As you put in your article the IHR and WHO treaty are a sideshow when they are trying to get you from within your own borders it seems, especially Australia, (who are also are keen to kick the WHO treaty and IHR into gear, just to double their appeal to authority justification when they come for you)...

Internally there's a new plan underway in Australia called the "National Immunisation Strategy for 2025-2030"... (Note the date of this strategy... Till 2030 🤔)

It's open for submissions from the public now, but if you download the pdf of the proposed goals, then you can see their business plan to try and usurp Australians bodily autonomy rights once more, but this time there is no room to say no possibly, by the way these proposed goals read*:

Proposed priority areas.

Priority Area 1: Improve immunisation coverage through universal and EQUITABLE access to vaccination, with a focus on FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE...

Priority Area 2: STRENGTHEN COMMUNITY engagement, awareness and ACCEPTANCE OF IMMUNISATION........

Priority Area 3: STRENGTHEN program GOVERNANCE, how we manage and MONITOR programs and account to the public.

Priority Area 4: Use DATA and evidence TO MONITOR performance,TARGET INTERVENTIONS and build confidence.

Priority Area 5: STRENGTHEN a diverse IMMUNISATION WORKFORCE to work with Australia's diverse population.

Priority Area 6: Prepare for EMERGING INFECTIOUS diseases and EMERGENCIES requiring rapid and/or TARGETED VACCINATION..."

Note the words/terms: "governance" "targeted" "intervention" "rapid" "vaccination" "emergencies" "acceptance of vaccination "

It certainly sounds like the government is building a web tomake sure you take an mRNA nasty, or other vaxs...

Make sure Aboriginals are targetted hard (under the guise of "equity"), make sure the community are propagandised to accept forced vaccination, install governance to monitor those who haven't taken their mandatory vax, put together a taskforce to target the unwilling, upon the next planned bullsh!t "emergency" targeted vaccination of the unwilling will be required.

Like a Jonestown scenario (for those of us awake enough to see mRNA is a long term multipronged poison)

Who needs the IHR amendments or WHO Pandemic treaty when this is being played out within your own country™

(™owned by WEFFIES and associates)


*Capitalisation added by me for emphasis.

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Thank you for this. Australia continues to overtly hang the tyranny out for all to see. Hardly anyone in the US sees it...when I bring it up, people have NO IDEA what I'm talking about. I've said it before but it bears repeating; the respect I have for the Australians who managed to withstand the covid tyranny and come out unjabbed cannot be overstated.

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Jun 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Thank you for reading this Sarah, trying to get the word out about this, it'll be coming to all countries soon... it reads like a pharma boardroom business plan... and for those of us who know mRNA jabs are basically fatal poison, it reads like a murder plan, obfuscated by words of "care", "equity" etc.

I found this one purely by chance, the government website is full of so many seemingly frivolous committees calling for submissions, a friend noticed this one, but hadn't read the details in the pdf... Upon reading this, alarm bells started... The WHO treaty and IHR amendments, won't mean much if your own country has a strategy in place to jab the crap out of you.

(The treaty and IHR amendments of course would add to the ability for our government to "appeal to authority" when enacting our local strategy of course, so failure of these treaties currently helps, but in the long run, the government will enact a strategy, as one way or another, this will go ahead unless seriously challenged)

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If you have anything else, please send it along. I think I’ll write this up today to buttress my post (echoing Katherine Watt) Re the IHR and WHO distraction from a week ago.

Thank you, Steve.

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Jun 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Hi Sarah, I had been commenting on an Australian Substack today, and one of the respondents may have fleshed out the background to this push within the local political sphere, although the push comes from the WEFFIES (and their masters) ultimately of course...


The link to submission page, has a link to their proposal...


The pdf link to the plan they have (the chapter page lays it all out)


(Hope that link works! But it's at the bottom of the submission page)

Thank you so much for looking into this Sarah to give a preview into what is likely happening behind the scenes in most governments worldwide.

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Thanks, Steve...I'm going to take a look now.

