I always thought he wanted to shut her up permanently to hide what he'd been doing to her. It was a time when it was very popular for men to have their wives locked up in a nut-house so they could have their affairs in peace and rape their own children in peace plus, they enjoyed the control and were ok with their wives being drugged into compliance.
You stated what I couldn’t. Control was a major issue with all his children but especially Rosemary. Then the family goes on to create the Special Olympics. Always doing penance after the fact. Mea culpa. What a totally immoral man for a father and a sanctimonious turn a blind eye go to mass every day mother. The kids didn’t have a chance to be normal.
Excellent post, Sarah. John H. nails it... The real "tell" in this "scientific breakthrough" is: "...siRNA used today in my practice (patisiran, inclisiran) APPEARS TO BE safe and well-tolerated only notable for injection site reactions."
This appears to me to indicate wishful thinking by would be scientists in search of a winning lottery ticket.
Until the "excess death" and "disability" numbers reflect the real-world toxicity of the LNP poisons there are BIG profits to be made, dontchaknow!
Dr. McCullough also says that Statins are good fur ya. They don’t really cause dementia, wink, wink. No, in fact everyone with heart disease & high cholesterol should be on this medication. I disagree based on my work in nursing homes for almost 30 yrs. Most elderly, following their doctor’s orders, are on a Statin. They start handing it out like candy starting at around age 50. And by the time they’re in their 70’s, they have marked amounts of dementia & need 24 hr. care. Peter is in favor of this. Apparently. WTH???
Exactly. Same with my mom and friends mom. Statins first, dementia next… long stays in nursing home. Very sad for end of life journey. We must be diligent in what we put in our bodies. I am starting to see the same pattern with supplements. We have a whole new cast of characters endorsing supplements and no one is talking about interactions or testing etc. the trust is broken, we must be our own health advocate.
Supplements are not FDA regulated. Not that it would help. 90-95% of the Supplement/Vitamin industry is now owned by Big Corp. (e.g. Nestle). I will look around for that info.
We’re all just being killed off gradually—In the vitamins, the medicine, in the air with chem trails in the sky, in all our food, in hospitals, and in constant wars. I kinda think someone is out to get us. How say you? I think I’m a bit depressed about the whole thing. Guess we might as well sit back , get a large double vodka on the rocks ( and I don’t drink, but what the heck). I’m also going to have a long prayer time with God about moving these demons onward to the Eternal Lake of Fire. They are headed that direction anyway. Maybe God could speed it up a bit. 🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸 Thanks to all of you!
Excellent post, Sarah! It is insane to use any RNA/LNP products... None of them work for anything, and the biologics manufacturing is not regulated, so nobody can be assured the products are made as described in these papers. Bogus and dangerous. One note - it is not true that covid vaxxes do not contain RNA. They do. Some vials were found "blank", but many vials were found do contain variety of RNA, including small fragments (siRNA and micro-RNA), and double stranded RNA, and DNA "contaminants".
Next level virtue signaling. I vocally said no to the jabs to everyone I could. Most thought I was selfish, some warned me that not getting jabbed would be my funeral.
It's a crapshoot, and they don't fucking care what they're putting in you! NOT REGULATED. Just a mass experiment to see what kills you fastest. But I can't help but think there's a certain "component" that's in All of the shots that they so desperately want to get into everyone. Nano Tech for the 5g Skynet kill switch/control factor.
I have a thought: lot numbers put in arms are recorded (they know what everyone got), and most times appointments need to be made (a special lot just for you!)....plus people end up going to the hospital, or morgue, with something, and all medical conditions occurring in people are known. They have that large database storage place in Utah....They are very likely finding out what every specific concoction is doing.
Wow. All the revolving door conflicts of interest epitomized in this Scott Gottlieb. But Dr. McCullough too, just different revolving doors. They're all compromised. Sickening. 😭
Like button is on strike...plenty of books at that site and also at annas-archive.org for free download. Annas-archive.org is vastly more expansive, with tons of out of print, banned, esoteric, etc. If you try annas but get confused or stuck with their process, feel free to drop a reply here and I should be able to get you through it.
