Lawdy! You have any hair left?!

Just reading your stack makes me wanna tear mine out. ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ

Thanks for another great dive into The Insanity Miss Sarah!


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Gosh, those were nearly my exact thoughts! Mine included eyes bleeding!๐Ÿคช

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lols! No doubt.

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I know I should be horrified but I can't stop watching that adorable owl.

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We need more with coraggio to help put mini flyers from www.VirusTruth.NET on cars, tape to gas pump screens, slip into baby sleepers, Diaper boxes and any baby items in stores. Easy ! Join us! I call them my FU Fauci and FU CDC tickets๐Ÿค—

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Yes, yes, yes, & yes!!!!

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the owl saves it - and shows us the way. :D

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Yeah me too

Can't figure out if it's the Tip Toe Through the Tulips or the Full Diaper strut or something else.

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I just used that owl, with a link to Sarah, in this article: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/mathew-crawford-and-digital-god. Sarah, Sage Hana may be interested, if you're still in touch. The next one I do on him will be questioning his agency affiliations and if it's intentional obfuscation he sows. And one of my points will be the dick move of doxxing SH after promising to respect anonymity.

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Dec 9Edited

All pregnant women? Effed up times we're living in.

Earlier this year I went to my HMO (kaiser) for routine rheumatology blood test and they did a hepatitis test without asking or telling me. I was pissed. The phlebotomy manager was (later) pissed . My doctor said the "system" ordered it & slapped her name on it.

I fall in the category of nothing to prompt me to get that test.

Back when this happened, i thought there's more to this.

Something nefariou$$$.

I'm now done with rheumatologist. Not going back.

They pushed the covid shots when their patient's immune systems are already attacking themselves.

Thanks, Sarah, for your research!

A different vax related sad thing last week in my circle....a co-workers one yr old is being hospitalized after a DTaP vaccine injury. Really heartbreaking. Radio silence on warning people.



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I work at a tertiary care VA in the Midwest. It shocks me how many veterans still eagerly get their flu, Covid, RSV, shingles, etc vaxxโ€™s. Iโ€™m sure this one will just be added to the bunch. ๐Ÿ˜•

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I know 2 vets who recently bragged how they were able to get their Covid and flu shots at the same time! They were so proud that they had a bandaid on each arm. I got the feeling that they were happy to get the free โ€œhealthcare.โ€ If itโ€™s free, it must be good!๐Ÿ™„

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Booster + Flu shots, on same day (thanks VA)sent my dad to the ICU and efforts at life support, for an entire week. Died on Christmas morning three years back. He was too trusting.

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I'm so sorry your dad died as a consequence of these poisons. it's tragic how many died from being too trusting.

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Oh, Iโ€™m so very sorry. Most veterans are such genuine, wonderful people. And, yes, try to do as they asked/told, making them, as a group particularly vulnerable.

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That is sad indeed, and surprising: the only person who listened to me about the mRNA murders is a former British special forces sergeant, principally because he had followed the Gulf War issue and understands how little govt values individual lives.

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ALL pregnant women are at risk for Hep B??? Sez who? Aaargh!

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So why are 1 day old babies vaxed with hepB?

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Look, everyone knows newborns canโ€™t be trusted. Always making TERRIBLE decisions. Look away for a second and theyโ€™re out the door and getting a tattoo with a dirty needle and hitting the smack with a prostitute. The only answer is a Hep B vaxx on day one. Duh.

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If you ask a nurse that question at the hospital you will be branded as a knuckle dragging troublemaker and probably someone who shouldnโ€™t be allowed to carry a baby off of hospital premises. Itโ€™s much better to tell the staff that you will have the child thoroughly vaxxed at its first baby wellness check. This will save you hours of frustrating dialogue and also keep you from doubting your own sanity.

Me Whatโ€™s HepB vaccine for?

Nurse Itโ€™s in case the baby has Hepatitis.

Me Where would the baby get hepatitis?

Nurse From you or your wife.

Me But we donโ€™t have hepatitis.

Nurse You can get it from being sexually active and dirty needles.

Me Weโ€™re not sexually active and we donโ€™t like needles .

Nurse What about the baby?

Me What ABOUT the baby!!!!! Itโ€™s a baby!!!!

I stomp out with the baby.

This was 22 years ago.

Baby stayed completely unvaxxed till she was 16. Sheโ€™s never had the HepB vaccine. Somehow sheโ€™s still Hepatitis free.

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L Young you are not very hard.

I let my baby go out at night and sleep with whoever they want; pimps, meth heads, hobos, family members, etc., as long as my baby is home by 11:30...../s

-Peter & Anthony Jeselnik

for a laugh (Jeselnik 13 mins) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0gDvuaxUh0

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that was funny!

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Excellent reporting, thank you! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐ŸŒŸ When I was a physical therapist, I'll never forget at a residential skilled nursing facility, they lined everyone up in the hallway to get flu shots. It didn't seem to matter if the people were cognitively able to give consent or not. It looks like mass vaccination of the elderly in care homes just got easier - no doctor's order required even though these shots have known side effects.

