and now i'm pretty much laughing my own panties off! your timing is perfect and i'm loving being the butt of the joke. getting the short end of choosing my own underwear? hmmmm. as long as it isn't rainbow coloured with clips for dildos.

yesterday i read dr tess lawrie, who expresses her respect for dr. yeadon and has asked him to talk with her about ... can i say it, the 'i' word? [headshake.]

i'm not saying you are wrong, sarah, to be questioning the viability of that i-word stuff! it would be absolutely brilliant for the pharma-ptb to psyop the i word two do two things: convince many that it is great — and then poison it (and the consumers). and by some kind of negative psychological op, convince the few that it is itself a poison regardless of them having added poison to it! lol! what to do? what to believe? maybe stop taking all pharmaceuticals and supplements that originate in pharma. hmmmm yeadon's all vaccines are and were designed to invade the body [with toxins].

in the near future dystopian novel 'oryx and crake', (2003) by margaret atwood, (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/46756.Oryx_and_Crake) pharma has taken over the world and one of the characters was told 'do not take any supplements (drugs) ever because they all have been manipulated to create disease'. that another supplement/drug will ameliorate. (although the story is about the successful creation of a virus that kills most everyone! lol, so perhaps a part of predictive programming? and talks about fake meat!)

tess lawrie's argument is that the sterility science on ivermectin was falsified — not dissimilarly from those that 'proved' that hydroxychloroquine was deadly — by overdosing and improper follow-up and other poor testing procedures. she does a detailed breakdown of 'the science(tm)' — omg! trust the science(tm)!

i laughed at this because perhaps merck gave it away free because of those studies, studies that were in fact false. sorry, that made me laugh. and that perhaps any noticeable change in birth rate was because of improved hygiene and disposable income, both of which are historically strongly associated with dropping birth rates.

wow! life really does have a wicked sense of humour!

i'm not saying lawrie is or isn't right! or wrong! just that she has added more sauce to this psyop olio! and more unnecessary proof that 'oh what a tangled web we weave when we first we practice to deceive.'

for the curious only not afraid that their head could explode: here is the link to dr. tess lawrie's argument and research: 'Is ivermectin really a genocidal tool of the globalists?' https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/is-ivermectin-really-a-genocidal.

(note that she makes no comment on potentially other 'problems' with the i-word: just the sterility part that has been circulating. another planted psyop???!!!)

yes, sarah, the exhaustion is part of the plan.although i've begun laughing at it more than bemoaning it because it is so... out of this world. it is so out there that it is no longer enervating the way it once was. and more and more i've been practicing gautama buddha's last words: 'trust your self.' that's it. (of course, to do that requires undoing thousands of years of narcissistic gaslighting directing us to trust no one but an authority outside of ourselves! [headshake.] so, 'true' yoga and shadow work here i come. or maybe just curl up with cookies and milk, ice cream and chocolate bars and watch edward de vere reruns of twelfth night or hamlet. or tarantino's kill bill and pulp fiction. ahhh. for the sweet life when the adrenaline needle gets pushed into the heart.)

all the best with what is changing. everything changes! peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.

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♥️love to you, Guy.

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igualmente, sarah, igualmente.


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Tess Lawrie, and Pierre Kory are part of the medical Cabal, sorry. She is not to be trusted.

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yes, jeannette. you may well be right! yet... how do i know that i can trust you?

furthermore, i didn't write that i trusted tess! what i pointed out is that she did a 'sarah-like' deep dive into one of the oft cited articles by the dissident/alt - mfmers that shows that the published science(tm) on ivermectin was poorly done in such a way as to suggest, to me, that it was deliberately sabotaged. so, this is not the same thing as either trusting tess or yeadon. or sarah.

also, since we have here mostly acknowledged that we are living in the age of deception, how do i know that you are trustworthy? how do you know that i am trustworthy? perhaps i'm a consciously acting psyop plant here to confuse you with irreverent humour and improperly respecting the digs by sarah? maybe you are? or, more difficult, perhaps i'm a completely unconscious shill, a pharma/deep state mk-ultra zombie with a good vocabulary, good intentions and a black heart or shadow, depending on the psychology or religion or government agency you 'trust'? or distrust? hmmmmmm.

certainly a complext time! [rotlf!]

'trust your self. tread the path of life with kindness, compassion, discernment without judgment.' hmmmmm. difficult. so much easier to blame, complain, and throw the babies out with the bathwater! sign me up!

all the best with what is changing! everything changes.

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Thinking about such things can drive one insane...

Meanwhile... fight fight fight ... with a fist pump and an American flag...

Why is nobody questioning this... absolutely nobody .. including Joe Rogan who is supposedly a guy who questions?

Absolute Proof that Trump was Not Shot

Watch the video.


Let's take a look at Donald Trump's Ear

Seemingly No Injury...


The thing is... we are told that cnnbbc hate trump... he is a nazi etc....

But the fake assassination pretty much guarantees he will win the election ... so why are cnnbbc not looking at what the uninjured ear and the clip of him grabbing his ear when the SS sniper fires two shots... and calling into question this assassination????

It makes no sense... unless of course ... everything is fake https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/what-if/

The people who run the Ministry of Truth run us around in circles... what is real and what is crisis actors faking it? Even if you are aware of the existence of the Ministry ... (most are not) it is difficult identify what is real and what is fake...

