Umm, if it takes adjuvants to elicit the immune response, then the toxic ingredients w/o adjuvants aren't causing enough of an immune response? You mean like that "science" doesn't work? Or maybe the body is mounting an immune response to the adjuvants themselves? Wonder if any study has been done on that? JK, I know the answers. 💕
I think the adjuvants are a cost-cutting measure. They are dirt cheap to add, whereas producing vaccines with enough of the inactivated pathogen to produce an immune response is not.
They talk about "no such thing as a virus" because no one can isolate it and it causes no end to often distracting arguments
Wonder how they prove that a pathogen is "inactivated"?
Could it be by observing the batches that don't CAUSE polio as is the leading cause of polio these days?
Well that's awkward. Isn't it?
No not really. Our politicians and media idols have taught us that shamelessness is aspirational. Bubba Clinton for example is revered.
Yeah that's it. An inactivated batch does not cause the disease it purports to prevent.
Let's run with THAT definition. The lab rats will buy it because the Safe and Effective Mafia will shove it down their throats. Believe or else ... we'll make you an offer you can't refuse
Not unlike the inquisition
Religions have some commonalities with 3rd rail unquestionable dogma. Not all of them good. Could it be lots of "science" is religion? Yes and no. We swallow science because it is often a VERY forceful swallow. NOT because we've been given cause to have faith. A VERY different paradigm between dogmatic "I am the science" science and faith which allows us to hope our suffering will not have been for naught.
But for now the CDC or whomever the information gate keepers are can post on their "authoratative" web pages
A "inactivated" virus / pathogen is one that when used in a needle rape injection does not cause the malady it seeks to prevent. All other viruses / pathogens can be presumed inactivated because they haven't (yet) caused a reported case of the malady they claim to prevent
Sounds like a good spin to me. The peeps will likely buy it. Because we haven't destroyed education for no purpose. The peeps are busy working out their pronouns because it is a deeply mysterious thing to figure out
Needle rape is an unspeakable violation same as the other rape
No need for silence
No need for apology
And no need to not speak up
No one needs an exemption or permission slip to be against rape
DESPITE what the herd and control matrix tries to tell you
When we allow the creation of unspeakable 3rd rail words and topics we are allowing ourselves to be controlled.
Self control is fine but BEING controlled is not so fine.
The manipulative creation of random unspeakable words and views is control
It is NOT politeness or decorum. It is ONLY about control and keeping you in a silenced cage
Been there as have many. Never vax harmed (that I know of) and grateful for that grace. But have seen it up close and at a distance. Also never was brave enough to say "I think I am antivax". TOO CONTROLLED. As apposed to self controlled
But these days I'm going with the UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE paradigm and leaving it at that
Just like the pharma scam artists pitched to the Reagan administration to get their murderous protection shields in 1986
Who are the lab rats to think they can question the elite medical deities?
(paraphrasing) "if you don't give us protection we'll have to deny you the the death lottery injections because we'll be forced out of business" (some of the sarcasm and words like death lottery are mine. But basically that was the pitch. "give us protection or we'll have to leave you to die"
It's almost like "do as we say or well kill you, or even better, allow you to die"
How subtle
Basically, "you can pay us to die BEFORE you die. Or you can pay us. Either way we're going to get you. Because we are the donors and we own all your asses"
They are not wrong. Probably be blank air on TV and precious few peeps lining up for government grift without pharma. Ask Pocahontas Elizabet Warren and Bernie Sanders what they think. If permitted by their donors they may give an honest answer.
But I jest. Because I'm a mirthful guy who sees the joke in the absurd
I'm learning from the current Art of the Deal madness/circus/miracle/SavingGrace ..., however it appears moment to moment that the number one thing about making a deal is you need to be ready to walk away
The deal maker's own words. And it makes total sense. If you can't walk away you can't make a favorable deal.
Welp. Who's going to walk away from the donors? Not even Reagan the last savior (to be clear I liked Reagan but have trouble sustaining illusion). No money no Reagan. Because you can't depend on morals when "the morals" of the populace are mostly coin operated.
One thing that seems to be common among the unconquered civilizations, applies to the good and the bad ones, THEY CAN'T BE BOUGHT. Hard to negotiate for the souls of those that have no price tag. Most all the world have a price tag. Not too many doing the "give me liberty or death act" (me included, given the choice I'd probably choose life even if it means my soul is gone. I like to think / hope I'd be different but not anxious to be put to the test.. But many will pay it lip service.
in 1986 REAGAN SHOULD HAVE WALKED AWAYY from pharma like he was willing to do to WWIII nuclear capable Gorbachev because the so called "protection" they thought they needed,... needed protection from the harm of the fantasy protection pharma was selling. imagine. All Gorbachev needed to do was offer a political donation and perhaps the terms would have been more Russia friendly. Pharma is so profitable they have the big brains to understand and spell this out to them.
Sounds like snake oil. Which of course would need protection if you were to try to force it in an accountability environment.