Glad you showed the complete turnaround, as I'd said before, it's like McCullough is two different people...
Highlighting so many papers/articles warning the danger of lipidnanoparticles, but also the danger of mRNA itself and messing with such an important fundamental cellular signalling system and identity process... Literally talking cancer, tissue necrosis, autoimmunity... Death... McCullough was spot on in doing so...
Suddenly he's encouraging siRNA injections, WTF??
The dangers of interfering with a cell's fundamental determinal communication system with mRNA, yet throwing more signal confusion into the mix with siRNA... Playing with fire, because, as McCullough had previously warned about biodistribution, yet again the biodistribution of the siRNA will be random, and not hit the target required, without knowledge of what other effects this siRNA (and LNPs themselves) will have on what healthy cells remain in a vax victim.
In Oz once upon a time we had a problem with the sugar cane beetle eating crops, so we brought in their major predator, the Cane Toad, to eat the beetle, but because the cane toad also didn't belong in the Australian ecosystem it ran out of control, no predators and escalated in numbers, it's toxicity when eaten killed any wildlife that did try eating it... Now the cane toad is everywhere and a pest*... This is a poor analogy that reminds me of what McCullough is trying to recommend here... Except they're messing with your cellular ecosystem, and perhaps throwing in a cane toad to eat the cane beetle ...
* Interesting read as to why no-one thought logically about the Cane toad introduction, the problems seem blindingly obvious, and would have been apparent to anyone with half a brain back then, but politicians and bureaucrats, well ... History repeats itself with mRNA (and chasing the "problem" with siRNA)
Old Peter must have skin in this game - cha Ching TWC wasn’t enough he wants to clean up even more. Venal, manipulative, immoral, smarmy “expert” who wears a white coat - wow. One nasty guy with a god complex and no ethics. Knew there was a reason I no longer followed him. Wake up
Thank you for your diligence. I now feel nauseous 🤮. I am committed to honoring and respecting my God given DNA. I will not intentionally interfere with it. ❤️🙏
Regarding the LNPs, this is intent to harm. There is no other way to say this. I have discovered much the same with McCullough's narrative around DNA interference and the mRNA platform.
Was just saying this to a friend! His doublespeak is incredible….and the publishing volume is also impressive. I went back to grab his post from 5/31 and he’s posted so much since then. And that’s just on substack…the preprint server is full of his stuff too! Hard to imagine how he has that much time with his big important job at the TWC…and is he still seeing patients at his practice? He does have the handler John Leake to help out with that though….🥸
Exactly! I guarantee that all the celebrity freedom fighters that are with [insert acronym here] selling shit have a team or assistant out there doing research, drafting, proofreading, etc, etc.
Meanwhile we are over here working the day job, cooking, cleaning, laundry, AND learning how to READ THEIR BULLSHIT science jargon, that bit alone has managed to keep everyone from looking into anything...believing they can understand it.
Tangentially related: I have a post about halfway written. I've got several of your articles clipped in...showing the tyranny that went down in Australia - people over here still don't grasp what happened and what you endured. And that these laws exist and are in place here...and many other places. Just keep focusing on the WHO and IHR though and feel like somethings getting done....
Anyway...If you have any images or specific posts you find particularly relevant or poignant - or would like me to include, please send them my way. Either here or email me -
God Bless you for fighting. I know I have said this before, but I would like to say with certainty that I could've stood my ground the way you did, but I don't know. What you went through was brutal. I hope I would've had the foresight and strength to stand up to it, but I won't sit here and pretend I'm sure of it.
I have the utmost respect for you...and I will not forget.
Oh and see this article where the US DOD was stockpiling weaponry in Victoria during the State of Emergency.
The protestors saw a lot of equipment, gear, soldiers that they have never seen before. I think a lot of them were Serco or even foreign soldiers using this stuff. They were running a giant experiment on us and seeing how far they could push us.
And last week I'm sure it was annoying that I announced his preprint before he did. It was purely chance that I came across it hours after it was up on the server. A post from his substack followed shortly thereafter.