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May 23Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Sure are a lot of parties to promote Health freedom. Too bad they've gotten zero results so far... but at least they got to travel to some beautiful places on someone else's dime. Yay!

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Below Karen Bracken notes, “Our government and that means EVERY member of our government is bought and the so is the judicial system.” IMHO this is almost universally true at the leadership level, both elected and unelected, so lawfare on their terms must be avoided to give justice a better chance of success.

Recently I accidentally came across an unusual legal approach for fighting govt tyranny, one that has been hugely successful for decades, via a lead from ad for Red Pill Expo 2024. Basically, most acts of tyranny violate US Constitution and this approach keeps the tyrants from using distractions from constitutional issues for defense (or offense).

Seems worthy of consideration, and more detail can be found in the Refs below. Ref-A overviews basic approach in its first 19:10, with more useful details after this. Ref-B accesses teaching series on this approach (seems thorough so far). Ref-C is Red Pill Expo ad that got my attention.

Ref-A = Jack & Margy Flynn Constitutional Justice Seminar (summary)


Ref-B = Teaching Series On The Original Organic Constitution For The United States Of America Of 1787 As Amended With The Bill Of Rights In 1791


Ref-C = Red Pill Expo (short re 2024 RPE)


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In TN we have sponsored legislation that will create 5 different pathways in which to invoke Nullification EVERY time the federal government steps outside of its very limited and defined legislative authorities (which is probably most of the time). The people need to understand that the states and the people of the states are the final arbiter of what is or is not constitutional. The federal government including the Supreme Court has given itself powers never delegated to them by the states and the people. It is now time to rein them in and we do not have much time left. And there is no clause in the Constitution that expands their authority. Not the Supremacy Clause, not the Proper and Necessary Clause, not the Commerce Clause, not the General Welfare Clause. Time to learn your Constitution, read the federalist papers and then demand that your state government nullify (the rightful remedy and the duty of the states) every unconstitutional act. First, people need to understand what is constitutional and what is not. Art. 1 Sec. 8, 9, 10 clearly explains the legislative authorities and also what the government and states cannot do.

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These are excellent educational efforts, but the American public has no clue. >>>

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson -


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May 23Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Geneva Freaking Switzerland

Clowns! 🤡

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Door to Abby Rockefeller

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

So you think the federal government will repeal any of these laws? Get a grip. You are asking the very enemy that was PAID handsomely and continues to paid to repeal laws they passed in order to protect their donors to now repeal those laws and end their gravy train?? Obviously some folks are not paying attention. Our government and that means EVERY member of our government is bought and the so is the judicial system.

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Hello Karen Bracken: +100 likes. The former government operatives of the former United States, are headed for the gallows and they know it...

Anyone notice the "likes" are being selectively blocked? Substack is either being hacked, or Substack is hacking readers.

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We are soooo 'winning'. Haven't you heard?

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Is any glass crumbling, yet?

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Really....Nice places !

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May 23Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Tucker is yet another controlled opposition shill. He denies 911 was an inside job despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. And let’s not forget the red rope kaballah bracelet he wears loud and proud on every broadcast to prove who his allegiance is to. He’s like Alex “NeverJew” Jones but only more mainstream.

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He’s not even opposition. You had me at controlled.

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But leaving it at "inside job" isn't the fundamental truth either. A False Dilemma propaganda strategy was used for 9/11 targeting separately the believers and disbelievers. In fact, the 9/11 propaganda strategy targeting of the disbelievers (which they couldn't fail to anticipate of course) is hugely instructive in sophisticated mind control because even when you explain it to the disbelievers they still won't have it ... in exactly the same way the believers won't have that it wasn't 19 terrorists armed with boxcutters no matter what evidence you lay before them.

False Dilemma

Choice A. Terrorists did the dastardly deed

Choice B. Cabal did the dastardly deed

Reality: Cabal was responsible ... but what happened isn't quite the dastardly deed thought to have happened.


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Yes and a lot of truther sites leave out the Israeli/Mossad connection which to me shows who is controlled.