Sasha Latypova claims that UNAVOIDABLE UNSAFE is at least partially based in Charles Richet's allergy/anaphylaxis/auto immune work which predicts the INEVITABILITY of harm from INJECTING (rather than ingesting) proteins. Causing everything from subclinical harm to allergy to anaphylaxis to auto immune issues to death if you inject proteins DIRECTLY IN TO THE VASCULAR SYSTEM.
No such thing as a "hopefully innocuous" injected protein. They tried milk and all sorts of "innocuous" food substances. SAME RESULT. If you inject that shit shit will happen and it will be a shitty experience
Even sex can cause protein allergies so let's not be delicate about INJECTION. The more you enter the lottery the higher the chance of allergy/anaphylaxis/autoimmune issues and perhaps other harm. PARTICULARLY if the injected proteins are the set of "none of your business" proteins. In adequate testing (IE fraudulent testing) does not even limit to the least harmful of the UNAVOIDABLE UNSAFE potentially harmful proteins. At least if you have a reaction to a sex partner you can opt to switch up because for one thing, YOU KNOW THE SOURCE OF THE ALLERGY. You can probably a cycle through a lot more sex partners before you encounter the allergy sweepstakes win but with "none of your business what's in it" injections you may win the harm lottery sooner and with more ominous result than finding you have a headache every time AFTER sex (rather than before which is a different issue:)
Guy won a Nobel prize for discovering just this one principle
That's all I need so I am running with it.
There are probably MANY other reasons.
Just go with Needle Rape bad. You'll be safer
You can explore all the other weed patches that point to vaccine harm but I'm OK with
Needle rape bad. Because injected proteins bad. A respected and not debunked Nobel laureate said so. Till he's debunked I'm OK with that mantra
Plus I trust Sasha and many other substack writers, like Sarah, more than I trust pharma.
Needle Rape bad
Because it is unconsented, uninformed, coerced injection of foreign proteins
Seems as simplistic as that to me
Gandhi (as I found out late in life) was ALSO anti vax. Shocked me because despite flaws (no one is perfect) Gandhi was a revered personage growing up. How could GANDHI be against the sacred vax religion? After all, vax is sacred. like all the other 3rd rail issues we can't question.
I'm going to go out on a limb and assuming Gandhi knew things I'll never know
Absolutely agree with your line of thought. I think it is criminal to produce vaccines in “cost-cutting” ways with “adjuvants” that are in themselves poisons. I was naïve to the adjuvant aspect of vaccines until about 10 or so years ago. I remember being “floored” when I found out that THIS was how vaccines produced an “immune response.” Didn’t make sense to me then and doesn’t now.
As a child, without fail, I had a delayed fainting reaction (two to four minutes) to vaccines. I now feel fortunate that we didn’t receive many back then (I’m 64).
I suspect MOST of us in our age neighborhood and other age hoods were equally clueless. I've done so much research since the 2020 bioweapon attack because they said "if your old or fat (metabolically ill) you're in deep doo doo". Can't do much about age but with effort we can all get off our asses (if we are fortunate) and fight obesity and other metabolic illnesses that would put us in the cross hairs of a COVID or other early exit
Did A LOT of walking rather than submit to the clot shot even though everyone said, "you could die"
So I did a lot of research which continues. I was shocked for example when Sasha Latypova was explaining Charles Richet's research on the UNAVOIDABLE nature of possible allergy/anaphylaxis/autoimmune/... harm from injecting proteins. She's been doing the rounds discussing that issue and many others (she has revealed LOTS of things they've tried to keep hidden as have others)
Back to the point. My generation, at least in my personal experience, peanut allergies were hardly even heard of. Not sure how we'd have survived without PBJ brown bag sandwiches. Now it seems almost every place some kid is deadly allergic to peanuts and peanut free zones are almost assumed to be the default. You have to ask "is it OK to have peanuts in this space?"
So imagine my shock when Sasha mentioned in one of her interviews that peanut proteins of some sort were used as adjuvants in the sixties death lottery injections, a time AFTER most boomers were done with their death lottery obligations. It all makes sense to me now. Put peanuts and other "none of your business" substances into injected death lottery shots and you may win a stupid allergy or cancer or autoimmune prize for playing a stupid game
We all were herded in to playing the game
We were ALL in on the stupidity (well, most of us) because most of us nominally trusted our medical and government establishments. At least we trusted them enough not to go to war when they said "get your kid injected or keep him/her home from school". Most of us never imagined the teachers, the nurses, the pediatricians would get THAT diabolically nasty to pull a stunt like that if it wasn't all "Safe and Effective"
Welp. They finally fixed THAT mental illness. The trust is gone. Perhaps forever.
Thanks for the conversation Ray. For whatever reason I can’t “like” posts—which used to be a simple way to acknowledge the fact that I saw & appreciated a response. Yeah, the trust is gone. I steer clear of hospitals & doctor visits. No amount of malevolence can shock me anymore—between the medical establishment & our foreign policy, lord have mercy.