I don't harbor delusions of grandeur that my tiny stack is of any threat to someone in his position. I'm small potatoes. But I did notice.
Oh I see. So the thing is because of those pesky pseudouridines which screwed up the whole shebang here, these PSEUDO-mRNA’s hang out for a long time making all this spike protein which makes everyone have to eat smelly natto. Because of course your body’s immune system isn’t wiping out all these transfected cells manifesting alien things and causing clotting and organ failure and whatnot. And so hey lets band-aid this whole thing all up and inject these other things that haphazardly wander around NEUTRALIZING those cells that your body’s immune system already destroyed so you can be completely motherfuckerly happy and fresh feeling.
This is brilliant. Inject death, then a couple weeks later inject band-aids and its all good. This should all really be in a double dialysis-like infinite loop to keep people really safe from like, stuff.
Fantastic writeup, Sarah (as per usual)! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 The TWC club should ALREADY be very wary about hyping up the usage of Patisiran and Inclisiran (very Le Francaise names which give them EXTRA ~fake~ clout). Those fatalities from Geoff (above) already scream 😱 an obvious Red 🚨; yet, the good Culling doc is pushing them? Nope. Nyet. Hell no.
They have to destroy the competing tech (the natural immune system) or to create the illusion that it's not working, to create the false need of a secret sauce.
Yes — its a miracle humans if not life itself has managed to persist all these millions and billions of years to finally be able to be saved with these technologies
How nice would it be to ismply say "look, technology in general is only there to make life simpler and more enjoyable, but it cannot change the nature of the bad things that don't depend on mere humans."
And that dialysis. It almost killed my mom. They stopped her treatments because it was killing her. Come to think of it, that's like major mainline "injection" max! Good lord.
They've hijacked natural immunity. I imagine it USED to be just a freak accident of nature (or unsanitary conditions) that could cause mass infections. Probably bacterial. And what was that i heard about viruses being connected to bacteria somehow? And what exactly IS a virus? But now, they try to Create dangerous "germs?, poisons?" to Make people sick AND infertile. The Create the "cure", that makes More people sick and infertile. Then, Create More drugs to cure the first 2 creations. The infamous Flurm "double dialysis-like infinite loop" Truly a sight to behold. The degeneracy, no words. And how about those conflicts of interest? Isn't there laws against that? You lawyers need to step up. Clear case,
The controversy over aspartame safety originated in perceived irregularities in the aspartame approval process during the 1970s and early 1980s, including allegations of a revolving door relationship between regulators and industry and claims that aspartame producer G.D. Searle had withheld and falsified safety data. In 1996, the controversy reached a wider audience with a 60 Minutes report[1] that discussed criticisms of the FDA approval process and concerns that aspartame could cause brain tumors in humans. The 60 Minutes special stated that "aspartame's approval was one of the most contested in FDA history."[1]
And McCullough is pushing the vile (rhabdo producing)(Oseltamivir)TAMIFLU as a treatment for Bird flu.
‘ Setting: Japan.
Participants: 162 deaths without deterioration before the first consultation among all 198 deaths of mostly confirmed 2009A/H1N1 influenza. POPULATION AT RISK: Age-specific population of influenza patients prescribed Tamiflu and Relenza.
Main outcome measure: Age-stratified pooled odds ratio (OR) for early (within 12 hours) deterioration and overall death of Tamiflu prescribed to Relenza prescribed patients.
Results: Of 119 deaths after Tamiflu was prescribed, 38 deteriorated within 12 hours (28 within 6 hours), while of 15 deaths after Relenza, none deteriorated within 12 hours. Pooled OR for early deterioration and overall death were 5.88 (95% CI: 1.30 to 26.6, p = 0.014) and 1.91 (p = 0.031) respectively. Baseline characteristics including risk factors did not contribute to early deterioration after Tamiflu use.