As you point out ivermectin might have been a thing.. or maybe not .. or maybe it was then they pivoted off of horse dewormer to it's a great med ... and poisoned it....

I reckon enough is enough ... bring on the extinction event... humans are a total f789ing disgrace to the planet

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yup, sure can!

with that realisation we are free to actually relax. which is a 'good' thing, because it is going to be calmness and equanimity that wins the day ... in the end. well, in an end that this version of guy is not likely to see, of course. and i find it powerful to consider that the energy of life, whatever it is, is so so so much stronger in the aggregate than the those pee-brained humans with lots of money and malevolent intentions. yup, we are living in very interesting times. how to trust my self in it? hmmmmm. that is the question.

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to meditate against a sea of troubles

And by transmutation end them. To sit—to act,

No more; and with calmness say we end

The malevolence and the thousand pharmaceuticals

That flesh is subject to: 'tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish'd. To sit, to act;

Calmness grows the possible. ay, there's the rub:

For how comes to me the power of centred action,

When we have entered the equanimity no fear,

Must give them pause—there's the respect

That turns us from calamity and extends life.

so humanity does have its faults. and its beauties too. (think people like sarah!)

and here is a funnythought: given that humans are actually a part of the natural expression of life, it is possible to consider that what we are seeing being done by disenfranchised humans is actually a natural disaster! hmmmmm. and the energy of nature, whatever that is, does have the resilience to recover from natural disasters! with or without humans, for i'm quite sure that that is an option open in a universe where all options seem open to life's joy of experience and infinitude of expression.

all the best with what is changing. everything changes. good night.

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I actually don't think any of this is 'evil' Rather the Men Who Run the World operate on logic ... and they are doing what is necessary... https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

I had dinner with new friends of my wife ... the husband is an oil and gas engineer... involved in starting up new projects... he was telling me that if he wants to move jobs he pretty much has to look at very remote locations because those are the only places where there are any discoveries left to be found... all the oil and gas near 'civilization' has been found and mostly in decline...

Being from the UK he specifically mentioned North Sea oil -- he said anyone who owns property in Aberdeen is getting burned... because the reserves have plummeted ...so that play is over... so nobody wants to buy property in a city that exists to service the North Sea oil fields...

Of course we extract the cheap and easy stuff first... leaving the difficult to get to... lower quality... and much smaller fields till last... that is where have been for quite some time (we are steaming oil out of tar... that's how desperate we are)...

Remote oil is expensive oil >>> inflation. Eventually that will implode the global economy

But before that happens ... the logical men running the world... will do something to reduce suffering...

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If peak oil is real, it will take over a century to deplete. You could power the world indefinitely with nuclear breeder reactors, and use that energy to produce needed liquid fuels - none of this is necessary.

No, it's evil.

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Those papers are only taking into account conventional uranium resources and the use of standard light-water reactors. It is incorrect in regard to breeder reactors and thorium:

"Breeder reactors could, in principle, extract almost all of the energy contained in uranium or thorium, decreasing fuel requirements by a factor of 100 compared to widely used once-through light water reactors, which extract less than 1% of the energy in the actinide metal (uranium or thorium) mined from the earth. The high fuel-efficiency of breeder reactors could greatly reduce concerns about fuel supply, energy used in mining, and storage of radioactive waste. With seawater uranium extraction (currently too expensive to be economical), there is enough fuel for breeder reactors to satisfy the world's energy needs for 5 billion years at 1983's total energy consumption rate, thus making nuclear energy effectively a renewable energy. In addition to seawater, the average crustal granite rocks contain significant quantities of uranium and thorium that with breeder reactors can supply abundant energy for the remaining lifespan of the sun on the main sequence of stellar evolution."

Cohen, Bernard L - Breeder reactors: A renewable energy source: https://web.archive.org/web/20130114062518/http://sustainablenuclear.org/PADs/pad11983cohen.pdf

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so the people who run the world kill millions to reduce suffering🤔🤔

i dont think men who rule the world give a shit about humanity. they create suffering to maintain their power over the people.


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You really don’t think any of this is “evil?” What adjectives would you use, Eddy?




We have been under the thumbs of these tyrants for longer than anyone knows. They have polluted the earth. They have promoted consumerism. They have enslaved us. They have created poverty. They have killed and maimed and spread disease and tortured humanity. So, your stance is that humans deserve this? That the evolution of humanity should end like this? The world is the way it is because they have controlled and created it this way so they could hoarde their money and roll in power.

You are sick in the heart. It’s sad, really. We have enough to deal with as a society. Defending ourselves to you?

No words.

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There is only one word to describe any of this.


As is this https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

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Glad you think so.

Now buzz off.

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You might want to read Anneke Lucas' book. Or listened to her interviews.

Or whatched 'Les survivantes'.

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yup, logic is a bitch, isn't it? and the problem of prices housing/land dropping is expanding. i friend sent me a video showing free houses in japan for the cost of repairing them. my japanese partner says there are thousands of abandoned houses in japan available for almost nothing or free + repair cost. same thing in spain and in tuscany. hmmmm. as the population continues to decline with medication, things will be ... well. who knows. those who want to own everything may well own eveything.

yes, the collapse of oil is going to be a bit of a monkey wrench. the wealthy who are trying to protect it for themselves really are foolish. logic is a fools go to tool. one of martin luther's many rants goes like this:

"Reason is the Devil's greatest whore; by nature and manner of being she is a noxious whore; she is a prostitute, the Devil's appointed whore; whore eaten by scab and leprosy who ought to be trodden under foot and destroyed, she and her wisdom."