I think they might be a '' 'cause-culling...'' measure, which perhaps ends with the same result(s)- I guess it comes down to the difference between disregard and intention.
Yep. And that's not even counting the nanoparticulate contamination from the aerial, water and soil spraying or the plasmid contamination from the mass manufacturing processes in the biologics industry itself!🤔🙄🤦♀️
The "commission" is a political tactic, used to waste time but appear as thpugh you are doing something.
It's freaking "bead for the natives", an appeasement tool.😐
Turns out when you want to depopulate a planet, you employ all sorts of things ... war, genocide, famine, "suicide," ubiquitous toxins, electromagnetic freqs, directed energy, murder weather and surely stuff we don't even know about yet.
Seems like vaccines are a good target for us though, since the lie is getting more obvious by the day as more folks are seeing it, just by looking around and seeing the walking deads dropping in their tracks. Not to mention the epic epidemic of "unexplained" maladies out of nowhere, soon after the jab.
I like the approach of crusader Sansone, who refuses to call it a vaccine, or gene therapy or any of the other crafty euphemisms the enemy uses for a Depopulation Bioweapon. Last I checked there were 9 states working on an outright ban. Once that snowball gets rolling, we could really see some fireworks.
Agree, let's legalize the most potent marijuana/weed ever created, glorify getting smashed/drinking. Alcohol 🍸, a class 1 carcinogen, but no worries. Then consume seed oils, high carb diets, soft drinks, fast food & we get what we get.
Now that Trump has many right wing Christian conservatives believing in Him, he's got them by the short and curlies, unless they want to step out of line and really know what it feels like to be Jesus.
The atheists will follow in line as well, since they crave the certainty of a Godlike AI health "solution" just as much as those with blind faith.
The real solution? Walk in Christ's true path - be a rebel and tell the State to go F*ck itself.
In first sentence of the EO, exempting post mRNA roll out life expectancy outcomes. “with pre‑COVID-19 United States life expectancy”
In last sentence of Section 1. (Sounds like setting up prohibition of anyone being able to even question “the experts”, lessons from the c19 resisters who did not buy lies of the “experts”) “We must restore the integrity of the scientific process by protecting expert recommendations from inappropriate influence”
I feel you on this one. It's a toxic environment. I am all for cleaning up the water and the food supply.
I tell patients daily that 'there are four things that you in your life, daily, to maximize your chances of not needing medical attention: clean water, organic, whole foods, sunlight and blood flow.' It's a fairly simple recipe.
The blood flow comes with simple exercises, such as walking. It does not need to be too strenuous, although strength training is great for keeping our skeletons upright, and minimizing fall risks.
I remind them all 'that they are down at the Hospital 'practicing' Medicine™. And I just assume no one Practice™ anything on me.' 'If you go to the Hospital, there is a good chance they will kill you.'
Now you need a list of viruses vaccinated against that actually exist (0), and bacteria that have been shown to actually cause and transmit illness (0). Ask Chat GPT this and you will start to see it start to bullshit you. Also, a few years ago I looked into the CEO of Illumina, he had a work history at Disney and Microsoft. These guys are all in the pedigree (pedogree?)
The bit about the asymptomatic cows testing positive for bird flu always gets me.
What's up with that?!!! Are even cows in to bestiality?! I thought only humans were that depraved.
I would scold the critters. Leave the dam birds alone!!!! I don't know what you cud chewing freaks are up to because every time I look to the pasture you're either chewing your cud or harvesting future cud.
Guess them bovines got some real shocking freak show secrets
Diddy Freak Off level secrets
Whodda ever thunk?
Will have to re-assess looking to nature for sanity in a sea of depravity
But OBVIOUSLY those seeming innocent critters got a freak show going on when we're all asleep or something. We understand. We all were teenagers once and had toxic urges to manage.
But sheez. A little restraint!
I know critters get randy when the juices flow. But BIRDS?!!!
The mere thought of it is giving me PT STD
Have some boundaries! If times are tough and you 4 legged freaks find yourself to be a bovine in need chase down a caribou or something. At least limit your frolicking to the same general species! You know, stick with mammalians, preferably bovines/ungulates. We're all tolerant and forgiving but bird flu in cows crosses a line of decency
I know I know everyone says it's a victimless crime. What goes on behind the curtain is no one else's business as long as no one is harmed. Convenient rationalization of depravity. Every one battles the rationalization beast. BUT! I would note to those randy bovines, if they keep consorting with the birdies they may find a 100 million or so of their brethren slaughtered
And while they are trying to clean up their freak show behaviors they might want to back off the flatulance
Because a 100 million of them may be de-flatulated for that transgression alone
Not kidding!
We mean business!
For the greater good of course
Just like they did with the chickens
Equal justice and all that
Can't be too careful
Every life is precious even if you need to slaughter a few million and starve a few million to prove it
Your use of the word 'restraint' might be ill-advised when addressing cattle wrt procreative proclivities...many of them have relatives that send back notices about the excitement they experience when being chased around the rodeo ring before eventually submitting to the snare of the cowpoke's lassoing lariat.
