Bret Whinestein is a sellout. Im embarrassed that I used to listen to him and his wife introduce each other as DOCTORs on their podcast...that should have clued me in

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I'm also in this boat.

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A bunch of us are course correcting it seems.

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Please recall that Bret W. & Heather H. tailored their discussion to avoid the blatant YouTube Censorship.

They have been 'Diplomatic' while condemning the corporate eugenic attack.

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This post is regarding Bret's interview on Tucker Carlson.

Considering the platform's "About" page, I would expect the interview to cover the salient issues regarding the structural legal framework in the United States which allowed for the tyrannical restrictions that we just experienced during Covid.

From Tucker Carlson Network:


"News coverage in the West has become a tool of repression and control. Reporters no longer reveal essential information to the public; they work to hide it. Journalists act as censors on behalf of entrenched power. They have contempt for the public. They hate the truth.

Democracy can’t function in a society like this. Voters can’t know what they’re voting for. People do understand they’re being manipulated, and they resent it. The population becomes angry and paranoid. Things fall apart.

There’s only one solution to a propaganda spiral like the one we’re living through, and it’s telling the truth about the things that matter — clearly and without fear. That’s our job. We plan to do it every day, no matter what."

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Even when voting for a law

The wording at times is confusing. I don’t know if I am voting for against something the way it’s worded.

The press are vipers. We can leave them and we are. I have changed my reading habits

And have gone 180 degrees

Zig zagging since the first impeachment. It all depends on who you listen to and read. I am optimistic people are navigating less vaxx boosters and children vaxxes.

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Bravo 👏

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And brava:)

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If politicians/governments/elections weren't corrupt we wouldn't need politicians/governments/elections, but since they are corrupt - then politicians/governments/elections are meaningless.

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I have an entire post written on circular logic. Which appears to be the only applicable logic anymore.

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.... how's this one? Justice guards our Liberty. There is no real justice. When justice dies so does our Liberty.

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So, let's use technology to get rid of them. After all, the capitalists used technology to get rid of the aristocracy:


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I use old technology so that when they hack into it, they are just as frustrated as I am 🤣.

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.... the enemy of communisim isn't capitalism it is sovereignty.

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We need some up to date information such as list of names ... before they shut down our ability to disseminate ... IMnsHO and E so far.

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Lots of people have both YouTube and Rumble/BitChute/Odyssey accounts... keep it safe on YouTube and tell the rest of the truth elsewhere. Brett not smart enough to figure that one out?

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Amen. Amazing how much more clear everything is when you quit the hopium.

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LOL. I share your sentiment and love your spelling.

I used to think of the likes of Neil deGrasse Tyson and Michio Kaku as info-tainers with Ph.D.s (Piled Higher and Deeper). But gradually I've come to place the likes of Brett Whine-stein and Heather (along with Jordan Peterson) on the same shelf, dripping with an extra sheen of self-righteous 'smarmy'.

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All these info-tainers are spreading lies and propaganda which builds up the narrative for one purpose only. To control and manipulate the minds which buy into their acts. Which is VERY evil of them. So they should be dealt in such manner.

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Peterson was ok before he got too big... power and money. Stopped listening to him when he caved and said get the damn shot.

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Hello Irene.

Exactly. Yeah, I liked him at first, eloquently standing up to the divide-and-conquer-gender nonsense. But when he started expounding on sciences outside of his domain, particularly evolutionary biology, he increasingly became a poster boy for Dunning-Kruger, and his public health advice pushed him beyond the pale. British journalist Sonia Poulton gave an 'interesting' podcast about him recently ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVXZlZ9cJRQ&t=21s. She attributes a bit more planned malevolence to him than I suspect. I tend to agree with you ... he got too big, too fast, and has finally buckled under his own hubris.

Cheers from Japan

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Oooh ill have to have listen to Sonia, i used to watch her especially her Madeleine McCann stuff. I also used to like Peterson but now he irritates me....and it isn't just his shitty taste in clothes

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and said it with "crocodile tears" of regret of taking the jab

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If they are allowed and promoted on the world stage then we should question their allegiances. It's another pyramid scheme. Wouldn't it be great to know what the inner circle(s) say at their meetings? Since psychopaths have no empathy and get bored easily, it would be fun to put them all on an island together. Pure entertainment.

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Interesting twist on 'bread and circuses' there Cathleen. 😂

Maybe a remake of "Reservoir Dogs" or "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre"?

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Hilarious! Also, their intros may remind us of "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV".