I used to think he was a bit over the top. now, i'm not so sure, since we humans use reason guided by morality to justify bio-weapons, emf, nano-tech, etc. hmmmm.

now for sleep. good night.

all the best with what is changing. everything changes.

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He’s not gonna win.

(Not that it would make a difference either way… for obvious reasons.)

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Nobody is going to win.

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The classic business loss leader is giving things away free. Makes the business look good and helps foster the idea that the company cares for you. It doesn't of course, it just wants your money. If it takes your health away with its posionous products that is just fine by them as they can sell you something to make you better - possibly.

In pharma's ideal world they poison and heal you alternately whilst making a huge profit. :(

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Not sure about Tim Truth.

He erased my comment with his false charge that the cancer healing Vitamin B17 Leatrile is poison. It is made from Apricot seeds and perfectly safe and effective but outlawed by the FDA because of its curative effect. I eat the seeds every day. It does have a trace of cyanide, but not dangerous. Not sure of his role in all of this since he refused to engage, but censored me.

Below is his headline:

Laetrile/ Amygdalin Is POISON! Bitter Apricot Seeds Are TOXIC & Get Metabolized Into CYANIDE!

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Censorship usually gets my radar pinging...I guess G. Edward Griffin is going to die eventually, some day and detractors will claim it to have been a result of eating apricot seeds for around five decades.

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Hubs took apricot seeds when he had squamous cell carcinoma as a complimentary treatment. He was taking 20 seeds a day. Guess what? He's still here. Also, they didn't make him sick in the least.

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Pears have trace amounts of cyanide.😐 As do apple seeds. It's to protect the seeds in the ground for as long as possible, and make them taste bad to animals so they can perpetuate the species as long as possible. Yes, they can be effective against tumorgenisis but so can lots of things, because it's the synergistic effect. They brought in the rule because they didn't want to get sued by an idiots family because he/she ate a stupid amount and made themselves sick.🙄🤦‍♀️ he's just covering his own butt and sensationalising to get eyes on his work.

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-Maybe, anyway a good idea to take methylene blue simultaneously. Not only its anti-cyanide effect (they IV it in the hospitals, but I guess for severe poisoning), but it helps metabolic action among other benefits. No side-effects have been found in those without the G6PD deficiency gene.

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Oh well, they’ve been pushing that too. It’ll be next on the xray table. As it should.

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Yeadon and Tim Truth's foolish claims about Ivermectin and infertility are dealt with here: https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/is-ivermectin-really-a-genocidal-f19

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Well said. I am currently saving apricot kernels from fresh apricots. Lots of things do have traces of cyanide. I found out that sodium nitrite is an antidote to cyanide poisoning and reasoned that the reverse should be true. As the main issue with our internal chemistry is neutralising excess ntriogen ions this is useful information.

Part of my own journey with sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning via food.


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Hi Sarah.

They couldn't have pushed people in the direction of IVM without decades of humanitarian propaganda, like the free doses given out by Merck in Africa.

Which immediately creates resistance, because this means they have been planning mass poisoning for years. You either comply with the mandatory but not really mandatory but mandatory vaccine or you get the rebellious drug the cool kids are taking and feel great about having succumbed once more to reverse psychology.

In a way, by being rebellious one is being obedient too.

They will always say: the victims are doing it to themselves. And the non-censored podcasters will join the part to gaslight the audience.

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Or you go with what has worked before..not taking anything.

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makes sense, except when one develops pneumonia, at an advanced age, maybe one needs some tricks to survive. What tricks? It depends on the case and on what is available. In case of a societal collapse (which may never happen) I like to keep handy my turpentine. The inhalation of vapor alone may improve recovery, and save lives. Probably there are other remedies that actually help those who need help and want to live.

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I’m newly aware of turpentine.

To be clear, I am not suggesting that treatments for conditions do not exist or should not be used.

We are in a perverted state of affairs.

I used steam inhalation of turpentine for two of my boys experiencing nasty throat symptoms shortly before a much anticipated skate camp this summer. It seemed to help. For one of them I also use chlorine dioxide and dmso. They both resolved symptoms in 2-3 days. Maybe they would have anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I use comfrey wraps on my kiddos’ injuries that may involve bone. Seems to help and they have always healed very quickly. Maybe they would have anyway…🤷🏻‍♀️

It’s comforting to them, and maybe that’s why. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’m not opposed to treating things.

I’m questioning treatments that are being crammed down my throat by a media team.

And I’m open to being wrong about any and all of it…

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Vick's VapoRub has turpentine in it. It relieves symptoms but is not curative. It's not a good idea to relieve symptoms if the relief interferes with the body's natural healing. Turpentine, Castor Oil, Camphor and a multitude of other natural remedies are listed as possible treatments for numerous conditions in Merck's 1899 Manual and can be downloaded for free at archive.org.

