Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Holy shit, great post, Sarah!

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Thank you Sage-y 😘

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

When I was flying from Australia to Malaysia, the flight attendants donned actual hazmat type looking suits while they sprayed us. And they didn't use cans, but equipment that loooked exactly like the kind exterminators use. I got sick from it and barfed all over my purse. When I complained they shrugged their shoulders. We have to, they said. Then I want a hazmat suit too, I said. Write to headquarters, they said. I had to throw that purse away.

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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

they used to use DDT for that... DDT has a very unique smell... a sickening sweet smell.

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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

This smelled really chemical, not pleasant at all. Our clothes reeked from it.

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OMG!!! Sorry you went through that. Add that to the list of insane things these psychopaths have dumped on the citizens of the world.

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Holy shit! That is crazy. I have a real distaste for flight attendants btw...sorry to any out there but ya’ll hate your job and take it out on us so Jog on....

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Could not believe what was happening. Then a flight attendant told me that they do it on all planes leaving Australia to Malaysia but usually before the passengers get on...so they must have forgotten to do it before they left?

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exactly! 😂

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deletedSep 11
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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

H2O2 is LOGICAL/makes sense...

Cost is minimal...

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

This is an AMAZING article!!!!! They took down one of your YouTube videos though. That has been happening quite a bit when I do stuff too. If you have a good video and use a free YouTube video downloader and then upload to your stack it doesn't disappear. The Codex Alimentarius is a UN/WHO org that oversees and sets limits on all these chemicals being sprayed on us. May they be given a nice long shower in some of this crap they are allowing to be sprayed all over us. They aren't even a part of our government but seem to control all pesticides, our food, and pharma, etc.... Assholes!


This video is a little dramatic and sounds weird but has good info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ws2kLJP5PBI


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Thank you. I just took it out. Unfortunately I didn't download it 🙄.

Fucking assholes. I do hope they all get a nice long shower in their bullshit.

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It might still be recoverable, have you tried using some data recovery software?

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I would respectfully disagree with one part of this: not a shower. A nice long soak in a bath of the stuff would be far better.

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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Add this to this https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/vaccines-are-population-control

You are Expendable

At the end of the day all they care about is having enough circus and barnyard animals to operate the farm. They could care less about you or your health - you are EXPENDABLE.

They most certainly do not want one third of the population living to 90+ Japan and China are prime examples of what happens when a country is top heavy on elderly citizens. Too few young people to support the elderly.

Without these wise decisions by the Men Who Run the World to deploy strategies to cull the herd, the global economy would have collapsed years ago under the dead weight of too many geriatrics.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

People do not realise .. UVA light is the cancer promoter.. which is what UVB converts to when it passes through glass or reflects off glass.. Automobiles have UVA filters on the windscreen .. but not the sides back or roof..aircraft glass does not… pilots and cabin crew are subjected to a lot of sunlight UVA .. just saying.

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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I used to fly back and forth from Japan every three months for eight years - never failed, I was sick for a week on either side of the flight, and had to sing through it until I got well. Astonishing how much poisoning we have endured and are still dealing with as tis extinction event is in high gear now - and of course, poisoning and sickening us all has been the point, all along - patients for life...

Great research, Sarah...TY

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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

If it's a chemical, it's toxic. They all fall somewhere between immediately lethal type toxic and "will build up in your system and contribute to health problems down the road" type toxic.

One type of toxic chemical people are especially unaware of is chemical/artificial scents such as perfume, soaps and body care products, air fresheners and scented candles.

So yes, we're being sprayed like cockroaches. And sometimes we're spraying ourselves which is truly sad.

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some cheap perfume/ body spray has castor oil as major ingredient (some ricin in there too?)

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I think ricin is only harmful if ingested. Castor oil is often used externally by alternative health practitioners.

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saw a recommendation for natural gopher killer to put castor beans into gopher holes… haven’t tried it yet.

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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Yeah, note the date of the poison Acts/Regulations, eg 1996, long after the EPA was established (in part due to the exposure brought on by the publication of Rachel Carsons Silent Spring). Those Acts (& probably all others) now appear to have been written in order to legalise the poisoning of humanity, whilst pretending to safeguard humanity. In other words, Acts have been written to protect corporate interests, under the guise of "for our safety".

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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I have only read your title so far. You nailed it. We are the same as insects. Sadly for us and them.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

A mosquito bite, much like a mythical "virus," can in no way harm you, as it is not the mosquito's blood or any so-called “virus” the mosquito is said to be carrying that is transmitted. Nothing is transmitted. The only thing that happens is an unnatural extraction of your blood by the parasite, which induces a natural white blood cell response in you. Even if viruses did exist, again, no “transmission” could occur via this blood-sucking route. Unless you ingest the blood of a mosquito (I've personally had the very unpleasant experience of doing so), you are never at risk of being seriously harmed by this little fly that has been in existence for literally tens of millions of years and with which humans have – albeit unpleasantly – coexisted for nearly the same period. And without harm to the latter beyond the occasional mini-rash.