Conclusions: These data suggest Tamiflu use could induce sudden deterioration leading to death especially within 12 hours of prescription. These findings are consistent with sudden deaths observed in a series of animal toxicity studies, several reported case series and the results of prospective cohort studies. From "the precautionary principle" the potential harm of Tamiflu should be taken into account and further detailed studies should be conducted.’
Egas Moniz invented the prefrontal leukotomy (lobotomy) for treating mentally ill patients. For this he was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1949.
Always keep this in mind when dealing with doctors and scientists- especially those considered to be on the 'cutting edge.'
Pun intended.
Sorry Sarah, I got between you and the original comment unintentionally.
No worries!
And RFKJr's aunt partook as an unwilling participant, quite likely. Not many people volunteer for that sort of thing.
Lord help us. 🙏
She had no rights her old man was a control freak and sadist to do this to one’s child is abuse of the highest level, may he burn in hell.
I always thought he wanted to shut her up permanently to hide what he'd been doing to her. It was a time when it was very popular for men to have their wives locked up in a nut-house so they could have their affairs in peace and rape their own children in peace plus, they enjoyed the control and were ok with their wives being drugged into compliance.
You stated what I couldn’t. Control was a major issue with all his children but especially Rosemary. Then the family goes on to create the Special Olympics. Always doing penance after the fact. Mea culpa. What a totally immoral man for a father and a sanctimonious turn a blind eye go to mass every day mother. The kids didn’t have a chance to be normal.
Sorta like the recent Nobel
winners For the mRNA “scientists” or is that murderers. What a sordid wold we live in
Excellent post, Sarah. John H. nails it... The real "tell" in this "scientific breakthrough" is: "...siRNA used today in my practice (patisiran, inclisiran) APPEARS TO BE safe and well-tolerated only notable for injection site reactions."
This appears to me to indicate wishful thinking by would be scientists in search of a winning lottery ticket.
Until the "excess death" and "disability" numbers reflect the real-world toxicity of the LNP poisons there are BIG profits to be made, dontchaknow!
Who said that injection site reactions were a cause of higher concern for future adverse events to covid mRNA injections? Hmm, who said that . . . .
“…only notable for injection site reactions." Seems to me the exact wording used by our alphabet agencies to tout the mRNA jabs.
Rochelle Walensky, are ya listening?
Wolenski , you hear us ?!
Dr. McCullough also says that Statins are good fur ya. They don’t really cause dementia, wink, wink. No, in fact everyone with heart disease & high cholesterol should be on this medication. I disagree based on my work in nursing homes for almost 30 yrs. Most elderly, following their doctor’s orders, are on a Statin. They start handing it out like candy starting at around age 50. And by the time they’re in their 70’s, they have marked amounts of dementia & need 24 hr. care. Peter is in favor of this. Apparently. WTH???
Exactly. Same with my mom and friends mom. Statins first, dementia next… long stays in nursing home. Very sad for end of life journey. We must be diligent in what we put in our bodies. I am starting to see the same pattern with supplements. We have a whole new cast of characters endorsing supplements and no one is talking about interactions or testing etc. the trust is broken, we must be our own health advocate.
Supplements are not FDA regulated. Not that it would help. 90-95% of the Supplement/Vitamin industry is now owned by Big Corp. (e.g. Nestle). I will look around for that info.
ok. so quick search shows top 10 vitamin companies (top sellers)*.
Example 1 - Kirkland Signature > Costco company
Example 2 - NatureMade > Pharmavite > Otsuka Pharmaceutical
Example 3 - Life Extension (private)
Example 4 - Garden of Life > Nestle
Example 5 - Standard Process (private)
Example 6 - Klean Athlete > Nestle
Example 7 - GNC > Harbin Pharmaceutical Group **
Example 8 - One-a-day > Bayer **
* https://www.zippia.com/advice/biggest-vitamin-companies/ (2023)
Mega-corps buying the supplement companies - Bayer, WhiteWave, kikkoman, HGGC, Pfizer, Clorox, P&G, Nestle, Rekitt Benckiser, Alticor, KKR, Olsuka, SPC, Schwabe.
Edit: ** 7, 8 were added from other link. verify on wiki or other if you want too
Thank you for the information. It’s chilling to see Nestle, Costco, Bayer etc.
