Disney's Long History of Predictive Coding
A strategic partnership with the US government....
This post is a follow up to my last post about how easily the attention of the masses is guided and manipulated. My original intention was to write this post, but that last one got away from me and here we are.
My friend whom I previously mentioned, and I regularly chat about the diabolical plot to murder the world and examine how it gets done. As I outlined in my last post, I believe that the manipulation of attention is a key piece…if attention is constantly being focused and refocused to big shiny mystery objects, public feuds, and sports it’s quite easy to keep the diabolical business as usual running behind the curtain.
This murder the world discussion always lands on the various psychological operations required to covertly* murder the world, and the ability of some to see them and others to remain blissfully unaware.
* ”covertly”
I don’t have a firm answer for why some people cannot or will not see behind the curtain, but I am confident that it requires a certain tolerance for the discomfort of not knowing…for not having an authority or trusted expert with the answers.
If you are reading this post, at this point you have likely had to do a fair amount of unlearning. This unlearning is not widely accepted and puts you into a space that can feel lonely and uncertain. It elicits strong responses from many people you encounter, and requires a strong faith in your own abilities, both mental and physical, to question authority, media, and history…and to determine what is best for you.
The Medical Model and Predictive Coding
As many of you know, I have spent a great deal of time looking into the fundamental underpinnings of the system that has allowed for the situation in which we currently find ourselves. Of all of the methods of control, the medical establishment seems to be the most useful, largely because people mostly willingly participate.
How was this system built?
And I’m not really even talking about the “covid” injections, although they were the most obvious and egregious example of how this method of control bears its fruit. The only reason the “covid” mass injection strategy was so broadly accepted was because the masses are conditioned to the approved medical/mechanical model of illness and disease. This includes an inherent belief in the necessity of medical interventions…and not only to cure illness, but also even to know you are healthy.
👉 Please see well baby/child visits starting at birth, marked by milestones outlined by the CDC. And do also see the annual check-up.
The amount of programming that we have been exposed to cannot be overstated and I’ll show you some examples in just a moment. But first let’s talk about predictive coding, which is when the brain expects something and then sees what it expects.
Predictive coding is a theory in neuroscience that suggests the brain constantly makes predictions about the sensory input it will receive and updates those predictions based on incoming information. Essentially, the brain is always trying to minimize the difference between its predictions and what actually happens.
Here’s a breakdown of the psychology and brain mechanisms involved (from ChatGPT):
1. Prediction and Expectation:
The brain forms expectations based on past experiences, context, and knowledge. This is a top-down process where higher-level brain regions (like the prefrontal cortex) send predictions to lower-level sensory areas (like the visual cortex).
These predictions help the brain prepare for what’s coming, making perception more efficient and faster.
2. Confirmation Bias:
When the expected stimulus matches reality, the brain experiences a sense of confirmation or validation. This reinforces the expectation and solidifies the brain’s model of the world.
Confirmation bias is the cognitive tendency to interpret or favor information that confirms pre-existing beliefs or expectations. In this case, the brain is essentially "looking" for confirmation that its predictions are accurate.
3. Reward and Dopamine:
When the brain’s predictions are correct, there is often a release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This reinforces the prediction and the behavior associated with it.
If the brain consistently gets what it expects, this can lead to a sense of satisfaction or relief, and the brain's model of the world becomes more strongly entrenched.
4. Perceptual Efficiency:
When the brain sees what it expects, it doesn't have to process the sensory information in as much detail. This reduces cognitive load and allows the brain to process other stimuli more efficiently. The brain can essentially "skip" over processing that confirms expectations and focus on new or unexpected information.
This is why familiar or expected things often feel effortless to perceive. The brain can predict most of what it’s seeing or hearing, and it doesn’t need to analyze it in depth.
5. Cognitive Dissonance (when expectations are violated):
If the brain expects something but sees something unexpected, cognitive dissonance can arise. This is a psychological state of tension or discomfort that occurs when there is a mismatch between expectations and reality. The brain might need to resolve this dissonance by adjusting its model of the world (changing beliefs or updating predictions).
However, if the brain sees what it expects, this dissonance is avoided, leading to a more comfortable and coherent experience.
6. Emotional Response:
Expectations also influence emotional reactions. If the brain expects something pleasant and experiences it, positive emotions like happiness or relief can be triggered. Conversely, if the expectation is negative and is confirmed, it can lead to emotions like fear or disappointment.
7. Neural Pathways and Repetition:
Over time, if the brain repeatedly encounters situations that match its expectations, neural pathways related to those expectations become strengthened. This can lead to habitual thinking or automatic responses, making it more likely that the brain will expect and see similar things in the future.
With all of that in mind, and with the knowledge that a virus has never been isolated and transmission cannot reliably be demonstrated, I want to look at the ways in which our very young brains were shaped and coded to expect illnesses to transmit, manifest, and evolve.
One of the first examples I can personally recall was this scene from Disney’s The Sword in the Stone (1963) which was a favorite movie watched by my siblings and me:
(1 min video)
This prompted me to search specifically for Disney’s role in establishing our current understanding of illness and disease and found an educational video from 1951 starring Peter Hotez.
Just kidding.
Anyway…I took the liberty of clipping together highlights from Disney’s “How To Catch A Cold” with more recent cuts from The Covid Years. Interestingly, the script hasn’t changed much. Actually it hasn’t changed at all.
