-center/a-new-documentary-on-lyme-disease-9-25-24
Just like the moon landing. 100% facts and don't you dare question anything.
On 911 when I initially saw the news I said “how convenient” but at the time I had no idea of the depth of deception, just that W was otherwise a 1 term loser.
My mother was a centenarian without any vaccinations or jabs. In 2009 she was given the flu shot and 4-days later came down with shingles, which the doctor immediately proclaimed had nothing to do with her flu shot.
It is common knowledge that shingles is a sign of a SUDDENLY damaged immune system. When the "Covid" vaccination was still being advertised everywhere in the EU in 2021 as "free of side effects", it was already known in Israel that shingles occurs noticeably often 1–4 days after this "vaccination". I have a study saved somewhere whose results show that those who are frequently "vaccinated" against the flu die more frequently than average from the flu or with the flu. Before 2021, the expected life span of people in the West was growing. But in the last few years before 2021, it grew slower and slower. I would not be surprised if the flu "vaccination" had something to do with the slowing of life span growth. I am talking exclusively about the time before the new pseudo-vaccinations messed up the previous statistics.
In 2022 I believe , the CDC "quietly" announced that average life expectancy in the US DECLINED by 2.7 years post-2019
I also came down with shingles after having a reaction to a mandatory flu shot. I used that reaction to gain exemption from all future shots, although the damage was already done.
If we cannot rely on doctors, what is the meaning of informed consent?
The doc should do more research. 11% increased chance of shingles through day 15 after the flu shot.
Excellent presentation Sarah, thank you for your work. I love seeing the old school Disney propaganda films again. so much magick to imbue children with, weeeee!
While I no longer work professionally in medicine (I only treat in private) and am removed from that world altogether, I am trained both as an M.D. and a D.A.O.M. (Chinese medicine doctor). I wish to share something with this crowd who, as you have suggested, because they are reading here, have already done a lot of unlearning.
This is strictly from the Chinese medical model:
In Chinese medicine we have a very common diagnosis known as an 'EPI'. EPI stands for exogenous pathogenic influence/invasion. This simply means that elements from nature have become lodged in one's body and it is causing one's health to be thrown out of balance/homeostasis. The patient will always present exactly like what we call in the 'West', a 'cold' or 'flu'. Exactly the same.
In Chinese medicine wind is called the 'tip of 1,000 diseases.' This simply means that wind can penetrate the body and then link up with potentially other imbalances, and cause further havoc (especially if not remedied). Wind, moves around the body, similar to the notion of metastasis. It 'injures' tissue layers, causes complete stagnation of multiple layers of connective tissue, organs functionality (say the lungs) etc. It becomes trapped in the body and then must be encouraged to exit. By 'opening the exterior' (Chinese medicine terminology), or opening the pores, we can facilitate that wind to leave,and re-establish a balance internally. Now, to make matters more complex, a wind invasion might also occur with cold, damp, heat etc.
One example from my own life, circa Summer 2024 when I am out in Florida shoeing horses. I was asked to pull up someone's Jeep because they are not able to walk so easily. I obliged, walked to the Jeep and got in. Now, pause for a second. It was 95degrees out and 95% humidity that day. I'm working outside shoeing horses (very physical work) and I'm drenched in sweat and my pores are wiiiiiiiide open. Jump in the Jeep, turn the ignition on,m and wham! The Jeep's owner had the A/C on full cold, full blast. Instantly I was hit with a very cold wind that penetrated my chest, clear through to my back (between the shoulder blades). I knew, for sure, I just got a wind-cold invasion. I knew I would get 'sick' likely later that same day. I finish my day, I can FEEL I got a serious 'chill' sensation in my spine (very typical with a wind invasion). Later that evening, I mount a fever (not severe one), a minor cough with little phlegm and I just got into bed and slept it off. By morning I'm 50% better, but also not recovered by any means. So I spend a second day just relaxing, drinking tea from green onions (which will open the pores up), and begin to get the wind out of my body, so my body can do the remaining work.. That's it - CLASSIC and very common way to get 'sick' in Chinese medicine.
Here's the rub - this exact process has lead to BILLIONS (likely trillions throughout history) of cases of 'colds' and 'flus', and likely almost every single time in history, is was blamed on 'germs.' Let that sink in.