I know a lot of people who have PhDs. in non-science areas but aren't so priggish about it. They do this bit occasionally for fun, but don't insist on using the "Dr." title unless it's a formal occasion in their field. I suspect the Weinsteins have their kids call them Dr Mother and Dr Father.

Their kids who are being trained to help them in their endeavors. Kind of homespun psyops.

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I don't know why that cracks me up so much still.

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So funny!

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I need to look again at timing of the RFK thing and him suddenly bailing on the DC mandates protest. There was some pull back on the leash around then.

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::Jerks leash::

BAD BOY, Bret.

You were supposed to catch him before he said "FAKE PANDEMICS".

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Now you don’t get to go to the protest in DC. But be good and maybe we’ll let you be on Tucker someday

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Ugh... please. Perhaps he played the role of a doctor on some nonsensical documentary (or a show on Telemundo 🤓).

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Not a sellout, though. A hangout.

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Just as disappointed in Tucker...unless his "most fluent biologist" remark at the end was sarcasm. Barf-o-rama. Bret's part of the "controlled opposition" squad. Seriously. He supported masking kids and school closures. Evil.

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You will have to ask Sage Hana because she is fluent in bullshit.

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I have been saying this since James Roguski launched his psyop nearly two years ago, but only after six hours of dialog with him and numerous explanatory emails. His psyop (‘all my servers crashed just before I appeared out of nowhere but I ‘found’ ‘secret’ amendments’ I sent him proof were already being discussed globally five months before his claim’) served to divert our attention from the fact that our own did this to us while roping our truthers into ineffectively screaming at Geneva to the point of Tedros actually telling the truth that they CANNOT’steal’ our sovereignty. But we can give it away. Well done, Roguski. Attention diverting psyop. See my substack.

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Interesting...Nass has been paired up on that front around the WHO issues and yesterday I called out on her Se how it distracts from what our own government did and can continue to do....she did not like it. Accused me of causing strife and spewing bile.

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Not surprised to read this.

It appears Nass is up to her eyeballs in the fuckery....

If there were any question, her unrelenting defense of Malone sealed the deal for me.

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Me too. Also my personal exchanges with her...looking back, red flags.

I have a sinking feeling the “dream team” is a Trojan Horse of the globalist and have served to run the clock out....and with the 2024 election on the horizon the objective is to stoke the “civil war” narrative...

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You just nailed it.

Several people sent me the Tucker/Weinstein interview, excited about truth, etc. so I watched it in its entirety.

I was so angry that I literally had a hard time enjoying myweekend. I hate that it affected me so much, but I just could not let it go.

My voice will likely make no difference in the installation of the anointed dream team...but I had to get it out of my brain.

The pushback and comments were disheartening, particularly on Sasha’s board (she restacked). So disappointing.

The heroes were preinstalled and have been declared, and people are extremely attached. I have an entire post written addressing the psychological aspect of the situation..I was going to include it with this video, but I thought it diluted things too much.

In the end, it probably doesn’t matter anyway. The people have been herded into designated stalls and are grazing on the provided freedom movement fodder.

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Sarah, I know exactly how you feel. I have a small group of covid-truther friends I can count on one hand, and two of them already sent me the Tucker link, all excited.

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For me, it was the "holistic Maine family doctor" but also "anthrax bioweapons expert" casting.


She was "later in a unique position to weigh in on the 2001 mailing of anthrax-contaminated letters." So, a link to Hatfill there.

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Welcome to my very small club. I’ve been smeared by uk column and James Corbett and germ warfare and read my substack for my background. Strange bedfellows, the lot of them. I even applied to CHD for COO to dead silence. And yes, I’m completely qualified.

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Go read my SS about CHD’s pick for Andrew Pek (it got scuttled when Alison McDowell noted his background) to run things when RFK decided to run for president.

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I had reached out to CHD several times after submitting my cover letter and resume exactly one year ago this month. I was both following up on that, but also trying to report on what I called 'inaccuracies' in their reporting. I've only got a 5 course, one semester certificate in Treaties/International Law from NYU under my belt, but to see Francis Boyle, a phd professor of international law, spewing outright falsehoods that completely mirror Roguski / Nass / Corbett on CHD, was stunning. No one returned a single call or responded to my submissions on their website. Conclusion is that the whole 'WHO is stealing our sovereignty' is a psyop many - heartbreakingly many - of my former heroes are willingly participating in. Solely to deflect attention away from the fact that the danger is within. Our own 'laws' did all things 'covid' to us and will do it again, and worse, if we don't figure out how to stop it.

