Disney/OCIAA Productions Presents: Malaria, DDT, & Polio
Justifying future vaccines and setting the stage for "covid"...
I have always been interested in the psychology of media. Those of you that have followed me for a while will already know that my mom seeded this interest in me. She always insisted on muting commercials, and got rid of TV entirely by the time I was 7. She used trips to the grocery store to teach us how companies advertise specifically to children, and why children are almost always a target audience.
I have come to believe that media, and entertainment in general and without exclusion, are used as advertisement. Commercials that play separately are the most blatant and obvious way in which advertisement is delivered via media.
While still relatively overt, placing a branded product in a show or film advertises less conspicuously, particularly to children. An example of this is the use of Reeses Pieces in the film E.T.
Brands and products are not the only things that can be advertised within media. More covert promotions are being delivered via screens, embedding messages that the conscious mind often does not perceive. This is arguably the primary reason for the introduction and existence of television as well as the subsequent emergence of other forms of media and entertainment.
Although much less obvious, narratives and agendas enter the brain and are very effectively reinforced subconsciously as media is consumed. For example, the show Dexter delivers a very clear message around DNA evidence as iron clad and forensic science as settled science.
This may seem harmless and you may think I’m being dramatic, however this subtle method of influence can guide underlying beliefs that shape your behavior in predictable ways. Dexter watchers for example, have many hours of programming around the necessity and accuracy of DNA evidence. Therefore they might be more inclined to support expanding DNA collection practices.
Earlier this year, Florida and Colorado passed legislation that would expand the states’ DNA collection programs to individuals who have not been convicted of any crime, but who have merely been arrested — not even necessarily charged — with a felony. According to news reports, some 16 other states already require felony arrestees to part with their private genetic material.
Make no mistake, this is a method of control. Media has been, and is being utilized by those who wish to control, for as long as it’s been around.
This post is a continuation of my research into the propaganda that was being used by the US government in the 1940s and 50s to perpetuate a single theory of disease and transmission, usually with a single solution.
The Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (OCIAA), headed by Nelson Rockefeller, partnered with Disney to create films educating the public, primarily on health related issues. Here are a few films produced by Disney under the auspices of the OCIAA:
Films Produced by Disney/OCIAA
These films all deliver a very clear message. Microbes which are invisible to the naked eye are the cause of disease. With the power of a microscope, we can be sure that these “tiny enemies” invade our bodies and must be fought. Sometimes we fight disease by killing the insects that carry microbes and sometimes we must inject “life saving” poison into our bodies called vaccines.
As I covered in my last Disney post, these messages were directed to a very specific audience (children), during a very delicate time (post WW2). Information in little cartoons was loaded into the malleable brains of the Boomer generation as fact, which solidified a theory as fact, and a paradigm of disease threat and medical response was engrained in a generation. That generation went on to raise their children and grandchildren within this paradigm that would never be questioned, as it was never even seen as theoretical.
The fear and collective trauma of a crippling disease known as polio further solidified this paradigm.
Polio provided truly horrific and shocking evidence of a “virus”. Polio was an unseen enemy, spread asymptomatically, and mangled its victims. Anyone alive during the 1950s will have a strong emotional memory of this disease and the relief that came when a vaccine supposedly eradicated it.
To this day, polio is still effectively used to sell the fear of viruses and the “miracle” of vaccines.
When I was pregnant with my first son I read a book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children’s Vaccinations, and began questioning whether I wanted to give them to my baby. My dad (a dermatologist) admonished me, curtly lecturing me that my generation didn’t remember polio. If we did - and we should be grateful we don’t - we wouldn’t have this stupid and flippant regard for one of the greatest medical advances in history. The same sentiments were expressed by all the other doctors in my family, my nurse-midwife, and then the pediatrician.
Polio, almost without fail, is cited in any debate around the necessity and/or safety of vaccines.
The experience of polio was very real. And terrifying.
Polio was tangibly destructive, leaving unforgettable images in the minds of anyone alive during that time. The damage is still evident as there are many people who suffered from polio still alive today.