Now, I could never share this diagnosis and this process with any 'Western' doctors. They treat you like an absolute moron (even though I'm also an M.D.!!!!) because culturally they are not exposed to these concepts. Because Disney et al has already capture the minds and spirits of the Western mind.
As I was preparing to exit from the world of medicine professionally, I used to love to talk with M.D.'s about some topic, get well into it with them, and then at the right time share with them I was also a Chinese medicine doctor. You should have seen their countenance - unbridled arrogance, rage, hatred, condescension etc etc., would spill out of them And in that instant, I was no longer a doctor to them.
On and on we go. Never forget, your typical M.D. is some of the most arrogant, highly miseducated people on the planet. What they do not understand about medicine and the human body, would fill the Library of Congress. It really is true. Doesn't make all the Chinese docs awakened wizards either, but, Western docs are well documented to be slaughtering the public through their brand of medicine, while absolutely no one is dying from Chinese medicine. Let that sink in too.
Much thanks for your excellent work here.
Thank you for this. I love hearing from folks who have feet solidly in different paradigms. I come from a family teeming with doctors and am quite familiar with the condescension and arrogance, as I’ve always existed on the fringe of acceptable in their eyes. At times I wish I had gone all the way through (I was premed for a short while), however I’m afraid I would’ve succumbed to the brainwashing. I’d like to say that I wouldn’t have, but I just don’t know. I admire you for being able to do that…you are a rare breed. And have an apt screen name 😉. Thanks again for sharing your insight.
I remember well reading one of your very early posts describing the education and occupations of your illustrious siblings including extended family....indeed impressive, thinking annoyingly how they would probably never fully recognize your contribution to the alternative views which have borne out in the last year or so. Oh well, we here are thankful for your truth telling and one day, well, you never know they may come to an awakening and commend you also.
Thank you, Wendy...and thank you for keeping up with me. You might appreciate this update...
In the fall I went to visit my family. My dermatologist brother was the one I feuded with hardest and loudest. Although his condescension and arrogance were offensive, I respect him more than a lot of other members of my family because he was at least willing to have a conversation. And he still is.
I asked him if they are still taking the boosters and he said, "absolutely not." He then went on to "explain" to me (in exasperation) that "they" lied to the doctors😱!!! And falsified data😱!!!
Then he told me that his best friend (also a physician in his 30s) was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. To his friend he said, "You aren't still taking the covid vaccines are you..." His friend said knew his cancer was from the covid jab because of the immediate enormous amount of swelling in his axillary lymph node following the shot. But because his oncologist told him to, he got another booster. But he got it in the other arm...and again his lymph node swelled to the size of a grapefruit. My brother said it was unbelievable how large it was.
My brother said all of this to me...which I respect. It isn't easy to admit you were wrong (although he never came out and said anything like "I was wrong" or "I'm sorry" or "gosh, I was such a condescending prick to you"). Anyway...
I reminded him that THIS was why I was ugly crying and yelling and making holidays uncomfortable. He said that he had to get the shots because of his military status. I reminded him that his dye had already been cast when we argued about the shots. He was frontline. He took before it was even available to anyone else. I was fighting for the kids...HIS DAUGHTER. Unfortunately it wasn't enough...all of my nieces and nephews got the covid shots.
He is firm about no more covid injections now though. The pediatric office has given his wife a hard time about not getting their daughter "boosted" and my brother has a standing directive that anyone who has an issue with the decision or would like to discuss it, should give him a call.
Now that my brother has crossed the covid jab rubicon, I would like to discuss vaccinations in general, but haven't pushed into yet because I'm trying to choose my time wisely. I want to ask him to honestly think about this...
You now KNOW that they lied about the covid injections. They falsified, they obfuscated, and they harmed...and those shots, that gave your best friend cancer at 38 are STILL being recommended. They are on YOUR daughter's vaccine schedule.
Now...can you be absolutely certain that they did not do that with any other vaccinations? Are you certain that what you learned AS FACT about vaccinations in medical school is accurate? If you are certain about all of that, and that all of the other vaccines are as safe and effective as they are purported to be, then there should be no problem taking a look at the history and the evidence with me...and walking me through the way that conclusion was drawn.