But perhaps it's too late...rodeos have been around so long that it s possible that cattle have epigenitically evolved to the point where their endocrine/hormonal systems can only be aroused to procreationally viable levels by participation in what is done among *some* humans, but is almost always done behind closed doors, and excluding some exhibitionistic enthusiasts, and done with blinds and curtains drawn closed.
If we need more dramatic evidence, just ask a ringmaster about it the next time a circus comes to your vicinity. Inquire as to why they have lions & tigers & monkeys and even, sometimes bears in their show, but no cows. I have asked a dozen or so, and the answer is almost always the same (much like one of those displays of news anchors parrotting phrases like 'democracy', 'guardrails', or 'safe and effective')..."Why don't we have cows in the show? Are you serious? This is a family entertainment operation. We have standards here, pal!"
* Almost always the same answer...I did go to a circus once at San Francisco's Cow Palace and the reply was, "Cows? Well, I guess we might get away with them here, but..."
🤣I've thought about cows and the genetic burden and affect of going from being prey animals to DOMESTICATED prey animals. Well maybe semi-domesticated
They pretty much know the deal. It's encoded in their DNA. They know the deal and and accept it, or at least are grudgingly resigned to it. Keeps their bellies full. It's the bargain made FOR them over the millennia as a price of survival long term. They are used to it so they don't stress about appearances OR our acceptance of their quirks. Not our call or our business.
They know what it's going to be and know where it all end's up so they're pretty much not concerned much about what WE think. They just don't care, nor should they. They've earned that right:)
As you correctly point out. How can you ask a cow to show a little restraint when it knows it all ends up on a hook some day in a meat packing plant? Justifiably, from their perspective they have every right to think, Buzz off buddy, how about YOU judgmental clowns show some restraint. Maybe then I would not need to misbehave to bleed off the stress.
I remember going to the circus at the Cow Palace! So much fun! And you could buy a chameleon for a few cents there as part of the deal! I kept looking for cows, too, but I never found one.
The Film Rain Man Was Likely Forged to Pre-Program the Populace For the Upcoming Explosion in Vaccine Induced Autism.
1986: Congress Grants Immunity Shield to Vaccine Makers for Venom Injection Damage | Film Rain Man Begins Production
1988: Rain Man Released to Educate, Condition, & Normalize Autism
1986—2025: Number of vaccines administered explodes to 78 - and rising - from birth to two years of age. Autism diagnoses explode right along with them.
I bet you are correct. I’m still routinely wearing my I’m Already Naturally Immune To Bullshit tshirt as well as my Ban Assault Vaccines shirt. Thinking of just having a “It’s the Vaccines….DUH” shirt printed as well.
Preach. And Preach. And Preach some more. And Preach again. And again. And again. And again. And again. Until these stupid motherfuckers say “enough!” I hear you.
This is your calling ….. to write about shit…… i look forward to everything that comes from your mind…… makes me laugh about the stuff that is cry worthy…..
This might be the most bizarre time line I've lived through. "How stupid can we make them? If we continue to say the same sh$t over and over they'll convince themselves!" FFS. A nurse friend confided in me that they were taking their 2yr old for autism tests. I was like why??? He's TWO!!! Then forwarded him a bunch of info on autism and vaxs. They're diagnosing two year olds... 😞.
The triple vaccines are the ones that throw the toddlers into autism and those are given when they’re around 18 months or 2 years old, so it totally makes sense that they are diagnosing two year olds with autism, tragically.
It is very obvious when a child who is progressing normally all of a sudden stops talking or walking and starts unusual behavior. I know 6 families personally, who had a child diagnosed as autistic after a routine childhood vaccine. There’s nothing wrong with this, but there’s a lot that can be done to help the child and the doctors don’t know that
But, but, but Bobby already stated on the record that he's wanting to "increase vaccine uptake" which is why he wants to restore public confidence in the CDC which his HHS will be overseeing.
Umm, if it takes adjuvants to elicit the immune response, then the toxic ingredients w/o adjuvants aren't causing enough of an immune response? You mean like that "science" doesn't work? Or maybe the body is mounting an immune response to the adjuvants themselves? Wonder if any study has been done on that? JK, I know the answers. 💕
👊🤗... it takes MONEY2create an immune response. LOTS & LOTS of $$$$$
transparency! we need adjuvants as transparent as graphene oxide! then people will be truly free to choose!
I think the adjuvants are a cost-cutting measure. They are dirt cheap to add, whereas producing vaccines with enough of the inactivated pathogen to produce an immune response is not.
What "inactivated pathogen?" LOL! You might want to read this...
A Post to Be Viral (article):
They talk about "no such thing as a virus" because no one can isolate it and it causes no end to often distracting arguments
Wonder how they prove that a pathogen is "inactivated"?
Could it be by observing the batches that don't CAUSE polio as is the leading cause of polio these days?
Well that's awkward. Isn't it?