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Sarah, where do you get the turpentine? Do you know of Jennifer Daniels.....she was a dr in the states and then pretty much had to flee....she is the queen of turpentine..... this is her book,... https://www.amazon.com/Lethal-Dose-Murder-Medicine-Accident-ebook/dp/B00DR6JPNW?ref_=ast_author_dp

...and her videos.... https://www.youtube.com/@DrJenniferDaniels/videos

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Tea Tree oil. Can barely read the label, looks like 36% terpenine-4-ol.

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http://www.diamondgforestproducts.com/. No affiliation. Tried and liked their product.

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Thank you...wondering if pine needles have some kind of turpentine substance...

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Dr Daniels got hers from the 'hardware store' in her Panama neighborhood...out of a big barrel. Her point was you don't have to be too fussy. Art supply, Home Depots, etc is fine.

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Just be aware that the product must say 'PURE gum spirits of turpentine' with nothing else added.

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Hi Sarah,

Thank you for this, In 2001 I broke the ulna and radius in my right arm- folded my hand back to my elbow. A very competent orthopaedic surgeon put me back together, I was very happy with the repair. Ten years later I re-broke the radius. I was halfway through a stonemasonry contract, working remotely. My wonderful mother in law (originally from the balkans) boiled a pot of comfrey from her garden- with a bandage. She rose to wrap my arm each day at 0500 and wrapped this with cling/plastic lunch wrap. I care not for anyone’s skepticism, I endured a couple of weeks ambidexterity with the hammer after which I was repaired again. No double blind longitudinal study required.

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That’s exactly how I do it for the kiddos. A little over a week ago I got a call from my middle son. He thought he had broken his arm. After reviewing the tape, I thought we should get an image just to be sure it didn’t need to be reduced. Luckily it didn’t, although it’s clearly visible on the image. I did comfrey wraps, just as you described. Also arnica. He has healed remarkably quickly.

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Turpentine is good stuff. Aaaaaaand here is comes: are you aware that bears peel young lodgepole pine bark in the spring? They pull long strips off it, often girdling and killing the tree. Pine bark is full of turpentine. And bears are full of parasites. LOLLL. It’s their spring cleanse when emerging from hibernation. Yes, no kidding. I’ve seen whole pine plantations destroyed that way. Gramma’s remedy: turp drizzled over a spoonful of sugar. Yum. And makes short process of a food related growly stomach. But that aside,( and I am with you on the deception, pushing their crap and being aware): you do realize that they don’t need IVM to saturate everyone with fertility busters? That shit is in food dyes, Doritos and all the other processed finger-licking fare people indiscriminately stuff into their faces all day long. Have some jellybeans. The con of IVM is a great awareness piece, but when you stare too long and close at something, everything else loses focus. And it turns from raising awareness to the opposite, inducing cognitive dissonance. It’s in our air, it’s in our food, it’s in what we wear and sit on. Everything is made toxic and is off-gassing. The injectable version is another can of worms.

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Agree with your approach Sarah.

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Of course a lot of things can be down to dehydration, but the fact that you cared and comforted is so often what really counts.

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Interesting, because poisoned kiwi on substack is using turpentine to resolve his poisoning event. It seems to be working.


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Any health improvement is encouraging for everyone.

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Which sums it up nicely! I managed quite well avoiding p-harm-aceuticals.

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There are many decades of evidence of preparation for the global coup we’re living in.

Faked pandemics. Tabletop simulations back to the 1990s.

Faked climate change. Decades of messing with the evidence and baselines.

The combination of pandemics & climate crises were chosen by the Club of Rome scenario planners as the ideal set in order to seize control of all human affairs.

An obvious component of the totalitarian control system anticipated is the vaccine passport. A few seconds reflection tells you that whether or not the “vaccines” work, you’ve no interest in the jab status of anyone else.

Therefore there are other motivations for pushing vax pas to the fore.

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You looked so sheepish when you tried to push the Ivermectin infertility line because you knew it was nonsense but your handlers required it of you. Really poor acting job by both you and James. The lie was written on your face.

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The claim of infertility or depopulation via Ivermectin is beyond retarded. Its a psyop by Yeadon and Tim Truth. The female rabbits in the study were "given daily ivermectin injections for 56 days at doses 20 times the equivalent dose normally used by humans."

See Section "What can we deduce from this?"


What Yeadon and Tim Truth are doing is helping Big Pharma to stay in business and not lose money on cancer treatments and other things that inexpensive Ivermectin can cure.

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He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know.

Lao Tzu

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All I can say is, how dare Lau Tzu assume everybody's pronouns!?

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Did he say that?

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this episode is only for paid subscribers though. I have seen Dr Yeadon on other channels with the same content or close to a few months ago. Could the paywall be the reason there are so few likes?

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100% That is exactly why it hasn't had much engagement, on Substack. Everybody is sticking critical info behind a £@€$ing pay wall!! Playing right into the eugencists hands.🤨🤔🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

I wish more people would stop trying to profit from this BS covid $#!@ show.

Stop enabling them. They don't need the help, they have already screwed the human gene pool!

Dr Yeadon as far as I can tell is not not profiting, or censoring anything to do with covid. Barely anyone at the same level of reach, can say the same.

People are literally being killed and made permanently disabled because the information is behind pay walls and government censorship.

By that example, frankly in my book, that makes everyone who has made ANY money off covid, in anyway, just as responsible for killing people, as those who perpetrated the con.