Well this was a longer reply than I intended 😂
Sara , thank you for taking the time to set out the relevant parts of your conversations with your highly accredited brother ! I appreciate your reply. I've just read through it and want to say you have done your best and probably with a guarded tongue which is so hard. He is lucky to have someone outside of his field to discuss these matters with him. He is part of a community of closed minded. Nevertheless in light of his new understandings he may have a chance to be enlightened on the whole vaccine front....for his daughter's sake, I hope so. You are obviously the black sheep of the family, now vindicated ! I am also. I never bought into the whole sham though I was supposed to be scared to death ! and faced severe social punishment for defying the mainstream up here in Canada.
Disinvited to weddings etc. etc. My son and daughter in law just had a lovely baby girl who will not be vaccinated and I am so thankful they are part of the new fully informed. I am forwarding some photos I just had to peek at with my fingers up against my face, the way we watch horror movies ! from a substack I received yesterday...your dermatologist brother might benefit from seeing them ! It may push him even further into your camp...https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/the-grand-jury-report-thursday-january
Wishing you well in the New Year and thank you for your efforts to inform through it all.
The haste to get babies vaccinated as soon as possible is the secular version of the Roman Catholic anxiety about getting the baby baptised as soon as possible, lest something happen to it and it end up in 'limbo' (a concept I only learned about through reading James Joyce's 'Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man' in school). In Liam Scheff's book, 'Official Stories', he calls vaccination 'the religious science', which is pretty accurate.
Some great stuff there, Sarah. I am in awe of anyone who works, has a family and finds time to ferret out all that information.
Thank you, Sheila…I appreciate that.
I think I have a special blend of OCD and ADHD coupled with a keen interest in psychological operations and an intense disdain for the mass poisoning of innocent children.
SheilaB. Baptism doesn't make you sick or kill you. No comparison here.
Of course it doesn't. I'm a Christian (though not a Roman Catholic). My children are baptised (although I have different views on infant baptism now than I had back then). The comparison is in the symbolism - for secular people. I would be far from the first to point out that the functions of the clergy have been transferred in many people's minds to people in white coats.
As an aside, for myself, I found the discussion of 'limbo' (I don't even know if RCs have this concept still), profoundly shocking, as if God would do something like that to a tiny child because of a decision that was nothing to do with the child. But that's secondary to my point. Parents worry that their baby will 'catch' things when it's tiny and vulnerable, so are in a hurry to vaccinate (that corresponds to what I said about the haste of the baptism - my first was months old when she was baptised; there was no haste or fear involved), whereas the truth is that breastfed babies get the mother's immunity passed on to them for about six months, as far as I recall from my own baby-rearing days.
PS By pointing out that the baby benefits from its mother's immunity to whatever, I'm not endorsing any infectious-disease theories!
It’s so weird, I’ve now tried to like this piece 5 times and it keeps toggling the like off. I hope this comment sticks At least.
Someone else had a similar issue on my last post 🙄
It stuck. I’ve found such behavior relates to particular devices and operating system versions. Very frustrating for you.
Oh good. Your explanation is probably correct but for a while there a girl did get paranoid.
😂as they say: just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.
I have 8 devices to do likes here with but only 1 does likes reliably
War instead of cooperation with nature is the lesson we all must unlearn . Starting with diet and consumption of chemical concoctions in food and soft drinks and alcoholic beverages . Clouded judgement doesn’t bode well for clear unlearning:) food that is not food and skin care hair care products that contain endocrine disruptors and preservatives. Get the gut and brain working together properly. We have been taught that only loonies are so pedantic about health and there is something wrong with regimes of self health and healing . It’s the first step in unlearning. Then turn off the TV free to air and NEVER watch it again .
Disney was a part of the propaganda war division and was set up by the CIA.
The post WWII GI bill got a lot of people to go to college and established professors in place who could promote the virology and public health myth to be curated.
The post WWII Frankfurt and Tavistock school goals to remove the traditional family (white European Christian) were introduced (see The Authoritarian Personality final paragraph) with the goal to remove any idea of a creator and to promote a godless evolution (which must then be taken control of when possible of course).