No not really. Our politicians and media idols have taught us that shamelessness is aspirational. Bubba Clinton for example is revered.
Yeah that's it. An inactivated batch does not cause the disease it purports to prevent.
Let's run with THAT definition. The lab rats will buy it because the Safe and Effective Mafia will shove it down their throats. Believe or else ... we'll make you an offer you can't refuse
Not unlike the inquisition
Religions have some commonalities with 3rd rail unquestionable dogma. Not all of them good. Could it be lots of "science" is religion? Yes and no. We swallow science because it is often a VERY forceful swallow. NOT because we've been given cause to have faith. A VERY different paradigm between dogmatic "I am the science" science and faith which allows us to hope our suffering will not have been for naught.
But for now the CDC or whomever the information gate keepers are can post on their "authoratative" web pages
A "inactivated" virus / pathogen is one that when used in a needle rape injection does not cause the malady it seeks to prevent. All other viruses / pathogens can be presumed inactivated because they haven't (yet) caused a reported case of the malady they claim to prevent
Sounds like a good spin to me. The peeps will likely buy it. Because we haven't destroyed education for no purpose. The peeps are busy working out their pronouns because it is a deeply mysterious thing to figure out
I did a video about the polio jab…
Why I Am This Unspeakable Thing (5 min):
Needle rape is an unspeakable violation same as the other rape
No need for silence
No need for apology
And no need to not speak up
No one needs an exemption or permission slip to be against rape
DESPITE what the herd and control matrix tries to tell you
When we allow the creation of unspeakable 3rd rail words and topics we are allowing ourselves to be controlled.
Self control is fine but BEING controlled is not so fine.
The manipulative creation of random unspeakable words and views is control
It is NOT politeness or decorum. It is ONLY about control and keeping you in a silenced cage
Been there as have many. Never vax harmed (that I know of) and grateful for that grace. But have seen it up close and at a distance. Also never was brave enough to say "I think I am antivax". TOO CONTROLLED. As apposed to self controlled
Those days are over
The "I don't give a dam years" can be liberating.
Speak freely as long as you have a voice
🙏🏻 💜 🙏🏻 Love always!
Adjuvants probably ARE a cost cutting strategy
But these days I'm going with the UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE paradigm and leaving it at that
Just like the pharma scam artists pitched to the Reagan administration to get their murderous protection shields in 1986
Who are the lab rats to think they can question the elite medical deities?
(paraphrasing) "if you don't give us protection we'll have to deny you the the death lottery injections because we'll be forced out of business" (some of the sarcasm and words like death lottery are mine. But basically that was the pitch. "give us protection or we'll have to leave you to die"
It's almost like "do as we say or well kill you, or even better, allow you to die"
How subtle
Basically, "you can pay us to die BEFORE you die. Or you can pay us. Either way we're going to get you. Because we are the donors and we own all your asses"
They are not wrong. Probably be blank air on TV and precious few peeps lining up for government grift without pharma. Ask Pocahontas Elizabet Warren and Bernie Sanders what they think. If permitted by their donors they may give an honest answer.
But I jest. Because I'm a mirthful guy who sees the joke in the absurd
I'm learning from the current Art of the Deal madness/circus/miracle/SavingGrace ..., however it appears moment to moment that the number one thing about making a deal is you need to be ready to walk away
The deal maker's own words. And it makes total sense. If you can't walk away you can't make a favorable deal.
Welp. Who's going to walk away from the donors? Not even Reagan the last savior (to be clear I liked Reagan but have trouble sustaining illusion). No money no Reagan. Because you can't depend on morals when "the morals" of the populace are mostly coin operated.
One thing that seems to be common among the unconquered civilizations, applies to the good and the bad ones, THEY CAN'T BE BOUGHT. Hard to negotiate for the souls of those that have no price tag. Most all the world have a price tag. Not too many doing the "give me liberty or death act" (me included, given the choice I'd probably choose life even if it means my soul is gone. I like to think / hope I'd be different but not anxious to be put to the test.. But many will pay it lip service.
in 1986 REAGAN SHOULD HAVE WALKED AWAYY from pharma like he was willing to do to WWIII nuclear capable Gorbachev because the so called "protection" they thought they needed,... needed protection from the harm of the fantasy protection pharma was selling. imagine. All Gorbachev needed to do was offer a political donation and perhaps the terms would have been more Russia friendly. Pharma is so profitable they have the big brains to understand and spell this out to them.
Sounds like snake oil. Which of course would need protection if you were to try to force it in an accountability environment.
Sasha Latypova claims that UNAVOIDABLE UNSAFE is at least partially based in Charles Richet's allergy/anaphylaxis/auto immune work which predicts the INEVITABILITY of harm from INJECTING (rather than ingesting) proteins. Causing everything from subclinical harm to allergy to anaphylaxis to auto immune issues to death if you inject proteins DIRECTLY IN TO THE VASCULAR SYSTEM.