Mosquitos are reported to be "vectors of disease, carrying protozoan parasites or bacterial or viral pathogens from one host to another" (Wikipedia). Uhmm, no. No they don’t. Note the general lie that is that entire statement as well as the smaller one of “viral pathogens,” which don’t exist. (No “virion” has ever been isolated, so the entire field of “virology” is a pseudoscience, but that’s another story.)

Notice how this published article on PubMed (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10059804/) makes the immediate assumption and repeats it throughout the article that mosquitos are carriers and transmitters of disease via viruses while providing no actual proof of both viral existence and cause of disease. (See the section “Mosquito-Borne Diseases” for an entire opening paragraph that commits one “begging the question” logical fallacy after another while citing a single study that…does the same.) All part of the standard playbook with these “scientific” studies. That is, all fiction, all the time.

So clearly the appalling spraying of communities (and directly onto airline passengers!) is just a fake “solution” to a non-existent “problem,” once again enabling the evil NWO psychos who run the world to harm the greatest number of people to the greatest extent possible.




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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Spraying the skies for weather was worrisome enough! Now flying “ the friendly skies” is down right dangerous. Thanks for all you our hard core research. Im thinking about my friends who returned from the UK - with an illness. 🧐Also have some friends returning from holiday in Africa. 😕yikes!

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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Had that flying from U.K. to Verona Italy recently - it was the ‘law’ they told us, so please don’t abuse the airline staff! Yet on the return journey to the UK there was no similar ‘law’ applied. Perhaps viruses/germs only have one way tickets?

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Disinsection OR Dishomosapien?

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

What might the methodology for testing mosquitoes be? One method might be to deploy traps to collect a large number of mosquitoes, add water and grind into a slurry, and then (wait for it); PCR testing. If covid's PCR false positive rate - which exceeded 1%, were matched, this method combined with public health officials collecting samples in a few hundred locations would generate plenty of 'incidences' of the pathogen of choice.

Certainly false positives during the sewage surveillance played a roll in indicating covid's presence in cities across the nation.

In the school district I worked in, unvaccinated individuals were required to be tested weekly. Some of my coworkers were delighted to test positive and receive a 5 day paid vacation. Little did they realize that they were being used to generate the statistics behind the 'pandemic of the unvaccinated' narrative. Since vaccinated people did not have testing requirements, the results were wildly skewed, and it is quite obvious that that was the purpose of the asymmetric testing.

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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Anyone notice how the windshield of your car no longer is spattered with bugs in the summer like it used to be? Destroying the insect population can't possibly be good for the balance of life. I recall that when I was a teen in the early 70's my gym class would be outside while planes flew overhead dumping insecticide all over us in a vain attempt to stop the spread of fire ants. Guess what, we still have fire ants. They also used to drive up and down the roads in residential areas at night spraying insecticide for mosquitoes. It was called "fogging". Been going on a long time.

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All of these sprays are poison to our bodies and mean to disrupt our metabolic functions. Pure evil. Get connected with a naturopath, have your nutrition genome and dna tested to find out the best way to continually detox. My husband is fighting cancer and we found out he had high levels of heavy metals, mycotoxins and more - he served in the military for 32 plus years, he is lucky he is alive, so many of his counterparts have already succumbed to the toxins they were repeatedly exposed to.

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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I'm with you about 95%.

But 'naturopaths' seem to be only a little bit less dangerous than your typical ingoramos and VERY dangerous M.D.

And just as money hungry. I have two massive examples of this but to do it justice I'd have to write 30 pages. Bottom line, they took all the money these sick people had (I knew them well - for decades) with bullshit tests that cost them zillions, bullshit "supplements", bullshit everything. They both died penniless even though having a lot of money - before they ran into these beautiful 'naturopaths'.

$$ $$, power, ego is what drives a whole lot of immoral mf'ers. But they'll tell you each and every day how "Christian" they are as they gut one person after the other. And 'we' all fall for this bullshit? Still? Stunning.

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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I concur most of them are not different from the allopaths!

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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Visited our local 'naturopath'...

Dirty office, overweight, kinda

'Earth- Person' vibe...

No thanks...

Someone who seems out of shape, over weight and slovenly imho...

Is NOT a model of health guidance in my book...

Use critical thinking skills folks!


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Sep 11Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Jus like t "Naturopaths" that were selling u NATTO tablets, 2Κill of zee Spike Ρrotein,see drs ΜαΚΙ$, Mc*KulI*οph..

...But zee LNPs( which r like "surfactants," having Both cations + anions/ hydrophilic+ hydrophobic ends) are A-OK...

Thank you so much Sarah 😘😘

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Sep 12Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Amen re: Sarah. She's done a bang up job on this topic and many other topics.

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🙏thank you

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No, thank you. You do a great job. Truth seeker, a rare breed. I love it.

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