Likewise, the atomization and dispersal of the ethnic (predominantly Christian) neighborhoods post WWII was a well crafted and implemented plan to dominate. (see E. Michael Jones Slaughter of Cities).
Look no further than the Fabian Society emblem of the wolf in sheep's clothing, their stained glass window depicting breaking the world to remake it in their own image and their mascot of the turtle representing the slow and steady infiltration, deception and control. It is no surprise that we are where we are today, especially after the un-Constitional creation of the (private) federal reserve in 1913 and its unlimited ability to create money to purchase and arrange what is wanted by its owners.
And we think that we are free.
Recently I alienated some friends merely by remarking that, at age 75, I'm still unable to come by/catch/get a cold or a dose of flu as long as I am eating well. I "caught" something worse than a cold for a few days some twenty years ago when I had been eating poorly and I'm in no doubt that a week of bad food, "heart-healthy" marg, pharmaceuticals, smoke, booze etc could easily bring me down. But why let that happen?
Anyway, what seemed like ancient commonsense was received as more of my conspiratorial anti-science raving, so I didn't force the issue. Still, I like to deposit the odd conspiratorial thought, even at the risk of losing more friends. (You too?) No need to argue. Just deposit the thought and leave 'em with that thought. Who knows? Maybe just when they are washing down that Advil and that antibiotic with a can of Red Bull after some acrylamide-rich fries...Who knows? Maybe a penny will drop.
Fantastic article Sarah. It really resonated as I just had a 'thing' with my 21-year old daughter with autism (vax injury) immediately after reading your article. Autistic individuals have a strong preference for routine and predictability. In fact, when reality does not line up with expectations (which my non-verbal daughter cannot express) we deal with confusion, inexplicable behaviour or meltdowns. There is a controversial -healthcare funded- program that turn kids with autism into automatons. The results are carefully jotted down (as in any experiment). I believe kids with autism in North America (by the many) are used to experiment their brain-coding techniques on. I also think 'autism' or desire for routine/predictability, is a desired effect of vaccination for them. Anyway, here's the link to my article on the 'autism experiments' if anyone is interested: https://locallibertyletter.substack.com/p/how-they-turn-people-in-to-automatons
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's vaxx injury, Renate.
I worked at a group home for autistic people with severe problem behaviors in the early 2000s. That facility used ABA and boasted behavior modification techniques in place of chemical restraints. The director's license plate read "BFSKINNR". I adored the residents and was intrigued to learn about applied behavior analysis.
However, the longer I was there, the more disillusioned I became. We were all trained to administer medications. One day I came in and immediately noticed that almost all of the residents had a new med (Abilify) listed in the MAR. Really? Everyone needed this new med all of a sudden at the same time? I asked the nurse and was dismissed...this wasn't my scope and not really any of my business. I asked the BCBA about it and got a similar response. I don't recall how much time passed before I saw commercials for this drug on television...but these people got it first.
As time wore on it began to look more and more like a testing facility and less and less like a place that gave a shit about these people or their quality of life. I spent multiple holidays with these kids (I call them kids, but most were in their 20s), and deeply cared for them. ABA was sold as this miraculous "treatment" but really it's just treating humans like dogs. Training HUMANS like you would train a puppy. I stayed for as long as I could, but I eventually could no longer participate in what was required for my employment.
Have you heard of the podcast "The Telepathy Tapes"? It features the late nephew of a current client of mine and the Spelling to Communicate program. I found it fascinating, especially with my history working with autistic folks. It breaks my heart a little and I wish I could go back and revisit some of these kiddos.
Do you follow J B Handley?
Thanks. Yes indeed, I heard of Spellers and read Handley's books. I agree completely that giving our kids with autism the tools to express themselves (with language, music, art) is far more preferable than training them like Pavlov's dogs.
I write that comment before I read your post 🤦🏻♀️
A research unit that ran in Britain for 30-40 years couldn't get the common cold to replicate....ha ha. Yet apparently some never seen before string of 20 dna molecules known as SARS Covid-19 was able to transmit itself all around the world in less time that it takes to say Jack Robinson. Honestly, that Disney programming....and it's equivalent elsewhere in the world was inspired. By the way, I was always suspicious of Alfred Hitchcock & his Hollywood productions. However, it appears even he had run-ins with his dueish producer puppetmasters.