We’re all just being killed off gradually—In the vitamins, the medicine, in the air with chem trails in the sky, in all our food, in hospitals, and in constant wars. I kinda think someone is out to get us. How say you? I think I’m a bit depressed about the whole thing. Guess we might as well sit back , get a large double vodka on the rocks ( and I don’t drink, but what the heck). I’m also going to have a long prayer time with God about moving these demons onward to the Eternal Lake of Fire. They are headed that direction anyway. Maybe God could speed it up a bit. 🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸 Thanks to all of you!
Excellent post, Sarah! It is insane to use any RNA/LNP products... None of them work for anything, and the biologics manufacturing is not regulated, so nobody can be assured the products are made as described in these papers. Bogus and dangerous. One note - it is not true that covid vaxxes do not contain RNA. They do. Some vials were found "blank", but many vials were found do contain variety of RNA, including small fragments (siRNA and micro-RNA), and double stranded RNA, and DNA "contaminants".
~13B injections went into ~5B arms. Anything and nothing could have been in them. I think very few people actually grasp this and the magnitude of it.
Next level virtue signaling. I vocally said no to the jabs to everyone I could. Most thought I was selfish, some warned me that not getting jabbed would be my funeral.
So far so good. 😊
Wasn't that like a year ago? What is it up to now?
I haven’t a clue. Uptake is pretty low these days so I’m guessing this is still a ballpark figure
It's a crapshoot, and they don't fucking care what they're putting in you! NOT REGULATED. Just a mass experiment to see what kills you fastest. But I can't help but think there's a certain "component" that's in All of the shots that they so desperately want to get into everyone. Nano Tech for the 5g Skynet kill switch/control factor.
I have a thought: lot numbers put in arms are recorded (they know what everyone got), and most times appointments need to be made (a special lot just for you!)....plus people end up going to the hospital, or morgue, with something, and all medical conditions occurring in people are known. They have that large database storage place in Utah....They are very likely finding out what every specific concoction is doing.
Yes, I've thought that too. They have to know what went to who. Takin' Notes.
When I was 5 yrs old I had a joke book. My favorite joke was: what do you do when you’re surrounded by 10 lions, 5 alligators, and 3 snakes?
Answer: stop the merry-go-round and get off.
This is all so confusing. 🫤 so much greed and malfeasance.
Wow. All the revolving door conflicts of interest epitomized in this Scott Gottlieb. But Dr. McCullough too, just different revolving doors. They're all compromised. Sickening. 😭
Funny....his name. Had anyone researched his ancestry??
Sounds like - Mick CULL Off
Lol good one. But I was referring to Gottlieb. I recall there was a nazi dr by that name. Any relation???
Saw him on Jimmy Dore.
He claimed bird flu was created to reduce our food supply by culling.
Without missing a beat, he said that
hammers should not be concerned, with TWC family of antidotes that he is offering to protect them.
No mention of sodium bicarbonate at $1.50 a box, which cures all disease by reducing ph acid.
Just bought Dr. Mark Sircus' book on the product. Publish that Dr. McCullough.
Screw TWC and their family of viruses.
Worry not, Hammers! TWC is here to cull you softly with their non-injectable pharmaceuticals.
Culling me softly with his song.
Culling me softly.
I like aspirin.
Baking soda is a whole other healing agent.
Gotta watch out where certain aspirin is coming from now, I'd imagine.
Omit the "Dr." and search Mark Sircus at oceanofpdf.com for a free download or just go to https://oceanofpdf.com/genres/health/pdf-epub-sodium-bicarbonate-natures-unique-first-aid-remedy-download/
and choose PDF or Epub format at the bottom of the page. Buy them a coffee if you're flush and use a VPN just in case.
Thank you.
I'm just a lover of books.
Great for you to share with others.
Like button is on strike...plenty of books at that site and also at annas-archive.org for free download. Annas-archive.org is vastly more expansive, with tons of out of print, banned, esoteric, etc. If you try annas but get confused or stuck with their process, feel free to drop a reply here and I should be able to get you through it.