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Sadly, I am coming to the same conclusion. There was an interesting phenomenon in the education space around those of us pushing back on the fin/tech elites efforts to digitalize education for the coming gig economy of the 4th Industrial Revolution. That is, left leaning and right leaning people were asking questions (but for different reasons) and investigating what was going on, over time, many of us met on the backside in unity because both lines of inquiry led to the realization that things were being decided for us and our representatives were totally beholden to interests that did not begin to look out for student welfare or success as we (both left and right) wanted. After all, these were our kids and fundamentally we all want ed to see our kids meet with success.

I believe the same thing could happen here, but I do believe that we are rapidly running out of time. My fear is also that the BW "dream team" is just another round of "hopium" that kicks the can down the road. Theatrics. And those on the team are really not interested in the good of the whole or the public, but are just looking to win the seat of power to pursue their interests. And the reality is there are plenty of indicators that they share some of the objectionable goals of the globalists. And their measures to attain those goals align with the globalists. For example, I think we need to treat the planet better, but I do not think the answer is fake meat.

Honestly, I am left wondering if somebody like Dr. Nass has just gotten caught up in the "hopium" herself or whether she understands the mirage they are fostering.

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Spot on, as usual, Laura!

Meryl understands, imho.

At this point I consider her complicit.

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My opinion is that the mea culpas like Bret's are flying fast & furious as the shit hits the fan so he & others are trying to calm down the marks. Typical move unless y'all want to believe Wankerstein AGAIN. Fool me over & over... call me a fool. Isn't that how the saying goes?

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"efforts to digitalize education"

This comment makes me think of the Brooklyn high school recently being commandeered to house illegal immigrants, sending the local students home to "learn" on Zoom (again).

It's just 2000 or so, and it's just "temporary" ('til they 'flatten the curve' of arrivals, I suppose). But what about the next 2000 and the 2000 after that (they are arriving in the millions)?

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"The best way to control opposition is to lead it ourselves." Vladimir Lenin

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It's interesting how when you look up controlled opposition this appears at the top. It's as if only the commies employ CO - LOL - when it's the most effective weapon the power elite have used for millennia across the globe. It's refreshing to see that people seem to be much more awake to it for covid whereas for 9/11 so few are.

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"Man believes what he wants to believe and disregards the rest." Paul Simon

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"Still a man hears what he wants to hear

And disregards the rest"

... my favourite S&G song, ever.

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Jan 10, 2024
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... from whom, and via what news source (that's quite an accusation)?

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Oh my goodness, no truer words spoken.

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I've done that from day one, back in March 2020 (through direct action and non-compliance). Forgive my giving myself a pat on the back; it's a tiny antidote to the rage I feel for the 6 -7 billion compliant.

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Wow this is news to me. Will read your substack.

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This isn't the place for talking-smack - I like their music a lot... and my source (a musician/keyboardist) is long dead now. But he knew him and didn't even like me playing his songs. And I am a Captialist Pure Blooded -- could care less about Kodachrome.

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If I declare myself to be above doctors when it comes to my health am I inviting all manner of tyranny Bret?

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Anyone who is "marketed" is compromised. We who chase the truth WITHOUT any agendas

ARE NOT MARKETED like those that spread certain agendas!

In fact, we have to do wonders to get our voices heard. And we dont sell stuff.

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Nice work with this Sarah. Thanks.

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Thank you.

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Crook. Sadly, but not surprisingly.

Preferred him with the beard. See less of his face.

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👏👏 Brilliantly done Sarah, and eye opening... I bet the same has already been legislated in other western nations already.

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Yup. Guys in suits, and women in dresses. Seems like all that polyester and nylon has affected their mental plasticity... I've been watching these asshats for decades. They're confidence mafia, selling the audience a ration of high priced bullshit. Next >>>

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I watched the whole Tucker / Weinstein discussion when it came out. I, we are not the target audience for the interview. I did not learn a thing I had not known for a long time. I doubt Sarah and most of you who comment here did either. I believe the target audience is the normies who really don't pay attention to such podcasts or much beyond CNN, MSNBC, and Fox "News." Yet, they know something is very wrong, not the least of which family and friends who were vax injured or died. They are not ready to take on the huge dump of information we all have been exposed to, and would likely retreat to normalcy bias and shut it all out. Tucker has a huge audience since getting canned at Fox of people who used to watch him there. My hope is that Tuckers interview will put people on the path of learning more deeply what is true for themselves. So, that is my one positive take away from that interview. Of, course it may all have sunk down the memory hole already because of all the shit coming at us every day. Economy, war and rumors of war, politics, etc.