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It breaks my heart when I think about our seniors in these facilitiesโ€ฆ.locked away and at the will of others, very often not even their family.

The AI thatโ€™s being used to make decisions in nursing homes is a particularly despicable aspect of the current situation. Thatโ€™s what I thought I was going to write about yesterdayโ€ฆ

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It's sickening, Sarah. Maybe we should be relieved they seem to be planning to kill many of us even before we are elderly.....

I've been looking at the 2024 take up rate in the UK for Covid and flu vaxxes.

The highest rate is those over 75 - more likely to be in a facility or not able to resist when visited at home, and the lowest ( v low indeed) those in their 60's, ie, able to run away!

More seem still to be trusting the flu vaxxes than the Covid ones, Old habits die hard.

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Thanks for the hep B update. Putting in exemptions everywhere for the grandkids.

Not vetted, but interesting very short UnitedHealthcare clip - https://www.bitchute.com/video/qQISXGGpp538/

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Yikes. UHC - we deny until u die!

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My Favorite Parts Of Covid:


That the doctors think the medical freedom movement is for the freedom to practice medicine.

While the rest of us are shouting โ€œItโ€™s the medicineโ€, central to your profession, that is killing everyone.



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Same time they are increasing the vaxx revenue the rest of the Medicare payments to physicians is being cut by 2.93%. Make that vaxx money even more important by cutting back on everything else, in the face of serious inflation. Good work, Sarah, as usual!

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I will only get my hep B shot if I can maxvax it in a combo jab with rsv, flu, and all known covid variants - at the speed of science!

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๐Ÿ˜…. "The speed of science", is that from the clown guy? I love him!

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lol the worst thing was hearing so many ppl repeat this stupid phrase... https://www.biospace.com/politicizing-science-pfizer-ceo-fires-back

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I know, it is a ridiculous phrase,. I thought you were talking about this comedian guy, Dr Mc Honk Honk. He made good fun of the phrase:


He also does a song from time to time, and this is one of the most moving songs of the whole debacle for me:


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4k a month. So multiply by 12 not 48!

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I should actually never do any math and put it up ๐Ÿ˜‚...especially at the end of the day.

Luckily you guys alway check it for me. Thank you ;)

And here I thought I was being generous with 48 instead of 52 weeks...๐Ÿคช

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If it's any consolation, Sarah, all the brilliant mathematicians I know from university days fell for the fake pandemic and Covid vaxxes.

All of them! Being a humble arts grad who can barely count his toes correctly probably saved me from 'trusting the science.

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Your footage was definitely the clincher!!!

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"Actual footage..." Ha-ha!

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Below. My favorite part....damnnn

CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing of hepatitis B

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Last year, before starting her first year of medical school, our daughter had to have titres drawn. Her hep B titre was low, so she was told that she had to get the 3-dose complete series again. She did get one โ€˜booster.โ€™ She waited one month, then insisted they re-draw a titre rather than just inject dose #2. Sky high. She was able to avoid at least dose #2 and 3.

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Praying that your child will make it through med school without being completely brainwashed or injected with a never-ending stream of designer vaxxx/poisons so that she can have a happy and fulfilled life of service. I try to talk young people out of MD or DO paths these days unless they are obsessed with it for some reason.

I have seen a lot in my 50+ years as an MD. Beware,

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Sheโ€™s managed to avoid both flu and Covid vaxx so far. She chose her school based upon their vaxx policies at the time. Praying it works out. Sheโ€™s hoping to be a surgeon. Iโ€™m hoping sheโ€™ll walk away if they try to force that in her clinical years or residency. Sheโ€™s my โ€˜allergy-baby.โ€™ And we both believe that we know what contributed to that.

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SCIENCE Please - I pray she has learned by now that they are ALL LIARS

Who does the titres??

The LIARS. They were probably surprised by that result. So next time they will just lie! Please please PLEASE inform her as to the criminal cartel she is entering into!!!

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Her eyes are open and she has a very healthy skepticism. The provider (at the time) was very angry that sheโ€™d demanded a titre be re-drawn before she consented to injection #2.

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My daughter is in a pre-med program at college and is scheduled to follow some docs at the hospital over winter break. She had to get a flu shot to do this. Heartbreaking. Those shots donโ€™t prevent anything and theyโ€™re full of garbage. It frightens me to think of the other shit theyโ€™ll make her inject in order to get her MD. I pray for change before that happens.

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Unless things change significantly she will not be able to escape coming vaxxx programs. Academia is fully onboard with "evidence-based" non-science. The goal of medical school is to deprogram the empathy and sympathy that exists in students and program them to be willing and hardened cogs in the corporate machine. There is really no alternative at present in the US.

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change will only come when we ALL SAY NO

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Great research Sarah. Babies and Hep just despicable. Medicare rip off. Pay-outs , yes been going on for decades. Such a disgusting death cult . Don't lose your hair Sarah :-) They will just push Rogain on you!

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