I cannot address polio without talking about malaria and the use of DDT. This post is not about the cause of malaria or the veracity of the evidence around it, however I’m certain there is fuckery.
Malaria is purported to be a parasitic infection that is spread by mosquitos. Malaria outbreaks are the rationalization for many countermeasures, including the extensive use of the insecticide, DDT(Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane). DDT was promoted as incredibly safe and non toxic to humans, and following WW2 became the global insecticide of choice for households, agriculture, and public health vector-control measures.
The abundant and careless use of DDT squarely coincided with the polio epidemic. Here is a relevant graph:
I realize this post is a lot. The psychology of diabolical assholes and their use of Disney to program innocent minds. Malaria. DDT. Polio. It’s a lot.
I clipped together a video that was not refreshing or short. It was 11 minutes and pretty much overwhelming, so I’ve broken it into two parts.
Part 1
(6:30 min)
In this first video, the microscope is introduced as the tool that (allegedly) allowed the few wielding it to see the “tiny enemies” of disease. The average person did not have access to this tool then, and nor do they now. Although microscopes are more easily acquired today, most people don’t own one. This gives an immense amount of power to those reporting the Invisible Information...then and now.
It turns out that the Invisible Information Report hasn’t changed much since the Disney videos of the 1950s. Enormous threats, like malaria, abound…caused by almost* invisible microbes that are carried by tiny enemies, like mosquitos.
* Unless you have a microscope, of course.
The malaria mosquitos of the 1950s were fought with the pesticide DDT. Advertised as extremely safe for humans, DDT was literally fogged into the faces of children, painted onto and and all surfaces, and pumped through city streets. As it turns out, DDT was anything but safe. The severe neurological symptoms DDT caused in the insects before killing them, look remarkably similar to the symptoms suffered from polio victims.
Of course, experts agree that DDT had absolutely had NOTHING to do with polio. It was the black flies. Oops, that was wrong, it was a “virus”. And now it’s actually the vaccine causing it in the unvaccinated. So we need everyone to take the vaccine.
Disney’s public “health education” presented some of the foundational premises that would go on to never be questioned.
Part 2
(2:43 min)
Polio’s observable carnage still serves the modern narrative that tiny microbes can pandemic the world. And The Science™ should be listened to, because The Science™. And polio.
Also, go ahead and take that “covid” jab too. Because polio.
By the way, I am open to being wrong about this.
However, when you strip away the programming, and let go of all of the advertisements that live in your brain about The Science™ and who can understand it…
And just look at the evidence of the neurotoxic chemical that causes neurological breakdown in the insects that ingest it. Then watch it being fire hosed literally into the faces of children. And think about that coinciding with an outbreak of a debilitating neurological disease…it’s kind of hard to let go of the glaring correlation.
Polio is currently used to justify and sell the injection of toxic chemicals called vaccines into tiny innocent bodies every single day. New parents are manipulated by the clout of those who experienced polio, and are intimidated into injection compliance.
The most recent advance of control, the fake covid pandemic, was assisted and propped up by the “success” of polio.
Fear of the “Next Pandemic” and compliance assurance is kept alive and well by the memory of polio…yet another “virus” which has never been isolated.
If there is any hope for dismantling this system of control, and I don’t know if there is… history must be reviewed so that we can understand how we arrived here.
Thank you for reading my musings…
I appreciate you.
For more detailed work on the correlation between polio and the use of toxic chemicals such as DDT:
It has been a while since I read it so I may get some details slightly incorrect, but, in the book, The Moth in the Iron Lung, the author was careful to show how separate outbreaks of polio paralysis at different time periods had different manifestations. There were different industrial chemicals in widespread use during certain periods such as iirc lead and copper arsenate to fight moths before the era of DDT.
The outbreaks of polio almost always came not in the 'flu season' but in late summer, when fruit crops were harvested. The outbreaks never followed any epidemiological model and could strike only one member of a family or several with no apparent reason. I found that book to present compelling evidence that polio was always a result of chemical exposure.
Nice job, Sarah. I’ve been recording instances like this too in movies and especially Netflix shows for a while now. The predictive programming is everywhere!