You will see a massive class divide in the coming years, more so than ever before. Between those that have the information, and those that don't. Guess which group will have the higher body count?🤔🤨

#fightcensorship #sharetheinfo #wearemany#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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I'd like to add that there are many different holistic approaches to heal from these shots and to detox. I have tried to educate many and most don't want to do anything holistic so it's not only that there is a paywall but many are either in denial or still trust their abusers meaning they still go to the doctors that poisoned them in the first place.

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Since so much of the advice is bad advice, maybe people who can't afford subscriptions are better off after all.

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It distresses me that so many who putatively respond to answer a higher call and occupy the barricades then require or request recompense to do so, and may block access to their insight or subsequent commentary. One senses instinctively that something unpleasant may be observed in the monetisation of subjugation, misfortune, pain and ignorance? One societal Litmus Test is noting how Hollyweird feasts on such themes. I believe that humanity now finds itself in a fight for its life and soul. Losing these, like the loss of freedom, is likely only appreciated post hoc. Clinging on to the spark of divinity therefore is priceless.

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Well observed. I have sat on my own log pondering it this morning and rendered that many who are aware and have taken a stand and are Stack followers forming this community, have lost their jobs (as have I) as a consequence. I get it, those posting their professional insights from the medical field have also seen their income slashed, and are looking for alternatives. Failing to realize that their readers are not the gainfully employed still getting their boosters. Monetization of data runs the whole gamut, even as we are fighting the very idea. It’s a slow learning curve.

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I listened to it! I trust Mike Yeadon more than anybody else. Still. And I still don’t trust. I fucking hate that. I’m so skeptical of everything now. But Mike does resonate with me more than anybody else.

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It is maddening. I agree. All we can do is the best we can with the available information. And be willing to be wrong, especially about that which you are certain...I’ve learned that the hard way.

The thing I’m not wavering on is that the human body and spirit are incredibly and unpredictably resilient…and cannot be hacked.

“They” rely on our belief otherwise, which is how they can peddle so many products and treatments. Getting everyone bought in from the start ensures that there will never be a control.

The best time to figure this out and speak up has long passed. The next best time is today.

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I like to say of the people we get info from, even if they've been proven to be wrong or even on the wrong side: chew the meat and spit out the bones.

There's sometimes good info sandwiched between the bullshit. 😉

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For sure. That is the weakness of a limited hangout: they need to hook us with some truth to break into our trusted hero-sphere. But also, no-one is 100 percent right, all the time, even though we want our super-heroes that way. The fact-checker Psyop has undermined people’s brains much more than we realized: the expectation that s o m e o n e in charge (and we don’t even care to parse them) will feed us the 100% truth, maiming the perceived need for personal information hygiene (a withered personal skill in most), and which they managed to switch off in our personal firewalls. Don’t we love to download our responsibilities ?! The answer clearly is to have no trusted heroes. The firewall is ours and must be always running. Because of the limited hangout op, and everyone making personal mistakes. And the bottomless corruptibility of the human mind, as we found out the hard way. So, accountability is due on everything, without omission.

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Nice way of putting it. Or as I might say as heard in childhood, eat what you can and leave the rest.


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But the multidtudes of yes-virus experts believe there are billions of variants of the virus. I think it should be easy by now to pick any variant currently operating, and do a controlled experiment. But they cannot do it and they won't do it. They say, we don't do that anymore, we have nanopore sequencing. We can take a smidgen of base pairs and deduce the full genome from that using the computer. No need to mess around with old experiments that are time-wasting and everyone hates.

And are we supposed to believe these people!

Nothing makes any sense!

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“ The thing I’m not wavering on is that the human body and spirit are incredibly and unpredictably resilient…and cannot be hacked.”

Preach ✊

A question. This pool of people I will mention is small. But it’s growing. The people who have swum past jabs good and jabs bad and IVM good to the “pox on all your houses” island. How would we know if a tier 3 has been lovingly prepared for them? What would that look like? This is related to the “I don’t trust” statement. And, would you have any thoughts on how to proceed if it turns out to be tiers all the way down?

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Excellent question! All the way down is exactly where they want us, the place prepared by post-modern relativism where there is no longer any ground to stand on. When my head spins with all this "who to believe?", I come back to my embodied breath, my bones, the earth, and my lived experience of the injustices of this pandemonium as keenly felt by myself and my friends who were bullied, mandated, denied informed consent, some were injured, gaslit and vilified; local truth speakers emerged that I know personally. The off-screen world where my gut feeling about congruence and body language can guide me. If I were an evil PsyOpper, I would make sure that there were people who would expose both MSM Narrative A, and resistance Narrative B, to become the new rising stars of the "trust no one" Narrative. So I'd say "trust with caution, insist that dialogue and questioning be possible, sniff out what starts to look like the new Dogma, and be willing to be wrong."

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Yeadon has his own substack and I see him commenting on people's posts from time to time. Perhaps try reaching out to him for further elaboration?

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He is somewhere in the comments on this post....

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Wow. This Henry Ealy talks so weird in that video. He seems emotional. That's odd, I used to watch his podcasts and he is so collected in those.

I think this man helped the great Peter Breggin with his pneumonia, and he recovered from a bad case. Thank you so much Doctor Henry!

They did a podcast together on the Breggin show.

I'm curious, when was this interview recorded?