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Sure there's an Israeli/Mossad connection.but that truth is used as propaganda to make us think."outsiders" rather than US citizens were hired to do the alleged dastardly deed. And the thing is every man and his dog was in on 9/11. My own PM, John Howard, just happened to be paying a "surprise" visit to Washington on the fateful day.

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I visited Australia pre CONvid and loved it. So much so I was considering an eventual retirement on the Gold Coast since I love the beach. Then I saw what Australia and the entire western world did to their citizens 2 years later during CONvid and thought no way. Beating people with clubs, arrests for no mask, forced dispersal on the beach all alone. It was nuts. I recall cheering for the real men who blockaded that restaurant in your country who said nope, you are not preventing people from eating here and are not closing it down. And the police left them alone as a result. If only we had more real men instead of these pussified soy boys today…

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Yes it obviously took U.S. and Israeli resources to carry this out. Both are complicit and guilty. If only the msm was the non-controlled alt media. What a wonderful world this would be if everyone knew the truth. That’s how governments control their citizens…via lies and deception. Armed with the truth citizens would revolt yesterday and that’s dangerous to the establishment. This red vs blue psyop paradigm is such a joke. Voting leads to the same NWO outcome as ✡️ controls both sides. It’s why that’s the only thing they agree on. And this unconstitutional antisemitism bill that recently passed the house (and soon the senate I’m sure) is the classic sign of who rules over us. All these bastards in office should be impeached and even imprisoned. When you knowingly pass legislation that stomps all over free speech and the constitution then you have intentionally violated your oath of office to uphold the constitution.

Also, read below how illegals can now vote with a few minor workarounds as “obstacles” yet the traitors in office and their msm hacks lie and gaslight us and say it’s not true.


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As I say whatever Israel/Mossad involvement, propaganda in that direction is also involved. Questions:

1. Why would the mainstream media tell us about five dancing Israelis caught in a road block in a white van found to contain explosives dust undermining their Arab terrorist story?

2. Do you believe the five dancing Israeli story and if so why?

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He reeks of CIA. to me.

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Sometimes when our family goes out shopping, and they're not looking, I wander over by the store pharmacy and have my own little freedom health march and rally, quietly sing-songing "Our government wants to kill us, the vaccine is the way! No more crying children, get sterilized, Hoo-Ray!" and then Mrs. Sludge comes over and says, "HONEY STOP SAYING WEIRD STUFF TO PEOPLE"

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

🤣 Oh the thrill of small personal rebellions! It’s a clown world. persist!!

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣📣📣📣📣#keepsayingweirdstuff #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I fantasize about tampering with all the books laid out on tables at the big bookshops: open any one and all you will see is 'They Are Fucking Trying to Kill You With The Vaccines!'

But of course even that wouldn't work.

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May 24·edited May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I was just watching the Hughwre and they are desperate to convince us Covid was really a thing.

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May 24·edited May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

it's their bread and butter...


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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

It’s all theater. Pax

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Fell for it once. Thought I was ahead of the curve going in. Felt the sting in my wallet more than I did the ego annihilation when I walked out.

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Oh how far we have come! All those names were looked at as “hero’s” at some point in the last three years. But we’ve come to see the point clearly made: “what better way to lead the opposition than to control it”

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Thank you for making me laugh so hard with that ironic edge that you do so well. Here in Australia we have the laws that mean they could do it all again and none of our State Premiers have been made accountable for their crimes. At a federal level it doesn't matter which party is in power, they both serve the same masters.

As for these so called medical freedom heroes I can't help wondering whether Denis Rancourt was invited to this summit. Although he has been to one of these events and our fearless heroes managed to ignore the implications of his work demonstrating that there was no spread of disease in 2020. And what about Mike Yeadon who also supports the view that there was no pandemic, where is he? I sometimes wonder which one of these traitors is actually an intelligence operative but I guess we will never know.

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Or jj couey who wants to ban all vaccines.

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I thought it said, "The Health Freedom Summit is launching with trusted voices like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Naomi Wolf, Del Bigtree, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and 60+ others in an epidemic of deceit ..." They just got their punctuation a little off.