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I disagree, we are 4 years into this part of the operation and if we don’t want to experience it over and over again people need to resist. And to resist they should know the truth. I don’t think lying to them is a productive way forward. If they can’t handle the truth grow up or get out of the way. Tucker never discussing what actually is going on and hiding his own vaccine status while his followers went out and got vaccinated or lost their jobs is sick. He’s a pos in my estimation when we needed a voice he wasn’t there. Fuck him and Weinstein

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I think you missed the point about what I said. I and you, unless you worked for Pfizer, have been learning about Covid, and the "vaccine"-not a vaccine, but an genetic modification "therapy" as information evolved since 2020. 73% of the population trusted the government and media to take, at least the 1st jab. (I did not). I have archived about 100 gigabites of information on the injections and the original bioweapon. I have downloaded and gone through all of the released Pfizer clinical trial documents available through mid 2023. I have read quite a few books. Most people don't and won't go though all that.

So, you want to dump everything you know on the people at once. Tell them the whole truth. By what mechanism could you do that? We do not have the lamestream mass media, only a limited number of publications such as Epoch Times will report on this, and a handfull of podcasts.

That is why I made the statement I did about hoping the large audience would get more people to dig into it.

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I agree with what you are saying except for the 73% figure. For oldsters in CA it is probably that high or higher, but we really don’t knowfor any age group or location what the real numbers are. We can safely assume, however, that it is much less than whatever the CDC may be claiming.

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I hope it is much less. That 73% figure is often quoted by many sources. I suspect the main reason is the number of product manufactured and given. But this is just for the 1st shot. Numbers have kept dropping through the next 7 boosters.

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Yes. My main point is that whatever it is(and nobody knows, given the half-assed way the rollout took place) it is much less than whatever the quote de jour is.

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There is no reason to go through all of that once you understand that it is all a hoax. You can just go from "A" (living a normal life) straight to "Z" ('globalists' are trying to control/kill us), without passing GO or collecting $200.

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it's possible, yes, given the right incentive for that person, but it's lamentably rare.

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In one of Tucker’s more recent interviews (possibly the one with KidRock but don’t quote me), the guest asked TC verbatim if TC had “gotten the 💉”, to which TC replied (I can still hear his words in my head) “Oh GOD no!!” with his additional laugh added to the response.

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I havnt seen that but doesn’t surprise me, he’s a real piece of work keeping that private while the world was battling the tyrannical mandates. He had coworkers who were fired for not taking it. All along he said nothing makes me really angry.

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Yeahbut, was Tucker really "canned" at Fox, or was the "canning" to arm him with increased street cred?

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Bret is nothing.

His brother Eric is somewhat more dangerous.

Eric is smarter and works for Theil - Palantir amongst other monstrosities.

However, when all is said and done, they will all crash and burn together.

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Yep. See my post above about exactly this. There are no coincidences in conspiracy reality. ;-)

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I was taken in, too. Here's my analysis of one aspect. Fearful and isolated by the shutdown. They were presented to us as "family." Kind of homespun sciencey people. The family thing with their kids, etc. So we watched them weekly or more to get a hit of stability, along with, it turns out, the MAM (mainstream alternative media) part of the psyop. They presented themselves as the modernized pandemic version of Leave It to Beaver. Got that warm and fuzzy feeling that there were people on "our side" with stability, etc.

I'm embarrassed to think of it now.

After a while I didn't respect them academically. They always seemed like lightweights intellectually since there were many holes in their "analyses." They make a lot of noise about evolutionary science, which isn't the strongest field scientifically. And Bret had his story about the mice and telomeres, which he repeated many times. I have their book, but never read it.

If he/they were so smart re evolution why didn't he understand how a virus can't spread around the world in the way we saw because it evolves as it does. Instead he suppressed the Couey theory with extra vigor, it seems.

They were glorified field trip academics, not really good researchers.

Yes, I know this is an old post, but had to have my say. Helps clean the palate.

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Please keep in mind that Bret Weinstein is one of them

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Yep. See my post on his brother, Eric Weinstein, (who is managing director of Thiel Capital) & Thiel Capital's founder, Peter Thiel, & his connection to Epstein. Sordid webs of evil complicity.