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Not sure when. But yes, something is up. As is with the Breggins.

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If you believe Yeadon's nonsense on Ivermectin you've been duped. See https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/is-ivermectin-really-a-genocidal-f19

Big Pharma stands to make money if people follow Yeadon's advice. Many people are getting healed from cancer by Ivermectin which costs Big Pharma big dollars.

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Thanks for the links Sarah . You have a remarkable ability to break down complex subjects and I appreciate what you have done here .

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Thank you, Linelle…happy to “see” you here. How are you?

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Committing small acts of treason whenever the opportunity comes up Sarah . It continues to amaze me to hear all the health issues people are having - for some reason without asking they tell me about their issues or show me their skin issues - and of course not a bread crumb of connection to the possible root cause . I usually ask have you been doing anything differently in the past few years regarding your health ? Nada .

Also active with something called the National Citizens Inquiry and the NHPPA - informing people about our natural health products being taken over by so called

health Canada - again no awareness by many about that event . The funny part is getting involved in the political arena - hysterical because I’m on a foot ball field with no equipment . Was at a meeting - out of curiosity - whereby we were informed there were some CCP plants who wanted to be on the board of directors … as one example . These people seem so naive about a lot of interferences in the government - in can …. The CCP and the Iranian regime ( WEFFERS as well with their agenda) seem to be infiltrating our government and I’m not sure who is running anything here. Aren’t you glad you asked! I think I have more testosterone than most men now ! All I want to do in this little life of many seasons , is continue my art practise and listen to your singing bowls that are so grounding . Always reading your brilliant posts Sarah … thank you .

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Love to you, Linelle ♥️

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I've talked to people about the Jamie Andrews study...I will explain it to them, and they will then post studies that "prove" that the virus was isolated and cultured, and then after looking at the link, again repeat that a control experiment was not run using an uninfected sample. This is the jenga tower these guys are all relying upon to prove "deadly novel pathogen."

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Fan Wu Paper. Never purified anything:


It says in the first paragraph, "Metagenomic RNA sequencing [COMPUTER ASSEMBLY] of a sample of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) [NOT FROM A VIRUS] from the patient [NOT MANY PATIENTS AND NO CONTROL] identified a new RNA virus strain". Later it compares the SEQUENCE to 89% of Sars 2003, which was never purified; but came form the infamous Cell Culture genetic soup. The end.

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Uttar Pradesh?

Innumerous personal testimonies of recovery, very quickly after IVM was administered?

I'm not with Dr Mike on this one.

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Recovery of exactly ‘what’? The common cold ? - Your body’s survival mechanism to rebalance and remove waste, not to kill you.

Anyone that continues with this fake virus causing a non existent disease narrative is either an idiot or an intentional profiteering liar at this point.

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There were undoubtedly people who were very ill with something and who recovered quickly after taking ivermectin.

Whether you choose to call it "covid" or wind, or bad juju, some people were ill and IVM worked.

You appear to be saying that disease doesn't exist and it must be the wifi.

I'm sure that will be of immense help to millions of people.

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No one was ever sick with anything before COVID, and then everything became COVID,

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A lot of the so called 5 g towers are GWEN towers. Look up the information about them. Do I think frequencies are happening, yes. But, I think they poisoned the water. I tell you why. Both times I supposedly got Covid, I got a drink at a well known coffee place. You all know where it is. There was a gentleman that came on the Darkoutpost, I can’t remember his name. But he was brought on by Deborah Tavares on stopthecrime.net. He stated that there were double water systems in most cities. They can send “things” through the water supply to a block a house and apartment building.

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They put fluoride in some water systems anyway. As to coffee my wife said the coffee plants are heavily sprayed with pesticides.

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Ill people were suffering from micro-clotting in the lungs. They needed to be anti-coagulated. This was not understood until later in the course of this mess. A manmade virus was unleashed on humanity. It came out of a bioweapons lab in China. My bet is that it was intentional. Dr. Kory nor anyone else understand what they were dealing with that early. Again, man-made virus so hard to predict its action in the body. Lots of trial and error on the part of the good ones ( Kory, Cole, McCullough. Urso, Marble, Tyson etc.) treating sick ( I repeat sick) people. There is no doubt our government’s response and that of corporate medicine was to do harm. They still are with the highly promoted ‘vaccines and boosters’. The denial of the obvious good that Ivermectin did is acting like a stubborn contrarian. The fact that government and corp. medicine fight Ivermectin so strenuously should tell you something!

In Joe Tippett’s story of curing his cancer with Ivermectin he reports that when he revealed to his oncologist that his remission was the result of Ivermectin, the oncologist (at MD Anderson) acknowledged that they had used anti-parasitics to treat cancer 2 decades before. When Tippett asked why they don’t use it any longer the oncologist sheepishly replied that it was likely because Ivermectin wasn’t a money-maker. This is sinister enough people. There is no need to go crazy and deny the existence of the illness and the reality and evidence showing the benefits of Ivermectin.

With regard to Dr. Yeadon, who was a voice of truth in the beginning, I don’t understand where he is coming from

now except to wonder if his 180 degree turn is due to the trauma and stress of this whole nightmare. Maybe his previous involvement with Pfizer has deeply affected him. I’m unclear but I no longer consider him to be a trustworthy source of information.