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Nice typographic remodeling...ditch a dot & decapit(ate)alize an "I"...seemingly simple, but it changes the whole flow of the room. My 'Like' button is on hiatus, so all you get is a reply, including an image of the nuns that drilled us on punctuation back in the duck & cover days having an ethereal chuckle with 60+ angels who tell 'em, "Y'all done good, Sisters." This goes out to Astrid & Ryan, ever-linked chromatically, although unlikely to ever be on stage together again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG7v_cYjHvM

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Every like button deserves a vaca. I like the decapitate an I ;-) And a musical reply is far better than a push-button like.

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Just read Celia Farber's AM Edition a few minutes ago...apparently her Like button is on Vacay Mode too...what's next? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJVGzcauUSo

RIP Dr. J... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3wi5PjBYQ8

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

On one of my episodes, no one could hit like where it showed up, until the page was refreshed. But it was still sending notices. So it may just be a visibility glitch. I also notice that I don't see my replies until I go back. Maybe these are being sent to the censors first, and it takes awhile for them to boomerang back.

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My own replies used to show up almost immediately...recently, it seems to take a minute or so for them to show up...I usually go do something on a different tab and when I get back the reply has 'printed'. Maybe some jabbed techie on a server farm somewhere is shedding?

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Experiment #3...didn't move to a different tab...just stayed here, and about a minute later the above reply 'printed' on screen. If there's a censor involved, it's not liveware-based.

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I think they were invited speakers at the same event in Geneva yesterday.

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Events have gone beyond weird quite some distance at this juncture. Double plus weird?! 🧐

Nice catch Miss Sarah!

Thank you O Relentless One. 🙏

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Switzerland is really pretty. These hoodlums do not deserve to go there.

I can think of more than a handful of terrible unfortunate accidents that would

solve this giant freaking pain in the ass I think all of us are getting.

These people need to self destruct. they make me sick.

what a bunch of pricks

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How about they hang out with the average working class American?

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But the Swiss are ghastly: let's hope they meet the locals!

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Paging Klaus Schwab.

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Paging Klaus Schwab.

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They're all rich people doing this bullshit where the average American will never get to.

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Something tells me that they are given their little party spot by their puppet masters as a reward for spreading their disinformation.

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May 23Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Love your headline! Says it all.

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

No shortage of controlled opposition in that list of deadbeats. No surprise here. Thats how they do it. Infiltrate the movement, take over then steer it the direction they want to go. All of them medical minds standing against medical tyranny. Talking all about that bad Warp speed vaccine that was created at least 5 years before the scamdemic started. It’s all slight of hand. There is mRNA vaccine. It’s all graphine oxide and other poisons. The graphine oxide is like microscopic razor blades floating through your veins. No spike protein bs. The real issue is the microwave oven that Musk is turning the planet into. Bill Gates “The next one will get their attention” These so called viral diseases are all various frequencies and intensities of radiation sickness. Ebola, Marburg, Influenza, Covid. They are not viruses. They are exosomes and cellular debris created from the death of cells by radiation. Just like Rifes machine. Certain frequencies heal certain diseases, frequencies can create certain diseases. They practice in Africa and created their Ebola disease with beam forming technology, the same in Germany for Marburg, Covid was I milder form of radiation sickness that followed the

rollout of 5G around the world to a tee. Remember the University in Spain that did a study proving covid was 5G radiation sickness. The powers that be silenced that in a hurray. Remember the alternative health doctor Rashid Buttar? He was screaming “5G rapes the immune system” from the rooftops. They silenced him to death with their beam forming technology. The one thing the establishment silenced even more fervently than “vaccines cause autism” is “EMF radiation is very dangerous”. This is why they want so desperately to keep people believing it’s a virus if they have to create a bs narrative about Wuhan gain of function. They need to keep the virus bs alive at all costs.

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I got the Health Summit Freedom Showbag! It's got lots of goodies in it: GOF IS BAD coffee cup, a PUREBLOODS organic fair trade T-shirt, a Safe and Effective is two lies fridge magnet and Malone signed my tits!

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