Glad you showed the complete turnaround, as I'd said before, it's like McCullough is two different people...
Highlighting so many papers/articles warning the danger of lipidnanoparticles, but also the danger of mRNA itself and messing with such an important fundamental cellular signalling system and identity process... Literally talking cancer, tissue necrosis, autoimmunity... Death... McCullough was spot on in doing so...
Suddenly he's encouraging siRNA injections, WTF??
The dangers of interfering with a cell's fundamental determinal communication system with mRNA, yet throwing more signal confusion into the mix with siRNA... Playing with fire, because, as McCullough had previously warned about biodistribution, yet again the biodistribution of the siRNA will be random, and not hit the target required, without knowledge of what other effects this siRNA (and LNPs themselves) will have on what healthy cells remain in a vax victim.
In Oz once upon a time we had a problem with the sugar cane beetle eating crops, so we brought in their major predator, the Cane Toad, to eat the beetle, but because the cane toad also didn't belong in the Australian ecosystem it ran out of control, no predators and escalated in numbers, it's toxicity when eaten killed any wildlife that did try eating it... Now the cane toad is everywhere and a pest*... This is a poor analogy that reminds me of what McCullough is trying to recommend here... Except they're messing with your cellular ecosystem, and perhaps throwing in a cane toad to eat the cane beetle ...
* Interesting read as to why no-one thought logically about the Cane toad introduction, the problems seem blindingly obvious, and would have been apparent to anyone with half a brain back then, but politicians and bureaucrats, well ... History repeats itself with mRNA (and chasing the "problem" with siRNA)
Old Peter must have skin in this game - cha Ching TWC wasn’t enough he wants to clean up even more. Venal, manipulative, immoral, smarmy “expert” who wears a white coat - wow. One nasty guy with a god complex and no ethics. Knew there was a reason I no longer followed him. Wake up
People run from these self appointed saviors.
Astronomical Superprofits anticipated from siRNA LNP Jabs
Deaths reported so far by US FAERS:
Patisiran 317 Dead from 2,408 Adverse Reaction reports
Inclisiran 88 Dead from 3,565 Adverse Reaction reports
They're gonna need a Guinness Book of World Records-sized omelet pan...they can afford it.
Thank you for your diligence. I now feel nauseous 🤮. I am committed to honoring and respecting my God given DNA. I will not intentionally interfere with it. ❤️🙏
Great work Sarah.
Regarding the LNPs, this is intent to harm. There is no other way to say this. I have discovered much the same with McCullough's narrative around DNA interference and the mRNA platform.
It's like there are two McCulloughs.
Was just saying this to a friend! His doublespeak is incredible….and the publishing volume is also impressive. I went back to grab his post from 5/31 and he’s posted so much since then. And that’s just on substack…the preprint server is full of his stuff too! Hard to imagine how he has that much time with his big important job at the TWC…and is he still seeing patients at his practice? He does have the handler John Leake to help out with that though….🥸
Always good to see you here…♥️
While we are working away 'in our mother's basements' these people have huge teams behind them and they are still producing shit.
More alarmingly however is that the NPCs are still jabbing.
Thanks mate x
Exactly! I guarantee that all the celebrity freedom fighters that are with [insert acronym here] selling shit have a team or assistant out there doing research, drafting, proofreading, etc, etc.
Meanwhile we are over here working the day job, cooking, cleaning, laundry, AND learning how to READ THEIR BULLSHIT science jargon, that bit alone has managed to keep everyone from looking into anything...believing they can understand it.
Tangentially related: I have a post about halfway written. I've got several of your articles clipped in...showing the tyranny that went down in Australia - people over here still don't grasp what happened and what you endured. And that these laws exist and are in place here...and many other places. Just keep focusing on the WHO and IHR though and feel like somethings getting done....
Anyway...If you have any images or specific posts you find particularly relevant or poignant - or would like me to include, please send them my way. Either here or email me -
You are most welcome to reference, clip, whatever ANY of my articles. For God's sake I am begging people to see what it was like here.