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There are lots of cold remedies which suppress symptoms. These might allow you to work when WHAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING is lying in bed and sweating it out (AKA healing/ detoxing naturally).

When you realise that colds and flus are detoxing programs (sorta kinda comparable to menstruation, sweating or defecating) then you realise that drugs to suppress the symptoms are just short term strategies to 'buy time' and are HARMFUL to health in the long term. You can suppress tiredness and even colds by drinking lots of coffee and red bull (and a lot of off-the-shelf cold remedies do contain caffeine for this reason) but obviously this is just kicking the can down the road, and people who suppress symptoms in this way are destroying their health in the medium to long term.

Obviously if you absolutely have to deliver a conference tomorrow there might be something to be said for suppressing symptoms, but in general it is a very bad idea.

So even if various treatments 'work' (suppress symptoms) that does not mean they are promoting health. And they do not make 'viruses' real or contagion a proven phenomenon (all contagion experiments have failed). And it does not mean that 'covid' is real.

The correct approach is to support the body in detoxing, and figure out what is CAUSING the flu in the first place ...... bad diet, stress, EMF exposure, vaccine poisoning, lack of exercise etc etc.

To put it bluntly, is blocking menstruation or defecation a good idea? Probably not!

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Amazing that after a gathering of family, we all chose to "detox" at the same time, with the exact same symptoms.

Despite living at all corners of the country.

Quite remarkable really.

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It's not that remarkable. We're all humans, we all share the same biology. We all influence each other. Men tip strippers more when they are at peak fertility (ovulation). A women will rate men's attractiveness differently according to her monthly cycle. Humans are far more receptive and nuanced than we are consciously aware. That awareness has been conditioned out of us by the entirely mechanistic paradigm of modern science. Studies have shown people will get sick though the power of suggestion alone.

The idea that we are individuals, separate from the influences of others is a very recent concept, and it explains why people are quick to accept the disproven concept of 'viral contagion', because they know from experience that we do affect each other's health profoundly. 'Viruses' are essentially a metaphor for that connection we all know exists.

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I would’ve been nodding along…before I had a tango with the devil 15 years ago. Don’t trust me, but it’s not that simple. This time around I am more aware. Just keep that door unlocked. You may need to use it.

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Evil Harry everyone's personal experience is discounted in this alt narrative that does not allow for the complexity of reality, and it is just as easy to dismiss the experience of 230 million. Laura here says you are an idiot or worse. JamesDuff here wants people to consider evidence. TimTruth wants to incite hysteria over every freaking thing. When an alt narrative cannot be questioned any more than The Science, you know the pursuit of knowledge has been abandoned.

Check out the people here who are freaked out about Vit D... it's like a competition to see who can be the most freaked out by relatively harmless stuff.

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Stress kills. The modus operandi by default.

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Population of some 230 million in Utar P results I thought what read regarding ivermectin was informative And encouraging.

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Sure it has medical benefits, primarily as an antibiotic, but the virus was a fabrication.

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Confusing logic.

There is no conflict between a potential clinical benefit and the potential for harm.

I’m unconvinced by the narrative from India, but even I wasn’t, I’m genuinely concerned for the potential for reproductive health harms.

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Ivermectin has been advertised for decades in horse aficionado magazines. When people started taking it for "covid" I thought it was just another rung on the stupid ladder--not because there was anything wrong with it, but because *no one needs it for a cold*. It got worse when the alleged medical freedom movement groups started shilling for it. Where TF do people get this stupidity? You don't need *anything* for a cold except maybe, if you aren't scheduled to operate heavy machinery, a bottle of Nyquil for the sleep aid and the buzz.

When America's Frontline Doctors started whoring out IVM, and when a few others (DC Draino on Instagram, notably) started selling anti-Next Pandemic™ kits, they were instantly dead to me. For "freedom movement" doctors to still be pretending that anything happened in 2020 other than a massive scam is unforgivable. There's no excuse for it, although there's probably a venal explanation.

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I wouldn't bother with Nyquil, honey and lemon in hot water maybe. And a spot of whiskey perhaps, the water of life!

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My mother used to make a mix of whiskey, honey, and lemon. Sometimes she let us have some, too.

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I think for many it wasn’t about ‘the c o l d’. Many who opted for IVM could see through the C19 plot. So, I wouldn’t paint critical thinkers with Malhotra arrogance. If you stopped at the ‘cold’ you maybe missed the localized centers of high mortality, used as foci for the rest. Something else appeared to be afoot, causing real physical distress, apart from the hospital protocols or the Midazolam and starvation plot in the senior centers. Like Italy, for example. Started to run into people who had ‘the cold’ but swore up and down it was different. ? Mental programming or real ? Whitecoats keep telling us we are less in tune with our bodies than monkeys and donkeys. (More Malhotra arrogance). Witnessed people being in distress and going downhill rebound with H2O2 inhalation and IVM almost immediately. Yup. This OP was a little more complicated than a ‘cold’ hoax. And those who had scientific knowledge and insights were complicit or fast asleep.