No such thing as a "hopefully innocuous" injected protein. They tried milk and all sorts of "innocuous" food substances. SAME RESULT. If you inject that shit shit will happen and it will be a shitty experience
Even sex can cause protein allergies so let's not be delicate about INJECTION. The more you enter the lottery the higher the chance of allergy/anaphylaxis/autoimmune issues and perhaps other harm. PARTICULARLY if the injected proteins are the set of "none of your business" proteins. In adequate testing (IE fraudulent testing) does not even limit to the least harmful of the UNAVOIDABLE UNSAFE potentially harmful proteins. At least if you have a reaction to a sex partner you can opt to switch up because for one thing, YOU KNOW THE SOURCE OF THE ALLERGY. You can probably a cycle through a lot more sex partners before you encounter the allergy sweepstakes win but with "none of your business what's in it" injections you may win the harm lottery sooner and with more ominous result than finding you have a headache every time AFTER sex (rather than before which is a different issue:)
Guy won a Nobel prize for discovering just this one principle
That's all I need so I am running with it.
There are probably MANY other reasons.
Just go with Needle Rape bad. You'll be safer
You can explore all the other weed patches that point to vaccine harm but I'm OK with
Needle rape bad. Because injected proteins bad. A respected and not debunked Nobel laureate said so. Till he's debunked I'm OK with that mantra
Plus I trust Sasha and many other substack writers, like Sarah, more than I trust pharma.
Needle Rape bad
Because it is unconsented, uninformed, coerced injection of foreign proteins
Seems as simplistic as that to me
Gandhi (as I found out late in life) was ALSO anti vax. Shocked me because despite flaws (no one is perfect) Gandhi was a revered personage growing up. How could GANDHI be against the sacred vax religion? After all, vax is sacred. like all the other 3rd rail issues we can't question.
I'm going to go out on a limb and assuming Gandhi knew things I'll never know
Absolutely agree with your line of thought. I think it is criminal to produce vaccines in “cost-cutting” ways with “adjuvants” that are in themselves poisons. I was naïve to the adjuvant aspect of vaccines until about 10 or so years ago. I remember being “floored” when I found out that THIS was how vaccines produced an “immune response.” Didn’t make sense to me then and doesn’t now.
As a child, without fail, I had a delayed fainting reaction (two to four minutes) to vaccines. I now feel fortunate that we didn’t receive many back then (I’m 64).
I suspect MOST of us in our age neighborhood and other age hoods were equally clueless. I've done so much research since the 2020 bioweapon attack because they said "if your old or fat (metabolically ill) you're in deep doo doo". Can't do much about age but with effort we can all get off our asses (if we are fortunate) and fight obesity and other metabolic illnesses that would put us in the cross hairs of a COVID or other early exit
Did A LOT of walking rather than submit to the clot shot even though everyone said, "you could die"
So I did a lot of research which continues. I was shocked for example when Sasha Latypova was explaining Charles Richet's research on the UNAVOIDABLE nature of possible allergy/anaphylaxis/autoimmune/... harm from injecting proteins. She's been doing the rounds discussing that issue and many others (she has revealed LOTS of things they've tried to keep hidden as have others)
Back to the point. My generation, at least in my personal experience, peanut allergies were hardly even heard of. Not sure how we'd have survived without PBJ brown bag sandwiches. Now it seems almost every place some kid is deadly allergic to peanuts and peanut free zones are almost assumed to be the default. You have to ask "is it OK to have peanuts in this space?"
So imagine my shock when Sasha mentioned in one of her interviews that peanut proteins of some sort were used as adjuvants in the sixties death lottery injections, a time AFTER most boomers were done with their death lottery obligations. It all makes sense to me now. Put peanuts and other "none of your business" substances into injected death lottery shots and you may win a stupid allergy or cancer or autoimmune prize for playing a stupid game
We all were herded in to playing the game
We were ALL in on the stupidity (well, most of us) because most of us nominally trusted our medical and government establishments. At least we trusted them enough not to go to war when they said "get your kid injected or keep him/her home from school". Most of us never imagined the teachers, the nurses, the pediatricians would get THAT diabolically nasty to pull a stunt like that if it wasn't all "Safe and Effective"
Welp. They finally fixed THAT mental illness. The trust is gone. Perhaps forever.
Thanks for the conversation Ray. For whatever reason I can’t “like” posts—which used to be a simple way to acknowledge the fact that I saw & appreciated a response. Yeah, the trust is gone. I steer clear of hospitals & doctor visits. No amount of malevolence can shock me anymore—between the medical establishment & our foreign policy, lord have mercy.
I think they might be a '' 'cause-culling...'' measure, which perhaps ends with the same result(s)- I guess it comes down to the difference between disregard and intention.
Yes it is the fucking vaccines, but it’s not JUST the fucking vaccines.
It seems to be set up nicely that other toxins causes same problems so hard to distinguish single actual cause.
Sort of like the scarecrow pointing both ways at Dorothy.
Yep. And that's not even counting the nanoparticulate contamination from the aerial, water and soil spraying or the plasmid contamination from the mass manufacturing processes in the biologics industry itself!🤔🙄🤦♀️
The "commission" is a political tactic, used to waste time but appear as thpugh you are doing something.