However, if you could also please show how we fought. These articles are the best for this and there are great videos:
Look for a guy called Rukshan Fernando - he is on YT and other platforms. His coverage of Melbourne and Canberra was excellent.
Canberra was the largest protest in Australian history. I could not go because our border was closed.
Also check this out from Australian Substacker Lies are Unbekoming:
This video is particularly excellent:
God Bless you for doing this Sarah. Thank you for not forgetting about us. I will stay at my post until they silence me.
God Bless you for fighting. I know I have said this before, but I would like to say with certainty that I could've stood my ground the way you did, but I don't know. What you went through was brutal. I hope I would've had the foresight and strength to stand up to it, but I won't sit here and pretend I'm sure of it.
I have the utmost respect for you...and I will not forget.
Much love to you.
Oh and see this article where the US DOD was stockpiling weaponry in Victoria during the State of Emergency.
The protestors saw a lot of equipment, gear, soldiers that they have never seen before. I think a lot of them were Serco or even foreign soldiers using this stuff. They were running a giant experiment on us and seeing how far they could push us.
We were being held hostage: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/theatre-of-war-australias-covid-response
Anyway that should be enough for your article lol.
I had to make the decision that I was willing to die for what I believed in.
That was the choice that I made because they were very close to coming for us and I decided that they would not take me alive.
According to their official numbers there are only 250k unvaccinated adults left in the country. However, my gut tells me there are likely another couple hundred thousand critical people (intelligence, defence) who are in another data stream that they are not releasing. https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-05/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-10-may-2024.pdf
I have NO evidence for this, it's just how I would do it.
Sarah, another aspect of omg for your Australia article.
Official policy of extermination of the unvaccinated in Australian hospitals - well beyond the Emergency.
Transplants: They just killed this girl. They wanted to give her FOUR jabs before a lung transplant https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13517255/Heartbreaking-update-teen-denied-transplant.html
Here is the order: https://transplant.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Mandatory-Vaccination-for-Transplantation-Release-Dec-2021.pdf
Informed decisions = compulsory vaccination
And the policy of aggressive "treatments" for the unvaccinated in hospitals who are "covid positive." Here is the protocol:
Revealing link to associated authors on McCullough Foundation. Includes Alexander, Makis, Hulscher. All part of the “onion layer team.”
He's been cloned lol
I saw that.
And last week I'm sure it was annoying that I announced his preprint before he did. It was purely chance that I came across it hours after it was up on the server. A post from his substack followed shortly thereafter.
I don't harbor delusions of grandeur that my tiny stack is of any threat to someone in his position. I'm small potatoes. But I did notice.
One time is an opinion. Two times a coincidence.
Three times will mark a pattern.
They will have AI crawlers. G. Gnolome does the same thing. Don't forget this is DARPA everywhere.
🎯 You're on it!
Viruses and germs are real and scary -> you need interventions and doctors and medicine however they come
Childers is conveniently close to Alchem in FL. Strange?
The only thing we need to know is you can’t catch a virus while sitting down in a resaturant or working for Pfizer or Government who were all exempt..
Just don’t stand up - or flap your clothes around, for god’s sake!!!!
Both social class and control group membership are rapidly detected by non-sentient nucleic acids.
Oh I see. So the thing is because of those pesky pseudouridines which screwed up the whole shebang here, these PSEUDO-mRNA’s hang out for a long time making all this spike protein which makes everyone have to eat smelly natto. Because of course your body’s immune system isn’t wiping out all these transfected cells manifesting alien things and causing clotting and organ failure and whatnot. And so hey lets band-aid this whole thing all up and inject these other things that haphazardly wander around NEUTRALIZING those cells that your body’s immune system already destroyed so you can be completely motherfuckerly happy and fresh feeling.
This is brilliant. Inject death, then a couple weeks later inject band-aids and its all good. This should all really be in a double dialysis-like infinite loop to keep people really safe from like, stuff.