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Any localized centers of high mortality can be explained partly by what you dismissed: hospital protocols, including ventilation and its known serious risks, and the administration of Midazolam to people who already had breathing problems, because those $40,000 incentive checks don't write themselves. Considering the indecent glee with which "medical professionals" recorded themselves jumping around in hallways because their patients' families weren't around to make them do their jobs, there were no doubt deaths by pure neglect, too. Remdesivir also killed many. A big part of the mortality spikes can be attributed to the refusal of the credulous to see a doctor even when they were having strokes and heart attacks. They let themselves be terrorized into believing that something indistinguishable from colds and allergies was more dangerous than the ischemic event they were having.

People swear up and down that they've seen ghosts and Bigfoot. That doesn't make it true. Every cold I've ever had was somehow different from the one before: lasted way longer, didn't last nearly as long, involved a cough, didn't involve a cough, the cough went away earlier than before, it went away later than before, the sniffles lasted two months, the sniffles were gone in a week. With everyone primed to believe that they had "covid," of course there was expectation bias involved. People saw what they wanted to see every bit as much as they refused to see what they *didn't* want to see. It's psychology 101 to stand back and let people fill in the blanks themselves after you've put the worm in their brain about a "new disease," because they'll instantly see evidence for it everywhere. There didn't have to really be a "novel" cold virus floating around for everyone to either get or know someone who had a cold that could be called "covid," because colds happen all the time. It's the same thing that happens when people read an article about cancer and then believe themselves to have the symptoms of that cancer. "Covid" was 100% a psyop fake-out.

As for IVM , there's no cure for a cold. You get better with time. If you take IVM and then get better, you got better because time passed, not because you took IVM. Without a control there's no reason to say your recovery was due to IVM. You can't even say it got you over your cold faster than the last time you had one and didn't take IVM, because every subsequent cold you get is caused by a different cold virus. Cold symptoms, including severity and duration, will vary from one cold you get to the next and IVM has nothing to do with it.

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Yep every boutique of actual flu I have had has been different from the last , no 2 viruses manifest exactly the same. Also most people I have met who sweafvthrh had actual covid (as opposed to flu cold) describe their symptoms in amazing detail which proved to me that they were not seriously ill gecause when you are seriously ill with flu (as I have been in hospital) you don't remember most of it because you have a high fever. The deliberate scaring of people meant people just assumed they were seriously illl when they got a routine cough or flu. Psyop which is why the gvt used so many psychologists to brainwash the public

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And people forget that medications often taken with water. Is it dehydration one suffered from?

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IVM cured sepsis created by hospitals.

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Nope, didn’t dismiss any of it, and made good progress in picking up the leads as we went. What I am pointing out is that it is easy looking back with the details we have now. Yes, they made the ‘flu disappear’. But we didn’t have the overall excess mortality figures for another year, and they scrambled and hid all ongoing data. So I don’t think the ‘rung in the stupid ladder’ is a fitting argument for that timespan.

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No, it was easy looking forward with the moral compass I had then. It was easy to see where lockdowns, slave rags, and vax passes would go and why they'd go there. It was child's play to see that my rights don't end where someone else's fear begins. "Rung in the stupid ladder" profoundly understates the case when it comes to the moral vacuum that let everyone lose their shit and scramble for the first available boot to lick.

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That’s it. I’m getting off. I’m going to become Amish. No ADHD. No autism. No electric horses. And if my barn falls everyone chips in to lift it back up.

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Damn. I am bone weary. And getting too old for nonsense. I am neither stupid nor afraid so happily noncompliant. Good thing I have a sense of balance with all the twists and turns. Will stay tuned.

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Bloody marvellous post. And so fantastic that you are giving summer income to @jamie ❤️

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Thank you, Tim.

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I spent a few hundred bucks stocking up on ivermectin. Even took it for a week when i was sick. You live and learn i guess. Cunning mother$u&kers.

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What are you going to do in the next spin cycle when no-one reliable is in your camp, you smell a whole nest of rats, don’t know where the shots fired came from or if they are blanks…. and someone says “I would take cover”. Will you laugh, cartwheel around in the fray and yell “hell no, it’s all a hoax like last time”. ? ? Don’t let your precious sense of awareness and self determination be degraded by not scoring 100% in an exam 80% of the population failed. Take the 90% smiling. You are way ahead of almost everyone.

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Lots and lots of people still believe IVM is curative or prophylactic. Look at the bright side: you are smarter than them! haha!

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I think most people who are awake have listened to Mike Yeadon multiple times anyway. He has changed his position radically. In the beginning he was advocating that elderly people should take the quaccine, just not younger people. He has got gradually more radical as time goes on. Personally I do not think ivermectin or HCQ are anything to worry about they have been long used for other conditions, the reason they were marketed to the public was to convince those who rejected the quaccine that there was a new virus that needed urgent treatment. But there was no new virus needed, just a fake test and flu symptoms, and toxicity from treatments like remdesivir, job done. There were many methods used to manipulate data. I wrote this article (orgininally published in the lightpaper) in 2021 to explain some of the methods of deception https://callystarforth.substack.com/p/is-ai-misleading-us-by-design I later wrote about remdesivir here https://callystarforth.substack.com/p/is-there-no-balm-in-gilead

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Well, I must have been among the 48 who watched it and enthusiastically gave it my 'Like'.

This was and still is a MUST SEE event.

I was also surprised at the lack of interest shown on this LIVE James Delingpole (Delingpod) podcast, even weeks after it went live and, being a podcast which normally attracts a lot more attention for comparatively mundane discussions.

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