It's freaking "bead for the natives", an appeasement tool.😐
#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
Good point Kitty.
Turns out when you want to depopulate a planet, you employ all sorts of things ... war, genocide, famine, "suicide," ubiquitous toxins, electromagnetic freqs, directed energy, murder weather and surely stuff we don't even know about yet.
Seems like vaccines are a good target for us though, since the lie is getting more obvious by the day as more folks are seeing it, just by looking around and seeing the walking deads dropping in their tracks. Not to mention the epic epidemic of "unexplained" maladies out of nowhere, soon after the jab.
I like the approach of crusader Sansone, who refuses to call it a vaccine, or gene therapy or any of the other crafty euphemisms the enemy uses for a Depopulation Bioweapon. Last I checked there were 9 states working on an outright ban. Once that snowball gets rolling, we could really see some fireworks.
Best of luck,
~~ Doc
🎯As their age-old 25point Plan states they never use just One weapon but many. I'm a Sansone groupie (among others, like Sarah).
Nice to meet you, MG ... how is your state doing regarding the weapon?
~~ j ~~
Agree, let's legalize the most potent marijuana/weed ever created, glorify getting smashed/drinking. Alcohol 🍸, a class 1 carcinogen, but no worries. Then consume seed oils, high carb diets, soft drinks, fast food & we get what we get.
Now that Trump has many right wing Christian conservatives believing in Him, he's got them by the short and curlies, unless they want to step out of line and really know what it feels like to be Jesus.
The atheists will follow in line as well, since they crave the certainty of a Godlike AI health "solution" just as much as those with blind faith.
The real solution? Walk in Christ's true path - be a rebel and tell the State to go F*ck itself.
Nowhere in the EO is any mention of vaccines.
In first sentence of the EO, exempting post mRNA roll out life expectancy outcomes. “with pre‑COVID-19 United States life expectancy”
In last sentence of Section 1. (Sounds like setting up prohibition of anyone being able to even question “the experts”, lessons from the c19 resisters who did not buy lies of the “experts”) “We must restore the integrity of the scientific process by protecting expert recommendations from inappropriate influence”
Establishing the President's Make America Healthy Again Commission – The White House 13 Feb 2025
It's an "Obe-wan Kenobi".
I feel you on this one. It's a toxic environment. I am all for cleaning up the water and the food supply.
I tell patients daily that 'there are four things that you in your life, daily, to maximize your chances of not needing medical attention: clean water, organic, whole foods, sunlight and blood flow.' It's a fairly simple recipe.
The blood flow comes with simple exercises, such as walking. It does not need to be too strenuous, although strength training is great for keeping our skeletons upright, and minimizing fall risks.
I remind them all 'that they are down at the Hospital 'practicing' Medicine™. And I just assume no one Practice™ anything on me.' 'If you go to the Hospital, there is a good chance they will kill you.'
Now you need a list of viruses vaccinated against that actually exist (0), and bacteria that have been shown to actually cause and transmit illness (0). Ask Chat GPT this and you will start to see it start to bullshit you. Also, a few years ago I looked into the CEO of Illumina, he had a work history at Disney and Microsoft. These guys are all in the pedigree (pedogree?)
The bit about the asymptomatic cows testing positive for bird flu always gets me.
What's up with that?!!! Are even cows in to bestiality?! I thought only humans were that depraved.
I would scold the critters. Leave the dam birds alone!!!! I don't know what you cud chewing freaks are up to because every time I look to the pasture you're either chewing your cud or harvesting future cud.
Guess them bovines got some real shocking freak show secrets
Diddy Freak Off level secrets
Whodda ever thunk?
Will have to re-assess looking to nature for sanity in a sea of depravity
But OBVIOUSLY those seeming innocent critters got a freak show going on when we're all asleep or something. We understand. We all were teenagers once and had toxic urges to manage.
But sheez. A little restraint!
I know critters get randy when the juices flow. But BIRDS?!!!
The mere thought of it is giving me PT STD
Have some boundaries! If times are tough and you 4 legged freaks find yourself to be a bovine in need chase down a caribou or something. At least limit your frolicking to the same general species! You know, stick with mammalians, preferably bovines/ungulates. We're all tolerant and forgiving but bird flu in cows crosses a line of decency
I know I know everyone says it's a victimless crime. What goes on behind the curtain is no one else's business as long as no one is harmed. Convenient rationalization of depravity. Every one battles the rationalization beast. BUT! I would note to those randy bovines, if they keep consorting with the birdies they may find a 100 million or so of their brethren slaughtered
And while they are trying to clean up their freak show behaviors they might want to back off the flatulance
Because a 100 million of them may be de-flatulated for that transgression alone
Not kidding!
We mean business!