When a theory is presented as fact, and delivered to your brain via entertainment and education, and always from trusted authorities…how likely is it to ever be questioned?
Here’s another Disney “educational” video about vaccines. It’s longer (12 min), so I’ll give you the recap below.
Defense Against Invasion
We are at war.
With germ invaders.
Our bodies don’t have “arms and ammunition”, “powers of resistance against disease” and are unprepared.
We can prepare by taking advantage of “the greatest weapon of disease that medical science has to offer”. Which is of course, “VACCINATION…this harmless little fellow that will protect us.”
The armies of the body will win, by building the weapons to fight disease!
“The soldiers are easily routing the harmless artificial invaders” and soon the battle is completely won!
By the way, you can catch diseases by breathing the air, because tiny invaders are there any time, anywhere. They fly around on little tiny dust particles, or drops of moisture…(even on the soles of your shoes) 👈 that was my addition, the video didn’t actually say that, but I’m pretty sure it wanted to.
“But if you’ve been vaccinated, you don’t have to worry, because your body is prepared against the invader no matter which way they chooses to enter.”
Gosh this war script sure sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
I did an extremely cursory search into how Disney has participated in the “dangerous germs” narrative and easily found what I’ve just shared with you. These examples were from the 1940s and 50s, solidifying the foundational premises of infection, transmission, and the necessity of medical interventions (countermeasures).
When young neuroplastic brains learned these theories as settled truths, why would they ponder their validity? Everybody knows how you catch a cold, it’s settled science…besides, you saw Jimmy that day when he was sick and they you got sick.
Nobody ever stopped to reflect on how many sick people they see every single day and don’t get sick (promo
)…because the predictive coding was meticulously woven into the fabric of the collective belief system.And while we’re at it, we might as well get into that fabric. This particular Disney selection was being delivered during a very delicate time in American history; the post depression era, as WWl2 was drawing to a close.
The 1940s and 50s boomers were born into new ideals, patriotism, and optimism for the future. After the trauma and constant anxiety experienced during the first half of the century, the 1950s were highlighted by a high degree of social conformity, creating the perfect opportunity to solidify the framework of the medical industrial complex. Trusted authorities knew best, which was welcomed comfort on the heels of a war.
There was a great deal of worth placed on traditional values and respectability, and strong expectations to participate in the greater good and dream of America.
(I have to hand it to the Scorpions…this was a long game and I’m impressed.)
Deviations from societal norms were often seen as un-American or disruptive, and the parameters of the norm were being delivered to all the brains including, and especially children, via cute cartoons and trusted experts on the awesome new technology, TELEVISION.
Television ushered in a new era of cultural and technological transformation, quickly becoming an essential part of everyday life in many households. The introduction of TV was a distinct shift in how people consumed information…and more importantly how information was able to be woven into the subconscious.
Before television, news and current information was consumed visually, by reading (newspapers), or audibly, by listening (radio). TV accesses the brain and subconscious very differently as it simultaneously delivers both audio and visual content, which allows for a different kind of cognitive integration.
Until television,`young children were not able to absorb propaganda messages from say, the government, that was not filtered through and delivered by their parent (or other caregiver). There was radio of course, but a five or six year old child was unlikely to absorb much propaganda from the radio. You might think I’m being overly dramatic about this particular point, but I assure you that I’m not. Delivering messages to children, implanting presuppositions and beliefs, gets a lot of work done ahead of time. Ideas that are established as truths are never even open for questioning.
Germs bad. And scary.
Need medicine. Medicine good.
Make no mistake, the usefulness of this new technology did not go unnoticed or unexploited by the powers that be.
You might have noticed that the Disney short film, “Defense Against Invasions”, was sponsored by The Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (OCIAA).
👉 Fun Fact #1
OCIAA was led by Nelson Rockefeller from 1940-1944 and was disbanded in 1946.
👉 Fun Fact #2
CIA was created in 1947.
For fun, I thought I’d ask ChatGPT about this little flick. My first five attempts failed to produce an answer that even acknowledged the existence of “Defense Against Invasions”. I find it incredibly interesting that I had to ask ChatGPT five different ways about this film before it gave me this response:
Thank you for your patience, and I now understand what you're referring to.
You are indeed correct that there was a Disney film produced under the auspices of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (OCIAA) titled "Defense Against Invasions", and it was focused on public health, specifically the importance of vaccination and disease prevention. I apologize for the confusion in my previous responses.
Why was the Film Produced?
Cultural and Health Diplomacy: Disney’s role in the war effort was multifaceted, contributing both to cultural diplomacy (as in the famous films like Saludos Amigos that showcased U.S.-Latin American friendship) and to more practical wartime goals. The OCIAA recognized the need to use films for educational purposes, and Disney was seen as an effective medium for delivering these messages to wide audiences.
The more I comb over the history, the more important I believe it is that we evaluate and scrutinize our fundamental beliefs.
Where did they come from?
How did we learn them?
What evidence do we have to support them?
And most importantly, how are they being used to control us…
When you invert people's entire reality and convince them of things that just aren't so, you can build on your false premises until they rest on a tower of lies that vanishes into the clouds.
This was excellent writing. Cross-posted it again.
Yes Sarah.
I's been wondering for a long time if colds and flu were even a thing, as the govt. claims, a hundred or even two hundred years ago.
I was raised in the 60-70's and I can bear witness in my corner of the world sickness was not as rampant as today. Not by a long shot.