Aaaaaand…that’s a wrap 👏🏼👏🏼
Fantastic writeup, Sarah (as per usual)! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 The TWC club should ALREADY be very wary about hyping up the usage of Patisiran and Inclisiran (very Le Francaise names which give them EXTRA ~fake~ clout). Those fatalities from Geoff (above) already scream 😱 an obvious Red 🚨; yet, the good Culling doc is pushing them? Nope. Nyet. Hell no.
They have to destroy the competing tech (the natural immune system) or to create the illusion that it's not working, to create the false need of a secret sauce.
Yes — its a miracle humans if not life itself has managed to persist all these millions and billions of years to finally be able to be saved with these technologies
How nice would it be to ismply say "look, technology in general is only there to make life simpler and more enjoyable, but it cannot change the nature of the bad things that don't depend on mere humans."
To amazing precision, life has a 100% mortality rate.
And that dialysis. It almost killed my mom. They stopped her treatments because it was killing her. Come to think of it, that's like major mainline "injection" max! Good lord.
Good that they got her off it!
They've hijacked natural immunity. I imagine it USED to be just a freak accident of nature (or unsanitary conditions) that could cause mass infections. Probably bacterial. And what was that i heard about viruses being connected to bacteria somehow? And what exactly IS a virus? But now, they try to Create dangerous "germs?, poisons?" to Make people sick AND infertile. The Create the "cure", that makes More people sick and infertile. Then, Create More drugs to cure the first 2 creations. The infamous Flurm "double dialysis-like infinite loop" Truly a sight to behold. The degeneracy, no words. And how about those conflicts of interest? Isn't there laws against that? You lawyers need to step up. Clear case,
They had me at Thalidomide.
Me: "Mom why does Johnny (3rd grade classmate) have a deformed arm/hand?"
Mom: Who is a RN & parttime teacher at the community college. "It's just something that happens in nature."
But went to far with aspartame.
My sis was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in the nineties.
It was then I learned how the revolving players in the chemical and government organizations do their respected work.
By working together for a common goal of course.
The controversy over aspartame safety originated in perceived irregularities in the aspartame approval process during the 1970s and early 1980s, including allegations of a revolving door relationship between regulators and industry and claims that aspartame producer G.D. Searle had withheld and falsified safety data. In 1996, the controversy reached a wider audience with a 60 Minutes report[1] that discussed criticisms of the FDA approval process and concerns that aspartame could cause brain tumors in humans. The 60 Minutes special stated that "aspartame's approval was one of the most contested in FDA history."[1]
Holy shi* CS. Thank you for the due-dili here.
Now i need a bucket.🤢
And McCullough is pushing the vile (rhabdo producing)(Oseltamivir)TAMIFLU as a treatment for Bird flu.
‘ Setting: Japan.
Participants: 162 deaths without deterioration before the first consultation among all 198 deaths of mostly confirmed 2009A/H1N1 influenza. POPULATION AT RISK: Age-specific population of influenza patients prescribed Tamiflu and Relenza.
Main outcome measure: Age-stratified pooled odds ratio (OR) for early (within 12 hours) deterioration and overall death of Tamiflu prescribed to Relenza prescribed patients.
Results: Of 119 deaths after Tamiflu was prescribed, 38 deteriorated within 12 hours (28 within 6 hours), while of 15 deaths after Relenza, none deteriorated within 12 hours. Pooled OR for early deterioration and overall death were 5.88 (95% CI: 1.30 to 26.6, p = 0.014) and 1.91 (p = 0.031) respectively. Baseline characteristics including risk factors did not contribute to early deterioration after Tamiflu use.
Conclusions: These data suggest Tamiflu use could induce sudden deterioration leading to death especially within 12 hours of prescription. These findings are consistent with sudden deaths observed in a series of animal toxicity studies, several reported case series and the results of prospective cohort studies. From "the precautionary principle" the potential harm of Tamiflu should be taken into account and further detailed studies should be conducted.’
Shouldnt be on the market.
Japan 2007
wtf McCullough is pushing Tamiflu...
Yep. Has been for a while...
Deaths in FAERS
Thank you also
Thank you for this information!