For the greater good of course
Just like they did with the chickens
Equal justice and all that
Can't be too careful
Every life is precious even if you need to slaughter a few million and starve a few million to prove it
Let's bring back a little restraint
Your use of the word 'restraint' might be ill-advised when addressing cattle wrt procreative proclivities...many of them have relatives that send back notices about the excitement they experience when being chased around the rodeo ring before eventually submitting to the snare of the cowpoke's lassoing lariat.
But perhaps it's too late...rodeos have been around so long that it s possible that cattle have epigenitically evolved to the point where their endocrine/hormonal systems can only be aroused to procreationally viable levels by participation in what is done among *some* humans, but is almost always done behind closed doors, and excluding some exhibitionistic enthusiasts, and done with blinds and curtains drawn closed.
If we need more dramatic evidence, just ask a ringmaster about it the next time a circus comes to your vicinity. Inquire as to why they have lions & tigers & monkeys and even, sometimes bears in their show, but no cows. I have asked a dozen or so, and the answer is almost always the same (much like one of those displays of news anchors parrotting phrases like 'democracy', 'guardrails', or 'safe and effective')..."Why don't we have cows in the show? Are you serious? This is a family entertainment operation. We have standards here, pal!"
* Almost always the same answer...I did go to a circus once at San Francisco's Cow Palace and the reply was, "Cows? Well, I guess we might get away with them here, but..."
🤣I've thought about cows and the genetic burden and affect of going from being prey animals to DOMESTICATED prey animals. Well maybe semi-domesticated
They pretty much know the deal. It's encoded in their DNA. They know the deal and and accept it, or at least are grudgingly resigned to it. Keeps their bellies full. It's the bargain made FOR them over the millennia as a price of survival long term. They are used to it so they don't stress about appearances OR our acceptance of their quirks. Not our call or our business.
They know what it's going to be and know where it all end's up so they're pretty much not concerned much about what WE think. They just don't care, nor should they. They've earned that right:)
As you correctly point out. How can you ask a cow to show a little restraint when it knows it all ends up on a hook some day in a meat packing plant? Justifiably, from their perspective they have every right to think, Buzz off buddy, how about YOU judgmental clowns show some restraint. Maybe then I would not need to misbehave to bleed off the stress.
I remember going to the circus at the Cow Palace! So much fun! And you could buy a chameleon for a few cents there as part of the deal! I kept looking for cows, too, but I never found one.
Add all the 5G technology and spraying our skies and you hit the trifecta!
The Film Rain Man Was Likely Forged to Pre-Program the Populace For the Upcoming Explosion in Vaccine Induced Autism.
1986: Congress Grants Immunity Shield to Vaccine Makers for Venom Injection Damage | Film Rain Man Begins Production
1988: Rain Man Released to Educate, Condition, & Normalize Autism
1986—2025: Number of vaccines administered explodes to 78 - and rising - from birth to two years of age. Autism diagnoses explode right along with them.
Before the film few even knew what the term meant because it was so rare it was seldom reported, much more here:
I bet you are correct. I’m still routinely wearing my I’m Already Naturally Immune To Bullshit tshirt as well as my Ban Assault Vaccines shirt. Thinking of just having a “It’s the Vaccines….DUH” shirt printed as well.
I would wear the “It’s the vaccines….DUH” t-shirt. I’ve known for 32 years.
Very good insight, TriTorch!
Thanks for posting this!!
Preach. And Preach. And Preach some more. And Preach again. And again. And again. And again. And again. Until these stupid motherfuckers say “enough!” I hear you.
Re: "I vote we rename this operation: The Stop Injecting Children With Toxic Shit Strategy"
I’d vote for that!
Woweeee!!!! Hittin' em outta the park Sarah!
Thank you :)
This is your calling ….. to write about shit…… i look forward to everything that comes from your mind…… makes me laugh about the stuff that is cry worthy…..
Never stop….👍
Thank you very much. Laughter is wonderful medicine…and it’s gratifying to know that someone receives my words as they are intended. 🙏many thanks.
Beautiful cartoon Thelma🔥 . Scooby Doo really is a lucky dog.😍😍😍😍
Aw shucks…thank you 😘
This might be the most bizarre time line I've lived through. "How stupid can we make them? If we continue to say the same sh$t over and over they'll convince themselves!" FFS. A nurse friend confided in me that they were taking their 2yr old for autism tests. I was like why??? He's TWO!!! Then forwarded him a bunch of info on autism and vaxs. They're diagnosing two year olds... 😞.
The triple vaccines are the ones that throw the toddlers into autism and those are given when they’re around 18 months or 2 years old, so it totally makes sense that they are diagnosing two year olds with autism, tragically.
It is very obvious when a child who is progressing normally all of a sudden stops talking or walking and starts unusual behavior. I know 6 families personally, who had a child diagnosed as autistic after a routine childhood vaccine. There’s nothing wrong with this, but there’s a lot that can be done to help the child and the doctors don’t know that
But, but, but Bobby already stated on the record that he's wanting to "increase vaccine uptake" which is why he wants to restore public confidence in the CDC which his HHS will be overseeing.
How to square this circle, MAHA supporters?