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I’m going to check it out, thanks

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Hey Sarah - Don't remember if you/others have mentioned anywhere before that Bret's brother - Eric Weinstein - is the managing director of Thiel Capital & Peter Thiel of Thiel Capital (co-founder of PayPal) was involved w/Jeffrey Epstein (on his list) thru various "meetings" related to unknown topics. From PayPal to Thiel Capital raises all sorts of red flags, don't you think?

(Think of the Bronfman family wealth connections to a sex abuse/cult called NXISM, supposedly led by Keith Raniere, that was located in upstate NY outside of Albany, NY. All traffickers need big money financing - for costs & bribes/pay-offs/hush-money - in order to make big money. Dontcha know..)

(Thiel CAPITAL folks, Thiel is a billionaire venture capitalist!). And, Eric tells us in the video below, that he thought maybe Epstein was a construct - a hedge fund "actor" - & not a real financial manager. So who was actually managing Epstein's "sex money"?? (See New Yorker magazine info at bottom re: Peter Thiel who is listed as a contact in the recent Epstein "list" releases/revelations.)

Nothing creepier than the connection of Bret & Eric's way closer than "six degrees of separation" to a known CIA/Mossad operative, political blackmailer & known/convicted sex trafficker named Epstein. I'd' say that Bret Wankerstein's "cover" is blown way open at this point & wondering re: Tucker's too??

Look at the date on this interview - at the beginning of the C19 scam-demic rollout in spring 2020.

> Eric Weinstein - On Meeting Jeffrey Epstein - YouTube - April 13, 2020 interview w/Rebel Wisdom

LOS ANGELES - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84zJ9ahJ-qU

> Eric Weinstein, managing director of Thiel Capital, talks about when he met Jeffrey Epstein and what his impression of him was at that time. This is from an interview Eric Weinstein did with the Rebel Wisdom Channel. I am currently writing a screenplay on this topic, and found this clip invaluable. I'm saving it here for reference.

See > New Yorker Mag - Jan 9, 2024 - Who Are the Newly Revealed Jeffrey Epstein Associates?

By Chas Danner, Benjamin Hart, and Matt Stieb


> Peter Thiel

Excerpt: "The New York Times reports that according to Epstein’s scheduling records, Epstein had several meetings with the PayPal co-founder in 2014:"

"The records — in the form of emails that Mr. Epstein’s assistant sent to remind him of upcoming events — show that in September 2014 Mr. Thiel was scheduled to meet with Mr. Epstein on at least three occasions, either in one-on-one meetings or with others over lunch or dinner. Two other times, Mr. Thiel was listed among more than a dozen other well-known people Mr. Epstein should try to see while at his New York mansion. It’s unclear from the records whether all the meetings with Mr. Thiel took place. Some were listed as tentative or “TBD” — for “to be determined.”

"The Wall Street Journal reports that Epstein also scheduled meetings between Thiel, himself, and Russian ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin. “I was rather naïve,” Thiel said of the 2016 meeting. “I didn’t think enough about what Epstein’s agenda might have been.”

Watching the Eric video re: Epstein & reading this NYorker article on the list it's clear we're being gaslighted - same feigned "ignorance" & excuses about Epstein's sex trafficking (he went to jail therefore he's "clear") - are recycled by those meeting with him (groveling for money, favors/fund-raising from his rotten "spoils"). Have you no shame Leon Botstein (president of Bard College) et al?

Chilling, stomach-churning & also horrifyingly "benign" <sarc> at the same time. Disgusting creepers.

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What if the psyop is that all these people on our side are just controlled opposition. I think any information source that opens people’s eyes is a good start. They don’t have to get all the information from one source. Once they get one tidbit of information, they will probably seek out more. Or I hope they do

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You are exactly on target with this logic.

All of them are covert players for the globalist agenda and were probably promised safety and and life in the aftermath of what is coming.

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Once you are red-pilled you are in the fight - or you die... welcome!

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Wow! So you was I undecided about this Bret.

Its already all in place.

Need clarification “ A declared public health emergency”

Can or

Cannot usurp the Constitution?

Did Bret say it cannot?

Then this whole scam is unconstitutional.

Tedros said Countries will decide?

Justifications for declared Public Health Emergencies rest on one person?

No consultation by others.

So you have a fake pandemic, but Bret said it was. Ok he’s out of the credibility gap. No pandemic no street people dead!

No virus and all built up by a pcr test which was calibrated to assure guess what you have Covid or a common cold we can’t tell. Lock down the

World. Wait for a deadly vaxxine

Anyone care to declare a public health emergency

That was caused by a no formal consent

Poison injection.

Thanks for your comments.

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